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Lectio Divina

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In Western ChristianityLectio Divina (Latin for "Divine Reading") is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word.[1] In the view of one commentator, it does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the living word.[2]

Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First a passage of Scripture is read, then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.[3]

The focus of Lectio Divina is not a theological analysis of biblical passages but viewing them with Christ as the key to their meaning. For example, given Jesus' statement in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you", an analytical approach would focus on the reason for the statement during the Last Supper, the biblical context, etc. In Lectio Divina, however, the practitioner "enters" and shares the peace of Christ rather than "dissecting" it.[4] In some Christian teachings, this form of meditative prayer is understood as leading to an increased knowledge of Christ.[5]

The roots of scriptural reflection and interpretation go back to Origen in the 3rd century, after whom Ambrose taught them to Augustine of Hippo.[6][7] The monastic practice of Lectio Divina was first established in the 6th century by Benedict of Nursia and was then formalized as a four-step process by the Carthusian monk Guigo II during the 12th century.[3] In the 20th century, the constitution Dei verbum of the Second Vatican Council recommended Lectio Divina to the general public and its importance was affirmed by Pope Benedict XVI at the start of the 21st century.

History and development[edit]

Early beginnings[edit]

Origen considered the focus on Christ the key to interpreting Scripture.

Before the beginning of the Western monastic communities, a key contribution to the foundation of Lectio Divina came from Origen in the 3rd century, with his view of "Scripture as a sacrament".[8] In a letter to Gregory of Neocaesarea Origen wrote: "[W]hen you devote yourself to the divine reading ... seek the meaning of divine words which is hidden from most people".[8] Origen believed that The Word (i.e. Logos) was incarnate in Scripture and could therefore touch and teach readers and hearers. Origen taught that the reading of Scripture could help move beyond elementary thoughts and discover the higher wisdom hidden in the "Word of God".[8]

In Origen's approach the major interpretive element of Scripture is Christ. In his view all Scriptural texts are secondary to Christ and are only revelations in as much as they refer to Christ as The Word of God. In this view, using Christ as the "interpretive key" unlocks the message in Scriptural texts.[8]

The "primordial role" of Origen in interpreting Scripture was acknowledged by Pope Benedict XVI.[6] Origen's methods were then learned by Ambrose of Milan, who towards the end of the 4th century taught them to Saint Augustine, thereby introducing them into the monastic traditions of the Western Church thereafter.[7]

In the 4th century, as the Desert Fathers began to seek God in the deserts of Palestine and Egypt, they produced early models of Christian monastic life that persisted in the Eastern Church. These early communities gave rise to the tradition of a Christian life of "constant prayer" in a monastic setting.[9] Although the desert monks gathered to hear Scripture recited in public, and would then recite those words privately in their cells, this was not the same practice as what later became Lectio Divina since it involved no meditative step.[10]

6th- to 12th-century monasticism[edit]

After Origen, Church Fathers such as St. AmbroseSt. Augustine, and St. Hilary of Poitiers used the terms Lectio Divina and Lectio Sacra to refer to the reading of Scripture.[11]

According to Jean Leclercq, OSB, the founders of the medieval tradition of Lectio Divina were Saint Benedict and Pope Gregory I. However, the methods that they employed had precedents in the biblical period both in Hebrew and Greek. A text that combines these traditions is Romans 10:8–10 where Apostle Paul refers to the presence of God's word in the believer's "mouth or heart". It was the recitation of the biblical text that provided the rationale for Lectio Divina.[12]

With the motto Ora et labora ("Pray and work"), daily life in a Benedictine monastery consisted of three elements: liturgical prayer, manual labor and Lectio Divina, a quiet prayerful reading of the Bible.[13] This slow and thoughtful reading of Scripture, and the ensuing pondering of its meaning, was their meditation. This spiritual practice is called "divine reading" or "spiritual reading" – i.e. lectio divina.

Benedict wrote "Idleness is the enemy of the soul. Therefore, the brethren should have specified periods of manual labor as well as for prayerful reading [lectio divina]."[14] The Rule of Saint Benedict (chapter #48) stipulated specific times and manners for Lectio Divina. The entire community in a monastery was to take part in the readings during Sunday, except those who had other tasks to perform.[15]

Early in the 12th century, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux was instrumental in re-emphasizing the importance of Lectio Divina within the Cistercian order. Bernard considered Lectio Divina and contemplation guided by the Holy Spirit the keys to nourishing Christian spirituality.[16]

Formalization during the late 12th century[edit]

A chapel at Grande Chartreuse where Ladder of the Monk was written by Guigo II

Seek in reading and you will find in meditation; knock in prayer and it will be opened to you in contemplation — The four stages of Lectio Divina as taught by John of the Cross.[10]

The progression from Bible reading, to meditation, to prayer, to loving regard for God, was first formally described by Guigo II, a Carthusian monk and prior of Grande Chartreuse who died late in the 12th century. The Carthusian order follows its own Rule, called the Statutes, rather than the Rule of St Benedict.[3]

Guigo II's book The Ladder of Monks is subtitled "a letter on the contemplative life" and is considered the first description of methodical prayer in the western mystical tradition.[17] In Guigo's four stages one first reads, which leads to think about (i.e. meditate on) the significance of the text; that process in turn leads the person to respond in prayer as the third stage. The fourth stage is when the prayer, in turn, points to the gift of quiet stillness in the presence of God, called contemplation.[3][18]

Guigo named the four steps of this "ladder" of prayer with the Latin terms lectiomeditatiooratio, and contemplatio.[3] In the 13th century the Carmelite Rule of St. Albert prescribed to Carmelites the daily prayerful pondering on the Word of God, namely to ruminate day and night the Divine Law. Lectio Divina alongside the daily celebration of liturgy is to this day the pillar of prayer in Carmel.

Lectio Divina was practiced by St. Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican order.[19]

In the 14th century, Gerard of Zutphen built on "Guigo's Ladder" to write his major work On Spiritual Ascents. Zutphen warned against considered meditation without reading of Scripture, and taught that the reading prepares the mind, so meditation will not fall into error. Similarly, he taught that meditation prepares the mind for contemplation.[20]

16th century[edit]

By the beginning of the 16th century, the methods of "methodical prayer" had reached Spain and St. John of the Cross taught the four stages of Guigo II to his monks.[10] During the century, Protestant Reformers such as John Calvin continued to advocate the Lectio Divina.[1] A Reformed version of the Lectio Divina was also popular among the PuritansRichard Baxter, a Puritan theologian, championed the practice.[1]

20th- and 21st-century revival[edit]

Pope Paul VI, who promulgated the Second Vatican Council's constitution Dei verbum

By the middle of 19th century, the historical critical approach to biblical analysis which had started over a century earlier, and focused on determining the historicity of gospel episodes, had taken away some of the emphasis on spreading Lectio Divina outside monastic communities. However, the early part of the 20th century witnessed a revival in the practice, and books and articles on Lectio Divina aimed at the general public began to appear by the middle of the century.[21]

In 1965, one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council, the dogmatic constitution Dei verbum ("Word of God") emphasized the use of Lectio Divina. On the 40th anniversary of Dei verbum in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed its importance and stated:

I would like in particular to recall and recommend the ancient tradition of Lectio Divina: the diligent reading of Sacred Scripture accompanied by prayer brings about that intimate dialogue in which the person reading hears God who is speaking, and in praying, responds to him with trusting openness of heart [cf. Dei verbum, n. 25]. If it is effectively promoted, this practice will bring to the Church – I am convinced of it – a new spiritual springtime.[22]

In his November 6, 2005 Angelus address, Benedict XVI emphasized the role of the Holy Spirit in Lectio Divina:[23] In his annual Lenten addresses to the priests of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Benedict – mainly after the 2008 Synod of Bishops on the Bible – emphasized Lectio Divina's importance, as in 2012, when he used Ephesians 4:1–16 on a speech about certain problems facing the Church. Beforehand, he and Pope John Paul II had used a question-and-answer format. "One condition for Lectio Divina is that the mind and heart be illumined by the Holy Spirit, that is, by the same Spirit who inspired the Scriptures, and that they be approached with an attitude of 'reverential hearing'."

Since the latter part of the 20th century, the popularity of Lectio Divina has increased outside monastic circles and many lay Catholics, as well as some Protestants, practice it, at times keeping a "Lectio journal" in which they record their thoughts and contemplations after each session.[24] The importance of Lectio Divina is stressed in the Anglican Communion as well.[25]

The four movements of Lectio Divina[edit]

Historically, Lectio Divina has been a "community practice" performed by monks in monasteries. Although it can be taken up individually, its community element should not be forgotten.[14]

Lectio Divina has been likened to "feasting on the Word": first, the taking of a bite (lectio); then chewing on it (meditatio); savoring its essence (oratio) and, finally, "digesting" it and making it a part of the body (contemplatio).[18] In Christian teachings, this form of meditative prayer leads to an increased knowledge of Christ.[26]

Unlike meditative practices in Eastern Christianity – for instance, hesychasm, where the Jesus Prayer is repeated many times – Lectio Divina uses different Scripture passages at different times. Although a passage may be repeated a few times, Lectio Divina is not essentially repetitive in nature.[9][27]

Lectio ("reading")[edit]

Hands on the Bible, Albrecht Dürer, 16th century

these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God

The first step is the reading of Scripture. In order to achieve a calm and tranquil state of mind, preparation before Lectio Divina is recommended. The biblical reference for preparation via stillness is Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God."[2] An example would be sitting quietly and in silence and reciting a prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to guide the reading of the Scripture that is to follow.[14]

The biblical basis for the preparation goes back to 1 Corinthians 2:9–10 which emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the Word of God.[28] As in the statement by John the Baptist in John 1:26 that "in the midst of you standeth one whom ye know not," the preparatory step should open the mind to finding Christ in the passage being read.[29]

Following the preparation the first movement of Lectio Divina is slow and gradual reading of the scriptural passage, perhaps several times.[2] The biblical basis for the reading goes back to Romans 10:8–10 and the presence of God's word in the believer's "mouth or heart". The attentive reading begins the process through which a higher level of understanding can be achieved.[14] In the traditional Benedictine approach the passage is slowly read four times, each time with a slightly different focus.

Meditatio ("meditation")[edit]

Although Lectio Divina involves reading, it is less a practice of reading than one of listening to the inner message of the Scripture delivered through the Holy SpiritLectio Divina does not seek information or motivation, but communion with God. It does not treat Scripture as text to be studied, but as the "Living Word".[2]

Carmelite nun in her cell, meditating on the Bible

The second movement in Lectio Divina thus involves meditating upon and pondering on the scriptural passage. When the passage is read, it is generally advised not to try to assign a meaning to it at first, but to wait for the action of the Holy Spirit to illuminate the mind, as the passage is pondered upon.[2]

The English word ponder comes from the Latin pondus which relates to the mental activity of weighing or considering. To ponder on the passage that has been read, it is held lightly and gently considered from various angles. Again, the emphasis is not on analysis of the passage but to keep the mind open and allow the Holy Spirit to inspire a meaning for it.[2]

An example passage may be the statement by Jesus during the Last Supper in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you".[4]

An analytical approach would focus on why Jesus said that, the fact that it was said at the Last Supper, and the context within the biblical episode. Other theological analysis may follow, e.g. the cost at which Jesus the Lamb of God provided peace through his obedience to the will of the Father, etc.[4]

However, these theological analyses are generally avoided in Lectio Divina, where the focus is on Christ as the key that interprets the passage and relates it to the meditator. So rather than "dissecting peace" in an analytical manner, the practitioner of Lectio Divina "enters peace" and shares the peace of Christ. The focus will thus be on achieving peace via a closer communion with God rather than a biblical analysis of the passage. Similar other passages may be "Abide in my love", "I am the Good Shepherd", etc.[4]

Oratio ("prayer")[edit]

Hands in prayer by Otto Greiner, c. 1900

In the Christian tradition, prayer is understood as dialogue with God, that is, as loving conversation with God who has invited us into an embrace. The constitution Dei verbum which endorsed Lectio Divina for the general public, as well as in monastic settings, quoted Saint Ambrose on the importance of prayer in conjunction with Scripture reading and stated:[30][31]

And let them remember that prayer should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, so that God and man may talk together; for "we speak to Him when we pray; we hear Him when we read the divine saying."

Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the importance of using Lectio Divina and prayers on Scripture as a guiding light and a source of direction and stated "It should never be forgotten that the Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path."[22]

Contemplatio ("contemplation")[edit]

Stained glass of the Holy Spirit as a dove, c. 1660

Contemplation takes place in terms of silent prayer that expresses love for God. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines contemplative prayer as "the hearing the Word of God" in an attentive mode. It states "Contemplative prayer is silence, the 'symbol of the world to come' or 'silent love.' Words in this kind of prayer are not speeches; they are like kindling that feeds the fire of love. In this silence, unbearable to the 'outer' man, the Father speaks to us his incarnate Word, who suffered, died, and rose; in this silence the Spirit of adoption enables us to share in the prayer of Jesus."[32]

The role of the Holy Spirit in contemplative prayer has been emphasized by Christian spiritual writers for centuries. In the 12th century, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux compared the Holy Spirit to a kiss by the Eternal Father which allows the practitioner of contemplative prayer to experience union with God.[33] In the 14th century, Richard Rolle viewed contemplation as the path that leads the soul to union with God in love, and considered the Holy Spirit as the center of contemplation.[34]

From a theological perspective, God's grace is considered a principle, or cause, of contemplation, with its benefits delivered through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.[35]

Other Christian methods[edit]

Guigo IIClare of Assisi
Read (lectio)Gaze on the Cross (intueri)
Meditate (meditatio)Consider (considerare)
Pray (oratio)Contemplate (contemplari)
Contemplate (contemplatio)Imitate (imitare)

While the Lectio Divina has been the key method of meditation and contemplation within the BenedictineCistercian and Carthusian orders, other Catholic religious orders have used other methods.

An example is another four-step approach, that by Saint Clare of Assisi shown in the table opposite, which is used by the Franciscan order.[36] Saint Clare's method is more visual than Guigo II's which seems more intellectual in comparison.[36]

Saint Teresa of Avila's method of "recollection" which uses book passages to keep focus during meditation has similarities to the way Lectio Divina uses a specific Scriptural passage as the centerpiece of a session of meditation and contemplation.[37] It is likely that Teresa did not initially know of Guigo II's methods, although she may have been indirectly influenced by those teachings via the works of Francisco de Osuna which she studied in detail.[38]

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to:a b c Thompson, Marjorie J.; Howard, Evan B. (2005-04-19). Soul Feast: An Invitation To The Christian Spiritual Life. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 24. ISBN 9780664229474. Retrieved 24 November 2012In Benedictine tradition, spiritual reading is referred to by its Latin title, Lectio Divina. Both Roman Catholics and Protestants owe much of their understanding and practice of scriptural meditation to Benedict. Yet few Protestants are aware that figures like the great Reformer John Calvin and Puritan pastor Richard Baxter advocated a method of reflective meditation with scripture that is directly derived from Benedictine practice. Reformed adaptations of Lectio were common among the Puritans.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d e f Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer by David G. Benner 2010 ISBN 0-8308-3542-3 pages 47–53
  3. Jump up to:a b c d e Christian spirituality: themes from the tradition by Lawrence S. Cunningham, Keith J. Egan 1996 ISBN 0-8091-3660-0 page 38
  4. Jump up to:a b c d Meditative Prayer by Richard J. Foster 1983 Intervarsity Press ISBN 0-87784-197-7 pages 24–25
  5. ^ Teaching world civilization with joy and enthusiasm by Benjamin Lee Wren 2004 ISBN 0-7618-2747-1 page 236
  6. Jump up to:a b Vatican website: Benedict XVI, General Audience 2 May 2007
  7. Jump up to:a b The Fathers of the church: from Clement of Rome to Augustine of Hippo by Pope Benedict XVI 2009 ISBN 0-8028-6459-7 page 100
  8. Jump up to:a b c d Reading to live: the evolving practice of Lectio divina by Raymond Studzinski 2010 ISBN 0-87907-231-8 pages 26-35
  9. Jump up to:a b Globalization of Hesychasm and the Jesus Prayer: Contesting Contemplation by Christopher D. L. Johnson 2010 ISBN 978-1-4411-2547-7 pages 31–38
  10. Jump up to:a b c Cunningham 1996, pp. 88–94
  11. ^ Crucified With Christ: Meditation on the Passion by Daniel Merkur 2007 ISBN 0-7914-7105-5 page 34
  12. ^ After Augustine: the meditative reader and the text by Brian Stock 2001 ISBN 0-8122-3602-5 page 105
  13. ^ Christian Spirituality: A Historical Sketch by George Lane 2005 ISBN 0-8294-2081-9 page 20
  14. Jump up to:a b c d Holy Conversation: Spirituality for Worship by Jonathan Linman 2010 ISBN 0-8006-2130-1 pages 32–37
  15. ^ Cunningham 1996, pp. 38-39
  16. ^ Cunningham 1996, pp. 91-92
  17. ^ An Anthology of Christian mysticism by Harvey D. Egan 1991 ISBN 0-8146-6012-6 pages 207–208
  18. Jump up to:a b The Oblate Life by Gervase Holdaway, 2008 ISBN 0-8146-3176-2 page 109
  19. ^ http://laydominicanswest.org/formation/formation---first-year-/first-year-lesson-4.pdf[full citation needed]
  20. ^ Christian spirituality: an introduction by Alister E. McGrath 1999 ISBN 978-0-631-21281-2 pages 84–87
  21. ^ Studzinski 2010, pp. 188–195.
  22. Jump up to:a b Vatican website Address at the 40th anniversary of DEI VERBUM, Friday, 16 September 2005
  23. ^ Vatican website: Angelus Nov 6 2005
  24. ^ The tradition of Catholic prayer by Christian Raab, Harry Hagan 2007 ISBN 0-8146-3184-3 pages 79–80
  25. ^ Wilhoit, James C.; Howard, Evan B. (2012-05-10). Discovering Lectio Divina: Bringing Scripture into Ordinary Life. InterVarsity Press. p. 138. ISBN 9780830835706. Retrieved 24 November 2012A prayer is said in Anglican and Episcopal churches "Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." This is lectio divina.
  26. ^ The Way of Perfection by Teresa of Avila 2007 ISBN 1-4209-2847-3 page 145
  27. ^ Reading with God: Lectio Divina by David Foster 2006 ISBN 0-8264-6084-4 page 44
  28. Jump up to:a b Hans Urs von Balthasar, 1989 Christian meditation Ignatius Press ISBN 0-89870-235-6 pages 27–30
  29. ^ Benner 2010, p. 39.
  30. ^ The tradition of Catholic prayer by Christian Raab, Harry Hagan 2007 ISBN 0-8146-3184-3 page 202
  31. ^ Vatican website Dei verbum
  32. ^ Vatican website Catechism items 2716–2717
  33. ^ The Holy Spirit by F. LeRon Shults, Andrea Hollingsworth 2008 ISBN 0-8028-2464-1 page 103
  34. ^ Christian spirituality in the Catholic tradition by Jordan Aumann 1985 Ignatius Press ISBN 0-89870-068-X page 157
  35. ^ Catholic Encyclopaedia Mystical Theology
  36. Jump up to:a b Franciscans at prayer by Timothy J. Johnson 2007 ISBN 90-04-15699-2 pages 43–44 [1]
  37. ^ Mysticism: Experience, Response and Empowerment by Jess Hollenback 1996 ISBN 0-271-03002-X page 522
  38. ^ Teresa of Avila's autobiography by Elena Carrera 2004 ISBN 1-900755-96-3 page 28

Further reading[edit]

  • Basil Pennington (1998), Lectio Divina: Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures (ISBN 0-8245-1736-9).
  • Geoff New, Imaginative Preaching: Praying the Scriptures so God Can Speak through You, Langham Global Library, (ISBN 9781783688999).
  • Sr Pascale-Dominique Nau, When God Speaks: Lectio Divina in Saint John of the Cross, the Ladder of Monks and the Rule of Carmel (Rome, 2012). (ISBN 978-1291037029[2]
  • Guigo II the Carthusian, The Ladder of Monks translated by Sr Pascale-Dominique Nau, OP, Rome, 2013 [3].
  • Jean Khoury, Lectio Divina at the School of Mary (2018), (ISBN 978-1976811722[4].

External links[edit]


예배당에 배변한다고…길고양이 쓰레기통에 넣은 목사 < 뉴스앤조이

예배당에 배변한다고…길고양이 쓰레기통에 넣은 목사 < 사회 < 기사본문 - 뉴스앤조이

예배당에 배변한다고…길고양이 쓰레기통에 넣은 목사
'동물권행동 카라', 동물 학대 혐의로 고발 "생명 다루는 목사가 고양이 죽음에 이르게 해"
기자명 구권효 기자
승인 2022.10.18 

[뉴스앤조이-구권효 기자] 서울 노원구에 있는 한 교회 목사가 길고양이를 학대한 정황이 포착됐다. ㅅ교회 박 아무개 목사는 길고양이가 예배당과 주변을 더럽힌다는 이유로 새끼 고양이 한 마리를 오물이 있는 쓰레기통에 넣었다. '동물권행동 카라'는 10월 18일 박 목사를 동물보호법 위반 혐의로 고발했다.

카라는 10월 12일 홈페이지에 '음식물 쓰레기와 함께 쓰레기통에서 죽어 가야 했던 아기 고양이 샬롯'이라는 글을 올려 사건을 알렸다. 카라에 따르면, 박 목사는 10월 9일 예배당 주변 지역에서 길고양이를 돌보던 케어테이커에게 "고양이를 잡아 쓰레기통에 담아 두었으니 데리고 가라"고 연락했다. 케어테이커가 현장에 가 보니 파란색 쓰레기통이 비닐에 싸여 있었고, 쓰레기통 안에는 새끼 고양이 한 마리가 담배꽁초, 음식물 쓰레기 등 각종 오물과 함께 방치돼 있었다.

박 목사는 새끼 고양이를 음식물 쓰레기 등이 들어 있는 쓰레기통에 넣었다. 사진 제공 동물권행동 카라

케어테이커는 박 목사와 다양한 방법으로 소통하려 했으나, 그는 "교회에 와서 배변을 모두 치우라. 그렇지 않으면 고양이를 데려가 직접 키우라"는 등 일방적인 주장을 했다고 한다. 동물 학대 범죄의 심각성을 알려도, 박 목사는 자신이 과거 교도소에 있었다고 말하며 위협했다고 했다.

쓰레기통에 방치된 고양이는 즉시 병원으로 이송됐지만 몇 시간 후 숨을 거뒀다. 카라는 이 고양이가 평소 케어테이커의 돌봄으로 건강한 상태였다고 했다. 고양이에게 '샬롯'이라는 이름을 지어 주고 약식으로 장례를 한 뒤 농림축산검역본부에 부검을 의뢰했다고 전했다.

카라는 박 목사가 고양이를 학대했다고 보고 동물보호법 제8조(동물 학대 등의 금지) 위반 혐의로 그를 고발했다. 한 활동가는 <뉴스앤조이>와의 통화에서 "학대 행위를 한 사람이 목사라는 사실에 우리도 모두 충격받았다. 목사는 생명을 다루는 사람 아닌가. 모든 생명을 소중히 여겨야 할 목사가 고양이를 학대하고 죽음에 이르게 했다. 카라는 이 사건을 엄중하게 보고 있다"고 말했다.

박 목사는 작은 예배당을 운영하며 소위 '성령 사역'을 한 것으로 보인다. 뉴스앤조이 구권효

박 목사는 왜 이런 행동을 한 걸까. 그는 10월 18일 <뉴스앤조이>와의 통화에서, 자신은 잘못한 것이 없다는 식으로 말했다. 고양이가 결국 죽었다는 소식은 몰랐다면서도 "평소 길고양이들이 예배당에서 배변을 보는 등 어려움이 많았다. (케어테이커들이) 고양이들에게 밥만 챙겨 주면 뭐 하나. 그 똥오줌은 누가 치우나. 데려가서 키우든지 해야지. 여기 주변 사람들은 더럽고 냄새 나서 다들 힘들어한다. 사람이 먼저지, 고양이가 먼저인가"라고 말했다.

그렇게 문제였다면 구청이나 동물권 단체에 연락해 조치를 취해야지, 쓰레기통에 가두는 건 동물보호법 위반이 될 수도 있지 않느냐는 질문에는 "고양이가 자꾸 할퀴고 그러는데 어디 넣어 놓을 데가 없어서 쓰레기통에 넣은 것뿐이다. 음식물 쓰레기가 아니라 고양이 밥 준 거다"라며 "고발하라고 하라. 내가 알아서 대응할 것"이라고 답했다. 케어테이커에게 왜 과거 교도소 전력을 이야기한 것이냐고 묻자 "그냥 사실을 얘기한 것뿐"이라고 말했다.

한편, 박 목사는 소속 교단도 모호했다. 교회 간판에는 대한예수교장로회 합동(예장합동·권순웅 총회장) 로고가 있는데, 예장합동 로고와 색깔이 달랐다. 어느 교단 소속인지 묻자 그는 "난 사당동 총신대도 나왔고, 정서영 총회장이 있는 예장합동개혁에도 있었다. 지금은 백석대 신대원을 다니고 있다"며 자신이 어느 교단 소속인지 명확히 밝히지 않았다. 

Holy Nation: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution (American Beginnings, 1500-1900): Crabtree, Sarah: 9780226255767: Amazon.com: Books

Holy Nation: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution (American Beginnings, 1500-1900): Crabtree, Sarah: 9780226255767: Amazon.com: Books


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Holy Nation: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution (American Beginnings, 1500-1900) Hardcover – July 13, 2015
by Sarah Crabtree (Author)
5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings
Part of: American Beginnings, 1500-1900 (21 books)

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Early American Quakers have long been perceived as retiring separatists, but in Holy Nation Sarah Crabtree transforms our historical understanding of the sect by drawing on the sermons, diaries, and correspondence of Quakers themselves. Situating Quakerism within the larger intellectual and religious undercurrents of the Atlantic World, Crabtree shows how Quakers forged a paradoxical sense of their place in the world as militant warriors fighting for peace. She argues that during the turbulent Age of Revolution and Reaction, the Religious Society of Friends forged a “holy nation,” a transnational community of like-minded believers committed first and foremost to divine law and to one another. Declaring themselves citizens of their own nation served to underscore the decidedly unholy nature of the nation-state, worldly governments, and profane laws. As a result, campaigns of persecution against the Friends escalated as those in power moved to declare Quakers aliens and traitors to their home countries.

Holy Nation convincingly shows that ideals and actions were inseparable for the Society of Friends, yielding an account of Quakerism that is simultaneously a history of the faith and its adherents and a history of its confrontations with the wider world. Ultimately, Crabtree argues, the conflicts experienced between obligations of church and state that Quakers faced can illuminate similar contemporary struggles.
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Print length

304 pages

Editorial Reviews

“This book makes a significant contribution to scholarly understanding of Quaker history and casts new light on religion’s role in the development of modern nations. Far from being the quietists portrayed in some scholarly accounts, Quakers responded to the new pressures of nationalism by becoming reformers of their nations. No one to my knowledge has done as much as Crabtree to unpack this interesting history.” -- Amanda Porterfield, Florida State University

“Crabtree has presented a strong and compelling history of the Quaker challenge to emergent nationalism during the Age of Revolutions. Well-grounded theoretically and smoothly written, Holy Nation is highly intriguing, is deeply researched, and offers a creative and important intervention in the fields of religious and Atlantic history.” -- Kate Carté Engel, Southern Methodist University

"This absorbing and important book reconstructs a radical challenge developed by leading Quakers during the Age of Revolution to emergent ideologies of nationhood and citizenship. Crabtree’s study provides a new and thought-provoking perspective on religious faith as an inspiration for political and social reform in the Atlantic World." -- Richard Godbeer, Director, Humanities Research Center, Virginia Commonwealth University

“With rare insight, Crabtree examines the travails and perseverance of the transatlantic community of Quaker ministers during the tumultuous, war-torn years of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. She shows how the Quakers’ rejection of violent patriotism often served to strengthen their resolve, and provided them a way to critique the divisive and burdensome concept of ‘citizenship’ that was sweeping the Atlantic world. The Quakers gained some stature and influence, but also generated tremendous controversy, by positioning themselves as a pacifist transnational community during the Age of Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. Though Crabtree concentrates on the Quakers, her work has much broader significance, casting light on the politics of this formative era, and the ways religious affiliation could complicate the spread of nationalism.” -- Geoffrey Plank, University of East Anglia

“Crabtree has written an original and paradigm-shifting account of Quakers’ relationships to nation-states during the Age of Revolution. Unlike other Christian denominations that shored up and were in turn supported by new governments, the Society of Friends challenged the authority of the nation and its claims to the primary allegiance of its citizens. Quakers gave their fealty to a transnational ‘holy nation’ of believers that superseded the demands of any secular polity, especially when those became exclusive, divisive, and aggressive. Crabtree vividly recounts how Quakers challenged the nation-state and offered a viable alternative. Friends’ primary allegiance to God and to one another put them at odds with nationalist projects that required demonstrations of patriotism on both sides of the Atlantic between 1750 and 1820. Much more than a sectarian history, this study makes a significant and highly important contribution to the scholarship on the intersection of religion and nationalism during the critical decades in which nations were recast and their boundaries of citizenship strengthened. This carefully researched and elegantly written study will interest scholars of religion, nationalism, patriotism, and cosmopolitanism in the revolutionary transatlantic world.” -- Kirsten Fischer, University of Minnesota

“Crabtree has produced a provocative and, in most respects, compelling reinterpretation of Quaker history during the period 1750–1830. Most historians have presented this as an era of quietism, in which American Quakers withdrew from government in the U.S., emerging back into public view as humanitarian reformers, opponents of slavery, and advocates of the rights of American Indians, prisoners, and women. Crabtree argues that this was, in fact, a period in which Quakers in both the British Isles and the UK eschewed national allegiances to commit themselves to a vision of a Zion that, in its commitments to peace and eschewal of national loyalties, was at odds with the growing demands of the nation-states in which Friends lived. . . . An important book for historians of Quakerism and the Atlantic world. Highly recommended.” ― Choice

“Crabtree’s provocative analysis of Quakers’ ‘holy nation’ has given scholars much to consider and to engage in future studies of Quakers in the Atlantic world.”
― H-Pennsylvania

“Adopting a transatlantic framework, Crabtree claims that Quakers responded to the age of revolution by forging a transnational “holy nation” that transcended the geographical boundaries of emerging nation-states. Although the transatlantic context is not new, the book does provide a fascinating reinterpretation of Quakers in an important period in Atlantic history.” ― H-Net Reviews

“Crabtree breaks fertile ground with her look at the Quaker-only schools that placed young Friends behind ‘walled gardens’ to provide an education that would promote Quaker values. Using students’ commonplace books and other school records, she reconstructs a curriculum that taught students to question authority and embrace their ability to change the world, an education that fledging republics were unlikely to embrace. . . . Cosmopolitism threads its way through the last part of the book, as Crabtree explores how the Society of Friends served French and British thinkers as a model for good government, rational religion, and moral economy, even when the reality of the society did not reflect those ideals. Quakers briefly offered an alternative to the inevitable march towards fixed national citizenry. Holy Nation offers a glimpse of what might have been had the Hicksite schism not divided the Society of Friends.” ― Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
About the Author
Sarah Crabtree is assistant professor of history at San Francisco State University.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ University of Chicago Press; 1st edition (July 13, 2015)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages
5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings

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William F Rushby

5.0 out of 5 stars Received in Nice ConditionReviewed in the United States on July 6, 2016
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I received a very nice copy of the book. I have not read it yet, so am not able to comment on its content.

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David Watt

5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United States on March 22, 2016
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A very fine book.

Holy Nation: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution
Reviewed by Cameron McWhirter

September 1, 2016

holy-nationBy Sarah Crabtree. University of Chicago Press, 2015. 270 pages. $45/hardcover; $10/eBook loan.
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In the heady early days of Quakerism, its zealous missionaries spread across the oceans with the growing British Empire, sailing on merchant ships to the American colonies and the Caribbean. George Fox himself preached in Barbados, Jamaica, and the American colonies.

But the religion didn’t dominate anywhere, except for a brief time in the colony of Pennsylvania. Quakerism was, as it always has been, a minority faith, respected in some places, disregarded in others, misunderstood in most.

How would it survive in a diaspora that spread from the cane fields of Jamaica to the crowded cities of France?

Quakerism’s adaptation to the changing world order of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is the subject of Sarah Crabtree’s Holy Nation. The book seeks to show how members of the Religious Society of Friends reshaped their institutions and tailored their exhortations to set the faith apart, to make it distinct yet flexible enough to survive during tumultuous times, including the American and French revolutions. Using the metaphor of a holy nation, a Jerusalem for the faithful, Quakers were able to build a truly international faith, despite intense pressures to conform in an age of militant nationalism.

Thomas Clarkson, who worked closely with Quakers to ban the slave trade in England, wrote, “the Quakers differ more than even many foreigners do from their own countrymen.” Quakers stressed their own arcane word choices (such as “thee” and “thou”) and dress (Quaker gray) in an effort to distinguish themselves from those around them. They saw themselves as Quakers first, and citizens of a particular nation second.

“Public Friends endeavored to unite their scattered and besieged followers behind an identity and a theology that transcended worldly divisions,” Crabtree writes.

In the newly formed United States, Quakers resisted patriotic fervor, with critics such as Thomas Paine blasting them as traitors. In the United Kingdom, they carefully resisted nationalist pressure and challenges to their loyalty. In France they were widely praised by intellectuals, though, as Crabtree points out, often their beliefs were distorted by outsiders.

Crabtree does an excellent job of exploring how Quakers developed their own schools, creating curricula that stressed the peace testimony, abolition, and women’s equality. This pedagogy fostered new generations of activists in the United States and the United Kingdom, and helped forge a notion among Quakers of the universality of human spirituality. “Quaker schools placed the Society’s children out of the reach of the homogenizing efforts of the state, encouraging them to identify with their transatlantic counterparts,” she writes. Crabtree has a good command of the balkanizing schisms that wracked the Religious Society in the 1800s, and argues persuasively that pressure from nationalist forces caused the splits.

Holy Nation is an academic work, and unfortunately the prose suffers from excesses common to that genre, including using words like “positionality” and “imbricated.” But if you can get past some turgid sentences, this book presents a thoughtful untangling of a complicated history. It’s a useful addition to our growing understanding of how an odd grouping of stridently peaceful people developed and sustained itself during a turbulent epoch of imperial expansion, industrial transformation, war, and revolution.
