
Reading plan for Henri Nouwen 202207

Reading plan for Henri Nouwen 202207



  • Wiki (Good)



  • The Spiritual Legacy of Henri Nouwen  [Read in Archive][Ordered from Abe] 
  • Remembering Henri: The Life and Legacy of Henri Nouwen [Ordered from Abe]
  • Wounded Prophet: A Portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen [Ordered from Amazon]
  • Befriending Life: Encounters With Henri Nouwen [Read in Archive]


Spiritual direction


On Care




The Return of the Prodigal ...

 4.32 avg rating — 20,915 ratings — published 1991 — 50 editions
Life of the Beloved: Spirit...

 4.18 avg rating — 12,195 ratings — published 1992 — 20 editions
In the Name of Jesus: Refle...

 4.23 avg rating — 11,620 ratings — published 1989 — 20 editions
The Wounded Healer: Ministr...

 4.20 avg rating — 11,454 ratings — published 1971 — 15 editions
The Way of the Heart: The S...

 4.21 avg rating — 7,158 ratings — published 1981 — 26 editions
The Inner Voice of Love

 4.28 avg rating — 6,255 ratings — published 1996 — 29 editions
Reaching Out: The Three Mov...

 4.08 avg rating — 4,297 ratings — published 1975 — 17 editions
Spiritual Direction: Wisdom...

 4.31 avg rating — 1,912 ratings — published 2006 — 10 editions
A Spirituality of Fundraising

 4.28 avg rating — 1,497 ratings — published 2011 — 5 editions
Can You Drink the Cup?

 4.27 avg rating — 1,479 ratings — published 1996 — 17 editions
Out of Solitude: Three Medi...

 4.41 avg rating — 1,352 ratings — published 1973 — 15 editions
Making All Things New: An I...

 4.27 avg rating — 1,296 ratings — published 1981 — 15 editions
With Open Hands

 4.33 avg rating — 1,256 ratings — published 1977 — 18 editions
Compassion: A Reflection on...

 4.35 avg rating — 1,243 ratings — published 1982 — 8 editions
The Genesee Diary: Report f...

 4.31 avg rating — 1,223 ratings — published 1976 — 17 editions
Here and Now: Living in the...

 4.26 avg rating — 1,226 ratings — published 1994 — 18 editions
Discernment: Reading the Si...

 4.25 avg rating — 1,170 ratings — published 2011
Turn My Mourning Into Danci...

 4.43 avg rating — 1,023 ratings — published 2001 — 3 editions
Bread for the Journey: A Da...

 4.35 avg rating — 989 ratings — published 1996 — 17 editions
Adam: God's Beloved

 4.31 avg rating — 846 ratings — published 1997 — 10 editions
Following Jesus: Finding Ou...

 4.51 avg rating — 774 ratings — published 2019 — 7 editions
Spiritual Formation: Follow...

 4.33 avg rating — 750 ratings — published 2010 — 8 editions
The Only Necessary Thing: L...

 4.32 avg rating — 651 ratings — published 1999 — 7 editions
The Road to Daybreak: A Spi...

 4.30 avg rating — 468 ratings — published 1988 — 10 editions
Our Greatest Gift: A Medita...

 4.20 avg rating — 449 ratings — published 1994 — 16 editions
Show Me The Way: Readings f...

 4.36 avg rating — 419 ratings — published 1992 — 9 editions
You Are the Beloved: Daily ...

 4.57 avg rating — 398 ratings — 8 editions
With Burning Hearts: A Medi...

 4.42 avg rating — 409 ratings — published 1994 — 14 editions
Gracias!: A Latin American ...

 4.19 avg rating — 379 ratings — published 1983 — 5 editions
Home Tonight: Further Refle...

 4.17 avg rating — 364 ratings — published 2009 — 9 editions
The Selfless Way of Christ:...

 4.53 avg rating — 327 ratings — published 1981 — 9 editions
Clowning in Rome: Reflectio...

 4.20 avg rating — 348 ratings — published 1979 — 10 editions
Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecund...

 4.30 avg rating — 319 ratings — published 1986 — 7 editions
Love, Henri: Letters on the...

 4.38 avg rating — 309 ratings — published 2016 — 9 editions
Finding My Way Home: Pathwa...

 4.12 avg rating — 306 ratings — published 2001 — 8 editions

 3.76 avg rating — 331 ratings — published 1981 — 6 editions
Behold the Beauty of the Lo...

 4.17 avg rating — 292 ratings — published 1986 — 6 editions
The Living Reminder: Servic...

 4.27 avg rating — 278 ratings — published 1977 — 6 editions
Creative Ministry

 3.96 avg rating — 284 ratings — published 1971 — 7 editions
Advent and Christmas Wisdom...

 4.08 avg rating — 249 ratings — published 2004
Letters to Marc About Jesus...

 4.13 avg rating — 231 ratings — published 1988 — 16 editions
Spiritual Direction

 4.46 avg rating — 197 ratings — 4 editions
Beloved: Henri Nouwen in Co...

 4.39 avg rating — 200 ratings — published 2007 — 2 editions
Sabbatical Journey: The Dia...

 4.11 avg rating — 202 ratings — published 1998 — 10 editions
Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouw...

 4.19 avg rating — 196 ratings — published 1989 — 10 editions
A Letter of Consolation

 4.17 avg rating — 175 ratings — published 1982 — 11 editions
A Cry for Mercy: Prayers fr...

 4.23 avg rating — 154 ratings — published 1981 — 12 editions
The Dance of Life: Weaving ...

 4.26 avg rating — 151 ratings — published 2005 — 4 editions
A Spirituality of Living (T...

 4.55 avg rating — 141 ratings — published 2012 — 10 editions
Beyond the Mirror: Reflecti...

 3.94 avg rating — 157 ratings — published 1990 — 10 editions
The Essential Henri Nouwen

 4.48 avg rating — 123 ratings — published 2009 — 2 editions
Lent and Easter Wisdom from...

 4.22 avg rating — 125 ratings — published 2005
Aging: The Fulfillment of Life

 4.02 avg rating — 128 ratings — published 1974 — 3 editions
Walk with Jesus: Stations o...

 4.25 avg rating — 117 ratings — published 1990 — 4 editions
Heart Speaks to Heart: Thre...

 4.20 avg rating — 117 ratings — published 1989 — 9 editions
Henri Nouwen: Writings Sele...

 4.25 avg rating — 114 ratings — published 1988 — 2 editions
A Spirituality of Caregiving

 4.39 avg rating — 98 ratings — published 2011
Peacework: Prayer, Resistan...

 4.40 avg rating — 97 ratings — published 2005 — 5 editions
The Spiritual Life: Eight E...

 4.44 avg rating — 94 ratings — published 2016 — 3 editions
The Return of the Prodigal ...

 4.57 avg rating — 90 ratings — 3 editions
« previous 1 2  4 5 6 7 

[국내도서] 상처 입은 치유자  | 2011년 2월

[국내도서] 예수님의 이름으로 2008년 4월

[국내도서] 탕자의 귀향 - 집으로 돌아가는 멀고도 가까운 길 2009년 12월

[국내도서] 영적 발돋움 2007년 4월

[국내도서] 예수의 길 - 미혹과 불안의 시대, 예수를 어떻게 따를 것인가 2020년 3월

[국내도서] 영성 수업 - 믿음으로 사는 지혜를 듣다 2007년 

[국내도서] 아담 - 하나님이 사랑하신 자  1998년

[국내도서] 세상의 길 그리스도의 길 - 소명/시험/자기를 비움  2003년

[국내도서] 헨리 나우웬의 공동체 - 더불어 충만, 세상을 위한 그리스도의 몸  2022년 3월

[국내도서] 이는 내 사랑하는 자요 2002년 

[국내도서] 두려움에서 사랑으로 - 헨리 나우웬의 7가지 영성 훈련  2011년 1월

[국내도서] 이는 내 사랑하는 자요  2020년 

[국내도서] 분별력 ㅣ 2016년 

[국내도서] 삶의 영성 - 일상 한복판에서 하나님을 만나는 하루2013년 8월

[국내도서] 세상의 길 그리스도의 길 2020년

[국내도서] 춤추시는 하나님  2011년 5월

[국내도서] 상처 입은 치유자 ㅣ  2022년 6월

[국내도서] 꼭 필요한 것 한 가지, 기도의 삶  2008년

[국내도서] 나이 든다는 것 ㅣ2014년

[국내도서] 탕자의 귀향 특별 기념판  2016년 

[국내도서] 영성에의 길 - 개정 증보판 2002년 

[국내도서] 마음의 길 - 이 시대 사역자들을 위한 영성 고전  2015년 

[국내도서] 꼭 필요한 것 한 가지, 기도의 삶 (미니북) 2013년 

[국내도서] 삶이 묻고 나우웬이 답하다 2021년 

[국내도서] 사랑을 담아, 헨리  2019년

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt) - Wikipedia

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt) - Wikipedia

The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt)

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Rembrandt van RijnThe Return of the Prodigal Sonc. 1661–1669. 262 cm × 205 cm. Hermitage MuseumSaint Petersburg

The Return of the Prodigal Son (DutchDe terugkeer van de verloren zoon) is an oil painting by Rembrandt, part of the collection of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. It is among the Dutch master's final works, likely completed within two years of his death in 1669.[1] Depicting the moment of the prodigal son's return to his father in the Biblical parable, it is a renowned work described by art historian Kenneth Clark as "a picture which those who have seen the original in St. Petersburg may be forgiven for claiming as the greatest picture ever painted".[2]

In the painting, the son has returned home in a wretched state from travels in which he has wasted his inheritance and fallen into poverty and despair. He kneels before his father in repentance, wishing for forgiveness and the position of a servant in his father's household, having realized that even his father's servants had a better station in life than he. 

His father receives him with a tender gesture and welcomes him as his own son. His hands seem to suggest mothering and fathering at once; the left appears larger and more masculine, set on the son's shoulder, while the right is softer and more receptive in gesture.[3] 

Standing at the right is the prodigal son's older brother, who crosses his hands in judgment; in the parable he objects to the father's compassion for the sinful son:

But he answered his father, "Behold, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but you never gave me a goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him."
—Luke 15:29–30, World English Bible

The father explains, "But it was appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for this, your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found" (Luke 15:32).

Rembrandt was moved by the parable, and he made a variety of drawings, etchings, and paintings on the theme that spanned decades, beginning with a 1636 etching (see Gallery). The Return of the Prodigal Son includes figures not directly related to the parable but seen in some of these earlier works; their identities have been debated. The woman at top left, barely visible, is likely the mother,[4] while the seated man, whose dress implies wealth, may be an advisor to the estate or a tax collector.[3]


The Return of the Prodigal Son demonstrates the mastery of the late Rembrandt. His evocation of spirituality and the parable's message of forgiveness has been considered the height of his art. Rembrandt scholar Rosenberg (et al.) calls the painting "monumental", writing that Rembrandt

interprets the Christian idea of mercy with extraordinary solemnity, as though this were his spiritual testament to the world. [The painting] goes beyond the work of all other Baroque artists in the evocation of religious mood and human sympathy. The aged artist's power of realism is not diminished, but increased by psychological insight and spiritual awareness ... The observer is roused to a feeling of some extraordinary event ... The whole represents a symbol of homecoming, of the darkness of human existence illuminated by tenderness, of weary and sinful mankind taking refuge in the shelter of God's mercy.[5]

Art historian H. W. Janson writes that Prodigal Son "may be [Rembrandt's] most moving painting. It is also his quietest—a moment stretching into eternity. So pervasive is the mood of tender silence that the viewer feels a kinship with this group. That bond is perhaps stronger and more intimate in this picture than in any earlier work of art."[6]

Dutch priest Henri Nouwen (1932–1996) was so taken by the painting that he eventually wrote a short book, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming (1992), using the parable and Rembrandt's painting as frameworks.

 He begins by describing his visit to the State Hermitage Museum in 1986, where he was able to contemplate the painting alone for hours. Considering the role of the father and sons in the parable in relation to Rembrandt's biography, he wrote:

Rembrandt is as much the elder son of the parable as he is the younger. When, during the last years of his life, he painted both sons in Return of the Prodigal Son, he had lived a life in which neither the lostness of the younger son nor the lostness of the elder son was alien to him.

Both needed healing and forgiveness. Both needed to come home. Both needed the embrace of a forgiving father. But from the story itself, as well as from Rembrandt's painting, it is clear that the hardest conversion to go through is the conversion of the one who stayed home.[7]


  1. ^ Durham 176
  2. ^ Quoted in Durham 183
  3. Jump up to:a b Sawyer 313
  4. ^ An assumption based on earlier drawings. Durham 176
  5. ^ Rosenberg, J., Slive, S., & Ter, K. E. H. (1997 [1966]). Dutch art and architecture 1600–1800. Yale University Press. Pp. 66, 80–81. Quoted in Janson, 598
  6. ^ Janson, 598
  7. ^ Nouwen 65–66
  8. ^ Durham 172


External links[edit]