
The Road Less Traveled By M. Scott Peck | Used Book | $13.99 | Wob

The Road Less Traveled By M. Scott Peck | Used Book | 9780684847245 | Wob

The Road Less Traveledby M. Scott Peck


아직도 가야 할 길 | M. 스캇 펙 - The Road Less Traveled 목차 한국어서평

아직도 가야 할 길 | M. 스캇 펙 
The Road Less Traveled : A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values ​​and Spiritual Growth/Peck, M. Scott M. 스캇

저자 (글))집중돼요(54%의 구매자)====

삶은 고해라는 것을 깨달을 때, 자유를 얻을 수 있다!

『아직도 가야 할 길』은 심리 치료 현장에서 만나 성공적으로 혹은 실패로 끝난 환자들의 사례를 중심으로, 건강한 삶을 향한 진화 과정에 필요한 요소들을 명쾌하게 분석한다. 

이 책에서 저자는 삶이란 온통 개인적 선택과 결정의 연속임을 알아야 하며, 완전히 이것을 받아들일 수 있으면 자유로워 된다고 강조한다. 

출간 후 30여년이 지난 지금까지도 전 세계인의 사랑을 받고 있는 이 책은 삶에서 마주치는 고통과 정면으로

정신과 치료를 받으러 오는 정신질환자를 오히려 의지가 강한, 영적 성장 가능성이 높은 사람으로 본다. 
정신병과 직면하고 전적으로 그에 따른 책임을 지고 그것을 극복하고자 스스로 변화를 일으키는 사람

이야말로 있다..

Internet Archive: The road less travelled, Peck, M. Scott

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

The road less travelled : the new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005
1997  508



Further along the road less travelled : wisdom for the journey towards spiritual growth
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005


The road less travelled and beyond : spiritual growth in an age of anxiety
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005

1997   Borrowable


The road less travelled : a new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005


Danah Zohar - Wikipedia

Danah Zohar - Wikipedia

Danah Zohar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Danah Zohar (born Toledo, Ohio, 1944) is an American-British author and speaker on physics, philosophy, complexity and management.

Life and work[edit]

Zohar studied Physics and Philosophy at MIT and did postgraduate work in Philosophy, Religion & Psychology at Harvard University. She is Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Beijing, the China Art Academy in Hanzhou, and an Entrepreneurial Mentor at Haier, China. She was included in the 2002 Financial Times Prentice Hall book Business Minds as one of "the world's 50 greatest management thinkers".[1]

Zohar proposed spiritual intelligence as an aspect of intelligence that sits above the traditional measure of IQ and various notions of emotional intelligence, at the conscious level of meaning and purpose. Her 12 Principles of Spiritual Intelligence are derived from the properties of complex adaptive systems, which she describes as living quantum systems. Zohar originated Quantum Management Theory and advocates the new paradigm arising from quantum physics and the properties of nonlinear complex adaptive systems as a guiding model for personal psychology, corporate, and social systems as a 21st century replacement for the deterministic mechanics and machine metaphor found in the scientific management of Frederick Winslow Taylor and other early management thinkers.

Selected publications[edit]

Zohar is author (or co-author with her late husband, the psychiatrist Ian Marshall) of the following books:

Zohar has also published books on Quantum Leadership and Management.

  • Zohar, Danah (2016). The Quantum Leader: A revolution in business thinking and practice. New York: Promethens Books. ISBN 9-78163-388241-6


  1. ^ Brown, Tom; Crainer, StuartDearlove, Des; Rodrigues, Jorge N. (2002). Business Minds. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

External links[edit]

Visit https://www.danahzohar.com/ to learn more.

What do physicists think about Amit Goswami's (http://www.amitgoswami.org) ideas? - Quora

What do physicists think about Amit Goswami's (http://www.amitgoswami.org) ideas? - Quora


He is a charlatan like many other people out there who use words like quantum entanglement, quantum measurement etc., to promote their own alternative medicines to gain money. Most/all of his claims are either conclusively wrong or cannot be provable. He doesn’t have any articles published in any recognized journals and his work has never been subjected to proper scientifique scrutiny. He talks about reincarnation, energies and spirituality etc., without explaining any proper ways of testing them.

One of the fundamental problems in quantum mechanics right now is the measurement problem, he claims that he discovered the solution and in his own words - “My discovery was, consciousness is the ground of all being, and objects are possibilities of consciousness itself to choose from. The paradoxes go away then”. How did the paradoxes disappear? How can we test this consciousness? Are there any other ways of testing his hypothesis? Honestly, no one wants to waste their time on explaining how bogus his theories are.

If you look at his views here Can Science and Religion be Integrated? - Center for Quantum Activism - he claims - “Medicine has the conventional allopathic medicine and also alternative medicine practices that complement it. A prominent part of alternative medicine is Eastern medicine that emphasizes subtle energies called variously as prana, chi, and ki”. Not only is this wrong but this kind of claims using genuine physics theories will have long lasting repercussions on how people interpret physics. In one case it even caused premature death - Teen’s death hastened by practitioner who had bogus diplomas. One of such bogus diplomas are given by an online website called “Quantum University” started by “Dr.” Amit Goswami.

If you read this article - Teaching physics mysteries versus pseudoscience they explain how such quacks are using the word quantum physics to promote pseudo science. There was even a movie called What the Bleep Do We Know!? which promotes such bogus theories. There are many other quacks out there like Mr. Mercola and his articles like - Use Quantum Physics to Send ‘Messages’ to Your Body to Get Well, there are also bogus machines like Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid - Wikipedia etc.

I genuinely beg everyone to pay extra attention to these pseudo physicists who claim that they discovered the elixir of life or whatever with quantum physics. Please, try to do some research and see if they have some articles published in recognized journals or try to see if any recognized physicists agree with their views. I can never wrap my head around the fact that these people are causing genuine harm to other people for their personal gain and still are out there without any repercussions.


As you probably know already — I hold a ph.d in quantum physics from Stanford University. Not just any ph.d — Stanford paid me today’s equivalent of US$4,800 per month to do my ph.d with them.

Yet my personal interests were (and are) much wider ranging. Since then, I’ve bicycled around the world more than once. I retired at the age of 33. I lived/traveled in a sea-kayak for two years — island-by-island, camping & spearfishing. I’ve written a book of poetry. I’ve adopted and raised five kids.

Here on Quora I mostly answer questions on spirituality and enlightenment. Normally I write these answers “in the mode of poetry.”

Now I will answer your question: I don’t think of Amit Goswami at all. Until 30 minutes ago I didn’t even know he existed.

But since you ask —His writing is mumbo-jumbo. His web-presence reflects a man seeking status and cash — really no different than anybody else trying to sell spirituality.

The kernel of human spirituality is whether you tend to see your wineglass as half-full or half-empty. Nothing more. Nothing less.

When shit hits the fan do you reach for a sponge? — or do you look for somebody to blame?

Does each day fill you with gratitude and celebration? — or bitterness and criticism?

The simple fact is:
one cannot sell gratitude
— one cannot sell a secret as simple as a half-full wineglass.

Now that we are past all this —

Welcome, my new friend! — Has anyone brought a corkscrew?
— Oh, wait, I see, it’s champagne! —


Physicists are not thinking about these ideas at all.

At least not before they (we) reach certain age, when they (we) stop being physicists.

Amit Goswami's ideas are not physics. The are something else, and I am not qualified to say what they are. Philosophy? Art? Poetry? I don’t know.

So, better judge these ideas by their own standards, whatever they are.

Again, this is not physics.