
"인류의 지질학(#Geology_of_Mankind)" 파울 크뤼첸(Paul J. Crutzen) / 이찬수 옮김


#인류세(#Anthropocene)라는 화두와 같은 말을 처음으로 제기한 네델란드 대기과학자 #파울_크뤼첸(#Paul_J_Crutzen)의 짧은 글을 번역해보았다.
2002년 글이라 기후위기를 지금만큼 심각하게 느꼈던 것 같지는 않지만, 연구사적 의미가 워낙 지대하다.
곧 출판될 인류세 관련 내 논문에 부록으로 게재할 예정이다.
"인류의 지질학(#Geology_of_Mankind)"
파울 크뤼첸(Paul J. Crutzen) / 이찬수 옮김

지난 3세기 동안 인간이 지구 환경에 끼치는 영향이 확대되어왔다. 이산화탄소의 인위적인 배출로 인해 다가올 수천 년 동안 지구의 기후는 자연스러운 행태에서 크게 벗어나게 될 것이다. 현재는 여러 면에서 인간 지배적 지질 시대(human-dominated, geological epoch)이며, 여기에 ‘인류세(Anthropocene)’라는 용어를 붙이는 것이 적절해 보인다 - 이는 지난 10,000년에서 12,000년 사이의 온난기인 홀로세(Holocene)를 보완한다. 인류세는 지난 18세기 후반에 시작되었다고 할 수 있다. 극지방 얼음에 갇힌 공기를 분석해보니 그때 이산화탄소와 메탄의 농도가 세계적으로 증가하기 시작했음을 보여주기 때문이다. 공교롭게도 이때는 1784년 제임스 와트의 증기 기관 설계 시기와도 일치한다.
인류가 환경에 끼치는 영향력의 증대는 오래전인 1873년에도 인식되고 있었다. 그때 이탈리아 지질학자 안토니오 스토파니(Antonio Stoppani)가 “힘과 보편성에서 지구의 더 큰 힘들에 필적할 새로운 대지의 힘(new telluric force)”에 대해 말하면서 “인류지배시대”(anthropozoic era)라는 언급을 했다. 그리고 1926년 베르나드스키(V. I. Vernadsky)는 증가하는 인류의 강한 영향력을 이렇게 인지한 바 있다: “진화의 과정이 진행되어야 하는, 즉 의식과 사유를 증가시키는 방향이어야 하며, 그 주변 환경에 더더욱 큰 영향을 미치는 모양새이다.” 떼이야르 드 샤르댕(Teilhard de Chardin)과 베르나드스키는 인간 두뇌력(brain -power)이 그 자신의 미래와 환경의 형성을 위해 맡은 역할이 계속 증가하고 있음을 나타내기 위해 ‘정신권’(noösphere, ‘사유의 세계’)이라는 용어를 사용했다.
인류의 급속한 수적 팽창과 지구의 자원에 대한 일인당 착취는 급가속 되고 있다. 지난 3세기 동안 인구는 60억 명 이상으로 10배 증가했고, 이번 세기에 100억 명에 이를 것으로 예상된다. 메탄을 생산하는 소의 숫자는 14억 마리로 증가했다. 지구(planet) 지표면의 30~50% 정도가 인간에 의해 착취되고 있다. 이산화탄소를 방출하고 종의 멸종이 급증하면서 열대 우림도 빠른 속도로 사라지고 있다. 댐의 건설과 하천의 유역 변경은 흔한 일이 되었다. 접근 가능한 모든 담수의 절반 이상이 인류에 의해 사용된다. 수산업은 용승 대양 지대(upwelling ocean regions)에서 일차 생산량의 25% 이상을, 온대 대륙붕에서는 35% 이상을 없앤다. 에너지 사용이 20세기 중에 16배로 늘어나 연간 1억 6천만 톤의 이산화황을 대기 중에 배출시켰는데, 이는 자연상태 총 배출량의 두 배 이상이다. 농업에서 사용되는 질소 비료는 전체 지상 생태계에 자연적으로 갖춰진 것보다 더 많다. 화석 연료와 양적 생물 자원(biomass)을 태우면서 발생하는 일산화질소도 자연 배출량을 능가한다. 농업과 화석 연료의 연소는 ‘온실’ 가스의 농도를 이산화탄소의 30%, 메탄은 100% 이상 증가시켜, 지난 40만 년 사이에 최고 수준에 이르렀고, 앞으로는 더 할 것이다.
지금까지 이런 효과들은 주로 세계 인구의 25%에 의해서만 발생되었다. 그 결과는 무엇보다도 산성비, 광화학 ‘스모그’, 기후 온난화이다. 기후변화에 관한 정부 간 협의체(IPCC)의 최근 추정치에 따르면, 이에 따라 지구는 금세기 동안 1.4~5.8°C까지 따뜻해질 것이라고 한다.
많은 독성 물질들이 환경 안으로 방출되고 있다. 독성은 없다고 해도 심각한 손상을 일으키는 물질들이 있다. 가령 클로로플루오로카본은 남극 지역에 ‘오존 구멍’을 초래했다. (지금은 규제되고 있지만,) 사태는 더 악화될 수도 있었다: 할로겐이 오존층을 파괴하는 성질은 1970년대 중반 이래 연구되어왔는데, 만일 염소가 브롬처럼 화학적으로 반응했다는 것이 밝혀졌다고 한다면, 그때까지 오존 구멍은 남극의 봄에 벌어지는 하나의 사건이 아니라 세계적으로 연중 계속되는 현상이었을 것이다. 지혜보다 운에 더 의존했다면 이 파국적인 상황은 개선되지 않았다.
운석 충돌, 세계 대전 또는 대전염병과 같은 지구적인 대재앙이 일어나지 않는 한 인류는 수천 년 동안 주요 환경적인 세력으로 남을 것이다. 과학자와 기술자들 앞에는 인류세 시대 동안 환경이 지속 가능할 수 있도록 관리하며 사회를 이끌어야 하는 벅찬 과제가 놓여있다. 그러려면 모든 범위에서 인간이 적절한 행동을 해야 한다. 예를 들면 여기에는 기후를 ‘최적화’하기 위한, 국제적으로 수용할만한 대규모 지구공학 프로젝트를 포함할 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 현 단계에서 대체로 우리는 여전히 ‘미지의 대지’(terra incognita)에 발을 디디고 있는 중이다.
Paul J. Crutzen, “Geology of Mankind”, #Nature vol.415 (2002), p.23(#이찬수 옮김)

*** Care of the Soul in Medicine: Moore, Thomas

Care of the Soul in Medicine: Healing Guidance for Patients, Families, and the People Who Care for Them : Moore Bmedsci Bmbs MRCP, Thomas: Amazon.com.au: Books

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Thomas Moore

Care of the Soul in Medicine: Healing Guidance for Patients, Families, and the People Who Care for Them Hardcover – Illustrated, 15 April 2010
by Thomas Moore Bmedsci Bmbs MRCP (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars 35 ratings

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Few experiences stir the emotions and throw a person into crisis as illness does. If affects not only the body but also the spirit and soul. Illness is about life and death, fear and hope, love and conflict, spirit and body. And yet, the healthcare system is not structured around these considerations--our doctors and other medical professionals are not trained to deal with the whole person. Care of the Soul In Medicine is Moore's manifesto about the future of healthcare. In this new vision of care, Moore speaks to the importance of healing a person rather than simply treating a body. He gives advice to both healthcare providers and patients for maintaining dignity and humanity. He provides spiritual guidance for dealing with feelings of mortality and threat, encouraging patients to not only take an active part in healing but also to view illness as a positive passage to new awareness. While we don't fully understand the extent to which healing depends on attitude; it has been shown that healing needs to focus on more than the body. The future of medicine is not only in new technical developments and research discoveries; it is also in appreciating the state of soul and spirit in illness.
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"I wish Care of the Soul in Medicine had been available when I was a medical student, because it is one of the wisest guides for health-care professionals I have ever read. Moore shows that without attention to the spirit, there can be no true healing. If taken seriously, the wisdom in his book could transform medicine in America. This book is desperately needed by patients, too, and by all those who love and care for them."
-- Larry Dossey, M.D., author of The Power of Premonitions and Healing Words
"This accessible and engaging book reminds us that caring is a sacred calling; that care of the body is care of the soul; and that health care practiced with depth, beauty, respect, and meaning can transform our hospitals into temples of healing. I would love to think that every medical student would read this book."
-- Michael Kearney, M.D., medical director of palliative care service at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, associate medical director at Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care, medical director to the Anam Cara Project for Compassionate Companionship in Life and Death, and author of Place of Healing and Mortally Wounded
"Thomas Moore's Care of the Soul in Medicine is an unusually thoughtful exploration of current medical culture and its focus on treatment and cure, often at the expense of caring and healing. He makes an inspirational and convincing case for true transformation in health care that goes beyond our fascination with technology to encompass heart, mind, and spirit."
-- Susan B. Frampton, Ph.D., president of Planetree, a nonprofit organization and internationally recognized leader in patient-centered care
-"Care of the Soul in Medicine may be your best friend through illness, and a life-giving companion for many who seek to reclaim the joy they once knew in the healing arts."
-- Rev. Dr. Marcus M. McKinney, D.Min., LPC, director, Department of Pastoral Counseling and Community Outreach, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center; and assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
"Moore sees the mechanics of medicine, and offers another view that has its roots in the beginnings of medical care, in the Soul of a caregiver. It is a thoughtful book for patients, families, caregivers, and all of us who will eventually enter the realm of medical care (and we all will)."
-- George Doebler, director, Pastoral Care, Emeritus, University of Tennessee Medical Center

About the Author

Print length

241 pages

Product description

About the Author
Best-selling author and psychotherapist Thomas Moore has written numerous books on spirituality, including Writing in the Sand, Soul Mates, Life at Work, and the New York Times bestseller Care of the Soul. Born in Detroit, Michigan, to an Irish Catholic family, Moore devoted his life to the study of theology, world religions, Jungian and archetypal psychology, the history of art, and world mythology. He currently lives in New Hampshire.

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4.4 out of 5 stars

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4.0 out of 5 stars interestingReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 11 April 2015
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Insightful reading as a nurse and midwife of nearly 30yrs I loved the practical application of soul and spirit into the hospital setting and that we are so much more than our bodies


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5.0 out of 5 stars How to REALLY put patients at the heart of the NHS!!Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 27 January 2012
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This book is fantastic!! It gives a way of looking at patients as real people and shows what is REALLY missing in our health care system. The author recognises the need for healthcare to be a total experience and not just about cutting, dosing, fixing or removing. It should be mandatory reading for every doctor, nurse and healthcare worker in the UK.

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5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent bookReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 12 April 2013
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Thoughtfully written. All doctors and nursing staff should read this and apply its wisdom. It would make a hospital stay so much better for the patient, who seems to have been sidelined into 'symptoms' that just happen to be attached to a body, with the 'real person' within forgotten.

P . Brill
4.0 out of 5 stars Four StarsReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 16 April 2015
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a very informative book and so very needed to learn from it.

Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars a must-readReviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on 23 September 2011
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I had to use this as a text book for a course. It is very well researched and should be a must-read for nurses, doctors, students and patients. It focuses on the integral part of medical practitioners having a caring soul in the medical fields as opposed to the previous views as seeing hospitals as "body factories", getting the patients in and out. It made for interesting class discussions. Now that I've read this book, I have noticed that more doctors and nurses I have encountered are more positive and patient-focused. Pretty eye-opening!

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3.0 out of 5 stars good info, with an ego garnishReviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 27 August 2018
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This book has a lot of great ideas, and it's clear that the author put a lot of time and consideration into writing it. It has much to offer to those who care for others as well as those in a position of receiving care. The author phrases his points in such a way that anyone can hear what he's conveying...even those who tend to resist information when provided in the form of advice.
I learned something that I'll gratefully carry forth about humility and being humble from this book... specifically, through my irritation at the author's habit of constantly giving himself credit throughout the text. Thomas Moore absolutely could claim credit for the research he's done and the deductions he's made—but it might have been a more effective and selfless delivery to have kindly provided the information without referring to himself and giving himself credit at every turn.

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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Carolyn M. Kell
So Needed in this time of Crisis in Health Care

Great read because it tackles what is needed in this time of health care turmoil and what I perceive as real resistance to truly putting America's best interests forward. 

Whether you are at your healthiest or struggling with a lifetime sentence of chronic pain or type 1 diabestes, you will benefit from the knowledge and observations that Moore so delicately and comprehensively covers. 

As Woody Allen says: " We all suffer from 2 conditions: taxes and death." Ha! But, yes, no one escapes this reality. So, it is our duty to understand what is wrong with this stifling system and work for change. Again, this book captures exactly what's missing in our current blighted state of health care and shows the way to recover. Definitely worth the thoughtful person's time!

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Loretta M. Siani

Insightful honest

Thomas Moore delivers another great work on the soul. He nails for the listener what is missing in the practice of medicine and the things that would change it from a wasteland of arrogance and ego power to a realm of nurturing, true caring and real healing. Loretta Siani author of Everyday Miracles

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
1,411 reviews

July 6, 2011
I read Thomas More's first book Care of the Soul : A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life and found it very enlightening.

 I was however rather disappointed in this offering.

Thomas Moore has some important things to say about the practice of medicine but I do feel that putting it into the context of soul and spirit is not a particularly good fit in this case. 

Some of the suggestions (having a dream chart next the medical chart in a patient's room for example) seems rather ludicrous to me

I think the point he is trying to make is that imagery is an important way for patients to speak about their illness, but as a patient, I think I would like to keep my dreams to myself.

Basically the book is saying that Medicine should not be impersonal, and that arrogance on behalf of doctors is counter-productive. Everything should be done to help the patient feel comfortable and have dignity.

 I certainly will not argue with that, but I feel that this book relies too heavily on the writer's Catholic beliefs to be helpful to other who do not share his religious convictions.

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Profile image for Steve Hardy.
Steve Hardy
10 years ago
The idea that we as a culture view a "dream diary" as ludicrous in concert with a medical chart, I think proves the observation Moore is making. Why is it when we are dealing with physical illness we suddenly forget that throughout our daily lives we do not refer to medical charts solely to assess and evaluate our quality of life? Relationships, beauty, humor, comfort, social engagement, entertainment, meaningful experiences - these are some of the measures of what makes up our daily lives. Why does this need to change when we are facing an illness?

Profile image for Dorothy .
10 years ago
Steve wrote: "The idea that we as a culture view a "dream diary" as ludicrous in concert with a medical chart, I think proves the observation Moore is making. Why is it when we are dealing with physical illness ..."

As a person who has been dealing with chronic illness for 20 years, I wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying. In fact, the need for all the things you list for good quality of life is even more important when we are ill. We may not have the energy to do what we did before...and even social occasions can be difficult but the patient does need to build in time for relationships and ...fun!

Profile Image for Karla Monroy.
Karla Monroy
16 reviews

October 7, 2016
Gracias a este libro descubrí a Thomas Moore, quien es claro, preciso e invita a reflexionar sobre temas relevantes de la existencia humana.
Dirigido a médicos, enfermeras y pacientes, así que nos concierne a todos.

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Steven Chang
6 reviews

July 17, 2013
Four years of studying biology, chemistry or other sciences in undergrad, four more years in medical school, and two more for residency, and even more for those who want to specialize in a certain medical field. 

Students that undergo through this process is overwhelmed with information and learning about diseases, treatments, etc. 

Thomas Moore, in this book, presents a critical view that many medical schools hardly touch in teaching: spirituality and healthcare. How do we as Christians treat patients in the secular medical world? 

The Care of the Soul has a bunch of information and examples on how we can intertwine our faith into treating patients. Many times doctors view patients as experiments and physiological parts, not as holistic beings. 

Although there are some views that Moore discusses that I do not exactly agree with, because of our differences in spirituality, I believe that overall, he does an incredible job informing this generation what the medical field is lacking and in need of. I recommend this book for any future physicians that are going to be dealing and treating patients!

364 reviews

November 16, 2010
Moore is basically saying in this book what he's said in most of his previous ones: that we need to honor our souls as well as our spirits. But he still says it well (plenty of practice!), and when talking about illness and the modern health-care system, it still needs saying. Moore encourages the medical profession to support patients' dignity and individuality and to connect with them as people while performing the sacred duties of healing. But he also has advice for patients: to share in the responsibility of preserving their individuality and to remember that they have lives and concerns beyond their illnesses. It was a bit depressing to read Moore's vision of what health care could be like and then think about the reality of my local health-care system (it's really tempting right now to mail a copy of this book to the CEO of my insurance company!), but his stories of the changes he sees happening and his suggestions for further change were encouraging.



16 reviews

November 20, 2013
An excellent read and Moore does not disappoint. As with Care of The Soul, this book brings soul work for the patient and medical establishment. As someone who is dealing with a chronic illness, I forgot to consider my soul too needs care as well. I must confess guilt of viewing myself in parts -- the disease, and not as a total person -- mind, body, spirit, and soul. He brought me back, delightfully, to the whole of me. The best thing since my diagnosis.

1,384 reviews

July 8, 2010
This is a thoroughly enjoyable book that takes a close look at the depersonalization (of patients and caregivers) that is so common in medicine, and discusses ways to address it. One of the most important things to take away from reading, for me at least, was to be fully present when talking to a patient ... don't fake attention, give it.



Profile Image for Alex K.
Alex K
137 reviews

September 25, 2015
A solid 3.75 stars. The book starts out strong, with many great insights about how medicine is practiced and how that avoids the soul and spirit of the people involved, and was a great insight into how I can bring greater meaning into my practice. The loss of a star is mostly because it goes a little longer than it needs to.

Gail Hernandez
19 reviews

January 17, 2016
I think this is one of Thomas Moore's best books.


Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies throughout the Ages eBook : King, Ursula: Amazon.com.au: Books

Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies throughout the Ages eBook : King, Ursula: Amazon.com.au: Books

Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies throughout the Ages Kindle Edition
by Ursula King (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

4.3 out of 5 stars 57 ratings

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Introduces sixty men and women whose great devotion and mystical relation to God transformed the times in which they lived and continues to affect our search for spirituality today.

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'Ursula King has succeeded admirably ... with a sure grasp of the subject and a clear prose style, she takes us on a journey through the lives and works of some of the great spiritual teachers of the Church.' - Church Times

'This is an excellent book for the reader new to the field and a good refresher for those more familiar.' - The Scientific and Medical Network

'Attractive and stimulating ... This is an invaluable introduction to a highly complex subject. It is succinctly written ... [and] is an ideal introduction for students and those interested in this rich tradition.' - Theology

'Ursula King has succeeded admirably ... with a sure grasp of the subject and a clear prose style, she takes us on a journey through the lives and works of some of the great spiritual teachers of the Church.' - Church Times--This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
About the Author
Ursula King is Professor Emertius in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Bristol. Widely known internationally, her many publications include several books on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and women in world religions. She now works freelance on comparative spirituality, interfaith dialogue and wider issues of religion and gender. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Paulist Press™ (22 May 2013)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 523 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 226 pagesBest Sellers Rank: 999,689 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)4,440 in History of Christianity (Books)
7,181 in Christian Church & Bible History
627,813 in Textbooks & Study GuidesCustomer Reviews:
4.3 out of 5 stars 57 ratings

Customer reviews
4.3 out of 5 stars


Lissa U
4.0 out of 5 stars Good read!Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on 16 February 2018
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Wow, I didn't know much about mystics until I read this book! Good read!

Stephen P. Smith
5.0 out of 5 stars God is joined to God`s creationReviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 24 August 2007
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Technology offers the attraction for hot new inventions, and these can even seduce our nature into accepting change for changes's sake. And confronted with secular pretense and it is easy to miss the subtleness of mystical experience altogether. Ursula King's "The Christian Mystics" provides an account of this other activity that is possible to miss. The alternative activity cannot be dismissed easily seeing that King catalogues the life of numerous mystics, from early Christians (e.g., Clement of Alexandria, Origen) to those contemporary mystics (e.g., Simone Weil, Thomas Merton).

King (page 15) writes: "All mysticism is characterized by a passion for unity. To the mystic, true Being and Ultimate Reality are One. This can be experienced as both impersonal and personal, as Ground of Being, Ultimate Source, Perfect Goodness, Eternal Wisdom, Devine Love, God, or the Godhead. This Reality contains, yet transcends, everything there is. It is the One whom all is lost and all is found." Mystics share the same experiences, and as these experiences are common they provide a level of validity that is not so easily ignored.

I must comment here. God is not found separate from God's creation, God is with us. The dualism that finds God apart from our world, either coming from theists or atheists, does not find support coming from mystical experience. I need only point to King. The situation is reversed from dualistic constraints, it is mysticism that is open to scientific investigation of a kind proposed by Wallace in "The Taboo of Subjectivity".

King (page 19) writes: "Of Great importance also is the concept of God who is not simply One, Ultimate Reality or the Absolute, but a personal Being who yet transcends all notions of personhood found among human beings by forming a community of persons with the mystery of the Trinity."

King (page 80) writes of Hildegard of Bingen: "She describes her visions in terms of light, speaks of mystical rapture and prophecies, and expresses her passionate desire for God with great intensity. Her visions are marked by brilliant colors, her descriptions by apophatic negations."

King (page 109) quotes Meister Eckhart: "The union of God with the soul is so great that it is scarcely to believe. And God is in himself so far above that no form of knowledge or desire can ever reach him... Desire is deep, immeasurably so. But nothing that the intellect can grasp and nothing that desire can desire is God. Where understanding and desire end, there is darkness and there God's radiance begins."

King (pages 152-153) writes on St. Teresa of Avila: "For Teresa, mental prayer was the beginning of the path to new ways of understanding, to the tasting of deep mysteries of faith, which included the indwelling presence of the Trinity and of Jesus Christ in his humanity and divinity, as well as insights into sin and grace, the Church and the sacraments. Her visions were both spiritual and physical, and she eventually experienced the grace of perfect union with Christ so that she became inseparable from him `as when a little stream enters the sea'."

King (page 235) writes on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "As a child he had experienced a deep sense of oneness with nature, later followed by mystical experiences linked to `vast open spaces' of sea and desert, to the riches of fossil life and the vibrant energy of cosmic evolution. All these made him ecstatically perceive `that through all of nature I was immersed in God.' For him Jesus `comes to us clothed in the glory of the world.' "

Trinity finds agreement with the Advaitic experience. King (page 241) writes: "Swami Abhishiktananda's experience included the belief that there is an Advaitic dimension, an experience of deep, underlying unity, in Christianity itself which must be recovered." On page (242): "He realized a profoundly personal synthesis of Hindu-Christian spirituality in his own life."

King (page 247) writes: "Reading the stories of past Christian mystics, it is remarkable how often mystical experiences of union and communion occur through intimate contact with nature, with the haunting beauty of its myriad forms of life. Hildegard of Bingen saw God's fiery essence in the beautiful meadows and waters, the blossoms, fruits and breeze, but also the sun, moon and starts, whereas Fracis of Assis spoke to the animals and praised Brother Sun."

King (page 248) writes on the basic message of all mystics: "Divine radiance, light and life suffuse all there is. It is for us to accept this, and just let be or, in the words of the Christian mystics, to conform our will to God's will."

Disclosure: My agenda is declared in my profile.
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wandering monk
4.0 out of 5 stars Mysticism in a NutshellReviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on 20 July 2006
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Writing a book on the history of Christian mysticism would be a daunting task for any historian, because everyone is looking for something different. This book delivers neat, concise and well written mini biographies of the famous and infamous mystics of ancient, Western, Eastern and modern Christianity. Each installment gives you enough information to get you interested to study further, but not too much to make you bored. I recommend this book for all levels of mature readers.

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Turning Points in Religious Studies: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder - King, Ursula | 9781474281133 | Amazon.com.au | Books

Turning Points in Religious Studies: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder - King, Ursula | 9781474281133 | Amazon.com.au | Books

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Turning Points in Religious Studies: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Parrinder Hardcover – 28 September 2016
by Ursula King (Editor)

This Bloomsbury Academic Collection consists of classic titles in religious studies.

Religious Studies was first introduced as a new discipline in universities and colleges around the world in the 1960s. This discipline brought about a reorientation of the study of religion, created new perspectives and influenced all sectors of education. The essays presented in this volume provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the history of Religious Studies as an academic discipline, the turning points it faces and the directions it might take in the future.
The work is organised in three sections. The first presents a succinct case study of the historical development of Religious Studies in Britain. The second considers the development of Religious Studies throughout the world in its major constituents, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, 'traditional' African religions, Christianity, Islam and new religious movements in Africa, the study of truth and dialogue in religion, science and the rediscovery of religious experience, mysticism. The third section looks to developments in Religious Studies, in particular at religion in relation to the arts, gender, information technology and to Religious Studies in a global perspective.
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What is Relational Theology? · For The Love of Wisdom and The Wisdom of Love · Thomas Jay Oord

What is Relational Theology? · For The Love of Wisdom and The Wisdom of Love · Thomas Jay Oord

What is Relational Theology?

January 13th, 2011 / 23 Comments

Many Christians find the ideas and language of relational theology helpful. But many also appreciate relational theology without really being clear about what it is. Misunderstandings emerge.

As they read the Bible, Christians frequently encounter relational theology’s ideas and language. Unfortunately, however, conventional Christian theologies have sometimes ignored relational ideas and language. The conventional theology that results is sometimes impractical and nonsensical.

The Bible describes the activities and nature of a relational God. God created “in the beginning” and invited creatures to “bring forth” others in creative activity. God’s interactions with Adam and Eve portray God as relational. From the beginning, God instructs, expects, and responds to creatures – all of which are relational activities.

The Bible tells us God makes covenants with Israel and all creation. God’s covenant making demonstrates God’s relationality. Because God is relational, sinful behavior makes God angry. But positive responses and ongoing relationship deepens the relational friendship God shares with creatures. Biblical authors repeatedly proclaim that a God of steadfast love never gives up on the relationship God initiates and seeks to develop.

In Jesus Christ, the relational God is specially incarnated. In him, we have the fullest revelation of God as relational. Jesus teaches that God is our Abba (Father), an intimately relational description. God calls us to enter into a mutually loving relationship – what Jesus announces as the greatest commandment. Jesus reinforces Old Testament themes about the importance of love relations. Christians are commanded to love believers and unbelievers, friends and enemies, the near and dear as well as the stranger.

The Christian community emerging soon after God raised Jesus from the dead was Holy Spirit empowered. This budding community emphasized from its inception the importance of interrelatedness. As the Church, they ate together and shared things in common. They worshipped and prayed together. They shared the Lord’s Supper as a community. Christians embarked as the Church on a give-and-receive mission of relational love.

Core Ideas of Relational Theology

If God created a relational universe and relational people, it should come as little surprise that recent developments in science, philosophy, and culture reveal the interrelatedness of all existence. Relationality is present at the quantum level. It profoundly shapes personal and social levels of existence. And relational perspectives influence scientific research of the distant edges of our cosmos.

What makes relational theology distinct is its general approach to thinking about God’s interaction with creation. At its core, relational theology affirms two key ideas:

1.     God affects creatures in various ways. Instead of being aloof and detached, God is active and involved in relationship with others. God relates to us, and that makes an essential difference.

2.     Creatures affect God in various ways. While God’s nature is unchanging, creatures influence the loving and living Creator of the universe. We relate to God, and creation makes a difference to God.

Of course, those who embrace relational theology typically embrace other theological ideas too. For instance, many think God’s primary attribute is love, and many believe God’s chief desire is that people love others as themselves. Most think God relates within Trinity, and Jesus Christ best reveals God’s relational love. Most think God and creatures are genuinely free, at least to some degree. Most emphasize the importance of relationships in the Church, outside the Church, and relationships with all creation. Most think relational categories are central to Christian ethics and should be guides to get along with others – both human and nonhuman – on our planet. The list goes on.

People interpret variously what the two main ideas of relational theology entail. Because of these diverse interpretations, relational theology is like a big umbrella idea under which various theological alternatives reside. We might illustrate the umbrella like this

Relational Theology


Many Missional theologiesMany Arminian &Holiness theologiesMost Feminist/or Womanist theologiesMost Open  theologies Most Trinitarian      theologiesMost Process theologiesMost Wesleyan theologiesMany Liberation/or Postcolonial theologiesOther theologies


Some people adopt one theological alternative but reject another under the relational umbrella. For instance, some people adopt Trinitarian theology as the primary way they think about Christian theology but reject Process theology. Others embrace both Trinitarian and Process theologies. Or, for instance, some feminist theologians do not identify as Arminian. Others do. A person need not embrace all theologies under the umbrella.

It is also important to note that some theologians embrace a number of theological traditions simultaneously. For instance, a person might say she is Wesleyan, liberation, process, and Trinitarian. Another person might say he is Arminian, missional, and open. Still others might embrace one theology and not another listed above. For instance, a person might be Process, emergent, and Pentecostal. Many other combinations exist.

Confusion sometimes emerges when people identify relational theology with personalities or character traits we might consider “relational.”  People who are friendly, sociable, or highly empathetic do not necessarily embrace the ideas of relational theology. Of course, we usually hope people develop adequate social sensibilities. But a relational theologian is not automatically an expert at relating to other people!

To the extent that Christians seek to be Christlike, however, relational theology can encourage loving interactions and character traits that promote positive relationships. We best understand the Apostle Paul’s command to “imitate God, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love as Christ loved us…” (Eph. 5:1, 2), for instance, in relational terms. Those who consistently heed Paul’s counsel develop into the kind of people we call “virtuous” or “saints.”

We could say much more about relational theology. Here’s a link to a nice introduction to relational theology, including how this view thinks about various issues and doctrines.

Jeff Clarke

Very helpful, Tom. I especially appreciate the link between relational theology and its implications in real life situations. It’s very true – we are all called to ‘imitate’ God in His character and love.


Dave G

Marshall McLuhan wrote, “We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.” I think I can rephrase it for my sense of this topic, “we shape our theologies, thereafter our theologies shape us.”

What we think about God and God’s relationship with us is formative to say the least. I think it is vital to develop theologies that foster the best of what it means to be a human created in the image and likeness of God.

Having a God that is relational is an important first step to a better understanding of prayer and more importantly to help us become more like Christ.

Thanks Tom

Thomas Jay Oord

Catherine Keller asked that I post this response…

Hi Tom.

Good to hear from you in the newish year. And great to check out your blog, which I’ll pass on to some students.

The essay is very handy, and indeed timely: I’m becoming aware of the widening viability of the term ‘relational.’ When I first used it in my book, Broken Web, I was accused (by John Hick) of coining an awkward adjective…

You might want to make more explicit the ecological importance of relational theology—and also the emphasis upon the constituent relations between creatures—under that graphic wider tent of yours.

And you are probably aware of Polkinghorne’s new anthology, linking the natural sciences to trinitarian relationalism.

Catherine Keller


Tom, I think I’m gonna find a way to have this printed on a card I can carry in my wallet for all those times I am asked to explain relational theology. grin

Donald Minter

Well done Tom.  I ‘think’ you have done a marvelous job of expanding this ‘umbrella’ concept that I am hearing over and over again from lots of folks around the country, almost a mantra if you will.  I have suggested elsewhere that pretty soon the ‘umbrella’ of theology will include just about anyone who affirms anything, and you have beautifully set the stage for the idea that we can pick and choose those aspects of theology that we like and ignore the others…

I am anxious to hear from some of the umbrella makers if there are any guidelines to the breadth of the ‘umbrella’.

Well done piece!

Clinton Combs

In many ways, what you call relational mirrors the historical turn found in 19th century theology. During the time during which the Hebrew Bible was being told (and eventually written) the Israelites experienced God in narrative terms: a God who does things, interacts with them, makes compacts, is pleased, and is displeased.

When this Jewish narrative theology starts to be expressed in the Greek language, it mixes with Greek thought. A key Greek notion is that perfection is static. Therefore, this static notion is transferred to the attributes of God. (It remains in Hartshorne’s image of an unchanging primordial nature of God.)

This notion of an immutable God persists in much of medieval theology, and even in Catholic theology today.

To some extent, 19th century theology revived the earlier narrative theology of the Hebrew scriptures, but, as with Hegel, it often became hierarchical and teleological—that is to say, that history was going some place better (and it just happens to be pointing to where we are.)

Process-relational theology generally lacks this Hegelian directionality and the exalting of one’s own position. With Hartshorne, the ‘static perfect God’ remains in the primordial nature, and the ‘changing, experiencing God of the Hebrew scriptures and the incarnation in time’ remains in the consequent nature of God.

But is this where Whitehead ended up? A God of two halves—one a concession to Hebrew tradition and the other to Greek thought? Or is this more than a concession to two competing ideas. Is there a metaphysical tension between an unchanging world of Value and a changing world of Activity? Is this tension the ultimate relation that takes place both in God and in all persons as well as between God and others? I think so.

Derek Flood

Great post Tom! I’m excited to see that you are working on a book on this, as this is an area of interest in my own work as well.

One thing I would be interested in seeing you address is the difference between the idea of 1) interpersonal relationships and 2) impersonal connectivity (relatedness) of objects and forces. Your example of quantum physics for instance seems to be #2, while your work with its focus on love would fall into #1. I think a lot of theology that identifies as “relational” is in fact not about personal relationship (#1), but instead about impersonal connectedness (#2), whereas many theologies that do not identify as “relational” are nevertheless deeply so in the personal sense of the term (#1). Two examples of this would be virtue ethics and the Orthodox notion of theosis (“sanctification” in Wesleyan lingo).

Rita D. Sherma

Thank you, for a succint and well explained article. I concur with Catherine Keller on the significance of noting the deep implication of relational theology for reflection and action on ecology. I also hope that you will extend the application of relational theology to the “theology of religions.” How do we “relate” to others who do not believe (or experience the Divine) in the same way as we do, and yet exhibit those very qualities of love that we are called to evince when we embrace relational theology?

Bo Sanders

Curtis – Think BIGGER! What about a laminated tri-fold ?

If you figure out how to print ‘em, sign me up!  In fact, we could do a relational pyramid scheme to get the word out there wink

(confession: I’m in Claremont. I have a built in advantage for racking up ‘converts’.)

Just having a little fun… Tom – thank you SO much for this.  I can’t wait for the book!
From a charismatic Wesleyan Process emergent, Thank You.

Vaughn Baker

Loved the umbrella image—could have used it in my doctoral thesis which I just submitted to smu and unisa.  I am utterly convinced that a timeless God (as opposed to a time-ful God) cannot be the God of Missio Dei!  A missionary God must be a temporal God.

Brian Clark

Thanks for a helpful umbrella to shelter under. 

I think of two things here: First, I’ve hung out with Pentecostals just enough to know that a truly vast number of them, who are very ardent and very “relational” in their theology in many ways, are not in fact Trinitarian.  They are “Jesus only” Pentecostals.  So, though the modern “Trinitarian” theology works for me, and for many of us these days as a relationally driven model of God, we have to stay “open”, I believe, to hearing from Pentecostal voices who can’t “relate” to it.  It would be far too easy to shut the door on them, thus cutting ourselves off from a huge portion of the living Church.

I’d say that, in part, because one reason for the need to talk about Relational Theology in the West comes from our Millenia-long separation from our Eastern brethren and sistren, not to mention other diverse and ancient varieties of Christianity we usually ignore or vaguely associate with what the Western Church termed “heresies” like Arianism, or Pelagianism, or Nestorianism, etc. 

I suppose that is a call to “keep relational theology relational” by recognizing that we can cheerfully, even insistently, practice theological forms and themes that reverberate with us, without alienation from other theologies and communities whose ways we find completely wrong-headed or utterly baffling.  Right now, we Western Christians are quickly becoming a shrinking minority of the world’s Christians, soon to be outnumbered by those Jesus Only Pentecostals from other parts of the world that I mentioned at the start.  The theological world we now must coexist within is at least as strange and wild and historically specific as any we can find in the past, and that is really saying something.

John W. Dally

David G. wrote. “’Marshall McLuhan wrote, ‘We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.’”

This is a very important statement. Too many times I have seen a theology developed from reason or inspiration and then applied to living. People use an Aristotelian approach; they come up with an idea or theory then seek scriptural or philosophical sources to validate the theory.  Others used inspiration, the Platonic approach, and apply it having faith that it will bear out as valid.  The issue is that God is who God is.  (I am what I am).  Our objective is to try to discover God’s character, nature, and values then apply them to our interrelationship with God.  In other words, we must begin with God.

I favor the relational approach because it is before our very eyes. From the relationships between man and woman to parent and child to community and then society, even from humanity to creation, we see connectedness, relationship. Relationship is how we exist.  Being made in the image of God we can then back track to see that relationship is a character and nature of God. 

I have used the idea of relationships between men and women to explain the relationship between God and humanity. My professor at PLNU, Dr. Frank Carver, pointed to marriage as a source of understanding God’s relationship to humanity. I have found this to work out in talking about how we can relate to God (dating), how we come to accept God into our lives (engagement) and how we must come to a point of total devotion (marriage).  It also addresses sin, how we can sin against God but maintain the bond, how we must seek God’s mercy when we rebel, and how we are viewed in God’s eyes.

The proof of relational theology is also expressed in experience.  As a hospice chaplain I find many people are drawn to a legal, contractual view of God.  Any theological model should bring hope. However, theology based on reason alone leaves them with a view of God as distant, judgmental, and needing to be “bought off” through acts of religion. They are left with uncertainty and fear, a lack of hope.  When I reframe the view of God into a relational model they respond positively to God and become comforted spiritually.  To me a theology that brings hope to a person is a significant proof of the validity of the model.
I look forward to your exploration of the issues Tom.  It is well worth the effort.

Rob L. Staples


Good.  But as a fellow “relationalist” I think it would be helpful to state the opposite, i.e., what is relational theology opposing or trying to counteract?  For what it’s worth . . . ..

mike lady

It’s interesting that you do not give even a nod to some branch of the reformed tree.  Not all in the reformed, Calvinist, camp believe that God is impassible or unmoved by our plight, prayers, sorrows or joys.  Love to get your thoughts.

Derek Flood

“Not all in the reformed, Calvinist, camp believe that God is impassible or unmoved”

Moltmann (who is Reform) and his understanding of the “crucified God” would be a good example of that.

John W. Dally

“Not all in the reformed, Calvinist, camp believe that God is impassible or unmoved by our plight, prayers, sorrows or joys.  Love to get your thoughts.”

As practiced Calvinists think of God as compassionate and listening to prayers. However, Five Point Calvinism (TULIP) leaves little room for compassion. If a person is not Elect, it does not matter how repentant or contrite a person may be, that person is destined to hell.

I have had families of patients worry because their dying loved one never made a “profession of faith.”  I would ask, “Do they deserve hell?”  “NO!” they would say. I would try to get them to go with their heart, not their theological model. When they listen to the heart they put aside their contractual/legal model and go with a relational model.  It is amazing that when they do that a look of peace comes over them.  Their model was failing them, their heart and openness to God’s relationship brings hope.

mike lady

John, the calvininst would say that if a person is truly repentant and contrite that would prove their are of the elect.  I fear you are letting characitures overly influence your thinking.  As to whether or not we “deserve hell” the response for everyone of us is a resounding “YES!” It is solely by the grace of God in sending His Son that we are set free through faith.  I think a better question could possibly be asking about the fruit that they witnessed throughout their family members life that would point to a genuine ongoing relationship with God.  A feeling of peace is fantastic as long as there is truth at the heart of it.  That He saves even one shows His incredible compassion.

Ben Wornell

“Relational” as a modifier on universe is fundamentally different from “relational” as a modifier on people.  I’m assuming by “universe” you mean the physical makeup of everything that exists.

Although the spatial distance between objects, the attraction/repulsion resulting from the four fundamental forces, and affection/repulsion between to beings can all be characterized as “relations” they are at first glance different, so that one asserting they are the same should have the burden of proof.  Additionally, physical objects and beings are fundamentally different, so that the burden is doubled.

Obviously, english is not meant to be a metaphysically accurate language, so we probably should not exercise our logic at the level of the it (happenstance) words.

I’m guessing that relational theology either (1) is not dependent on the premise that these “relational” concepts are identical or (2) if it is dependent thereon then it proves them be some prior a better grounded.

Otherwise, I fear it is deeply flawed.

I hope you upcoming book deals with these fundamental issues and does not merely rely on a linguistic happenstance.

(Note: I do apologize if the above appear curt…and for errors…as i have imbibed a moderate volume of the sugar excrement of yeast.  I think your theological postings are wonderful despite the fact I remain wholly unconvinced)

Peter Lambert

Hi Tom
nice post thank you. I am currently working on a relational theology and sytematic, would be interested to talk to you further if you have the time.
Bless you

Lee Savage

Great post. What I could say has been said before. We were created to be relational beings. Each of us,a different part of the Body, working in unison.

Dan Smith

Nice outline.  Would love to hear your thoughts about the Lutheran version of this.  I for one like Moltmann’s trinitarianism as a form of relational ontology (if one can say that), although he is officially a Calvinist.  Luther’s pro me and the sense of God’s deep interrelatedness with sinful humans is very important in my theology – always rooted in grace.  My quest right now is how this form of relatedness can be expanded to include the rest of creation.

Don Ely

Hi Tom,

My theological journey hasn’t unfurled to the depth and detail as yours in many ways, nor is my experience the same, but I am headed down the same (or at least a parallel) path. I am currently teaching Bible and counseling at New Life Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC, and basing my courses on what I call ‘Dispositional Theology’ (DT) which is keyed on the disposition of love (1 Jn 4:8, 16) and light (1:5) of God toward His created people as the foundation of His nature and character and the essence of Who He is. This makes persons, first and foremost, the objects of His love, and having been created for that purpose, everything that occurs in their lives is purposefully intended to draw them closer to God.

I am beginning my Th.D. in NT Theology at the University of South Africa (dissertation only) because I believe I am called to write the dissertation, but none was required in my master’s program. The dissertation will detail the DT concept and its applications in the academy, the church, and the world. To this point in my studies I have found no one whose theology/worldview has come so close as yours to reflecting that which our Lord has shown me.

I would like, with your permission, to send you the paper that I have submitted for presentation at the ETS Southeastern Regional Conference in March. It is a brief outline of my work to date on the DT project and provides a basic outline of where that work is headed. The bottom line is that it is applicational in that what I propose to do is help people see the God of the Bible for Who He says He is, as opposed to what people have painted Him to be through fear, rumor, tradition, supposition, ego, and anything not directly asociated with His own disposition and example. The more we know Him, the more we know how much He loves us. The world must know just how desirable God is, and that knowledge begins in His unvarnished Word.

As you have opportunity, would you please get in touch. Thank you for your tremendous assistance in helping all of us to truly see our Lord for Who He is.

Contra Calvinism: Conclusion – Almost Heresy

[…] that shows things are just not so. Reality is much more open and relational, which open and relational theologians (such as yours truly) are quite comfortable […]