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Nontheistic religion
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Nontheistic religions are traditions of thought within a religious context—some otherwise aligned with theism, others not—in which nontheism informs religious beliefs or practices.[1] Nontheism has been applied[by whom?] to the fields of Christian apologetics and general liberal theology, and plays significant roles in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. While many approaches to religion exclude nontheism by definition, some inclusive definitions of religion show how religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of god(s). 

For example, Paul James and Peter Mandaville distinguish between religion and spirituality, but provide a definition of the term that avoids the usual reduction to "religions of the book":

Religion can be defined as a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols and practices that addresses the nature of existence, and in which communion with others and Otherness is lived as if it both takes in and spiritually transcends socially-grounded ontologies of time, space, embodiment and knowing.[2]



The Buddha descending from Trāyastriṃśa Heaven. Palm leaf manuscript. Nalanda, Bihar, India

The gods Śakra (left) and Brahmā (right)
Existence of gods[edit]
See also: God in Buddhism

The Buddha said that devas (translated as "gods") do exist, but they were regarded as still being trapped in samsara,[3] and are not necessarily wiser than we. In fact, the Buddha is often portrayed as a teacher of the gods,[4] and superior to them.[5]

Since the time of the Buddha, the denial of the existence of a creator deity has been seen as a key point in distinguishing Buddhist from non-Buddhist views.[6] 

The question of an independent creator deity was answered by the Buddha in the Brahmajala Sutta. The Buddha denounced the view of a creator and sees that such notions are related to the false view of eternalism, and like the 61 other views, this belief causes suffering when one is attached to it and states these views may lead to desire, aversion and delusion. At the end of the Sutta the Buddha says he knows these 62 views and he also knows the truth that surpasses them.

Metaphysical questions[edit]

On one occasion, when presented with a problem of metaphysics by the monk Malunkyaputta, the Buddha responded with the Parable of the Poison Arrow

When a man is shot with an arrow thickly smeared with poison, his family summons the doctor to have the poison removed, and the doctor gives an antidote:[7]

But the man refuses to let the doctor do anything before certain questions can be answered. The wounded man demands to know who shot the arrow, what his caste and job is, and why he shot him. He wants to know what kind of bow the man used and how he acquired the ingredients used in preparing the poison. Malunkyaputta, such a man will die before getting the answers to his questions. It is no different for one who follows the Way. I teach only those things necessary to realize the Way. Things which are not helpful or necessary, I do not teach.

Main articles: Secular theology and Christian atheism

A few liberal Christian theologians, define a "nontheistic God" as "the ground of all being" rather than as a personal divine being. John Shelby Spong refers to a theistic God as "a personal being with expanded supernatural, human, and parental qualities, which has shaped every religious idea of the Western world."[8]

From a nontheist, naturalist, and rationalist perspective, the concept of divine grace appears to be the same concept as luck.[9]

Bust of Paul Tillich

Many of them owe much of their theology to the work of Christian existentialist philosopher Paul Tillich, including the phrase "the ground of all being". Another quotation from Tillich is, "God does not exist. He is being itself beyond essence and existence. Therefore to argue that God exists is to deny him."[10] This Tillich quotation summarizes his conception of God. He does not think of God as a being that exists in time and space, because that constrains God, and makes God finite. But all beings are finite, and if God is the Creator of all beings, God cannot logically be finite since a finite being cannot be the sustainer of an infinite variety of finite things. Thus God is considered beyond being, above finitude and limitation, the power or essence of being itself.

Nontheist Quakers[edit]

Logo of the Society of Nontheist Friends
Main article: Nontheist Quakers

A nontheist Friend or an atheist Quaker is someone who affiliates with, identifies with, engages in and/or affirms Quaker practices and processes, but who does not accept a belief in a theistic understanding of God, a Supreme Being, the divine, the soul or the supernatural. Like theistic Friends, nontheist Friends are actively interested in realizing centered peace, simplicity, integrity, community, equality, love, happiness and social justice in the Society of Friends and beyond.

Main article: Atheism in Hinduism

Hinduism is characterised by extremely diverse beliefs and practices.[11] In the words of R.C. Zaehner, "it is perfectly possible to be a good Hindu whether one's personal views incline toward monism, monotheism, polytheism, or even atheism."[12] He goes on to say that it is a religion that neither depends on the existence or non-existence of God or Gods.[13] More broadly, Hinduism can be seen as having three more important strands: one featuring a personal Creator or Divine Being, second that emphasises an impersonal Absolute and a third that is pluralistic and non-absolute. The latter two traditions can be seen as nontheistic.[14]

Although the Vedas are broadly concerned with the completion of ritual, there are some elements that can be interpreted as either nontheistic or precursors to the later developments of the nontheistic tradition. The oldest Hindu scripture, the Rig Veda mentions that 'There is only one god though the sages may give it various names' (1.164.46). Max Müller termed this henotheism, and it can be seen as indicating one, non-dual divine reality, with little emphasis on personality.[15] The famous Nasadiya Sukta, the 129th Hymn of the tenth and final Mandala (or chapter) of the Rig Veda, considers creation and asks "The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. /Who then knows whence it has arisen?".[16] This can be seen to contain the intuition that there must be a single principle behind all phenomena: 'That one' (tad ekam), self-sufficient, to which distinctions cannot be applied.[17][18]

It is with the Upanishads, reckoned to be written in the first millennia (coeval with the ritualistic Brahmanas), that the Vedic emphasis on ritual was challenged. The Upanishads can be seen as the expression of new sources of power in India. Also, separate from the Upanishadic tradition were bands of wandering ascetics called Vadins whose largely nontheistic notions rejected the notion that religious knowledge was the property of the Brahmins. Many of these were shramanas, who represented a non-Vedic tradition rooted in India's pre-Aryan history.[19] The emphasis of the Upanishads turned to knowledge, specifically the ultimate identity of all phenomena.[20] This is expressed in the notion of Brahman, the key idea of the Upanishads, and much later philosophizing has been taken up with deciding whether Brahman is personal or impersonal.[21] The understanding of the nature of Brahman as impersonal is based in the definition of it as 'ekam eva advitiyam' (Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.1) - it is one without a second and to which no substantive predicates can be attached.[22] Further, both the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads assert that the individual atman and the impersonal Brahman are one.[23] The mahāvākya statement Tat Tvam Asi, found in the Chandogya Upanishad, can be taken to indicate this unity.[24] The latter Upanishad uses the negative term Neti neti to 'describe' the divine.

Patañjali statue in Pantanjali Yog Peeth Haridwar

Classical Samkhya, Mimamsa, early Vaisheshika and early Nyaya schools of Hinduism do not accept the notion of an omnipotent creator God at all.[25][26] While the Sankhya and Mimamsa schools no longer have significant followings in India, they are both influential in the development of later schools of philosophy.[27][28] The Yoga of Patanjali is the school that probably owes most to the Samkhya thought. This school is dualistic, in the sense that there is a division between 'spirit' (Sanskrit: purusha) and 'nature' (Sanskrit: prakṛti).[29] It holds Samadhi or 'concentrative union' as its ultimate goal[30] and it does not consider God's existence as either essential or necessary to achieving this.[31]

The Bhagavad Gita, contains passages that bear a monistic reading and others that bear a theistic reading.[32] Generally, the book as a whole has been interpreted by some who see it as containing a primarily nontheistic message,[33] and by others who stress its theistic message.[34] These broadly either follow after either Sankara or Ramanuja[35] An example of a nontheistic passage might be "The supreme Brahman is without any beginning. That is called neither being nor non-being," which Sankara interpreted to mean that Brahman can only be talked of in terms of negation of all attributes—'Neti neti'.[36]

The Advaita Vedanta of Gaudapada and Sankara rejects theism as a consequence of its insistence that Brahman is "Without attributes, indivisible, subtle, inconceivable, and without blemish, Brahman is one and without a second. There is nothing other than He."[37] This means that it lacks properties usually associated with God such as omniscience, perfect goodness, omnipotence, and additionally is identical with the whole of reality, rather than being a causal agent or ruler of it.[38]

Main article: God in Jainism
Further information: Jainism and non-creationism

Jain texts claim that the universe consists of jiva (life force or souls) and ajiva (lifeless objects). According to Jain doctrine, the universe and its constituents-soul, matter, space, time, and principles of motion-have always existed. The universe and the matter and souls within it are eternal and uncreated, and there is no omnipotent creator god. Jainism offers an elaborate cosmology, including heavenly beings/devas, but these heavenly beings are not viewed as creators-they are subject to suffering and change like all other living beings, and are portrayed as mortal.

According to the Jain concept of divinity, any soul who destroys its karmas and desires, achieves liberation/Nirvana. A soul who destroys all its passions and desires has no desire to interfere in the working of the universe. If godliness is defined as the state of having freed one's soul from karmas and the attainment of enlightenment/Nirvana and a god as one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods (Tirthankara).

Besides scriptural authority, Jains also employ syllogism and deductive reasoning to refute creationist theories. Various views on divinity and the universe held by the vedics, sāmkhyas, mimimsas, Buddhists, and other school of thoughts were criticized by Jain Ācāryas, such as Jinasena in Mahāpurāna.


  1. ^ Williams, J. Paul; Horace L. Friess (1962). "The Nature of Religion". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Blackwell Publishing. 2 (1): 3–17. doi:10.2307/1384088. JSTOR 1384088.
  2. ^ James, Paul; Mandaville, Peter (2010). Globalization and Culture, Vol. 2: Globalizing Religions. London: Sage Publications. p. xii-xiii.
  3. ^ John T Bullitt (2005). "The Thirty-one planes of Existence". Access To Insight. Retrieved 26 May 2010. The suttas describe thirty-one distinct "planes" or "realms" of existence into which beings can be reborn during this long wandering through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms to the most sublime, refined, and exquisitely blissful heaven realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in Buddhist cosmology there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma and their kamma at the moment of death. When the kammic force that propelled them to that realm is finally exhausted, they pass away, taking rebirth once again elsewhere according to their kamma. And so the wearisome cycle continues.
  4. ^ Susan Elbaum Jootla (1997). "II. The Buddha Teaches Deities". In Access To Insight (ed.). Teacher of the Devas. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society. Many people worship Maha Brahma as the supreme and eternal creator God, but for the Buddha he is merely a powerful deity still caught within the cycle of repeated existence. In point of fact, "Maha Brahma" is a role or office filled by different individuals at different periods." "His proof included the fact that "many thousands of deities have gone for refuge for life to the recluse Gotama" (MN 95.9). Devas, like humans, develop faith in the Buddha by practicing his teachings." "A second deva concerned with liberation spoke a verse which is partly praise of the Buddha and partly a request for teaching. Using various similes from the animal world, this god showed his admiration and reverence for the Exalted One.", "A discourse called Sakka's Questions (DN 21) took place after he had been a serious disciple of the Buddha for some time. The sutta records a long audience he had with the Blessed One which culminated in his attainment of stream-entry. Their conversation is an excellent example of the Buddha as "teacher of devas," and shows all beings how to work for Nibbana.
  5. ^ Bhikku, Thanissaro (1997). Kevaddha Sutta. Access To Insight. When this was said, the Great Brahma said to the monk, 'I, monk, am Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be... That is why I did not say in their presence that I, too, don't know where the four great elements... cease without remainder. So you have acted wrongly, acted incorrectly, in bypassing the Blessed One in search of an answer to this question elsewhere. Go right back to the Blessed One and, on arrival, ask him this question. However he answers it, you should take it to heart.
  6. ^ B. Alan Wallace, Contemplative Science. Columbia University Press, 2007, pages 97-98.
  7. ^ Nhat Hanh, Thich (1991). Old Path White Clouds: walking in the footsteps of the Buddha. Parallax Press. p. 299. ISBN 0-938077-26-0.
  8. ^ A New Christianity for a New World: Why Traditional Faith Is Dying and How a New Faith Is Being Born, ISBN 0-06-067063-0
  9. ^ Kaufman, Arnold S. "Ability", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 60, No. 19
  10. ^ Tillich, Paul. (1951) Systematic Theology, p.205.
  11. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 17.
  12. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 51.
  13. ^ R. C. Zaehner, (1966) Hinduism, P.1-2, Oxford University Press.
  14. ^ Griffiths, Paul J, (2005) Nontheistic Conceptions of the Divine Ch. 3. in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion by William J Wainwright, p.59 . Oxford University Press US, ISBN 0-19-513809-0
  15. ^ Masih, Y. A comparative study of religions, P.164, Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 2000 ISBN 81-208-0815-0
  16. ^ O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger, (1981)The Rig Veda: An Anthology of One Hundred Eight Hymns (Classic) Penguin
  17. ^ Collinson, Diané and Wilkinson, Robert Thirty-Five Oriental Philosophers, P. 39, Routledge, 1994 ISBN 0-415-02596-6
  18. ^ Mohanty, Jitendranath (2000), Classical Indian Philosophy: An Introductory Text, p:1 Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN 0-8476-8933-6
  19. ^ Jaroslav Krejčí, Anna Krejčová (1990) Before the European Challenge: The Great Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East, p:170, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-0168-5
  20. ^ Doniger,Wendy, (1990) Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions,P. 441, Merriam-Webster, ISBN 0-87779-044-2
  21. ^ Smart, Ninian (1998) The World's Religions P.73-74, CUP ISBN 0-521-63748-1
  22. ^ Wainwright, William J. (2005) Ch.3 Nontheistic conceptions of the divine. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion p.67 OUP, ISBN 0-19-513809-0
  23. ^ Jones, Richard H. (2004) Mysticism and Morality: A New Look at Old Questions, P. 80, Lexington Books, ISBN 0-7391-0784-4
  24. ^ Brown, Robert L, (1991) Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-0656-3.
  25. ^ Larson, Gerald James, Ch. Indian Conceptions of Reality and Divinity found in A Companion to World Philosophies By Eliot Deutsch, Ronald Bontekoe, P. 352, Blackwell, ISBN 0-631-21327-9
  26. ^ Morgan, Kenneth W. and Sarma, D S, Eds. (1953) Ch. 5. P.207 Hindu Religious Thought by Satis Chandra Chatterjee, The Religion of the Hindus: Interpreted by Hindus, Ronald Press. ISBN 81-208-0387-6
  27. ^ Flood, Gavin D, An Introduction to Hinduism,(p.232) CUP, ISBN 0-521-43878-0
  28. ^ Larson, Gerald James,(1999) Classical Samkhya, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, ISBN 81-208-0503-8
  29. ^ Feuerstein, Georg (1989), Yoga: The Technology of Ecstasy, Tarcher, ISBN 0-87477-520-5
  30. ^ King, Richard (1999) Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought, p:191, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN 0-7486-0954-7
  31. ^ Clements, Richard Pauranik, Being a Witness in Theory and Practice of Yoga by Knut A. Jacobsen
  32. ^ Yandell, Keith. E., On Interpreting the "Bhagavadgītā", Philosophy East and West 32, no 1 (January, 1982).
  33. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, page 45, 98, 115, 136.
  34. ^ Catherine Robinson, Interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gītā and Images of the Hindu Tradition: The Song of the Lord. Routledge Press, 1992, pages 47, 51.
  35. ^ Flood, Gavin D, An Introduction to Hinduism, (pps 239-234) CUP, ISBN 0-521-43878-0
  36. ^ Swami Gambhirananda, (1995), Bhagavadgita: with the Commentary of Sankaracharya, Ch. 13. Vs. 13, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta ISBN 81-7505-150-7
  37. ^ Richards, John, Viveka-Chudamani of Shankara Vs 468.
  38. ^ Wainright, William, (2006), Concepts of God, Stanford Encyclopedia of Religion
  39. ^ Charles Brough (2010). The Last Civilization. p. 246. ISBN 1426940572. Deism and pan-deism, as well as agnosticism and atheism, are all Non-Theisms.
  40. ^ "Satanic Temple: IRS has designated it a tax-exempt church". AP NEWS. 25 April 2019. Retrieved 30 July 2019.

The Sacred Depths of Nature eBook: Ursula Goodenough: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

The Sacred Depths of Nature eBook: Ursula Goodenough: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

For many of us, the great scientific discoveries of the modern age--the Big Bang, evolution, quantum physics, relativity-- point to an existence that is bleak, devoid of meaning, pointless. But in The Sacred Depths of Nature, eminent biologist Ursula Goodenough shows us that the scientific world view need not be a source of despair. Indeed, it can be a wellspring of solace and hope.
This eloquent volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for reverence and continuity. Looking at topics such as evolution, emotions, sexuality, and death, Goodenough writes with rich, uncluttered detail about the workings of nature in general and of living creatures in particular. Her luminous clarity makes it possible for even non-scientists to appreciate that the origins of life and the universe are no less meaningful because of our increasingly scientific understanding of them. At the end of each chapter, Goodenough's spiritual reflections respond to the complexity of nature with vibrant emotional intensity and a sense of reverent wonder.
A beautifully written celebration of molecular biology with meditations on the spiritual and religious meaning that can be found at the heart of science, this volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing dialog between science and religion. This book will engage anyone who was ever mesmerized--or terrified--by the mysteries of existence.

Product description

"Goodenough gives us a new bridge between science and religion that is both eloquent and elegant. She offers us the poetry, power, and passion of her vision of nature, a vision born from scientific knowledge, nurtured by religious sensibility, and inspired by nature itself." --Mary Evelyn Tucker, historian of religion, Bucknell University "An engaging, authoritative and lyrical account of the molecular basis of life and its evolution. Goodenough...explains the dynamics of biology with the evident pleasure of a gifted science writer. Her reflections evoke a deep gratitude for the magic of our existence and the necessity to preserve that which makes it possible."--Thomas Pollard, cell biologist, President, The Salk Institute "Incisive, comprehensive, witty, and beautiful, with paragraph after paragraph of lucidity and significance. We could be witnessing one of the most important cultural events of the last three centuries--the moment when scientists themselves take seriously their role in forging a planetary wisdom."--Brian Swimme, cosmologist, California Institute of Integral Studies "A celebration of molecular biology, with meditations on the spiritual and religious meaning that can be found at the heart of science, makes an important contribution to the ongoing dialog between science and religion. This book well engage anyone who has ever been mesmerized--or terrified--by the mysteries of existence."--Biology Digest "Her descriptions of enzymes, zygotes, and eukaryotes are crystal clear, and warmly complement her outlook."--Gilbert Taylor,Booklist "In this unique book...Goodenough has accomplished what few scientists dare to try: to provide a clear, even reductionist, account of the most modern concepts in science."--San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle "For a scientist like myself, Goodenough's elegant narratives provide a refreshing way to encounter familiar material. I was especially impressed with her ability to cut right to the quick, so that within a few short pages the reader is whisked from the big bang to the emergence of our planet and the birth of life on earth."--Scientific American

Product Description
For many of us, the great scientific discoveries of the modern age--the Big Bang, evolution, quantum physics, relativity-- point to an existence that is bleak, devoid of meaning, pointless. But in The Sacred Depths of Nature, eminent biologist Ursula Goodenough shows us that the scientific world view need not be a source of despair. Indeed, it can be a wellspring of solace and hope.
This eloquent volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for reverence and continuity. Looking at topics such as evolution, emotions, sexuality, and death, Goodenough writes with rich, uncluttered detail about the workings of nature in general and of living creatures in particular. Her luminous clarity makes it possible for even non-scientists to appreciate that the origins of life and the universe are no less meaningful because of our increasingly scientific understanding of them. At the end of each chapter, Goodenough's spiritual reflections respond to the complexity of nature with vibrant emotional intensity and a sense of reverent wonder.
A beautifully written celebration of molecular biology with meditations on the spiritual and religious meaning that can be found at the heart of science, this volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing dialog between science and religion. This book will engage anyone who was ever mesmerized--or terrified--by the mysteries of existence.

Showing 1-10 of 50 reviews

Paul Chadwick

5.0 out of 5 starsExcellent discussion of current biological science as it relates to popular religionsApril 23, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Ursula Goodenough was an assistant professor in the Biology Department at Harvard during the same time in the early 1970s that I was a graduate student there in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I didn't know her, but we both worked in the Biological Laboratories, I on the fourth floor, and she may be been one floor down. In any case, I saw her around. She appeared to me at the time to be one of those hippyish characters that were common in that era, and I didn't think much more about it.
Her book is excellent. I little out of date, published in 1998, but only with regard to a few minor details that have emerged since the sequencing of the human genome was completed about three years after its publication. It is a very thoughtful synthesis of the understandings of current biological science with the human tendency toward religiosity and the myths and tenets of popular religions. On reading, I was amazed at how much it reflected my own views. Well worth reading!

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John W

5.0 out of 5 starsReverence for realitySeptember 12, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
The idea of having a spiritual reflection on each step of the evolutionary process seems like something that could make you cringe. But Ursula has a deep reverence for the science that she knows and an equally deep understanding of Christian culture, so she pulls it off. Definitely quote worthy.

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5.0 out of 5 starsAn illuminating journey into the sacred depths of biology.December 9, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
I did find Ursula Goodenough's "Sacred Depths of Nature" an illuminating ride. She has a true appreciation for the--religious-- mystery to be found scientific discovery. And explains it, step-by-step, in a way a lay-person such as myself can follow. Richard Dawkins and Neil de Grasse Tyson need to read this book.

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Joyce Converse

5.0 out of 5 starsA Sustaining ConsciousnessJanuary 11, 2014
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
With absolutely no background in physics, chemistry or biology, this was a difficult book technically but what the author manages is miraculous. First, she is a great teacher, using metaphor to help with understanding since there really ARE no visuals for her subject matter -- matter itself. In each chapter she teaches a scientific process. Then she adds her reflections on it -- i.e. she brings it into a personal/emotional realm and finally, she often ends the chapter with a quote or a poem. If one were able to really take it in, to understand it well enough to absorb it deeply, it translates to love, awe, wonder -- of all things, of life, of self and becomes the foundation for a way of being in the world that accepts even death as a gift of life (as contradictory as that may sound). What emerges is a reverence toward life itself --- its individual uniqueness and its improbability -- a non-theistic consciousness not dependent on belief, therefore not a religion. It takes the human cravings that create religion and grounds them in fact. For me, this is a life-changing book. My metaphor: the ingredients, the cooking tools, the chopping, mixing, stirring, baking, the time necessary to produce fabulous food, wherein the whole is greater than the sum of the parts -- these are all the nucleotides, cascades, cells, genes, proteins that engage and produce species -- both plant and animal, each of which is truly one of a kind.

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Robert L. Bartz

5.0 out of 5 starsClear and simple explainations of how the world came to be and how it works.October 10, 2015
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
This book is a clearly written source of how our world came to be and how it works. I've sent it to my granddaughters as a primary source
to acquaint them with how things really work. My only reservation is that Ursula toys around with "beliefs" as a crutch for what can't be
explained by science. Later in the book she rejects this use of "beliefs". With the scientific method there is no place for beliefs (you only accept
what you can prove under controlled conditions). Yet she has a knack for explaining things clearly and simply.

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5.0 out of 5 starsExcellent!May 15, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Excellent is the only word I can say. This book is truly speaking of my heart as an agnostic and as a naturalist. I highly recommend this book to anyone trying to seek meaning of life in the world of laws of nature and not in any dogma, you'll not be disappointed!

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Allen K. Lang

5.0 out of 5 starsHard science and thoughtful ethical thought in balance.September 15, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Our Humanist group has spent four meetings discussing Goodenough's book, to our great advantage. Her review of molecular biology is available—just available!—to readers not at home in DNA science. Her thoughts on ethics and religion are great for stimulating thoughtful conversation.

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Beth C.

5.0 out of 5 starsRespecting our world.April 12, 2019
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
I just received the book yesterday. I’m mesmerized by it. Loving the 🌍 earth, taking good are of humans, animals,every living thing. Book arrived super fast. I can’t wait to read the rest.

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C. Iyizob

3.0 out of 5 starsIt's kindof ok but it's not what i thought it ...November 26, 2016
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
It's kindof ok but it's not what i thought it would be. It's just a biology textbook. The only thing that makes it different from a textbook is just that at the end of each chapter she writes a single page called "reflections" that summarizes the science with a religious tone. Religous naturalism in this book is purely emotional and not philosophical.

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Rebecca Anne Turner

4.0 out of 5 starsNiceDecember 28, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

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The Sacred Depths of Nature

 3.88  ·   Rating details ·  304 ratings  ·  39 reviews
This volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for reverence and continuity. Looking at topics such as evolution, emotions, sexuality, and death, Goodenough writes with rich, uncluttered detail about the workings of nature in general and of living creatures in particular. Her luminous clarity makes it possible for even non-scientists to appreciate that the origins of life and the universe are no less meaningful because of our increasingly scientific understanding of them. At the end of each chapter, Goodenough's spiritual reflections respond to the complexity of nature with vibrant emotional intensity and a sense of reverent wonder. (less)


Paperback224 pages
Published June 1st 2000 by Oxford University Press, USA (first published January 1st 1998)


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Amy Drew
Dec 26, 2010rated it it was amazing
as someone who identifies as a religious naturalist, I consider this book to be canon; it is one book of my bible. While I am hopelessly inept at articulating the deep and transcendent reverence for nature that keeps me warm all through these winters of our cultural discontent, the unjustly named Goodenough gracefully conveys -- and celebrates -- the soulfulness of the spiritual scientist. if there is anyone on earth I share a worldview with exactly, it's ursula goodenough, and her explanation of this viewpoint is triumphant in its clarity. (less)
Ursula Goodenough's ideas and thoughts are very similar to my own. One big difference between us might be that she was brought up in a family and community where religion played a major role. I did not, and I have always considered myself to be an atheist. Or better yet: What I would call myself if people asked whether I was religious. In my teen years I even was a very active member of a discussion group about religion and non-religion. It says something about what I (don't) believe about a personal God, and that I find the subject fascinating. But "atheism" doesn't say a lot about what I dó believe. Some terms might describe me: humanist, skeptic, openminded, curious, etc.
But does that say anything about how I experience this world, this existence, this Universe? Probably not, since it can't get more personal than this. I am Nick, with my personal thoughts and feelings about this world. There is no need to categorize myself, to use an ultimate term to describe me, but spiritual naturalism comes as close as possible. In my whole life I've been in awe of The Universe. The grandness of it, the tiny parts that it constitutes of. Life has always made me feel connected and hopeful. Science and philosophy have been my ways to research this complex world, to somehow praise the beauty and intricacies of it, and even to give great meaning and enjoyment to my life. The remaining mysteries excite me, existing knowledge attracts me to learn about it without end, existential questions keep me up at night, music and art make me feel more alive than just my biochemical interactions what life is made out of. And all of this, all the emotions, experiences, thoughts and concepts take place in my personal "thinking organ" called the brain, evolved out of billions of biological evolution, evolved out of billions of cosmic evolution. All these emergent functions... It's simply amazing.

Whether you would call me an atheist or spiritual naturalist... I don't mind. All I can say is that I am a person with both feet on the ground who's deeply in love with The Universe.
Timothy Urges
Aug 01, 2017rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition

Asking those profound questions that no one can answer, but also important observations are made on the genesis of life on earth and its continuation.

Half of this reads like a textbook. The other half reflects on scientific facts, and how cells are as holy as gods.
Jun 10, 2012rated it liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Jul 20, 2010rated it liked it
Recommended to Adam by: Melody Moberg
I am somewhat ambivalent about this book. I was expecting a book of Deep Ecology, featuring the author's personal spiritual reactions to scientific epiphanies. Instead, Goodenough takes it upon herself to organize all human spiritual and cultural traditions around that set of scientific epiphanies in an effort to create a unifying Global Ethos. Instead of responding personally to things, she merely collects a few random scraps of sacred text and waxes briefly on how different spiritual traditions responded to the biological concepts she's describing. Since much of the scientific material is old hat to most people, much of the book ends up being fairly innocuous light reading. What bits of science held more interest for me did so by virtue of their novelty to me personally. Those few things definitely did make me more excited to take Intro Bio next fall.

What I did find very positive and valuable about this book, however, was the way it inspired me to respond with deep and reflective thoughts. I found myself writing a lot in response to her ideas, and thinking and reflecting even more, even though I didn't find her ideas or the way she articulated them very interesting in themselves. Therefore, I definitely found it a worthwhile read, and would probably recommend you follow through and read it if you're interested. But it's not vital.

The best part of the book was the final chapter or epilogue, and this passage in particular:
"Reproductive success is governed by many variables, but key adaptations have included the evolution of awareness, valuation, and purpose. In order to continue, genomes must dictate organisms that are aware of their environmental circumstances, evaluate those inputs correctly, and respond with intentionality.
And so, I profess my Faith. For me, the existenec of all this complexity and awareness and intent and beauty, and my ability to apprehend it, serves as the ultimate meaning and the ultimate value. the continuation of life reaches around, grabs its own tail, and forms a sacred circle that requires no further justification, no Creator, no superordinate meaning of meaning, no purpose other than that the continuation continue until the sun collapses or the final meteor collides. I confess a credo of continuation."
May 01, 2013rated it liked it
Meh. I really was hoping for more from this - I had heard the author speak on a podcast. It was fine and it was short - so I'll likely read it again for the evolutionary biology - but the reflections were too short and as someone else said she just threw in a lot of quotes from other sources without really explaining them (plus she used a lot of Christian hymns to, I guess, try to explain the religious feelings she gets from nature - but that really didn't fit with the whole premise of the book to me - frankly I hated it). I'm not saying I got nothing from it beyond the biology - It just promised much more than it delivered. There were a couple of takeaway reflections but I wished she had spent more time on them overall. (less)
Dec 13, 2009rated it it was amazing
I read this first in December of 2009 but was reminded of it again when I attended a panel discussion on science & religion. So, I read it again with a renewed interest in spiritual naturalism. This remains a special book I will pick up for inspiration and renewal.

Understanding how life works from a cellular biological perspective could result in confusion about religious beliefs but Ursula Goodenough makes sense of it all. Despite the technical discussion of amino acids, proteins, reproduction, evolution, etc. she can still experience and appreciate the profound and the sacred. She ends up with a theory of continuation or Religious Naturalism. I want to read it again.
Mark Johnson
Apr 25, 2012rated it really liked it
As a religious person that is finding traditional religion to be lacking, I greatly welcomed this book. The author is an atheist, but attends church regular. Her Dad, a former theology prof, and also an athist, says that, nonetheless, he stills prays and 'Jesus answers.' For me, this book accepts the scientific version of the world (as I do) but does not throw the baby out with the bathwater--that is, it still recognizes the spiritual nature of ourselves and hat we must have ways of touching that nd letting our 'souls' (which likely don't exit) express themselves. (less)
Anjie Brown
Jan 06, 2012rated it liked it
Excellent book if you're looking for an easy to understand break-down of cellular biology and chemistry. It is indeed, a fascinating read, but, for me, it still lacks the depth of spirituality that I'm looking for and striving to understand. Pantheism is an extraordinary concept, and even given how well this book is written, it still lacks the close, personal experience that I want and crave. Great book...just not the book for me.
A little too deep for Jane Q. Public. Maybe even for some of us who have had courses in biology and physiology, genetics and chemistry. Maybe this reader been away from the sciences for too long. It's hard to make it relate to one's everyday life.
Frank Jude
Ursula Goodenough is one of America's leading cell biologists and the author of a wonderful textbook, Genetics. She has served as President of the American Society of Cell Biology and of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science. She is the current president of the Religious Naturalist Association (RNA... and yes, it is a conscious pun) of which I am a member.

There is a growing movement of naturalists who find religious or spiritual experience within nature while rejecting the supernatural. Along with the Religious Naturalist Association, for instance, is the Spiritual Naturalist Society and the Sacred Naturalism Project spearheaded by my friend, Alice Andrews. And of course, I've been creating and teaching what I call Zen Naturalism for just over ten years now.

This little book from Goodenough is divided up into twelve chapters, each beginning with a story about the dynamic processes of Nature. The first, "Origins of the Earth" is one from physics, but staring with the second, "Origins of Life" her emphasis is on biology starting with the fascinating story of molecules, genes and cells. From chapter to chapter she walks us through what she calls the "Epic of Evolution" including the patterns of biological evolution and the arising of biodiversity; multicellularity, and the emergence of sex and sexuality and death (they are intimately related), to awareness, emotion, and value.

She shows convincingly how the arising of the deepest sense of meaning and value can be accounted for through natural causes, not requiring any supernatural "Creator" or given meaning to life. Each story is followed by a short "religious response" which may include some poetry or commentary on a re-valuation of traditional religious concepts such as the central importance of "fellowship and community" which she grounds in our common ancestry with all of life as understood through the mechanism of evolution.

I heartily recommend this book! If you are a lay-reader, you will learn more about biological processes and the working of evolution than you might expect -- all told in an engaging way that makes the science easier to digest and the religious experience via nature fully accessible.