
空海 - Wikipedia

空海 - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
宝亀5年 - 承和2年3月21日
774年 - 835年4月22日新暦))
Kobo Daishi (Taisanji Matsuyama).jpg
空海(くうかい、774年宝亀5年〉- 835年4月22日承和2年3月21日〉)は、平安時代初期の弘法大師(こうぼうだいし)の諡号で知られる真言宗の開祖である。俗名佐伯 眞魚(さえき の まお[1][2]



宝亀5年(774年)、讃岐国多度郡屏風浦で生まれた。父は郡司佐伯直田公(さえきのあたいたぎみ)、母は阿刀大足の娘[3][注釈 1]幼名真魚。真言宗の伝承では空海の誕生日を6月15日とするが、これは中国密教の大成者である不空三蔵の入滅の日であり、空海が不空の生まれ変わりとする伝承によるもので、正確な誕生日は不明である[注釈 2][注釈 3]


延暦12年(793年)、大学での勉学に飽き足らず、19歳を過ぎた頃から山林での修行に入ったという。24歳で儒教道教・仏教の比較思想論でもある『聾瞽指帰』を著して俗世の教えが真実でないことを示した[注釈 4]。この時期より入唐までの空海の足取りは資料が少なく、断片的で不明な点が多い。しかし吉野金峰山四国石鎚山などで山林修行を重ねると共に、幅広く仏教思想を学んだことは想像に難くない。『大日経』を初めとする密教経典に出会ったのもこの頃と考えられている。さらに中国語梵字・悉曇などにも手を伸ばした形跡もある。
空海の得度に関しては、延暦12年に、20歳にして勤操を師とし和泉国槇尾山寺出家したという説、あるいは25歳出家説が古くからとなえられていたが、延暦23年、遣唐使が遭難し来年も遣唐使が派遣されることを知ったとされる、入唐直前31歳の延暦23年(804年)に東大寺戒壇院で得度受戒したという説が有力視されている。太政官譜では延暦23年(804年)4月7日出家したと記載する[6][注釈 5]。空海という名をいつから名乗っていたのかは定かではないがこの太政官譜が初出である[8]。鎌倉時代成立の『御遺告』に私度僧として無空と名乗ったとある。同書の後には、20歳の大安寺得度で教海、後に叙空と称したとあるが、20歳得度自体が架空とされ信じられない[9]


同年5月12日難波津を出航、博多を経由し7月6日肥前国松浦郡田浦、五島市三井楽町[14] から入唐の途についた。空海と橘逸勢が乗船したのは遣唐大使の乗る第1船、最澄は第2船である。この入唐船団の第3船、第4船は遭難し、唐にたどり着いたのは第1船と第2船のみであった。
五島市三井楽 空海『「辞本涯」(日本さいはての地を去るの意)の碑』
8月中旬以降になると、大勢の人たちが関わって曼荼羅や密教法具の製作、経典の書写が行われた。恵果和尚からは阿闍梨付嘱物を授けられた。伝法の印信である。阿闍梨付嘱物とは、金剛智 - 不空金剛 - 恵果と伝えられてきた仏舎利、刻白檀仏菩薩金剛尊像など8点、恵果和尚から与えられた健陀穀糸袈裟や供養具など5点の計13点である。対して空海は伝法への感謝を込め、恵果和尚に袈裟と柄香炉を献上している。


空海は、20年の留学期間を2年で切り上げ帰国したため、空海に対して、朝廷は対応に困ったのか大同4年(809年)まで入京を許可せず、大同元年10月の帰国後は、入京の許しを待って数年間大宰府に滞在することを余儀なくされた[注釈 6]。大同2年(807年)より2年ほどは大宰府・観世音寺に止住している。この時期空海は、個人の法要を引き受け、その法要のために密教図像を制作するなどをしていたとされる[17]


真済[注釈 7]空海僧都伝』によると死因病死で、『続日本後紀』によると遺体は荼毘に付されたようである。しかし後代には、入定したとする文献が現れる。











真如式大師。御影大師(みえいだいし)。特に高野山壇上伽藍の御影堂に奉安されている真如親王が描いた空海の姿を「高野山本」と称することもある。水原尭栄 著『弘法大師影像図考』では、真如様大師のことを「普通大師」と記しているぐらい、空海の肖像で最も流布されている姿でもある。
単独でこの様式が採られた作例もある。作例としては、絹本著色弘法大師像 画賛
空海は弥勒菩薩と関わりが深い。高野山奥の院御廟の柱に一対の「」が掲げられている。その聯には「我昔遇薩埵 親悉傳印明發無比誓願 陪邊地異域晝夜愍萬民 住普賢悲願 肉身證三昧 待慈氏下生」と記されている。この文章は空海の言葉とされ、一部を意訳すれば、「弥勒菩薩が下生されるまで、あらゆる場所に現れて、昼夜を通して、苦しむ衆生に慈悲を掛けるために、肉身のまま瞑想に入る」。この言葉が空海が、高野山で入定した理由とも言える。また、東寺の定額僧・縁実が、香川県の善通寺の別当になり、下向し、善通寺で空海の筆からなる文書を感得した。その感得した文書である「日々影向文」には、「卜居於高野樹下遊神 於都卒雲上 不闕日々之影向 検知處々之遺跡」とあり、弥勒菩薩の浄土である「兜率天」に空海が住していると認識されていた。
作例としては、高野山奥の院燈籠堂に安置している木像。江戸時代の作と推定される。台座は、下から雲形・羯磨・蓮台で構成され、蓮台の上に空海が座し、右手に五鈷杵 左手に五輪塔を持している。後背には「光明真言」が彫られている。法量・一尺一寸、身体のみの法量五寸。
香川県善通寺蔵。「弘法大師御誕生所 屏風浦 善通寺略記」に拠れば、承元3年8月1日、土御門天皇が百官を伴い、真如様大師の絵像を叡覧されたところ、その絵像の眼が瞬きをされた。そのことから、土御門天皇が勅して、叡覧された絵像を「瞬目大師」と命名された。





その後、昭和59年の御遠忌までには高野山道路が整備され、1150年御遠忌は参詣客が大幅に増え過去最高だった。当時の高野山の宿坊の参籠者はどこも定員をはるかに超し、客室以外の場所でも宿泊するほどの人出であったと、高野山内寺院の関係者はいう。これに合わせて映画「空海」が制作され、全国的な盛り上がりとなる[注釈 8]


この節には、JIS X 0213:2004 で規定されている文字(崔子玉座右銘の「崔瑗」の2文字目は王偏に爰)が含まれています(詳細)。
(「無道人之短 無説己之長」という句の太字部分)
崔子玉座右銘(さいしぎょく ざゆうのめい)
後漢崔瑗の『座右銘』100字を草書で2、3字ずつ、数十行に書いたものである。もとは白麻紙の横巻で高野山宝亀院の蔵であったが、今は同院に冒頭10字が残るだけで、ほかは諸家に分蔵され、100字中42字が現存する。字径が12cm - 16cmもあるので古筆家は『大字切』(だいじぎれ)と称している[32][31]


空海は当代一流の文人としても知られる。勅撰三集の一つ『経国集』に8首の詩が入集しているが、これは入集した詩人全体の中で4番目に多い[注釈 9]。空海の著作の一つ『文鏡秘府論』は詩作法・作文法の解説書で、その序文によれば、当時、多くの若者が詩作・作文の教授を乞うため空海のもとを訪れていたらしい。 また、空海の詩文を弟子の真済が集成した『性霊集』の序文によれば、空海は詩、上表文、碑銘文、願文などあらゆる種類の文を、草稿なしですぐに書き上げるのが常であったという。実際、『日本後紀』天長2年閏7月19日条は、仁王会の東宮講師に配された空海が、通例では当代の著名な文人にあらかじめ作らせておく呪願文を、講説の直前に即座に書き上げたと伝えている。






開湯伝説 [編集]





空海は嵯峨天皇からの勅命を得、大内裏應天門を書くことになった[注釈 10]が、「應」の一番上の点を書き忘れ、まだれがんだれにしてしまった。空海は掲げられた額を降ろさずに筆を投げつけて書き直したといわれている。このことわざには、現在、「たとえ大人物であっても、誰にでも間違いはあるもの」という意味だけが残っているが、本来は「さすが大師、書き直し方さえも常人とは違う」というほめ言葉の意味も含まれている。



  • 『定本弘法大師全集』〈全11巻〉高野山密教文化研究所、1997年完結
  • 『弘法大師空海全集』〈全8巻〉筑摩書房、1983-1986年、復刊2001年
  • 『弘法大師著作全集』〈全4巻〉勝又俊教編、山喜房仏書林、復刊1994年


  • 『空海 三教指帰、文鏡秘府論・序』福永光司訳注、中公クラシックス、2003年
  • 『空海 「三教指帰」』加藤純隆/加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2007年
  • 『空海 「秘蔵宝鑰」』加藤純隆/加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2010年
  • 『空海 「般若心経秘鍵」』加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2011年5月
  • 『空海 「即身成仏義」「声字実相義」「吽字義」』加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2013年7月
  • 『空海 「弁顕密二教論」』加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2014年11月
  • 『空海 「性霊集』加藤精一訳注、角川ソフィア文庫、2015年11月
  • 『空海コレクション1 秘蔵宝鑰、弁顕密二教論』宮坂宥勝監修、頼富本宏訳注、ちくま学芸文庫、2004年
  • 『空海コレクション2 即身成仏義、声字実相義ほか』宮坂宥勝監修、頼富本宏ほか訳注、ちくま学芸文庫、2004年
  • 『空海コレクション3・4 秘密曼荼羅十住心論 上・下』福田亮成校訂・訳注、ちくま学芸文庫、2013年10・11月





  • 此処にいる空海








  1. ^ 母の名は「玉依御前」「阿古屋御前」などと称されるが、正確なところは不明である。
  2. ^ 空海の出生月日が6月15日であることを裏付ける史料はなく、後世の付会であることは、多くの空海関係書で言及されている。たとえば次の文献を参照。上山春平『空海』、朝日新聞社(朝日選書)、1992、p.49。竹内信夫『空海入門』、筑摩書房(ちくま新書)、1997、p.79。
  3. ^ 空海の誕生日を「6月15日」とするのは、頼瑜1304年没)の『真俗雑記』が初見である[4]
  4. ^ 『聾瞽指帰』は、序文と巻末の十韻詩が『三教指帰』とは異なるが、本文は同一である。なお、『聾瞽指帰』については、近年空海筆に対する賛否があり確定していない。米田弘仁「三教指帰」(『日本仏教の文献ガイド』所収)などに詳しい。
  5. ^ 太政官符の得度年については延暦22年が多いが醍醐寺の聖賢『高野大師御広伝』写しでは延暦23年としている[7]
  6. ^ 空海が朝廷に献上する経典の目録「御請来目録」に「闕期の罪、死して余り有りと雖も、ひそかに喜ぶ得がたき法を生きて将来せることを」 と書いているから、規則違反で「闕期の罪」に問われたと、専門家の書籍[19]まで書いているが遣唐使判官の承認での経由と唐朝短縮許可という正規の手続きを経て、罪にも問われていないし、軽い謹慎の扱いである。謙譲的な文言との意見もある[20]
  7. ^ 真済に仮託して10世紀ごろ書かれたとするのが通説。
  8. ^ 映画の制作に当たり、十八派に分断されていた真言宗が、祖師のもと一致団結すべしという機運が盛り上がり、宗派を縦断した映画制作委員会が結成される。
  9. ^ 『経国集』の全20巻中、伝存するのは梵門(仏教詩部門)を収めた巻十を含む6巻しかなく、全容が不明であることを考慮しても、空海の詩は仏教詩だけでなく、雑詠の巻十一、巻十三にもある。
  10. ^ 史実としては、南側の複数の門を担当している。東側の諸門は嵯峨帝自身が、北側を橘逸勢が、西側を(三筆に数えられていない)小野美材が担当。


  1. ^ 弘法大師の誕生と歴史”. 高野山真言宗 総本山金剛峯寺. 2019年1月18日閲覧。
  2. ^ 得度の延暦24年太政官符も俗名「眞魚」とする。
  3. ^ 『続日本後紀』承和3年(836年)2月紀。
  4. ^ 佐藤良盛『わが家の宗教 真言宗』、大法輪閣、1988、p.38
  5. ^ 007 平城京の寄宿先「佐伯院」|空海誕生 -エンサイクロメディア空海-”. 密教21フォーラム. 2019年1月18日閲覧。
  6. ^ 頼富 2015, p. 76.
  7. ^ 頼富 2015, p. 78高木訷元校訂
  8. ^ 頼富 2015, p. 77.
  9. ^ 頼富 2015, p. 54-55.
  10. ^ 東野治之 2007, pp. 111-118、「薬生」史料は、安然『真言宗教時義』
  11. ^ 東野治之 2007, pp. 122-123.
  12. ^ 石田実洋 2011, pp. 222-223.
  13. ^ 東野治之 2007, pp. 111-118..
  14. ^ 空海「遍照発揮性霊集」。
  15. ^ 渡辺照宏宮坂宥勝『沙門空海』筑摩叢書 1967年 pp.69、242
  16. ^ 一条真也『超訳 空海の言葉』(KKベストセラーズ)6ページ
  17. a b 渡辺照宏宮坂宥勝『沙門空海』筑摩叢書 1967年 pp.87-92
  18. ^ 平山徳一『五島史と民俗』(私家版 1989年[要ページ番号]
  19. ^ 松長有慶『空海・心の眼をひらく - 弘法大師の生涯と密教』 大法輪閣 2002年 p,106、高木訷元, ‎岡村圭真『密教の聖者空海』<日本の名僧4> 吉川弘文館 2003年 p.72 など
  20. ^ 宮坂宥勝『空海の人生と思想』春秋社 1976年 p.26
  21. ^ 入澤宣幸『ビジュアル百科 日本史1200人』(西東社)35頁
  22. ^ 阿部龍一「『聾瞽指帰』の再評価と山林の言説」『奈良平安時代の〈知〉の相関』根本誠二・秋吉正博・長谷部将司・黒須利夫編、岩田書院、2015年。 ISBN 978-4-87294-889-9[要ページ番号]
  23. ^ 「高野山真言宗壇信徒必携」新居祐政 高野山出版社[要ページ番号]
  24. ^ 伝説では、『拾遺往生伝』によると「土佐の金剛頂寺十一世住職・蓮臺が承徳2年(1098年)6月7日に高野山からの帰路「南無弘法大師遍照金剛菩薩」と唱えたのが最初という」
  25. ^ 東寺の僧・亮禅が嘉元4年(1306)に唱え東寺を中心に広まったとされ、一方、八字の宝号は室町時代中期に高野山の印融らにより作られ、六字の宝号をしのぎ広まった。(印度学仏教研究45巻2号平成9年3月日野西真定/著による)
  26. ^ 『真言礦石集』第三
  27. ^ 「本朝伝法灌頂師資相承血脈」(『大日本古文書』家わけ19、醍醐寺文書之一、279号)所載。
  28. ^ 「弘法大師影像図考」水原堯栄 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
  29. ^ 高野山開創1200年「高野山の名宝」リーフレット 2014~2015年 あべのハルカス美術館サントリー美術館
  30. ^ 森正人『四国遍路の近現代-「モダン遍路」から「癒しの旅」まで』創元社、2005年。[要ページ番号]
  31. a b 木村卜堂 『日本と中国の書史』(日本書作家協会、1971年)P.18 - 21
  32. ^ 鈴木翠軒・伊東参州 『新説和漢書道史』(日本習字普及協会、1996年11月、ISBN 978-4-8195-0145-3)P.212
  33. ^ 空海・酒麻呂の関係については、『日本三代実録』貞観3年11月11日条に記載されている。
  34. ^ 日本文理大学・河野研究室 名水の部屋”. 2011年12月8日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2019年1月18日閲覧。弘法水の水文科学的研究
  35. a b 湯山賢一 「後醍醐天皇宸筆天長印信」、西川新次山根有三編 『醍醐寺大観』 3巻 岩波書店、2001年、解説部87–88頁。ISBN 978-4000089180
  36. ^ 小学館『精選版 日本国語大辞典』. “『護摩の灰』”. コトバンク経由. 2020年4月1日閲覧。
  37. ^ “染谷将太がチェン・カイコー監督作「空海―KU-KAI―」で主演”映画ナタリー. (2016年10月17日)2016年10月17日閲覧。


  • 坂口昌弘著『ヴァーサス日本文化精神史』文學の森
  • 東野治之『遣唐使』岩波書店〈岩波新書〉、2007年11月。ISBN 978-4-00-431104-1
  • 石田実洋「留学生・留学僧と渡来した人々」『律令国家と東アジア』吉川弘文館〈日本の対外関係 2〉、2011年5月。ISBN 978-4-642-01702-2
  • 頼富本宏『新版 空海と密教 - 「情報」と「癒し」の扉をひらく』PHP、2015年3月。ISBN 978-4-569824000



Green Illusions - Wikipedia

Green Illusions - Wikipedia

Green Illusions
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Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism (ISBN 978-0-8032-3775-9), by Ozzie Zehner
was published in 2012 by the University of Nebraska Press

It discusses various approaches to "clean energy", and why they do not provide the desired benefits. The author writes: "We don’t have an energy crisis. We have a consumption crisis."[1] 

Green Illusions argues that perceived solutions to climate change, such as solar cells, wind turbines, and electric cars, are better understood as illusions that people and groups use to convince themselves that they can be sustainable without reducing material consumption and overall human numbers over time, especially in wealthy countries. [2] The book generated significant controversy upon its publication leading to sections being censored in the United State and resulting in death threats to the author. [3] [4] However, the book was chosen by Goodreads users as a top-ten non-fiction book. [5] It also won the Northern California Book Award and Nautilus Award. [6] The author is co-producing a film on the subject entitled, Planet of the Humans.[7]
Green Illusions is broken into two distinct parts. 

Part I is a current history and investigation into why people believe renewable energy technologies will benefit humanity and the planet, and why that belief system is highly suspect and even detrimental despite the fact that fossil fuels yield negative consequences as well. [8] 

Part II proposes several dozen first steps as alternatives to alternative energy, which the author sees as holding greater potential for addressing environmental challenges. [9] In successive chapters, it discusses solar cells, wind power, biofuels, nuclear power, hydrogen power, coal power, hydropower, alternative energy, green investment, population control, consumption, architecture, carbon taxes, environmental education.

Writing in the Huffington Post, Tom Zeller Jr. calls the author a provocateur. He cites Chris Meehan, who called his view of photovoltaics "alarmist" and "misleading", and he cites Nick Chambers, who called his view of electric vehicles "ridiculous". However, Zeller writes that Zehner cites a "2010 lifecycle analysis" by the National Academy of Sciences as a basis for evaluating the "aggregate environmental damage" from an electric car.[10]

Writing for The Tyee, Justin Ritchie points to a fundamental question: "in a world of limited decisions, is it really smart to subsidize marginally effective mitigation strategies of our car culture, suburbia and overpopulation without addressing the root causes?"[11]

All copies of the book sold in the United States were self-censored due to food libel laws that enable the food industry to sue journalists and authors who criticize their products.

See also[edit]

Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future (2006 book)
Fossil-fuel phase-out

^ Review by Ozzie Zehner at Goodreads
^ [1] by conscioused.org
^ [2] by University of British Columbia
^ [3] by Wikimedia Commons
^ [4] by Seattle Public Library
^ [5] by KQED
^ [6] by Non-Fiction Film
^ [7] by conscioused.org
^ [8] by conscioused.org
^ Review by Tom Zeller Jr. in the Huffington Post, July 27, 2012
^ Review by Justin Ritchie in The Tyee, September 27, 2012

External links[edit]

Clean energy won’t save us – only a new economic system can | Working in development | The Guardian

Clean energy won’t save us – only a new economic system can | Working in development | The Guardian

Clean energy won’t save us – only a new economic system can
This article is more than 3 years oldJason Hickel

It’s time to pour our creative energies into imagining a new global economy. Infinite growth is a dangerous illusion

Fri 15 Jul 2016 21.00 AESTLast modified on Thu 15 Feb 2018 04.58 AEDT


 ‘That 30% chunk of greenhouse gases that comes from non-fossil fuel sources isn’t static. It is adding more to the atmosphere each year.’ Photograph: Ashley Cooper/Global Warming Images/Alamy

Earlier this year media outlets around the world announced that February had broken global temperature records by a shocking amount. March broke all the records too. In June, our screens were covered with surreal images of flooding in Paris, the Seine bursting its banks and flowing into the streets. In London, floods sent water pouring into the tube system right in the heart of Covent Garden. Roads in south-east London became rivers two metres deep.

With such extreme events becoming more commonplace, few deny climate change any longer. Finally, a consensus is crystallising around one all-important fact: fossil fuels are killing us. We need to switch to clean energy, and fast.

This growing awareness about the dangers of fossil fuels represents a crucial shift in our consciousness. But I can’t help but fear we’ve missed the point. As important as clean energy might be, the science is clear: it won’t save us from climate change.

What would we do with 100% clean energy? Exactly what we’re doing with fossil fuels

Let’s imagine, just for argument’s sake, that we are able to get off fossil fuels and switch to 100% clean energy. There is no question this would be a vital step in the right direction, but even this best-case scenario wouldn’t be enough to avert climate catastrophe.

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Why? Because the burning of fossil fuels only accounts for about 70% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The remaining 30% comes from a number of causes. Deforestation is a big one. So is industrial agriculture, which degrades the soils to the point where they leach CO2. Then there’s industrial livestock farming which produces 90m tonnes of methane per year and most of the world’s anthropogenic nitrous oxide. Both of these gases are vastly more potent than CO2 when it comes to global warming. Livestock farming alone contributes more to global warming than all the cars, trains, planes and ships in the world. Industrial production of cement, steel, and plastic forms another major source of greenhouse gases, and then there are our landfills, which pump out huge amounts of methane – 16% of the world’s total.

FacebookTwitterPinterest Jeffrey’s Bay wind farm in South Africa. Photograph: Nic Bothma/EPA

When it comes to climate change, the problem is not just the type of energy we are using, it’s what we’re doing with it. What would we do with 100% clean energy? Exactly what we are doing with fossil fuels: raze more forests, build more meat farms, expand industrial agriculture, produce more cement, and fill more landfill sites, all of which will pump deadly amounts of greenhouse gas into the air. We will do these things because our economic system demands endless compound growth, and for some reason we have not thought to question this.

Forget 'developing' poor countries, it's time to 'de-develop' rich countries
Jason Hickel

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Think of it this way. That 30% chunk of greenhouse gases that comes from non-fossil fuel sources isn’t static. It is adding more to the atmosphere each year. Scientists project that our tropical forests will be completely destroyed by 2050, releasing a 200bn tonne carbon bomb into the air. The world’s topsoils could be depleted within just 60 years, releasing more still. Emissions from the cement industry are growing at more than 9% per year. And our landfills are multiplying at an eye-watering pace: by 2100 we will be producing 11m tonnes of solid waste per day, three times more than we do now. Switching to clean energy will do nothing to slow this down.

If we keep growing at 3% a year, that means that every 20 years we need to double the size of the global economy

The climate movement made an enormous mistake. We focused all our attention on fossil fuels, when we should have been pointing to something much deeper: the basic logic of our economic operating system. After all, we’re only using fossil fuels in the first place to fuel the broader imperative of GDP growth.

The root problem is the fact that our economic system demands ever-increasing levels of extraction, production and consumption. Our politicians tell us that we need to keep the global economy growing at more than 3% each year – the minimum necessary for large firms to make aggregate profits. That means every 20 years we need to double the size of the global economy – double the cars, double the fishing, double the mining, double the McFlurries and double the iPads. And then double them again over the next 20 years from their already doubled state.
FacebookTwitterPinterest Current projections show that by 2040 we will more than double the world’s shipping miles, air miles, and trucking miles. Photograph: Feature China/Barcroft Images

Our more optimistic pundits claim that technological innovations will help us to de-couple economic growth from material throughput. But sadly there is no evidence that this is happening. Global material extraction and consumption has grown by 94% since 1980, and is still going up. Current projections show that by 2040 we will more than double the world’s shipping miles, air miles, and trucking miles – along with all the material stuff that those vehicles transport – almost exactly in keeping with the rate of GDP growth.

The pope v the UN: who will save the world first?
Jason Hickel, Martin Kirk, Joe Brewer

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Clean energy, important as it is, won’t save us from this nightmare. But rethinking our economic system might. GDP growth has been sold to us as the only way to create a better world. But we now have robust evidence that it doesn’t make us any happier, it doesn’t reduce poverty, and its “externalities” produce all sorts of social ills: debt, overwork, inequality, and climate change. We need to abandon GDP growth as our primary measure of progress, and we need to do this immediately – as part and parcel of the climate agreement that will be ratified in Morocco later this year.

It’s time to pour our creative power into imagining a new global economy – one that maximises human wellbeing while actively shrinking our ecological footprint. This is not an impossible task. A number of countries have already managed to achieve high levels of human development with very low levels of consumption. In fact Daniel O’Neill, an economist at the University of Leeds, has demonstrated that even material de-growth is not incompatible with high levels of human well-being.

Our focus on fossil fuels has lulled us into thinking we can continue with the status quo so long as we switch to clean energy, but this is a dangerously simplistic assumption. If we want to stave off the coming crisis, we need to confront its underlying cause.

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The Green Power Illusion - Resilience

The Green Power Illusion - Resilience

By Bill Henderson, originally published by Energy Bulletin
April 8, 2009

America is finally showing leadership on climate change. But unfortunately the Obama Administration and the majority of US climate change activists haven’t learned very important lessons from the peak oil debate and look to be leading the world down an illusory path.

The climate-energy problem needs solution now – not by mid-century. Peakists know that green power – renewable energy: wind, solar, etc – will take many decades to scale up and will never replace fossil fuels to repower America as a consumer-based, car sprawl economy. Therefor green power – even promise of 100% of electrification generation with green power in ten years – is no more a climate change solution than clean coal. Green power and clean coal are lies we tell ourselves because we are in denial about our future and don’t want to even consider needed but daunting substantive change.

Powering down and relocalization are instead the key steps on the path to a healthy American future beginning an immediate reduction of fossil fuel use. Keeping dirty coal and oil sands dirty oil in the ground is the necessary first step to mitigating the emergency danger of going over a tipping point to runaway climate change.

But to even those who understand that we must get back under 350 ppm fast, the American lifestyle remains non-negotiable, and so the Obama Admin and the nations leading climate change activists and pundits have all been seduced by the dream of a technofix.

The Arctic is melting; the era of cheap oil is over; the Obama bounce will become a dead cat bounce as oil price spikes with renewed demand – time for a Secretary of Transition to get serious about the Energy-Climate Era.

In Confronting Its Biggest Foe, Green Movement Also Fights Itself
Jeffrey Ball, WSJ Power Shift Blog
The modern environmental movement is having an identity crisis. Staring down its biggest enemy yet, it’s fiercely divided over how to beat it.

The global challenge of climate change is tougher than the localized problems the green movement has spent decades fighting. To some environmentalists, it requires chucking old orthodoxies and getting practical. To others, it demands an old-style moral crusade.

The pragmatists have the upper hand. One sign is that the movement is moving beyond small-scale backyard wind turbines and rooftop solar panels. It’s calling for technological change at industrial speed and scale — sometimes to the detriment of local ecologies….

Nothing underscores the green movement’s soul-searching more than its conflicted view of coal, which provides about half the world’s electricity. Should society pour billions of dollars into trying to perfect a way to turn coal into electricity without emitting greenhouse gases? Or should it reject coal as inalterably dirty and try to replace it entirely with renewable sources like the wind and sun?
(3 April 2009)

Obama gives the best clean energy and global warming solutions job to Cathy Zoi
Joseph Romm, Climate Progress (also at Grist)

Cathy Zoi, CEO of Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, has been nominated by President Obama to serve as Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) under Energy Secretary Steven Chu…

So we know Zoi gets energy efficiency. Here’s what she wrote last year about “ Embracing the Challenge to Repower America“:

Many Americans have a hard time thinking about our energy future, largely because their energy present is so challenging. With gasoline prices hovering near $4 per gallon and rising energy bills at home and at work, our economy is struggling with the burden of imported oil and reliance on fossil fuels. The need to satisfy the nation’s oil appetite has shaped our foreign and defense postures, and is a primary reason for our current entanglements overseas. Extreme weather here in the U.S. has us feeling uneasy. And the scientists remind us more urgently every week about the mounting manifestations of the climate crisis.

To solve these problems, we must repower our economy. Fast.

Vice President Gore has issued a challenge for us to do just that: Generate 100 percent of America’s electricity from truly clean sources that do not contribute to global warming ­ and do so within 10 years. It is an ambitious but attainable goal. American workers, businesses and families are up to it.
(28 March 2009)

Message To Cathy And Repower America: Green Power Is Not A Climate Change Solution
Bill Henderson, Countercurrents
I keep getting these e-mails from Cathy Zoi. They are all the same: green power is good, green power is jobs; clean electricity within 10 years; you can make a difference by joining our petition for clean cars or the green stimulus package or cap and trade, etc. But she always implies that green power, clean cars, or cap and trade are solutions to climate change and although I tried to e-mail her back asking why she is mis-educating Americans at such a crucial time she never replied. So:

Hey Cathy Zoi and Repower America,

Climate change is an immediate tipping point danger. There is no time to develop green power as a mitigation solution. 7% of the world’s population (us) are causing this humanity threatening problem. We need to get serious about climate change, seek treatment for our addictions and radically reduce our emissions. We can’t remain in New Denial. Why are you using weasel words like the coal industry? They pretend that we can use technology like carbon capture and storage (CCS) when it hasn’t been developed, won’t be practical for decades if ever, instead of doing what we have to do. Which is stop our use of coal and dirty oil like Alberta’s oilsands immediately. (And when CCS is a practical reality then we can burn these fossil fuels again.)
(17 March 2009)

The fierce urgency of now
Bill McKibben, Toronto Star (Also at Common Dreams)
Yes, windmills and dams deface the landscape but the climate crisis demands immediate action.

Watching the backlash against clean energy projects build in Canada has moved me to think about what Americans have learned from facing this same problem. I have been thinking and writing for several years about overcoming conflict-avoidance and the importance of standing up for “Big Truths” even at the price of criticizing fellow environmentalists.

It’s not that I’ve developed a mean streak. It’s that the environmental movement has reached an important point of division, between those who truly get global warming, and those who don’t.

By get, I don’t mean understanding the chemistry of carbon dioxide, or the importance of the Kyoto Protocol, or those kinds of things – pretty much everyone who thinks of themselves as an environmentalist has reached that point. By get, I mean understanding that the question is of transcending urgency, that it represents the one overarching global civilizational challenge that humans have ever faced.

In the U.S., there are all manner of fights to stop or delay every imaginable low-carbon technology. Wind, solar, run-of-river hydro – these are precisely the kinds of renewable energy that every Earth Day speech since 1970 has trumpeted. But now they are finally here – now that we’re talking about particular projects in particular places – people aren’t so keen.
(25 March 2009)

Bill McKibben and the Technofixers’ Tragic Myopia
Jan Lundberg, Culture Change

Like all the global-warming commentators who between them get almost all the press that’s not pro-fossil fuels, Bill McKibben is trapped in the faulty logic of the technofix. To understand the pseudo-green vision, read McKibben’s recent essay “The Fierce Urgency of Now” that appeared in the Toronto Star and the Common Dreams website (and below).

McKibben says in his March 25, 2009 essay, as he has repeated many times, that the number 350 (parts per million carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) is the goal of our time. Yes, if we don’t manage it we’re all cooked. But it’s in the implementation-scheme that we must not be manipulated and tragically misled.

McKibben says we must “reverse the fossil fuel economy”, but we must END the fossil fuel economy. Now — not in “ten years.” The fossil fuel economy is collapsing anyway, and since it has no future — due to the workings of petrocollapse (discussed in this column innumerable times) — it must be shut down by grassroots action. This will take the form of community survival strategies, not government policy initiatives or green venture capitalism.

For McKibben to advocate a “clean energy” transition to a green consumer economy without a fundamental culture change means several things. One is that he does not “get” peak oil or the impossibility of replacing the petroleum infrastructure. Another major error on his part is his corporate position of better cars being the answer; rather, they are the threat. If we waste time on this scam that does not promise to save energy or lives, then McKibben may as well be campaigning for 460 ppm instead of 350. Let us briefly excoriate the corporate news media that is much more friendly to the technofix trap than to fundamental change:
(30 March 2009)
Collapse promises serious emission reduction IF all the world’s economies collapse together but is that likely? In a world full of armaments and remaining fossil fuels a quiet descent to relocalized arcadia is more than a little naive. And what cultural treasures do we lose? A controlled descent is preferable to a spiral to chaos but not a choice so long as ‘Yes we can’ remains an ad for yesterday’s American Dream. -BH

UPDATE (April 19, 2009) Jan Lundberg writes:

Review of Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism by Ozzie Zehner

Review of Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism by Ozzie Zehner

Spring 2013 

Review of 

Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean
Energy and the Future of Environmentalism

by Ozzie

Jonathan Hladik
Center for Rural Affairs 

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Hladik, Jonathan, "Review of Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism by Ozzie Zehner"
(2013). Great Plains Research: A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. 1291.

Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and
the Future of Environmentalism. By Ozzie Zehner. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 2012. xx + 437 pp. Illustrations,
photographs, tables, notes, index. $29.95 paper. 

As we grapple with climate change and pollution, resource scarcity and rising prices, it's clear we need to make difficult choices
about our energy consumption. In the opinion of many, the solution begins and ends with increased investment in renewable
energy systems, an investment that will help us cut back on
emissions and lower prices-while creating economic opportunity here at home. Ozzie Zehner doesn't share that opinion.
His critique of modem American environmentalism in Green
Illusions maintains that many of us could be wrong.
Zehner begins by addressing the seductive nature of renewable energy systems, dissecting popularly circulated solutions,
and arguing that we are nowhere close to finding a technology
capable of moving us past the fossil-fuel-intensive lifestyle
we've chosen. From solar panels to wind farms, biofuels to clean
coal, he shows that each "solution" isn't a solution at all. In fact,
each is part of the problem.
His deconstruction of the industry helps to make sense of
our affinity for renewable energy. He points to popular media
Great Plains Research Vol. 23 No.1, 2013
and mainstream environmentalism as CUlprits busy selling the
renewable energy ideal to an unversed public while ignoring numerous options that could be far more effective in confronting
climate change. He points out that alternative energy production
expands energy supplies, placing downward pressure on prices,
which spurs demand, entrenches energy-intensive modes ofliving, and finally brings us right back to where we started-high
demand and so-called insufficient supply.
It takes some time to get there, but Zehner eventually begins
to spell out a series of options that help us look at energy in a
brand new way. He touches on energy-efficient lighting, walkable communities, and suburban sprawl. He offers practical
solutions readily available to average homeowners seeking to
minimize energy use in their day-to-day lives. He then points
to some of the many causes of our energy-intensive lifestyle that
aren't often discussed. Examples include commercials aimed at
children, corporate influence trumping citizen representation,
measurements of the nation's health in dollars rather than well
being, and media concerned with advertising over insight.
Green Illusions commendably illustrates the importance of
energy to our everyday lives. Almost every decision we makefrom where we live to where we work, to what we eat and how
we seek entertainment-provides an opportunity to choose
between an energy-intensive lifestyle and one more mindful of
Zehner is right to suggest that this problem won't necessarily be solved by the same productivist mentality that got us here
in the first place. But it's fair to argue that he uses this opportunity to dismiss renewable technologies far too quickly. The need
to change the way we think about energy doesn't alter the fact
that we need at least some energy, both now and in the future.
And where will that energy come from? Should we give up on
renewable resources simply because they won't by themselves
solve our energy problems?
It's true we can focus on saving energy, or on better policies that will conserve energy, but we can't pretend that we can
quit consumption cold turkey. Our energy has to come from
somewhere. Zehner comes dangerously close to implying that
as long as we boost efficiency and create policies that lead to less
energy use and more conservation, the coal-intensive status quo
is acceptable.
But continually burning coal to meet our energy needs is
not acceptable. The conversation cannot be about replacing
conventional resources wholesale; it needs to be about diversification and moving away from those that are most harmful. We
may minimize our need for electricity, but we aren't going to
eliminate it entirely. Though they may not be perfect, renewable
energy technologies will play an important role in providing our
minimum energy needs. They can be improved upon, but they
can't be dismissed.
In the end, Green Illusions asks more questions than it answers, which is a good thing. It's imperative that we spend more
time considering the energy issues that really matter, not those
being foisted upon us through mainstream media and other
Book Reviews
facets of popular culture. As a nation, we have hard decisions
before us. We need to find actual, tangible solutions that will
make a real difference. Our path begins with critical thinking
and informed choices. This book helps us get started. 

Center for Rural Affairs
Lyons, Nebraska