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Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia

Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza

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Portrait of Benedictus de Spinoza
Spinoza lived from 1632 to 1677.

Baruch Spinoza's philosophy encompasses nearly every area of philosophical discourse, including metaphysicsepistemologypolitical philosophyethicsphilosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. It earned Spinoza an enduring reputation as one of the most important and original thinkers of the seventeenth century.

Samuel Shirley, who translated Spinoza's complete works into English, summed up the significance of Spinoza's philosophy as follows:

To my mind, although Spinoza lived and thought long before Darwin, Freud, Einstein, and the startling implications of quantum theory, he had a vision of truth beyond what is normally granted to human beings.[1]

Spinoza's philosophy is largely contained in two books: the Theologico-Political Treatise, and the Ethics. The former was published during his lifetime, but the latter, which contains the entirety of his philosophical system in its most rigorous form, was not published until after his death in 1677. The rest of the writings we have from Spinoza are either earlier, or incomplete, works expressing thoughts that were crystallized in the two aforementioned books (e.g., the Short Treatise and the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect), or else they are not directly concerned with Spinoza's own philosophy (e.g.The Principles of Cartesian Philosophy and The Hebrew Grammar). He also left behind many letters that help to illuminate his ideas and provide some insight into what may have been motivating his views.[1][2]

Philosophy of religion[edit]

Spinoza's philosophy of religion is largely contained in the Theologico-Political Treatise. In that work he argues for the view that we should interpret scripture solely on its own terms by carefully studying it, not with any concepts or doctrines that cannot themselves be derived from the text. If we do this, he thought, it would turn out that many things we believe or are told by religious authorities about God and the universe could be shown to be false (e.g.miracles).[1] Spinoza's view is exemplified in the following sentence from the Preface to the Theological Political Treatise:

[It] is further evident from the fact that most of them assume as a basic principle for the understanding of Scripture and for extracting its true meaning that it is throughout truthful and divine--a conclusion which ought to be the end result of study and strict examination; and they lay down at the outset as a principle of interpretation that which would be far more properly derived from Scripture itself, which stands in no need of human fabrications.[1]

Ontological argument[edit]

In Spinoza’s Ethics, he wrote a section titled “Treating of God and What Pertains to Him,” in which he discusses God’s existence and what God is. He starts off by saying: “whether there is a God, this, we say, can be proved”.[3] His proof for God follows a similar structure as Descartes’ ontological argument. Descartes attempts to prove God’s existence by arguing that there “must be some one thing that is supremely good, through which all good things have their goodness”.[4] Spinoza’s argument differs in that he does not move straight from the conceivability of the greatest being to the existence of God, but rather uses a deductive argument from the idea of God. Spinoza says that man’s ideas do not come from himself, but from some sort of external cause. Thus the things whose characteristics a man knows must have come from some prior source. So, if man has the idea of God, then God must exist before this thought, because man cannot create an idea of his own imagination.[3]

Substance of God[edit]

After stating his proof for God’s existence, Spinoza addresses who “God” is. Spinoza believed that God is “the sum of the natural and physical laws of the universe and certainly not an individual entity or creator”.[5] Spinoza attempts to prove that God is just the substance of the universe by first stating that substances do not share attributes or essences, and then demonstrating that God is a “substance” with an infinite number of attributes, thus the attributes possessed by any other substances must also be possessed by God. Therefore, God is just the sum of all the substances of the universe.[6] God is the only substance in the universe, and everything is a part of God. “Whatever is, is in God, and nothing can be or be conceived without God”.[3] This concept of God is very similar to the Advaita Vedanta of Hinduism [1] This view was described by Charles Hartshorne as Classical Pantheism.[7] Spinoza has also been described as an "Epicurean materialist",[8] specifically in reference to his opposition to Cartesian mind-body dualism. This view was held by Epicureans before him, as they believed that atoms with their probabilistic paths were the only substance that existed fundamentally.[9][10] Spinoza, however, deviated significantly from Epicureans by adhering to strict determinism, much like the Stoics before him, in contrast to the Epicurean belief in the probabilistic path of atoms, which is more in line with contemporary thought on quantum mechanics.[9][11]

Political philosophy[edit]

Tractatus Theologico-Politicus was published anonymously.

Spinoza's political philosophy is deeply influenced by both the turbulent time period in which he lived, and by the fact that he happened to live in a comparatively liberal place in Europe, which allowed him freedoms he wished to preserve and defend, as he says in the Preface to the Theological Political Treatise:

Now since we have the rare good fortune to live in a commonwealth where freedom of judgment is fully granted to the individual citizen and he may worship God as he pleases, and where nothing is esteemed dearer and more precious than freedom, I think I am undertaking no ungrateful or unprofitable task in demonstrating that not only can this freedom be granted without endangering piety and the peace of the commonwealth, but also the peace of the commonwealth and piety depend on this freedom.[1]

Spinoza's political philosophy is scattered in three books, the Theologico-political Treatise, the Ethics and the Political Treatise. A first look at its main principles could bring the uninformed reader to believe that it is the same as Hobbes's. Yet both theories differ in their conclusions. Spinoza's political philosophy is also a philosophy of the conatus, the individual tendency to exist, which cannot be brought to extinction even in the most powerful Leviathan, even in the worst of authoritarian regimes. Every individual, in Spinoza's opinion, has a natural right. This right includes everything that he desires and he is able to obtain. As a result, my own natural right is the equivalent of my individual strength or power.[12] Hence, in Spinoza's political philosophy subjective rights (e.g. human rights) do not exist by nature, they are an institution of society, they only exist in the civil state. Moreover, according to Spinoza the notions of right and wrong have no meaning before society, since in the natural state there are no common norms, only individual desires (desires which can bring some people to dominate other weaker people).

How can civil society exist if people are only dominated by their own impulse to live? Through many ways. First, through the action of affections, the same ones that are described in the Ethics.[13] Those affections, my feelings, will bring me to cluster, to gather with people similar to myself: this similarity reinforces the feeling or representation of my own existence. In a similar fashion, human needs will also play a role: society, through distribution and specialisation of each task, can provide more goods than I can generate myself and with less effort. This is why the sciences and the arts can only develop in societies, where there is time to attend to things other than one's own survival.[14] This fear, the need to constantly look after danger and threats and to live in constant tension, is the third cause or root phenomenon of society. Society brings me protection and security. We see hence that Spinoza, while incorporating in his work Hobbesian arguments (the argument of fear), develops a distinct analysis that will bring him to different conclusions: the need of a free society.

Here individuals never entirely renounce their individual right of nature. If in the Theologico-Political Treatise Spinoza refers to the notion of a pact that would be at the root of civil society, this notion disappears in the Political Treatise. People are not brought to form a society by their free will, but rather by their affections, or domination (a great number of individuals gathered through the authority of an unusually strong or charismatic man could also be a way to explain the birth of civil society). They are not passive subjects under the power of an absolute sovereign, but rather citizens that bring their own strength to the State. The power of the state exists in Spinoza's opinion only through the gathering of individual powers, powers which the society incorporates and can even develop if its political institutions are well designed.[15] "Well designed" means that they must induce political leaders to act according to the rules, by their own will. In Spinoza's political philosophy, state is not opposed to the society but it is the apparatus that gives a certain form or existence to the society, to a gathering of human beings.[16] It is not transcendent to it, as it is in Hobbes's philosophy.

These affirmations have some political implications. Here, individual rights exist only because we, as individuals, benefit from the power of our entire group. Members' rights are guaranteed by the strength of their political group (=State or imperium). Individual or subjective rights do not exist outside of a state, out of an organised society. But that doesn't mean that the government should have absolute power over us. To understand that well, we have to remember that according to Spinoza the government or society (there is no difference between them) are nothing else and do not exist without the individual conatuses of the individuals that are gathered in social entities. Individuals hold a part of their natural right in the civil state. They cannot restrain themselves from judging about the state of things as they wish, and any action that would go against this tendency can induce social unrest. It follows that the state must restrain itself from any action that could jeopardise its own integrity, as condemning determinate opinions can.[17] In a broader perspective, a state that relies on fearsome and inhuman ways to preserve its power cannot survive for long, since those ways impede the development of its own strength, and reinforce the tendency of the multitudo, the masses, to unrest or to disobedience: obedience is necessary to preserve social order and peace.

Thus, we can distinguish Hobbes and Spinoza through the way they see the normal operation of the state. For Hobbes, the object of the state is to preserve peace through security and fear if needed. According to Spinoza, that kind of peace would not be a true peace but only the absence of unrest. True peace implies a state of things where individuals can accomplish and realise their potentialities, where there is a minimum peace of mind. This is why Spinoza favors states that are organised so that citizens can participate in the elaboration of laws, as a way to improve their quality, and in the operation of the state.

The vocabulary of Spinoza shows a modification of the way philosophers see politics compared to the Antiquity.[18] In Plato's and Aristotle's works good politics imply good government (defined as the way decisions are taken in a certain political community), in the sense that the different types of government can be ranked according to their virtues (aristocracy is better than democracy, which is better than oligarchy and tyranny according to Plato, and so on). Spinoza goes beyond this way of seeing things. There is not a better government in this sense: the better government is the government that the people of a certain country have been accustomed to, and there is no good in changing it: such a change alters the balance of power already in place and can bring unrest, conflict between opposed or entrenched interests. According to him, one should rather aim to design better institutions: for type of regime or government (Monarchy, Aristocracy, Democracy) Spinoza implements the outlines of what should be the good institutions for this regime. For example, in Monarchy there should be an official Council of the king, whose members are chosen formally, and whose opinions form a set of possible decisions for the king.[19] This is a way of avoiding the issue of the king's secret counselors or ministers, who have a lot of influence on the king and often are the true decision takers. This system makes public and transparent through a formal process a matter of fact, the existence of a circle of advisers around the king.

For further reference, see Spinoza's Political Philosophy.[20]

Philosophy of mind/psychology[edit]

The human mind[edit]

Spinoza argues for a distinct conception of the human mind in Part Two of The Ethics. He says the following:

The first thing that constitutes the actual being of a human Mind is nothing but the idea of a singular thing which actually exists.(E2P11[note 1])[21]

He then argues that it follows that "the human Mind is a part of the infinite intellect of God."(E2P11c)[21] Further, Spinoza says: "Whatever happens in the object of the idea constituting the human Mind must be perceived by the human Mind"(E2P12)[21] From this we get a clear rejection of Descartes' mind/body dualism: "The object of the idea constituting the human Mind is the Body, or a certain mode of Extension which actually exists, and nothing else."(E2P13)[21]

The emotions[edit]

One thing which seems, on the surface, to distinguish Spinoza's view of the emotions from both Descartes' and Hume's pictures of them is that he takes the emotions to be cognitive in some important respect. Jonathan Bennett claims that "Spinoza mainly saw emotions as caused by cognitions. [However] he did not say this clearly enough and sometimes lost sight of it entirely."[22] Spinoza provides several demonstrations which purport to show truths about how human emotions work. The picture presented is, according to Bennett, "unflattering, coloured as it is by universal egoism"[23] Spinoza's treatment of the emotions in Part Three of The Ethics, "On the Origin and Nature of the Affects", utilizes a broad set of terminology, clearly intended to cover the whole of human experience. He tells us in the Preface:

The Affects, therefore, of hate, anger, envy, etc., considered in themselves, follow from the same necessity and force of nature as any other singular things. And therefore they acknowledge certain causes, through which they are understood, and have certain properties, as worthy of our knowledge as the properties of any other thing, by the mere contemplation of which we are pleased.[21]

Human freedom[edit]

Whether there is any meaningful kind of freedom which humans may genuinely have is, in Spinoza's picture, at least contentious. He certainly claims that there is a kind of freedom, namely, that which is arrived at through adequate knowledge of God, or, what is the same: the universe. But in the last two propositions of Part Two of The Ethics, P48 and P49, he explicitly rejects the traditional notion of free will. In E2P48, he claims:

In the Mind there is no absolute, or free, will, but the Mind is determined to will this or that by a cause which is also determined by another, and this again by another, and so to infinity.[21]

So from this we get a strong sense of Spinoza's metaphysical naturalism, that is, that the natural and human orders are contiguous. With that being the case, human freedom of a kind which would extricate us from the order of physical causes is impossible. However, Spinoza argues, we still ought to strive to understand the world around us, and in doing so, gain a greater degree of power, which will allow us to be more active than passive, and there is a sense in which this is a kind of freedom.[21] For more, see: Stanford.edu


Spinoza's metaphysics consists of one thing, substance, and its modifications (modes). Early in The Ethics Spinoza argues that there is only one substance, which is absolutely infinite, self-caused, and eternal. He calls this substance "God", or "Nature". In fact, he takes these two terms to be synonymous (in the Latin the phrase he uses is "Deus sive Natura"). For Spinoza the whole of the natural universe is made of one substance, God, or, what's the same, Nature, and its modifications (modes).

It cannot be overemphasized how the rest of Spinoza's philosophy—his philosophy of mind, his epistemology, his psychology, his moral philosophy, his political philosophy, and his philosophy of religion—flows more or less directly from the metaphysical underpinnings in Part I of the Ethics.[24]


Spinoza defines "substance" as follows:

By substance I understand what is in itself and is conceived through itself, i.e., that whose concept does not require the concept of another thing, from which it must be formed.(E1D3)[21]

This means, essentially, that substance is just whatever can be thought of without relating it to any other idea or thing. For example, if one thinks of a particular object, one thinks of it as a kind of thing, e.g.x is a cat. Substance, on the other hand, is to be conceived of by itself, without understanding it as a particular kind of thing (because it isn't a particular thing at all).


Spinoza defines "attribute" as follows:

By attribute I understand what the intellect perceives of a substance, as constituting its essence.(E1D4)[21]

From this it can be seen that attributes are related to substance in some way. It is not clear, however, even from Spinoza's direct definition, whether, a) attributes are really the way(s) substance is, or b) attributes are simply ways to understand substance, but not necessarily the ways it really is. Spinoza thinks that there are an infinite number of attributes, but there are two attributes for which Spinoza thinks we can have knowledge. Namely, thought and extension.[25]


The attribute of thought is how substance can be understood to give rise to thoughts, or thinking things. When we understand a particular thing in the universe through the attribute of thought, we are understanding the mode as an idea of something (either another idea, or an object).


The attribute of extension is how substance can be understood to be physically extended in space. Particular things which have breadth and depth (that is, occupy space) are what is meant by extended. It follows from this that if substance and God are identical, on Spinoza's view, and contrary to the traditional conception, God has extension as one of His attributes.


Modes are particular modifications of substance, i.e., particular things in the world. Spinoza gives the following definition:

By mode I understand the affections of a substance, or that which is in another through which it is also conceived.(E1D5)[21]

Substance monism[edit]

The argument for there only being one substance in the universe occurs in the first fourteen propositions of The Ethics. The following proposition expresses Spinoza's commitment to substance monism:

Except God, no substance can be or be conceived.(E1P14)[21]

Spinoza takes this proposition to follow directly from everything he says prior to it. Spinoza's monism is contrasted with Descartes' dualism and Leibniz's pluralism. It allows Spinoza to avoid the problem of interaction between mind and body, which troubled Descartes in his Meditations on First Philosophy.

Causality and modality[edit]

The issue of causality and modality (possibility and necessity) in Spinoza's philosophy is contentious.[26] Spinoza's philosophy is, in one sense, thoroughly deterministic (or necessitarian). This can be seen directly from Axiom 3 of The Ethics:

From a given determinate cause the effect follows necessarily; and conversely, if there is no determinate cause, it is impossible for an effect to follow.(E1A3)[21]

Yet Spinoza seems to make room for a kind of freedom, especially in the fifth and final section of The Ethics"On the Power of the Intellect, or on Human Freedom":

I pass, finally, to the remaining Part of the Ethics, which concerns the means or way, leading to Freedom. Here, then, I shall treat of the power of reason, showing what it can do against the affects, and what Freedom of Mind, or blessedness, is.(E5, Preface)[21]

So Spinoza certainly has a use for the word 'freedom', but he equates "Freedom of Mind" with "blessedness", a notion which is not traditionally associated with freedom of the will at all.

The principle of sufficient reason (PSR)[edit]

Though the PSR is most commonly associated with Gottfried Leibniz, it is arguably found in its strongest form in Spinoza's philosophy.[27] Within the context of Spinoza's philosophical system, the PSR can be understood to unify causation and explanation.[28] What this means is that for Spinoza, questions regarding the reason why a given phenomenon is the way it is (or exists) are always answerable, and are always answerable in terms of the relevant cause(s). This constitutes a rejection of teleological, or final causation, except possibly in a more restricted sense for human beings.[21][28] Given this, Spinoza's views regarding causality and modality begin to make much more sense.


Spinoza's philosophy contains as a key proposition the notion that mental and physical (thought and extension) phenomena occur in parallel, but without causal interaction between them. He expresses this proposition as follows:

The order and connection of ideas is the same as the order and connection of things.(E2P7)[21]

His proof of this proposition is that:

The knowledge of an effect depends on, and involves, the knowledge of its cause.(E1A4)[21]

The reason Spinoza thinks the parallelism follows from this axiom is that since the idea we have of each thing requires knowledge of its cause, this cause must be understood under the same attribute. Further, there is only one substance, so whenever we understand some chain of ideas of things, we understand that the way the ideas are causally related must be the same as the way the things themselves are related, since the ideas and the things are the same modes understood under different attributes.


Spinoza's epistemology is deeply rationalist. That is, unlike the empiricists who rejected knowledge of things as they are in themselves (in favour of knowledge merely of what appears to the senses), to think we can have a priori knowledge, knowledge of a world external from our sense perceptions, and, further, that this is tantamount to knowledge of God.[21] The majority of Spinoza's epistemological claims come in Part Two of The Ethics.

Truth and falsity[edit]

Spinoza's notions of truth and falsity have to do with the relation between ideas and their objects. He thinks that:

Every idea that in us is absolute, or adequate and perfect, is true. (E2P34)[21]

Falsity consists in the privation of knowledge which inadequate, or mutilated and confused, ideas involve.(E2P35)[21]

Adequate and inadequate ideas[edit]

From this it is clear that the notions of adequate and inadequate ideas are important for understanding how Spinoza's view works. This may be explained in the following way. Spinoza argues that "All ideas, insofar as they are related to God, are true."(E2P32)[21] Since by "God", he means the one substance which exists necessarily and absolutely infinitely, it follows that an idea as it is with no reference to knowledge a particular person has, is necessarily true, since it just is a particular instance of God. (E2P32)[21]

On the other hand, Spinoza argues: "All ideas are in God; and, insofar as they are related to God, are true, and adequate. And so there are no inadequate or confused ideas except insofar as they are related to the singular Mind of someone."(E2P36d).[21] That is, even though ideas considered objectively as elements of the universe are always adequate (meaning their relation to their object is total), when a particular individual has an idea of something, such an idea is necessarily incomplete, and therefore, inadequate. This is the source of falsehood.

Three kinds of knowledge[edit]

Spinoza discusses the three kinds of knowledge in E2P40s2.[note 2]

The first kind of knowledge[edit]

Spinoza thinks there are two ways we can have the first kind of knowledge:

  1. From random experience: "from singular things which have been represented to us through the senses in a way that is mutilated, confused, and without order for the intellect; for that reasons I have been accustomed to call such perceptions knowledge from random experience."[21]
  2. From imagination: "from signs, e.g., from the fact that, having heard or read certain words, we recollect things, and form certain ideas of them, which are like them, and through which we imagine the things."[21]

He calls these two ways "knowledge of the first kind, opinion or imagination."[21]

The second kind of knowledge[edit]

Spinoza argues that the second kind of knowledge arises:

from the fact that we have common notions and adequate ideas of the properties of things."[21]

He goes on to explain what this means in the propositions which immediately follow.

The third kind of knowledge[edit]

This can be referred to as Intuition, but it means something rather technical for Spinoza. The third kind of knowledge is a particularly important part of Spinoza's philosophy because it is what he thinks allows us to have adequate knowledge, and therefore know things absolutely truly. As he says:

there is (as I shall show in what follows) another, third kind, which we shall call intuitive knowledge. And this kind of knowing proceeds from an adequate idea of certain attributes of God to the adequate knowledge of the essence of things.[21]


The opening page of Spinoza's magnum opusEthics

Spinoza's ethical views are deeply tied to his metaphysical system. This is evident from the following claim:

As far as good and evil are concerned, they also indicate nothing positive in things, considered in themselves, nor are they anything other than modes of thinking, or notions we form because we compare things to one another.(E4, Preface)[21]

It is also apparent from this that he is a kind of subjectivist about moral values. That is, he does not take good and evil to be real properties/facts in the objects we attribute them to, but rather, they are simply thoughts we have about the comparative value of one thing to another for a particular person.

"Good" and "Evil"[edit]

Spinoza gives the following definitions of "Good", and "Evil":

By good I shall understand what we certainly know to be useful to us.(E4D1)[21]

By evil, however, I shall understand what we certainly know prevents us from being masters of some good.(E4D2)[21]

From this it is clear that Spinoza's view of moral value is in some sense instrumental. That is, the goodness or badness of a particular object or action is measured not by some essential property. The emphasis on "essential knowledge" is important, given Spinoza's view of what epistemic certainty amounts to, i.e., adequate knowledge of God (a notion which is briefly elaborated on in this article).


Spinoza's notion of blessedness figures centrally in his ethical philosophy. Blessedness (or salvation or freedom), Spinoza thinks,

consists...in a constant and eternal love of God, or in God's love for men.(E5P36s)[21]

And this means, as Jonathan Bennett explains, that "Spinoza wants "blessedness" to stand for the most elevated and desirable state one could possibly be in."[29] Here, understanding what is meant by 'most elevated and desirable state' requires understanding Spinoza's notion of conatus (read: striving, but not necessarily with any teleological baggage) and that "perfection" refers not to (moral) value, but to completeness. Given that individuals are identified as mere modifications of the infinite Substance, it follows that no individual can ever be fully complete, i.e., perfect, or blessed. Absolute perfection, is, as noted above, reserved solely for Substance. Nevertheless, mere modes can attain a lesser form of blessedness, namely, that of pure understanding of oneself as one really is, i.e., as a definite modification of Substance in a certain set of relationships with everything else in the universe. That this is what Spinoza has in mind can be seen at the end of the Ethics, in E5P24 and E5P25, wherein Spinoza makes two final key moves, unifying the metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical propositions he has developed over the course of the work. In E5P24, he links the understanding of particular things to the understanding of God, or Substance; in E5P25, the conatus of the mind is linked to the third kind of knowledge (Intuition). From here, it is a short step to the connection of Blessedness with the amor dei intellectualis ("intellectual love of God").

See also[edit]

Terra hic Benedicti de Spinoza in Ecclesia Nova olim sepulti ossa tegit; "The earth here covers the bones of Benedictus de Spinoza once buried in the New Church." This monument at the New Church in The Hague marks what may or may not be some of the remains of Benedictus de Spinoza.[30]


  1. ^ Citations of The Ethics in this article will be of this form. E2P11 refers to Ethics, Part Two, Proposition 11. The letters 'P', 'D', and 'A' refer to proposition, definition, and axiom, respectively. The letters 'd', 's', or 'c', which may occur after the proposition number, refer to demonstrations, scholia, or corollaries, respectively. This is roughly the academic standard for citation of Spinoza's work. It has the practical advantage of being translation/edition neutral.
  2. ^ All quotations in this section are from E2P40s2


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e Shirley, Samuel (2002). Complete Works. Hackett.
  2. ^ Stanford.edu
  3. Jump up to:a b c Spinoza, B. (2002). Complete Works (S. Shirley & M. L. Morgan, Eds.). Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.
  4. ^ Nolan, L. (2001, June 18). Descartes' Ontological Argument.
  5. ^ Cannon, J. A. (2009, May 17). World in time of upheaval: Sources of enlightenment. Deseret News.
  6. ^ Nadler, S. (2001, June 29). Baruch Spinoza.
  7. ^ Charles Hartshorne and William Reese, "Philosophers Speak of God", Humanity Books, 1953 ch. 4
  8. ^ Harold Bloom (16 June 2006). "Deciphering Spinoza, the Great Original – Book review of Betraying Spinoza. The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity by Rebecca Goldstein"The New York Times. Retrieved 8 September 2009.
  9. Jump up to:a b Konstan, David (2016). Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 21 February 2017 – via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  10. ^ Ethics, Part IV, preface: "Deus seu Natura".
  11. ^ "Baruch Spinoza, "Human Beings are Determined""Lander.edu. Retrieved 21 February 2017.
  12. ^ Theologico-political Treatise, Chap. XVI. See also Political Treatise, Chap. II.
  13. ^ See Ethics, Part III & IV.
  14. ^ See the Theologico-Political Treatise, Chapter III
  15. ^ Alexandre Matheron, Individu et Communauté chez Spinoza
  16. ^ Political Treatise, Chap. III.
  17. ^ Theologico-political Treatise, Chapter XX. Political Treatise, Chapters III & V.
  18. ^ Pierre-François Moreau, Spinoza. Etat et religion.
  19. ^ Spinoza, Chapitre VII
  20. ^ Stanford.edu
  21. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Curley, Edwin M. (1985). The Collected Works of Spinoza. Princeton University Press.
  22. ^ Bennett, Jonathan (1984). A Study of Spinoza's Ethics. Hackett., pg. 276.
  23. ^ Bennett, Jonathan (1984). A Study of Spinoza's Ethics. Hackett., pg. 277.
  24. ^ Della Rocca, Michael. (2008). Spinoza. Routledge., pg. 33.
  25. ^ Stanford.edu
  26. ^ Stanford.edu
  27. ^ Della Rocca, Michael. (2008). Spinoza, Routledge.
  28. Jump up to:a b Della Rocca, Spinoza, 2008.
  29. ^ Bennett 1984, pg. 371
  30. ^ See: Antonio Damasio Looking for Spinoza, pg. 19. "Spinoza's remains are not really inside the tomb...his body was stolen, no one knows by whom, sometime after the burial when the corpse lay inside the church..."

Further reading[edit]

  • Jonathan Bennett, A Study of Spinoza's Ethics, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1984.
  • Edwin M. Curley, Behind the Geometrical Method. A Reading of Spinoza's Ethics, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988.
  • Michael Della Rocca, Spinoza, New York: Routledge, 2008.
  • Steven Nadler, Spinoza's Ethics: An Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

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알라딘: 에니어그램을 넘어 데카그램으로

에니어그램을 넘어 데카그램으로
최초로 밝혀지는 에니어그램의 원형과 비전  

이병창 (지은이) 정신세계사 2011-07-26



100자평 5편
리뷰 1편

세일즈포인트 517



에니어그램이 남녀노소 모두를 아우르는 탁월한 자기 이해의 도구로서 전 세계적으로 자리매김할 수 있었던 이유는 그것이 인간의 깊은 내면까지 들여다본 현자들의 통찰로부터 비롯되었기 때문이다. 그러나 오늘날의 에니어그램은 “나는 몇 번 유형”이라는 식의 자각이 오히려 개개인을 더욱 옭아매는 굴레로서 작용하게끔 그 본질이 크게 왜곡되어 있다. 하지만 에니어그램은 본디 각자가 저마다의 거짓 가면(성격유형)을 벗어던지고 참된 인성, 온전한 삶으로 나아가도록 돕는 길잡이로서 마련된 것이다.

이 책은 에니어그램의 원형을 추적하여 잘못 전해진 도형과 해석상의 오류들을 바로잡고, 물질 몸이 아닌 빛과 파동의 존재로 인간을 바라보는 현대 물리학의 새로운 패러다임을 적용한 파동도형을 제시하고 있다. 데카그램은 기존 에니어그램과 달리 인간 의식의 완성점이자 시작점인 10번(Deca) 포인트를 설정함으로써 삶의 어떤 측면에도 적용 가능한 완벽한 상징체계를 보여주고 있다.


축하의 글
‘나(I AM)’는 ‘나보다 더 무한히 큰 나’이다

제1부 참된 인성을 찾아가는 길
1장 에니어그램에 대한 오해
나의 ‘나됨’ ― 셀프 마스터(Self Master) / 에니어그램의 원형과 비전을 찾아서
2장 성격이라는 가면
성격의 밑바탕에는 두려움이 있다 / 무엇을 두려워하는가 / 끌려갈 것인가, 주도할 것인가
3장 ‘사이’를 풀어주는 지혜
공간 ― 존재의 자궁 / 시간 ― 양이 아니라 질 / 인간 ― 의식의 성장과 해방
4장 인간의 네 가지 조건
5장 삶, 내가 나로 설 수 있는 성장의 기회
패러다임의 전환 / 당신은 어느 바람에 날아가고 있는가
6장 삼각형과 삼진법의 이해
이진법과 삼진법 / 힘ㆍ지혜ㆍ사랑 / 원심력ㆍ구심력ㆍ중심 / 활력 방향과 스트레스 방향 / 존재의 양 날개

제2부 힘의 중심과 성격유형의 자각
1장 삶의 중심과 가온 찍기
2장 세 가지 힘의 중심
머리 중심 / 가슴 중심 / 배(장) 중심
3장 아홉 가지 성격유형의 주요 주제들
스트레스 / 시간관념 / 리더십 / 성장과제
4장 성격유형의 특성
자신의 유형 찾기 / 유형을 찾는 데 있어 유의할 점
ㆍ1번 유형 : 완벽함이라는 환상에 빠진 사람
ㆍ2번 유형 : 타인을 도와주다가 자신을 잃어버리는 사람
ㆍ3번 유형 : 자신의 가슴을 잃어버린 사람
ㆍ4번 유형 : 낭만과 개성에 취한 아웃사이더
ㆍ5번 유형 : 모래 속에 숨어 있는 조개 같은 사람
ㆍ6번 유형 : 의심과 걱정의 회전목마를 타는 사람
ㆍ7번 유형 : 아이디어가 넘치는 영원한 어린아이
ㆍ8번 유형 : 주도권을 쥐고 밀어붙이는 행동가
ㆍ9번 유형 : 자신의 입장이 분명하지 않은 사람

제3부 데카그램의 역사
1장 에니어그램의 원형과 흐름
피타고라스와 에바그리우스 폰티쿠스 / 중앙아시아와 네스토리안
2장 에니어그램 도형의 완성
라몬 룰의 생애와 사상 / 라몬 룰의 A도형과 T도형 / 대화의 원리 / 라몬 룰의 성과
3장 에니어그램과 카발라 생명나무 도형
4장 아타나시우스 키르헤
영적 전통들의 마스터 / 키르헤의 천사 에니어그램
5장 키르헤의 삼각형과 구르지예프의 헥사드
6장 현대 에니어그램의 흐름
오스카 이카조와 구르지예프

제4부 데카그램의 상징체계
1장 DECA(10) 포인트
인간 의식의 완성점이자 시작점 / 잃어버린 하나를 찾아서
2장 데카그램의 도형
힘의 중심과 빛깔 / 각 삼각형의 에너지적 특성 / 데카그램과 에너지 파동
3장 파동, 인간과 우주의 상호감응
인간 ― 빛의 파동체 / 질병의 원인 / 뫔의 조율과 정화 / 육체의 의식에서 빛의 의식으로
4장 에니어그램을 넘어 데카그램으로
데카그램의 수비학적 해석 / 데카그램의 에너지 흐름 / 인간의 완성과 통합 / 수비학의 기초적 이해
5장 동서양에 나타난 영적 전승과 데카그램 수열
천부경과 데카그램 / 타로의 체계와 데카그램 / 피보나치 수열과 데카그램
6장 삶을 청정하게 하는 길

가을 강은 하늘을 담고 있다

저자 소개

지은이: 이병창
저자파일 신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <심봉사 예수>,<몸의 심리학>,<농산촌 유학 살림보고서> … 총 7종 (모두보기)
전북에서 태어나 임실의 경각산 불재에서 살고 있다. 현재는 전북작가회의, 세계시문학회, 한국크리스찬시인협회 회원 등으로 있으며, 국제데카그램협회와 칼라심리상담연구소 뫔 대표, 진달래교회 담임목사로서 불재뫔수련원에서 데카그램과 칼라 수련을 안내하고 있다. 그의 저서로는 시집 <나의 하느님이 물에 젖고 있다>(미래문화사, 1997), <메리붓다마스>(침묵의 향기, 2007), <에니어그램을 넘어 데카그램으로>(정신세계사, 2011) 등이 있다.

출판사 제공 책소개

세계 최초로 에니어그램의 기원을 밝혀내다

지금껏 에니어그램의 관련 서적들은 최초로 그 상징체계를 전파한 신비사상가 구르지예프의 행적을 토대로 에니어그램이 이슬람의 수피즘으로부터 비롯되었다는 주장에 의심을 품지 않았다. 하지만 에니어그램의 원형을 찾기 위해 직접 우즈베키스탄과 터키를 순례하며 수피 지도자들을 만나고 문헌을 연구한 결과, 저자는 에니어그램이 수피즘보다는 카발라의 상징과 훨씬 더 일치하는 점이 많으며 라몬 룰, 아타나시우스 키르헤 등의 수도사들에 의해 체계를 갖추어왔다는 사실을 발견했다. 또한 그 과정에서 알게 된 에니어그램의 원형도 현재 널리 쓰이는 헥사드 도형과는 상당한 차이가 있었다.

현재의 헥사드 도형은 아홉 가지 성격유형을 설명해주지 못한다

다양한 경로로 전승되어온 에니어그램 도형은 본래 세 개의 삼각형으로 이루어져 있었다. 구르지예프가 이를 현재의 헥사드 도형으로 변형시킨 이유는 성격유형론과는 무관하며, 자신의 주요사상인 ‘7(옥타브)의 법칙’을 가르치기 위함이었다. 따라서 헥사드 도형에다 아홉 가지 성격유형론을 그대로 대입시킨 기존의 설명은 ‘장→가슴→머리’로 순환해야 할 에너지 흐름이 뒤엉켜버리는 모순에 부딪힐 수밖에 없었던 것이다. 반드시 세 개의 삼각형으로 이루어진 도형을 통해 에니어그램을 바라봐야만 우리는 각 성격유형이 나아가야 할 방향과 피해야 할 방향을 정확하게 이해할 수 있다.

성격유형은 우리의 본질이 아니라 가면에 지나지 않는다

에니어그램이 남녀노소 모두를 아우르는 탁월한 자기 이해의 도구로서 전 세계적으로 자리매김할 수 있었던 이유는 그것이 인간의 깊은 내면까지 들여다본 현자들의 통찰로부터 비롯되었기 때문이다. 그러나 오늘날의 에니어그램은 “나는 몇 번 유형”이라는 식의 자각이 오히려 개개인을 더욱 옭아매는 굴레로서 작용하게끔 그 본질이 크게 왜곡되어 있다. 하지만 에니어그램은 본디 각자가 저마다의 거짓 가면(성격유형)을 벗어던지고 참된 인성, 온전한 삶으로 나아가도록 돕는 길잡이로서 마련된 것이다.

평면에서 입체로 진화한 에니어그램의 새로운 비전, 데카그램

이 책은 에니어그램의 원형을 추적하여 잘못 전해진 도형과 해석상의 오류들을 바로잡고, 물질 몸이 아닌 빛과 파동의 존재로 인간을 바라보는 현대 물리학의 새로운 패러다임을 적용한 파동도형을 제시하고 있다. 데카그램은 기존 에니어그램과 달리 인간 의식의 완성점이자 시작점인 10번(Deca) 포인트를 설정함으로써 삶의 어떤 측면에도 적용 가능한 완벽한 상징체계를 보여주고 있다. 삼진법적 수열의 원리로 동서양의 영적 전통을 꿰뚫고 있는 이 책은 나 자신을 진정으로 이해하고자 하는 모든 이들의 필독서가 될 것이다.

평점 분포

 sonamu812 2011-09-29

나를넘어 나에게로 가는여정이다. 성격이라는 집착, 에고를 넘어 행복한 자유의혼으로 
공감 (1) 댓글 (0)

 대제 2019-06-21

이병창 선생님은 몸의 심리학 저서로 유명하신 분입니다몸의 심리학은 후대에까지 남길몇안되는 저서중 하나인데에니어그램관련 책자는 몇번은 보았더라도데카그램이라는 의미까지의 세분화는섣불리 접근할수 없던 영역입니다유일무이한 책이라 볼수있습니다만한두번읽고는 어렵습니다 
공감 (0) 댓글 (0)


구매자 (1)
전체 (1)

 책사랑 2012-04-13

저자는 사막의 교부, 선, 개신교 수도원, 수피즘 등 다양한 영적 전통과 교류하며 영성수행을 닦아온 독특한 이력을 가진 인물이다. "최초로 밝혀지는 에니어그램의 원형과 비전"이라는 부제를 가진 이 책에서 저자는 최초에는 삼각형 세개가 겹쳐진 모양이었던 에니그램도형을 구르지예프가 3-6-9삼각형만 남기고 나머지 두 삼각형을 헥사드도형으로 변형시켰다는 주장을 문헌적 근거와 함께 설득력있게 제시한다. 에니어그램을 이렇게 이해할 때에 각 유형 간의 에너지의 흐름이 꼬이지 않고 각자의 성장을 위한 과제도 바로 이해하게 된다는 것이다.
저자의 또하나의 강조점은 영성수련으로서의 에니어그램의 본질 회복이다. 저자에 의하면, 현대 에니어그램은 오스카 이카조에 의해 '성격유형론'에 가깝게 변질되었으나 카발라전통에서 수피즘을 거쳐 구르지예프까지 내려오는 에니어그램의 원류는 영적통합을 추구하는 '인간유형론'이었다는 것이다. 그래서 저자는 성격유형론적인 현대 에니어그램의 대안으로서, 각각의 유형들이 데카(10)포인트로의 영적 통합을 추구하는 수련으로서의 '데카그램'을 제시하고 있다.

흥미롭게 읽었다. 지금까지 접해본 에니어그램에 관한 책이나 강의 중 가장 독특한 관점이었다. 그러나 에니어그램이 이미 삼각형과 헥사드도형의 형태로 널리 보급되어 확고히 자리잡은 상태라 저자의 주장이 얼마나 설득력있게 받아들여질지는 잘 모르겠다. 그러나 내 개인적 의견으로는 저자의 의견이 문헌적 근거에 의한 타당성도 가지고 있으며 논리적으로도 더 설득력있다고 생각한다.
다만 이 책의 경우에는 에니어그램에 대한 독자의 직접적 관심과 필요와는 별 관련없는 내용(가령, 인생을 살아가는 태도, 에니어그램과 다른 영성전통과의 관련성 설명)으로 너무 많은 지면을 할애한 점이 아쉬웠다.
실제로 데카그램을 통해 어떠한 성숙을 이뤄갈 수 있을지에 대한 구체적 제안이 부족한 점은 큰 아쉬움으로 남는다. 본서의 내용을 심화시킨 저자의 후속작을 기대한다.

The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism by Garma C.C. Chang | Goodreads

The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism by Garma C.C. Chang | Goodreads

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The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism
by Garma C.C. Chang

4.15 · Rating details · 33 ratings · 3 reviews

The Hwa Yen school of Mahāyāna Buddhism bloomed in China in the 7th and 8th centuries A.D. Today many scholars regard its doctrines of Emptiness, Totality, and Mind-Only as the crown of Buddhist thought and as a useful and unique philosophical system and explanation of man, world, and life as intuitively experienced in Zen practice.

For the first time in any Western language Garma Chang explains and exemplifies these doctrines with references to both oriental masters and Western philosophers.

 The Buddha's mystical experience of infinity and totality provides the framework for this objective revelation of the three pervasive and interlocking concepts upon which any study of Mahāyāna philosophy must depend.

Following an introductory section describing the essential differences between Judeo-Christian and Buddhist philosophy, Professor Chang provides an extensive, expertly developed section on the philosophical foundations of Hwa Yen Buddhism dealing with the core concept of True Voidness, the philosophy of Totality, and the doctrine of Mind-Only. A concluding section includes selections of Hwa Yen readings and biographies of the patriarchs, as well as a glossary and list of Chinese terms. (less)

Paperback, 270 pages
Published September 15th 1970 by Penn State University Press
Original Title
The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism
0271011793 (ISBN13: 9780271011790)
Edition Language

Other Editions (4)

Average rating4.15 ·
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· 33 ratings · 3 reviews

Apr 13, 2020Peter Kalnin rated it it was amazing
This was another writer whom Professor Francis Cook introduced to a very small class of students at the University of California, Riverside in 1971. I felt honored and privileged to have been a part of that group and very lucky to have Professor Cook as a guide to an esoteric but beautiful part of the Buddhist cannon.

Thank you Professor Cook.
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Apr 07, 2021Oliver Zielke rated it it was amazing
"The absolute totality encounters the absolute totality, and the result is the arising of the absolute totality. (法界對法界起法界)" (less)
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Mar 30, 2009Greg rated it really liked it
Shelves: buddhism
This is an excellent introduction to the doctrines of Hwa Yen Buddhism. The author does a good job of distinguishing that school from other schools of Chinese and Japanese Buddhism. One thing that the author stresses is that although there is a large doctrinal literature, really what the doctrine is meant to do is not build philosophical systems, but rather to explain the experiences that practitioners have while meditating - i.e., enlightenment.