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124 bibliography, 116 full-text collected. (Not Yet Authorization)

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Alternative Names:

Thanissaro Bhikkhu = Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu = DeGraff, Geofrey


Individual Author


Fulltext Title Author Source Date

「沒有我」或「不是我」?=No-self or Not-self? 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.11.15

A Burden Off the Mind: A Study Guide on the Five Aggregates Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2011

A good dose of dhamma for meditators when they are ill Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Kee Nanayon 1995

A Heart Released -- The Teachings of Phra Ajaan Mun Thera, Bhuridatta; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

A Heart Released: The Teachings of Phra Ajaan Mun Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2016

A Meditator’s Tools: A Study Guide on the Ten Recollections Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2000

A Verb for Nirvana Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2005.03

All About Change Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2004.03

An Unentangled Knowing: The Teachings of a Thai Buddhist Lay Woman Upasika Kee Nanayon (著)=K. Khao-suan-luang (au.); Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

Basic Themes Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1990

Basic Themes: Four Treatises on Buddhist Practice Dhammadharo, Phra Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2012

Beyond All Directions: Essays on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2013

Beyond Coping: A Study Guide on Aging, Illness, Death, & Separation Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 1999

Breath meditation: excerpts from the pali canon Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction Johnson, Willard L.; Robinson, Richard H.; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2004.06

Buddhist Romanticism Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2015.12.31

Buddho Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1984

Condensed Breath Meditation K. Khao-suan-luang; Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Dhamma Talks : I Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.)

Dhamma Talks : II Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.)

Dhamma Talks: III Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2014.12.20

Dhammapada: A Translation Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2017.01.17

Discernment: The Buddha’s Strategies for Happiness II Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

Duties of the sangha Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

Fistful of Sand & The Light of Discernment: Teachings of Phra Ajaan Suwat Suvaco Phra Ajaan Suwat Suvaco (著)=Phra Bodhidhammācariya Thera (au.); Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2009

Food for Awakening: The Role of Appropriate Attention Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2007.04

Food for Awakening: The Role of Appropriate Attention Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2007.06

Food for Thought -- Eighteen Talks on the Training of the Heart Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Frames of Reference & Duties of the Sangha Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee 1997

Freedom from Buddha Nature Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2009.summer

Getting the Message Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2006.03

Gifts He Left Behind: The Dhamma Legacy of Phra Ajaan Dune Atulo Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2016

Going Against the Flow Kee Nanayon; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

Going for Refuge Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 1996.03

Handful of Leaves, Volume I: An Anthology from the Digha Nikaya Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2017

Handful of Leaves, Volume III: An Anthology from the Samyutta Nikaya Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2017

Handful of Leaves, Volume IV: an Anthology from the Anguttara Nikaya Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2017

Handful of Leaves: an Anthology from the Sutta Pitaka Thanissaro Bhikkhu; DeGraff, Geoffrey 2017

Head & Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2016.07.11

In Simple Terms: 108 Dhamma Similes Chah, Venerable Ajahn; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2013

Inner Strength -- Sixteen Talks Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1998

Into the Stream: A Study Guide on the First Stage of Awakening Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2011

It’s Like This: 108 Dhamma Similes Chah, Venerable Ajahn; Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

Itivuttaka:This was said by the Buddha Thanissaro Bhikkhu=坦尼沙羅比丘 2001

Karma Thanissaro Bhikkhu (著)=坦尼沙羅比丘 (au.); Cheng, Chen-huang (譯)=鄭振煌 (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.02.15

Khuddakapatha: Short Passages Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2017

Meditations 1: Forty Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2003

Meditations 2: Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2006

Meditations 3: Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2006

Meditations 4:Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2008

Meditations 5: Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2014.04.02

Meditations 6: Dhamma Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2014

Meditations 7: Dhamma Talks Thanissaro Bhikkhu; DeGraff, Geoffrey 2016

Merit: The Buddha’s Strategies for Happiness I Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

Mindful of the Body: A Study Guide Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2016.03.22

Noble & True: Essays on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2016.02.29

Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2015.10.25

Poems of the Elders: An Anthology from the Theragatha & Therigatha Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2015

Purity of Heart: Essays on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2006

Putting Down the Burden: The Khandhas as Burden & Path Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 2002.09

Reading the Mind K. Khao-suan-luang=紀皇園; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

Refuge:an introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2012

Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the Buddhist Path Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2012

Samaññaphala Sutta -- Digha Nikaya 2=The Fruits of the Contemplative Life Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1997

Selves & Not-self: The Buddhist Teaching on Anatta Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2011

Skill in Questions: How the Buddha Taught Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2014.01.09

Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2016

Steps along the path Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi 1998

Still Flowing Water: Eight Dhamma Talks Ajahn Chah (著)=Phra Phōthiyānathēra (au.); Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

Sutta Nipata: The Discourse Group Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2016

Ten Perfections: A Study Guide Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2013

The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee 2012

The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1994

The Ballad of Liberation from the Khandhas Phra Ajaan Mun Bhuridatta Mahathera; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

The Buddha Smiles: Humor in the Pali Canon Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu =DeGraff, Geofrey 2015.10.17

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2016

The Buddhist Monastic Code I Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1994

The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction Johnson, Willard L.; Robinson, Richard H.; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2005

The Craft of the Heart Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1994

The Dhammapada, a Translation Thanissaro Bhikkhu

The Heightened Mind: Dhamma Talks of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2014

The Karma of Mindfulness: The Buddha’s Teachings on Sati and Kamma Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (譯)=DeGraff, Geofrey (tr.) 2015.12.08

The Karma of Questions Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2016.07.13

The Mind like Fire Unbound : An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2010

The mind like fire unbound(Ⅰ)=心如熾火(一) Cheng, Chen-huang (譯)=鄭振煌 (tr.); Thanissaro Bhikkhu (著)=坦尼沙羅比丘 (au.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 1997.06.30

The Noble Eightfold Path: 13 Meditation Talks Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2015

The Not-self Strategy Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1993

The Paradox of Becoming Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2008

The Path of Concentration and Mindfulness Thanissaro Bhikkhu Insight Journal=Full moon Insight Journal 1997.09

The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions=善念為涅槃之道 Thanissaro Bhikkhu; 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.06.15

The Seven Steps Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu

The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2008

The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2008

The Skill of Release: Teachings of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (Phra Suddhidhammaransi Gambhiramedhacariya) Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee (著)=Gambhiramedhacariya, Phra Suddhidhammaransi (au.) 1995

The Sublime Attitudes: A Study Guide on the BrahmavihāRas Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2014

The Truth of Rebirth: And Why It Matters for Buddhist Practice Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu 2012

The Wings to Awakening: An Anthology from the Pali Canon Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (譯)=DeGraff, Geofrey (tr.) 2010

Things as They Are -- A Collection of Talks on the Training of the Mind Nanasampanno, Acariya Maha Boowa; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1988

Udana: Exclamations Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2014

Upasika Kee Nanayon and the Social Dynamic of Theravadin Buddhist Practice Thanissaro Bhikkhu Sakyadhita Newsletter 1997.07.01

Upasika Kee Nanayon and the Social Dynamic of Theravadin Buddhist Practice Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1995

Upasika Kee Nanayon And The Social Dynamic of Theraverdin Buddhist Practice Thanissaro Bhikkhu Sakyadhita Newsletter 1997

Using meditation to deal with pain, illness & death Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1993.11.13

What is the Triple Gem? Dhammadharo, Ajaan Lee; Thanissaro Bhikkhu 1994

With Each & Every Breath: A Guide to Meditation Ṭhānissaro, Bhikkhu (著)=DeGraff, Geofrey (au.) 2016.02.21

什麼是「空」=What is Emptiness 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.10.15

引導式的禪修=A Guided Meditation 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.09.15

心如熾火 坦尼沙羅比丘; 鄭振煌 2002.03

心如熾火(二)=The mind like fire unbound(Ⅱ) Thanissaro Bhikkhu (著)=坦尼沙羅比丘 (au.); Cheng, Chen-huang (譯)=鄭振煌 (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 1997.08.31

心如熾火(三)=The mind like fire unbound(Ⅲ) 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 1997.09.30

心如熾火(五)=The mind like fire unbound(Ⅴ) 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); Cheng, Chen-huang (譯)=鄭振煌 (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 1997.11.30

心如熾火(四)=The mind like fire unbound(Ⅳ) 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); Cheng, Chen-huang (譯)=鄭振煌 (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 1997.10.31

心如熾火=The Mind Like Fire Unbound 鄭振煌=Cheng, Chen-huang; 坦尼沙羅比丘=Thanissaro Bhikkhu 2002.03

止觀之道=The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2005.03.15

以糖易金:捨的善巧=Trading Candy for Gold Renunciation as a Skill 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.08.15

正語=Right Speech 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.04.15

肯定心的真理:「厭離」與「清淨」=Affirming the Truths of the Heart: The Buddhist Teachings on Samvega & Pasada 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.12.15

涅槃之貌=The Image of Nirvana 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.05.15

無量法門一方便 :「毘婆舍那」在佛教修行中的地位=One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2005.02.15

善念為涅槃之道 坦尼沙羅比丘; 鄭振煌 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.06.15

業力 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly 2004.02.15

聖道修行=Noble Strategy 坦尼沙羅比丘 (著)=Thanissaro Bhikkhu (au.); 鄭振煌 (譯)=Cheng, Chen-huang (tr.) 2005.08.30

覺照在當下 -- 南傳女修行人的殊勝法教 坦尼沙羅比丘=Thanissaro Bhikkhu; 釋見諦=Shih, Chien-di; 紀.那那蓉=Kee Nanayon 2008.03

Noble Strategy by Thanissaro | Goodreads review

Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path by Thanissaro Bhikkhu | Goodreads

Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path

 4.49  ·   Rating details ·  41 ratings  ·  5 reviews


Paperback70 pages
Published 1999 by Metta Forest Monastery

Showing 1-30
 Average rating4.49  · 
 ·  41 ratings  ·  5 reviews

I'm usually quite the fan of Thanissaro Bhikkhu, being a liker of his dhamma talks for some time now. But I'm not so sure about his essays or, at the least; this collection of essays. Yes, they are still good in their own right; with the same charm and causal elegance of his talks; but I feel there's something missing about the style. His quality as an essayist, in judging from this alone as it stands, seems to be rather un-engaging.

He doesn't really translate his nature into the essaic form very well. His light and dry humour isn't really present, he's quite serious and virtually deadpan throughout. The rather graceful manner seen on average from him is replaced by a rather firm, stiff and almost monotonous way of speaking.

It rests upon these factors, and primarily they alone; that I cannot say this is a book as worthy as his others, but I do see one factor in which is good. The book is rather good at explaining common; but occasionally difficult to understand concepts in Buddhism. Such as the main topic of the 9th essay: vipassana. The subject yes, is known well to those who look more deeply into it; but to the otherwise wandering learner - it's generally not known. But this essay in particular does a well enough job at explaining it in rather decent detail.

As a final word, or more-of; a word of advice. To those who've just begun studying Buddhism, and don't have as much knowledge on the basics; it is advisable to not read this book. Given, although it may be a bit of an introduction to Buddhism (more to Theravada in this case), it isn't a complete introduction overall. More akin to an explanatory text to those of an amateur stance. But as for myself, I think I'll just leave it be as it is: a slight disappointment of his corpus. 
Jul 15, 2011rated it it was amazing
This book was written to "sell" Buddhist practices to Westerners. I've found it immensely helpful in thinking about such things as true happiness, karma, right speech, meditation, mindfulness, emptiness and other notions of Buddhism which I'd heard of but never looked at closely until now. The copy I have is in good condition. There is no ISBN number or publisher identified. At the end of the book I notice the following: Inquiries concerning this book may be sent to The Abbott/Metta Forest Monastery/PO Box 1409/Valley Center CA 92082. I was lucky to find the copy I have at the local Salvation Army store. The Introduction is dated August 1999. The author's name, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, is given in translation as Geoffrey DeGraff. At the bottom of the title page is printed "FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION". From the Introduction: "The essays in this book present views on basic elements in the Buddhist path - the attitudes, concepts, and practices that lead to total freedom for the mind. If the views are right, they themselves form a part of the path. Thus, in learning how to make best use of these essays, it's important to understand how views function in bringing about freedom." (less)
Jul 07, 2015rated it really liked it
Shelves: buddhism
This collection of essays by Thanissaro Bhikkhu is very well-selected. It's definitely not for the total newbie to buddhism, as it assumes one already knows all the basics - this is a book for buddhists who are already versed in all the basics (path, truths, precepts, perfections, etc).

That's not to say someone newer won't benefit, as it has all sorts of useful stuff even a beginner can glean learning from - but like nearly all Thanissaro's work, it doesn't pull punches and isn't softened for the "McMindfulness" crowd. This is no-nonsense, efficient Theravada teaching.

For the enthusiastic beginner or the intermediate, this is a good dharma supplement. It probably won't change your life, but it will give you plenty of good teachings to read, if you "dwell in the dharma" and thus read dharma all the time - as will the other four books in the Essays series.

Freely available from: http://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_inde...
Nov 16, 2015rated it really liked it
Shelves: buddhist-books
I always like his writings.
Balaji Ramasubramanian
Apr 12, 2014rated it it was amazing
Shelves: dhamma
Ajahn Thanissaro is a master of words, wisdom and meditation. This book is a treasure for anyone new to the Dhamma, or even someone quite seasoned.

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction by Thanissaro Bhikkhu | Goodreads

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction by Thanissaro Bhikkhu | Goodreads

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction

by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

really liked it 4.00  ·   Rating details ·  33 ratings  ·  4 reviews

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction. A short introduction to the basic concepts and values underlying Buddhist practice, with special attention to clearing up common misinterpretations about what the Buddha taught.

Freely available at dhammatalks.org

ebook, 33 pages

Published March 21st 2016

Edition LanguageEnglish

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Jul 06, 2016Steve rated it liked it

Shelves: 2016, mediation-and-buddhism

This book is an ebook. The author, a Buddhist monk, has been a pioneer in presenting Buddhist teachings in new formats since the 1990s when he first started putting his translations of Buddhist texts on the then new world wide web. This book is available in all of the ebook formats, including PDF, at dhammatalks.org. On the inside of the book are instructions for obtaining printed copies.

Whenever people ask me to recommend an introduction to Buddhism, I never feel fine with the choice I make. I can't think of any introduction that has a human face on it, an inspiring face, and that gets Buddhism completely right.

It is hard to write good introductory material, as it involves pulling yourself out of a subject you are steeped in and getting inside of the mind of someone unacquainted with the subject. Doing it well enough to inform and inspire takes talent.

I was surprised how well Venerable Thanisarro Bhikkhu did. I usually find his style to be dry, academic, and uninspiring.

I was very pleased that he started the book with 3 questions:

1. Is there such a thing as a deathless happiness that can bring suffering and stress to a total end?

2. If there is, can this happiness be found through human effort?

3. If so, can it be found in a harmless and blameless way?

In other words, Buddhism is all about happiness.

All too often with Buddhism ( particularly this author ) it is easy to forget that.

The other thing the author did well was in limiting the size of the book to just 33 pages. Too many introductions to Buddhism are too long winded. Someone who is new to Buddhism and who just wants to get an overview isn't going to have the patience for a tome.

I felt the author went wrong in trying to summarize the steps of in the discourse on mindfulness of breathing ( anapanasati sutta ). An introductory book is just not the place for that. I felt he could have done better by simply stating that the dominant meditation technique in Buddhism is being aware of your breathing. I think his description will leave his intended audience ( people completely new to Buddhism ) just scratching their heads.

I also didn't like his analogy, his use of the words "food" and "feeding" to describe how desire creates suffering and leads to multiple lives. No disrespect to the author, that wording just made Buddhism seem silly.

The author is an excellent and seasoned scholar of Buddhism. He is an excellent analyzer of text. He can point out things that you may have read many times, but have never articulated clearly in your mind.

While I don't like this book as an introduction to Buddhism, I do think it is an excellent introduction to what Thanisarro Bhikkhu has to say about Buddhism.

In that regard I am enthusiastic about the book and recommend to people familiar with his work and deeper writings about Buddhism.


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Feb 10, 2018Ahmad rated it liked it

Shelves: buddhism

A good basic and quick introduction to _some_ of the basic concepts and tenets of Theravada Buddhism. Even though the book is short, it still could have covered the Noble Eightfold Path in a bit more detail rather than just listing them for the reader to be informed about their existence. In general, it is a good summary but the book could have used a bit more explanation and/or examples for a beginner reader to make sense of the content more.

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May 26, 2016Pierre rated it really liked it

This is not the clearest introduction to Buddhism, but is a helpful text nevertheless. It is short enough for those new to the philosophy, but in depth enough for those who are more well versed. Its metaphysical passages are not as well explained as they could be, and the information is rather dry and list-heavy, but overall (and especially considering it is free) this is a good read.

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May 12, 2020Bryan rated it really liked it

Great introduction. Very dense, but worth reading and referencing back to.

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