

 Aldersgate Papers, Vol 1 September 2000






Jonathan P. Case

I. Introduction: Lee's Contribution to the Wider Discussion

Jung Young Lee has offered an interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity, from an East Asian perspective, that he hopes will contribute to our changed context of globalization, in which our understanding of Christianity has come to require what he calls a "world perspective."148 Interpretations of the Trinity and/or Christology from eastern religious perspectives have become more and more popular over the past few decades. Now The Trinity in Asian Perspective, with its appropriation of the doctrine of the Trinity from Taoist and Confucian perspectives, can be added to such works as Raimundo Panikkar's The Trinity and the Religious Experience of Man,'49 Michael von BrUck's The Unity of Reality, 150

148 Jung Young Lee, The Trinity in Asian Perspective. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996), 11

"p Raimundo Panikkar, The Trinity and the Religious Experience ofMan: Icon, Person, Mystery. New York: Orbis; London: IJarton, Longman& Todd, 1973.

"0 Michael von Ertick, The Unity ofReality: God, God-Experience, and Meditation in the Hindu-Christian Dialogue. New York! Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1991.


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John Keenan's The Meaning of Christ'5' and Masao Abe's influential essay on "Kenotic God and Dynamic Sunyata."52

But Lee is interested not only in the East - West theological encounter; along the way he is concerned to show how an Asian interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity can also answer significant questions raised by feminist and liberation theologies. These are laudable aims, surely, and Lee's work has been praised by significant figures working in the area of East - West interreligious dialogue. And Lee does provide helpful material on what he conveniently terms "yin/yang symbolic thinking" represented in Confucianism and Taoism. Upon close examination, however, I believe that this book, considered as a contribution to contemporary discussions of Trinitarian theology, is flawed seriously by questionable presuppositions, misreadings of the history of Christian thought and instances of sheer incoherence passed off as examples of creative theological thinking. J have no wish to pillory Prof. Lee's work, but it is imperative to scrutinize his book carefully and subject it to stringent criticism, for in it he proposes a far-reaching, programmatic reinterpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity on the basis of East Asian thinking, and to all appearances this book will have a significant impact in the area of interreligious dialogue.

II. Questions of Method

In terms of theological method laid out in his introduction, 153 Lee admits unabashedly to the priority of the apophatic. "I begin with a basic assumption that God is an unknown mystery and is unknowable to us directly.. ..The God who said to Moses 'I am who I

am" is the unnameable God......154 This statement revealed to Moses is compared, incredibly, to the familiar passage from the Tao te ching, "The Name that can be named is not the real Name." One hopes that Lee will encounter one day the name of YHWH in his reading of the Exodus story, and the importance of this name for the doctrine of the Trinity (Robert Jenson no doubt would be happy to help on that point)." But perhaps this is an unfair criticism, since Lee claims that his method is not "deductive," i.e., relying on "special revelation," but "inductive," i.e., relying on natural revelation given in cultural or natural symbols.'56 It is not at all clear what difference "special revelation" would make--even though Lee generously assumes that "the divine Trinity is a Christian concept of God implicit in Scripture""'--since every theological statement we make, the author assures us, does not speak of the divine reality, but rather only "of its meaning in our lives... [A]ny statement we make about the divine reality is none other than a symbolic statement about its meaning"."' The symbol of the Trinity, therefore, gives "meaning" as it participates in the life of the community, because this community is none other than that which "produces and sustains it". "9 In the Unity of Reality, Michael von Bruck was intemperate enough to state that "whether Christ or the Upanishads are 'true' depends on a personal faith experience"° --and many of us were (and are) understandably suspicious of those who do not scruple to put truth or true in quotation marks Lee, however, appears to be uninterested altogether in asking the truth-question.

Although Lee means to confess that "the symbol of the divine Trinity itself transcends various human contexts," the

'' John P. Keenan, The Meaning of Christ A Mahayana Christology. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1989.

52 In The Emptying God: A Buddhist - Jewish - Christian Conversation. John Cobb, Jr. and Christopher Ives, eds. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1990.

113 Lee, The Trinity, Chapter One.


114 Ibid., 12-13.


See Jenson's analysis in The Triune Identity: GodAccorthng to

the Gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982) 1 - 18.

156 Lee, 229.

' Ibid., 15.

Ibid., 13.

' Ibid., 14.

160 Michael von Erlick, The Unity ofReality, 5.


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meaning of this symbol does not.16' Theological statements are invariably contextual, so much so, Lee says, that if the context of controversy were not present in the early centuries of the church "the divine Trinity would never have become a doctrine or norm for orthodoxy to defend.. ,,162 The familiar lament about Hellenistic ways of thinking imported into the church's doctrinal thinking is sounded, as well as the familiar warning that traditional terminology is not meaningful or relevant to contemporary contexts--the East Asian, for example. How then, exactly, does culture determine meaning? "How we perceive and think are directly related to our conception of the world. All images and symbols we use in our thinking process area directly taken from the world. Thus our thinking is closely connected with cosmology."63 Since "the yin - yang symbol can be regarded as the paradigm for East Asian thinking"TM the interpretive upshot is easy to predict: 'The Asian way of thinking" serves as Lee's hermeneutic key to understanding the Christian faith, "especially as to reinterpreting the idea of the

divine Trinity". 161

In chapter two, "Yin - Yang Symbolic Thinking: An Asian Perspective," Lee goes on to explain the basic dynamic of "yin - yang symbolic thinking" by first locating it within a Taoist cosmology characterized by cyclical bipolarity. The I Ching or Book of Change is, of course, at the heart of Lee's exposition. The necessary and complementary opposite forces (seen, e.g., in such oppositions as light/dark, hot/cold, male/female, action/nonaction, etc.) which characterize everything in the world are known in terms of yin and yang, forces whose complementary opposition constitute

"the basic principle of the universe". In this cosmology, change is

understood as prior to being; hence yin and yang must be seen not

161 Lee 14

162 Ibid., 15.

163 Ibid., 18.

164 Ibid.

165 Ibid., 24.

166 Ibid.


as independent, substantial realities but rather as a symbol of continual movement or relation. Because of this relational character, yin - yang thinking is best characterized as a holistic "both/and" thinking, as opposed to (but supposedly also encompassing) the "either/of" thinking characteristic of the West. While "[t]he either / or way of thinking splits the opposites as if they have nothing to do with each other.. .the both / and way of thinking recognizes not only the coexistence of opposites but also the complementarity of them")67 We are told that while "either / or" thinking has its uses in certain situations, in the big picture of things it cannot hold up. "In our organic and interconnected world, nothing can clearly and definitely fall into either a this or a that category"."' It is more than a little interesting to consider how a judgment that claims "nothing can..." is exempt from the kind of charge leveled against either / or kind of thinking. But Lee apparently has little time for such logical niceties; he has theology to do. And for theology especially, which deals with questions of ultimate reality, the "either / or way" is clearly inadequate. Such a way of thinking is appropriate for only "penultimate matters",'69 and not with a symbol like the divine Trinity, which has universal import.

The notion that the "symbol" of the Trinity might have the potential for calling into question "yin - yang symbolic thinking" and its woridview is never considered. For a supposedly groundbreaking book, the central assumption is a tired, old liberal one: that an a priori , cultural worldview with its concomitant way of thinking is fundamental and that Christian doctrine must remain secondary and derivative; theological concepts must be trimmed to fit this already-existing picture. It is worth quoting Lee at length on this point, as he introduces us, in chapter three, to his notion of "Trinitarian Thinking":

167 Lee, 33.

Ibid., 34. 169 Ibid.


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The Trinity is a meaningful symbol, because it is deeply rooted in the human psyche and is manifested in various human situations. It is then the human situation (both inner and external, or psychic and social situation) that makes the Trinity meaningful...

Today we seek how the Trinity can be meaningful to us rather than the Trinity as reality, because our situation has changed. The reason is that what is meaningful to me is real to me, even though it may not be "objectively" real. Thus divine reality does not precede its meaning; rather, the former is dependent on the latter. What is meaningful to me must correspond to my conception of what reflects my situation as an Asian Christian in America. If yin and yang symbols are deeply rooted in my psyche as an Asian and manifested in my thought-forms to cope with various issues in life, what is meaningful to me must then correspond to this yin-yang symbolic thinking. Similarly, the Trinity is meaningful if I think in Trinitarian terms. Unless the yin - yang symbolic thinking is a Trinitarian way of thinking, the idea of Trinity is not meaningful to me. 170

Seldom has the self-centeredness at the core of so much contemporary theology been articulated so clearly, and without embarrassment. Lest anyone think this too severe a judgment, consider Lee's estimation of the importance of the theologian's "personal journey" in theological construction.

It is. ..one's personal life that becomes the primary context for theological and religious reflection. That is, a theology that does not reflect my own context is not meaningful to me. That is why any meaningful and authentic theology has to presuppose what I am. ..The theology that I have attempted here is based on my autobiography. In other

170 Ibid., 51.


words, 'what I am' is the context of my theological reflections .171

Feurbach wins, Freud wins, as well as innumerable talk show hosts, new age gurus and pop theologians and therapists. In what age other than one which has been characterized by the "triumph of the therapeutic"72 could one get away with claiming that "what I am" is the context of one's theological reflection?

In order to find out if Trinitarian thinking is "meaningful" to him, Lee attempts to answer the question, "Is yin-yang thinking also Trinitarian thinking?"73 This may seem like a nonsensical question. After all, to the outsider at least, Taoism and "yin-yang thinking", with polarities of darkness/light, soft/hard, female/male, etc., seem committed to a dualism that is claimed to be resolved (I dare not say "sublatcd", for fear of being branded too "western") in a higher monism. Threeness does not seem to have much to do with this worldview. Actually, Lee says, this way of looking at Taoism is mistaken, and proceeds from holding on to a substantialist metaphysic. Seen within a relational framework, "when two (or yin and yang) include and are included in each other, they create a Trinitarian relationship".'74 Lee attempts to illustrate this from the familiar Taoist diagram of the Great Ultimate, where one is symbolized by the great or outer circle, and three is symbolized by the yin, yang and the connecting dots in each. To express this linguistically, Lee says we must understand that the preposition "in," when saying (for example) that "yin is in yang" and vice-

versa, is a relational, connecting principle. "In the inclusive

relationship, two relational symbols such as yin and yang are

'' mid., 23.

172 The description is taken from Philip Rieff, The Triumph of the Therapeutic: The Uses of Faith After Freud New York: Harper and Row, 1966. In a world understood solely therapeutically, Rieff says that there is "nothing at stake beyond a manipulatable sense of well-being" (13).

113 Lee, 51.

04 Lee, 58.


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Trinitarian because of 'in,' which not only unites them but also completes them". 175 The same sort of relational understanding must be applied to the word "and" in the phrase "yin and yang." "JYlin - yang symbolic thinking based on relationality is Trinitarian because 'and' is a relational symbol that connects other relational symbols."76 One can see where this logic proceeds long before Lee draws the conclusion that "[t]wo.. are three because of the third or the between-ness, but each is also one because of their mutual inclusiveness". 177 With this logic operating, Lee is able to examine such pronouncements of Jesus as "Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me"78 and "I and the Father are one"179 and conclude that such statements are Trinitarian. "In" and "and" in these statements are ciphers for the Spirit.

There are troubling aspects to this "relational" logic. Could Lee be serious about extending the logic? If "two are three" because of the relational "and" between yin and yang or Father and Son, what about other combinations? To what absurd lengths could this logic lead? Are two "and" two not only four but also five? And what are we to do with the Trinitarian formula—"Father, Son 'and' Holy Spirit"? Remove "and" so as not to wind up with four relations? The most Lee can say to head off these kinds of absurdities is that in Taoism, "[t]hree does not give birth to four. Rather three gives birth to all things.. .Three is the foundation of existence. It is the symbol of completion and fiilfillment".'8° Apparently "ii" and "and" are relational categories when dealing only with one, two and three, but somehow not so when dealing with other combinations of relations. As far as I am able to determine, we do not have a thoroughgoing relational way of thinking here, but rather a Taoist convention.


116 Ibid., 60.

'"Ibid., 61.

'7' John 14:11.


John 10:30.

"° Lee, 62-3.


Another, perhaps more troubling, aspect of this logic involves Lee's criticism of western theology and its substantialist logic. According to Lee, from this perspective "in" and "and" are meaningless, because they cannot be a part of substance or being, while from a "relational" perspective, " 'and' is a relational symbol that connects other relational symbols".'' According to Lee, however, " 'and' is not only a linking principle in both/and thinking but also the principle that is between two"."' This is just silly. The early church fathers understood conjunctions and prepositions like "and" and "in" not as "meaningless" words but precisely as relational terms, because that is how they function in grammar. One cannot read, for example, Basil of Caesarea's treatise On the Holy Spirit without gaining an appreciation for his insights as to how the doctrine of the Trinity generates a theological grammar that enables us to speak responsibly and coherently about the triune relations and our place in the economy of salvation. The Fathers used words like ousta and hypostases, and they have been roundly criticized for that (often by people who do not understand the discussions), but it seems to me that, after criticizing the fathers for not paying attention to "and" and "is" because these terms were not substantial, Lee is the one guilty of reifying these words. For example, Lee says that while "substantial thinking overlooks 'and' as if it does not exist... [i}n reality, 'and' is a part of everything in the world, just as the spirit exists in all things."183 It seems incredible that one could damn the fathers for merely being intelligent grammarians, then pride oneself on committing the error they had sense enough to avoid.

On the basis of his "relational" understanding of the Trinity, Lee proffers a few criticisms and revisions of "Trinitarian thinking." Among such criticisms, the one aimed at Karl Rahner's "simplistic understanding of the divine Trinity" (!) is the most memorable in this chapter. The depth of Lee's misunderstanding of

181 Lee, 60.

182 Ibid.

183 Ibid.


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Rahner's position can be seen in the former's judgment that "[i]f God's presence in the world is completely unaffected by the world, it is possible to conceive that the economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity and the immanent Trinity is the also the economic Trinity".'" It is, of course, precisely "Rahner's Rule" (to use Ted Peter's apt description '85) that gets Rahner himself in trouble with his grip on the classic immutability thesis. Perhaps we should forgive Lee for his lapse in rigorous attention to this important argument, since early in the book he admitted to spending "more time in meditation than in library research and more time in rereading the Bible than reinterpreting existing theological works on the Trinity."86 But it is no light matter to shrug off one's commitment to scholarly integrity and fidelity to one's subject matter--especially when interpreting works the likes of Fr. Rahner's, whose "simplistic understanding" of the doctrine of the Trinity has been one of the most important contributions in this century to the ongoing discussion.

III. The Trinitarian Relations A. The Son

Chapters four, five and six are devoted to understanding the divine persons, but, surprisingly, Lee's order begins with a discussion of the Son (chapter four), then moves to the Holy Spirit (chapter five) and finally to the Father (chapter six). Chapter four is by far the most interesting, with chapters five and six working out Lee's logic expressed in four. In this chapter, his attempt to begin the discussion with the Son has a biblical flavor to it, but here Lee's methodological confusion is plain. He has already claimed that his

Lee, 67. That the economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity, and vice versa, is Rahner's central thesis in The Trinity. New York: Herder and Herder, 1970.

'85 Ted Peters, God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1993), 22.

116 Lee, 12.


method is "inductive" or based on natural theology rather than a deductive approach based on special revelation. Yet here he claims that we begin with the Son because "God the Father was revealed through God the Son" and therefore "the concrete and historical manifestation of Christ becomes the foundation for our understanding of God," --immediately adding, incoherently, that "the traditional approach to the Trinity is deductive; our approach to it is inductive. 487 However the reader is supposed to make sense of this, it is clear in what follows that Lee is concerned not so much with the story of Jesus found in the Gospels as he is with an abstract discussion of the Son "who has two natures, divinity and humanity, just as we have begun our Trinitarian thinking with yin-yang symbolic thinking.""' This is a natural place for us to begin, Lee explains, since the Christological issue preceded the Trinitarian formula -- apparently forgetting that Nicea preceded Chalcedon.

Leaving that aside, how exactly are the two natures of the Son supposed to function as a key to understanding the Trinity? To begin, Lee explains that "[i]f Christ is the symbol of divine reality, Jesus is the symbol of humanity.. .He is both Jesus and Christ or Jesus-Christ, who is different from Jesus as Christ. Jesus as Christ means Jesus is equal or identical with Christ, but Jesus-Christ means that Jesus and Christ are neither equal nor identical. Just like yin and yang, they are different but united together."' 89 One would be hard pressed to find in contemporary theology a more palpable lack of understanding the meaning of "Christ." But, bolstered by his understanding of familial symbols taken from the S/iou Kua or Discussion of the Trigrams, in his appropriation of the biblical material for his Trinitarian musings, Lee continues to venture where sane exegetes would fear to tread, by claiming that in the nativity narratives in Luke two distinct divine powers are actually involved in the conception of Jesus - "the Holy Spirit" and the "power of the

IS? Lee, 70. 188 Ibid.

"9 Ibid., 74.


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Most High."° Thus Lee concludes that "[t]he familial symbols of the Trinity are definitely established in this story: the Most High as the father, the Holy Spirit as the mother, and Jesus to be born as the son. In this Trinitarian relationship, the Son possesses the natures of both Father and Mother. The Father is represented by the yang symbol and the mother by the yin symbol." 'It seems the doctrine of the Trinity is not all that difficult to understand--just one big happy divine family. So much for Mary as The otokos.

There are in this reinterpretation a number of implications for liberation and gender concerns. Jesus becomes the perfect symbol of "marginality," being in touch with the world of heaven and the world of earth, belonging to both worlds yet neither in this world nor in heaven, transcending both. So "Jesus-Christ [sic] as the Son, possessing the two natures of humanity and divinity, becomes the margin of marginality, the creative core, which unites conflicting worlds .,,192 But because the Son includes the Father and the Spirit while simultaneously excluding both of them, he is at the margin of the Father and the Spirit, and therefore he acts as "the connecting principle between the Father and the Spirit."93 The implication for the gender issue is that, although according to the biblical witness Jesus was male, yin - yang "both /and" thinking enables us to affirm that "Jesus was a man but also a woman," (and "not only men but also women"94) since human beings are microcosms of the universe. Like all other creatures, Jesus was subject to the yin-yang polarity, and in terms of gender, the upshot of this polarity means that the existence of male (yang) presupposes the existence of female (yin). "In this respect, Jesus as a male person

presupposes that he is also a female person."95 Of course there is a Trinitarian pattern discerned here by Lee, since Jesus not

'° Cp. Luke 1:35. '' Lee, 74.

192 ibid., 77.

193 ibid.

194 Ibid., 79. '95 Ibid.


only brings male and female together but also transcends them. Further, if Jesus was not only male but also female, then he was more than a single person--he was "one but also two at the same time"--and by now it should be clear as to where this kind of rhetoric leads. If one symbolizes singularity and two symbolizes plurality, then Christ is a single person representing individuality but also a people representing a community.

What is disturbing about all of this, soteriologically speaking, is that on this score we are re-presented in the incarnation of the Son not because the divine nature comprehends and sanctities human nature; rather, such re-presentation takes place by virtue of an East Asian communal "cosmo-anthropological" principle that can be

extended to all persons. When this principle is extended

theologically to the triune fellowship, the results are ridiculous. It means that "Jesus as the Son is not only a member of the Trinitarian God but is also the Trinitarian God's own self."96 When this principle is applied hermeneutically to the story of Jesus, the results are horrific. It means that that death of Jesus on the cross was the death of the Father, and the death of the Spirit as well. 197 ,It was then the perfect death ......

198 Lee is motivated to make such extravagant claims partly by his desire to redress the traditional notion of divine apatheia, but this is assuredly not how to do it. The resurrection of the Son, then, is also the resurrection of the Trinitarian God. Now how can this happen, if--to put not too fine a point on it--everyone is dead? Quite simply, we have in Lee's reading a resurrection by principle, by virtue of the fact that 'lust as yin cannot exist independently without yang.. .we cannot speak of death without resurrection."Mthough Scripture speaks of death as the result of sin and the enemy of life, an enemy that is overcome through the resurrection of Christ, the cosmo-anthropological perspective animating Lee's reinterpretation reveals that death and

196 Lee, 82.

'' Ibid. 198 Ibid.

'99 Ibid., 83.



life cannot exist apart from each other--and hence are not truly enemies to each other after all. Moreover, our perception is so skewed that we fail to understand that there is no genuine gap between death and resurrection in eternity; death and resurrection take place simultaneously. Thus, "[t]he death of God occurs in the resurrection of God, just as the resurrection of God occurs in the death of God."200 In answer to the question, "Oh Death, where is thy sting?," Lee's response seems rather anemic. Death never really had much of a sting.

In attempting to draw out some implications for creation and redemption from the relation of the Son to the Father, Lee makes some startling claims, the most disturbing of which bears upon the equality of Father and Son in the Godhead. As a Father has priority over his son, so, Lee reasons, creation must take precedence over redemption; indeed "salvation means restoring the original order of creation, which is distorted because of sin."20' Hence the work of the Savior is dependent upon the work of the Father, which creates what Lee terms a "functional subordination of the Son to the Father."202 Fair enough. But then Lee draws the wholly unjustified judgment that it was "[t]hus a mistake of the early church to make Christ coequal with the Father, by placing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit side by side... [the Father and the Son] are one but not the same. This is precisel why it is not possible to make the Son coequal with the Father."2 3 They are one but not the same, therefore they cannot be equal? Perhaps I have missed Lee's point here, but he appears to be committing the elementary blunder of reading into the inward Trinitarian relations an order he believes he has discerned in the outward works. For someone so enamored of "both/and" thinking, with these intemperate (some would say heretical) comments it seems to have never occurred to Lee to affirm "both" functional subordinationism "and"

200 Ibid.

201 Ibid., 88.

202 Ibid.

203 Ibid.


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equality of being or essence. Subordinationism is hardly a new idea in the history of Trinitarian theology, and many people have held various forms of it while still adhering to the central insight expressed at Nicea as to the consubstantiality of Father and Son.

B. The Spirit.

In his treatment of the Spirit, Lee is out to help remedy the short-shrift this member of the Trinity has gotten in the history of Christian thought. "The Spirit is often regarded," Lee says, "as an attribute of the Father and Son without having a distinctive place in the Trinity."204 A bit overstated, perhaps, but intending to "clarify" the place of the Spirit is a genuinely praiseworthy aim. The real question for Christians in this chapter, however, is whether we can afford (or stomach) Lee's "clarification". According to Lee's Asian Trinitarian thinking, the Spirit is known "as 'she', the Mother who complements the Father." Then, Lee adds this for the feminists: 'The Spirit as the image of Mother, as a feminine member of the Trinity, is important for today's women who are conscious of their place in the world."205 In Lee's reading, "[i]t is the two primary principles of reality, the Father ["the essence of the heavenly principle"] and the Mother or Spirit ["the essence of the material principle"], who have logical priority over the Son," so in this respect, "it is not the Spirit which proceeds from the Father and the Son, but the Son who proceeds from the Spirit and the Father. ,106

Lee attempts to identify the Spirit with the Asian idea of c/i 'i, or the vital energy which animates and transforms all things in the universe. The Spirit is "the essence of all things, and without her everything is a mirage," and Lee does not hesitate to compare this notion to the Hindu prana when speaking of the function of c/i 'i

to unite matter and spirit. The author realizes that he is on

204 Lee, 95.

205 Ibid.

206 Ibid., 103.



dangerous ground (even for him) in talking like this, and does his best to explain that "[t]he unity of the Spirit as c/i 'i and the Spirit as Godself does not mean that the former is identical with the latter even though they are inseparable."207 So, while the Spirit as chi , the essence of life, must manifest herself in "trees, rocks, insects,

animals and human beings," Christianity is "more than animistic or pantheistic because the Spirit is not only chi but also more than chi. She is more than chi, because she is also God."208 There you have it; theism rescued by the conceptual clarity offered by yet another variation on "both/and" thinking. Harnack's familiar comment about Augustine avoiding the charge of modalism by the mere assertion that he did not wish to be a modalist might well be tailored to fit Lee on the question of pantheism.209

Because Lee cannot successfully navigate the problem of pantheism entailed by his position, he cannot, not surprisingly, successfully navigate the problem of evil or (in his terms) the problem of the relationship between ch'i and evil spirits ("I do not know how this disharmonious element occurs in the universal flow of the Spirit")."' This does not prevent him, however, from presenting a kinder, gentler Spirit, oriented to the K 'tat hexagram in the Book of Change. "Because fragility is the nature of the Spirit, the Spirit is always gentle."21' Gentle metaphors for the Spirit (drawn from the Discussion of the Trigrams) such as cloth, a kettle, water, a large wagon, form, and multitude are all investigated, but, interesting as some of these are, by far the most interesting metaphor for the Spirit is a cow with a calf or a pregnant cow, insofar as such metaphors "signifies the fertility of the earth mother."212 These metaphors signify "the self generating power inherent in the

207 Ibid., 99.

208 Ibid., 100.

209 Adolf von Harnack, History of Dogma, vol. IV (London, Edinburgh and Oxford: Williams and Norgate, 1898)131.

210 Lee, 102. 288 Ibid., 105. 282 Lee, 106.


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Spirit," so that the Spirit is the authentic mother of Jesus, while Mary was the "surrogate mother." Again, commenting on Luke 1. 34ff: "If the Holy Spirit represents female divinity, the Most High may represent male divinity. In other words, the relationship between God the Mother and God the Father caused the conception of Jesus in Mary."213 One might say that St. Thomas had it wrong: the real relations should be Paternity, Maternity, Filiation, etc.284 We are assured that Mary fully participated in the process of conception and birth, yet Lee laments that "[w]hen the church failed to recognize the feminine element in God or to recognize the Spirit as God the Mother, the church had to elevate Mary as God the Mother. Divinizing Mary was a tragic mistake."285 Elevating Mary to God the Mother? Is that what Lee thinks those sneaky Roman Catholics have been up to? Or what church is this man talking about? Try as one might, it is difficult to see why this fictitious error would be worse than the paganism Lee proposes; at least Mary as "God the Mother" might not land one so squarely in Docetism, as Lee's position does, despite his protests to the contrary.

Two of the dominant motifs which characterize the work of the Spirit are integration and transformation. At first glance, these motifs strike one as reasonable enough, pneumatologically speaking, but they are expounded without the slightest hint of subjecting to theological criticism what is being integrated and transformed. "Integration," we are told, encapsulates that "inclusivity without discrimination" and "complementarity of opposites" characteristic of what Lee calls love. 216 And why the Spirit's transforming work enabling movement "from one stage to another in human growth and spiritual formation" is such a big deal remains a

mystery. After all, as Lee tells us, "[a]ny sharp distinction

between the secular and the sacred.... is not only contrary to the

283 Lee, 107.

214 See Thomas' discussion of the real relations in Summa Theologica1. 28. 4.

285 Lee, 106.

286 Ibid., 108.


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Trinitarian principle but also unacceptable from the cosmo-anthropological perspective of Fast Asian thinking. "21' Although the New Testament distinguishes between flesh and spirit, we need not operate with a division between them, what with the blessing of yin-yang thinking. In fact, " 'what is born of the flesh' has the potential for becoming 'what is born of the Spirit.' "218

Lee explains that "[t]he Spirit in all things makes up the continuum between saints and sinners, between the flesh and the spirit, between the bad and the good. Thus, the continuum itself is the power that moves us from one pole to the other."219 It is not without good reason, of course, that the creed refrains from referring to "the Continuum Itself, the Lord

and Giver of Life." With his unstudied, unbiblical and

undifferentiated amalgam of flesh and spirit, no wonder Lee can conclude that "because the Spirit is immanent in the world, the world is the church."220

If all of this sounds like so much pneumatological gurgling from the contemporary liberal pluralist agenda, it is. "In this pluralistically and ecologically oriented age," Lee says, "we have to rethink our theological task. An exclusive and absolutist approach, which has been fostered by a Christocentric perspective, must be revised. Our theological focus must change from Jesus-Christ to the Father, and from the Father to the Spirit. "22' And despite Lee's assurances that "the Spirit-centered approach" does not exclude a Christ-centered approach, we have heard all this before. "Because the Spirit is truly immanent and inclusive of all things in the cosmos, a theology based on the Spirit must include all.. .From the perspective of the Spirit, all religions are manifestations of the same Spirit."222 Such groundbreaking pneumatology.

217 Ibid. 115.

218 Ibid., 116

219 Ibid., italics added.

220 Ibid., 117,

221 Ibid., 123.

222 Ibid., 123.


C. The Father

In chapter six we see the political quandary in which Lee is landed as a result of his hermeneutical commitments. Nearly one quarter of the chapter is devoted to explaining why the Father has preeminence in the Trinitarian relations. This has very little to do with the Son's relation to the Father in a biblical perspective. In the West, because of liberation and feminist concerns, Lee suggests we do not have to take seriously the patriarchy expressed in the Scripture. But because he is committed to reinterpreting the doctrine of the Trinity from "the contextual reality of Asian people," and in that context the dominant familial structure is patriarchal, he has no choice but to argue for the preeminence of the Father. So, while Lee is aware of, and sympathetic to, Western calls to dismantle patriarchy, and while he attempts to soften an unyielding patriarchal structure in the doctrine of the Trinity by reimagining the Spirit as a feminine member of the Trinity, he must admit nevertheless that "[s]ince the purpose of this book is to present the Trinity from an Eastern perspective, not from a Western perspective, I have to accept reluctantly, with some reservation because of my Western influence, the biblical witness that the Father (the male) is more prominent than the Spirit, who represents the image of the mother (female) .1,223 Make no mistake, that "biblical witness" is "accepted" only because of the East Asian perspective on the family. "The Eastern perspective is relative to the context of Eastern people at the present time, and any theological treatise from an Eastern• perspective must reflect the context of Eastern people. ,224 It is touching indeed to see a liberal theologian torn between his sympathy for a western feminist political agenda and his commitment to a radically contextual hermeneutic that will permit him to reinterpret the Trinity from only an East Asian (i.e., patriarchal) perspective.

223 Ibid., 129.

224 Ibid.


Case Review: When Two are Three

The remainder of this chapter is devoted largely to

interpreting the Father from the perspective of Chien or the symbol of heaven found in the Book of Change. This hexagram bears four cardinal virtues which Lee explicates in relation to heaven's attributes: origin, success, advantage and correctness—reinterpreted as the Father's love, harmony, justice and wisdom. Following this,

Lee examines a number of metaphors from the Discussion of the Trigrams for unfolding the character of the Father: the 'round,' the prince, the father, jade, metal, cold, ice, deep red, a good horse, an old horse, a lean horse ("1 would like to think that the Father in the Trinity is like my own father, working like a horse for his Trinitarian family.....), a wild horse, and tree fruit. Yet among the various characteristics discussed, the creativity of the Father and the universal moral principle or order originating in him constitute his "centrality," which unifies the relations and the cosmos. But speaking this way about "centrality" in reference to the Father's place smacks way too much of patriarchy and subordinationism, and once again Lee has to scramble to salvage a more egalitarian way of distributing power. Fortunately, "in yin-yang thinking, everything changes and transforms itself. The center changes as an entity or as a relation change. Thus, the center is redefined again and again in the process of creativity and change."225 Hence, Lee can claim that the Spirit is also central because she represents the centrality of the earth, and the Son is also central because the centrality of the Father is marginalized through the Spirit and recentred in him (the Son), who is between both Father and Spirit and heaven and earth.

It becomes clear by the end of this chapter that Lee is unable to reconcile his commitment to traditional Eastern "family values" (my term) with his sensitivity to contemporary gender concerns. He believes that "the Trinitarian structure is fundamental to human community" and can serve as "the archetype of the human family." In the face of crumbling family life, Lee maintains that no sound family can exist without either a mother or a father, and that without children the family is incomplete. Yet "[w]hat is needed in family

225 Ibid., 149.


life today is not to change the images of father, mother and children, but to reinterpret their images to meet the ethos of our time."226Not changing the images, but merely reinterpreting them for our time? That is a bit like offering clarification without clarity. But the underlying ideology has at least become clear. In his concluding remarks on this chapter on the Father, Lee admits that "[tihe real issue regarding the Trinity is neither the familial images nor the gender of the Father. To me the real issue is the lack of the feminine member of the Trinity. ,227 By this point in the book, it come as no surprise to learn that is the real issue, even in a chapter on the Father.

IV. "The Orders of the Divine Trinity."

In chapter seven, Lee says he "hopes to examine how using one's imagination and drawing from one's existential context shows us new ways in which the Trinitarian members can be interrelated in the mystery of divine life, '12' and he is out to do this unencumbered by both Greek and Latin ways of conceiving the relations within the Godhead. Lee's interest in Trinitarian "orders" is somewhat baffling, and although he says that in general theologians tend to be fascinated by the inner workings of the divine life, it appears that Lee's real fascination in this chapter is with less divine questions of hierarchy and power. The political and hermeneutical dilemma, for example. is evident again in full force. "Although I lean strongly toward feminist and liberationist interpretation of Trinitarian doctrine in terms of equality, mutuality and community, my approach to the orders of the divine Trinity is distinct because of my Asian background, which presupposes not only a cosmo-anthropological and organic worldview but also a hierarchical dimension in the order of the divine Trinity. ,219 In the traditional order, "the Father,

226 Lee, 150.

227 Ibid.

228 Ibid., 151.

229 Ibid., 150.



the Son, the Spirit, "Lee judges that commitment to the coequality of persons should be questioned, since the idea of coequality of the three persons "is based not on the biblical witness but on the aspirations of equal rights advocates and a democratic society."° One learns such invaluable lessons about the history of theology from Prof Lee's book. Instead of countenancing such egalitarian idealism in our doctrine, Lee reminds us that "[i]n praxis, there is no equality of all people. Ethnic minorities and many women are oppressed, class structure cannot be eliminated, and utopia is only a dream of those who suffer injustice today. If we truly want to reflect the contemporary situation in which we live, we must not be too idealistic."231 This is truly a pathetic picture. Here is a theologian who accuses the Fathers of something that they could not possibly be guilty of (viz., being democratic idealists), who then reminds us to be hard headed pragmatists on account of the political realities in our world, but who all along has admitted to reimagining the Spirit as feminine in order to balance but the patriarchy of the traditional interpretation. One almost would counsel Lee to develop a more active political imagination, so at least he could appreciate the error he mistakenly attributes to the Fathers.

The other orders imagined are "the Father, the Spirit, the Son" (the "distinctively Asian" order 23), "the Spirit, the Father, the Son" (admittedly difficult to support from the biblical witness, but not if taken "from human imagination based on human experienee"233);'the Spirit, the Son, the Father" (a matriarchal family structure supported by "shamanism, often regarded as the religion of women in Asia, ,234), "the Son, the Father, the Spirit" (an order against the norm of the East Asian idea of family structure but one which can be salvaged by virtue of the yin-yang principle") and

230 Ibid., 157.

231 Ibid., 158.

232 Ibid., 153.

233 Lee, 161.

Ibid., 166. 235 Ibid., 169.


Review: When Two are Three

finally, "the Son, the Spirit, the Father" (Lee's favorite paradigm because it represents 'The existential situation of human experience,"). Each of these orders is explicated with the aid of a hexagram.

What is the significance of these Trinitarian "orders"? Lee admits that these different orders "are based purely on the imagination of human experience and may have no relevance to the inner life of the divine Trinity. ,217 Yet, he insists that such an exercise is not merely a pointless exercise. "Rather, I have attempted to discover the meaning of the divine life from my own experience. ..My imagination of the divine Trinity is rooted in the meaning of my familial life. The orders of the divine Trinity are then meaningful images of my experience of life.""' So although what he has done in this chapter cannot be identified with what the life of God is like, it is "not sheer nonsense but has a meaning that relates my life to the divine. ,239 If one is baffled initially by Lee's fascination with Trinitarian orders, the bafflement increases by the time the chapter is at an end and the realization sinks in that these orders do not have anything to do with God but only with Lee's search for "meaning" for his life--yet still, somehow, the church is supposed to profit by reading a chapter of his personal imaginings.

V. "Trinitarian Living."

As another episode in Lee's theological autobiography, chapter seven could be excused perhaps as one theologian's imaginative ramblings. But theology must be more than a privatistie, imaginative vision quest. Once one's search for personal meaning is divorced from the search for truth, disaster cannot be far behind when one attempts to think about other people, and nowhere is that

236 Ibid., 172.

237 Ibid., 175.

238 Ibid., 176.

239 Ibid.


Case Review: When Two are Three

more apparent in this book than in chapter eight, where Lee holds forth on what he calls "Trinitarian living" with respect to church life, family life and community life.

With respect to his understanding of church life, we have in Lee's proposals nothing short of a pagan reinterpretation of the life of the Christian church. Baptism represents the ebb and flow of yin and yang. "Just as yang changes to yin, which again changes to yang, life dies in the water and rises up to new life. In this process, the old yang (old yang) becomes new yang (new life) because of yin (death)."240 This symbolic representation of cosmic forces is seen throughout the church year, most notably during the Christmas and Easter seasons, when we experience the "cycle of life-death-new life."24 The paganism is furthered in Lee's treatment of the service of holy communion, which he relates to the Asian practice of ancestor worship or ancestral rite. In Lee's Trinitarian model of preaching, we do not see paganizing so much as we do his implicit assent to outright clichés about genders. A good sermon, he says, has an ethical or rational axiom (related to the mind), an emotive axiom (related to the heart) and a volitional axiom (related to the "lower abdomen" or seat of strength). The rational or ethical component belongs to the Father (the masculine principle), the emotive element to the Spirit (the feminine principle) and the volitional component to the Son, who mediates the Father and Spirit (mother). In Lee's final reflections on church life, he suggests that meditation is "the soul of the church's life," and that "the real crisis of today's church life comes from a lack of meditation."2 In response to this crisis, the church needs to either revive its mystic tradition or learn meditation techniques from Asia. In meditation, Lee explains, we are connected or "yoked" to the divine. All separation from the divine life - whether that separation is caused by

240 Ibid., 182.

241 Ibid., 183.

242 Lee, 188.


thinking, self consciousness, sound or sensory images - is eliminated, so that "we are 'in' the life of divine Trinity.'3

In Lee's treatment of what he calls "Trinitarian family life,'! the gender issue once again comes to the fore. We are told that "remaking the image of God with feminine members"—for example; changing the name "Father" to that of "Mother"—"can create the• same problem that patriarchy has created." So, to avoid that problem, Lee says his strategy has been to reimagine the Spirit as the feminine member of the Trinity, as "the mother who complements the Father," thus completing the "Trinitarian family of God." The glaring, unexamined assumption in all of this is that while one cannot change "Father" to "Mother" for fear of repeating the same kind of problem that patriarchy has created, somehow one can with impunity feminize the Holy Spirit. Apparently, while names in the Holy Scripture such as "Father" and "Son" provide gender boundaries Lee is unwilling to cross, he has no reservations about ignoring in Scripture the existence of mere pronouns (he, his) in reference to the Spirit. This inconsistent and uncritical hermeneutical posture carries over into Lee's estimation of the trinity as the "archetype" of our family life. Although the heavenly model was "influenced" by our human context, Lee will not admit that he has sold out to a "contextual approach, where the present family context might be used as a norm for interpreting the familial life of the divine


Trinity... We cannot attribute our family experience to the divine ."5 Has this man read his own book? For the better part of two hundred pages he has done just that; why get sentimental about revelation now?

The Trinity as the archetype of the human family does more than provide a theological blueprint for families which are able to exhibit the traditional thther-mother-child structure; in Lee's reading this archetype should also provide hope for families that do not manifest this structure. Single-parent families, childless

243 Ibid., 189.

244 Ibid., 191.

245 Ibid.


Review: When Two are Three

family system or as a "mosaic" of many family units. In this section the author executes an amazing backflip away from his early position on the notion of "coequality." Whereas earlier in the book he was sharply critical of the church's judgment that the divine persons are coequal, here without explanation he claims that "[j]ust as the coequality of the three is an essential ingredient of the Trinity, the coequality of different ethnic and racial groups in society is imperative for Trinitarian living in the world.. .Society is an extension of the family, and our family is a reflection of the familial image of the divine Trinity."249 Yet, even as a functional hierarchy is also at work in the Trinitarian "family," so a hierarchy of power must exist in any society. The power in the structure of that hierarchy, however, should be based on an individuals' capacities and not on racial origins or ethnic orientations. A more masterful exposition of the obvious would be hard to find, but the socio-economic platitudes continue. In surveying actual society, Lee soberly admits that

"classes are inevitable in this life."250 But in response to

liberationists' concerns, Lee says that the liberation theology he affirms "does not liberate us from the reality of the poor itself but from the unjust structure that is oppressive for the poor and weak. ,,251 The poor, I am sure, will be grateful for that clarification.

However, Lee tells us we must consider "the possibility that the structure of the social classes reflects the functional hierarchy in the Trinity. ,252 In a poignant display of naiveté, he attempts to explain from yin-yang thinking why this position does not merely endorse the social and economic order. Governments should not attempt to fix the order of society so that only certain groups are benefited, "for everything must change according to yin-yang cosmology. Just as yin changes to yang when yin reaches its maximum and vice versa, people change from the lower class to the


couples, even single persons are regarded as families "in transition," and even in this transitional phase all of these groups manifest, nonetheless, the divine archetype. What is highly revealing in this portion of chapter eight is a complete lack of interest m•"alternative" family structures, such as de facto arrangements and homosexual partnerships. In particular, one wonders if homosexuals in the

church have an ally in Lee or not, especially given his commitment to complementarity of opposites, male and female forces, etc. This seems to be one more of example of how, from the traditional East Asian understanding of family, Lee is restrained from capitulating wholesale to predominantly western concerns, no matter how sympathetic he might be. Granted, because of this restraint, Lee can

at times sound very conservative. "No matter how firm the

commitment made by the husband and wife, how much they love each other, their marriage and family do not succeed unless they have the right structure, based on a firm foundation."246 One of my Sunday School teachers might have said the same, and I believe it. But then almost immediately the theological craziness resumes. "What is needed is to build the family on the archetype of the Trinitarian Family.. .Thus, it is not only mutual commitment but also meditation that reaches the depth of God the Family, which then becomes the foundation of the human family. ,247 No organization is more sacred than the family, for this basic unit reflects the structure of the Trinity. Hence the church itself must be regarded as "the extension of the family unit," and Lee even makes the accusation that, since the church tends to look at the home as a secular realm and the church as the only sacred realm, "the church is indirectly responsible for the deterioration of family structure."' Chalk up one more disaster for which the church is responsible.

Lee discerns familiar Trinitarian "principles" in his treatment of "community life" or society, which is envisioned as a large

246 thud., 197. 24? Ibid.

248 Lee, 197.

249 Ibid., 201.

250 Ibid., 204. 253 Ibid., 205. 252 Ibid.



Case VI. Lee's Conclusion

upper and from the upper class to the lower .,,213 How long do we have to pray, and wait, for this kingdom (of sorts) to come? We really don't just wait for it, Lee says, for "we are fully participating in the process of change," since God is immanent in the whole process of our collective efforts to fulfill the needs of a just society. However, the middle class is particularly important in Lee's vision of society, since "[i]f society truly reflects the Trinitarian image of God the Family, the people of the lower strata and those of the upper strata are complemented through the middle strata, which acts as a mediator.. .It is this middle [class] that provides the stability of society and prevents conflict between the upper and lower classes .,,254 So when, for the benefit of society, the Tao is allowed to work through us its ceaseless ebb and flow of yin and yang, in our enlightenment we will come to recognize.. .the middle class in all its glory? Hegel has found a Taoist soulmate.

In the last few pages of this chapter, Lee includes his take on the concept of time from a "Trinitarian perspective." This is a strange little addition to the chapter; it was added, I suppose, because all of our Trinitarian living takes place, well, in time. But, no surprise, Lee's "Trinitarian perspective" on time is little more than a cover for a Taoist/Confucian perspective. "Linear" time is an illusion or "a limited perception within human experience," while

an ultimate sense, our time is cyclic, because our time is cosmic time."255 Lee's contribution to this discussion is neither unique nor interesting. Eschatology is associated with "dualistic concept of time," which is infected with the strange division of time and eternity, while in "Trinitarian thinking" now is eternity, since the Son serves as the "present" connecting principle to the "past" of the Father and the "future" of the Spirit. Why is it so difficult for people to understand that one can dress up an unchristian worldview with a Christian formula, and that worldview will still remain

253 Ibid.

254 Ibid., 206.

255 Ibid., 208.


Lee's conclusion (chapter nine) briefly reviews the main themes of his book, and in important respects a few of these themes summarize the unexamined assumptions, confusion and errors running through his project. All he has done in this book, Lee admits, is to have drawn "a picture of the divine Trinity based on imaginations coming from my own experience, which is deeply rooted in Asian tradition. Realizing that I, as a human being, am incapable of the knowing the reality of the divine mystery, I have searched for the meaning of the divine Trinity in my own life." Lee warns us that "[w]hat is meaningful to me my not always be meaningful to others," but he hopes nonetheless that his book will function as "a catalyst for those who are seeking out the meaning of the Trinity in their own lives. ,256 This sounds so very humble, but it is the outcome of a theology almost wholly concerned with contextual "meaning" and not with truth. Lee uses Scripture in his construction, and one would think that some recognition of special revelation would factor into his claims. But, as we have seen repeatedly, he eschews the claims one might make on account of special revelation, preferring to use snippets from the Gospel merely as stimuli for his own imaginative and so-called "inductive" theological method. As we all know, there is using Scripture and then there is using Scripture. Bereft of the ability to make robust universal truth claims, Lee can only finally wonder, "Does my imagination of the Trinity, which is translated into my Trinitarian thinking, have anything to do with the divine Trinity itself? I do not know. However, if my Trinitarian thinking is intrinsic to my creaturcliness, the Trinitarian God who created the world has something to do with my Trinitarian thinking. This gives me hope

256 Lee, 212-13.


Review: When Two are Three

unchristian? With Lee's revision of eschatology, his pgaiizin, program is complete.


that my Trinitarian thinking is not completely out of focus."257 Lee's thinking is not completely out of focus. That is cold comfort. This is hardly a full-blooded Trinitarian theology for the community of faith; to the degree that Lee's faith remains primarily in the "Trinitarian thinking intrinsic to [his own] creatureliness," his theological project remains a private affair. As Lee has reminded the reader again and again, "[t]he Trinity is meaningful to me because 1 think in Trinitarian tenns."258 For over two hundred pages, the author has extolled the corporate virtues of family, community, etc. It is a pity he never made the connection between the theological enterprise itself and the life of the people of God--which is public, confessional and mission-minded. To the degree that this work stumbles at this point, despite the concerns for holism, pluralism, racism, feminism and a host of other postmodern "-isms," Lee's project remains an eminently modern way of doing theology.

Lee's indebtedness to modernity is made clearer in some of his final comments on the relationship between the religions. As opposed to dialogue, in which "one religion relates to another religion because they are strangers to each other," Lee suggests what he calls trilogue, an inclusive conversation which moves beyond the constraints of oppositional, "either/or" thinking. In trilogue, the religions "relate to each other because they are part of each other"259 since, if we are all part of the Trinitarian family of God, we cannot help but be part of the religious traditions of our brothers and sisters. "In trilogue, many religions are in one religion and one religion is in many religions, because every religion bears the image of the Trinity."260 Such trilogue is common enough in the East Asian religious context, Lee assures us. What, then, becomes of the vast differences between many religions? How do we think about such differences? Apparently, rational discrimination is the problem.

257 Ibid., 219.

258 Ibid., 213.

259 Ibid., 217.

260 Ibid., 218.


Review When 7%w are Three

Trilogue "transcends talking, discussing, arguing,,

cnticizing, analyzing, judging, classifying, or agreeing wzth =R


other. In trilogue one simply accepts other religions as part ofo4. own Tnlogue is a spontaneous act of communication, which iia. direct recognition of the presence of 'one in many A "spontaneous act of communication," transcending

discussion, argument, criticism, analysis, etc.? We have in the idea of "trilogue" a most extreme manifestation of what George Lindbeàk

in his Nature of Doctrine calls religious "experiential - expressivism,"2 the notion that at the core of all religions is a common, pre-linguistic experience of the sacred, the Absolute, etc. (pick your religious abstraction). The most well known exponent of this holdover from nineteenth-century religious romanticism is, of

course, John Hick, and Lee's understanding of religious "trilogue" fails at the same basic point that Hick's model of the religions and

religious experience does: seeing the very obvious differences among the religions, it throws its hands up in despair and claims no single religious perspective has the absolute truth, but assumes for itself a Babel-like, absolute perspective in order to make this claim, and then falls back on some vague, pre-linguistic religious experience. With respect to the relations between the religions, in the final assize Lee looks like a garden-variety pietist of a higher (or, depending on your point of view, lower) order.

At the close of this review, I find very little by way of which to commend Lee's work. There are interesting expositions of Taoist and Confucian ideas, but Lee betrays such little understanding of why the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is important, and misunderstands so many critical discussions in the history of Christian theology, that this work has only marginal importance in contributing to the genuine issues in the current discussion. A good, basic question for Lee to ask would be why the Gospel story

26! Lee, 218.

262 George A. Lindbeck, The Nature ofDoctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1984.



(rather than an abstract discussion of "two natures") is important to the doctrine of the Trinity!3 But, committed as Lee is to his so-called "inductive" method, Holy Scripture cannot help but receive the short end of the stick. What Lee fails to realize is that, given his unexamined hermeneutical and theological assumptions, The Trinity in Asian Perspective is a predictable deduction, republishing a number of liberal clichés about religion, politics, gender and Christian theology.

263 See, for example, Eberhard Jungel's discussion of "The Humanity of God as a Story to be Told," in God as the Mystery of the World (Grand Rapids, Ml: William B. Eerdmans, 1983) 299 - 314.


Book Rev The Trinity in Asian Perspective. By Jung Young Lee, Jin Young Kim

 The Trinity in Asian Perspective. By Jung Young Lee. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. $19.95 paper

Jin Young Kim

THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES 2, 1999.9, 228-231(4 pages)

Jin Young Kim

As a result of his life-long venture to establish Korean theology, Jung Young Lee, a Korean-American theologian, endeavors to reinterpret trinity, which is regarded as the core of Christian theology, through the perspective of Asian traditional culture and worldview in The Trinity in Asian Perspective. The concept of trinity has been a battleground for theological debate since the formation of the Christian church. This paradoxical notion of trinity, which proposes that God is both "One in Three" and "Three in One," has been interpreted in a Western way of thinking since the Christian church was established. Thus, the explication of the doctrine of trinity has always been controversial. The history of interpretation of this polemical theme has been claimed to be found in the tendency of Western theology's individualistic and dualistic pattern of interpretation.

Lee points out these shortcomings and suggests his own method of interpretation of trinity through remaking it in an Asian way of thinking, i.e., from an Asian perspective. Among East Asian concepts, Lee selected the yin-yang symbol as a hermeneutic key of the paradox of trinity, "one in three, three in one." Lee maintains that the limitations of Western theology can be overcome through this perspective. His argument seems to be quite bold for Western readers because of his extraordinary way of thinking. Even though he suggests an alternative understanding of Biblical paradox, he does not attempt to criticize or to replace the traditional Western view but to present an alternative view of the trinity from an Asian orientation, In this sense, Lee's effort can be understood as an inclusive and holistic way of thinking that adopts the both/and way of thinking rather than the either/or way prominent in theology and philosophy.

Lee's intent in this project is driven from his idea that theology and life cannot be separated in the theological thought process. Lee begins his discourse with points in his life experience:

My own life and my life with my family are my life. In this respect, I accept that my own life is my life with my family. However, my own life without my family is not identical with my life with my family. My life with my family, which corresponds to the economic Trinity, involves a new dimension of relationship with the "other." This relationship with others makes my life with my family different from my life outside the family (or without the "other"), which corresponds to the immanent Trinity (67).

According to Lee, Western theology has been derived from the anthropocentric approach to cosmology. As an alternative perspective, he proposes a distinctive characteristic of East Asian philosophy that emphasizes the inseparable relationship between humans and the world, i.e., cosmology. He suggests that the Asian perspective can be termed anthropocosmology. While the West is interested in an anthropocentric approach to cosmology, in East Asia anthropology is part of cosmology. In this sense, Lee maintains that Asian thought and perspective, namely, the yin-yang symbol, can complement Western theology.

His presupposition of God-talk is not a mere human imaging of the divine but a meaningful correlation of human imagination with human experience of the divine. Lee insists that the symbol is meaningful because it is part of human experience. Using his description, the task of theology is not to replace the symbol of the divine trinity with a new symbol, but rather to find its new meaning for our context.

For this project, Lee uses yin-yang philosophy for interpreting the paradoxical concept of trinity in a creative way. While the author has investigated the notion of yin-yang philosophy closely in earlier books and articles,1 his application of this concept to the trinity seems more elaborate and profound than in his prior research. Yin-yang are not two independent entities; moreover, they are not only one but also two at the same time. "It is then clear that in the yin-yang relationship the whole or the absolute self is not relative but is related to parts or yin and yang (30)." This statement is analogous to trinity theology. He contrasts the both/and mode of thought through elaboration of yin-yang to the either/or way of thinking, i.e., the Western way of reasoning. Through this effort, Lee complements the Western way of thinking for the postmodern generation. Through his

1. Lee's earlier works on this topic include: Patterns of Inner Process (Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1976); Cosmic Religion (New York: Harper & Row, 1978); Embracing Change: Post Modem Interpretations of the I Ching from a Christian Perspective (London, Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1994).

230 The Review of Korean Studies

own experience as an Asian-American theologian, he draws a new way of thinking which can grasp Christian theology, especially the trinity doctrine with the experience of yin-yang concept. Lee claims that the paradoxical perception of trinity is due to the dualistic thinking of the West. In order to overcome dualistic thinking, both/and philosophy is an alternative strategy for Trinitarian thought. Furthermore, Lee explicates that yin-yang thinking is not merely complementary but also a holistic philosophy. The yin-yang symbol makes it possible to reinforce our characteristic of dependence on knowledge.

The primary thesis of this book is that yin-yang thinking is basically Trinitarian rather than dualistic. His elaboration of the diagram of the Great Ultimate (or Tai chi) provides the key to explaining his way of thinking derived from yin-yang thinking. "Yin cannot exist without yang, just as yang cannot exist without yin (58)." The yang is in the yin, and yin is in the yang. This relationship between yin and yang unites these two as one in the Trinitarian way. From this fundamental basis of understanding Trinity, he develops his theological concepts on the persons of the Son, the Spirit, and the Father. He relates the Spirit to chi, the animating power and essence of the body and the existence of evil spirits. Also, he compares the ministry of the Spirit to a mother's in the manner in which the trinitarian entities and power is merged and integrated through its integrative and transforming force.

Lee draws hexagrams from the I Clung (The Book of Changes), e.g., i (gain), chien (advance), feng (abundance), tai (peace), hsien (influence), and chieh (regulation) for overcoming the traditional order of Father-Son-Spirit. From his understanding of the hexagrams of the I Clung, Lee complements the Western way of order, gender, perception of cosmos, and so on. Lee studies the persons of the Son, the Spirit, and the Father in that order. As mentioned above, he insists that yin-yang thinking is not just non-dualistic and complementary, but also trinitarian per se.

While I read this work, I questioned what the author was trying to accomplish. From his own conclusion, I was able to find his purpose through a parable looking at the moon through a finger pointing to it. There are many religions in IKorea. Christians cannot avoid being with and living with practitioners of other religions. Without a cosmo-anthropological understanding of the trinity, we cannot grasp the mystery of its meaning.

Lee's relational and inclusive approach to reinterpret trinity can be a most valuable contribution in the doctrinal history of the East and West.

Even though Lee's dichotomy of relation and substance in understanding the trinity seems to be naïve and simplistic to contrast with, his effort to reimage and reclaim the meaning of trinity should be useful and notable to many postmodern thinkers and researchers. His analogy of trinity to family system would seem controversial to traditional theologians. Additionally, feminists would challenge his statement on the hierarchical view of family structure. However, his reinterpretation of trinity to find the true meaning of invisible God through explication of trinity in the perspective of Asian thought has to be considered as the most creative and boldest interpretation, unmatched by any other Asian theologian.

His approach, derived from his Korean religious-cultural background, creates a more inclusive and holistic perspective for those who seek a more profound way of reinforcing and overcoming shortcomings in Western dualistic and individualistic modes of reasoning. This tendency is seen in postmodern thinkers. In particular, Lee's experiential thinking style provides a challenging structure toward thinkers from the West colored by objectivism and idealism.

As a matter of fact, reaffirmation of the divine mystery through applying I Ching and yin-yang concepts seems to further contribute to the study of Christian theology in an age of a multi-religious environment. Borrowing Lee's terms, this study should serve as a catalyst for those who are seeking the meaning of trinity in their own lives.

(Pyongtaek University)

Asian Christian Spirituality - Oxford Handbooks

Asian Christian Spirituality - Oxford Handbooks

Asian Christian Spirituality  
Peter C. Phan
The Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia
Edited by Felix Wilfred
Print Publication Date: Jul 2014S

Christian Spirituality as Life in Communion with God Mediated by Jesus and Empowered by the Power of the Spirit
Contours of an Asian Christian Spirituality: Newer Inculturated Forms
Christian Spirituality as Interreligious Spirituality
Further Reading
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Abstract and Keywords

Chapter 32 discusses the different ecclesial communities within Asian Christianity that have preserved their own distinct spiritual traditions. In its narrowest sense, spirituality refers to the religious way of life by which one enters into communion with the transcendent reality however this is interpreted and named. It may also refer to a particular way of living out one’s relationship with this transcendent reality, through specific beliefs, rituals, prayers, moral behaviors, and community participation. The chapter begins with reflections on spirituality as human self-transcendence in the Spirit, followed by a discussion of the major features of Asian Christian spirituality. An unusual dimension of Asian Christian spirituality—its interreligious nature—is then discussed, together with the contributions of representative theologians from different Christian traditions to Asian Christian spirituality.

Keywords: ecclesial communities, spiritual traditions, spirituality, way of life, transcendent reality, human self-transcendence

Peter C. Phan
Peter C. Phan is the inaugural holder of the Ignacio Ellacuría Chair of Catholic Social Thought at Georgetown University and is the founding Director of the Graduate Studies Program in Theology and Religious Studies. He has earned three doctorates: Doctor of Sacred Theology from the Universitas Pontificia Salesiana, Rome, and Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Divinity from the University of London. He has also received two honorary degrees: Doctor of Theology from Catholic Theological Union and Doctor of Humane Letters from Elms College. Professor Phan began his teaching career in philosophy at the age of eighteen at Don Bosco College, Hong Kong. In the United States, he has taught at the University of Dallas, TX; the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, where he held the Warren-Blanding Chair of Religion and Culture; Union Theological Seminary, NY; Elms College, Chicopee, MA; and St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI. He is the first non-white to be elected President of Catholic Theological Society of America. In 2010 he was awarded the John Courtney Murray Award, the highest honor given by the Catholic Theological Society of America for outstanding achievements in theology. His publications in theology are wide-ranging. They deal with the theology of icon in Orthodox theology (Culture and Eschatology: The Iconographical Vision of Paul Evdokimov); patristic theology (Social Thought; Grace and the Human Condition); eschatology (Eternity in Time: A Study of Rahner’s Eschatology; Death and Eternal Life); the history of mission in Asia (Mission and Catechesis: Alexandre de Rhodes and Inculturation in Seventeenth-Century Vietnam) and liberation, inculturation, and interreligious dialogue (Christianity with an Asian Face; In Our Own Tongues; Being Religious Interreligiously). In addition, he has edited some 20 volumes (e.g., Christianity and the Wider Ecumenism; Church and Theology; Journeys at the Margins; The Asian Synod; The Gift of the Church; Directory on Popular Piety and Liturgy; Christianities in Asia, and The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity). His many writings have been translated into Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Croatian, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Vietnamese. He is the general editor of a multi-volume series entitled Theology in Global Perspective and a multi-volume series entitled Ethnic American Pastoral Spirituality. His writings have received many awards from learned societies.


A Japanese Perspective on the Trinity - The Gospel Coalition

A Japanese Perspective on the Trinity - The Gospel Coalition

Volume 22 - Issue 2
A Japanese Perspective on the Trinity

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity has traditionally been expressed in terms of three persons and one substance or being. This belief and formulation is taken for granted by orthodox Christians. But a question may emerge when we take into consideration the fact that, although the gospel itself is universally relevant, unrestricted to any particular place or time, this formula was originally elaborated in the ancient Greco-Roman world, using the terms available in those days and intelligible within that mindset. Is this formula relevant today to Christians with other cultural backgrounds? With this question in mind. I shall set out the reasons why Japanese Christians may use another formula: God is three betweennesses, one concord. I shall do so in two steps: first, I shall explain some Japanese conceptualities, and secondly. I shall seek parallels for them in the orthodox Christian tradition.

Japanese concepts of humanity and community
Historically, the traditional trinitarian formula played a role in distinguishing orthodoxy from heresy. In fact, however, the important point is not so much the formula itself, as what trinitarians intended to express through it. Studying deeply the ancient, heated argument over the doctrine of the Trinity, and in the course of serious argument against the anti-trinitarian Servetus. John Calvin wrote calmly and tersely about trinitarian terms, in his celebrated Institutes of the Christian Religion. ‘I could wish they were buried, If only among all men this faith were agreed on: that Father and Son and Spirit are one God, yet the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit the Son, but that they are differentiated by a peculiar quality.’1 For him, two things are crucial in this definition; unity and difference in God. These are of primary importance: the terms that signify them are secondary. This will lead those in whom a cultural mindset other than the Greco-Roman is ingrained, to say that they may use their indigenous terms provided that they signify unification and differentiation as properly and accurately as possible. When they take this route, they have an advantage. They can begin to understand the mystery of the Trinity through the terminology congenial to their mindset. Besides, they can in their turn contribute to the elucidation of the Christian understanding of God as Trinity, by introducing subtle modifications to the traditional expression of the doctrine as they use their own, native, terms.

In Japan, the original trinitarian terminology, and even its translated terms, such as ‘ikaku’ for ‘person’ and ‘jittai’ for ‘substance’. Is arcane and misleading. This is partly because these translated terms are not indigenous ones, historically used in the actual life of people over a long period of time. So I wish to explore the possibility that we make use of indigenous Japanese terms in order to express the unity and difference in the triune God. Let us now look at the terms that are potentially suitable as differentiating and unifying concepts.

Human betweenness
Obviously, there is no old and indigenous term in Japan for the Christian triune God. But the Japanese have long nursed a term for humanity. How can we make it useful for theology?

The traditional and indigenous Japanese term for a human or humanity is ‘ningen’. If we translate this directly into English, it can be expressed as ‘human betweenness’. In Japan, we tend to think of humans as being what they are in their interrelationship: they are living, as we should put it, ‘between’ one another. This notion is inextricably interwoven with people’s work in rice agriculture, in which a very large number of the Japanese were engaged for about 2,000 years, until the end of the war. Rice agriculture is so labour-intensive that it necessarily demands mutual co-operation. Moreover, workers follow the same pattern of rice cultivation every year. All this means that work with the same people is carried on again and again, because the nature of rice agriculture keeps workers inescapably bound to the same fields. Therefore, people always find themselves in relation to each other or, as we might put it, ‘between’ one another.

In this century, the first major attempt to examine ‘ningen’ was made by Watsuji Tetsuro (1889–1960), ‘the best philosopher of ethics of modern Japan’,2 in his book Ethics as the Study of Man, published in 1934.3 According to this work, the Chinese characters for ‘ningen’ used to mean, not ‘humanity’ but ‘the world of humanity’ or ‘the community’, and it came popularly and erroneously to mean a ‘human’ or ‘humanity’ in Japan about 1,000 years ago.4 Watsuji thought that this event shows how the Japanese understand humanity: their understanding is drawn from the context of community existence (pp. 14, 18f.). He regarded this as an event of great importance, since it brings into clear relief the fact that the Japanese mindset tends to think of humanity and community on the same level. On this basis, he defined ‘ningen’ as ‘hito no aida’, or ‘between humans’, with reference to the fact that they live closely together in a community.

Watsuji attempted to explain, from a Buddhist perspective, how the understanding of community and of humanity are closely related. He interpreted the relation between community and humanity as a dialectical relation of the whole to its parts (pp. 19ff.). For instance, pupils (parts) depend on the school (the whole) in that, without the school, there is nothing to attend and so they can no longer be pupils, whereas the school depends on the pupils in that, without any pupils, there is no longer a school.5 In Buddhism, this kind of argument is called ‘absolute denial’; through this denial, parts and whole are seen in their dialectical relation.6

The second major attempt to interpret humanity in terms of betweenness was made by a psychiatrist. Kimura Bin (1931–) in his Between Man and Man, published in 1972.7 Here, he argued that a self becomes aware of itself when it meets what is not itself (pp. 14ff.). It is the distinction between the self and the non-self that enables the self to be so called. There is no self without the non-self. Both self and non-self appear simultaneously. But before they appear, there must be something which caused this encounter. For the sake of convenience. Kimura uses the terminology ‘between man and man’ to describe this something (p. 15). This does not describe the relationship which holds between two independent individuals who meet each other. Rather, it signifies the atemporal and spaceless field from which the relations between self and non-self, between I and thou, come into existence (pp. 15ff., 65).

There is a relationship here to Western thought. Kimura was stimulated by Martin Buber, who stated that

the fundamental fact of human existence is man with man. What is peculiarly characteristic of the human world is above all that something takes place between one being and another the like of which can be found nowhere in nature … Man is made man by it … It is rooted in one being turning to another as another, as this particular other being, in order to communicate with it in a sphere which is common to them but which reaches out beyond the special sphere of each. I call this sphere, which is established with the existence of man as man, but which is conceptually still uncomprehended, the sphere of ‘between’. Though being realized in very different degrees, it is a primal category of human reality … Where I and Thou meet, there is the realm of ‘between’.8

The atemporal and spaceless field of which Kimura speaks is more concretely expressed in terms of space, in ‘girl’ relation to others (pp. 35ff., 69). ‘Girl’, which describes the typical Japanese social obligations necessary for smooth relations between self and non-self, controls the Japanese pattern of social and moral behaviour to a great extent. The usual ways in which the Japanese fulfil ‘girl’ are to repay others’ kindness and to live up to others’ expectations (p. 40). The ‘girl’ relation originated in the repayment and exchange of kindnesses in the context of the farm work of Japanese rice agriculture.9 It was taken for granted that if one was helped with farm work by others, one was expected to be ready to offer help in return. To what extent one should repay kindness depends on what kind of relationship one has with the other. Whether this is a relationship of equality or subordination does not depend solely on the status of the one or the other; it depends, also, on their interaction, their ‘betweenness’. This betweenness of humanity is not some abstract idea; it embraces a very significant reality which determines Japanese human behaviour (p. 65). In this respect, moral duty is not determined vertically, in relation to God, but is horizontally situated ‘between man and man’ (p. 39).

When this betweenness is viewed in terms of time and, in particular, retrospectively regarded in terms of the self and parents, grandparents and ancestors, the riddle of Japanese ancestor worship is easy to understand (p. 69). From the genetic standpoint, the first non-self which the self temporally meets is the parents, who also encountered their parents as non-selves. Again, there is a connection here with Western thought. John Macmurray wrote that ‘genetically, the first correlate of the Self is the mother; and this personal Other … is gradually differentiated in experience till it becomes the whole community of persons of which I am an individual member’.10 Macmurray also offered an explanation of ancestor-worship:

The ritual head of an existing family or kinship group is inadequate as a representation of the community. For the community has a history which links it with the past, and this community with the past cannot be represented by an existing member of the group. The chief is only the temporary representative of the tribal community, himself related to the representative of a unity which spans the generations. The universal Other must thus be at least the original and originating head of the community, the original father of the kinship group. This explains the development of religion as ancestor worship.11

In Japanese thought, the self, in terms of its concrete existence, is in crucial relation to its ancestors. But this does not mean that its existence depends unilaterally on its parents and ancestors. Rather, it is grounded ‘in between’ itself and them. Parents are parents in virtue of their relation to their children; children are children in virtue of their relation to their parents. Parents depend on their children for their parenthood. One’s existence as the child of parents depends on the field which brought into existence their relation, or their betweenness. Ancestor worship is one way of expressing deference towards this betweenness. So the Japanese do not found the existence of the self just within their own, or another’s, self, but between them.12The Japanese term for self, ‘jibun’, clearly reveals this implication. Kimura points out that the Western concept of the self denotes its individuality and substantiality. This self keeps its identity and continuity eternally. But ‘jibun’ literally means not only ‘self’ but also ‘share’, so designating the self’s share of something which transcends the self, rather than any attribute or substance with an eternal identity (p. 154). That is, the Japanese concept of ‘jibun’ carries within it its share of the field in which it participates in its relation to others. In brief: ‘jibun’ is the fusion of the self and its relation to others, the self and its betweenness.13 Indeed, human betweenness is primary; what I am now is determined between man and man, or self and its partner.14 In contrast to the Western understanding of humanity, in Japan, relation precedes the individuality of the subject and not the other way around (p. 144).

The third major attempt to articulate a Japanese concept of humanity was that of a scholar in Japanese studies. Hamaguchi Eshan (1931–), in The Rediscovery of “Japaneseness”, published in 1977.15 This described the image of the Japanese with the help of a conceptual scheme excogitated from an inherently Japanese perspective. According to this portrayal, Westerners, irrespective of the contexts in which they find themselves, tend to behave on the basis both of what they believe to be a consistent norm determined from within and, at the same time, a sense of public values. The Japanese, on the other hand, worrying about the way in which they are seen by others, usually behave so as to adjust to the particular context in which they find themselves, along with other people.16 In other words, the Western concept of humanity is individualistic, signifying the ultimate indivisible and independent units which comprise society, whereas the Japanese concept of humanity is contextual, relational and communal. Therefore, Hamaguchi coined a new term—‘kanjin’, or ‘contextual’—which signifies this Japanese, as opposed to Western, view of humanity, with its contrasting ‘individual’ (pp. 62ff.).

Hamaguchi calls this contextual point of view ‘outside-in’ (p. 305). ‘Outside-in’ and ‘inside-out’ are technical terms used by aircraft pilots. While in flight, they look inside-out, viewing the window of the cockpit in front of them as their perceptual frame of reference. In this case, they perceive the horizon moving against the aircraft. But when they make a final approach to an airport, they change their perceptual frames of reference from inside-out to outside-in. The outside-in perspective takes the horizon as the fixed perceptual frame of reference. Now it is the aircraft that is moving in relation to the horizon and the pilots must do their best to keep the aircraft horizontal. This perceptual frame is obviously essential for safe landing. Hamaguchi applies these two frames of reference to human behaviour. ‘Inside-out’ is a form of behaviour in which people base their behaviour on some criteria derived from within themselves, and form independent and proper judgements of an event outside themselves. In the ‘outside-in’ form of behaviour, people act on the basis of the situation outside themselves, contextualizing their behaviour according to the human relations involved in the situation. Thus, roughly speaking, Westerners’ behaviour is characteristically inside-out, but it is typical of the Japanese to behave in the outside-in manner (p. 308).

It is natural that the difference between the individualist and the contextual understandings of humanity, between the inside-out and outside-in points of view, is reflected in the distinctive virtues respectively emphasized by Westerners and the Japanese. For the contextual Japanese, who take context and relation to others more seriously than their proper selves, there is something of cardinal importance, something which furthers smooth human relations. That something is ‘concord’, to which we now turn.

Human concord
Where context is concerned, the highly acclaimed virtue can be said to be human concord or harmony.17Hamaguchi presents three characteristics of concord in this situation. Before looking at these, let us see briefly how deeply ‘concord’ is embedded in the Japanese mind.

In Japan, the word ‘wa’, or ‘concord’, is of considerable importance. It is associated, above all, with the name of the country, Japan. Until the seventh century. Japan was called ‘Wa’ by the people of the Asian continent. The Chinese character for this ‘Wa’ meant ‘small’. However, as the Japanese came to understand the meanings of Chinese characters, which were introduced into Japan and came into use among a small number of people in the fifth or sixth centuries, some preferred a different Chinese character. This is also transliterated ‘Wa’ and has the same Chinese pronunciation as ‘Wa’ meaning ‘small’, but itself has the meaning of ‘concord’.

Moreover, this ‘Wa’ assumed an official presence in the first Japanese written law, the Seventeen Article Constitution of 604, ascribed to Prince Shotoku (574–622). The first article of this constitution is overlaid with an affirmation of concord: ‘Concord is to be valued, and an avoidance of wanton opposition to be honoured.’18 This urgent need for concord fundamentally derives from the discords and conflicts prevalent in those days. Before Prince Shotoku came to power and established a centralized state, the powerful clans were notoriously in serious conflict. It was these chaotic social conditions that led Prince Shotoku towards a primary insistence on concord, and the avoidance of wanton opposition.19 Although this understanding of concord is relatively negative, in that it means ‘avoiding discord’, this article means that ‘concord’ has firmly become the watchword of Japan as a term with positive meanings as well. Nowadays, consciously or unconsciously, almost all Japanese communities, such as families, groups of friends, fellow workers, think of concord as indispensable to keeping them together.20 It is especially the leader, or the head, who is expected to play a major role in maintaining concord.21

Hamaguchi clarifies the spirit of the concord infiltrated into the Japanese mind in this way, by contrasting it sharply to the individualism described by Steven Lukes.22 Firstly, individualism is based on self-centredness and attempts to maintain and develop the established inviolable self; contextualism is grounded on mutual dependence and reciprocal help. Secondly, individualism stresses self-reliance and the need for all one desires in life to be met by oneself: contextualism has a high view of mutual reliance which presupposes that all concerned should be trustworthy. Thirdly, individualism regards interpersonal relations as a means for promoting self-interest, and does not maintain inconvenient relationships; contextualism regards interpersonal relations as ends in themselves. In sum, to be in relation to others is of essential value, and to maintain and develop such relations is meaningful for life.23

It is easy to point out, from the perspective of contextualism, the problems associated with individualism. Firstly, excessive self-centredness can infringe the rights of others. Secondly, excessive self-reliance can lapse into self-righteousness. Thirdly, those who treat others as means to an end will sooner or later be faced with a situation where they themselves are treated as a means. These things count in favour of contextualism. Within its perspective, firstly, one may expect others’ help. Secondly, one may have self-respect by being trusted. Thirdly, one may realize that one’s dignity is valued when one is treated as an end in oneself.

These characteristics of concord have been cultivated and developed historically for such a long time, through being embedded in the social economy of rice agriculture, that this framework of thought is deeply rooted in the Japanese mind. We now come to an important question; how can it be used to understand the triune God in the Japanese context?

At this point, it will help the later argument if we consider the possibility that ‘betweenness’ and ‘concord’ could be used as concepts which respectively differentiate and unify. Kimura argues that betweenness is a metaphorical field from which the relation between self and non-self comes into existence. This field can be said to cause a differentiation, as well as an interrelation, between self and non-self. This is naturally so, since, as Watsuji shows, in dialectical thought the relational whole depends on some difference between those parts that engage in the relation and on the wholeness that embraces the differences. As the Japanese terms for ‘between’ (‘aida’, or ‘ma’) originally designate some space differentiating something or someone from something or someone else, betweenness can be, relatively speaking, particularly appropriately used as a differentiating concept. On the other hand, concord can be used as a unifying concept in that, as Hamaguchi argues, the concord maintained in contextualism is grounded on mutual help and reliance. Here, where the relation itself is regarded as essential, this concept plays a role in connecting humans and deepening the relation. We shall extend the scope of these concepts by applying betweenness and concord to the triune God.

Christian concepts of the triune God
How can we relate these Japanese concepts of humanity and community to Christian concepts of the triune God? Jesus Christ was a man in a particular place and time. I do not take this to mean that he accommodated himself to Jewish culture and to no other, but that he can and will accommodate himself to any culture. Athanaslus’s classic study on the incarnation and redemption. On the incarnation, shows the depth and breadth of Christ’s work.24

In Athanaslus’s argument, a motif of some importance emerges. The one and the same Word both created the world and humanity and recreated corrupted humanity by assuming flesh.25 If the Word who made all things universally in creation also recreated them in redemption through the incarnation, this implies that the scope of redemption is also universal.26 In order to emphasize the universal range of redemption. Athanasius states that Christ’s redemptive work was ‘In the stead of all’, ‘on behalf of all’ and ‘for all’.27 According to him, the Word became flesh and dwelt ‘to us’, ‘into us’, ‘among men’ and ‘with them’.28 This variation on the ‘among us’ of John 1:14 points to his interpretation that the Word in flesh relates closely to humanity in every possible way.

How can we develop Athanasius’s argument in a Japanese context? As he argues, the Word condescended and accommodated himself to humanity, in order to teach it higher subjects effectively.29 In the words of a contemporary writer, God ‘chose a personal, interactional, receptor-oriented approach within the frame of reference of those he sought to reach.’30 If we apply the divine receptor-oriented approach to the Japanese concept of humanity conceived in terms of human betweenness, it is possible to interpret the incarnation in terms of Christ being not merely a human but also a human betweenness. That is, the Word became a human and dwelt between us as a human. Christ became a man between man and man. This interpretation is theologically defensible. As we have shown, Athanasius used several prepositions in order to express the ways in which Christ dwelt in relation to us. This latitude in the way of conceiving the relation of Christ to humanity allows us, in a Japanese context, to use our culturally orientated term ‘between’.31Therefore, for us, the Word became a human and dwelt between us as a human betweenness. In fact, this interpretation is exactly identical with John 1:14 in the two recent Japanese translations of the Bible, the New Revised and the New Collaborated versions.32 Both translations run ‘watashi tachi no aida ni’, literally translated as ‘between us’. Christ between man and man is a ‘ningen’ and, as such, is intimately connected with humanity in Japanese culture.

The human betweenness of Christ is closely related to the divine betweenness which the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit maintain. We shall next direct our attention to the betweenness of God.

Triune betweenness
Gregory Nazianzen, who contributed immensely to the formation of the doctrine of the Trinity, interestingly enough refers to the relations and ‘betweenness’ of the triune God. Let us clarify these concepts by focusing on his Five Theological Orations.33

According to Eunomius, the ‘Father’ is a name denoting an essence or an action. But Gregory argues against this, as follows. If ‘Father’ denotes essence, there must be a distinct essence from that of the Son. If it names an action, the same would follow: the Son would be made by the Father’s action and the essence of the Son, as someone made, would be different from the essence of the maker.34 Gregory proceeds to introduce the concept of relation: ‘Father is not a name either of an essence or of an action … But it is the name of the relation in which the Father stands to the Son, and the Son to the Father.’35 These relational names of the Father and the Son ‘denote an identity of nature between him that is begotten and him that begets’ (XXIX.16). Although, on earth, the begetting ‘happened according to flesh’, the Son’s earthly mother is a virgin, and this is called ‘spiritual generation’, by which Gregory seems to mean the begetting through the Holy Spirit (XXIX.4).36 If this begetting is not merely fleshly, but essentially spiritual, ‘begotten of’ does not mean ‘begotten after’, which implies a temporal relation, although ‘in respect of cause’ the Son is not unoriginate (XXIX.3).37 The internal relations within the Trinity, therefore, are beyond such categories as time and space, for they are essentially neither fleshly nor temporal, but, rather, spiritual and eternal.38

Gregory further introduces the concept of betweenness into these spiritual and eternal triune relations. As he proceeds to explain what the Holy Spirit is, he uses ‘mesos’ or ‘between’. He summarizes concisely as follows: the Holy Spirit who ‘proceeds’ from the Father is not a creature: he who is not begotten is not the Son;39 and he who is ‘between [mesos] the unbegotten and the begotten is God’ (XXXI.8). First, Gregory had already confirmed that the Holy Spirit from the Father is God and, as such, ‘consubstantial’ with the Father (XXXI.10); and that the Spirit, as well as the Son, is ‘co-eternal’ with the Father (XXIX.3). Secondly, he made clear that the Spirit is not the Son. The names ‘Father’ and ‘Son’ come from the facts of unbegottenness and begottenness respectively, while the name ‘Holy Spirit’ comes from the fact of the procession (XXXI.9). Thirdly, he explained that the Spirit is between the Father and the Son. Now, what is this ‘between’? According to Gregory, between them ‘nothing … is peculiar’ except the names, Father and Son, ‘because all things are in common’ (XXX.11). This betweenness exists precisely because there is a difference between the Father and the Son. If there were no difference at all, there would be no betweenness at all, simply outright identity. Therefore, betweenness is the relation which arises from begetting: when it is stated that the Spirit is ‘between’ them, he is contrasted with this relation. In other words, the distinctive procession of the Spirit is stated in comparison with the begetting relation between the Father and the Son.40 This means that the procession happens in a way different from the begetting, so that the proper name of the Holy Spirit is secured.41

How can we develop Gregory’s doctrine of the triune relations and that of ‘betweenness’ in a Japanese context? We can begin by finding some similarities between his view of the triune God and the Japanese view of humanity. In Gregory’s trinitarian view, God is what he is in the tri-personal relation: in the Japanese anthropological view, humans are what they are in their relation. In both cases, the category of ‘relation’ refers to what is intrinsic, not optional, and divine and human persons are defined not according to any individualities, but by their relations. As Watsuji refers to the dialectical relation of community (whole) and humanity (parts), so Gregory refers to the dialectical relation between three persons and one substance.42Of course, we must also note the differences regarding relation. Kimura states that relation, or betweenness, precedes the self and the non-self, not in a temporal sense, but ontologically, in the sense that betweenness is the ground of their existence.43 Gregory would not say this in the case of the triune God, since the origin of the existence of the Son and Holy Spirit lies not in their relation, but in the Father, from whom the former is begotten and the latter proceeds.

The supremely interesting point is that, in both cases, the term ‘between’ is used. Now if, as Gregory states, there is a betweenness of Father and Son, and the Spirit is also between them, we may say that the betweenness is shared by the Spirit as well. For the triune God, beyond corporeal and temporal categories, carries neither dissolution nor separation within himself.44 So ‘betweenness’ is a (spatial) metaphor. Further, if the betweenness is shared by all three, we should also have the betweenness which the Father and Spirit share and that which the Son and the Holy Spirit share, as well as that which the Father and the Son share. Thus, the Spirit is between the Father and the Son, and the Father is between the Son and the Spirit, and the Son is between the Father and the Spirit. ‘Three what?’ Augustine asked, about the Trinity.45 We can answer: ‘Three betweennesses.’46 But it is important to emphasize that although the triune God shares betweenness, the three betweennesses I have mentioned differ according to the different relations. The Father-Son betweenness differentiates Father and Son through the begetting. This begetting or begotten betweenness is different from the processional betweenness that relates Father and Spirit. Betweenness, then, is also a differentiating factor in the triune God.

If, in a Japanese context, we can consider humans, living between other humans, as human betweennesses, we can apply the category of ‘betweenness’ to the triune God as well, considered as consisting of three betweennesses. As we said, the Word became a human and dwelt between us; that is, the Word became a human betweenness. The betweenness which the Word assumed on earth can be interpreted as a reflection of that betweenness inherent in the triune God. Because God is divine betweenness, he became human betweenness. Relational humanity is possible for God because deity is relational.47

Triune concord
What should we say, when asked: ‘One what?’ One possibility, consonant with Japanese conceptuality, is to answer: ‘One concord’. But is the use of the term theologically supportable? To examine this, we shall have recourse to Novatian’s The Trinity.48

In order to counter the Patripassian view that the Son is the Father and the Adoptionist view that the Son is only man. Novatian introduces the concept of concord. Whereas he adduces scriptural passages to maintain that God is one (XXX, XXXI passim), he points out that in John 10:30. ‘I and the Father are one’, the word ‘one’ (unum) ‘is in the neuter gender, denoting harmony of fellowship [societatis concordia], not unity of person’ (XXVII.3: cf. XXXI.22). In order to clarify the distinction between them who are ‘unum’. he also has recourse to a scriptural illustration, where Paul refers, in 1 Corinthians 3:6ff., to ‘harmonious unity’ (concordiae unitas) (XXVII.6). Paul states: ‘I planted, Apollos watered.’ Now he and Apollos are not one and the same person. By using the term ‘concord’, on the one hand Novatian corroborates, over against Patripassianism, the existence of two persons, the Father and the Son, who maintain concord.

This concord carries another implication in the relationship between Father and Son. Novatian paraphrases the concord between them in terms of ‘identity of judgement’,49 and he seems to explain what he means concretely in The Trinity XIII.6: ‘… If Christ sees the secrets of the heart [cor]. Christ is certainly God, since God alone knows the secrets of the heart [cor].’ This passage is based on Matthew 9:4. John 2:25 and 1 Kings 8:39,50 and these passages are situated in a context where God or the Son make a certain judgment on humanity by discerning what they have in their hearts. That is, Father and Son share a common way of thinking in making judgment, in discerning the heart. But what they share in judgment is not merely a way of thinking, but also a content. This close relation of Father and Son has much to do with the Son’s origin.

When Novatian confirms that the Son is the Word of God, of divine nature, he adduces the scriptural passage that ‘my heart [cor] has brought forth a good Word’ (XV.6, XVII.3).51 The ‘Word’, or the ‘Son’, is the embodiment of the Father’s heart, with the result that their judgment is necessarily the same on account of having the same origin.52 That is, Father and Son are in concordant relationship, not only in the sense that the divine judgment is the same, in the discernment of human hearts [cor], but also in the deeper sense that they share a common [con-] heart [cor]: i.e., that retain ‘con-cordia’ on account of their origin. Therefore, Novatian’s concept of the concord between them can hardly be delineated only ‘in terms of moral unity’.53Rather, ‘he seems to look beyond this moral union towards something more metaphysical …’.54 Thus Novatian refutes the Adoptionists, too, by corroborating the Son’s divinity and his unity with the Father.

Novatian does not refer much to the Holy Spirit. But he places the Spirit, who proceeds from God, on a par with the Father and the Son, and puts special emphasis on his personal, distinctive outward work.55 We can understand, from this, that the divine concordant relation between the Father and the Son can be applied to God the Holy Spirit as well. That is, the Trinity is one in terms of the divine concord. The similarities to the Japanese concept of concord are clear. As the Japanese concord was officially introduced to counter political discord. Novatian’s concord is introduced to explain that there is no discord of two gods which, the heretics allege, is entailed in the divinity of the Son. Japanese concord emphasizes the mutuality and worth of the human relation itself; Novatian’s trinitarianism emphasizes that the mutual relations to which begetting and procession give rise are essential in the life of the Trinity.

I have argued for three betweennesses.

The begetter/begotten difference comes through the eternal process of begetting. The fact that the Spirit is between Father and Son means that the Spirit operates within this differentiation, playing a role corresponding to that played in the virginal conception, the role of the river of life.
Interpreting betweenness as a differentiating concept enables us to speculate about a second betweenness, where the processor/processed difference comes through the eternal process of procession. The fact that the Son is between Father and Spirit means that the Son operates within this differentiation, playing a role corresponding to that sent when he sent the Holy Spirit from the Father.
The difference between the begotten and the processed is now established. The fact that the Father is between Son and Spirit means that the Father operates within this differentiation, sending both Son and Spirit in different ways, corresponding to the begetting and proceeding.
Divine betweenness is thus a concept which renders the distinctions between Father. Son and Spirit in terms of relations of origin. What are distinct are called the three divine betweennesses.

I have argued, too, for one concord. Although we have the unbegotten/begotten difference between Father and Son, there is concord between them. The same holds good for the difference between Father and Spirit in terms of procession and between Son and Spirit, respectively begotten and proceeded. Because they have the same origin (the Father), the Son and the Spirit are concordant with the Father. Concord is the concept that describes their divine unity. Thus the triune God is one concord.

I therefore propose that the Japanese formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity be this: God is three betweennesses, one concord.


1 John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion I. tr. F.L. Battles (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960), p. 126.

2 G.K. Plovesana. ‘Watsuji Tetsuro’, in P. Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 8 (New York: Macmillan, 1967), p. 280. Japanese names are rendered here in their Japanese order, with the surname first and the Christian name last.

3 Watsuji Tetsuro, Ethics as the Study of Man (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1934). Subsequent page references to this work are given in the text.

4 Ibid., p. 14. However, more recent scholarship shows that it happened in about the early fourteenth century: see Hamaguchi Eshun, The Rediscovery of “Japaneseness” (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1988: originally published in 1977), p. 118 n. 3.

5 Cf. Yuasa Yasuo, Watsuji Tetsuro: The Fate of Modern Japanese Philosophy (Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 1981), pp. 268ff.

6 Watsuji, op. cit., p. 35. In Japan, this way of thinking (discerning parts in the whole and the whole in the parts) has been prevalent in earlier periods and remains in contemporary everyday language (Watsuji, op. cit., pp 8, 20. For example, ‘heltal’ can refer either to ‘troops’ or to a single member of the troops; a single term has a dual (member and group) meaning. Likewise, we can call a human member of the community ‘ningen’, a word that used to mean ‘community’. Interestingly, we can find a similarity in Hebrew thought: ‘The Hebrew concept designates … the concrete at the same time as the “abstract”, the particular as well as the collective.’ T. Boman. Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek (London: SCM, 1960), pp. 70f. For individuality and community with regard to Abraham and Christ, see J. Macquarrie, Principles of Christian Theology 2nd edn (London: SCM, 1977), p. 68.

7 Kimura Bin, Between Man and Man (Tokyo: Kobundo, 1972).

8 Martin Buber, Between Man and Man (London: Collins, 1961), pp. 244ff. For the self and the other as correlatives, see J. Macmurray, Persons in Relation (London: Faber & Faber, 1961), p. 86: ‘Self and Other are correlatives, and the discrimination of the one involves a correlative discrimination of the other … Moreover, in discriminating myself from the Other, it is always as belonging to the Other.’

9 Kimura, op. cit., p. 72. where he quotes from Minamoto Ryoen. Social Obligation and Human Feeling(Tokyo: Chuuo Koronsha, 1969), pp. 42f.

10 Macmurray, op. cit., p. 80.

11 Ibid., p. 164.

12 Kimura, op. cit., pp. 75f.

13 The implication of this becomes clearer when we consider that the Japanese language has more than ten words for the first person. ‘I’, whereas Western languages have only one. One Japanese term is chosen in relation to the one with whom ‘I’ am talking. We shall not show here how this eventually leads to conceiving relationality in some ways that differ from those of Martin Buber and John Macmurray.

14 Kimura, op. cit., p. 142. Cf. Mori Arimasa, Experience and Thought (Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 1970), p. 146. In this respect Kimura is close to Buber: see Martin Buber. 1 and Thou (New York: Scribner’s, 1970), p. 69: ‘… In the beginning is the relation.’

15 Hamaguchi, op. cit. Page references to this work are also given in the text.

16 Ibid., pp. 14ff. Elsewhere, he points out that Japanese culture presupposes that in the beginning is the situation (topos). while Western culture presupposes that in the beginning is the norm (nomos). See Japan, the Society of Contextualism (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1982), p. 197.

17 Cf. Hamaguchi, Japan, the Society of Contextualism, p. 127.

18 Tsunoda Ryusaku et al. (eds), Sources of Japanese Tradition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1958), p. 50. The translation is partly my own.

19 Cf. Muraoka Tsunetsugu, Problems in the History of Japanese Thought (Tokyo: Sobunsha, 1957), p. 31; idem. Outline of the History of Japanese Thought (Tokyo: Sobunsha, 1961), p. 190; Nakamura Hajime, ‘Basic features of the legal, political, and economic thought in Japan’, in C.A. Moore (ed.), The Japanese Mind (Honolulu: University of Hawall, 1967), p. 145.

20 Cf. Arakl Hiroyuki, Thinking Japan from the Japanese Language (Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1980), pp. 72ff. Cf. also E.O. Relschauer, The Japanese Today (Cambridge. MA: Belknap, 1988), p. 136: ‘The key Japanese value is harmony, which they seek to achieve by a subtle process of mutual understanding, almost by intuition, rather than by a sharp analysis of conflicting views or by clear-cut decisions, whether made by one-man dictates or majority votes.’

21 Nakane Chie, The Human Relationship in a Vertical Society (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1970), pp. 162ff.

22 Hamaguchl, The Rediscovery of “Japaneseness”. pp. 95ff. Here, Hamaguchl draws on Steven Lukes, individualism (Oxford: Blackwell, 1973), pp. 43–78.

23 According to statistics compiled about twenty years ago, 71.7% of the Japanese think that human relationships themselves give meaning to life: see Hamaguchl, Japan, the Society of Contextualism, pp. 52. 153ff. In this respect, Martin Buber would have a high opinion of the Japanese view of human relations: see his I and Thou, pp. 112f.: ‘The purpose of relation is the relation itself—touching the You.’ John Macmurray discovers relation as an end in itself in the relation between mother and baby: see Persons in Relation, p. 63.

24 The Greek text used is that found in F.L. Cross (ed.), Athanasius De Incarnatione: an edition of the Greek text (London: SPCK, 1957). The English translation used is A. Robertson (ed.), A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. Second Series, vol. 4 (Grand Rapids. MI: Eerdmans, 1980).

25 ‘The renewal of creation has been the work of the self-same Word that made it at the beginning’ (op. cit., 1).

26 Cf. T.F. Torrance, The Trinitarian Faith (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1989), p. 284.

27 Op. cit., 7, 8. According to Torrance, Athanasius has the habit of ‘combining several prepositions … as though none was sufficient of itself, to help him express the range and depth of the vicarious work of Christ “for us”, “for our sake”, “for our salvation”, “on our behalf”, “In our place”, “In our stead”, “for our need”, and so on’ (op. cit., p. 168), Cf. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation (London: Chapman, 1975), p. 228; G. Dragas, ‘St Athanasius on Christ’s sacrifice’, in S.W. Sykes (ed.), Sacrifice and Redemption (Cambridge: CUP, 1991), pp. 92f.

But it is important to note that ‘there is no suggestion in the thought of Athanasius of the kind of “universalism” advocated by Origen or by Gregory of Nyssen’ (p. 182; cf. p. 284). See, too. A. Pettersen, Athanasius and the Human Body (Bristol: The Bristol Press, 1990), pp. 40f. In the words of D. Ritschl, salvation is ‘subjective acceptance’ of ‘the objective work of God in the Incarnation’, Athanasius Versuch einer Interpretation (Zurich: Evz-Verlag, 1964), p. 43. So Torrance holds that Origen and Gregory of Nyssen advocate a kind of ‘objectivism’ which diminishes the importance of this subjective dimension.

28 See Athanasius, op. cit., 1–9.

29 Ibid., 15.

30 C.H. Kraft. Christianity in Culture (New York: Orbis, 1984). p. 175.

31 In rendering this in English, we prefer ‘between’ to ‘among’, because ‘between’ is ‘still the only word available to express the relation of a thing to many surrounding things severally and individually, “among” expressing a relation to them collectively and vaguely’. So the 1989 edition of the OED. Christ between man and man relates humans ‘severally and individually’ rather than ‘collectively and vaguely’.

32 Respectively, Seisho Shinkaiyaku (Tokyo: Nihon Seisho Kankokai, 1970) and Seisho Shinkyodoyaku (Tokyo: Nohon Seisho Kyokai, 1988).

33 We use the edition by P. Gallay, Grégoire De Nazianze Discours 27–31 (Discours Theologiques) (Paris: Les Editions Du Cerf, 1978), and the English translation in E.R. Hardy (ed.), Christology of the Later Fathers(London: SCM, 1954).

34 Gregory Nazianzen, The Five Theological Orations, XXIX.16. (Subsequent references to this work are given in the text.) Cf. R.P.C. Hanson, The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1988), p. 712.

35 Gregory, loc. cit. Cf. T.F. Torrance, The Trinitarian Faith op. cit., pp. 239f., 320ff.: idem, Trinitarian Perspectives (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1994). The use of schests, “relationship”, within Trinitarian leaching does not first appear in the works of Gregory. The Dialogue on the Trinity 1:25—a treatise often attributed to Athanasius but probably written by Didymus the Blind—spoke of such a relationship between the Father and the Son’: F.W. Norris, Faith Gives Fullness to Reasoning (Leiden: Brill, 1991), p. 151. See too J.D. Ziziouias, Being as Communion (New York: SI Viadimir’s Seminary Press, 1985), pp. 235f.

36 On account of the life-giving role of the Holy Spirit and the fact that on earth he played a main role in Mary’s conception (Lk. 1:35). It would be more difficult to dissociate the Holy Spirit’s role from the Son’s begetting. See L. Boff, Trinity and Society (Kent: Burns & Oates, 1988), p. 6: ‘The Son, sent by the Father, becomes flesh by virtue of the life-giving Spirit.’ Boff even adds ‘Spirituque’ to ‘Filloque’: ‘The Father “begets” the Son Spirituque, that is, in communion with the Holy Spirit’ (p. 147). And according to Thomas A. Small, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father through the Holy Spirit: see C.E. Gunton, The Promise of Trinitarian Theology (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1991), p. 169.

37 Cf. G. L. Prestige, God in Patristic Thought (London: SPCK, 1959), p. 140. Gregory does not seek to Illuminate further the relation between the Father and the Son. This relation is ‘the divine and ineffable generation’ (XXIX.4), ‘a thing so great and august in the eyes of all those who are not altogether groveiling and material in mind’ (XXIX.11). ‘The begeiling of God must be honoured by silence’ (XXIX.8).

38 For the atemporal nature of the Trinity, see XXIX.3. Cf. Norris, op. cit., p. 142. For the incorporeality of the Trinity, see Gregory, XXVIII.7ff.; cf. Norris, op. cit., p. 44. These considerations led Gregory to reject any ranking in or dissection of the triune persons (XXXI.12).

39 This important phrase is missing from Hardy, op. cit., p. 198.

40 In order to highlight this, Gregory states that ‘the proper name of … the unbegottenly proceeding or going forth is “the Holy Ghost” ’ (XXX.19).

41 See J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines (London: A. & C. Black, 1977), pp. 262, 265.

42 ‘No sooner do I conceive of the One than I am illuminated by the splendour of the Three; no sooner do I distinguish them than I am carried back to the One’ (XL. 41). As Gunton says of this: ‘The interesting point about Gregory … a dynamic dialectic between the oneness and the threeness of God is of such a kind that the two are both given equal weight in the processes of thought’ (op. cit., pp. 149f.).

43 Kimura, op. cit., p. 13.

44 This means that the betweenness of the Father and the Son cannot be identified with the Holy Spirit himself. This is one of the differences between Gregory’s doctrine of the triune God and that of Augustine. See V. Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church (Cambridge: James & Co., 1957), p. 81.

45 Augustine, The Trinity (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press). V.ix.10.

46 To use physical terminology, the three is the three ‘mesons’, derived from the Greek ‘mesos’. Yukawa Hideki (1907–81), a Japanese physicist, is the first Japanese Nobel prize laureate (1949), who is known for his theory of mesons. It seems to me that Japanese intellectual culture, which esteems betweenness highly, had something to do with his idea and way of thinking. Whether we speak of ‘betweenness’ or ‘meson’, the point is that these terms inherently entail relation to others. Things are ontologically situated between something and something else.

47 Interestingly, Gregory refers to God’s betweenness after the final judgment, too: after separating the saved from the lost. God will stand ‘In the midst of gods, that is, of the saved’ (XXX.4). The gods are the saved that have been deified. The triune God is the divine betweenness not only in terms of himself internally but also in relation to the saved whom he himself deified.

48 Politically schismatic, Novallan was orthodox in the doctrine of the Trinity. We use G.F. Diercks (ed.), Novatiant Opera (Tvrnhoit: Typographt Brepois Edilores Pontificit, 1972), and the translation of Novatian. The Trinity, by R.J. De Simone (Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press of America, 1972). References are given in the text.

49 This concord between Father and Son is ‘the association of love [carliatis societas] itself existing between them’ (XXVII.4). Gregory speaks of the triune God as ‘a monarchy … that is made of an equality of nature, and a union of mind ignomes sumpnoia] and an identity of motion, and a convergence of its elements to unity’ (XXIX.2). Here ‘gnome’ is equivalent to the Latin ‘sententia’, Judgement.

50 Cf. Novalian, The Trinity, p. 53 n. 14f.

51 According to Prestige, ‘It is Theophilus who first employs the actual language of Logos immanent and expressed’: op. cit., p. 126.

52 According to Novatlan: Owing to His origin to the Father. He could not cause any disunion [discordia] in the godhead by making two gods’ (XXXI.13).

53 Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, p. 125.

54 E.J. Fortman, The Triune God (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1982), p. 121.

55 Cf. B. Studer, Trinity and Incarnation, ed. A. Louth, tr. M. Westhoff (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1993), p. 73.

Nozomu Miyahira
Dr Miyahira, who earned his doctorate on the doctrine of the Trinity, is currently Visiting Scholar at Green College, Oxford.

The Trinity in Asian Perspective. - Free Online Library

The Trinity in Asian Perspective. - Free Online Library

The Trinity in Asian Perspective.
By Jung Young Lee.
Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. Pp. 255. $19.95.

Article Details
Author: Phan, Peter C.
Publication: Theological Studies
Article Type: Book Review
Date: Mar 1, 1998
Words: 797
Book reviews

This work represents the magnum opus of the Korean-American theologian Jung Young Lee (1935-1996). For many years Lee's publications have investigated the book I Ching, in particular its teaching on change as embodied in the twin concepts of yin and yang, and its implications for Christian theology. The present work is the most systematic and thorough attempt by any Asian theologian to date to interpret the Christian dogma of the Trinity in terms of the yin-yang symbolic thinking.

After a brief introduction on the necessity and method of contextual theology, L. offers a lucid presentation on the origin, meaning, development, and application of the yin-yang concepts in East Asian culture. Then he lays the ground for the use of this dipolar metaphysics and epistemology to elaborate an Asian understanding of the Trinity. He points out that yin-yang thinking is symbolic (hence, eschewing epistemological absolutism), inclusive and holistic (adopting "both- and" rather than "either-or" thinking), relational (holding relationality rather than autonomy as the basic ontological category), and dynamic (regarding change rather permanence as the fundamental reality).

L. next argues the all-important thesis that yin-yang symbolic thinking is fundamentally trinitarian and not dualistic thinking. As illustrated in the diagram of the Great Ultimate (or Tai Chi Tu, which is represented in the Korean flag), there is a dot of yin in the yang and a dot of yang in the yin. The yang is "in" the yin, and the yin is "in" the yang: the "inness" is the connecting principle of yin and yang and cannot exist by itself but only in the "and" between yin and yang. Further, yin cannot exist without yang, just as yang cannot exist without yin. Because of the "inness" and the "and" uniting the yin and yang, yin-yang symbolic thinking is, L. contends, trinitarian thinking.

On the basis of this trinitarian epistemology and ontology, L. goes on to expound the persons of the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Father in that order. Of God the Son L. highlights his incarnation as the fulfillment of the trinitarian process of creation, his two natures as symbol of his marginality, his character as both male and female, his death and resurrection, his redemptive acts, and his suffering and love. L. relates God the Spirit to ch'i, the animating power and essence of the material body and to the existence of evil spirits, and suggests that the Spirit is the feminine member of the Trinity as well as the integrative and transformative force of trinitarian life. He also relates the Spirit to three phenomena in the Church, namely, mystery, miraculous performances, and ecstatic experiences. With regard to God the Father, L. acknowledges his preeminence in the Trinity and relates him to the li principle and the principle of ch'ien (heaven) with its four characteristics of origination, success, advantage, and correctness. He considers God the Father as the masculine member of the Trinity, as the source of creativity, and as the unifying principle of the Trinity.

Using various hexagrams of the I Ching--I (gain), chien (advance), feng (abundance), t'ai (peace), hsien (influence), and chieh (regulation)--L. studies the six possible variations of the "orders" of the Trinity: Father-Spirit-Son, Father-Son-Spirit, Spirit-Father-Son, Spirit-Son-Father, Son-Father-Spirit, and Son-Spirit-Father. In this way he hopes to complement the traditional order of Father-Son-Spirit understood either in the "side by side" or the "one after another" models with those derived from the Asian yin-yang philosophy.

Finally, L. develops the implications of his theology of the Trinity for church life (especially in reference to the structure of the Church, worship, preaching, and meditation), family life, and society.

This is the most fascinating and creative interpretation of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity on the basis of Taoist epistemology and metaphysics to date. It brings together in a fruitful synthesis the biblical doctrine of the Trinity on the one hand and the Asian teaching on the yin-yang polarity of reality and human thinking, the cosmological-anthropological trinity of heaven, earth, and humanity, and the centrality of the family on the other. L.'s critics will question his pivotal claim that yin-yang epistemology and metaphysics are genuinely trinitarian and not merely relational, nondualistic, and complementary. That is, it is highly debatable whether the "inness" and "and" which connect yin and yang possess, as L. contends, the same ontological "density" as the two connected polarities. Furthermore, feminists will challenge L.'s assumption that the family possesses an intrinsically hierarchical structure, even if currently Asian families, for the most part, are organized along the patriarchal line of the Confucian system. Despite these methodological and substantive difficulties, L.'s work deserves careful reading, since no future interpretation of the Trinity from an Asian perspective can afford to ignore its bold proposals.

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The Trinity in Asian Perspective : Lee, Jung Young: Amazon.com.au: Books

The Trinity in Asian Perspective : Lee, Jung Young: Amazon.com.au: Books

The Trinity in Asian Perspective 1996
by Jung Young Lee  (Author)
4.3 out of 5 stars    3 ratings
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10 New from $30.40

Western Christians often despair of finding meaning in the paradoxical statement that God is both "One" and "Three". The problem, says Jung Young Lee, is not with the doctrine of the Trinity itself; rather, it is with the Western conceptual tendency to view reality in exclusive, "either/or" terms. The Trinity is at its heart an inclusive doctrine of one God who is nonetheless three distinct persons. In order to grasp this fact, we need different conceptual categories, not only with which to view God, but all of reality. The Asian philosophical construct of yin and yang can offer a way out of this problem, with its inherently "both/and" way of thinking. Drawing on a variety of East Asian religious traditions, Lee offers a creative reinterpretation of this central Christian doctrine. He shows how a global perspective can illuminate Western theological constructs as he establishes the necessity of a contextual approach to the doctrine of the Trinity.

Trinitarian Thinking
God the Son
God the Spirit
God the Father
The Orders of the Divine Trinity
Trinitarian Living

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Abingdon Press (1 January 1996)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 256 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0687426375
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0687426379
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 1.5 x 22.86 cm
Customer Reviews: 4.3 out of 5 stars    3 ratings
Product description
From the Back Cover
Western Christians often despair of finding meaning in the paradoxical statement that God is both "One" and "Three". The problem, says Jung Young Lee, is not with the doctrine of the Trinity itself; rather, it is with the Western conceptual tendency to view reality in exclusive, "either/or" terms. The Trinity is at its heart an inclusive doctrine of one God who is nonetheless three distinct persons. In order to grasp this fact, we need different conceptual categories, not only with which to view God, but all of reality. The Asian philosophical construct of yin and yang can offer a way out of this problem, with its inherently "both/and" way of thinking. Drawing on a variety of East Asian religious traditions, Lee offers a creative reinterpretation of this central Christian doctrine. He shows how a global perspective can illuminate Western theological constructs as he establishes the necessity of a contextual approach to the doctrine of the Trinity.
About the Author
Jung Young Lee was at the time of his death Professor of Systematic Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey.