
한겨레 수행·치유 전문 웹진 - 휴심정 - 너무도 외로웠던 순간

한겨레 수행·치유 전문 웹진 - 휴심정 - 너무도 외로웠던 순간

너무도 외로웠던 순간


조현 2019. 05. 07

조회수 4738 추천수 0

» 첫날 세미나를 끝내며 촛불 둘레에 엎드린 참석자들과 스태프들. 사진 삶의예술학교 제공

바람 앞에 촛불이 흔들리는 것은 당연하다. 그런데 왜 바람도 없는 실내에서마저, 이 안온한 공간에서조차 마음의 촛불은 흔들릴까. 그 뜻모를 불안과 아픔의 근원을 찾아들어가는 여행이 시작되었다.

 지난 3~5일 삶의예술학교가 진행하는 2박3일의 삶의예술 세미나였다. 경기도 남양주 축령산 자락 원불교오덕훈련원을 빌려 진행된 이 세미나의 핵심은 ‘시간여행’이다. 봄꽃이 만발한 이 아름다운 시공간을 떠나 가장 외롭고, 힘들었던 순간을 향해 떠나는 여행이다. 어린이날에, 어버이날을 앞두고, 여기저기서 벌어지는 꽃잔치와 환호성과는 다른 슬프고도 아픈 어린시절로 돌아가는 여정이었다.

 처음부터 이렇게 아픈 개인사를 헤집는 ‘다크투어’를 떠나는 것은 아니다. 처음엔 화병을 원으로 둘러싸고, 장미 꽃 한송이를 자기 앞으로 가져온 뒤, ‘최고 아름다웠던 한순간’을 떠올리는 것으로 시작했다. 그러나 그처럼 아름다운 것마저 과거는 때론 가슴 한켠을 콕 찔렀다. 50대 남자 참가자는 ‘자신이 두세살 때 몸이 아팠을 때 도회지의 병원으로 데려간 아버지가 아픈 아이에게 웃음을 주기 위해 서커스장에 데려갔던 일’을 ‘가장 아름다운 순간’으로 언급하며 눈물을 훔쳤다.

 첫날 오후 본격적인 시간여행이 시작됐다. 촛불 둘레에 원으로 앉은 11명의 참석자들에게 세미나의 총감독격인 삶의예술학교 유진박 대표(64)가 질문을 던졌다.

 “언제, 어떤 서로움, 외로움의 순간이 있었나요?”

 “일찍이 가슴을 닫아야 했던 어느 순간이 있었나요?”

 “‘세상을, 사람들을 신뢰할 수 없어’, ‘나는 혼자야’라고 마음 먹게 됐던 순간이 언제였나요?”

» 삶과예술세미나에서 원으로 둘러앉아 이야기를 나누는 참석자들

 침묵이 이어졌다. 그러나 내면엔 파문이 이미 일렁이기 시작했다. 질문은 고요한 호수에 던진 돌팔매였다. 쭈볏쭈볏하던 참석자들 사이에서 한 여성이 나섰다. 아직도 이 지구에 땅을 딛고 있지않은 것 같다는, 즉 살아도 사는 것 같지 않다는 40대 여성이었다. 그가 치매에 걸려 누워있는 아버지에 대해 이야기했다. 아버지는 10살 때 부모를 여의고 홀로 되어 천애고아가 되었다고 했다. 아무도 의지할데 없는 어린 아이가 살아야했던 세상, 수없는 좌절과 실패 속에서 커온 아버지의 상실을 말하며 그는 목놓아 울었다. 그는 실패투성이인 아버지를 미워했지만, 그 아버지의 심중으로 들어가면서 아버지를 대신한 통한의 아픔을 토해냈다. 그는 아버지를 멀리하려했지만, 이미 아버지의 무력감이 자신의 무의식 속에 깊게 박혀있었다는 것을, 자신은 아버지의 다른 모습이었다는 것을 그 통곡이 말해주었다. 유진과 미국인 부인 마샤 보글린이 깊은 한 숨을 토해내며 공명했다. 그러자 다른 참석자들이 원 안으로 들어와 그를 안아주었다. 그의 가슴이 울음으로 진동할 때마다 포옹한 이들도 함께 진동했다. 그러자 여기 저기에서 화장지를 꺼내 눈물을 닦았다. 그 공감이 동토처럼 얼어붙은 마음을 풀리게 한 것을까. 그는 한번도 내놓지못한 화해의 말을 꺼냈다.

 “아빠, 그 험한 세상을 사느라 얼마나 힘드셨어요”

» 삶의예술세미나를 끝니면서 스태프들이 참석자들을 둘러싸고 곪아터진 상처를 위로하며 축복해주는 모습

애증으로 얽힌 부모님에게 해주고 싶은 말을 그가 대신 해준 때문이었을까. 그의 말에 주위 사람들이 신음하며 눈물을 터트렸다. 그는 “아빠는 비난이 아니라 칭찬을 받을 자격이 있다”면서 아빠를 위로했다. 그의 시간여행에 유달리 공감하며 눈물을 쏟았던 한 남자가 다음 고백에 나섰다. 대기업에 다니는 40대 후반의 그가 꺼낸 것도 ‘아버지’였다. 그는 “초등학교만 나왔던 아버지는 누구와도 대화할줄을 모르고, 사람들과의 대면을 피했다”고 했다. ‘명절 때 가족과 친척들이 모여서 화기애애하게 이야기를 나눌 때도 아버지만은 그 자리를 피해서 일만하곤 했다’는 것이다. 그는 “한번도 아버지와 대화를 해본 적도 칭찬도 위로도 공감도 받아본 적이 없었다”고 했다. 그는 “사람들과 좀체 어울릴줄 모르고 홀로 일만할줄 알았던 아버지같은 답답하고 고독하고 불행한 삶을 살지않겠다”고 다짐했다고 한다. 그런데 ‘몇년 전 자신을 돌아보니, 자신도 오직 아내와 자식들을 위해 헌신만 하지, 아무 행복도 모른체 일만 하며 살아가는 또 다른 아버지의 모습을 자신에게서 발견했다’며 눈물을 쏟았다. 깊은 외로움이 느껴지는 그의 등을 유진·마샤 부부와 스태프들 뿐 아니라 모두가 안아주었다. ‘당신은 더 이상 외롭지 않다’고 말해주는 포옹이었다.

» 삶의예술세미나를 이끄는 유진박과 마샤 부부

 많은 눈물을 흘린 뒤 그는 자신감이 없어서 그렇게 살아가던 아버지를 증오가 아닌 연민의 마음으로 대하기 시작했다. 그 뒤 세미나의 새로운 장이 펼쳐질 때마다 마술처럼 변해가는 그의 표정과 공감력이 모두의 놀라움을 자아냈다. 그는 2박3일의 세미나를 마친 뒤 “내 약한 모습을 드러내면 안된다는 강박관념 속에 살며 공감도 마비돼 가족이 자살했을 때도 눈물이 나오지않았다”고 말했다. 그러나 그는 시간여행 뒤 자신의 외로움과 약점을 스스럼 없이 고백하고, 타인의 아픔에도 누구보다도 깊게 공명하고 위로하는 공감자로 변해있었다.

 ‘시간 여행’은 다양한 방식으로 진행되었다. 이틀째 ‘존재를 드러내는 힘을 키우는’장이 펼쳐졌다. 살면서 ‘예스’해야할 것을 ‘예스’를 해야하고, ‘노우’할 것은 ‘노우’해야했지만 그렇지 못한 게 대부분의 삶이었다. 때로는 부모와 교사의 권위에 눌려서, 혹은 폭력의 위압 때문이나 먹고사니즘 때문이기도 했다. 유진이 시연을 보였고, 자발적 신청자가 앞에 나서 자신이 해보고 싶던 둘 중 하나를 꺼내 외쳐보는 것이다.

» 삶과예술세미나에서 타인이 꺼낸 상처에도 함께 공명하며 울어주었던 참석자들이 서로 허그를 하면서 위로하고 축복하고 있다.

 이번엔 40대 초반의 여성이 나섰다. ‘번아웃’돼 최근 직장을 그만둘 수 밖에 없었다는 이였다. 그는 ‘싫어’라는 단어를 선택했다. ‘노우’를 변형한 것이었다. 유진이 선창하면 따라하는 식이었다. 그는 어려서부터 체력이 너무나 약해서 늘 아팠지만, 부모는 자식이 죽는지 사는지 건강상태엔 무관심한체 오직 공부만 강요했다고 한다. 목표 성취만을 최우선시 때론 당근을 주고, 때론 채찍을 휘두르던 부모에게 아이로 돌아가 ‘싫어’를 외치는 것이었다. 처음에 작은 목소리로 ‘싫어, 싫어’를 하던 그는 무의식적 상처를 건드린 유진의 날카로운 선창으로 젖먹던 힘까지 다해 ‘싫어’, ‘싫어’를 외쳤다. 그의 외침이 점차 울음으로 변했다. 그는 “초등학교 때 꾀병이 아니라 정말 너무 아파서 병원에 가야했는데도 엄마 아빠가 하나가 되어 결석하면 안된다고 무조건 학교에 데려다주고 가버렸다”며 펑펑 울었다. 그는 욕망을 위해 끝없이 밀어붙이기만했던 부모에게 저항다운 저항 한번 못해보고 부모가 원하는 ‘스카이’에 진학하고, 부모가 원하는 직장에 갔지만, 결국 번아웃되고만 절망감을 토해내다가 쓰러졌다.

» 2박3일 삶의예술 세미나를 마치고 봄꽃처럼 화사해진 참석자들과 스태프들

 유진과 마샤는 상처의 화농이 터져 고름이 터져나오는 이들을 껴안고 위로해주었다. 유진은 “한국은 유달리 아픔의 역사를 겪은 부모 세대의 트라우마가 현세대로 고스란히 전해져 상처가 깊고 자존감이 너무도 많이 훼손된 상태여서 심리적 수술이 필요하다”고 말했다. 마샤는 따스한 미소를 담아서 “우리가 비록 지구에서 온갖 상처를 입었지만 본래는 이미 온전한 존재였다”면서 “사랑과 진리와 생명의 존재들인 우리 모두는 이 세상에 사랑을, 진리와 생명을 드러내기 위해 왔다”고 위로했다.

 이 세미나를 창시한 유진박은 9살에 브라질로 이민을 떠나 4년뒤 캐나다로 이주해 성장한 뒤 미국의 영성공동체 에미서리에 가담해 지도자가 됐다. 그는 부인 마샤와 함께 2007년 영구귀국해 주로 제주도에서 활동하다 지난해부터 서울 등 수도권에서 삶의예술세미나를 진행하고 있다. 세미나는 이번 첫단계를 비롯해 4단계까지 심화과정들이 있다. www.aolschool.org


평화·인권운동가의 내면 평화는

禪, 세상을 품다

고독과 싸운 영광의 시간

나로 사는걸 깜박했어요

마가스님의 마음충전


Marianne Williamson A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (Audible Audio Edition): Marianne Williamson, Carrington MacDuffie, HarperAudio: Audible Audiobooks

Amazon.com: A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (Audible Audio Edition): Marianne Williamson, Carrington MacDuffie, HarperAudio: Audible Audiobooks

In this stirring call to arms, the activist, spiritual leader, and New York Times best-selling author of the classic Return to Love confronts the cancerous politics of fear and divisiveness threatening the US today, urging all spiritually aware Americans to return to - and act out of - our deepest value: love.
America's story is one of great social achievement. From the abolitionists who fought to outlaw slavery, to the suffragettes who championed women's right to vote, to the civil rights proponents who battled segregation and institutionalized white supremacy, to the proponents of the women's movement and gay rights seeking equality for all, citizens for generations have risen up to fulfill the promise of our nation. Over the course of America's history, these activists have both embodied and enacted the nation's deepest values.
Today, America is once again is in turmoil. A spiritual cancer of fear threatens to undo the progress we have achieved. Discord and hatred are dissolving our communal bonds and undermining the spirit of social responsibility - the duty we feel toward one another. In this powerful spiritual manifesto, Marianne Williamson offers a tonic for this cultural malignancy. 
She urges us to imitate the heroes of our past and live out our deepest spiritual commitment: where some have sown hatred, let us now sow love.
Williamson argues that we must do more than respond to external political issues. We must address the deeper, internal causes that have led to this current dysfunction. We need a new, whole-person politics of love that stems not just from the head but from the heart, not just from intellectual understanding but from a genuine affection for one another. 

By committing to love, we will make a meaningful contribution to the joyful, fierce, and disruptive energies that are rising at this critical point in time. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "we must think anew, and act anew...and then we shall save our country".

Showing 1-10 of 11 reviews

Matthew Albracht

5.0 out of 5 starsHumanity would really blossom if every person in America read this remarkable book...April 23, 2019
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
If you feel hopeless about the state of politics and current affairs, or worried about how we are all getting along, there is so much in this book worth exploring. I was pretty blown away by it and really can't speak highly enough about it. The ideas within offer a powerful prescription for America and the world. While politics is a core theme,it also has a lot of heart and is really a roadmap for our collective lives as a common humanity. It speaks to much deeper themes about what it means to be alive and in relationship to one another. I got misty eyed many times, and felt the elation of possibility for what we can all do together — over and over. It’s both practical and inspiring.

I think this is one of Marianne’s best written and most inspiring books yet. In addition to the emotional and spiritual themes relating to the human condition, she writes about many of the hot button issues we face: immigration, climate change, the assault on democracy, racism, corporatocracy, the political divide, war and peace, and even Trump, among many other topics.

While she can be fierce in what she is calling out, throughout it all, she brings big heart, a lot of love and compassion. It’s a real blueprint for how we can make not only tangible changes, but how we can (and should!) be working together in deeper and more loving ways as we make the changes.

I wish that every person in America, and especially every politician, were required to read this book. If they did, humanity would really blossom. Go Marianne!

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T Cleveland

5.0 out of 5 starsBuy this book, Love is the answer, in everything.April 30, 2019
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
I just got this book, I have many of Marianne’s books, and have been to four of her small weekend retreats. I started reading yesterday, I had a hard time putting it down. The first chapter really is some of her best writing, on to three more and wow, everyone should read this book. I will settle back in tomorrow for another four or five chapters. I feel like she is speaking to me.

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5.0 out of 5 starsBrilliant and insightfulApril 30, 2019
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
This book is written with deep insight and wisdom - an answer with depth for these times. As Marianne Williamson says: these are serious times and we need to go deep within ourselves and within the problems we are facing in order to respond.

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Benjamin W. Decker

5.0 out of 5 starsMust ReadApril 29, 2019
Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase
A powerful, inspiring book. Meaningful in every way. Something I wish every politician would read with an open heart and open mind.

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Anna from InannaWorks

5.0 out of 5 starsIs there hope for America?April 23, 2019
Format: Hardcover
I first heard Marianne Williamson speak at the Universalist Unitarian Church on the upper west side of Manhattan in the early 80’s. I paid $7 to sit on a folding metal chair in the church’s auditorium. She introduced me to A Course in Miracles. I was awe struck. I went back to see her almost every month after that for years. Having begun my own spiritual journey, I found that, a few weeks before she was due back in New York, I would be challenged with a dilemma that I couldn’t resolve. Always, at her evenings in that auditorium, I would receive the guidance that I needed to understand the issue I was being faced with. I felt like she was speaking just to me, yet I understood that everyone in the auditorium felt the same thing. It’s the miracle of A Course in Miracles, and Marianne’s gift.

It was a time when those of us living in metropolitan areas, and working in what are known as the “glamour” professions, suddenly started seeing people we knew and cared about start dropping dead for no explainable reason. It was the time when a disease which didn’t even have a name yet was changing everything and only a small group of people even admitted that it was happening. Marianne gave us a place to come together and share our fears and our grieving. She says of that time, “Unless you’ve been in a war zone, you can’t truly understand what those days were like.”

I remember the evening when she told us that her book, A Return to Love was about to be released. “If you’ve been coming to hear me speak,” she said, “you don’t need to buy it. You’ve already heard everything that’s in it.” And then she went on Oprah and she became famous.

When I went to hear her speak after Oprah, I watched the energy descend from above into the top of her head and out through her throat chakra to the audience. By then I was also a little skilled at the channeling thing, so I knew what I was looking at. She was perfect that night, in my opinion. She hit every note the “Invisible Helpers” sent through to her and every note connected to the audience perfectly. She was a perfect 10—and I was bored. I drifted away, only to revisit her at lengthy intervals to check in. Tears to Triumph was one of those reconnecting points. I loved it.

Now she’s running for president and has released A Politics of Love simultaneously. I tend to be a skeptic. But as I read A Politics of Love, I once again got an answer to a dilemma I was pondering. The answer this time is that there is no answer. There is only choice. We have come full circle. Do we choose love or do we choose fear? She spells it all out in the concise, powerfully-charged phrasing that is her trademark.

After all these years, her power is still also that she can be as self-effacing as she is inspirational. She tells us: “My mother used to say, ‘Count to ten before you speak.’ Sometimes I need to count fifteen.” And there was my answer: Count to fifteen. Thank you, Marianne, and I’d really loved to see you in the debates.

(InannaWorks.com received a free review copy of this book.)

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Ken Barr

5.0 out of 5 starsA Truly Progressive & Transformative Platform For AmericaApril 27, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Marianne Williamson is the truly transformative candidate for President of The United States in the upcoming 2020 election. Her new book, "A Politics of Love," lays out the platform for her candidacy. It is nothing less than a progressive blueprint for rededicating this country towards the principles it is supposed to espouse. Ms. Williamson is swiftly becoming the one candidate who can offer the starkest contrast between the politics of we and us versus Donald Trump's politics of me and I. All voters owe it to themselves to read this book and go to Ms. Williamson's campaign website, Marianne2020.com and see for themselves what is possible for this nation.

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C. Conley

5.0 out of 5 starsMagnificent!April 25, 2019
Format: Hardcover
Bravo, Marianne!! Beautiful words!
Powerful message! No other candidate has the answer.
It's all about LOVE. May we all join together and make LOVE the priority in our politics and daily lives.
Together we can witness miracles!

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Henrietta Bertelsman

5.0 out of 5 starsA must read for every American...April 28, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Marianne very powerfully articulates how to move down the path to reclaim our democracy. It is a call to action for all of us to live from our Highest values and put the power of love to work. Love is the antithesis of fear which has been running the show too long. It’s time to name the root problems in our society and take radical action to fix them. Any other option is untenable.

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B. Easter

5.0 out of 5 starsSoul StrentheningApril 27, 2019
Format: Hardcover
Thank you for this Marianne Williamson! So beautifully articulated and expressed! This book is a call to re-member in courage and strength the essence of our being as individuals and community! All Good things belong to us and I want to live and breathe this rather than defaulting to negative, critical or self righteous thoughts and actions. Thank you! Beth Easter

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5.0 out of 5 starsCAN OUR POLITICS CHANGE?June 3, 2019
Format: Hardcover
So much disagreement, almost nobody seems happy with the status quo, even Trump supporting Republicans. The system is not working for many, including those who work hard and follow the rules. Many do not participate in our democracy at all. If we want things to change, we must participate and open our minds to different ideas and voices, regardless of where they come from. I’m an independent and not yet endorsing a candidate for the 2020 elections. Not for President, not for any other office. I have started to read about and listen to as many candidates as possible, study the issues, really consider who would best represent me, my family, my community, our country. 

One of the candidates who I’ve been reading about / listening to is Marianne Williamson. Marianne’s bio describes her as a lecturer, activist and author. She has devoted most of her adult life to advocating for others and sharing her tremendous insight through her books, videos, lectures. I have read many of Marianne’s books and find her work incredibly insightful (see “A Return to Love” and “Healing the Soul of America”). She has a tremendous understanding of this country’s history, its mistakes (yes, we make mistakes!) and ideas about how we can heal as a nation. 

In Marianne’s latest book, “A Politics of Love”, she addresses the current divisiveness in our politics and prescribes a new way forward. Marianne has a unique perspective on our challenges as a nation and she has garnered sufficient support to be eligible for the Dem debate stage. But even if the Dems don’t tweak the rules to knock out lesser known candidates like Marianne, it will be difficult to have her voice heard amongst so many. I encourage you to take a look for yourself. Marianne is willing to talk about things most will not (eg, reparations relating to slavery). I believe most of us are interested to hear new voices and to get the best ideas on the table. There are many people and forces in this country that seek to prevent this from happening, those that want to maintain the status quo or even turn back the clock.

 Marianne has progressive views on healthcare, racial reconciliation, climate change and foreign policy. She believes that love, not hate, is what will truly change our politics. That we need to prioritize taking care of those less fortunate and wage peace instead of war (she has proposed new federal agencies devoted to peace and children). While these concepts may sound quaint or even strange today, they are not radical ideas. Historic figures like Martin Luther King Jr and Dwight Eisenhower talked about waging peace. And business titans like Bill Gates and Ray Dalio have said the current situation with wealth inequality and an insufficient social safety net are not sustainable. Marianne has been a champion of these ideas for decades and is now aiming to bring them more firmly into the national dialogue. Marianne’s views / ideas will resonate with many but not all. But if we put aside our preconceived notions about how things are and instead focus on what could be, we will see our current challenges in a new light. If we all participate and focus on what’s important to us, our families and communities, we can restore our democracy and contribute to the common good. We can’t expect things to get better if we follow the same old play book.



Showing 1-9
 4.25  · 
 ·  40 ratings  ·  9 reviews

David Rickert
Apr 14, 2019rated it liked it
I received this book as part of a Goodreads Giveaway.

I obtained this book at a pretty good time for me, as I was getting discouraged about the direction our country was taking in terms of discourse and policies. I didn't believe that anyone cared how others acted as long as they got what they wanted, and I felt that it was time to demand more from our politicians in their conduct and character.

Williamson convincingly points out that our policies are determined by economic gain rather than concern for our fellow human beings. She rationalizes that a fighter jet is not worth the billions of dollars that it cost when we have a substantial number of children that don't know where their next meal comes from.

I found myself agreeing with much of what Williamson says, but I can't give it more than three stars because there is no way that a conservative would be convinced by any of it. She is unabashedly liberal and admits it, even relating an eye-opening experience with some Trump supporters, but this isn't a book that tries very hard to bridge the gaps between the two parties

The message is: Republican policies bad; Democratic policies good. And while some who read this book will say, "Well, what's wrong with that? I agree with her." It seems like a missed opportunity to bridge the gap, ask some difficult questions, and try to find a common ground between both sides. (less)
May 22, 2019rated it it was amazing
Whether someone supports Marianne Williamson as a candidate or not, everyone needs this message of how we need to rediscover a politics of love, a politics that does not ignore our problems but faces them and commits to doing the right thing by solving them. She argues that what made America great in the past was when our politics was defined by love versus by fear or self-interest (civil rights, women's suffrage, even taken on Nazi Germany was done out of love for justice and peace). I wish all the candidates would read and quote from this book. (less)
Liz Sergent
May 18, 2019rated it did not like it
I have loved Marianne Williamson for years, read her books and they always uplifted me and made me feel better. This one.....not so much, so bad I couldn't finish it. Maybe because it was political in nature. I get she doesn't like conservatives but lets try to meet in the middle. Ms. Williamson doesn't do that and basically there are so much out there to read, I didn't want to waste another second of my time on this liberal garbage. This country is so great because of our differences, too bad this author can't see that. (less)
Jun 03, 2019rated it it was amazing
CAN OUR POLITICS CHANGE? So much disagreement, almost nobody seems happy with the status quo, even Trump supporting Republicans. The system is not working for many, including those who work hard and follow the rules. Many do not participate in our democracy at all. If we want things to change, we must participate and open our minds to different ideas and voices, regardless of where they come from. I’m an independent and not yet endorsing a candidate for the 2020 elections. Not for President, not for any other office. I have started to read about and listen to as many candidates as possible, study the issues, really consider who would best represent me, my family, my community, our country. One of the candidates who I’ve been reading about / listening to is Marianne Williamson. Marianne’s bio describes her as a lecturer, activist and author. She has devoted most of her adult life to advocating for others and sharing her tremendous insight through her books, videos, lectures. I have read many of Marianne’s books and find her work incredibly insightful (see “A Return to Love” and “Healing the Soul of America”). She has a tremendous understanding of this country’s history, its mistakes (yes, we make mistakes!) and ideas about how we can heal as a nation. In Marianne’s latest book, “A Politics of Love”, she addresses the current divisiveness in our politics and prescribes a new way forward. Marianne has a unique perspective on our challenges as a nation and she has garnered sufficient support to be eligible for the Dem debate stage. But even if the Dems don’t tweak the rules to knock out lesser known candidates like Marianne, it will be difficult to have her voice heard amongst so many. I encourage you to take a look for yourself. Marianne is willing to talk about things most will not (eg, reparations relating to slavery). I believe most of us are interested to hear new voices and to get the best ideas on the table. There are many people and forces in this country that seek to prevent this from happening, those that want to maintain the status quo or even turn back the clock. Marianne has progressive views on healthcare, racial reconciliation, climate change and foreign policy. She believes that love, not hate, is what will truly change our politics. That we need to prioritize taking care of those less fortunate and wage peace instead of war (she has proposed new federal agencies devoted to peace and children). While these concepts may sound quaint or even strange today, they are not radical ideas. Historic figures like Martin Luther King Jr and Dwight Eisenhower talked about waging peace. And business titans like Bill Gates and Ray Dalio have said the current situation with wealth inequality and an insufficient social safety net are not sustainable. Marianne has been a champion of these ideas for decades and is now aiming to bring them more firmly into the national dialogue. Marianne’s views / ideas will resonate with many but not all. But if we put aside our preconceived notions about how things are and instead focus on what could be, we will see our current challenges in a new light. If we all participate and focus on what’s important to us, our families and communities, we can restore our democracy and contribute to the common good. We can’t expect things to get better if we follow the same old play book. (less)
Linda Shepherd
"A politics of love is bold because love is bold. A politics of love does not just ask what's expedient; it asks what is right, and then seeks to do it."

"Love is a wiser, more evolved, and more powerful modus operandi than fear, if our goal is to bequeath a habitable world to our children and our children's children."

She hits on everything that is wrong with America right now : the divisiveness, inequality of wealth, war vs peace, racism, islamophobia, anti-immigration in general. We need to listen to each other and not judge. We need to stand up for the oppressed.
May 27, 2019rated it really liked it
I found this to present an interesting, intelligent and soulful perception of our current political atmosphere. A lot of food for thought.
Csimplot Simplot
Mar 20, 2019rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Excellent book!
Jessica Noel
Definitely worth the read. I'm a bit spoiled because I've gotten used to authors reading their own books - wish Marianne was reading... I guess running for president takes a lot of time ;)
May 16, 2019rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
This is a great view on another way to think! A great teacher!
