
When Nietzsche Wept by Irvin D. Yalom | Goodreads

When Nietzsche Wept by Irvin D. Yalom | Goodreads


When Nietzsche Wept

Irvin D. Yalom
61,680 ratings4,157 reviews
In 19th-century Vienna, a drama of love, fate, and will is played out amid the intellectual ferment that defined the era.

Josef Breuer, one of the founding fathers of psychoanalysis, is at the height of his career. Friedrich Nietzsche, Europe's greatest philosopher, is on the brink of suicidal despair, unable to find a cure for the headaches and other ailments that plague him. When he agrees to treat Nietzsche with his experimental "talking cure", Breuer never expects that he, too, will find solace in their sessions. Only through facing his own inner demons can the gifted healer begin to help his patient.

In When Nietzsche Wept, Irvin Yalom blends fact and fiction, atmosphere and suspense to unfold an unforgettable story about the redemptive power of friendship.

310 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1992
Community Reviews

185 reviews

October 18, 2016
These days, I was thinking a lot about the obsession of Nietzsche and Brewer in the story, about the two men hiding behind the meaningless imaginations they make of the people around them (women) and magnify the problem in their mind and fall in love with that problem and finally in the mind They eat them and hate them, and those ignorant people live their lives everywhere; Breuer's and Nietzsche's obsessions are similar to what we sometimes do, we hide a huge amount of our inner fears and worries behind illusions and get so immersed in our wrong mental image that the confusion caused by it is worse. From what we have run away from, it finally takes hold of us and then we come to our senses and see that accepting that fear,
I am infatuated with this book, I am infatuated that the author has written the real characters of that era so beautifully together with an imaginary image of an interesting and attractive friendship between Nietzsche and Breuer with the same pen and makes it so real that if the explanation section at the end of the book We don't read it, we believe it, two great characters from two different angles to become human, to live and understand as a human being, and to be perfect and away from mental obsessions that only lead to the destruction of everyone, here these two famous characters are the beginning of a good story in They have brought us and they take us with them to the places where we search in ourselves among Nietzsche's famous sentences and involve us inside...
When Nietzsche Wept was one of those books that was still lovely due to the specialized terms and names that appeared next to the story, and it made me want to understand how this Nietzsche made with the author's mind made its way from Nietzsche. The one we know separates and rediscovers his life and is saved from his inner pain and comes alive again... it was interesting and very readable, read it and enjoy it...





Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
Ahmad Sharabiani
9,568 reviews

July 31, 2021
When Nietzsche wept, Irvin D. Yalom

When Nietzsche Wept is a 1992 novel by Irvin D. Yalom.

The novel starts with Dr. Josef Breuer, sitting in a cafe in Venice, Italy waiting for Lou Salomé, who was involved with Friedrich Nietzsche.

She has written a letter stating that the future of the philosophy of Germany is at stake and that the German philosopher needs help desperately.

The plot develops into a therapy where Breuer needs to have his soul treated, i.e. to help him get over a patient who he treated for hysteria and with whom he has fallen in love, whereas Nietzsche needs help with his migraines.

Influenced by the revolutionary ideas of his young disciple Sigmund Freud, Josef Breuer starts the dangerous strategy that will mean the origin of the psychoanalysis. Thanks to their unusual relationship, both of them will see how their perspective of life changes completely.

The story also explains how Friedrich Nietzsche received the inspiration to write his famous book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Titles printed in Iran: "And Nietzsche cried"; "When Nietzsche wept"; "When Nietzsche cried"; Author: Erwin D. Yalom; Date of first reading: One day in October 1994.

Title: And Nietzsche Wept; Author: Erwin D. Yalom; Translator: Mahshid Mirmoazi; Tehran, Nei Publishing House, second edition 2011, on 453 pages; Illustrated, photo, ISBN 9643126161; 13th edition of 2012; Topic: Stories by writers of the United States of America - 20th century

Title: When Nietzsche cried; Translator: Sepideh Habib; Tehran, Karvan, 1385, on 476 pages; ISBN 9648497435; Third edition 2017; Another edition of Tehran, Golshan Raz, 2019; ISBN 9789647522236; Another edition of Tehran, Nash Ghatre, 2011, 11th edition of 2011; 15th edition of 2013; ISBN 9786001192029; 22nd edition 2015;

Title: When Nietzsche cried; Translator: Amir Alijanpour; Tehran, Avai Maktoob, 2014, on 423 pages; ISBN 9786007364147;

Title: When Nietzsche Wept; ; Translator: Kiyomarth Parsai; Tehran, Jami, 1392, on 424 pages; ISBN 9786001760952;

It is a mixture of reality and imagination, a manifestation of love, destiny and will, in the rationalist city of "Vienna" of the 19th century AD, and on the threshold of the birth of psychoanalytic knowledge; "Friedrich Nietzsche", the greatest philosopher of "Europe", "Joseph Breuer", one of the founders of psychoanalysis and a medical student, a young man named "Sigmund Freud", all three elements are woven together in the structure of the novel, until the epic of forgetting. It is impossible to create an imaginary relationship between extraordinary illness and exceptional treatment; At the beginning of the novel, Le Salomé, an unattainable woman, asks Brewer to rush to the help of the desperate Nietzsche, who is in danger of committing suicide, using the method of "talking therapy"; In this fascinating novel, two prominent and mysterious men of history go to the depths of their obsessions, and in this way, they reach the liberating power of friendship.

Date of update: 25/05/1399 AH; 07/05/1400 solar Hijri; A. Sherbiani

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Profile Image for Ehsan.
7 reviews

July 16, 2008
One of the best books I've read in terms of the tension of the story that doesn't have words, but also full of psychological and philosophical concepts:
depression is the price one pays to know oneself. The deeper you look at life, the deeper you suffer.
People usually compensate their loneliness with their friends, and those who don't like with their God, but those who don't love and their God is dead. . . I don't know anyone who regretted reading it





Profile Image for Pakinam Mahmoud.
Thank you Mahmoud
607 reviews

October 2, 2022
What greatness is this 😍
Although I hate all philosophy books, the book here is different...
The book talks about Nietzsche himself and focuses more on the human side of his personality and tells his story when he was tired and treated for depression when the girl he loved refused to marry him... Is it
in philosophy? Of course, in it..but it came in the form of a very interesting dialogue between Nietzsche and the doctor treating

him..from the books in which you will read each sentence more than once..from the books that you can read again..and certainly from the books that are very difficult to forget.. :)

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Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
Sara Kamjou
569 reviews

January 17, 2021
The enchanting book When Nietzsche Wept by Irwin Yalom is a book that everyone (especially any psychologist) should read at least once before they die.
When Nietzsche Wept is a wonderful combination of the novel, psychology and philosophy, and admirably the combination of the three is kept to the utmost in moderation, and none overpowers the other. In this book, Yalom takes us on a journey to the unconscious mind and teaches us in the form of a story how to proceed in order to reach self-awareness and self-exploration.
One of the best books I have read in my life...
Lasting sentences of the book:
Hope is a necessity.
I don't know how much of my life I have lost just by not looking or by looking and not seeing.
The joy of being observed is so deep that perhaps the real suffering from old age, bereavement or having a longer life than those we love is the fear of continuing a life in which no one can observe us.
usually the most important question is the one that is not asked.
the truth itself is not sacred, what is sacred is the search we make to find our truth.
thought is a shadow of our feeling, darker, emptier and simpler.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
No one has ever done anything only for the sake of others, all our actions are selfish, everyone serves only himself, everyone loves only himself.
It seems that you are surprised by what I said. isn't it? Maybe you think about those you love. Ponder more to find that you don't love them: what you love is the pleasant feeling that comes from loving them! You love the passion, not the person who inspires the passion.
According to Breuer, a commitment made to a patient could not be taken back. When he took responsibility for the disease, he never failed to spend time and energy on him.
Revealing the source of each symptom, in a way, causes it to be resolved.
one should learn to distance oneself and look at oneself from a distance.
Farewell is usually accompanied by words that deny the continuation of the event.
If tension is the price to be paid for insight, let it be.
the counselor's personality characteristics predict his counseling method.
Philosophical therapy is to learn how to listen to your own voice.
Christ: take from your parents and culture to reach perfection.
If we climb enough, we will reach a height where the calamity no longer appears to be calamity.
there is a long distance between knowing something through reason and understanding it emotionally.
The suppression of anger makes a person sick.
Understanding others
means forgiving them.
Dostoevsky writes that there are things that should not be said, except to friends; There are things that should not be said, even to friends; And finally, there are things you should not say, even to yourself! Certainly, the things that Yosef has not even told himself until now have come out of him like this.
life is a spark between two voids, darkness before birth and darkness after death.
Ultimately, we experience ourselves only in the present.
I dream of a love in which a mutual desire to search for a higher truth emerges between two people. Maybe you shouldn't call it love. Maybe its real name is friendship.
Marriage should not be a prison, but a garden where something superior is cultivated.
everyone always dies alone with any number of companions.
"Don't give birth to a child unless you are able to create a creator."... It is wrong to have children indiscriminately
, it is wrong to have children to reduce your loneliness, it is wrong to aim your life by producing yourself. And it is wrong if we try to achieve immortality by reproduction, just because the sperm contains a part of our consciousness!
you can't rely on anyone but yourself.
To become strong, you must first sink your roots into nothingness and learn to face the loneliest loneliness.
we must live as if we are free. Although we cannot escape from fate, we must engage with it, we must will the outcome of our fate. We must love our destiny.
To truly relate to someone, you must first relate to yourself. If we cannot embrace our loneliness, we will benefit from another as a shield against isolation. Only when a person can live like a hawk - without needing the presence of another - will he find the ability to love.
Isolation has meaning only in isolation. When you share it with someone else, it evaporates.

Profile Image for Dalia Nourelden.
Dalia Nourelden
447 reviews

October 25, 2022
When Nietzsche cried, this book will be included in the list of books that came at the right time and read at the right time 🤩
For a while I lost focus while reading I got it back while reading Narcissus and Goldmund last month and then I read almost without enthusiasm, missing something I can't grasp and describe exactly and I thought I need light readings to regain my activity, but I discovered that on the contrary, what I needed was reading that forces me to focus, making me re-read sometimes. And after I had put another novel in my plan to read it I found myself leaving it without starting it and moving on to this novel, I suddenly felt that it might be what I needed and my feeling was right 😍.


The beginning was quiet, giving the suggestion that the novel will be easy, but do not believe the ease of the beginnings. Fenice will not leave the conversation easy. Just wait for him to appear and start talking. He will force you against your will to focus and you may re-read the sentences, but with pleasure, not distress. I will be frank and admit that I felt stupid at times and not well understood. And I regained the feeling that I was a “donkey” and this is how I felt when I read philosophy. But the style of the novel is wonderful, and I imagined that it would be more difficult, and I was ready for more complexity, but it mostly needs focus and thinking, but without excessive complexity.

When Nietzsche cried is the beginning of my meeting with the writer and psychiatrist Irvin D Yalom, and it will certainly not be the last. By the way, one of the reasons for my admiration for the book is the psychology part in it, and it talks about feelings, feelings and thoughts, which mostly came from the doctor’s tongue, and he discussed with Nietzsche to put the philosophical side.
Perhaps because the writer is an honorary professor of psychiatry at Stanford University and practices psychiatry, this psychological aspect came to be strong and distinct.
When the patient turns into a doctor and the doctor into a patient , when a patient resorts to treatment, the doctor is forced to suggest and perhaps reverse roles so that he can escape from the thick crust with which the patient protects himself from others. Nietzsche is When the doctor begins to reveal his smallest fears and details of his life and thoughts to attract his patient to reveal what is inside him but then finds himself transformed from a doctor to Already ill, the therapy sessions began to turn from an excuse to treat Nietzsche to an attempt to cure Joseph himself.

Perhaps you should learn to speak to yourself more clearly. In the last few days I've realized that philosophical therapy involves learning to listen to your inner voice.

Sweeping the chimney.. Sweeping her chimney means letting herself be allowed to ventilate her brain, clearing her mind of all disturbing thoughts, and

when you begin the novel in pursuit of reading Nietzsche indirectly, you meet Dr. Joseph Breuer, his life and his words attract you more, perhaps because I felt him close to me, and I felt some of his fears and thoughts. As for Nietzsche, I felt his loneliness, isolation, distrust of others and closed to himself. about women.”

If one of my tears were felt, she would say, she would say in an audible whisper: I was finally free. I was trapped all these years. This guy, this dry, nervous guy, never let me flow before.

I will always be alone, but what a difference, what a difference I choose what to do. Choose your destiny, then love your destiny, and
I loved their discussions and dialogues very much. Since my childhood , - life - a spark between two spaces. Nice pic . But isn't it strange that we are preoccupied with the second void and not thinking about the first? As for the doctor : Josef Breuer (born January 15, 1842 - died June 20, 1925) was a prominent physician who made fundamental discoveries in neurophysiology, and led to his work with his patient Bertha Pappenheim, known as Anna or in the 1880s to the development of talk therapy (the method of emptying) and laying the foundations for psychoanalysis developed by his protégé Sigmund Freud


Medicine not only mentions Joseph Breuer as an important researcher in the field of respiratory physiology and balance, but also as an outstanding diagnostician of diseases, and the physician of a whole generation of great personalities in Vienna at the end of the

future century, who knows when, perhaps fifty years later? This talk therapy may become common. That 《Anxiety Medicine》 become a specialty, and they are trained in it in medical colleges or perhaps in the departments of philosophy

. By the way, the character of Sigmund Freud was present in the novel, so Dr. Breuer was a guide to him as he considered him a friend despite the age difference who loves to discuss and talk with him, and he was considered a family friend.

The meeting of Nietzsche and Joseph Breuer is fictional, but there are facts and ideas that were realistic and the characters are real, and the writer made this clear in his observation at the end of the novel, clarifying the real and the imagined. Thank him for that.

A philosophical, psychological novel that raises many ideas and questions in life, and surely you will find yourself in many of these questions. Life, death, love, choices, success, personal, community and family expectations, faith, isolation, loneliness, marriage, subconscious mind, dreams ,...... The pinnacle of life, you're hit, Sig. Summit, the highest peak in the climb of life! But the problem with the peaks is that they lead to the slope. From the top I can see the remaining years of my life stretching before me, and the sight does not please me. I only see old age, weakness, becoming a father, becoming a grandfather. Have you lived your life to the full? Or did she live through you? Did you choose it? Or did she choose you? Did you love her? Or do you regret it? Do you not stand helpless, grieve over the life you did not live?



The last thing I will say about this novel, you know mint, but you eat strong mint seriously, not any words and feel refreshed like that. This novel makes such a recovery in the brain 🤩🤩 and
although I am not faithful to it, but this novel I will need to read it again 🤩 with greater focus and more refutation of ideas, I need I read it again and focus on every word and discuss it with myself more.





Profile Image for İntellecta.
196 reviews

January 19, 2021
"Sickness is the death of the world. I am the disease. I am the death of the world." It was wonderful to discover Nietzsche, who came into my life with his proposition, from the pen of Irvin D. Yalom...


1 comment



Profile Image for BlackOxford.
1,081 reviews

October 9, 2018
The Doctor of Despair

The fin de siecle Viennese satirist, Karl Kraus, took a dim view of the emerging field of psychiatry: “Psychoanalysis is that mental illness for which it regards itself as therapy.” And, somewhat surprisingly, this is the main theme of this novel by an eminent psychotherapist. Psychiatry is indeed a field of Byzantine relationships. Perhaps that is Yalom’s point.

Friedrich Nietzsche and Josef Breuer never really met; but Yalom puts them in an intense relationship of mutual therapy, each believing that the other is the patient and he the therapist. Breuer, Freud’s mentor and the discoverer of the psychoanalytic ‘talking cure’, is acutely depressed; Nietzsche, the as yet unknown philosopher, suffers from debilitating migraines.

Nietzsche seeks to teach Breuer about ‘freedom’ by which he means a sort of resignation to one’s fate. Breuer sees his task as revealing Nietzsche’s emotional reality to himself. Neither succeeds. But in their failures they accomplish remarkable psychological things with themselves by trying to help the other. Breuer frees himself from his obsession with a patient and Nietzsche learns how to reduce the severity of his migraines.

It appears, then, that Karl Kraus was on to something important as far as Yalom is concerned. Kraus summarised the situation thus: “My unconscious knows more about the consciousness of the psychologist than his consciousness knows about my unconscious.” Psychoanalysis is Byzantine indeed. Does anyone really understand its mechanism and effects? Yalom seems to doubt it.





Profile Image for Sawsan.
991 reviews

July 23, 2020
The dialogue in the novel here goes beyond the limit of fun, an imaginary meeting between Nietzsche and the doctor Joseph Breuer , an interview between two different minds and thoughts
, and each attempt to heal the other . Nietzsche’s personality as a philosopher and human being came close to his human weakness despite the solidity and unity of his personality, philosophy and opinions , a mixture of philosophy, self-analysis and reality in a wonderful literary text.





Profile Image for Raha.
186 reviews

June 18, 2018
This book deals with the imaginary encounter between Friedrich Nietzsche, the famous philosopher, and Dr. Josef Breuer.
The book consists of three parts. The first part deals with how Dr. "Breuer" and "Nietzsche" got to know each other and Breuer's efforts to convince Nietzsche to accept the treatment, the second part covers the treatment sessions and long and basically philosophical conversations between these two people, and finally, the last part that sums up The conclusion of the story and in other words the end of Nietzsche's treatment period.

Personally, I liked the first part of the story very much. All the insistence of "Brewer" and the tricks he used to somehow convince Nietzsche to accept the treatment. On the other hand, the unattainable Nietzsche and all his philosophy of weaving and playing with his words just to not accept the treatment, it was really one of the most stormy and delicious experiences I had from any book so

far. Nietzsche is not willing to accept the treatment from Breuer because He believes"Whatever doesn't kill him makes him stronger" and claims that his illness has benefited him in two ways.
First, Nietzsche believes that these migraine attacks with the torment they bring to him are like a purifying convulsion that It provides him with the strength to continue the work and secondly, he believes that his eyesight weakness, which has caused him to be unable to study the thoughts of thinkers for years, has enabled him to focus only on his own thoughts, apart from others, and only with the intellectual provisions of his time. and for this reason he considers himself an honest philosopher who writes only from his own experience. Nietzsche writes epics about his illness and sanctifies it because he knows it as an exercise to embrace the suffering of existence.

On the other hand, Breuer believes that Nietzsche desperately needs help, but he is too proud to accept the help of others. He believes that "pride" is a part of Nietzsche's disease that needs to be treated, so he tries to convince him to accept treatment in any way. It is possible, but every time Nietzsche's excessive skepticism, which is the result of the experience of past betrayals, blocks the way to treatment. Finally, Breuer offers a different proposal to contract Nietzsche... Breuer asks Nietzsche to save him from the nihilism he is trapped in and cure him. This is where the insistences of this shrewd doctor finally respond and Nietzsche agrees to accept the doctor's medical treatments and be admitted to a sanatorium in exchange for the treatment of the broken soul of the doctor. From this point on, the focus of the story is on the gradual transformation of this hypocritical relationship into a reliable and trustworthy relationship that is saving for both.

The impression I had of Nietzsche in the beginning was that he was a very depressed and skeptical person who could only see the dark and ruined parts of the world... a lonely and unbelieving person who believed that "everyone has a god of every kind" is to accompany him, he will never understand the depth of his loneliness". But the belief I reached at the end of the story was that Nietzsche is undoubtedly the most daring philosopher of all time. The courage to pass through life in order to understand the fullness and perfection of life can only be done by the bravest people, and I believe that Nietzsche was definitely the pioneer of such a way.

Finally, I have to admit that the translation of the book was extremely accurate and complete. One of the very good features of the translation was the footnotes of the book, which fully explained all the names and diseases, which was really a great blessing for me, who loves such details.





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Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy : Yalom M.D., Irvin D

Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy : Yalom M.D., Irvin D: Amazon.com.au: Books

Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy Paperback – 28 July 2020
by Irvin D Yalom M.D. (Author)

4.5 out of 5 stars 170 ratings

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1 Used from $14.177 New from $32.78

Bestselling author of Love's Executioner and The Gift of Therapy, psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom probes further into the mysteries of the therapeutic encounter in this entertaining and thoughtful collection.

In six enthralling stories drawn from his own clinical experience, Irvin D. Yalom once again proves himself an intrepid explorer of the human psyche as he guides his patients--and himself--toward transformation. With eloquent detail and sharp-eyed observation Yalom introduces us to a memorable cast of characters. Drifting through his dreams and trampling through his thoughts are 

  • Paula, Yalom's courtesan of death; 
  • Myrna, whose eavesdropping gives new meaning to patient confidentiality; 
  • Magnolia, into whose ample lap Yalom longs to pour his own sorrows, even as he strives to ease hers; and 
  • Momma--ill-tempered, overpowering, and suffocating her son with both love and disapproval.

A richly rewarding, almost illicit glimpse into the therapist's heart and mind, Momma and the Meaning of Life illuminates the unique potential of every human relationship.

272 pages


"These spellbinding tales of pain and of healing transport us into the very core of the therapeutic experience." -- Maggie Scarf, author of Intimate Worlds

“This is a chance to get inside the mind of a brilliant therapist and witness the soul breaking through. Like the first light of dawn, Momma and the Meaning of Life is warm, radiant and revealing.” -- Mark Epstein, M.D., author of Thoughts Without a Thinker and Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart

"Unlike most psychotherapists, Yalom can tell a story and tell it so well that it is easy to forget that what one is reading is a distillation of weeks, months, even years of therapeutic work. . . . And Yalom does it with enviable openness and style." -- Times Literary Supplement (London)

"Yalom absorbingly recounts the resilience some patients bring to the task of healing themselves." -- Booklist

"[Yalom] again displays the great narrative drive and wit evident in Love's Executioner. . . . These six engrossing narratives are very valuable gleanings from a master therapist's professional and personal experience. -- Kirkus


About the Author
Irvin D. Yalom, M.D., is the author of The Schopenhauer Cure, Lying on the Couch, Every Day Gets a Little Closer, and Love's Executioner, as well as several classic textbooks on psychotherapy. When Nietzsche Wept was a bestseller in Germany, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Argentina, and Brazil with millions of copies sold worldwide. Yalom is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Stanford University, and he divides his practice between Palo Alto, where he lives, and San Francisco, California.
Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy

Irvin D. Yalom
7,953 ratings501 reviews
272 pages, Paperback
First published August 1, 1999
November 29, 2018
This book was unexpectedly added to the list of my favorite books, even though I was hesitant to read it at first.
I have a friend who has read most of Yalom's books, and I always thought that they must be very heavy and complicated books, which is not the case at all.
The book consists of a collection of 6 real and imaginary stories of the author's experiences, which are narrated in a very artistic way and have a strange effect on the reader.
Profile Image for Petra meeting Mr Darcy Thur no pride or prejudice!.
Petra meeting Mr Darcy Thur no pride or prejudice!
2,318 reviews

May 6, 2015
This is my favourite book by Dr. Irv Yalom. He is a wonderful writer and teller of stories, but there are many books I enjoy for those reasons, what distinguishes this author? I enjoy reading Dr. Yalom because of the philosophical elements he wraps around the real-life stories of his patients. He makes their problems not only easily understandable, but you sympathise, you identify with their angst.

Each chapter is a story of therapy that begins with his identification with his patient as being-all-of-us-in-it-together and ends with the solving of an existential problem and an easing, if not a cure, of the problem that led the person to Yalom in the first place. He doesn't promise cures, his role is to help the person see clearly their problem and how they can move forward from it. He listens and brings himself and his life to his patients and his books.

One of the reasons I like Yalom so much is that he makes sense. He addresses issues that we all will have to confront in our lives. As an existentialist he doesn't hark back to the dark meanderings of Freud or the archetypes of Jung. He deals with the here-and-now, the as-we-are. Contrasting with him is another modern therapist, Dr. M. Scott Peck, another story-telling author, but one who analyses people and their problems from a spiritual point of view, specifically from a strongly Christian viewpoint. He firmly believes in the existence of evil and the devil. His last book dealt with an exorcism he performed which has to be unique among practising psychiatrists.

I believe that from a viewpoint in the distant future, we will probably look back on today's religions as quaint and interesting myths and folklore, much as we do the various Egyptian, Roman and Greek cults, but the existential problems will still be with us in the same ways as they are today. Birth, death, love, children, friendship, hatred, disease and lack of resources will always be sources of problems. The insights gained from reading Yalom's talk solutions to his patients' problems are equally timeless and universal and that's why I like reading his books so much.





Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
Ahmad Sharabiani
9,568 reviews

August 13, 2021
Momma and the Meaning of Life, Irvin D. Yalom

Psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom probes further into the mysteries of the therapeutic encounter in this entertaining and thoughtful follow-up to his bestselling Love's Executioner

In six enthralling stories drawn from his own clinical experience, Irvin D. Yalom once again proves himself an intrepid explorer of the human psyche as he guides his patients--and himself--toward transformation.

With eloquent detail and sharp-eyed observation Yalom introduces us to a memorable cast of characters.

Drifting through his dreams and trampling through his thoughts are Paula, Yalom's "courtesan of death"; Myrna, whose eavesdropping gives new meaning to patient confidentiality; Magnolia, into whose ample lap Yalom longs to pour his own sorrows, even as he strives to ease hers; and Momma--ill-tempered, overpowering, and suffocating her son with both love and disapproval.

A richly rewarding, almost illicit glimpse into the therapist's heart and mind, Momma and the Meaning of Life illuminates the unique potential of every human relationship.

Titles published in Iran: "Mom and the meaning of life: psychotherapy stories"; "Mom and the meaning of life"; Author: Erwin D. Yalom; The date of the first reading is the 12th day of August 2011 AD

Title: Mom and the meaning of life: psychotherapy stories; Author: Erwin D. Yalom; Sepideh Habib translator; With an introduction by Jafar Bo-Elhari; Tehran, Karvan, 2016; on 342 pages; ISBN 9789648497939; second edition 2019; The third edition of 2010; 4th edition 2011; 6th edition 2012; Another edition of the drop publication, year 2012; ISBN 9786001192074; 13th edition of 2015; 26th edition 1400; The subject of psychological stories from the authors of the United States of America - 20th century

Title: Mom and the meaning of life: psychotherapy stories; Author Ervin D. Yalom; Saeed Nikmanesh translator; Tehran, Mossadegh, 2016; on 320 pages; ISBN 9786007436738;

Title: Mom and the meaning of life; Author Ervin D. Yalom; Translated by Masoumeh Abbasi Netaj-Omrani; Tehran, Navai Maktoob; 2019; on 272 pages; ISBN 9786008958291;

Title: Mom and the meaning of life; Author: Ervin D. Yalom; Translated by Samia Shahrabi Farahani; Editor Ahmadreza Mofarahnejad; Tehran, Nik Farjam, 1400, 311 pages; ISBN 9786222581251;

Nothing is as effective as a story in human life, a topic that "Irwin Yalom", the prominent writer and psychotherapist of the United States of America, has understood well; Based on his science, theories, and years of experience, "Yalum" has created short stories about the treatment of various people, which are included in the book "Mom and Meaning of Life"; Stories that show the ability of "Irvin Yalom" to convey psychological concepts in an attractive and readable format.

The book "Mom and the Meaning of Life, Psychotherapeutic Stories", six stories: "Mom and the Meaning of Life", "Hanging with Paula", "Southern Comfort", "Seven Advanced Lessons in Grief Therapy", "Double Dream" and "Cat Spell" are "Hungarians"; The first four stories were written based on reality, and the last two stories were written by "Ervin Yalom" based on his imagination; With these stories, the author expresses the surprises and challenges in the relationship between the patient and the therapist, which is also an achievement for psychology.

The first story is about the influence of the mother on the formation of the children's personality; In this story "Irvin Yalom" they depict the life of a writer who dreams of her mother after her death; This woman, who hated her mother, after ten years, her life is under her radius, and she says to herself: (Why should I wave at her now that I have lived in constant hostility with her for years? She is selfish, forbidden (He was intrusive, intrusive, suspicious, spiteful, extremely single-minded, and incredibly uninformed; I don't remember a single moment that I felt close to him).

Excerpt: (As a medical student, I learned the subtle art of looking, listening, and touching; I looked at red, inflamed throats, swollen eardrums and tortuous retinal arteries; mitral valve whistling, gurgling I listened to the intestines and the bad wheezing of the lungs; I touched the slippery edge of the liver and spleen, the hardness of the ovarian cysts and the cancerous prostate as hard as marble); The end

of the update date is 21/05/1400 AH; A. Sherbiani




Profile Image for Bekhradaa.
138 reviews

September 21, 2018
Children who are abused often find it difficult to separate from their dysfunctional families. While the children of good and kind parents distance themselves from them with less conflict. Isn't it one of the parents' duties to enable the child to leave home?

My mother and I, although we were in love, we never spoke openly from the bottom of our hearts like two people who do not feel guilty about each other. We had always "controlled" each other: we ran between words, each wanted to scare, control and deceive the other.

Living with death has its benefits. I know that although the truth (self) of death destroys us, the idea of ​​death saves us. This is the ancient wisdom, that's why for centuries monks kept skulls in their cells. Montaigne ordered to live in a room overlooking the cemetery.

Those who fear death more than others are those who approach death with a large amount of unlived life.

436 What are
doctors like? Why don't they understand how important their honest and sincere presence is for the patient? Why don't they realize that at the very moment when they are no longer needed, they are needed more than ever?

I have learned that if there is a big issue between two people and they don't talk about it, they can't talk about any other important issue

The fear that a person experiences when he learns that he has a fatal disease is multiplied by the withdrawal of the people around him. The isolation of the dying patient is intensified by the foolish ways of those who try to hide the nearness of death. But death cannot be hidden. The signs are everywhere; Nurses chatter slowly, doctors pay attention to other parts of the body. Medical students tiptoe into a patient's room, family members bravely smile, and visitors feign cheerfulness.

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Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
Sara Kamjou
569 reviews

August 8, 2019
The book "Mother and the meaning of life" examines the points related to the treatment of bereavement in the form of a story, a non-specialist tone and with reference-oriented content, and even in this respect, Yalom shows off his existentialism.
In this book, Yalom introduces you to the mysterious world of a therapist's mind, where he introduces you to the vast conflicts that a therapist faces during the treatment of each client, sometimes less and sometimes more.
By introducing some real references and some imaginary references, the book raises a series of basic issues related to bereavement that I think every therapist needs to be aware of. Although Yalom himself focused on the issue of loss in this book, by reading this book and from Yalom's real and mental experiences, you will come across many other issues such as love, faith, religion, emptiness, attachment, parental effects and many other things. It is not without grace to pay attention to them.
Just as Yalom himself considers this book to be the mother of all his books, very simply, I think every therapist should read this book once and delve deep into the content of the stories so that the implicit concepts become clear to him and he can use it in his work.
The lasting sentences of the book:
--------For everyone-- -------
There is no god in the trench. Christian God, Jewish God, Chinese God, any other God, finally a God is necessary! You can't fight without God.
I admit that religious faith is a powerful source of peace, and I will never weaken it until I have something better to replace it.
We are beings in search of meaning who have to cope with the trouble of being thrown into a world that is inherently meaningless.
Although the night comes early,
we have countless afternoons ahead of us.
If there is a way to the best, seeing the whole is the worst.
never get excited to know for whom the bells are tolling; They play for you.
--------For psychologists-----------
If you have nothing better to offer and replace, don't take away the patient's psychological defenses.
The treatment of the person you socialized with always turns out to be a mess. The best help I can do is to find and refer him to the most suitable therapist; Anyone who does not know this family.
Widows who had the best marriages go through the grieving and separation process more easily than those who had deep conflicts in their married life.
You can't throw the truth in your face: the only real truth is the truth we discover for ourselves.

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Profile Image for Nat.
542 reviews

August 2, 2018
Recently I've been thinking a lot about Yalom's titular story in Love's Executioner, particularly this one line I keep circling back to: “Perhaps the function of the obsession was simply to provide intimacy: it bonded her to another—but not to a real person, to a fantasy.”

So wanting to bask again in the author's wisdom, I took the plunge and started Momma and the Meaning of Life. In six enthralling stories drawn from his own clinical experience, Irvin D. Yalom once again proves himself an intrepid explorer of the human psyche as he guides his patients--and himself--toward transformation. With eloquent detail and sharp-eyed observation Yalom introduces us to a memorable cast of characters. Drifting through his dreams and trampling through his thoughts are Paula, Yalom's "courtesan of death"; Myrna, whose eavesdropping gives new meaning to patient confidentiality; Magnolia, into whose ample lap Yalom longs to pour his own sorrows, even as he strives to ease hers; and Momma--ill-tempered, overpowering, and suffocating her son with both love and disapproval.

I knew I'd picked the right time to read this when it opened up with the titular story Momma and the Meaning of Life, recounting a dream of Irvin Yalom discussing with his late mother. Exploring dreams and the message behind them is my Achilles' heel. What took my breath away was their earnest conversation about motherhood by making him understand that his mother is human and him not seeing her as such by upholding too many unrealistic expectations is hurting both of them.

“The way I what? Go ahead. You started—say it—I know what you’re going to say.”
“What am I going to say?”
“No, Oyvin, you say it. If I tell you, you’ll change it.”
“It’s the way you don’t listen to me. The way you talk about things you don’t know anything about.”
“Listen to you? I don’t listen to you? Tell me, Oyvin, you listen to me? Do you know about me?”
“You’re right, Momma. Neither of us has been good at listening to the other.”
“Not me, Oyvin, I listened good. I listened to the silence every night when I came home from the store and you don’t bother to come upstairs from your study room. You don’t even say hello. You don’t ask me if I had a hard day. How could I listen when you didn’t talk to me?”

Oh, what last lines. She knows how to hold her argument; the final comment completely shifted my perspective.

And as I continued my reading of the tales in this collection, I came to realize that his grief for his mother lies at the heart of the following stories. The strong-willed women that followed, all with a formidable presence, left a lasting impact on me.

I took many notes of the conversations shared throughout my reading because it not only made me think and try to understand my own life, but certain phrases were “too important to me to be entrusted to memory.”

I think these stories are so readable and therapeutic to me because, as Yalom put it: “Perhaps they had benefited from spectator therapy: watching someone else work effectively in therapy often primes a patient for good therapeutic work in the future.”

As well as this line that captures it all: “Most of all, I had shown them that there is no such thing as a boring or empty patient—or group. Within every patient, and within every clinical situation, lies the chrysalis of a rich human drama. The art of psychotherapy lies in activating that drama.”

Each story, featuring a strong and multifaceted woman that reverberates off the page, had something show-stopping to say. From Paula's grandiose faith through her terminal illness in Travels with Paula (“I remember once telling you that a compromise cannot exist alone: it breeds, and before long you have lost what you most dearly believe.”), to Irene's grief-stricken state of loss and rage, where I took to heart her deeply specific point about connecting with people. I felt a little off-kilter in the best of ways when I read it:

“When I started seeing you, I was not going to take the risk of losing someone important to me again. I couldn’t go through that. So I had only two choices—”
As she so often did, Irene stopped, as though I should be able to divine the rest of her statement. Although I didn’t want to prompt her, it was best, for now, to keep the flow going.
“And those two choices were?”
“Well, not to let you matter to me—but that was impossible. Or not to see you as a real person with a narrative.”
“A narrative?”
“Yes, a life narrative—proceeding from a beginning to an end. I want to keep you outside of time.”
“Today, as usual, you walked into my office and straight to your chair, without looking at me. You always avoid my eyes. That what you mean by ‘outside of time’?”
She nodded. “Looking at you would make you too real.”
“And real people have to die.”
“Now you’ve got it.”

My head reeled. The point she made on holding eye contact struck a hidden chord in me. Really, truly, with all of my heart, I was awestruck that someone I'll never meet could describe something within me so precisely with one phrase. It's like this article conveyed, "where I fully understood the power of words and their ability to bring about a strange sort of comfort through shared experience."

It was worth saving this insightful, revealing, painful book to read at the right time, though, the hours passed all too quickly with this to consume. Of course, not all the stories were revolutionary, but each contained something wholesome and uniquely kind that made for a healing and enriching reading experience.

I do have to note, though, that the last two stories dissatisfied me in comparison to the preceding tales, mainly because it wasn't with Yalom as the therapist, rather a random (and fictional) Dr. Lash inserted with no prior introduction. The only thing that doctor made me realize was the fact that having Irvin D. Yalom in our story was a central point in the therapist-patient interactions. Before the out-of-nowhere insert of Dr. Lash, I was under the impression that the patients were the ones that made the story so worthy. But after reading Dr. Lash's average therapy with his patients, it made me appreciate and look at Yalom's approach through new eyes. Dr. Lash feels like the therapist you’d meet in real life, whereas Irvin D. Yalom is the one you want to read about in books; the therapist that challenges your thought process and goes out of his way to make sure you’re both on the same page. It just goes to show that sometimes you got to see the bad to know that the good is underappreciated. But it still threw me off that we didn't receive a warning that the story was fictional until the afterword at the very end. A little heads-up that we were about to explore “the boundary between fiction and nonfiction” would've been much appreciated before I got into the story feeling confused as to who this Ernest Lash was.

On a more positive note, the shortest tale talking to his mother's ghost in his dream and the longest tale describing Irene's raw grief and laments is where I feel this collection really flourishes. I got answers to a questions I didn't even know I had. It’s what I hoped Yalom's writing would evoke out of me, as it did in his previous collection. He has my everlasting admiration in the Nonfiction area.

Lastly, the central theme of disentangling dreams and trying to make sense of them through analyzing every corner was an added bonus for me.

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Profile Image for Maziyar Yf.
Visit Yf
420 reviews

September 13, 2019
The book "Mom and the meaning of life" was a mediocre or even weak work by the famous Dr. Yalom. In my opinion, the book was confusing and did not convey the author's message or the purpose of writing the book to the reader. In this work, Dr. Yalom has tried to tell the reader his experiences in the form of a story. So, in fact, Mr. Palom is both a writer and a professor. He tries to express the concepts of psychology in a simple language for the reader, but in my opinion, the book cannot be a universal work, in fact, the book is suitable for the American and European audience who, when faced with mental problems, usually turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist. they go to the doctor, perhaps the best example is Anthony Soprano in the famous Soprano series, who goes to a psychologist to solve physical and mental problems, and the viewer can understand how the psychologist can find the roots of a person's past memories Find his fear and face them with the patient.

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Profile Image for Mahsa.
304 reviews

May 12, 2021
I recommend this book to you.
For those of you who are afraid of death and death is a distant and terrible category for you.
You, who are people of helping, and you who come to see yourself don't know how to get help, you don't know how to let others help you.
I recommend this book to those of you who feel that you have a painful and unbreakable chain with your mother and this chain is only bothering you.
And I recommend it to those who enjoy looking inside.

Many people say that these books, which are the narration of psychotherapy stories, are not suitable for ordinary readers, but I disagree. I say that you don't have to be a client or a therapist to learn to relate, to empathize, to care, to listen and give feedback.
Every relationship we experience, every conversation we are in, needs some kind of help... help for the progress of that conversation, the progress of that relationship. And for me, reading psychotherapy stories can help me achieve this goal.
Can I give an example? Read the sentence below:

I had violated one of the fundamental rules of psychotherapy, if you have nothing better to offer and substitute, do not take away the patient's psychological defenses.

I think it is important to know, it is important to know and not to do this even in relation to your friend. that people's defenses are worth more than you think. Why? Because I learned that everyone is at war every moment, and I shouldn't make things worse for them. I must not allow myself to push them to the brink. And maybe doing this small thing is a big step for all of us...

In my work, I have learned that those who fear death more than others are those who approach death with a large amount of unlived life. It is better to use all life. To die leave nothing but dross, nothing but a burnt castle.

At the time of 21st Ardibehesht one thousand four hundred

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Profile Image for Amin.
284 reviews

December 1, 2017
Yalom's approach in the stories of this collection is a different and risky approach in my opinion. The main attention is focused on the therapist's learning in the treatment process; That is, what the patient can learn to treat hunger. The main root of this way of thinking is also revealed in Mukharah, that Yalom wants to stand against the orthodox and mechanical reading of psychotherapy and offer a more dynamic method. The big danger is questioning the credibility of psychotherapy and considering it unscientific; A problem that is even mentioned at the end of the book. However, Yalom has tried to tell the facts and narrate both a lesson and a story for the reader

Regardless of the slow rhythm and the educational look of the beginning stories, although even the longest of them had many points to learn in the middle of the book, the two fictional stories at the end of the book were more interesting to me. Especially the final science fiction story, which had an interesting and different way of thinking, and maybe even for me it was unexpected to hear it from Yalom's language. In a way, Yalom proved that he is perhaps more capable of creating psychotherapy scenes and expressing their complexities in the form of fictional stories, than in narrating real adventures. And maybe his stories about Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are famous for this reason

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Profile Image for Shaghayegh.
244 reviews

September 27, 2020
I don't know why I couldn't connect with this book, unlike the books I had read from Yalom. Maybe the topic was repetitive for me, or maybe it wasn't translated well, or maybe I wasn't in a good position to read this book.
I was
really upset that I could not get any connection with this book and reading it was a waste of time.

Momma And The Meaning Of Life: Tales of Psycho-therapy Kindle Edition
by Irvin Yalom (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.5 out of 5 stars    227 ratings
See all formats and editions

This classic medium, first popularised by Freud and, more recently, by Oliver Sacks and Yalom himself, provides a fascinating insight into the human condition and our search for happiness. Contains six absorbing case studies which reveal the intricacies our psychological landscapes. Provides a fascinating insight into the human condition and our search for happiness. Explores the unique dynamic of the relationship between therapist and client. Absorbing and deeply thoughtful, Momma and the Meaning of Life is a work of rare insight and imagination.
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4.5 out of 5 stars

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Top review from Australia
David Austin
4.0 out of 5 stars I love most of Yalom's work
Reviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 3 July 2015
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I must admit bias. I love most of Yalom's work.... he has a common sense style that is easy to access. This series of stories about Yalom's work with various clients provides a sense of the subtle ways in which some of the hidden rules we have in our unconscious can impoverish our lives and the strange pathways by which these are sometimes uncovered. Anchoring his thinking in four "dilemmas" makes for a helpful framework for the reader to navigate by. If the way that people are sometimes healed is of little interest to you then this is not the book for you.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Typical Yalom..
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 23 September 2021
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Now if you’re a fan of Irvin D. Yalom you’ll enjoy reading his case studies and the pace in which his books flow from one study to the next.

Momma and the meaning of life is no different and Yalom gives a glimpse of his fascinating world and that of his cases.

There are six case studies to get your teeth into and Yalom in his usual way of storytelling doesn’t disappoint as you’ll find yourself mulling over each case with a sense of voyeurism as though you are peeking through a curtain while eavesdropping.

I read this on a long haul flight and found myself absorbed, which is no bad thing with a nice G&T for company..
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars What hold does your mother still have over you - analyse your dreams of her.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 21 May 2020
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I was surprised that Yalom had issues about his mother who was dead but who still held a hold over his life that he examines in this book. It made me look at the expectations my mother had for me and now I too will examine my dreams about her - she is also dead- to see the hold she still wields in my life. It also looks at similar issues that have arisen from his clients. Always something to gain from reading Yalom's books and may clear up issues you didn't know you had, always a positive.
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S R Le Marquand
4.0 out of 5 stars Arrivd in good condition
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 23 September 2020
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Was easy to order and arrived in good condition. Arrived later than expected (due 9th came on 20th) but I didn't need it urgently so all was ok.
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Amazon Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars Truly insightful into human troubles.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 8 September 2017
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Dr Yalom's books never fail to deliver insight into human concerns and fears about living the life as a human. Many insights cause the reader to reflect deeply into their own troubled and damaging thought patterns. Nothing is off limits with Dr Yalom's own life story and this adds credibility to his counselling room accounts and subnotes. Respect and value his writings and his professional observations.
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Marika Welstead
5.0 out of 5 stars 5
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 15 December 2018
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An excellent introduction to modern psychotherapy from the person -centred perspective. Irvin is,a master at working with the here and now and reminds usthat the best work is always done when there is full trust by the client and the therapist.
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폴라와의 여행 - 삶과 죽음, 그 실존적 고뇌에 관한 심리치료 이야기 
어빈 D. 얄롬 (지은이),이혜성 (옮긴이)시그마프레스2006-12-05
원제 : Momma and the Meaning of Life: Tales of Psychotherapy (1999년)


책에 실린 여섯 가지 심리치료 이야기는 얄롬이 직접 치료했던 사례를 기초로 한 것이다. 얄롬은 인간 심리를 대담하게 파헤치고 환자의 변화뿐만 아니라 치료자의 변화도 추구하고 있다.

'엄마와 삶의 의미'에서는 어머니와 유령과의 대화를 통해 가족 관계과 미치는 영향을 되짚어보고, '폴라와의 여행'에서는 어브와 폴라와의 심리치료 과정을 보여준다. '매그놀리아의 위로'는 고통받는 사람이 오히려 다른 사람을 위로해 주는 과정에서 변화하는 사람과 변화시키는 사람 모두에게 나타나는 효과를 보여준다.

또한 '일곱 가지 슬픔 치료 강의'에서는 치료자 어브와 배우자와 사별한 아이린이 긴밀한 소통을 하면서 함께 치료법을 찾아 가는 과정을 담았다.

역자 서문
감사의 글

1. 엄마와 삶의 의미
2. 폴라와의 여행
3. 매그놀리아의 위로
4. 일곱 가지 슬픔 치료 강의
5. 이중 노출
6. 헝가리 고양이의 저주

작품 해설
작가 노트

'나는 모든 것을 기억하요. 아래층에서 울리던 전화벨 소리, 빨간색과 하얀색의 술이 달린 내 목욕 가운, 전화가 걸려 있는 부엌 구석진 방으로 내려갈 때 철썩거리던 양털 슬리퍼 소리, 내 손에 부드럽게 미끄러지던 층계 나무 난간, 나보다 먼저 이 집에 살았던 하버드와 래드클리프 학생들의 손으로 이 나무 난간이 이렇게 부드럽게 되었을 것이라고 생각하던 나 자신을 기억해요.

그러고 나서 남자의 목소리, 앨런이 죽었다는 소식을 내가 놀라지 않게 알려 주려고 노력했던 그 낯선 남자의 목소리. 나는 구석방의 경사진 유리창을 바라보면서 몇 시간을 앉아 있었어요. 나는 지도 옆 마당에 쌓인 거무스름한 눈덩이가 무지개 빛깔을 띠고 있었던 것을 볼 수 있어요.' - 본문 118쪽에서  접기
이 책을 추천한 다른 분들 : 
김형경 (소설가) 
 - 소중한 경험 (사람풍경 刊)
저자 및 역자소개
어빈 D. 얄롬 (Irvin D. Yalom) (지은이) 
신간알리미 신청
스탠퍼드대학교 정신과 명예교수인 어빈 D. 얄롬은 국제적인 베스트셀러로 알려진 『나는 사랑의 처형자가 되기 싫다』, 『치료의 선물』, 『비커밍 마이셀프』, 그리고 『니체가 눈물을 흘릴 때』 등의 저자이다.
최근작 : <죽음과 삶>,<입원환자의 집단 정신치료>,<삶과 죽음 사이에 서서> … 총 174종 (모두보기)
이혜성 (옮긴이) 
신간알리미 신청
한국상담대학원대학교 총장
이화여자대학교 명예교수
서울대학교 사범대학 졸업
미국 버지니아대학교 교육학 박사(상담자교육 전공)
서울여자대학교, 이화여자대학교 교수 역임
한국청소년상담원 원장 역임

사랑하자 그러므로 사랑하자
아름다움은 영원한 기쁨이어라
내 삶의 네 기둥

쇼펜하우어, 집단심리치료
폴라와의 여행: 삶과 죽음, 그 실존적 고뇌에 관한
심리치료 이야기
카우치에 누워서
보다 냉정하게 보다 용기있게
어빈 D. 얄롬의 심리치료와 인간의 조건
매일... 더보기
최근작 : <문학상담> … 총 15종 (모두보기)


심리여행을 떠납니다~ 새창으로 보기 구매
얄롬선생님과 함께 심리여행을 떠나보려 합니다~올해 첫 책으로 제 자신에게 주는 선물입니다~ 삶과 죽음, 그 실족적 고뇌에 관한 심리치료를 떠납니다~
나비의겨울 2013-02-18 공감(0) 댓글(0)
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소설같은 사례분석 새창으로 보기
여섯가지 정신치료의 사례가 나오는데 대부분 실제 사례에 근거했다고 하며 특히 몇 부분은 허구적 요소를 매우 적게 포함하고 있다고 한다.
죽음을 앞둔 또는 죽음을 애도해야할 환자들의 얘기가 나온다. 개인치료와 집단치료장면 모두가 소개된다. 두 가지 치료 모두 얄롬의 주장대로 지금 여기를 철저히 강조한다. 이야기중 남편과 사별한지 3년이 지났지만 여전히 힘들어 하고 있는 한 환자의 얘기가 나오는데 진정한 애도와 궁극적인 극복이란 무엇일까 많은 생각을 하게 한다. 단기집단치료에 대한 얘기도 매우 인상적이었다. 
가장 충격적인 얘기는 다섯번째 얘기인데 치료자가 환자와의 면담에 대한 인상을 녹음한 테이프를 실수로 환자에게 전해주게 되어 환자가 모두 듣게 된다는 엄청난, 정말 생각하고 싶지도 않은 그런 재앙적인 사건이 일어난다. 치료자의 엄청난 부정적 역전이를 모두 알게된 환자와 환자가 그 내용을 알고 있다는 것을 모르고 있는 치료자와의 흥미진진한 면담이 뒤이어 등장하는데 끝내 환자는 그 사실을 밝히지 않지만 치료자는 자신의 역전이를 솔직하게 인정하며 환자가 치유되는 결론에 이른다. 지금 여기에서 치료자와 환자에게 일어나는 모든 것을 환자는 물론 치료자도 점차 인정하게 되며 서로가 치유되는 과정을 보여준다. 
얄롬의 책은 읽으면 읽을 수록 깨닫는게 많아지며, 식상함과는 거리가 멀고, 두 번 세 번 다시 읽게 만드는 책이다.

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dr4mind 2014-08-21 공감(0) 댓글(0)
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