
How to Reconnect With Your Higher Self: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Reconnect With Your Higher Self: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
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Have you ever felt you are so much more than your outer activity and current life seems to indicate? Have you ever had the sense that inside of you somewhere is this great being of Light and power? That you had a deeper purpose? If so, then you already have an awareness of the wonderful being of Light that you truly are - your Real/Higher Self! By reconnecting with your Higher/True Self, you will experience more joy, happiness, peace and abundance!

  1.  Before you can delve into such a sacred undertaking as connecting with your higher self, you must connect with your lower self. We all share the same lower self, and that is Mother Earth. You cannot reach Her via meditation but rather by being joyous, playful and truly becoming a kid again. You will know when you have made the connection because you will never feel safer or more exuberant than when that time comes. If this first step isn't completed, the journey to connecting with the higher self becomes virtually impossible.
  2. Forgive yourself and others. Do not hold on to the past. Realize that you don't have to "forgive and forget". You can still acknowledge that you or someone else did something "wrong" while at the same time forgiving. Non-forgiveness binds you energetically to the other person and your lower self/ego.[1]
  3.  Write down every time you engage in bad habits and negative energy (such as anger, doubt, fear, worry, discouragement, resentment, etc.) At the end of the evaluation, list what you consider to be your worst habits and momentum. Then resolve to go after them one by one and overcome them! Awareness begins the undoing - intention, determination and focus continues the dissolving of bad habits and negative momentum.
  4.  We all pick up limiting, false beliefs along the way which keep us from being all we can be. Those beliefs can even cause pain and suffering. Resolve to really look at the things you believe in and WHY you have the belief. Realize that no one is forcing you to believe anything and that beliefs are NOT a part of who you really are! Determine to keep an open mind and know that limiting beliefs are keeping you from fully connecting with your True Self. Clearly see that false beliefs are restricting you from experiencing all the goodness of life, as well as contributing to suffering and a sense of struggle in life. Determine to let them go!
  5.  Developing and maintaining positive momentum is essential on the spiritual path and will help you reconnect more fully with your Higher Self. Each day focus on one positive momentum you would like to work on and commit to integrating it throughout the day. For example: keeping your harmony, being more joyful, helping others, etc.[2]
  6.  As you go through your day, regularly express your gratefulness for everything you can think of - the wonderful day, the beautiful flowers, the sunshine, your spouse, the smile on your child's face, your family's health, and on and on. Let gratitude fill your heart and you'll be surprised to see what a difference this will make! Gratefulness opens the doorway to your True Self.[3]
  7.  Harmony is one of the major keys - if not THE major key - on the path to raising your consciousness and reuniting with your Higher Self. Harmony is an internal quality springing from the heart and not just an external expression. Harmony involves mastering your emotions and not letting them control you. State your clear intention to be centered in Harmony and to be harmonious in every situation you meet. Keep centered in the heart as much as possible and focus on peace and harmony.
  8.  Reacting negatively to situations destroys harmony. Realize that in every situation you can choose to react in a positive way or a negative way - that's up to you. There is always a split second before you react to something where you DO have a choice. Even if you react in a negative way initially, you have the choice to continue to react and revolve the situation, or to let it go! Diffuse a negative reaction by centering in your heart and breathing deeply. This will help connect you with your Higher Self.
  9.  Neutral is a powerful state of emotional balance and inner quiet and peace. It is a place of equilibrium where you are more able to access the wisdom of your Higher Self. Learning to stay neutral is a key to becoming non-reactive to situations. Being neutral is not a state of not feeling anything, but rather a state where you are in balance with your emotional responses to what is happening - neither reacting negatively or becoming overly excited.
  10. Live in the moment. Much of suffering comes from not living in the now. Our minds are unbelievably powerful when focused, but most of that power is lost by not living in the moment. The Present is where your power is! Most importantly, you can only connect with your Higher Self when you are in the present. Learn to let go of the past, projecting into the future, worrying and anything else that takes you away from the present moment. Peace is in the now![4]
  11.  One of the most important things we can do to reconnect with our Higher Self is to surrender - let go of that which causes us pain, suffering, unhappiness, and limitation. As long as we are primarily operating from our lower self/ego, we are unfortunately tying ourselves to those very things. When negative emotions arise, the key is to immediately surrender them to God/the Universal. If you find yourself reluctant to surrender something or find you are still revolving the same thing over and over along with the negative emotions, you need to ask yourself why - what is the payoff? What is the "juice" the lower self is feeding on? ("poor me", "look how I was wronged", etc.) Realize that whatever the ego is holding on to, it will continue to cause you grief and suffering until you are willing to surrender it completely! Remember - you have a choice - to continue to hold on to negative emotions and suffering - or to surrender them and as a result, find more happiness and peace in your life.
  12.  Realize that we cannot control everything and the events in our life through the human self. Sometimes it is necessary to "let go and let God". Letting go involves surrendering yourself (and your ego!) to a higher force, and the ego does not like that at all. As you connect more and more to your Higher Self, surrendering and letting go becomes less difficult. Letting go also means surrendering fears, worries and insecurities and trusting God/the Universal that everything will work out.[5]
  13. Meditate. Meditation is essential on the spiritual path. If you are to connect with your Higher Self, you must be able to still the mind through meditation. Through that inner quietness, you can then learn to listen to the "still, small voice within" of your True Self. Meditation is a key which can open the door to higher perception, unlocking the perfect wisdom in your very own heart! Through quieting the mind and focusing your attention, you will allow your own innate inner wisdom to flow into your awareness.[6]

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I talk to my higher self?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    The best way to get in touch with your higher self involves one rule: always ask yourself first. Ask, ask, ask, and then be aware and open to the answers. The more you get used to looking for answers or healing from yourself, the better you'll be able to communicate. Your higher self is always going to stay with you—we're often just too busy to hear it.
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  • Overcoming Resistance: Resistance is a common occurrence to change and as you embark on the path to reuniting with your Higher Self, there will of course be changes that need to occur. Even if we are really interested in making changes in our lives, there is a natural tendency in human nature to resist change - at least initially. So be aware (but do not get discouraged!), that you will encounter various resistances to your application - both external and internal. Clear intention and determination will help you overcome resistance.
  • Fighting the Ego Trap: Many spiritual seekers falsely believe the ego is "bad" and that we need to fight it. That is a trap. The thing is to see the ego as merely a temporary attachment and NOT your Real Self. Until we are more firmly connected to our Higher Self, most people identify "me" as their ego, so if they end up fighting it, it feels like they are fighting themselves! The key is to surrender the attachment to the ego and cultivate reconnecting more fully with the Higher Self. In that way, there is no need to fight it and the ego will eventually relinquish control and the lower self will dissolve into the Higher Self.
  • Application is Everything: Many spiritual seekers, including those wanting to know and more fully connect with their Higher Self, are initially motivated because they are unhappy with their lives and the circumstances they find themselves in. First and foremost - if you want your life to change, YOU must change! You MUST have an intense desire and determination to APPLY the needed steps and follow through with that application on a daily basis!
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About This Article

Jennifer McVey, Cht
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Director
This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 99,966 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 99,966
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  • Joseph Kati 

    Joseph Kati

    Jun 17, 2016

    "For the last 40 years, I have been searching for the truth I haven't had of higher self. I now realize and

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self: 3 : Roman, Sanaya: Amazon.com.au: Books

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self: 3 : Roman, Sanaya: Amazon.com.au: Books


Sanaya RomanSanaya Roman

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self: 3 Paperback – 25 May 1989
by Sanaya Roman (Author)
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,304 ratings
Book 3 of 6: Earth Life Series

These easy-to-learn processes taught by Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, have helped thousands take a quantum leap, accelerate their spiritual growth, and live their lives with more joy, harmony, peace, and love. Spiritual Growth teaches you how to be your Higher Self in your everyday life, create a vision of your higher purpose, and manifest what you want rapidly and easily. You will learn to work with light for healing and growth, to connect with the Universal Mind for enhanced creativity, and to link with the Higher Will to carry out your higher purpose. Spiritual Growth gives you tools to lift the veils of illusion, see truth, expand and contract time, raise your vibration, achieve higher states of consciousness, open your heart, and know yourself in new, more loving ways. Spiritual Growth teaches you to have more satisfying relationships with others by using the skills of non-attachment, right use of will, being transparent to others' energies, and communicating as your Higher Self. You will learn to become a source of light and to grow through world service. This book offers the next step in spiritual growth for you who want to know more about who you are, why you are here, and what you came to do. You can align with the higher energies that are coming into the earth plane and use them to create the best life you can imagine for yourself. Book jacket.

Book 3 of 6

Earth Life Series
Print length

196 pages

About the Author
Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. Although she no longer gives private appointments, most of the advice Orin gives to people is contained in six books: Living with Joy, Personal Power through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and Spirit, learning to channel, and creating the reality you want.

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Martha p
5.0 out of 5 stars WOWReviewed in Canada on 21 April 2024
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I have no words. I am grateful that this book was recommended to me. Reading it and engaging with the material feels like home. This information extremely resonates with my heart. All I can say is thank you Sanaya and thank you Orin.

Stefanie S.
5.0 out of 5 stars InteresanteReviewed in Spain on 21 March 2024
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5.0 out of 5 stars Great itemReviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 December 2023
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5.0 out of 5 stars A must readReviewed in India on 5 January 2020
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The book is very well written and explained. A must read!

Stella Carrier
5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful Spiritual EvolutionReviewed in the United States on 2 March 2011
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Words could only begin to describe how insightful this book is. This book has helped remind me why it is important to have a connection with your higher self. The following is some of the helpful information contained in this book regarding the higher self (I am directly listing the written information that I found very healing in this book):

1) The "Connecting with the Universal Mind" (chapter 3 pgs. 28-36) contains information that explains why the Universal Mind creates what you think about. I really appreciate some of the helpful and transformational information included in this chapter such as:
1)You can have everything you want that serves your higher good.
2)The more expansive your thoughts, the more expansive the reality your create.
3)Your imagination transcends this dimension and connects with the Universal Mind where anything is possible.
4) It was extremely healing to me when I saw the following on page 34: Don't accept your current circumstances as the best you'll ever have. Don't believe people when they tell you something is impossible to create. When you know how to create with energy and light anything is possible.
5)Believe in your success, Picture yourself having what you want.

I am very lucky in my life, and I have an abundance of blessings to be appreciative of. However, I must admit that I also really enjoyed the "Allowing Your Higher Good" section of this book (chapter 10, pages 98-104). I know that this may sound unconventional, but it was as if my higher self guided me to really be aware of what is written in this chapter. The following are some very powerful statements that resonated with my spirit:
1)No matter what happens, tell yourself the universe is perfect, and everything that happens is perfect. If something you were hoping for doesn't happen, know that something even better will.
2)Allow people to be any way they want to be.
3)You can allow things into your life more easily when you let any form work.
4)Learn to recieve all the good things your higher self has to give you.
5)The following written statement in this chapter really opened my eyes very much (it is on page 99)People who have abundance, loving relationships, and happiness are not more deserving or better than you. They simply allow more good things into their life.

A very strong and persuasive case is made in this powerful book as to why it is important to work on connecting with and being your higher self on page 72 of the "Moving into Higher Consciousness" chapter: Your clairvoyant abilities will increase as you become your higher self.

There is so much more helpful and transformational details contained in "Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self". I have only presented an exciting preview sampler. I felt guided to share how I feel about this book because recent events in my life encouraged me to be aware of being in touch with my higher self. In addition, being aware of your higher self is essential if you have ever had to be self-reliant. A great companion guide to this wonderful book would be "Ask Your Guides" by Sonia Choquette. Like Sanaya Roman, Sonia Choquette has also helped me to be aware of my higher self (she even has a chapter on your higher self in her "Ask Your Guides" book). Overall, in summary I am appreciative to Sanaya Roman for publishing this very beautiful and unique book. I intend to reference this book for many years to come because of the very magical and mind expanding writing of this book. I definitely recommend this book if you know that there is more to life beyond what you see physically with your eyes, and are aware of your spirit's presence.
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Who is My Higher Self?

Who is My Higher Self?

Other Religions New Age / Metaphysical
Who is My Higher Self?

Inner Knowing

HIgher Self. Dimitri Vervitsiotis / Getty Images

Phylameana lila Desy
Updated on March 17, 2017

Your higher self is not an entity separate from you, it is very much a part of you. When people speak about their higher selves they are referring to the knowing or awakened aspects of themselves. It is through your higher self that deepest truths and hidden knowledge is accessed.

Higher self is sometimes used as a universal term by individuals who feel strongly connected to spirit. Having been a seeker of spiritual truths for what seems like eons I sometimes will forget about newbies who are just beginning their search. As a result, I will throw out terminology that is mainstream for "old seekers" like myself that may be foreign to new seekers. Higher Self is one of those terms.

Note: Check out my healing dictionary to explore more spiritual and holistic healing terms.

Have You Met Your Higher Self?

When you ask for help or guidance from your higher self, you are truly taking a giant Self-Help step. It is your connection to your unconscious. The higher self is the part of you that has not been wounded by judgements or prejudices. It does not view life through murky-colored filters tainted by past experiences (pain, rejection, abandonment, etc.). Nor is it a reflection of your wishes or expectations, although your higher self can assist you by clearing a pathway so you can attain your dreams faster or more easily. The higher self is YOU, the best part of you, it is yourself at the purest level.

Your higher self is worth getting to know and spending quality time with. What is great about your higher self is that it truly is your BFF. She (or he) will never abandon you, choosing to hang out with someone else. Nor will your higher self ever act "uppity" or "all-powerful," although in my opinion it has that right because of the knowledge and awareness it possesses. Know-it-all actions are ego-centric. Lucky for us the higher self does not have an ego. It is a loving and knowing aspect of your spiritual being. It is an inward source to turn to whenever you need information, whenever you need solace, and whenever you need love.

Finding Your Personal Truth

Seekers almost always will begin their spiritual trek outside of themselves by reading books, doing Internet searches, taking classes, seeking out gurus, etc. Wonderful that we have so many sources to turn to. But, whenever we turn to outward sources just know that you are going to get a flavor of other people's truths-- it may taste sweet, bitter, tangy, or something else. It is my understanding that everyone has a piece of truth to share, but does someone else's truth fit for you? Perhaps, maybe a sliver, a big chunk, and sometimes not at all. Some people's truths are in extreme opposite to my truth. This doesn't make it a non-truth--it is true for them. I will innately recognize a truth that is a lie for me. How? My inner self clues me in. This is how my relationship with my inner self works. She speaks up fairly loudly when she disagrees with something. She also perks up when a grain of truth is learned. Also, the higher self can help shed any truths once held that no longer benefit us. Spiritual growth is often about shedding old beliefs that no longer hold water.

You may wonder why your higher self allowed you to be led down a shady path of non-truths. Here's the deal... knowing something, really knowing something is often learned through mishap experiences. Taking a wrong turn and taking a different paths for a while can be eye-opening. Sometimes we only find out what we really want by having things that end up having no value to us.. The higher self understands this and will "chill out" while you are figuring things out on your own. My higher self is very caring and patient in this way.

After a few of trial-and-error experiences you may become weary of trying new things. Understandable. Taking a break can be healing, but just be warned that if you linger too long in one place along your spiritual journey you are going to feel "stuck" --- aha. We all know this feeling of being at a crossroads or stuck in a rut, right? Our fears hold us back, or the unknowing will block us. This is when we really will want to develop a stronger relationship with our higher selves to help us move forward in the right direction. Which way? Your higher self knows, just ask.

Connecting with Your Higher Self
Doorway to the Higher Self
How to Connect with Your Higher Self
Partnering with Your Divine Self

Focus Friday - This post is part of a once-weekly feature focusing on a singular healing topic. If you would like to get notifications delivered to your inbox each Friday alerting you to the Focus Friday topic please subscribe to my newsletter. In addition to the Friday delivery subscribers also receive my standard newsletter sent on Tuesday mornings. The Tuesday edition highlights new articles, trending topics, and includes links to a variety of healing and spiritual interests.


Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson 2014

Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom 
by Rick Hanson (Author), Daniel J. Siegel (Foreword)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars    3,270 ratings
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Buda's Brain | PDF | Brain | Emotions

If you change your brain, you can change your life.

Great teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, and Gandhi were all born with brains built essentially like anyone else’s—and then they changed their brains in ways that changed the world. Science is now revealing how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain, and more and more, we are learning that it's possible to strengthen positive brain states.

By combining breakthroughs in neuroscience with insights from thousands of years of mindfulness practice, you too can use your mind to shape your brain for greater happiness, love, and wisdom. Buddha's Brain draws on the latest research to show how to stimulate your brain for more fulfilling relationships, a deeper spiritual life, and a greater sense of inner confidence and worth. Using guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, you'll learn how to activate the brain states of calm, joy, and compassion instead of worry, sorrow, and anger. Most importantly, you will foster positive psychological growth that will literally change the way you live in your day-to-day life.

This book presents an unprecedented intersection of psychology, neurology, and contemplative practice, and is filled with practical tools and skills that you can use every day to tap the unused potential of your brain and rewire it over time for greater well-being and peace of mind.

Rick Hanson, ph.d., author of "bhagwa's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love, and wisdom" topics include the promise of self-directed neuroplasticity, the evolving brain, and its challenges. "We ask, 'what is a thought?' we don't know, yet we are thinking continually," says J. Robert oppenheimer.

Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain - Churchland, Patricia | 9780393349443 | Amazon.com.au | Books

Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain - Churchland, Patricia | 9780393349443 | Amazon.com.au | Books

Patricia S. ChurchlandPatricia S. Churchland

Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain Paperback – 8 August 2014
by Patricia Churchland (Author)
4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 229 ratings

Edition: 1st

At the heart of Touching a Nerve is the question of what happens when we accept that everything we feel, think and experience stems not from an immaterial soul but from electrical and chemical activity in our brains. Patricia Churchland, one of the pioneers of neurophilosophy, explains what the latest brain research into consciousness, sensory experience, memory and free will can tell us about the enduring philosophical and ethical questions about what the self is, how our personalities are created and what determines our decisions and behaviour. As Churchland reveals, once we accept that our brains determine everything about who we are and how we experience the world, neuroscience offers new, critical insights into a fascinating range of ethical and

An introspective, thought-provoking work of nonfiction that will promote intense discussion.-- "Library Journal"

It is hard to conceive of a better guide to this difficult terrain than the MacArthur-award-winning Ms. Churchland...[She] writes with surpassing clarity, elegance, humor and modesty.--Abigail Zuger "New York Times"

Makes beautifully clear how complex and contingent the simplest brain business is.--Adam Gopnik "The New Yorker"

Marvelous...A trustworthy guide, [Churchland] gives comfort not by simplifying the research but by asking the right questions.--Jascha Hoffman "New York Times"

In this remarkably moving and deeply personal book, Patricia Churchland, one of the founders of the field of neurophilosophy, reminds us all that we not only have a brain and how it works, but she plumbs the depths of philosophy's biggest questions from a neuroscience perspective and thereby opens new vistas about ourselves and our humanity.--Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine and author of The Believing Brain

Bold, deeply insightful and biological to the core, with a warm and soothing touch of humanity.--Joaquín Fuster, author of The Prefrontal Cortex

[A] beautiful, unpretentious, enchanting exploration of mind, morals, and the meaning of life.--Owen Flanagan, author of The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World

A spellbinding journey into the workings of the human brain and the relevance of neuroscience to our daily lives. It will interest anyone who thinks that good philosophy needs be grounded in good science or who is simply curious about how understanding the brain can help us make sense of the human condition. A terrific read!--David Livingstone Smith, author of Less than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave and Exterminate Others

Like a refreshing, bracing prairie breeze blowing away the cobwebs and obfuscation of so much philosophy and neuroscience. It is dazzlingly clear, down to earth, and often funny.--Alison Gopnik, author of The Philosophical Baby: What Children
About the Author
Patricia Churchland is the author of Touching a Nerve: Our Brains, Our Selves. She is professor emerita of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, and the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship.

James Swartz - The Essence of Enlightenment Vedanta, The Science of Consciousness PDF | PDF | Ātman (Hinduism) | Object (Philosophy)

James Swartz - The Essence of Enlightenment Vedanta, The Science of Consciousness PDF | PDF | Ātman (Hinduism) | Object (Philosophy)

100% found this document useful (2 votes)
186 pages
James Swartz - The Essence of Enlightenment Vedanta, The Science of Consciousness PDF

The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience (Audio): Andrew Newberg The Great Courses

The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience (Audio Download): 


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The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience
Andrew Newberg (Narrator, Author), The Great Courses (Author, Publisher)

Publisher's Summary

Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Is it possible to make contact with a spiritual realm? How should we respond to the divine? Will life continue beyond death?Most people, whether deeply religious or outright doubters of any spiritual power, have probably pondered these questions for themselves. In fact, the religious impulse is so powerfully pervasive that neuroscience has posed a provocative question: Are our brains wired to worship?

Now, in a series of 24 riveting lectures from an award-winning scholar and practicing neuroscientist, you can explore the exciting field of neurotheology - the new discipline aimed at understanding the connections between our brains and different kinds of religious phenomena. Using an academic, experimental approach into what he calls "objective measures of spirituality," Professor Newberg attempts to explain what others have previously only guessed at: the neuroscientific basis for why religion and spirituality have played such a prominent role in human life.

In these captivating lectures, you'll learn how religious experiences originate, their meaning, and the reasons why religion plays such a huge role in human experience - peering directly into the seat of all human thought and action as you delve into the relationship between brain function and spirituality.

A leading researcher in neurotheology, Professor Newberg offers you innovative approaches to ancient beliefs and practices. Using brain imaging and other cutting-edge physiological studies, he helps you to better understand how the brain controls or responds to religious and spiritual beliefs and behavior.

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.
©2012 The Teaching Company, LLC (P)2012 The Great Courses

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Thought provoking

A wonderfully thought provoking and unbiased look into the ways that spirituality affects the human brain

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Anonymous User

I figure it out!! thanks to this book

If you are seeking answers about what to believe and what to do not believe and why, this book will show you what is best for you and what is best for the ones you love and you live with. it's a long, long book, so do not stress about understanding every single part of it; instead, try to feel the story. Good lock and live with passion.

4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars


An important work.

It would appear that we have much more work in place to call on from thousands of years worth of mystic thought, than we have from our infancy level studies of the brain. The brain is the new frontier. How far in we can travel with the scientific method? No doubt much further than we have so far.

Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Is it possible to make contact with a spiritual realm? How should we respond to the divine? Will life continue beyond death?Most people, whether deeply religious or outright doubters of any spiritual power, have probably pondered these questions for themselves. In fact, the religious impulse is so powerfully pervasive that neuroscience has posed a provocative question: Are our brains wired to worship?

Now, in a series of 24 riveting lectures from an award-winning scholar and practicing neuroscientist, you can explore the exciting field of neurotheology - the new discipline aimed at understanding the connections between our brains and different kinds of religious phenomena. Using an academic, experimental approach into what he calls "objective measures of spirituality," Professor Newberg attempts to explain what others have previously only guessed at: the neuroscientific basis for why religion and spirituality have played such a prominent role in human life.

In these captivating lectures, you'll learn how religious experiences originate, their meaning, and the reasons why religion plays such a huge role in human experience - peering directly into the seat of all human thought and action as you delve into the relationship between brain function and spirituality.

A leading researcher in neurotheology, Professor Newberg offers you innovative approaches to ancient beliefs and practices. Using brain imaging and other cutting-edge physiological studies, he helps you to better understand how the brain controls or responds to religious and spiritual beliefs and behavior.

How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: Newberg M.D., Andrew, 2017

How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: The New Science of Transformation : Newberg M.D., Andrew, Waldman, Mark Robert: Amazon.com.au: Books

Kindle  $14.99 Available instantly
Hardcover  $54.13

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Mark Robert Waldman

How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: 
The New Science of Transformation
 MP3 CD – MP3 Audio, 6 June 2017
by Andrew Newberg M.D. (Author), Mark Robert Waldman (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars 240 ratings

The bestselling authors of How God Changes Your Brain reveal the neurological underpinnings of enlightenment, offering unique strategies to help readers experience its many benefits.

In this original and groundbreaking book, Andrew Newberg, M.D., and Mark Robert Waldman turn their attention to the pinnacle of the human experience: enlightenment. Through his brain-scan studies on Brazilian psychic mediums, Sufi mystics, Buddhist meditators, Franciscan nuns, Pentecostals, and participants in secular spirituality rituals, Newberg has discovered the specific neurological mechanisms associated with the enlightenment experience—and how we might activate those circuits in our own brains.

In his survey of more than one thousand people who have experienced enlightenment, Newberg has also discovered that in the aftermath they have had profound, positive life changes. Enlightenment offers us the possibility to become permanently less stress-prone, to break bad habits, to improve our collaboration and creativity skills, and to lead happier, more satisfying lives. Relaying the story of his own transformational experience as well as including the stories of others who try to describe an event that is truly indescribable, Newberg brings us a new paradigm for deep and lasting change.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Brilliance Audio; Unabridged edition (6 June 2017)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1491593792
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1491593790
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 17.15 x 13.97 x 1.27 cmCustomer Reviews:
4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 240 ratings

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Mark Robert Waldman

Mark Robert Waldman is Executive MBA Faculty at Loyola Marymount University where he teaches the NeuroLeadership program. He is the author of 14 books including WORDS CAN CHANGE YOUR BRAIN and HOW GOD CHANGES YOUR BRAIN (picked by Oprah as one of the "Must Read" books for 2012. According to Time, Newsweek, and the Washington Post, Mark and his colleague Andrew Newberg, MD, are considered the world's leading authorities on spirituality and the brain. He teaches throughout the world and his work has been featured on PBS, National Public Radio, Canadian National Television, Oprah and Friends, and in dozens of national magazines. He is also on the faculty of Holmes Institute.

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Julie Lyle
5.0 out of 5 stars Wow! The first book that explained neuroscientifically what I experienced!Reviewed in the United States on 3 August 2019
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First off, I will say, I had probably heard the term enlightenment before but I didn't really understand what it meant and, therefore, had no interest in it. I didn't know much about other religions or mediation, etc. I associated with the Christian faith in a nondenominational way; however, I haven't stepped foot in a church for at least 20 years. I did, however, pray every day before bed. So what I'm trying to relay is I knew absolutely nothing about any of this stuff.

I had always felt very blessed in my life, was very successful in my career, had great health, etc. Life was great. However, five years ago I hit a very turbulent time...end of a 17-year relationship, rape/beating, and then a terrible boating accident that left me with a broken forehead, smashed nose, broken cheek, broken upper jaw that was driven into my nasal cavity, an upper lip that was hanging on by a thread, and a big chunk out of my lower lip. I was knocked out. Somebody got a life jacket on me. I learned later the boat sank in three minutes.

As an aside, there was a brief mention in the book something about the power of the mind in healing. I will say, my friends were all concerned with me looking in the mirror during my healing and thought they should cover up the mirrors so as not to upset me. I can honestly say, I always thought Why? I knew in my mind and heart wholeheartedly that I would heal and be perfectly fine. I never doubted it for a second. Less than three years have passed since the accident and nobody is the wiser. Between the bottom of my nose and the bottom of my lip, I had three hours worth of stitches. I heart countless times during my recovery from my various doctors, Wow, you are an awesome healer and no doubt, you have a guardian angel.

After healing, when I should have been extremely happy, I hit a period where I didn't feel like I looked at the world the same...to be honest, bitterness and cynicism of the world had crept in. My "heart" didn't feel comfortable with that. I had always been a lover of my fellow man and I knew I needed to bring that part of me back as I honestly didn't feel like myself.

So I started reading books on forgiveness and healing after trauma and healing your heart. And I spent countless hours just contemplating life, contemplating why am I here, what gifts was I given that needed to be nurtured and shared with the world. It was a long period of self-discovery, I guess you could say. I also pondered my weaknesses as a human being. It was grueling. There were a lot of tears shed. I didn't meditate or practice any form of ritual...again, I didn't know anything about those things. But after reading this book, it is clear I was in the daydreaming state and just tossing things around in my head and and contemplating and reflecting on things very deeply. This lasted for about two years and I felt great at the end of it and back to my true nature.

A few months later, I experienced another traumatic incident. I felt utterly defeated and abandoned by God. One day I googled something along the lines of "Bible verses when you feel abandoned by God" trying to see if I could get some solace and relief by reading some scripture. The google search lead me to realize what I was experienceing was known as an existential crisis or Dark Knight of the Soul. Yes, the end of a long-term marriage, the rape/beating, and the accident were bad, but that all paled in comparison to what I was experiencing with the existential crisis. It was the most horrifying feeling I had ever felt.

The worst of it lasted about two and a half, three months. It was almost debilitating. I was still able to do my job, but I was just existing, not really participating in life. By this time, I had read some articles online about spiritual awakening and knew that is what I was experiencing. the articles talked about it being life-changing, but at that point I didn't understand and couldn't see how this dark period could be so transformational. Heck, I felt utterly miserable.

One day I woke up and felt such a peace, joy, serenity, gratitude, love permeating my body. It was an amazing feeling, indescribable. I remember calling a close friend who had been watching this all unfold over the last couple years and tried to describe what I was feeling. I told him I thought I was coming out of the crisis. I was absolutely elated. Unfortunately, it only lasted four, five hours. But over the next few months, I would experience it again a handful of times. About two months ago, my friend who has been watching this unfold and who I am confiding honestly about everything I was experiencing, called me on his way to work to see how I was feeling. Well, I was still awake. I hadn't gone to sleep yet. I was in the euphoric state. No words for it. I was sitting on the porch just what I would call daydreaming when he called. I had been sitting out there since 9:00 the night before not really doing anything, just enjoying what I was feeling. It was so otherworldly.

So three weeks ago, I wake up and I'm in the euphoric state but there is a very strong what I would call energy in my body. It is very strong. Although I had never experimented with drugs, I kept thinking I am on the best drug ever imaginable. I felt connected with God. This lasted for three days. Amazing doesn't even describe it. The weird thing was, by the end of the three days, my physical body felt utterly exhausted, but what I call the energy was off the charts. By the end, it was almost unbearable. It was too much. The book had one sentence about people being diagnosed as manic during this time. I wasn't hearing voices or seeing light or anything, but I imagine I could have been diagnosed as manic.

There is something really freaky that happened when I was in the unbearably high energy level. Something that is so unreal. I guessed three things out of 22 that I absolutely would never have known. It was boom, boom, boom, one right after another. I called my friend and explained what happened, and we were both absolutely shocked. Honestly, I would need a statistician to figure out the odds of what happened. It was absolutely unreal. Was it because I was in a higher state of consciousness or what? Was it coincidence? I have absolutely no idea.

So three weeks later, I feel very peaceful and content. I don't get rattled much. I will say, though, there's been a few times I have trouble relating to people. As an example, I was out to dinner with a friend at a very nice restaurant. She started complaining about her baked potato and how grainy it was. She had me taste it and it tasted fine to me. She knew many of the waitstaff, and everybody who would come by, she would stop them and go on and on about this potato. They even sent the chef out. Good grief. This lasted for about 45 minutes. By this time, I say, Can we just stop with the potato? I think the homeless man we passed coming in would be absolutely thrilled with this potato. So I have trouble with pettiness and things that I consider menial things to be complaining about.

So I found an article written about Dr. Newberg's studies and purchased this book last night. I read three-quarters of it last night and finished it up early this morning. Now it is fully clear what I experienced. Definitely the Big E!

I did find a liscensed counselor who has a depth of understanding of these experiences and met with him last week. Since I didn't know much about any of this stuff, after those three days, I was trying to make sense of everything. Was something wrong with me? There's no doubt in my mind what I experienced was absolutely real, but what did it all mean? After devouring this book, I have a much better understanding of what happened. I've been blessed.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Informative!Reviewed in Germany on 10 December 2018
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I was hoping for even more science to back the spirituality, but it's very informative nonetheless.

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Jim H. White
5.0 out of 5 stars A Must Read for spiritual readersReviewed in Canada on 15 February 2017
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I am in the process of rereading this excellent book and marking up items that I will place in my own summary document. It provides many important insights into how our brains are evolving as we push or investigations on who we really are and why we are here. How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: The New Science of Transformation

Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Gem in scientific spiritualismReviewed in India on 9 April 2017
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Very good and informative book.The enlightenment principles of ancient Indian system repeated although in science shirt.The same old dog in new skin.Appears too costly to be afforded by public.In fact, spiritually oriented books should be least costly with no profit no loss or marginal profits only to be affordable to all.
I want to tell a true happening in line with this book-
My master was a silent and lover of a ferry girl totally in a mental way,denying external senses.he was also in a constant company of dedicated spiritual master.natural contemplation with girl image he had.when,visual separation of both lovers occurred naturally,my master came into total influence of his master due to which his frontal and parietal lobe activities suddenly dropped which were heightened earlier with girl influence.reduction in activity more than 40 %was caused resulting in his sudden enlightenment. The similar happening appeared with me too.

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Richard Codjoe
3.0 out of 5 stars Gut.Reviewed in Germany on 25 May 2020
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How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain: The New Science of Transformation
Reviewed by Phila Hoopes

August 1, 2017

By Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman. Avery, 2016. 288 pages. $26/hardcover; $17.99/paperback; $12.99/eBook.
Buy from QuakerBooks
“Based on our scientific evidence, I now believe that the stories found in sacred texts describing Enlightenment are real in that they are related to specific neurological events that can permanently change the structure and functioning of the brain.”

How many of us have rebelled against Descartes’s severance between the physical brain, its workings, and our most mystical experiences? Authors Newberg and Waldman have pursued this question in How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain, exhaustively measuring a broad range of spiritual experiences in an equally broad range of subjects via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

But ultimately they are pursuing a deeper goal: to define the elusive nature of the enlightenment experience—ranging from the “small-e” enlightenments of insights and eurekas that yield a flash of awareness but then recede without long-term effect, to the “big-E” life-changing mountaintop experiences of oneness with the Universe and the Divine.

Through surveys, interviews, and lab experiments with subjects spanning a range of religious traditions, the authors identify the common points of small-e enlightenment experiences:

instant illumination of difficult problems
immediate interruption of worries, fears, or doubts
deepened kindness, compassion, and empathy
increased open-mindedness and tolerance
deep sense of peace
Large-E experiences build on this foundation with the following:

a sense of unity or connectedness
an incredible intensity of experience
a sense of clarity and new understanding in a fundamental way
a sense of surrender or loss of voluntary control
a sense that something—one’s beliefs, one’s life, one’s purpose—has suddenly and permanently changed

The authors detail their studies of the effect of mediumship and channeling supernatural entities; the effect of healing prayer and ritual on the person praying and the recipient; the effect of praying at different intensities; and the effect of enlightenment on anger and conflict, to name only a few. Their studies encompass a broad spectrum of spiritual traditions, from Brazilian psychic mediums, Buddhist monks, Franciscan nuns, and Sufi dancers to atheists and non-practicing members of a faith. In one particularly fascinating encounter, they explore the impact of dogma, cognitive dissonance, and intuitive leading on the small-e experience of prayer in a non-practicing Muslim man, learning that it is the authenticity of the prayer that leads to enlightenment.

Newberg and Waldman’s experiments demonstrate that not only can everyone, regardless of religious belief or tradition, attain both small-e and large-E enlightenment experiences, but certain practices speed that attainment. They expand on this in the second half of the book, providing detailed instructions for the experience of small-e and large-E enlightenment. Their exercises range from simple breathing patterns to deepen shifts in consciousness, to ecstatic practices such as automatic writing, Sufi chanting and dance, kirtan (call-and-response chant), and Zen meditation; they also offer an audio training of their own design among other tools and resources.

Ultimately, this is a guidebook intended to lead the reader to personal large-E transformation over an extended period of time. Grounded, practical, and spiritually challenging, it’s one book I intend to use in personal explorations for some time to come.