
혼의 과학[사라스와티] : 네이버 블로그

道書-40 혼의 과학[사라스와티] : 네이버 블로그

혼의 과학[사라스와티]
2013. 10. 28. 20:17
이 책은 영혼에 대하여 많은 내용을 설명하고 있다.
수행시 필요한 생리적인 내용에 대해 이처럼 자세한 설명이 곁들인 책을 없을 것이다.
영풍문고에서 발행하였으나 어인 일인지 요즈음에는 구헐수가 없다.

샘플을 올리려다가 "목차"와 '탄트라 경전에 기초한 차크라와, 슈슘나 관의 도해(첨부자료로 올림)"만 올린다

차 례

간행에 즈음하여 ․ 17
일본인 역자와 이 책과의 인연 ․ 27
해탈에로의 3년간 · 33
나는 어떻게 해서 진아의 지식을 얻었는가 ․ 42

저자 서문 · 52

제1장 식물체와 그의 과학 · 81

1. 생명에 대한 근본적 의문 ․ 83
2. 진아에 의한 경험과 해탈 ․ 85
3. 진아의 해탈에는 신체가 불가결하다 · 85
4. 진아의 거처에 관계되는 무지와 그 거처에 관한 지식의 필요성 ․ 86
5. 진아의 거처 ․ 86
6. 육체의 주요 부분 · 87
7. 식물체 안으로 들어간다 · 111
8. 식물체의 발육 · 114
9. 식물체 내의 그 외의 체계 · 114
10. 식물체의 안정성 · 116
11. 식물체의 활동 · 116
12. 수면 상태 · 118
13. 정신 수행 방법 · 119
14. 차크라 · 122
15. 차크라의 기초 · 123
16. 쿤다리니 / 코일 상태의 신비한 힘 · 124
17. 라자 요가와 쿤다리니 해설 · 125
18. 쿤다리니와 그의 각성 · 127
19. 쿤다리니에 대한 다른 이견 · 129
20. 차크라 내부에서 빛이 영시되지 않는 이유 · 131
21. 정묘한 물체를 조잡 차원의 것으로 영시한다 · 132
22. 쿤다리니와 차크라의 원리 · 133
23. 쿤다리니의 각성 · 133
24. 각성의 형태 · 134
25. 차크라의 모습과 형태 · 139
26. 차크라의 영시로 얻을 수 있는 능력 · 157
27. 생기를 알기 위한 특별 행법 · 158
28. 차크라 내부의 생기를 명상한다. · 159

제2장 생기체와 그의 과학 ․ 163
1. 식물체와의 상이점 · 165
2. 올바른 식별의 성과 · 166
3. 생기에 대한 일반적 설명 · 167
4. 생기의 특징 · 167
5. 생기의 기원 · 168
6. 생기의 성질 · 169
7. 생기가 활동하는 장소 · 169
8. 생기와 다른 기관과의 관계 · 170
9. 생기체 각 부위의 기능 · 170
10. 보조 생기에 대해서 · 175
11. 생기체의 기능 · 176
12. 생기체의 크기 · 177
13. 생기의 작용을 영시한다 · 179
14. 의사와 육체 및 미세체와의 관계 · 180
15. 생기체에 대한 의문에 답한다 · 183

제3장 의사체와 그의 과학 ․ 187

Ⅰ. 사조(4組)의 내적 심리 기관 · 189

1. 내적 심리 기관이라는 말의 의미 · 193

2. 내적 심리 기관 / 모든 경험과 지각의 중추 · 194

3. 성전에 기술되어 있는 견해 · 195

4. 사조의 내적 심리 기관의 기능 · 195

5. 사지와 각 체와의 관계 · 199

6. 내적 심리 기관의 제1의 구성 요소-의사라는 실재 원리 · 199

7. 내적 심리 기관의 제2의 구성 요소-지성이라는 실재 원리 · 210

8. 내적 심리 기관의 제3의 구성 요소-자아라는 실재 원리 · 216

9. 내적 심리 기관의 제4의 구성 요소-마음이라는 실재 원리 · 228

10. 내적 심리 기관 전체에 대해서 · 235

11. 에너지 중추 · 237

12. 지식과 운동의 전달 과정 · 238

13. 신체라는 기계를 움직이게 하는 자(者) ․ 239

14. 진아를 에워싸고 있는 피해와 해방 · 239

15. 내적 심리 기관의 기능을 지멸(止滅)시킨다 · 241

16. 내적 심리 기관의 가지와 분석 · 241

17. 4조의 내적 심리 기관의 성질과 기능 · 241

18. 마음에서 발생하는 생명력의 2개의 흐름 ․ 245

19. 행에 대해서 · 249

20. 마음의 움직임 ․ 250

21. 마음과 진아와의 구별 · 251

22. 마음의 효용 · 253

23. 마음을 지배한다 · 254

24. 마음은 왜 진아와 다른 걸까 ․ 255

25. 마음의 극미소구(極微小球) 안에 모든 행이 축적되어 있는가 ․ 256

26. 각 심리 작용과 심리 기관과의 관계 · 258

27. 지성이 가진 심리 작용 · 273

28. 자아와 의사의 심리 작용 · 279

Ⅱ. 의사체 · 280

0. 첫머리 · 280

1. 미세체에 속하는 2개의 체의 중요성 · 280

2 사물의 족쇄 · 281

3. 의사체의 구조 · 282

4. 해탈에 이르는 수단 · 282

5. 미세체의 동거 · 283

6. 브라흐마란드라는 맨 처음 어떻게 보이는가 · 283

7. 브라흐마란드라의 이해 · 284

8. 브라흐마란드라와 육체와의 관계 · 285

9. 3종의 덕성이 브라흐마란드라의 모든 기관에 주는 영향 · 286

10. 의사의 기능 · 287

11. 영시된 브라흐마란드라의 상태 · 287

12. 도구와 그것을 사용하는 자(者)와의 관계 · 291

13. 광구를 유지하고 있는 것 · 292

14. 브라흐마란드라의 각종 기능을 영시한다 · 293

15. 기억해 두어야 할 일 · 294

16. 지식을 얻기 위한 비결 · 295

17. 성자(聖者)의 말의 중요성 · 296

18. 브라흐마란드라와 진아의 위치 확정 · 297

19. 의사라는 것은 어떠한 것인가 · 299

20. 의사의 명확한 정의 · 301

21. 의사의 움직임을 억제하는 방법 · 302

22. 제감 행법이라는 것은 무엇인가 · 303

23. 의사의 집중 · 305

24. 명상 행법 · 306

25. 의사의 움직임을 영시한다 · 308

26. 각 운동 기관 내부에서 우위가 되고 있는 실재 원리 · 311

27. 각 지각 기관 내부에서 우위가 되고 있는 실재 원리 · 312

28. 신체 내의 각 운동 기관의 움직임을 영시한다 · 313

29. 신체 내의 각 지각 기관의 움직임을 영시한다 · 322

30. 영시의 필요성 · 330

제4장 지성체와 그의 과학 · 333

0. 첫머리 · 335

1. 직각지(直覺智) · 338

2. 집중의 위력 · 340

3. 장해의 제거는 도리에 맞는 바른 행위인가 · 341

4. 영안을 움직이게 해서 영시한다 · 342

5. 5종의 조잡 원소의 본질과 그 영시 방법 · 346

6. 5종의 미세 원소를 영시하는 방법 · 365

7. 우주 전체에 관계하는 지식 · 378

8. 지성체에 관여해 얻을 수 있는 지식 · 379

9. 지성체의 특징 · 386

제5장 환희체와 그의 과학 · 391

0. 첫머리 · 393

1. 환희체의 성질 · 393

2. 환희체의 위치 · 394

3. 환희체의 구성 요소 · 397

4. 브라흐마란드라와 심장 · 405

5. 인간 생명의 기원 ․ 406

6. 인간의 사명 · 408

7. 절대자 브라만의 도시에 사는 진아 · 408

8. 경험하기 위한 도구와 경험에서의 해탈의 수단 · 413

9. 내적 심리 기관에 있는 진아에 대하여 · 415

10. 속으로부터의 해방 · 415

11. 마음의 색과 형태를 영시한다 · 418

12. 2종류의 마음의 모습을 영시한다 · 422

13. 환희체의 몇 가지 상태를 영시한다 ․ 423

14. 지식과 운동에 관계하는 생명 활동을 영시한다 · 424

15. 환희체의 각 요소에서 생기는 다양한 활동을 영시한다 · 426

16. 마음의 다른 모습에 대해서 · 428

17. 행을 영시한다 · 431

18. 모든 행의 저장고 / 우주 마음 · 431

19. 행에 대한 덕성의 영향 · 434

20. 각종 행에게의 무집착 · 435

21. 행을 억제한다 · 435

22. 잘 구워진 상태에 있는 행에 대하여 · 436

23. 환희의 탐구 · 438

24. 지혜와 환희와의 차이점 · 438

25. 환희의 본질 ․ 439

26. 마음의 평화 · 440

27. 환희의 종류 · 441

28. 미세체 · 원인체를 육체와 구별해서 영시한다 · 445

29. 미세체를 영시하는 다른 방법 · 447

30. 개인을 속박하는 것 · 449

31. 각 체와 신체를 순차로 영시한다 · 450

32. 식별지를 영시한다 ․ 454

33. 오류와 상상에 대해서 · 457

34. 진아를 영시한다 · 459

35. 오해하지 않게 하기 위해서 · 459

35. 오해 없는 경지 · 460

37. 근본 적정의 경지가 생기는 과정 · 461

38. 경험이라는 것은 무엇인가 · 462

39. 해탈에 이른다 · 464

40. 황금체의 영시 · 466

41. 자아 의식의 경험 · 466

42. 정신세계의 적극적 탐구 · 467

43. 두려움 없는 거처 · 470

44. 형태 없는 것의 영시 · 472

45. 육체의 죽음을 영시한다 · 479

결론 · 491

역자 후기 · 495

용어 설명 ․ 500

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1 - 42 of 56 results in EbooksThe Way Out!


The Way Out!byJoseph Benner

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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The Impersonal Life


The Impersonal LifebyJoseph Benner

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Way Out


The Way OutbyJoseph Benner

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THE IMPERSONAL LIFE (Unabridged): Spirituality & Practice Classic


THE IMPERSONAL LIFE (Unabridged): Spirituality & Practice ClassicbyJoseph Benner

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Way To The Kingdom


The Way To The KingdombyJoseph Benner

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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JOSEPH BENNER Premium Collection: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth


JOSEPH BENNER Premium Collection: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & WealthbyJoseph Benner

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The Impersonal Life: The Secret Edition - Open Your Heart to the Real Power and Magic of Living Faith and Let the Heaven Be in You, Go Deep Inside Yourself and Back, Feel the Crazy and Divine Love and Live for Your Dreams


The Impersonal Life: The Secret Edition - Open Your Heart to the Real Power and Magic of Living Faith and Let the Heaven Be in You, Go Deep Inside Yourself and Back, Feel the Crazy and Divine Love and Live for Your DreamsbyJoseph S. Benner

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The Impersonal Life


The Impersonal LifebyJoseph Benner

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The Essential Works of Joseph Benner: The Impersonal Life, The Way Beyond, The Way Out, The Teacher, Brotherhood & Wealth


The Essential Works of Joseph Benner: The Impersonal Life, The Way Beyond, The Way Out, The Teacher, Brotherhood & WealthbyJoseph Benner

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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The Impersonal Life: Spirituality & Practice Classic


The Impersonal Life: Spirituality & Practice ClassicbyJoseph Benner

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Brotherhood: An Impersonal Message (Spirituality & Personal Growth)


Brotherhood: An Impersonal Message (Spirituality & Personal Growth)byJoseph Benner

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BROTHERHOOD (Spirituality & Personal Growth): An Impersonal Message


BROTHERHOOD (Spirituality & Personal Growth): An Impersonal MessagebyJoseph Benner

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The Way to the Kingdom (Unabridged)


The Way to the Kingdom (Unabridged)byJoseph Benner

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THE WAY OUT (Unabridged): Be Your True Self


THE WAY OUT (Unabridged): Be Your True SelfbyJoseph Benner

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MIND & SPIRIT Premium Collection: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, The Teacher, Brotherhood, Wealth & The Way to the Kingdom: Inspirational and Motivational Books on Spirituality and Personal Growth


MIND & SPIRIT Premium Collection: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, The Teacher, Brotherhood, Wealth & The Way to the Kingdom: Inspirational and Motivational Books on Spirituality and Personal GrowthbyJoseph Benner

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars
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The Impersonal Life


The Impersonal LifebyJoseph Benner

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THE WAY BEYONDbyJoseph Benner

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The Collected Works of Joseph Benner


The Collected Works of Joseph BennerbyJoseph Benner

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The Way Out


The Way OutbyJoseph Benner

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The Way Beyond


The Way BeyondbyJoseph Benner

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The Collected Works of Joseph Benner


The Collected Works of Joseph BennerbyJoseph Benner

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The Lost Station


The Lost StationbyE. Joseph Benner

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Brotherhood: Spirituality Classic


Brotherhood: Spirituality ClassicbyJoseph Benner

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The Way to the Kingdom


The Way to the KingdombyJoseph Benner

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The Impersonal Life


The Impersonal LifebyJoseph Benner

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God … On Life: A Personal Conversation


God … On Life: A Personal ConversationbyDr. John Darland

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The Way Out


The Way OutbyJoseph Sieber Benner

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The Early History of Elora, Ontario and Vicinity


The Early History of Elora, Ontario and VicinitybyJohn Connon

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The Complete Four Just Men Series (6 Detective Thrillers in One Edition)


The Complete Four Just Men Series (6 Detective Thrillers in One Edition)byEdgar Wallace

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The Greatest Crime Tales of Frederic Arnold Kummer: Collected Works: Series of Espionage Thrillers, International Crime Mysteries & Historical Books


The Greatest Crime Tales of Frederic Arnold Kummer: Collected Works: Series of Espionage Thrillers, International Crime Mysteries & Historical BooksbyFrederic Arnold Kummer

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Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation


Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-ActualisationbyLinda Gregory

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Black Vulmea, The Isle of Pirate's Doom & Swords of the Red Brotherhood: Historical Novels: Notorious Buccaneers of the Caribbean


Black Vulmea, The Isle of Pirate's Doom & Swords of the Red Brotherhood: Historical Novels: Notorious Buccaneers of the CaribbeanbyRobert E. Howard

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H. G. Wells: 120+ Sci-Fi Classics, Dystopian Novels & Time Travel Tales: Including Scientific, Political and Historical Writings


H. G. Wells: 120+ Sci-Fi Classics, Dystopian Novels & Time Travel Tales: Including Scientific, Political and Historical WritingsbyH. G. Wells

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The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth: Part 1—Practical Spirituality, Part 2—A True Story of a Spiritual Seeker


The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth: Part 1—Practical Spirituality, Part 2—A True Story of a Spiritual SeekerbyLily Rose

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Police Constable Lee: Complete 24 Mysteries: A Man of Note, The Power of the Eye, The Sentimental Burglar, A Case for Angel Esquire, Contempt…


Police Constable Lee: Complete 24 Mysteries: A Man of Note, The Power of the Eye, The Sentimental Burglar, A Case for Angel Esquire, Contempt…byEdgar Wallace

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The God Experience: Making Contact


The God Experience: Making ContactbyMark Bonair

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Adam & Eve & Heart Energy


Adam & Eve & Heart EnergybyChristine Kowal

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The Greatest Sci-Fi Works of H. G. Wells


The Greatest Sci-Fi Works of H. G. WellsbyH. G. Wells

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The False Healer: A Trilogy


The False Healer: A TrilogybyPaula Sevestre

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The Greatest Works of Joseph Benner: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & Wealth


The Greatest Works of Joseph Benner: The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Brotherhood, The Way to the Kingdom, The Teacher & WealthbyJoseph Benner

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Joseph Sieber Benner - Wikipedia

Joseph Sieber Benner - Wikipedia

Joseph Sieber Benner

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Joseph Sieber Benner
Joseph S. Benner.jpg
BornJanuary 3, 1872
Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USA
Died24 September 1938
Akron, Ohio, USA
Resting placeGlendale Cemetery, Akron, Ohio
Known forPublisher, Author.
SpouseNillie E. Stuver (m. 1894)
Children1 daughter: Mary Joyce Benner McGrath
Parent(s)John Benner , Mary Sieber

Joseph Sieber Benner (January 3, 1872 – September 24, 1938) was an American author, New Thought writer and Representative of the Brotherhood of Christ who used the pen name "Anonymous". He was the first to introduce the Knowledge and Teachings of Impersonal Life (also known as the "I AM" Teaching) to the world in his first book, The Impersonal Life published in 1914. His other works were The Way OutThe Way BeyondWealthTeacherBrotherhoodThe Way to the KingdomPapers (65 Lessons), etc.

Early life[edit]

Benner was born in Akron, Ohio, USA on January 3, 1872. His father John W. Benner was a businessman. Benner attended public schools and held positions at J.F. Seiberling & Co., People's Savings Bank Company, Central Savings Bank Company, and Akron Trust Company. He was chief owner of the Akron Printing Company. Benner was also on the boards of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron People's Telephone Company, Akron Coal Company, Globe Sign and Poster Company, Hower Building Company, Permanent Savings and Loan Company, Bannock Coal Company, and the Young Men's Christian Association. He remained an officer of the Central Savings and Trust Company for the rest of his career.

In the 1890s, while Secretary of the local YMCA, Benner was also listed as Gymnasium Director of Buchtel College in Akron,[1] and he contributed at least one macabre illustration, titled "Murder", to The Lotus, an Intercollegiate journal published in Kansas City.

Benner married Nillie E. Stuver in 1894. Both were members of the Lutheran Church. They had one child, Mary Joyce Benner McGrath.[2][3][4][5]

Spiritual writer[edit]

According to author Jon Klimo, "by 1916, Benner said he felt he could no longer resist the growing inclination to give himself over as a vehicle to a larger presence, to let his mind be subsumed by (or co-creatively interact with) a larger Mind or Being."[6] His book The Impersonal Life contained words Benner believed were recorded directly from God, and was first published in July 1914. Benner taught that Christ's proclaiming "I AM" indicated "the true spirit that resides in every human being." The "SUN center" was an Ohio group formed in 1920 around Benner's teachings. One of the group's practices was to "enter into the silence, stillness and peace" each day at noon. Benner also made a series of lessons called the "Inner Life Courses" he intended to develop discipline in life, discernment and the awakening of the Christ within the soul.[7]

Benner died in 1938. According to his daughter, letters were found after his death in which he expressed devotion to God and his belief that God had chosen him as a medium.


In his writing, Benner expresses the New Thought concept that we are all one with God, and that God endows each of us with the power to create our experiences and reality by means of sustained, believed thoughts.

His book, The Impersonal Life, is difficult for many persons who are new to the theory. In the first chapter, Benner repeatedly uses the phrase, "I AM," to express the concept that God is inside of each one of us, doing the thinking and creating.[8]

Benner seems to be using his first chapter as a litmus test, to drive off readers who are not committed to his premise that we are all "one with each other and with God." He believed sustained thought has the power to create. Benner describes the process as follows:

In accordance with the definiteness with which the picture of the Idea is held in the mind, and the extent to which the Idea possesses the personality does its creative Power, impelled by Desire, proceed with It's work. . . . When the Word is spoken, either silently or audibly, consciously or unconsciously, this substance at once begins to materialize Itself, by first directing and controlling the consciousness and all of the activities of both mind and body, and of all the minds and all bodies connected with or related to the Idea, -- for remember, all consciousness, and all minds and all bodies are Mine, and are not separated but are One . . . and then so attracting, directing, shaping and molding conditions, things and events, that, sooner or later, the Idea actually comes forth into definite, tangible manifestation.[9]

In other words, Benner contends that a sustained believed image, projected into the Universal Mind, has the ability to control not just one's own thoughts and behaviors -- but the thoughts and behaviors of all humanity—causing the image to ultimately become reality for the person projecting that image.

The Way Out -- Textbook on the Law of Attraction[edit]

Benner's book The Way Out—written in 1931—is a textbook on how to use the Law of Attraction. He describes the law as follows: "Whatever you think and hold in consciousness as being so, out manifests itself in your body or affairs."[10]

In other words, the thoughts themselves are but mental forms, but when you think them with feeling of any kind you fill these forms with life and they become as living things which ever return to you, their parent, to be fed with more living power. . . . You can see now that it is all a matter of consciousness, of thinking and harboring the right kind of thoughts you wish to outmanifest, and of letting into your mind no thoughts you do not want to manifest in your body or affairs.[11]

Benner emphasizes to take no thought, or be anxious about anything, that you wish to manifest. He says to "stand guard continually at the door of your mind, and to let in no thoughts or feelings that you do not want to outmanifest. . . . Guard the door from every negative thought."[12]

If you will keep all such untrue thoughts out of your mind, you can see that then and then only can your Higher Self draw into your mind the true and positive thoughts that will attract to you the good that is waiting to manifest itself to you.[13]


Elvis Presley considered Benner's book, The Impersonal Life, to be one of his favorite books. Elvis was introduced to the book by his hairdresser-turned-guru, Larry Geller, in 1964.[14]

In the last 13 years of his life, Elvis gave away hundreds of copies of the book. According to biographer, Jess Stearn, "He gave away spiritual books by the score. It was nothing for him to buy one hundred copies of The Impersonal Life and give them away to the first one hundred people he saw."[15] According to biographer Albert Goldman, Elvis allegedly had a copy of the book with him on the night he died.[16]


  • The Impersonal Life (1914)
  • Christ in You (1918)
  • The Way Out (1930)
  • The Way Beyond (1931)
  • The Way to the Kingdom (1932)
  • The Teacher (ca 1919/1920)
  • Brotherhood (1927)
  • Wealth (1927)
  • The "Sun Papers" 65 essays on different subjects, published monthly between 1929 and 1935.
  • Good and Evil (out of print)
  • Receiving and Giving (out of print)
  • The Great White Brotherhood (out of print)


  1. ^ "Annual Catalogue of Buchtel College and Academy". 1894.
  2. ^ Progressive Men of Northern Ohio 1906
  3. ^ Source: Centennial History of Summit County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Ill - 1908 p. 406)
  4. ^ Walden's Stationer and Printer. V. 21-22, Jan 1904 - Jan 1905 (p.12)
  5. ^ The American Printer and Lithographer V. 39 Sept 1904 - Feb 1905 (p.143)
  6. ^ Jon Klimo (17 April 1998). Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources, Second Edition. North Atlantic Books. p. 157. ISBN 978-1-55643-248-4. Retrieved 2 February 2013.
  7. ^ James R. Lewis (2002). The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, and New Religions. Prometheus Books. pp. 705–. ISBN 978-1-61592-738-8. Retrieved 3 February 2013.
  8. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 1-5.
  9. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 24.
  10. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 90.
  11. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 90-91.
  12. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 91-92.
  13. ^ Joseph Benner, The Impersonal Life (Timeless Wisdom ed. 2016), at 92.
  14. ^ Jess Stearn, Elvis: His Spiritual Journey (1982), at 12; Wilson, Charles Reagan (2006). "'Just a Little Talk with Jesus': Elvis Presley, Religious Music, and Southern Spirituality". Southern Cultures12 (4): 74–91. doi:10.1353/scu.2006.0059S2CID 159657945.
  15. ^ Jess Stearn, Elvis: His Spiritual Journey (1982), at 137
  16. ^ Biographer Albert Goldman in the History of Elvis 1964.

External links[edit]