
The world of illusion in ACIM : ACIM

The world of illusion in ACIM : ACIM

Posted byu/[deleted]2 years ago

The world of illusion in ACIM

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from the Clarification of Terms :

This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology. It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception. To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error.

All terms are potentially controversial, and those who seek controversy will find it. Theological considerations as such are necessarily controversial, since they depend on belief and can therefore be accepted or rejected. A universal theology is impossible.

This course is not concerned with what is beyond all error because it is planned only to set the direction towards it. However, this answer [from The Course] does not attempt to resort to inventiveness or ingenuity. These are attributes of the ego. The course is simple.

The ego will demand many answers that this course does not give. It does not recognize as questions the mere form of a question to which an answer is impossible.

level 1
·2 yr. ago

This is a common question and many spiritual teachings are based on the belief that God created a seeming separation so he could experience himself. No one can know the answer for sure, but I prefer what ACIM teaches.

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To drive a fast car, or to ski, or play an instrument, or have a glass of wine?

You don't want those things for themselves, but the joy you believe they would give you. They're just a means to an end. Rather than coming here to seek them out they're pitiful replacements for what we "lost". The joy of God which we "gave up" when we decided to dream of separation is thousands upon thousands greater than what worldly things can offer. None of them will matter when we welcome the love of God back into our minds.

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Illusions can be beautiful and joyful. A television show is an 'illusion', and even though we recognise that it is 'illusion', we still enjoy it. Does the knowledge that the TV show is fictional take away your desire to watch it? Not if its a good one!

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You experience non-3D things. It is much cooler than 3D. 3D pales in comparison.

level 2
·2 yr. ago

absolutely, it is amazing beyond what we can imagine as mere humans.

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When living in the "3D" world of doing, it is very normal to look at disappearance into the heart of God as either frightening or boring. The Course uses a very gentle path: its only goal for us is peace in this 3D world. Once we achieve that we will no longer look at heaven in the same way. But we will not be lifted up into heaven until and unless we want to.

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God wants our love not our sacrifice. (I do not where this comes from, maybe it's a ego thought to slow my progress)

In religions with judgments after death or moral codes, the ego can have a fielday. If we start doing what we don't want or stop doing what we do want, we become vulnerable to resentment, richousness, guilt, shame or any other tool of the ego.

To practice meditation to reach enlightenment, the end of desire, is still just chasing an other desire.

With the course there is some pressure to follow the path because it doesn't want us wasting time. In the teachers section, it says some teachers really struggle giving stupid stuff up. (Talking to me)

The older I get the more distractions, I called fun, are taken away and the happier I get. I have no wish to be young again, by magic or reincarnation. Even if oneness means lost of self I joyously welcome it.

The happy dream is achieved by me listening to HS making His choices, but the final atonement is up to God. Maybe I get another merrygoround.

I may be a slow learner, but I'm a happy one.


Process theory and illusion


11:43 PM

Monday, October 24, 2022 ---
8:47 AM
Thanks for sharing sejin
I guess for me
there is no conflict or discussion with any process
Because I follow the concept
none of it is real...if we subscribe to the thinking that it's all an illusion..and no part of an Illusion can be true...it elimates all the theories about anything..
And that for that me is the simplicity of truth..as I see it...
Till next time

What's your view on what I subscribe to?

I think it is a language that an average person will not understand when told.

What does physics say about the illusion concept view...
I imagine the illusion concept overrides all concepts..

Reviews: Watership Down - IMDb

One day when time permits would be interested in your view point...
I think it's a story of how..this world will always struggle without "spiritual perspective"..as we both agree about the injustice of fertility inception
One of my fav songs is Bright Eyes....from this movie watership down