
원한은 원한으로 정복되지 않으니, 적의는 오직 적의를 품지 않음으로써만 해소된다.


26 February  · 
Shared with Members of 초기불교 공부

"그는 나를 욕했고 때렸다. 그는 나를 이겼고, 내 것을 앗아갔다. 이렇게 생각하는 사람은 미움으로부터 길이 벗어날 수 없다.

그는 나를 욕했고 때렸다. 그는 나를 이겼고, 내 것을 앗아갔다. 이렇게 생각하지 않는 사람은 미움으로부터 벗어난다.

원한은 원한으로 정복되지 않으니, 적의는 오직 적의를 품지 않음으로써만 해소된다. 이것이 영원한 진리이다."

-- 법구경

비판이든 소송이든 사회적으로 필요한 일은 그 일대로 하되, 마음 속으로는 개인적인 미움을 품지 않으면 될 것 같습니다.

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완전 동감! 어렵지만 그게 수행이겠지요.
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네. 모든 인간이 아라한이 되면 물론 좋겠지만, 그렇지 않은 현실에선 정확한 비판도 사회에 꼭 필요하죠. 그게 자비이고요. 사적인 원한만 품지 않으면 될 듯.
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Sungsoo Hong
希修 오늘도 일하다가 사자후!!! 사적 원한 만땅!!!
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좋은 말씀입니다! 어떻게 해야 그 마음으로부터 벗어날 수 있을지가 관건일 것 같습니다.
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이명훈'이 일이 나의 과거 업의 결과라면 나는 저 사람을 통해 내 빚을 갚는 것일 뿐이고, 그게 아니라 저 사람 스스로 완전히 새로운 악업을 짓는 것이거나 혹은 내가 지불해야 하는 댓가보다 심하게 저 사람이 나를 대우하는 것이라면 그건 또 저 사람이 언젠가 갚아야 할 빚이 되니 저 사람의 문제'라는 생각을, 미움이 올라올 때마다 반복하려고 합니다. 그래도 화가 누그러지지 않을 때는 '나는 지금 저 사람을 핑계로 내 악업을 짓고 있다'는 사실만이라도 인지하려고 하구요. 감정 제어는 잘 안 되니 일단 생각만이라도.. ^^;
타니사로 스님은 '나의 이 미움/화가 누구에게 어떤 도움이 되는가?'라고 계속 자문하라고 하시더군요. 이 이상의 뾰족한 요령 같은 건 존재하지 않는 듯 합니다. 자신의 감정/생각을 직시하는 외에 절을 한다거나 경을 암송한다거나 하는 방법이 일시적인 완화는 되지만, 이런 게 습관이 되면 또 '회피'로 작용할 가능성도 없지 않구요.
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希修 맞는 말씀입니다. 연기론을 믿는다면 지금 내게 벌어지는 일은 다 내가 빚은 업이겠지요. 아는데 참 쉽지는 않습니다.^^;;
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이명훈 실은.. 그래서 12연기의 관점에서 자신의 심리작용을 분석!해야 하는 것인데 (초기경전에서 부처님은 이 분석의 중요성을 여러 차례에 걸쳐 언급하고 계십니다), 12연기가 워낙에 복잡한 시스템이라서.. 그 12 요소간에 겹치는 부분이 많거든요. 한 번에 한 단계씩 순차적으로만 인과가 진행되는 것이 아니라 여러 지점에서 피드백이 마구 왔다 갔다 하는 것이죠. 저도 정확히는 이해 못 하고, '정확히 이해하고 나면 엄청 도움될 것 같다'라고 짐작만 되는 수준입니다, ㅎㅎ.
제 생각엔 타니사로 스님의 책 중에서 가장 중요한 것이 아마도 
"The Shape of Suffering" (12연기에 대한)과 
The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) An explanation of dependent co-arising through the analogy of feeding and pulling from the vocabulary of complex, non-linear systems.


Introduction “Only stress, and the cessation of stress.”
Chapter One “A tangled skein”
Chapter Two “Abandon food, having relied on food”
Chapter Three “All phenomena are unworthy of attachment”
Sense Media, Contact, Feeling

"The Paradox of Becoming" (무아, 윤회, 수행-해탈 과정에 대한
The Paradox of Becoming, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) Although “becoming” is one of the most important concepts in the Buddha’s teachings, there is no full-scale treatment of it in English. This book attempts to fill that lack.

Chapter 1: Two Stories
Chapter 2: Two Analogies
Chapter 3: Three Levels
Chapter 4: Four Clingings
Chapter 5: Two Incorrect Paths, One Incomplete
Chapter 6: One Way Out
Chapter 7: No Location, No Limitation
이 아닐까 싶습니다.
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希修 12연기에 대해서는 언제 제대로 공부해보고 싶습니다.
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希修 언제 공부할지 기대됩니다!


The Buddha’s Teachings

Buddhist Romanticism

Karma Q & A

The Mind like Fire Unbound

On the Path

The Paradox of Becoming


Right Mindfulness

The Shape of Suffering

Skill in Questions

The Truth of Rebirth

The Wings to Awakening

Thanissaro eBooks | dhammatalks.org Treatises

eBooks | dhammatalks.org


The Buddha’s Teachings

The Buddha’s Teachings thumbnail
The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) A short introduction to the basic concepts and values underlying Buddhist practice, with special attention to clearing up common misinterpretations about what the Buddha taught.


Buddhist Romanticism

Karma Q & A

Karma Q & A thumbnail
Karma Q & A, compiled by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) Kamma and rebirth are often understood to be teachings of fate and helplessness in the face of unknowable influences from the past. Instead of teaching fate, The Buddha’s teachings on kamma and rebirth are empowering, showing how people can develop skills in the present that will lead to the end of suffering. So, to help show how valuable these teachings are, here’s a set of answers, based on the Pāli Canon, to some questions frequently asked about these topics.


The Mind like Fire Unbound

On the Path

On the Path thumbnail
On the Path: An Anthology on the Noble Eightfold Path drawn from the Pāli Canon, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Feb. 13, 2021) This book aims to provide a well-rounded picture of the noble eightfold path for people who are interested in taking guidance from the earliest extant records of the Buddha’s teachings on how to reach the end of suffering and stress. The format is that of a discussion and analysis of each element of the path followed by pertinent sutta excerpts, similar to Wings to Awakening. The cross-references to the suttas are also hyperlinked to the new sutta pages on this site.


The Paradox of Becoming

The Paradox of Becoming, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) Although “becoming” is one of the most important concepts in the Buddha’s teachings, there is no full-scale treatment of it in English. This book attempts to fill that lack.



Right Mindfulness

Right Mindfulness thumbnail
Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the Buddhist Path, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Feb. 13, 2021) For the past several decades, a growing flood of books, articles, and teachings has advanced theories about the practice of mindfulness which are highly questionable and—for anyone hoping to realize the end of suffering—seriously misleading. The main aim of this book is to show that the practice of mindfulness is most fruitful when informed by the Buddha’s own definition of right mindfulness and his explanations of its role on the path.


The Shape of Suffering

shape of suffering thumbnail image
The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) An explanation of dependent co-arising through the analogy of feeding and pulling from the vocabulary of complex, non-linear systems.


Skill in Questions

The Truth of Rebirth

The Truth of Rebirth: And Why It Matters for Buddhist Practice, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Dec. 15, 2018) A short treatise explaining that the Buddha did not teach the doctrine of rebirth because he was blindly following the cultural norms of his time. Instead, our resistance to this teaching is pointing to cultural biases of our own that impede progress on the Path.


The Wings to Awakening

The Wings to Awakening: An Anthology from the Pāli Canon, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised Feb. 13, 2021) The 37 Wings to Awakening were the Buddha’s own summary of his teachings. This book contains sutta translations organized by topic with relevant discussion by the author. Internal cross-references are hyper-linked in the ebook versions, and in the online version external ones, i.e. to the Suttas, are as well.


With Each & Every Breath

Each and Every Breath thumbnail
With Each & Every Breath: A Guide to Meditation, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised May 10, 2020) A breath meditation manual by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu drawing on two sources: the Buddha’s own set of instructions on how to use the breath in training the mind, and Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo’s method of breath meditation — which builds on the Buddha’s instructions, explaining in detail many of the points that the Buddha left in condensed form.
Regarding this latest revision: The audio recordings of Dhamma talks recommended at the end of each chapter now have links to their associated transcripts collected in the companion volume, Gather ’Round the Breath.


Contents | The Paradox of Becoming

Contents | The Paradox of Becoming

Contents | The Shape of Suffering

Contents | The Shape of Suffering