
Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment by [Robert Wright

 Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment by [Robert Wright

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 From one of America’s most brilliant writers, a New York Times bestselling journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness.

At the heart of Buddhism is a simple claim: The reason we suffer—and the reason we make other people suffer—is that we don’t see the world clearly. At the heart of Buddhist meditative practice is a radical promise: We can learn to see the world, including ourselves, more clearly and so gain a deep and morally valid happiness.

In this “sublime” (The New Yorker), pathbreaking book, Robert Wright shows how taking this promise seriously can change your life—how it can loosen the grip of anxiety, regret, and hatred, and how it can deepen your appreciation of beauty and of other people. He also shows why this transformation works, drawing on the latest in neuroscience and psychology, and armed with an acute understanding of human evolution.

This book is the culmination of a personal journey that began with Wright’s landmark book on evolutionary psychology, The Moral Animal, and deepened as he immersed himself in meditative practice and conversed with some of the world’s most skilled meditators. The result is a story that is “provocative, informative and...deeply rewarding” (The New York Times Book Review), and as entertaining as it is illuminating. Written with the wit, clarity, and grace for which Wright is famous, Why Buddhism Is True lays the foundation for a spiritual life in a secular age and shows how, in a time of technological distraction and social division, we can save ourselves from ourselves, both as individuals and as a species.

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“A sublime achievement.”

—Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker

“Provocative, informative and... deeply rewarding.... I found myself not just agreeing [with] but applauding the author.”

—The New York Times Book Review

“This is exactly the book that so many of us are looking for. Writing with his characteristic wit, brilliance, and tenderhearted skepticism, Robert Wright tells us everything we need to know about the science, practice, and power of Buddhism.”

—Susan Cain, bestselling author of Quiet

“I have been waiting all my life for a readable, lucid explanation of Buddhism by a tough-minded, skeptical intellect. Here it is. This is a scientific and spiritual voyage unlike any I have taken before.”

—Martin Seligman, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and bestselling author of Authentic Happiness

“A fantastically rational introduction to meditation…. It constantly made me smile a little, and occasionally chuckle…. A wry, self-deprecating, and brutally empirical guide to the avoidance of suffering.”

—Andrew Sullivan, New York Magazine 

“[A] superb, level-headed new book.”

—Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian

“Robert Wright brings his sharp wit and love of analysis to good purpose, making a compelling case for the nuts and bolts of how meditation actually works. This book will be useful for all of us, from experienced meditators to hardened skeptics who are wondering what all the fuss is about.”

—Sharon Salzberg, cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society and bestselling author of Real Happiness 

“What happens when someone steeped in evolutionary psychology takes a cool look at Buddhism?  If that person is, like Robert Wright, a gifted writer, the answer is this surprising, enjoyable, challenging, and potentially life-changing book.”

—Peter Singer, professor of philosophy at Princeton University and author of Ethics in the Real World

“Delightfully personal, yet broadly important.”


“Rendered in a down-to-earth and highly readable style, with witty quips and self-effacing humility that give the book its distinctive appeal and persuasive power.”

—America Magazine --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Why Buddhism is True



Taking the Red Pill

At the risk of overdramatizing the human condition: Have you ever seen the movie The Matrix?

It’s about a guy named Neo (played by Keanu Reeves), who discovers that he’s been inhabiting a dream world. The life he thought he was living is actually an elaborate hallucination. He’s having that hallucination while, unbeknownst to him, his actual physical body is inside a gooey, coffin-size pod—one among many pods, rows and rows of pods, each pod containing a human being absorbed in a dream. These people have been put in their pods by robot overlords and given dream lives as pacifiers.

The choice faced by Neo—to keep living a delusion or wake up to reality—is famously captured in the movie’s “red pill” scene. Neo has been contacted by rebels who have entered his dream (or, strictly speaking, whose avatars have entered his dream). Their leader, Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne), explains the situation to Neo: “You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch—a prison for your mind.” The prison is called the Matrix, but there’s no way to explain to Neo what the Matrix ultimately is. The only way to get the whole picture, says Morpheus, is “to see it for yourself.” He offers Neo two pills, a red one and a blue one. Neo can take the blue pill and return to his dream world, or take the red pill and break through the shroud of delusion. Neo chooses the red pill.

That’s a pretty stark choice: a life of delusion and bondage or a life of insight and freedom. In fact, it’s a choice so dramatic that you’d think a Hollywood movie is exactly where it belongs—that the choices we really get to make about how to live our lives are less momentous than this, more pedestrian. Yet when that movie came out, a number of people saw it as mirroring a choice they had actually made.

The people I’m thinking about are what you might call Western Buddhists, people in the United States and other Western countries who, for the most part, didn’t grow up Buddhist but at some point adopted Buddhism. At least they adopted a version of Buddhism, a version that had been stripped of some supernatural elements typically found in Asian Buddhism, such as belief in reincarnation and in various deities. This Western Buddhism centers on a part of Buddhist practice that in Asia is more common among monks than among laypeople: meditation, along with immersion in Buddhist philosophy. (Two of the most common Western conceptions of Buddhism—that it’s atheistic and that it revolves around meditation—are wrong; most Asian Buddhists do believe in gods, though not an omnipotent creator God, and don’t meditate.)

These Western Buddhists, long before they watched The Matrix, had become convinced that the world as they had once seen it was a kind of illusion—not an out-and-out hallucination but a seriously warped picture of reality that in turn warped their approach to life, with bad consequences for them and the people around them. Now they felt that, thanks to meditation and Buddhist philosophy, they were seeing things more clearly. Among these people, The Matrix seemed an apt allegory of the transition they’d undergone, and so became known as a “dharma movie.” The word dharma has several meanings, including the Buddha’s teachings and the path that Buddhists should tread in response to those teachings. In the wake of The Matrix, a new shorthand for “I follow the dharma” came into currency: “I took the red pill.”

I saw The Matrix in 1999, right after it came out, and some months later I learned that I had a kind of connection to it. The movie’s directors, the Wachowski siblings, had given Keanu Reeves three books to read in preparation for playing Neo. One of them was a book I had written a few years earlier, The Moral Animal: Evolutionary Psychology and Everyday Life.

I’m not sure what kind of link the directors saw between my book and The Matrix. But I know what kind of link I see. Evolutionary psychology can be described in various ways, and here’s one way I had described it in my book: It is the study of how the human brain was designed—by natural selection—to mislead us, even enslave us.

Don’t get me wrong: natural selection has its virtues, and I’d rather be created by it than not be created at all—which, so far as I can tell, are the two options this universe offers. Being a product of evolution is by no means entirely a story of enslavement and delusion. Our evolved brains empower us in many ways, and they often bless us with a basically accurate view of reality.

Still, ultimately, natural selection cares about only one thing (or, I should say, “cares”—in quotes—about only one thing, since natural selection is just a blind process, not a conscious designer). And that one thing is getting genes into the next generation. Genetically based traits that in the past contributed to genetic proliferation have flourished, while traits that didn’t have fallen by the wayside. And the traits that have survived this test include mental traits—structures and algorithms that are built into the brain and shape our everyday experience. So if you ask the question “What kinds of perceptions and thoughts and feelings guide us through life each day?” the answer, at the most basic level, isn’t “The kinds of thoughts and feelings and perceptions that give us an accurate picture of reality.” No, at the most basic level the answer is “The kinds of thoughts and feelings and perceptions that helped our ancestors get genes into the next generation.” Whether those thoughts and feelings and perceptions give us a true view of reality is, strictly speaking, beside the point. As a result, they sometimes don’t. Our brains are designed to, among other things, delude us.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Some of my happiest moments have come from delusion—believing, for example, that the Tooth Fairy would pay me a visit after I lost a tooth. But delusion can also produce bad moments. And I don’t just mean moments that, in retrospect, are obviously delusional, like horrible nightmares. I also mean moments that you might not think of as delusional, such as lying awake at night with anxiety. Or feeling hopeless, even depressed, for days on end. Or feeling bursts of hatred toward people, bursts that may actually feel good for a moment but slowly corrode your character. Or feeling bursts of hatred toward yourself. Or feeling greedy, feeling a compulsion to buy things or eat things or drink things well beyond the point where your well-being is served.

Though these feelings—anxiety, despair, hatred, greed—aren’t delusional the way a nightmare is delusional, if you examine them closely, you’ll see that they have elements of delusion, elements you’d be better off without.

And if you think you would be better off, imagine how the whole world would be. After all, feelings like despair and hatred and greed can foster wars and atrocities. So if what I’m saying is true—if these basic sources of human suffering and human cruelty are indeed in large part the product of delusion—there is value in exposing this delusion to the light.

Sounds logical, right? But here’s a problem that I started to appreciate shortly after I wrote my book about evolutionary psychology: the exact value of exposing a delusion to the light depends on what kind of light you’re talking about. Sometimes understanding the ultimate source of your suffering doesn’t, by itself, help very much.

An Everyday Delusion

Let’s take a simple but fundamental example: eating some junk food, feeling briefly satisfied, and then, only minutes later, feeling a kind of crash and maybe a hunger for more junk food. This is a good example to start with for two reasons.

First, it illustrates how subtle our delusions can be. There’s no point in the course of eating a six-pack of small powdered-sugar doughnuts when you’re believing that you’re the messiah or that foreign agents are conspiring to assassinate you. And that’s true of many sources of delusion that I’ll discuss in this book: they’re more about illusion—about things not being quite what they seem—than about delusion in the more dramatic sense of that word. Still, by the end of the book, I’ll have argued that all of these illusions do add up to a very large-scale warping of reality, a disorientation that is as significant and consequential as out-and-out delusion.

The second reason junk food is a good example to start with is that it’s fundamental to the Buddha’s teachings. Okay, it can’t be literally fundamental to the Buddha’s teachings, because 2,500 years ago, when the Buddha taught, junk food as we know it didn’t exist. What’s fundamental to the Buddha’s teachings is the general dynamic of being powerfully drawn to sensory pleasure that winds up being fleeting at best. One of the Buddha’s main messages was that the pleasures we seek evaporate quickly and leave us thirsting for more. We spend our time looking for the next gratifying thing—the next powdered-sugar doughnut, the next sexual encounter, the next status-enhancing promotion, the next online purchase. But the thrill always fades, and it always leaves us wanting more. The old Rolling Stones lyric “I can’t get no satisfaction” is, according to Buddhism, the human condition. Indeed, though the Buddha is famous for asserting that life is pervaded by suffering, some scholars say that’s an incomplete rendering of his message and that the word translated as “suffering,” dukkha, could, for some purposes, be translated as “unsatisfactoriness.”

So what exactly is the illusory part of pursuing doughnuts or sex or consumer goods or a promotion? There are different illusions associated with different pursuits, but for now we can focus on one illusion that’s common to these things: the overestimation of how much happiness they’ll bring. Again, by itself this is delusional only in a subtle sense. If I asked you whether you thought that getting that next promotion, or getting an A on that next exam, or eating that next powdered-sugar doughnut would bring you eternal bliss, you’d say no, obviously not. On the other hand, we do often pursue such things with, at the very least, an unbalanced view of the future. We spend more time envisioning the perks that a promotion will bring than envisioning the headaches it will bring. And there may be an unspoken sense that once we’ve achieved this long-sought goal, once we’ve reached the summit, we’ll be able to relax, or at least things will be enduringly better. Similarly, when we see that doughnut sitting there, we immediately imagine how good it tastes, not how intensely we’ll want another doughnut only moments after eating it, or how we’ll feel a bit tired or agitated later, when the sugar rush subsides.

Why Pleasure Fades

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to explain why this sort of distortion would be built into human anticipation. It just takes an evolutionary biologist—or, for that matter, anyone willing to spend a little time thinking about how evolution works.

Here’s the basic logic. We were “designed” by natural selection to do certain things that helped our ancestors get their genes into the next generation—things like eating, having sex, earning the esteem of other people, and outdoing rivals. I put “designed” in quotation marks because, again, natural selection isn’t a conscious, intelligent designer but an unconscious process. Still, natural selection does create organisms that look as if they’re the product of a conscious designer, a designer who kept fiddling with them to make them effective gene propagators. So, as a kind of thought experiment, it’s legitimate to think of natural selection as a “designer” and put yourself in its shoes and ask: If you were designing organisms to be good at spreading their genes, how would you get them to pursue the goals that further this cause? In other words, granted that eating, having sex, impressing peers, and besting rivals helped our ancestors spread their genes, how exactly would you design their brains to get them to pursue these goals? I submit that at least three basic principles of design would make sense:

1. Achieving these goals should bring pleasure, since animals, including humans, tend to pursue things that bring pleasure.

2. The pleasure shouldn’t last forever. After all, if the pleasure didn’t subside, we’d never seek it again; our first meal would be our last, because hunger would never return. So too with sex: a single act of intercourse, and then a lifetime of lying there basking in the afterglow. That’s no way to get lots of genes into the next generation!

3. The animal’s brain should focus more on (1), the fact that pleasure will accompany the reaching of a goal, than on (2), the fact that the pleasure will dissipate shortly thereafter. After all, if you focus on (1), you’ll pursue things like food and sex and social status with unalloyed gusto, whereas if you focus on (2), you could start feeling ambivalence. You might, for example, start asking what the point is of so fiercely pursuing pleasure if the pleasure will wear off shortly after you get it and leave you hungering for more. Before you know it, you’ll be full of ennui and wishing you’d majored in philosophy.

If you put these three principles of design together, you get a pretty plausible explanation of the human predicament as diagnosed by the Buddha. Yes, as he said, pleasure is fleeting, and, yes, this leaves us recurrently dissatisfied. And the reason is that pleasure is designed by natural selection to evaporate so that the ensuing dissatisfaction will get us to pursue more pleasure. Natural selection doesn’t “want” us to be happy, after all; it just “wants” us to be productive, in its narrow sense of productive. And the way to make us productive is to make the anticipation of pleasure very strong but the pleasure itself not very long-lasting.

Scientists can watch this logic play out at the biochemical level by observing dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is correlated with pleasure and the anticipation of pleasure. In one seminal study, they took monkeys and monitored dopamine-generating neurons as drops of sweet juice fell onto the monkeys’ tongues. Predictably, dopamine was released right after the juice touched the tongue. But then the monkeys were trained to expect drops of juice after a light turned on. As the trials proceeded, more and more of the dopamine came when the light turned on, and less and less came after the juice hit the tongue.

We have no way of knowing for sure what it felt like to be one of those monkeys, but it would seem that, as time passed, there was more in the way of anticipating the pleasure that would come from the sweetness, yet less in the way of pleasure actually coming from the sweetness.I,† To translate this conjecture into everyday human terms:

If you encounter a new kind of pleasure—if, say, you’ve somehow gone your whole life without eating a powdered-sugar doughnut, and somebody hands you one and suggests you try it—you’ll get a big blast of dopamine after the taste of the doughnut sinks in. But later, once you’re a confirmed powdered-sugar-doughnut eater, the lion’s share of the dopamine spike comes before you actually bite into the doughnut, as you’re staring longingly at it; the amount that comes after the bite is much less than the amount you got after that first, blissful bite into a powdered-sugar doughnut. The pre-bite dopamine blast you’re now getting is the promise of more bliss, and the post-bite drop in dopamine is, in a way, the breaking of the promise—or, at least, it’s a kind of biochemical acknowledgment that there was some overpromising. To the extent that you bought the promise—anticipated greater pleasure than would be delivered by the consumption itself—you have been, if not deluded in the strong sense of that term, at least misled.

Kind of cruel, in a way—but what do you expect from natural selection? Its job is to build machines that spread genes, and if that means programming some measure of illusion into the machines, then illusion there will be.

Unhelpful Insights

So this is one kind of light science can shed on an illusion. Call it “Darwinian light.” By looking at things from the point of view of natural selection, we see why the illusion would be built into us, and we have more reason than ever to see that it is an illusion. But—and this is the main point of this little digression—this kind of light is of limited value if your goal is to actually liberate yourself from the illusion.

Don’t believe me? Try this simple experiment: (1) Reflect on the fact that our lust for doughnuts and other sweet things is a kind of illusion—that the lust implicitly promises more enduring pleasure than will result from succumbing to it, while blinding us to the letdown that may ensue. (2) As you’re reflecting on this fact, hold a powdered-sugar doughnut six inches from your face. Do you feel the lust for it magically weakening? Not if you’re like me, no.

This is what I discovered after immersing myself in evolutionary psychology: knowing the truth about your situation, at least in the form that evolutionary psychology provides it, doesn’t necessarily make your life any better. In fact, it can actually make it worse. You’re still stuck in the natural human cycle of ultimately futile pleasure-seeking—what psychologists sometimes call “the hedonic treadmill”—but now you have new reason to see the absurdity of it. In other words, now you see that it’s a treadmill, a treadmill specifically designed to keep you running, often without really getting anywhere—yet you keep running!

And powdered-sugar doughnuts are just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, the truth is, it’s not all that uncomfortable to be aware of the Darwinian logic behind your lack of dietary self-discipline. In fact, you may find in this logic a comforting excuse: it’s hard to fight Mother Nature, right? But evolutionary psychology also made me more aware of how illusion shapes other kinds of behavior, such as the way I treat other people and the way I, in various senses, treat myself. In these realms, Darwinian self-consciousness was sometimes very uncomfortable.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a meditation teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, has said, “Ultimately, happiness comes down to choosing between the discomfort of becoming aware of your mental afflictions and the discomfort of being ruled by them.” What he meant is that if you want to liberate yourself from the parts of the mind that keep you from realizing true happiness, you have to first become aware of them, which can be unpleasant.

Okay, fine; that’s a form of painful self-consciousness that would be worthwhile—the kind that leads ultimately to deep happiness. But the kind I got from evolutionary psychology was the worst of both worlds: the painful self-consciousness without the deep happiness. I had both the discomfort of being aware of my mental afflictions and the discomfort of being ruled by them.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Well, with evolutionary psychology I felt I had found the truth. But, manifestly, I had not found the way. Which was enough to make me wonder about another thing Jesus said: that the truth will set you free. I felt I had seen the basic truth about human nature, and I saw more clearly than ever how various illusions imprisoned me, but this truth wasn’t amounting to a Get Out of Jail Free card.

So is there another version of the truth out there that would set me free? No, I don’t think so. At least, I don’t think there’s an alternative to the truth presented by science; natural selection, like it or not, is the process that created us. But some years after writing The Moral Animal, I did start to wonder if there was a way to operationalize the truth—a way to put the actual, scientific truth about human nature and the human condition into a form that would not just identify and explain the illusions we labor under but would also help us liberate ourselves from them. I started wondering if this Western Buddhism I was hearing about might be that way. Maybe many of the Buddha’s teachings were saying essentially the same thing modern psychological science says. And maybe meditation was in large part a different way of appreciating these truths—and, in addition, a way of actually doing something about them.

So in August 2003 I headed to rural Massachusetts for my first silent meditation retreat—a whole week devoted to meditation and devoid of such distractions as email, news from the outside world, and speaking to other human beings.

The Truth about Mindfulness

You could be excused for doubting that a retreat like this would yield anything very dramatic or profound. The retreat was, broadly speaking, in the tradition of “mindfulness meditation,” the kind of meditation that was starting to catch on in the West and that in the years since has gone mainstream. As commonly described, mindfulness—the thing mindfulness meditation aims to cultivate—isn’t very deep or exotic. To live mindfully is to pay attention to, to be “mindful of” what’s happening in the here and now and to experience it in a clear, direct way, unclouded by various mental obfuscations. Stop and smell the roses.

This is an accurate description of mindfulness as far as it goes. But it doesn’t go very far. “Mindfulness,” as popularly conceived, is just the beginning of mindfulness.

And it’s in some ways a misleading beginning. If you delve into ancient Buddhist writings, you won’t find a lot of exhortations to stop and smell the roses—and that’s true even if you focus on those writings that feature the word sati, the word that’s translated as “mindfulness.” Indeed, sometimes these writings seem to carry a very different message. The ancient Buddhist text known as The Four Foundations of Mindfulness—the closest thing there is to a Bible of Mindfulness—reminds us that our bodies are “full of various kinds of unclean things” and instructs us to meditate on such bodily ingredients as “feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, skin-oil, saliva, mucus, fluid in the joints, urine.” It also calls for us to imagine our bodies “one day, two days, three days dead—bloated, livid, and festering.”

I’m not aware of any bestselling books on mindfulness meditation called Stop and Smell the Feces. And I’ve never heard a meditation teacher recommend that I meditate on my bile, phlegm, and pus or on the rotting corpse that I will someday be. What is presented today as an ancient meditative tradition is actually a selective rendering of an ancient meditative tradition, in some cases carefully manicured.

There’s no scandal here. There’s nothing wrong with modern interpreters of Buddhism being selective—even, sometimes, creative—in what they present as Buddhism. All spiritual traditions evolve, adapting to time and place, and the Buddhist teachings that find an audience today in the United States and Europe are a product of such evolution.

The main thing, for our purposes, is that this evolution—the evolution that has produced a distinctively Western, twenty-first-century version of Buddhism—hasn’t severed the connection between current practice and ancient thought. Modern mindfulness meditation isn’t exactly the same as ancient mindfulness meditation, but the two share a common philosophical foundation. If you follow the underlying logic of either of them far enough, you will find a dramatic claim: that we are, metaphorically speaking, living in the Matrix. However mundane mindfulness meditation may sometimes sound, it is a practice that, if pursued rigorously, can let you see what Morpheus says the red pill will let you see. Namely, “how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

On that first meditation retreat, I had some pretty powerful experiences—powerful enough to make me want to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. So I read more about Buddhist philosophy, and talked to experts on Buddhism, and eventually went on more meditation retreats, and established a daily meditation practice.

All of this made it clearer to me why The Matrix had come to be known as a “dharma movie.” Though evolutionary psychology had already convinced me that people are by nature pretty deluded, Buddhism, it turned out, painted an even more dramatic picture. In the Buddhist view, the delusion touches everyday perceptions and thoughts in ways subtler and more pervasive than I had imagined. And in ways that made sense to me. In other words, this kind of delusion, it seemed to me, could be explained as the natural product of a brain that had been engineered by natural selection. The more I looked into Buddhism, the more radical it seemed, but the more I examined it in the light of modern psychology, the more plausible it seemed. The real-life Matrix, the one in which we’re actually embedded, came to seem more like the one in the movie—not quite as mind-bending, maybe, but profoundly deceiving and ultimately oppressive, and something that humanity urgently needs to escape.

The good news is the other thing I came to believe: if you want to escape from the Matrix, Buddhist practice and philosophy offer powerful hope. Buddhism isn’t alone in this promise. There are other spiritual traditions that address the human predicament with insight and wisdom. But Buddhist meditation, along with its underlying philosophy, addresses that predicament in a strikingly direct and comprehensive way. Buddhism offers an explicit diagnosis of the problem and a cure. And the cure, when it works, brings not just happiness but clarity of vision: the actual truth about things, or at least something way, way closer to that than our everyday view of them.

Some people who have taken up meditation in recent years have done so for essentially therapeutic reasons. They practice mindfulness-based stress reduction or focus on some specific personal problem. They may have no idea that the kind of meditation they’re practicing can be a deeply spiritual endeavor and can transform their view of the world. They are, without knowing it, near the threshold of a basic choice, a choice that only they can make. As Morpheus says to Neo, “I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.” This book is an attempt to show people the door, give them some idea of what lies beyond it, and explain, from a scientific standpoint, why what lies beyond it has a stronger claim to being real than the world they’re familiar with.

I. This and all subsequent daggers refer to elaborative notes that can be found in the Notes section at the end of the book. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

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Product details

File Size : 2036 KB

Print Length : 337 pages

Word Wise : Enabled

Publisher : Simon & Schuster (8 August 2017)

Language: : English


Page Numbers Source ISBN : 1439195455

Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled

Text-to-Speech : Enabled

X-Ray : Enabled

Best-sellers rank 6,780 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)

4 in Evolutionary Psychology

29 in Happiness

97 in Philosophy (Books)

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3.0 out of 5 stars Oscillating thoughts

Reviewed in Australia on 8 January 2018

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From the onset, I immediately liked what I was reading, but as I progressed further and further into the book, I started losing interest. This is not to discount the author and his superior knowledge on this subject, with all due respect, but more about my mindset at the time of reading this book.

Let me explain.

I'm by no means an expert on meditation or on any science around the philosophy of meditation and enlightenment, so my boredom came about because I felt like I'd acquired this knowledge before, either through having read similar, or from having explored meditation in my earlier life (this sounds arrogant of me, but I promise you, it's not intended to sound like that at all), and because the author tended to sermonise too much, in my opinion, which I found very annoying.

I think that the minute I realised this about the book, is about the time that I simply switched off and lost interest, but regardless, I still read it to the end, because I don't like leaving books unfinished and at least wanted to give the author the due respect to read his book to the end.

Having said this, there were bits in the book that resonated with me, especially because it seemed 'common core' as the author puts it.  The bits where he speaks of questioning an emotion and getting an answer, and suddenly the emotion is gone! I've done this many times before in the course of my entire life, and I was thrilled that the author had also had this experience.  An example of this experience would be in which I'd suddenly be in a situation where I'd placed a judgement call (be it subconsciously) of someone new to me, and because of that judgement call, I'd find myself feeling aggravated, only to then realise in an instant that I'm feeling this way and to check-in with myself and ask the magic question, why? Why am I feeling this way about that person? And as soon as I'd get my answer, it's like an epiphany and the sky opens up and the angels in the universe are all suddenly playing a harp together, and instantly, whatever feelings and thoughts I had of that person,  positive or negative, it's gone.  

Other than that, the other stuff in his book, was 'common core,' stuff that you may already know and may have tried before, such as; meditate.  Still the mind.  Feel the emptiness.  Know you are nothing and simultaneously know that you are something, that is in the here and now, forever more. Easy done for some of us, but not so easy for some of us.  For me.  What can I say? I'm here, right now.  My mind is actively active, but can be a blank as I focus on my breath or focus on simply being.  

You get the gist.

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Scott K

5.0 out of 5 stars A book for everyone

Reviewed in Australia on 21 July 2020

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Although I have been meditating and reaping the rewards for year, little did I know that if I improved my technique, the benefits would double.

This book taught me how to improve my technique and reap the benefits.

It's easy reading and even if you have no interest in Buddhism, it's much more about that.

It teaches how ’not to take anything for granted’ wonderful whether you are a meditater like me, or for someone who just needs a little assistance getting out of the daily anxieties and potholes we find ourselves in.


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David N, Canberra, Australia

4.0 out of 5 stars Ignore the title - a secular investigation of western Buddhism psychology and why meditation helps

Reviewed in Australia on 6 March 2020

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Not-self – the idea that there is no executive function within our conscious mind – the self is an illusion as we react to many stimuli within our minds, esp feelings. The best given example is jealousy, when it arises and we are not in control.

Robert Wright “Budhhism is right” – (you have to get beyond the awful title!) His position is that modern and esp evolutionary psychology accords with Buddha on much of this (so what), and that mindful meditation can help get some measure of clarity..

Seemingly knowledgeable and uses lots of citations (haven't investigated how credible they are, but presented as eminent psychologists and taken on trust). His delivery is a little flippant and irreverent to a degree – so easy to read and amusing at times.


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2.0 out of 5 stars I was waiting for this book like a kid waiting for a lolly

Reviewed in Australia on 27 June 2018

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I was waiting for this book like a kid waiting for a lolly.

and always when you image something big, reality is different..from the title, i was expect a book that can open my mind, with scientific proof about Buddhism, and the why, the book is very hard to understand ( i'm not english native), and very very boring about personal history, personal fact from the past, so he became heavier and heavier, i didn't finished it, but i was expecting something more focus on why, examples, studies, scientific way plus personal experience. i found other book much more interesting than this one.

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5.0 out of 5 stars An absolutely brilliant book. A thorough and entertaining dissertation on Buddhism ...

Reviewed in Australia on 10 February 2018

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An absolutely brilliant book. A thorough and entertaining dissertation on Buddhism in a way that is accessible to those who are not Buddhist. Wright is a captivating writer. This book is a must read.

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Best Buddhism book I've read for a long time

Reviewed in Australia on 13 February 2018

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Best Buddhism book I've read for a long time. But you have to take time, trying to understand the influenced of Western psychology and Buddhism can be difficult. He is a great writer. Read The Moral Animal also.


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Claire Martenson

5.0 out of 5 stars Very interesting

Reviewed in Australia on 23 December 2019

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SO interesting. Love this book. I have suggested this to many friends


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Andrew G. Marshall

4.0 out of 5 stars Emptiness and Not-Self Two Buddhist ideas and how they could change your life

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 January 2018

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We see the world through the distorting lens of natural selection - that's the central idea in Wright's enlightening book - but what is good for getting our genes passed onto the next generation (all that natural selection cares about) does not necessarily make for the good life. However, many centuries ago Buddhism came up with a way to look beyond our knee jerk reactions of attraction and repulsion. It is called mindfulness meditation and Wright adds modern knowledge from neuroscience and psychology to show how we can have a truer sense of our best interests and thereby gain more self-control.

In particular, he is interested in two Buddhist concepts: not self and emptiness. Incidentally, these are two ideas I have long struggled with... Let's start with emptiness because Wright helped me finally nail this idea. Although we see, for example, our home as the source of security, continuity and lots of warm feelings associated with family, it is really just a pile of bricks and mortar. In the Buddhist sense it is an empty concept onto which we have projected all these emotions. Sure, our home evokes lots of strong reaction but a passing stranger would just see a house and react to the architecture or the location - which once again carries various cultural projections about whether a detached house is better than a semi-detached and how close it is to shops or how remote (which are all equally arbitrary criteria). As a therapist, I'm used to the concept that nothing is inherently good or bad but coloured by how we marshal our experiences, our prejudices and our expectations.

So good so far... but not-self is a much tougher idea. What I did find interesting is that Wright scuppers the idea of self as CEO which sits somewhere inside us and decides rationally what actions to take. Instead he uses neuroscience to explain that we have various modules that take charge. Rather than fighting temptation - for example to eat high sugar and fat foods - he suggests using the acronym: RAIN. Recognise the feeling, Accept it, Investigate the feeling and finally - the hard bit but meditation apparently helps - to Non-identify with the feeling and have Non-attachment to it. In this way the urge is allowed to form but does not get constantly re-inforced by the short term pleasure of, for example, eating the cake. Thus the link to the reward is broken and although the urge might still blossom without gratification it reduces and ultimately subsides.

The downside to this book is that Wright - like the majority of us - is a relative beginner to meditation and when it comes to seeking clarifications about Buddhism and enlightenment, he has to interview people further along the road. My suspicion is he often hears what he wants to hear, simplifying the arguments and glossing over the complexities of his case. Having said that I am convinced that I need to meditate more and take on board the concept of emptiness - because it is my attachment to particular things and outcomes which is often the source of so my unhappiness.

A useful book that I will stay with me for a long time and I recommend to others who want to take the red pill and see the 'truth'.

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Andrew Bill

5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant, prepare to start being challenged.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 December 2017

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Just read Evolutionary Psychology by David Buss and as I have been trying to understand Buddhism for 50 years or so, I wondered how the two related to each other. The net immediately identified Why Buddhism is True and the rather brave author delivered abundantly. He confirmed the idea that dukkha as interpreted as unsatisfactoriness would enhance survival to reproduce. Mr Wright's honest description of his experiences during meditation are very helpful. He clarified the emptiness/formless ideas and helped me understand 'conditioning' very clearly. His discussion of no self enabled me to identify two slightly different points of view, one where the thoughts and feelings are not part of you which is his point of view, and the other where the thoughts and feelings are part of you, but not all of you, which I lean towards. Perhaps the other aspect he clarified that the word attachment could, depending on context, mean being 'lost in thought' i.e. conscious awareness being entrained in the thought stream as opposed to the mindfulness observation of the thought stream, is related to the two points of view about no self. His discussion about how the loving kindness towards all sentient beings could arise was not convincing to me, and would obviously be a great step towards avoiding conflict, but if we did see through the little tricks natural selection has programmed into us we may stop reproducing.

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Martin T

5.0 out of 5 stars Don’t Miss this Superb Book...

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 February 2019

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This book is very different (in a good way) to many on Buddhism because it dares to approach the subject from some unique and intriguing perspectives that I suspect will thoroughly enthral you.

While my Favourite Book on Eastern Philosophy / Religion remains Freedom From the Know (by that acknowledge Master Krishnamurti) the Book under review is now firmly in my Top 3 Sharing a shelf with the aforesaid, and with Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now.

To share bookshelf space with Krishnamurti and Eckhart Tolle, you’ve really got to deliver something special - this book most definitely does! Think you’ll love it.

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The Book of Wisdom: The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism by Osho

 The Book of Wisdom: The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism. Commentaries on Atisha's Seven Points of Mind Training by [Osho]

The Book of Wisdom: The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism. Commentaries on Atisha's Seven Points of Mind Training by [Osho]

by Osho (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

4.7 out of 5 stars    51 ratings

Length: 450 pages Word Wise: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars    51 ratings

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k .a. ntiforo

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellently expressed.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 May 2013

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I would like to express my gratitude for having the chance to read this. I would recommend to any and all who have inner transformation as a goal. Thank you Osho and also many thanks to Amazon for making this available on Kindle.

Paribanana: Be a joke unto yourself!!..:-).

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jacqui ganesh

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 31 March 2015

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always excellent reading


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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 July 2017

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Very good 😊


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4.0 out of 5 stars Don’t think about anything that concerns others.

Reviewed in India on 25 August 2017

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In this book osho sheds lights on the teachings of Atisha, a leading proponent of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in India but moved towards Tibet and lived his life there. According to Osho, Atisha showered his love on Tibet and transformed the whole quality of Tibetan consciousness..He is reported to have existed somewhere in the eleventh century. Atisha .learned under three enlightened masters and because of that he is called Atisha the Thrice Great. The three masters taught him the three faces of ultimate reality, the three faces of God - the trinity, the trimurti. The first master Dharmakirti taught him no-mind and emptiness, taught him how to be thoughtless and contentless. The second master Dharmarakshita taught him love and compassion. And the third master Yogin Maitreya taught him the art of taking the suffering of others and absorbing it into your own heart. Atisha’s teachings are based on the above three fundamentals.

Atisha makes it a fundamental rule for his disciples to live in a happy frame of mind. He says: Always rely on just a happy frame of mind.

Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind. There are people who are unhappy in all kinds of situations.Even if you come across a negative, find something positive in it. He also says not to ponder over others’ defects or to interfere in others’ lives

Do not discuss defects.

Don’t think about anything that concerns others.

The sutras /the messages of Atisha are very very short, condensed and telegraphic..These are clear cut instructions given only to those who are ready to travel, to go on the pilgrimage into the unknown. .For Atisha the whole existence is divine. There is no personal God.

Osho asks us to listen to Atisha’s advice as it is of immense value. In Osho’s words:” It is not a philosophy. It is a manual to discipline yourself, it is a manual to transform yourself. It is the book that can help you grow into wisdom.” and hence Osho calls this book The Book of Wisdom.

Osho,s observations are always unique. Quoted below are a few of his observations found in this book.

Humbleness is an expression of the ego.

Those who give you goals are your enemies. Those who tell you what to become and how to become it are the poisoners.

Beware of the majority. If so many people are following something , that is enough proof that it is wrong.

People believe in lies, truth needs no believers.

God is not found by praying on your knees; God is not found in the temples and churches, God is found in intense living.

Don’t be knowledgeable, be wise.

There is a deep urge in man to know things which are worthless, to know things which make you feel special.

Osho comments in this book on Atisha’s seven points of mind training. The book contains a total of 29 chapters of which only 7 chapters are set apart for Osho’s commentaries on Atish’s teachings. Osho’s responses to a number of questions from a live audience appear in the remaining chapters. The topics of discussion include love, life and death; trust and belief; individuality and personality; fact and truth; dependence, independence and interdependence; positive and negative aspects of masculinity and femininity etc. etc.

An Osho reader will definitely love this book.

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Cliente Amazon

5.0 out of 5 stars Bello

Reviewed in Italy on 1 October 2017

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Essendo in inglese ci sto mettendo parecchio "per finirlo" (anche se probabilmente l'approccio migliore sarebbe da leggerlo e religgerlo...insomma non come i classici libri che li si legge una volta e poi basta)... però molto interessante e il linguaggio di Osho è sempre, a mio avviso, semplice ed efficace allo stesso tempo...consigliatissimo un po' a tutti


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The Book of Wisdom: The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism

 4.63  ·   Rating details ·  8 ratings  ·  0 reviews
Pages: 550

From the Jacket

These seven points of mind training are the fundamental teaching that Atisha gave to Tibet. They are of immense value. They are the whole of religion condensed. They are like seeds; they contain much, the moment you move into them deeply, when you contemplate and meditate and start experimenting with them, you will be surprised you will be going into the greatest adventure of your life.

Life in itself is not meaningful.
It is meaningful only if you can
sing a song of the eternal
if you can release some fragrance
of the divine, of the godly,
if you can become a lotus flower
deathless, timeless
if you become pure love,
if you can beautify this existence,
if you can become a blessing
to this existence, only then
does life have significance;
otherwise it is pointless.
it is like an empty canvas:
you can go on carrying it your
whole life and you can die under
its weight, but what is the point?
Paint something on it!


From the Back of the Book

India has given great gifts to the world. Atisha is one of those great gifts. Just as India gave Bodhidharma to China, India gave Atisha to Tibet.

Meditate on Atisha, listen to his advice; it is of immense value. It is not a philosophy. It is a manual of inner transformation. It is the book that can help you grow into wisdom. I call it the Book of Wisdom.

Atisha, as Osho explains in The Book if Wisdom, was a Ioth-century mystic who is credited with establishing the foundations if Buddhist teachings ill Tibet. In t1le following introduction, taken from a discourse series Om Mani Padme Hum, Osho talks about the priceless contribu

나는 왜 어머니 장례식을 치르지 않고 봉고차를.. 동현(東鉉)만필(漫筆)

나는 왜 어머니 장례식을 치르지 않고 봉고차를.. : 네이버블로그

나는 왜 어머니 장례식을 치르지 않고 봉고차를 대절해 화장터로 직행했는가

이북도민작가 이동현2020. 8. 2. 

“얘, 난 이담에 성당 요양원에 보내주거라.”

옛날에 어머니는 수줍게 웃으며 이렇게 말한 적이 있었다. 어머니는 대한성공회 정동 성당을 평생 섬겼는데, 여기서 운영하는 교외 요양원이 있다는 것이었다(대한성공회는 개신교임에도 교회를 성당이라고 불렀다). 당시 젊은 나는 어머니 말씀을 한쪽 귀로 흘려들었다. 회사 일에 바빠 어머니에게 신경 쓸 겨를이 없었던 것이다.

하지만 어머니가 노경에 접어들자, 당신의 과거 부탁이 얼마나 중요한 말씀인지 깨닫게 되었다. 어머니는 하숙을 치면서 할머니를 모셔와 10년간 돌아가실 때까지 섬겼다. 그 후에 어머니는 과로로 인한 뇌졸중으로 쓰러졌다. 하지만 초인적인 노력으로 재활했다. 어머니는 바로 외할머니를 모셔와 돌아가실 때까지 10년간 봉양했다. 그랬으면서 자신을 한없이 낮췄다. ‘요양원에 보내 달라’는 소박한 부탁으로 생을 마감하려 했던 것이다. 어머니 당부 말씀에는 당신의 생애 진리가 요약되어 있었다. 하마터면 나는 어머니의 심법(心法)을 허투루 지나칠 뻔하였다.

​따라서 내가 어머니 말씀을 거역하고 당신을 요양원에 보낼 수 없었던 것은 당연했다. 어머니는 아무도 돌보지 않았던 할머니를 모셔와 돌아가실 때까지 봉양했다. 그런 어머니를 마지막으로 기쁘게 할 수 있는 유일한 방법은, 당신 또한 돌아가실 때까지 자식의 섬김을 받는 일이었다. 어머니의 생애가 헛되지 않았음은 당신의 자식에 의해서만 입증될 수 있는 상황이었다.

성당을 향해 걸어가시는 어머니 뒷모습

나는 서둘러 운전을 배웠다. 그때부터 매주 일요일 아침마다 어머니를 성당에 모시고 다녔다. 초기에 나는 어머니 예배시간 동안에 성당 근처 사우나탕에 가 있었다. 예배가 끝나면 주차장에 대기하고 있다가 어머니를 모시고 나왔다. 그랬던 것이 나중에는 성당 안까지 들어가게 되었다. 어머니 거동이 더 불편해져 성당 안에서 예배를 도와드려야 했다.

​하지만 만 3년이 지나고 나서, 일요일에 어머니를 더 이상 성당으로 모시지 않게 되었다. 어머니 용태가 예배를 보기에 무리가 있기도 했지만, 그보다는 더 큰 이유가 있었다. 종교단체에서 효가 차지하는 비중이 크지 않다는 사실을 새삼 깨달았기 때문이다.

​“저 효자의 열심을 본받아야지. 효자가 어머니 모시듯 전도를 하면 못할 게 뭐 있어.”

“부모님을 위한 훌륭한 요양 시설을 건립해야 해. 그래야 자식들이 신앙생활에만 전념할 수 있겠지.”

피라미드 다단계 영업사원 같은 종교인, 토건(土建)업자 마인드를 가진 신앙인이 다수였다. 효의 '무산자(無産者, 프롤레타리아) 계급'에게 내 어머니의 유산을 증거하기란 불가능에 가까웠다.

나는 종교가 없다. 그러나 하나님이나 부처님이 이 세상 어디에든 계신다고 믿는 것이 종교라는 것쯤은 안다. 효자가 보기에 하나님과 부처님이 거하실 확률이 가장 높은 곳은 노쇠한 어머니 곁이다. 그런데도 삼라만상 중에서 하필이면 살아 있는 어머니만 콕 빼놓은 채로, 천국과 불국토에 당도하기를 전력으로 기도한다니 믿기 어려웠다. 
등잔 밑이 어두운 줄 모르는 것 같았다.

​"내가 안 보인다고 다른 사람도 안 보일 것이라고 단정하고 싶어하는 자신감은 대체 어디서 나온 것일까?"

​나는 깊은 생각에 잠기지 않을 수 없었다.

​"아, 요기가 바로 세상의 구멍이구나! "

어머니가 별세했을 때, 나는 당신이 섬겼던 교회의 장례의식을 따르지 않았다. 대신에 10만 원짜리 봉고차를 대절해 화장터로 향했다. 
불효자들의 손에 의해 통속적인 장례 제의 속에 어머니가 잊혀질 바에야, 차라리 ‘영구결번’이 되는 길이 낫다고 판단한 것이다. 
세상의 구멍이 알려져야 내 심청이 어머니를 증거할 수 있지 않겠는가!


(효 에세이) 적중(的中)에 대하여-종교적 이단에 빠지지 않는 지혜

 이북도민작가 이동현 ・ 2020. 3. 7.

2013년3월7일, 오늘의 어머니

신종코로나바이러스감염증이 확산돼 전례없는 위기감이 고조되고 있다. 세계적인 방역체계시스템을 갖춘 우리나라에서 예기치 않은 변수까지 튀어나왔기 때문이다. 이단으로 간주되는 기독교단체의 대구 교회에서 감염자가 확산되어 뜻밖의 양상으로 변질되기 시작한 것이다. 내 육십 인생에 이같은 전염병이 창궐하기는 처음인 것 같다.

상황이 이렇게 전개되자 기독교 이단교파에 대한 관심도 고조되고 있다. 왜 사람들은 종교적 이단의 유혹을 뿌리치지 못하는 것일까? 기독교 성경에 대해 무지하기 때문일까? 나는 그렇지 않다고 생각한다. 성경에 대해 잘 알기 때문에 이단에 빠질 우려가 높다고 보기 때문이다.

우리가 성경이든 불경이든 종교 경전을 접할 때는 특정 대목에서 막히기 쉽다. 종교적 신념체계는 일상의 논리를 초월하게 마련이기 때문이다. 대부분의 신앙인이 그 대목에서 종교적 의문을 풀지 못하고 흔들리게 된다. 이러한 혼란기에 사이비 단체가 손쉬운 해결책을 제시하면서 접근하게 되는 것이다. 이때 그 단체가 이단인지 아닌지 어떻게 알 수 있단 말인가.

사정이 이러하기에 우리는 곤혹스러울 수밖에 없다. 종교적 위기에 처해 있는 상황에서 정확한 판단을 해야 하기 때문이다. 이것이 인간 본질의 모순이다. 우리는 인생의 고비마다 해당 사안을 정확히 파악해서 의사 결정을 하는 것이 아니다. 그저 잘 모르는 채로 결단을 내려야 하는 운명이다. 모든 분야마다 전문가가 되어 판단할 수 없으며, 또 전문가라고 해도 올바른 결정을 한다는 보장이 없다.

우리는 얼떨결에 판단하는 경우가 대부분이고, 세월이 흘러서 그것이 올바른 판단이었음을 깨닫고 안도할 때가 많다. 가령 한국전쟁의 격변기에서 남행을 결정한 우리 이북도민 어르신들의 후예가 그러하다. 수험공부를 아무리 열심히 했다고 하더라도 시험지를 받아들면 모르는 것 투성이다. 시험 종료시간이 임박해 아무 것이나 찍은 것이 정답으로 확인되어 한숨을 돌리게 될 뿐이다.

효(孝)도 그러하다. 우리는 보통 예의범절을 잘 지키고 부모를 공경하는 것이 효라고 생각한다. 하지만 나는 정반대로 생각한다. 우리는 효에 대해 잘 이해해서 효를 행하는 것이 아니다. 효에 대해 모르는 채로 살아왔는데, 알고보니 그게 효였던 것이다. 효자 효녀는 자기가 효자 효녀인 줄 모른다. 남들이 효자 효녀로 부르고 나서야, ‘내가 그런 사람이었나’라고 놀라게 되는 것이다. 효를 모르고 행했는데, 그게 효였음이 ‘적중’한 것이다.

당신이 심청이 아들이라면 학교 순회강연을 하면서 학생들에게 효심을 고취하는 것이 좋지 않겠느냐고 생각하는 독자도 있을 것이다. 나는 그렇게 할 수 없다. 나는 효를 잘 알아서 효를 행한 것이 아니다. 행했던 것이 효였다는 것을 늦게서야 알았을 뿐이다.

효를 미리 공부한다고 효를 행한다는 보장이 없다. 효는 모르는 상태에서 올바른 것을 적중시키는 삶의 지혜의 영역이다. 그러므로 효자는 종교적 이단에 빠지지 않는 것이다. 고기도 먹어본 사람이 먹는다.

다음번에는 불교적 이단에 대해서도 거론해야 공평할 것 같다.

[출처] (효 에세이) 적중(的中)에 대하여-종교적 이단에 빠지지 않는 지혜|작성자 이북도민작가 이동현

비구와 대처승 | 백두 2012. 8. 24

 비구와 대처승 | 8 우리네 이야기/8 여유롭게 숨고르기

백두 2012. 8. 24.




비구는 <팔리어>로'탁발하는 이'라는 뜻이며

불교에서 출가해 구족계를 받은 남자 수행자.

원래는 힌두교에서 집과 가족을 버리고 다만

보시 만을 받아 생활하면서 편력하는 수행자

불교가 일어난 기원전 6세기경 다른 종교에도 적용

탁발하는 수행자를 가리키는 일반적인 명칭이 되었다.

불교에서는 출가해 구족계를 받은 남자 수행자만 지칭.

불교에서 구족계를 받은 여자 수행자는 '비구니'

출가생활을 시작하는 것은 만 7세 이상이면 가능

구족계를 받으려면 만 20세 이상이어야 가능하다.

그밖에 부모 허락이 있어야 하며 육체적으로 건강하고

빚을 지고 있지 않아야 하며, 건전한 정신이어야 한다.

'비구'는 '탁발하다'란 의미를 가진 동사 어근에서 파생

비구는 물질에 대한 무집착과 청빈한 삶을 살아야 한다.

초기 불교에서 비구는 가정을 버리고 세속적 추구를 포기

붓다의 가르침을 명상하며 매일 매일의 삶에서 그것을 실천

그들은 마을 근처 숲속 한적한 곳에 무리를 지어 머물렀으며,

음식을 공양받는 대신 종교적으로 바르게 사는 길을 가르쳤다.

불교 경전들에 따르면, 붓다는 처음에 남자만이 수도 공동체

나중에 제자 아난의 청으로 여자도 들어올 수 있도록 허락했다.

하지만 비구니 교단이 비구 교단만큼 규모가 커진 적은 없었다.

일상생활의 온갖 세부사항을 규정하고 있는 비구승 계율

모든 조항(상좌부 불교 227조, 북방 불교 250조)을 준수

비구니는 더 많은 조항의 계율을 준수해야 한다.

(상좌부 불교에는 311조, 북방 불교에서는 348조)

보름에 1번씩 열리는 비구들 모임 포살(布薩 uposatha)

계율을 위반했을 때에는 포살 모임에서 참회해야만 한다.

승가 계율 중 바라이(波羅夷 pr jika)를 어기면 종신 축출.

첫째는 성(性)관계를 갖는 것(邪淫),

둘째는 생명체를 죽이거나 교사(殺生),

셋째는 주지 않은 것을 자기 마음대로 자신의 소유로 하는 것(偸盜),

넷째는 깨달음의 정도에 대하여 참람(僭濫)한 주장을 하는 것(妄語) 등.

비구는 머리와 수염을 삭발한다.

옷으로는 겉가사(uttarsaga)·


덧가사(sagh) 등의 3벌의 옷

원래 넝마를 짙은 황색으로 염색하여 기워 만든 옷.

오늘날에는 재가 신자들이 주는 선물일 경우가 많다.

비구는 최소한 소지품 소유.

앞에서 말한 3벌의 옷 외에는,

앉을 때에 까는 좌구(坐具 nidana),

탁발할 때 음식을 담는 발우(鉢盂 ptra),

마실 물속에 들어 있는 작은 벌레를

다치지 않게 걸러내는데 쓰는 녹수낭(水囊),

허리띠, 면도칼, 옷을 기울 때 쓰는 실과 바늘

또한 매일 탁발을 하여 자신의 식사를 해결하는데,

비구에게 공양하는 신자는 공덕을 얻게 된다고 한다

비구는 정오를 지나서 다음날 아침까지

액체로 된 것 이외에는 먹어서는 안된다.

성스러운 날을 제외하고는

비구도 고기를 먹을 수 있으나,

비구를 위한 요리가 아닐 경우 만

동남 아시아의 상좌부 불교 국가에서는

비구의 경제적 행위 및 육체노동은 금기.

동북 아시아의 중국·한국·일본에서는 다르다.

그곳에서 큰 영향력을 미치고 있는 선(禪) 불교는

"하루 일하지 않으면 하루 먹지 말라"는 규범을 확립.

또한 어떠한 고기도 먹는 것을 금하고 있으며,

승려가 부부생활을 하는 대처승(帶妻僧)도 등장.


글자 그대로 처를 허리에 띤 승려란 뜻이다.

살림차리고 식구를 거느린 승려를 가리킨다

다른 말로 화택승이라 하며,

대처승의 반대말로는 비구승.

출가후 독신 수도자는 비구승.

선종을 중시하는 한국 불교계는 비구승이 주류.

이승만 대통령 유시 한달 후인 1954년 6월 24일,

대처승들에게 눌려 지내던 비구승

서울 선학원에 모여 대처승 추방결의

비구측을 종권도전으로 인식한 대처승

대처승 기성교단은 1954년 7월,

1945년 제정된 '조선불교 교헌'

'불교 조계종 종헌'으로 바꾸고

종단 직명을 종정(宗正)으로 환원

만암 스님을 종정에 추대

비구측은 두차례 전국 비구승 대회

대처승측에 환속과 종권 이양을 요구

그해 10월 태고사(太古寺)를 강제 접수

사찰 간판을 조계사(曹溪寺)로 바꿔 건다.

대처측은 11월 23일 조계사 탈환을 시도

조계사 접수 공방전은 1년동안 계속된다.

그해 비구측은 4차례 경무대를 방문

대처승 추방 협조를 거듭 호소하였다.

1955년 8월 11일 비구측은 전국승려대회를 개최

'조선불교 교헌'을 제정하고 독자적 집행부 구성.

이로써 조선불교는 두파로 갈라졌고

비구-대처의 대립은 본격화되기 시작

종단이 비구, 대처로 두 조각 나자

대처측은 승려대회를 무효라고 주장

서울 민사지법에 소송을 제기해 대응.

'사찰정화대책위원회 결의 무효확인 소송'

이승만 정권과 공생관계 종권의 탄생을 예고.

10 여개월후 법원판결은 대처승측의 승소판결

패소한 비구 측은 청담 총무원장을 인책 퇴진

1960년 4.19혁명으로 이승만이 물러나자

정부 비호를 받은 비구측이 조계사 장악.

1961년 3월 대법원 비구 측을 법적 인정

5.16군사 쿠테타로 권력을 잡은 박정희

1,2차 불교정화에 대한 담화를 발표하고

'불교재건위원회 조례안'을 양측에 제시

박정희 담화후 양측 대표들은 극적 합의

통합종단 명칭이 곧'대한불교 조계종'이다.

이로써 비구-대처의 종권분규는 일단락된다.

한때 대처측이 비구측과 다시 투쟁할 것을 선언

서울 민사지법에 조계종 종헌 무효확인 소송제기

정부당국은 대처측 반발에 강력한 억제 입장표명.


불교종권 다툼은 일제가 한국 불교에 뿌린 씨앗

소위 內鮮一體라는 구호하에 한국 불교의 왜색화.

일본 불교는 승려의 결혼. 육식등에 대해서 관대

한국불교는 청정한 율행(律行)을 생명처럼 여겼다.

일제 치하에서 33本山 스님은 도쿄 유학을 떠났다.

그때 대부분은 대처승(帶妻僧)의 신분이 되어 귀국.

1945년 해방 이후부터 비구 대처의 갈등의 씨앗.

1945년 이승만 대통령의 불교에 대한 특별 유시

왜색 승려는 사찰에서 모두 물러나라는 내용이다.

당시 비구의 숫자는 전국을 통틀어 200 여명

하여, 비구가 전국 1천2백 사찰 관할은 불가능

당시 태고종(조계종) 종무원 (총무원) 중재안

전국 사찰을 궁극적으로는 비구승들에게 양도

하지만 대처승은 그 당대에만 사찰 거주 허용

그러나, 사찰을 내놓는 대처승이 거의 없었다.

양측은 서로 빼앗고 빼앗기는 공방전을 계속.

1960년 불국사 난투극은 이 갈등의 절정이었다.

드디어 대처 비구 양자는 결별을 선언

비구승통합 종단 대한 불교 조계종 탄생.

한편, 대처 계는 1962년 태고종으로 발족.

이 와중에 헤일수 없이 망실된 재산과 토지

결과적으로는 불교에 대한 정부 관권의 개입

5.16 직후 여러 종파들을 등록시킨 것도 문제

이 때를 전후 한국 불교에는 26개 종파가 난립

무자격한 승려들이 대거 조계종안으로 스며든다.

이들은 사찰 재산권 이득만 노리고 승복을 걸친다.

조계종단 안에서 폭력이 활개를 치게 된 것.

정화불사를 주도한 청담 스님은 이점을 늘 후회.

다음으로 조계종 문제는 총무원의 재정적인 독립

총무원에 자금이 없어 사찰마다 분담금 제도 실시

특히 전국 명찰이 국립공원 지정으로 입장료 수입

일부는 문화재 보수등을 위해 지방 단체장이 관리

그러나 일부는 사찰 운영금으로 쓰이며 잡음과 마찰.

그래서, 조계종 총무원장 자리는 늘 단명

18년 동안 24명이 총무원장직을 거처 갔다.

총무원장 평균수명이 8개월 밖에 안되는 것.

본사 주지의 임명권을 총무원장이 장악하지만,

돈은 본사 주지가 쥐고 있어 피할 수 없는 마찰.



12세기 이전 일본 불교는 수행자의 결혼을 불허.

그후 정토종 승려만 공개적으로 결혼할 수 있었다.

메이지유신 이전엔 여성과 동침한 승려는 형사처벌

1872년 3월부터 개신교 영향으로 승려 결혼을 허용.

한용운(1879~1944) 같은 항일불교자도 대처를 주장.

욕망이 인간의 본능이라면 그 자체를 긍정하자는 뜻.

불교에 의해 조금씩 벗어나는 것이 더 적합하다는 뜻

불교가 중생을 구제하려면 태생도 인정해야 한다는 뜻.

결혼은 승려 스스로 자기 욕망을 점검해 결정해야 할 일.

붓다와 제자들 상당수가 기혼자 출신들이었다.

일본 정토종 이외 동아시아의 모든 대승 교단

19세기 중반까지 대처를 허용하지 않았던 전통.

남녀 간의 사랑을 수행의 장애로 보지 않았던 것.

비구 측이 대처를 비난한 1963년 당시 조지훈 시인.

동아일보를 통해 대처승에 대한 지나친 배척을 반대

.......<삼국유사>의 광덕 이야기를 논거...........

신발 만들기를 업으로 삼았던 하급 승려인 광덕

역시 승려인 아내와 함께 경주의 분황사에 거주.

밤마다 섹스 대신 부부가 함께 염불에 매진했다.

서로 보살핌과 챙김, 정신을 공유했던 결혼생활.

7세기 두 천민 승려를 신라인들은 무척 존경했다.

광덕의 부인을 관세음보살 환신으로 불렀을 만큼.

밤마다 목욕시켜 준 낭자에게 무심했던 노힐부득

자신을 유혹한다며 예쁜 낭자를 쫓아낸 달달박박

노힐브득이 먼저 미륵보살로 성불할 수 있었단다.

전북 부안군 월명암 소장의 <부설전>에 의하면,

결혼을 안해주면 죽겠다는 여인의 간청을 받아

환속해 거사가 되어 아들 딸을 낳았다는 부설.

계속 수행을 해온 그의 도력은 동료에 비해 월등

속인이건 승려이건 도만 깨우칠 수 있다면 구도자.

대처승에게도 '사랑할 수 있는 권리'가 있다는 논거.


...........'이판 사판'...................

흔히 사생결단이란 뜻으로 널리 쓰이고 있다.

"이판" 이란 수도하는 스님을 말하는 것이고

"사판" 이란 살림하는 스님을 말하는 것이다

이조시대 유교를 숭상하고 불교는 억제한 정책

그당시 승려들이 두 가지 방향에서 활로를 모색

첫째 사찰을 존속시키는 노력

둘째 불법의 맥을 이으려는 노력

그때 사찰 살림을 담당했던 승려가 '사판승'

속세를 떠나 불법을 이어온 승려가 '이판승'

해방후 비구승과 대처승의 다툼이 생겼을때

서로를 이판승과 사판승에 비유해 비판했다

이조 오백년 동안 불교가 살아남은 것은

이판 사판 두 승려집단의 공이 있었지만

이판 사판의 다툼은 쉽게 해결되지 않았다

'묘안이 없는 자포자기 상태 = 이판 사판.'

"아제아제 바라아제 바라승아제 모지 사바하"

반야심경 구절 중에서 '사바하' = '성취'란 뜻.

이조 때 불교의 활로모색 '성취'를 위한 '이판사판'


불교 종파간의 다툼을 상징하는 형제봉 전설.

비구계와 대처계 종파 다툼을 상징하고 있는듯.

형제봉 전설은 불교졸파 비구계에서 유래된 전설.

'형제봉 전설은 시대적 배경에 따라 변화.'

천왕성모가 마야부인 위숙왕후로 변하듯.

노고단의 노고할미가 선도성모로 변하듯.

형제봉의 형제신도 형제 돌부처로 변한듯.

연하천 요정으로 환생한, 옥녀 자매.

원래, 옥황상제 시녀인 하늘나라 선녀.

결국, 옥녀 자매는 연하천을 떠도는 요정.


‘비구’ 의미 다시 생각할 때 - 불교신문

‘비구’ 의미 다시 생각할 때 - 불교신문

‘비구’ 의미 다시 생각할 때

 이미령 승인 2012.05.20

〈16〉청정하게 걸식하는 사람

부처님을 따라 출가하여 수행하는 남성수행자를 ‘비구’라고 합니다.

 ‘비구’라는 말에는 여러 가지 뜻이 있는데, 첫 번째 뜻은, 비(比)는 ‘부수다’, 구(丘)는 ‘번뇌’의 뜻을 가지고 있으므로, ‘번뇌를 부수는 사람’을 의미합니다.

그리고 계를 받을 때에 스스로 “나 아무개 비구는 목숨이 다하도록 계를 지니겠습니다”라고 맹세한 사람이라는 두 번째 뜻도 있고,

세 번째로는 겁을 주는 사람이라는 뜻이니,

“이 수행자는 틀림없이 번뇌를 모두 끊어버리고 열반에 들게 될 것”임을 알아차린 마왕이 그 앞에서 겁에 질려 벌벌 떨기 때문입니다.

하지만 뭐니 뭐니 해도 비구라는 말에 담긴 으뜸가는 뜻으로는 ‘걸식하는 사람’입니다.

존자 사리불이 성에 들어가서 걸식을 한 뒤에 벽을 향해 앉아 공양하고 있을 때입니다. 이때 어떤 여성이 다가와 말을 걸었습니다.

“수행자여, 당신은 지금 생계를 유지하기 위해 밭을 가는 일이라도 해서 그것으로 끼니를 해결합니까?”


“당신은 그럼 신자들에게 별자리를 봐주거나 날씨 등에 관한 점을 쳐주면서 그것으로 끼니를 해결합니까?”


“그렇다면 사방으로 권력자들을 찾아다니며 그들의 공양으로 끼니를 해결합니까?”


“그렇다면 당신은 사람들의 미래를 예언하고 길흉화복을 점쳐주면서 그것으로 끼니를 해결합니까?”


사리불이 거듭 부정하자 여성이 물었습니다.

“사람들은 대체로 이 네 가지 방식으로 밥벌이를 하는데 당신은 다 부정하고 있습니다. 대체 당신은 무엇으로 밥을 먹는다는 말이지요?”

가장 천한 방식으로 밥 얻지만 수행자로서 본분 잊지 말아야 사리불의 설명이 이어집니다.

“출가자가 약을 조합하여 조제하거나 곡식의 씨앗을 뿌리거나 나무를 심는 등의 일로 끼니를 해결하는 것을 하구식(下口食)이라 합니다. 출가자가 별자리나 해와 달, 바람과 비 번개와 벼락을 관찰하여 사람들에게 알려주어서 그것으로 끼니를 해결하는 것을 앙구식(仰口食)이라 합니다.

출가자가 권세 있는 사람에게 아첨을 하고 그들의 심부름으로 이곳저곳을 쫓아다니거나 그들의 비위를 맞추어서 끼니를 해결하는 것을 방구식(方口食)이라 합니다.

출가자가 갖가지 주술을 배워 길흉을 점쳐주며 그것으로 끼니를 해결하는 것을 사유구식(四維口食)이라 합니다. 이 네 가지는 깨끗하지 못하니 출가자에게 마땅한 일이 아닙니다.

나는 이 네 가지 부정한 식사로 살아가지 않습니다. 오직 청정한 걸식으로 살아갑니다.”

세상 대부분 사람들의 밥벌이는 위의 네 가지를 벗어나지 않습니다. 하지만 바른 길을 걸어가는 수행자는 끼니를 해결하기 위해 자신을 팔지 않습니다. 사리불 역시 걸식으로 살아가는 수행자이나 그의 걸식은 굶주린 위장에 음식을 채워 넣으려는 것만이 목적이 아니었습니다. 그래서 밥을 빌어서 먹으면서도 “청정한 걸식으로 살아간다”고 당당하게 말할 수 있었습니다.(대지도론 제3권)

걸식은 사실 가장 천한 생계수단입니다. 그러나 뜻한 바 있어 스스로 그 길을 선택하였기에 <대승본생심지관경>에는 걸식을 하면, 부처님에게 있는 육계(肉?)가 그에게 생겨나거나 자신의 79가지 교만한 마음을 항복받고, 인색한 사람들을 복 짓게 하며, 가난한 집과 부유한 집을 분별하는 마음을 없애주고, 모든 부처님이 기뻐하여 일체지를 얻는 가장 좋은 인연이 되는 등의 열 가지 이익이 있다고 말합니다.

스스로 가장 천한 방식으로 밥을 얻으나 그 행위가 사람들에게 행복을 안겨주고 스스로에게도 수행의 완성을 가져다주기에 스님들 중에는 빈털터리인 것을 오히려 당당하게 생각하는 분들이 많습니다. 수행자의 위상에 대해 다시 한 번 생각해보게 되는 요즘, 청정하게 걸식하는 사람이란 뜻의 ‘비구’라는 이름에 자꾸 마음이 머뭅니다.

[불교신문 2819호/ 5월23일자]
