Showing posts with label holy spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holy spirit. Show all posts


The Lamb's War: A Lamb's Armor |

The Lamb's War: A Lamb's Armor |




Jan 1st, 1657

Despite two decades (and more) of conservative suppression, radical Quakerism lived on over the ages thanks to pamphlets like Nayler’s.





Assistant Editor for Intellectual History

The Quakers were not your average Protestants. Like Anne Hutchinson in the Americas, they believed themselves “above ordinances.” That is, they thought each individual possessed an “inward light” given them by God which superseded any connections between ourselves and the material world. Those who followed their inner lights had no need of clergy, nor kings, nor parliaments, for that matter. Quakers were famous for taking every conceivable opportunity to extend the revolutionary promise of turning the world upside down. Quakerism was a bit of a mish‐​mash movement anyways–it combined earlier traditions of Ranting, Seeking, Digging, and Leveling into a broader, deeper religious movement. As a political program, Leveling ground to a halt while Cromwell rose in power but the more overtly spiritual tasks of ranting, seeking, and even digging continued on. Across the land, Quaker “preachers” railed against the ministry and wrote ranting screeds like Nayler’s on the Lamb’s War; they sought to probe and stoke the inner lights of others in public displays and performances; they paraded themselves naked through public specifically to shock the delicate Puritan out of his hypocrisy; they refused to respect traditional social divisions and scandalized English society by wearing hats during prayer; they heckled Anglican and Puritan ministers and when Cromwell outlawed the heckling, the Quakers kept on at it. They suffered persecution of the spirit and the flesh to positively demonstrate what all of history seemed erected to obscure: God is no respecter of persons. Not even his loyal lamb, James Nayler.

After Nayler died, the Quaker movement began to stray from its radical roots. It became institutionalized to a significant degree. In the 1660s, Fox began a quiet counterrevolution to tame his flock. He instituted hierarchical, censorial rules for meeting‐​houses like the system of certifying members for approval to change or begin new ministries. Fox divided the sexes into separate meetings and began to suggest a sort of Quaker catechism. For a people born “above ordinances” and man‐​made moral rules, their leaders were making more and more of them as time went on. By the 1680s, the decades‐​long internecine war between radical antinomians and conservative dissenters settled in favor of the new “Quaker ruling class.” In both Englands, Old and New, William Penn‐​style “weighty Friends” now controlled the movement and craved widespread respectability. Their investments in global commerce were backed by the imperial navy, their bottom lines supported at every step by the labor of enslaved millions, and their vast landholdings were worked by mostly unfree people desperate for a chance at lasting comfort. As people like Nayler died, radical antinomianism almost died with them–but it did survive into the modern period, thanks in part to the writings left behind.

Nearly a century after Nayler, while traveling in southeastern Pennsylvania, you may well have stumbled upon a cave. In the cave, you would have found not a trace of moral taint–it would have been strewn with homespun cloth (not cotton) and while there might be some honey and milk to ease your hunger, you could find no slave‐​made sugar to put pep in your step. There you might have found a most unusual man. This Benjamin Lay was deeply touched by Nayler’s vision of the Lamb’s War and God’s charge that man fight evil right here in this life, right now. To Lay, Satan’s earthly minions were all those forces which created suffering, but most especially the institution of human slavery. “Primitive Quakers” like Nayler inspired Benjamin Lay, “the Quaker dwarf who became the first revolutionary abolitionist,” and in time–at least–the first phase of their Lamb’s War seems to have been successful. Read More

London: Printed for Thomas Simmons. 1657.



Can you live at ease, and in your pleasures and profits, and cover yourselves with worldly glory, while Christ Jesus is glorified in his temples with mockings, stockings, stonings, whippings, and all manner of evil entreatings? cast into holes, pits, and dungeons? having none on earth to take his part, nor plead his righteous cause, nor once to take notice of his innocent sufferings? but who as will may tread down his precious life, in the open streets, without resisting; and this for no other thing but for testifying against the deeds of the world, that they are evil, the pride and oppression, false ways, and false worships, never set up by him, but in the will of man, and so maintained against him, which he must judge with a contrary appearance, ere he come to his kingdom? And do you suffer with him herein, who have a heart consenting to these things? if not a hand deeply in them, secret or open, either in this cruelty acting, or contriving, or in cursed and scornful speeches, condemning such as bear this witness as a foolish ignorant people, and that they bring these sufferings upon themselves by their own wills: and so shoot your poisoned arrows, one way or other, against that Spirit which leads, and hath ever led such as do not resist and disobey him, into the same testimony; and so in secret you become worse than open persecutors.

Or it may be some few be come as far as Pilate, who washed his own hands, while others shed the innocent blood, and these are few indeed, who thus far will openly confess the just and innocent one, before his accusers, in what vessel he is thus honored.

But will the best of this stand in judgment, as sufferers with him? Or will he know you at his appearance, by this mark? Are these his steps you follow? Or is this his image, or power, war or weapons? Will this suffering bring you to reign with him? Or he in you, to your peace? Or will this cross crucify you to the world, and the world to you? Do you walk as he walked, or hath he left you such example to follow? Search the Scriptures, and read the life of them, and your own lives, with the light of Christ Jesus, and cease to blaspheme any longer, in saying you are Christians, while in Christ you are not, but in a contrary spirit, and contrary life. And your fellowship is not with him in suffering, but with them by whom he suffers.

Were ever Christians at their ease and worldly delights, while Christ hath not where to rest his head, thrust out of your meeting places, towns, and markets, and every assembly, if he do but testify against the evil thereof? Are you asleep in the world, and doth it not awaken you, to see or hear how sudden a return that bloody spirit hath made, lately in part cast out? and with what power he is now entering, like to exceed sevenfold, what he hath this many generations, making daily havoc of the lambs? Is it a time for you to riot in, to satisfy your lusts, to eat and drink, and arise and play, and spend your time and strength (many of you) so as modest heathen would blush at; and then say, you are Christians, and suffer with Christ? Surely were you members of that body, or sensible of his sufferings herein, you would not add thereto a greater weight, nor join to his adversary the devil, whose works these are; but on the Lord’s part everyone up and be armed in the light, with the armor of the Lamb (as before mentioned) to withstand these and other the temptations of his enemy, and in sufferings witness against them. Do you not daily read of such a testimony in the Scriptures, borne against the murderer by the Lamb?

How long shall it be ere the life of what you profess be seen in the face of your conversation, teachers and people? When will you teachers approve yourselves as the ministers of God, and sufferers with Christ (as saith the Scripture which you profess), “in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes above measure, in prisons frequently, in deaths often, in tumults, in labors, in watchings, in hunger, in fastings oft, in cold and nakedness, in poverty, in longsuffering, and love unfeigned, in honor and dishonor, in evil reports and good reports, as deceivers, as unknown, sorrowing, chastened, poor, having nothing, yet coveting no man’s money, making it your reward to keep the gospel without charge?” and much more of this self‐​denying nature which is the armor of righteousness the ministers of Christ put on, and with such weapons they went out to fight with beasts and belly‐​gods, false prophets, greedy dogs, hirelings, and all sorts that went after the error of Balaam for wages, gifts, or rewards: and by these marks of Christ they were ever to be known from Baal’s priests and such as the world called and set up in the will of man: and in the Spirit of Christ did openly war against them, with the sword of his mouth, and do to this day, even to the day of judgment. In whom the Scriptures are fulfilled, which cannot be broken.

Now why will you not measure yourselves with this measure, seeing this only is sealed to all generations of God’s ministers (witness the Scriptures)? Nay, why are you so exceedingly blind, and wicked above measure, that if you be found in the contrary nature, life, and practice, and God send some to warn you thereof, and hold forth the Lamb’s testimony against you, you presently suffer the evil one to get up in you, and in rage and madness (not minding this to be obedience to God in them, and his love and faithfulness to your souls) seek to cast some of these things before‐​mentioned upon them; and so your revenge turns to their double honor, and doubles a witness against yourselves, to your own condemnation, and that you have not the Spirit of Christ in you. And some of you exceed in this, above your forefathers; for whom the lambs of God have a lamentation. Yet must God be justified when he comes to judgment; for you will be found far off the suffering with Christ, though with your lips you honor him.

Surely he that hath a living conscience may much admire how you get over these scriptures in your teaching of others, and not to wound yourselves, or pierce your hearts with fear, and your faces with blushing, who are found so absolute in contradiction thereto, in conversation; and unlike in your lives, in the sight of every open eye. Or how you can muzzle your consciences while you pass your prayers, that your own mouth doth not devour you? It’s no wonder why you are such enemies to the light within: “every one that doth evil hateth the light.”

And you hearers of all sorts, how long will it be ere you hearken what the Lord saith to your souls, who is no respecter of persons? but everyone that bears not the image of his Son in well‐​doing, he hates, though with Cain you sacrifice, or with Esau you pray with tears. That with the light of Christ in your own hearts you may see how the world’s lusts have spoiled your souls of that heavenly image, and hath captivated your minds into its self and likeness; and how you lie dead in sin, covered with earth, and daubed over with the words of men. Oh that you would awake before wrath awake you, and put on the armor of God, not relying any longer on men that beat the air, to fight your battles, against him who is got into your hearts; but that yourselves, as soldiers of Christ, may all come to use the spiritual weapons against the spiritual wickedness exalted in the temple of God, so that you can neither see nor serve God therein, being filled with wicked and worldly cumbrances.

That’s the spiritual weapons which captivates every thought to the obedience of Christ, and this is the true warfare, and is mighty through God to cast down the strongholds of the man of sin in you; “and having in readiness to revenge all disobedience,” knowing that he that will not be led by the Spirit of God is for condemnation. And only these weapons are effectual to cleanse the heart of all that exalts against the life and knowledge of God, and to make way for his appearance, which no man’s words who is in the same evils hath power to do; for this power is only in Christ, his light and life. And only blessed are they who feel and find this treasure working in the earthen vessel; such shall approve their own work to God and have praise thereof, not of men. So should you come to see what others have said in Scripture, concerning “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” and savingly feel the power of his cross, of his death and resurrection, and the everlasting purity of his life, and that eternal love the Father bears thereto; an everlasting inheritance to all who learn him, and attain his appearance, whose beauty is blessed forever.

Called, chosen, and faithful are the servants and subjects of Christ’s kingdom, in whom at this day he maintains war against the prince of this world, the beast, and his seat, with the false prophet, and all that serve under his dominion and obey his laws he hath set up.

Now you that cry, “The kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ”: see that it be truth in you, and that you lie not within yourselves. The Lamb’s war you must know, before you can witness his kingdom, and how you have been called into his war, and whether you have been “faithful and chosen” there or no. He that preaches the kingdom of Christ in words, without victory, is the thief that goes before Christ. So take heed that your own words condemn you not; but mind your calling and how you have answered, and whether you have been faithful in that whereunto you have been called, the war. Christ hath a war with his enemies, to which he calls his subjects to serve him therein against all the powers of darkness of this world: and all things of this old world, the ways and fashions of it will he overturn; and all things will he make new which the god of this world hath polluted, and wherewith his children have corrupted themselves, and do service to the lust, and devourer; this the Lamb wars against, in whomsoever he appears, and calls them to join to him herein, in heart and mind, and with all their whole might: and for that end he lights his candle in their hearts, that they may find out every secret evil that the man of sin hath there treasured up, even to every thought and intent of the heart, to cast out the enemy with all his stuff, and to subject the creature wholly to himself, that he may form a new man, a new heart, new thoughts, and a new obedience, in a new way, in all things therein to reign, and there is his kingdom.

Now many are called to this war, but few are chosen and faithful. They that are faithful in their calling, them he chooses, and in them he reigns, & with them he makes war against his enemies on every side, under what color soever they appear; if they be not subjects to him, all in whom he reigns are at war with them in Christ, and the sword of his Spirit he hath put into their hand, his word into their mouths, whereby they are at wars with all the world, and the world with them; and he that’s faithful will make no peace nor agreement; neither will he bow nor yield agreement till there be a subjection to Christ. These are faithful to him that hath called them.

So you that are much in words, prove your own selves; if you be in his kingdom or of his subjects: then are you at work with him in this his day, wherein he is coming “in thousands of his saints, to take vengeance” into his hands and inflict it upon his enemies.

Now you who are asleep and at ease in the flesh are not of his kingdom; for by suffering in the flesh doth he make war, and slays the man of sin.

You that are at peace in the world’s ways and fashions, invented and maintained by the man of sin, you are not in his kingdom; for he hath given an alarm against all those things which hath caused the dragon to whet his teeth, and all the devouring spirits are stirred up, their lord’s kingdom to defend, every one with such weapons as they have, against the Lamb in his kingdom, in what vessel soever he reigns; and he is but one in all his, against all these.

Now you that are making peace where these things are upholden, you are false‐​hearted and betray the Lamb, as that of God in you shall witness; you are at peacemaking with his enemies.

But say you, God is love, and we are commanded to love all, and seek peace with all, &c.

I say, is God’s love in you otherwise than he hath ever been in Christ and all his saints, whom the world ever hated, whom God loved, & in whom he testified against the world unto death, and unto bonds and persecution? was not they in God’s love? Did not they keep his commandments? Will you take their words in your mouths and condemn their lives by your practices?

The Lamb’s quarrel is not against the creation, for then should his weapons be carnal, as the weapons of the worldly spirits are: “For we war not with flesh and blood,” nor against the creation of God; that we love; but we fight against the spiritual powers of wickedness, which wars against God in the creation, and captivates the creation into the lust which wars against the soul, and that the creature may be delivered into its liberty prepared for the sons of God. And this is not against love, nor everlasting peace, but that without which can be no true love nor lasting peace.

Love to God and man constrains us to be faithful in this war. Nor is God love to that seed of bondage, nor did he ever command you to seek the peace of it: “for the love of the world is enmity with God,” as saith the Scripture.

And were you not fallen into self‐​love, which is utterly blind (as to the love of God), you would see a great difference between the creature and that which keeps the creature in bondage and out of the love of God. Can you love that, & not hate the creature, and God also? This all that fight in the Lamb’s battles knows, who are in the true love. Doth not the spirit of pride, gluttony, drunkenness, pleasures, envy and strife, keep that in bondage which thou shouldst love by the command of God? Doth not the creature groan to be delivered from the vanity, customs and fashions of this generation? Is not the whole time of man taken up in service of the lust and invention which the man of sin hath found out: inventions in meats and drinks, inventions in apparel, inventions in worships, in sports and pleasures, &c.? Is not the whole creation captivated under this spirit of whoredom, and so man’s whole life spent in vain? So that men and women come into the world and depart out of it again, as though they were made for no other end but for vanity and selfishness: scarce one of ten thousand knows any call from God to any service for him, or hath an ear to hear that voice; but if any do hear and obey, they all conclude him deceived, and are ready to devour him, because he testifies against these evils which destroy men’s souls, and makes void man’s service to his creator, and devours the creation.

And can you love this spirit, bow and conform to it, or suffer it to reign in yourselves or your brethren, and you be silent under a pretense of seeking love and peace, and obeying God’s command, and boast in high words about Christ’s kingdom, counting it a low and foolish thing in such as faithfully and zealously bear their testimony for God, and against these evils? And will not God find you out, and your deceit and unfaithfulness in your generation; shall not God break your peace and disannul your covenant you are making with the world to settle yourselves in ease and pleasure; and bring you out with true judgment, where it shall be seen what nature your love is of, whose kingdom you are in, and whom you love and serve?

The day is dawned, and the sun is risen to many, that shall not set, nor shall he cease his course, until he have rightly divided between the precious seed and the children of whoredoms and deceit. And now the holy seed is called forth to appear in its color against the man of sin, and with “the sword of his mouth doth he make war,” and “with the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning” doth he consume the filthy and unclean spirits. And all that are faithful have their armor on, ready day and night to follow the Lamb, as he moves, counting nothing hard to undergo, so as they may but have hopes of reconciliation betwixt God and the creature that is fallen to the prince of the world, and led captive at his will. And this is love indeed to lay down all for such as are yet enemies.

Go on and prosper in the name of the Lord, and in righteousness make war; and all that are zealous for truth and purity shall say Amen. But the slothful, the lukewarm, and all unclean persons shut themselves out, as not for this work, nor worthy to be counted faithful nor chosen.

Perilous times are come; now is the earth and the air corrupted and filled with violence and deceit, ungodliness abounds everywhere, Satan is loosed and gone forth to deceive, multitudes of spirits are sent abroad, and have power given to enter all that dwell in the earth, who inhabit in dark places, who loves not the light; woe to the world, woe to all who have treasured up wickedness in themselves, for now will Satan seek to his own, and his vessels will be filled, filled with wrath, filled with pride, filled with lust, covetousness, and all manner of unrighteousness; the fulness of the Gentiles is at hand, and every bottle must be filled, that the Potter may dash them one against another. Woe to the drunken nation whose vomit is in the streets, streets filled with pride, filled with oppression and deceit, lying, swearing and cursed speaking, vomits out openly and not ashamed, vanity and folly is become a glory, wickedness shines, it exceeds in boldness, it’s not found in a corner but in the broad places of the streets, so that none can look out without danger of letting in the devil. Oh what is now to be seen in the world in which there is not a temptation? so that no safety is to him that looks out, for sin lies at the door ready to enter: woe to every city that’s without a watchman, these are the perilous times when every house is beset with danger, these are the evil days, the last times wherein iniquity abounds. And now where the watchman is blind (enemies to the light), that house will be filled with evil spirits; legions of devils may enter and inhabit in darkness, proud spirits, lying spirits, dissembling spirits, flattering spirits, deceitful spirits of all sorts, and those being got in, works in the vessel according to their several natures, the works of their father, holding forth his image to all that look out, tempting to get into others to enlarge his kingdom, and so the wanton look comes to be deceived, lust looks out, and pride calls and holds out an object to the eye, which being let in, it conceives within, and grows till it be able to bring forth of its own, and become a tempter to others, so vanity calls out of the devil’s treasury to all that pass by, spiritual whoredom cries aloud in the open streets to entice the simple and defile the virgin with eagerness, seeking to pollute the chaste spirit and corrupt the mind from God; now these are the perilous times wherein simplicity is taken in the snares of subtlety. Oh what baits are laid out, where the strong man keeps the house within; with an impudent face hath the adulterous mind set herself to deceive, enticements to the eye, words of witchcraft to ear; where Satan hath got a head, how doth he open his mouth in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit & its fruits of humility and purity and godliness, plainness & truth, blaspheming the holy truth of Scriptures, turning them against these fruits, and to plead for that which destroys these fruits and brings forth contrary fruits? what pleading for pride from Scripture, for respect of persons, for false worships, for covetousness, for excess and riot, for all deceitful dealings, and works of the flesh from Scriptures? the deceitful worker having through subtlety got the words of Scripture to destroy the life thereof, and set up a life contrary thereto as though they now allowed what they formerly condemned; and thus the whore holds forth a gilded cup, but filled with abomination and filthy lust.

And this is done with such craft as it is impossible for any who go out from the light within, to lend either eye or ear to that without, to escape the snare and not to have that which should be for their welfare turned into a trap, by that spirit which where it enters turns all the mercies of God into lasciviousness, as it is at this day in all where he is entered. How is riches become a trap to the rich to captivate them into pride, idleness and vanity. How is Dives’ table become a snare to captivate into all excess and wantonness and harden them against the lowly and meek; this is the greatest of curses, and it now abounds and seeks to enter and spread. How is trading become a trap to captivate men into deceitful dealing, and vain customs and fashions to serve the adulterous eye and vanity, so that not one trade amongst many, wherein a just plain man who is come to yea and nay, and cannot serve the vanity of the eye and the pride of life, can live; but if he will keep his conscience pure he must become a prey; these are evil times indeed. Where can the innocent go out and not a trap laid to bring him into bondage and slavery to some of these spirits, to captivate the conscience, or deceive the simplicity? What traps in laws which should defend the simple, traps in courts, traps in teachers, yea what is it wherein there is not the snare of the fowler to him that goes out? Wherefore now he alone is blessed who looks not out for a guide, who lends not an ear to the wicked, nor walks in the counsels of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, but delights in the light of Christ to exercise his mind day and night, the only shall escape these perilous times and not be polluted; his city shall be safety who stands on his watch, his house shall not be filled with thieves, these evil spirits shall not lodge there; they are prepared for darkness and have power in them that hate the light.

Watching in the light with diligence, faithfulness and patience, keeps the enemy out, and kills that of his seed that is within, where it is not wholly dead, while the root of pride & lust is within, it is fed by fetching in of its own without, but the faithful watch, suffers him no passage out nor in, and so he that watches for iniquity is cut off, and the seed of the evildoer is kept in captivity, and the devil cannot come to relieve his own; so “if a man’s enemies be them in his own house” (as it is with all till they be dead and buried), yet a faithful watch in the light will keep from being betrayed therewith, though the tempter with all his wiles and subtlety seek to draw out the mind, that he may come into his own, yet in the light he cannot enter; he that dwells in the light dwells in God and hath immortality for his defense, and who feels the power of meekness, truth, peace, love, patience, and holds this in his mind and heart, and will not be tempted from it, he holds the head; this is he that is given of the Father to be head to the church that is in God who dwells in the light, he is head over all principalities and powers and all spiritual wickedness, this is the savior and that name and nature to which “every knee must bow, and every tongue confess,” he that puts on truth and righteousness puts on immortality and eternal life, and freedom; this is our house from heaven, and hath power to save upon earth, and to take us up to heaven, to be with God forever, in whom is the kingdom, power and glory over all, blessed forevermore.


For the original text in full, see the Quaker Heritage Press.

Further Reading: Marcus Rediker, The Fearless Benjamin Lay: The Quaker Dwarf Who Became the First Revolutionary Abolitionist. Boston: Beacon Press. 2017.

The Lamb’s War: How Primitive Quakers Turned the World Upside Down
James Nayler

The True Levellers’ Standard Advanced, Part Two
Various Authors

A Fiery Flying Roll: The Angels of Levelling
Abiezer Coppe

Libertarianism and Christianity
Doug Bandow, Aaron Ross Powell, and Trevor Burrus

A Muslim Case for Liberty
Mustafa Akyol, Aaron Ross Powell, and Adam Bates

Ep. 14: “Lives of the Necromancers,” and the Salem Trials
Anthony Comegna




Jan 1st, 1657

For radical early Quakers like James Nayler, resistance was a way of life. In the “Lamb’s War” on Satan, they were called to open hearts, not end lives.





Assistant Editor for Intellectual History

James Nayler was among the “primitive Quakers” who formed that unique sect’s first generation of light‐​bearers. He was born in 1616 in Yorkshire and joined Parliament’s army in 1642 (he was a quartermaster–the man responsible for doling out meager rations to a long‐​suffering humanity). The English Civil Wars were a profoundly transformative series of events. King Charles clashed with the Parliament and both sides sent thousands and thousands of soldiers to their deaths. What was all the fighting for? Why did they have out this most deadly war in all of English history?–For many common folk and their sympathizers, the Levelers held the answer. At the Putney Debates (1647), radicals in the New Model Army seized their opportunity to press a series of truly revolutionary demands on the Cromwellians in leadership. The king was a captive, still firmly in possession of his head, and Cromwell’s men were willing to make a deal that would preserve Charles’ place and enlarge the lords’ own powers. The Levelers met them with demands that the House of Lords be abolished, the suffrage universalized, the monarchy and its corporate spawn were to be abolished, and all oppression done away with it. As a political program, Leveling died as Cromwell and his goons picked off its most important adherents (royalists murdered the Leveler’s main spokesman at Putney, Colonel Thomas Rainsborough, while trying to kidnap him). As a cultural matter, though, the Civil Wars unleashed an antinomian, leveling spirit that even the Lord Protector could not hope to contain. He had managed to take a king’s head, but he could not silence men and women like James Nayler who no longer believed the falsehoods and lies which drove men to violent deaths.

Nayler was among the first to join with George Fox in what only gradually became known as the Quaker movement. As part of the “Valiant Sixty”–the first itinerant Quaker preachers–Nayler conducted his ministry in a way that bothered even many of his fellows. He took the doctrine of the “inner light” a little too seriously; from time to time he seemed to think of himself as Christ. To more staid, conservative Quakers like Fox Nayler’s pretensions to messianism seemed terribly self‐​important to the point of blasphemy. Who was James Nayler to seriously compare himself to Christ? When Nayler and a group of followers staged a reenactment of Christ’s Palm Sunday walk through Jerusalem, the Cromwellian state took care of Fox’ Nayler problem. Parliament tried him itself, convicted him of blasphemy, and sentenced him to be branded with a “B,” tortured in other various ways, and imprisoned (at hard labor) for two years. When he was finally released, Nayler emerged a bit of a broken man; his spirit clearly affected by the ordeal, his inner light perhaps just a bit more dim. He died in 1660 from wounds taken during a roadside robbery.

We will have more to say about Nayler the man and his legacy for both Quakerism and the deep history of liberalism, but for now we begin with his most important, characteristic work: “The Lamb’s War Against the Man of Sin.” “The Lamb’s War” has it all–It weaves an apocalyptic vision of God and Satan’s cosmic battle with the public’s own historical memory and the sense that they themselves are the agents of change. Nayler begins by identifying Jesus as the Lamb. The Lamb is at war with Satan, “the spirit of this world.” We mere mortal earthlings are here to be part of the struggle, and nothing more. Our inner lights push us toward the Lamb and his holy, spiritual, peaceful regiments; the drive for selfish gain and worldly power pushes us to serve the Beast. Nayler urged his Quaker audience to do their part as good little lambs: lay down your lives, if need be, to always do what is right and good and avoid doing any evil. Read More

London: Printed for Thomas Simmons. 1657.



The Lord God Almighty, to whom belongs all the kingdoms in heaven and earth, doth nothing therein but by his Son, the Lamb; by him he creates and governs; by him he saves and condemns; judges and justifies; makes peace and makes war; and whatsoever he doth, he is at his right hand in all places, who in him hath long suffered the burden of iniquity, and oppression of wickedness that hath abounded for many generations, till it be come to the full measure, as in the days of old; and now his appearance in the Lamb (as ever it was when iniquity was full) is to make war with the god of this world, and to plead with his subjects concerning their revolt from him their creator, who ordered their beginning and gave them a being, and their breaking the order that was in the beginning, and giving up their obedience to the worldly spirit, and the inventions thereof, till they become so far one with it as that it hath not only defiled their souls and bodies, blinded their eyes, stopped their ears, and so made the creature utterly unprofitable to God and unfit for a temple for him to be worshipped in, or to hear the voice or understand the mind of the eternal Spirit, by which they was created, but that they are also become open enemies to every check and reproof of that Spirit which should lead them to God and doth testify against their evil deeds, and are not afraid to speak against it as a thing not worth the minding, nor able to lead them in the way of truth. Thus hath God lost the creature out of his call and service, and he is become one with the god of this world, to serve and obey him in ways that despite the Spirit of grace, and now use the creation against the creator. Now against this evil seed, and its whole work brought forth in that nature, doth the Lamb make war to take vengeance of his enemies.


To judge this deceiver openly before all the creation, showing that his ways, fashions and customs are not what God ordered for man to live in, in the beginning, to bind him and to redeem out of his captivity all who will but believe in the Lamb, & are weary of this service and bondage to his enemy, and who will but come forth and give their names and hearts to join with him, and bear his image and testimony openly before all men, and willingly follow him in such ways as wherein the Father hath given him victory over this power, for himself and all that follow him, to redeem them to God; and the rest who will not believe and follow him, and bear his image, them to condemn with the destroyer into everlasting destruction, and to restore all things, and make all things new, as they were in the beginning, that God alone may rule in his own work.


First, that he may be just who is to judge all men and spirits, he gives his light into their hearts, even of man & woman, whereby he lets all see (who will mind it) what he is displeased with, what is with him, and what is against him; what he owns, and what he disowns, that so all may know what is for destruction, to come out of it, lest they be destroyed with it, that so he may save and receive all that are not willfully disobedient and hardened in the pleasures of this world, against him; all who are deceived, who are willing to be undeceived; all who are captivated, who are willing to be set free; all that are in darkness, and are willing to come to light: in a word, all that loves righteousness more than the pleasures of sin, that he may not destroy them, nor they fight against him, and know not, but that he may receive them, to be one with him against that which hath misled and deceived them. And as many as turn at his reproof, he doth receive, and gives them power in spirit and life to be as he is, in their measure; but all in watching and wars against that which hath had them, and now has the rest of the creation in bondage, that he may restore all things in their former liberty.


And that is, whatever is not of God: whatever the eye (which loves the world) lusts after, whatever the flesh takes delight in, and whatever stands in respect of persons (as saith the Scripture), the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life; these are not of God; and whatever the god of this world hath begot in men’s hearts to practice or to plead for, which God did not place there, all this the Lamb and his followers wars against, which is at enmity with it both in themselves and wherever they see it; for in the work of God alone is his kingdom, and all other works will he destroy. So their wars is not against creatures, they wrestle not with flesh and blood which God hath made, but with spiritual wickedness, exalted in the hearts of men and women, where God alone should be, and pleaded for, by which they become enemies to God, and their souls are destroyed. Indeed, their war is against the whole work and device of the god of this world, his laws, his customs, his fashions, his inventions, and all which are to add to or take from the work of God, which was in the beginning; this is all enmity against the Lamb and his followers, who are entered into the covenant which was in the beginning, and therefore no wonder why they are hated of the god of this world and his subjects, who comes to spoil him of all at once, & to destroy the whole body of sin, the foundation and strength of his kingdom, and to take the government to himself, that God may wholly rule in the heart of man, and man wholly live in the work of God.


And as they war not against men’s persons, so their weapons are not carnal, nor hurtful to any of the creation; for the Lamb comes not to destroy men’s lives, nor the work of God, and therefore at his appearance in his subjects, he puts spiritual weapons into their hearts and hands: their armor is the light, their sword the Spirit of the Father and the Son; their shield is faith and patience; their paths are prepared with the gospel of peace and good will towards all the creation of God. Their breastplate is righteousness and holiness to God; their minds are girt with godliness, and they are covered with salvation, and they are taught with truth. And thus the Lamb in them, and they in him, goes out in judgment and righteousness to make war with his enemies, conquering and to conquer, not as the prince of this world in his subjects, with whips and prisons, tortures and torments on the bodies of creatures, to kill and destroy men’s lives, who are deceived and so become his enemies; but he goes forth in the power of the Spirit with the word of truth, to pass judgment upon the head of the serpent, which doth deceive and bewitch the world, and covers his own with his love, whilst he kindles coals of fire on the head of his enemies; for with the spirit of judgment and with the spirit of burning will he plead with his enemies: and having kindled the fire and awakened the creature, and broken their peace and rest in sin, he waits in patience to prevail to recover the creature and slay the enmity by suffering all the rage and envy and evil entreatings that the evil spirit that rules in the creature can cast upon him, and he receives it all with meekness and pity to the creature, returning love for hatred, wrestling with God against the enmity, with prayers and tears night and day, with fasting, mourning and lamentation, in patience, in faithfulness, in truth, in love unfeigned, in longsuffering, and in all the fruits of the Spirit, that if by any means he may overcome evil with good, and by this his light in the sight of the creature, that the eye may come to be opened which the god of this world hath blinded, that so the creature might see what it is he thus hates, and what fruits he himself brings forth, that the creature may be convinced he is no deceiver, but hath with him the life and power of innocency and holiness, in whom he rules; and this preaching hath a power in it to open the eye of all that are not willfully blind, because they love the deeds of darkness, and such are left thereby without excuse forever; and thus he in his members many times wrestles and preaches to the spirits in prison, with much longsuffering towards the world, a nation, or a particular person, before he gives them up and numbers them for destruction; yea, sometimes till their rage against him, and cruelty exercised upon his members be so great that there be no remedy, as in the days of old (2 Chron. 36:15–16).


As they come to obey him, he covers them with love, gentleness, faith, patience, and purity, grace and virtue, temperance and self‐​denial, meekness and innocency, all in white, that follow him, in whom he is, who walks themselves as he walked, in all things conforming to God, with boldness and zeal, owning the Lamb to be their leader, with him testifying against the world, that the deeds thereof are evil, themselves the meanwhile covered with his righteousness against all the storms and tempests that they must be sure to meet withal who bears that testimony which the Lamb hath ever borne, in whom he appeared to the convincing of the world, that he is the same that ever he was from the beginning, that all that will believe and loves holiness may see where it is to be found, and come forth to him & be saved, that the whole world become not as Sodom in the day of wrath, which ever comes upon a people or a nation after Christ hath thus appeared and been rejected thereof.


The power, the glory, and compass of it is not comprehended with mortal understanding, which was before all beginnings, and endures forever, who orders and limits all spirits in heaven and earth, who rules in the rulers of the earth, and in all heavenly places, though many spirits knows him not till they have felt his reproof for their rebellion against him; his sufferings are free for love’s sake, which is naturally in him to the creation, being his offspring, for which cause he becomes meek and lowly, that he may bear the infirmities of the creation, which doth no way take from his power, who is equal with the Father, but doth manifest his power to be unlimited, in that he beareth all things, his dominion he hath amongst the heathen, and his hands is in the counsels of the kings of the earth, and there is no place where he is not, who descends below all depths, and ascends far above all heavens, that he may fill all things.

But his kingdom in this world, in which he chiefly delights to walk and make himself known, is in the hearts of such as have believed in him, and owned his call out of the world, whose hearts he hath purified, and whose bodies he hath washed in obedience and made them fit for the Father to be worshipped in; and in such he rejoices and takes delight, and his kingdom in such is righteousness and peace; in love, in power and purity, he leads them by the gentle movings of his Spirit out of all their own ways and wills, in which they would defile themselves, and guides them into the will of the Father, by which they become more clean and holy; deeply he lets them know his covenant, and how far they may go and be safe; he gives them his laws and his statutes, contrary in all things to the god of this world, that they may be known to be his before all his enemies; if they keep his counsel they are safe; but if they refuse he lets them know the correction of the Father; his presence is great joy to them of a willing mind; but with the froward he appears in frowardness; the kisses of his lips is life eternal. But who may abide his wrath? The secrets of the Father are with him, and he maketh all his subjects wise; he makes them all one heart, and with himself of the same mind; his government is wholly pure, and no unclean thing can abide his judgments. As any come into his kingdom they are known, and their change is to be seen of all men. He keeps them low in mind, and a meek spirit doth he beget in them; and with his power he leads them forth against all the enmity of the evil one and makes all conditions comfortable to them who abides in his kingdom.

Now are these the last times, and many false Christs there must appear and be made manifest by the true Christ, with their false prophets, false ways, and false worships, and false worshippers, which though they be at wars one with another, yet not the Lamb’s war. Now seeing he hath appeared who is from everlasting and changeth not, here is an everlasting trial for you all, all sorts of professors, whether you profess him from the letter or the light; come try your Christ, measure your life, and weigh your profession with that which cannot deceive you, which hath stood and will stand forever; for he is sealed of the Father.

Now in truth to God and your own souls, prove your work in time, lest you and it perish together. First see if your Christ be the same that was from everlasting to everlasting, or is he changed according to the times, in life, in death, in peace and wars, in reigning, in suffering, in casting out and receiving in; and if you find the true Christ, then prove your faithfulness to him in all things. Doth him whom you obey as your leader lead you out to war against this world, and all the pride and glory, fashions and customs, love and pleasures, and whatever else is not of God therein? and to give up your lives unto death, rather than knowingly to yield your obedience thereto? Doth he justify any life now but what he justified in the prophets and apostles, and saints of old? Doth he give his subjects liberty now to bow to the god of this world, and his ways, in things that he hath denied in the saints of old, and for denying whereof, many both then and now have suffered? Is he at peace in you, whilst you are in the fleshly pleasures, or whilst you have fellowship with the unclean spirits that are in the world? Doth he not lead out of the world, and to strive against it in watchings, fastings, prayers, and strong cries to the Father, that you may be kept, and others delivered from the bondage and pollutions of it? Is his kingdom the same in you? And doth he give out the same spiritual laws against all the laws and customs of the man of sin in you, as he hath done in his subjects in all ages? Doth he beget in your hearts a new nature, contrary to the world’s nature in all things, motions and delights like himself, whereby he works out the old nature that inclines to the world and can be at peace therein, and now your peace is wholly in him, and that which crucifies the world to you, and you to it, is your joy and delight? Hath he called you out of this world to bear his name before the powers thereof, & put his testimony into your hearts, and the same weapons into your hands, as was used by the saints of old against the powers of darkness, whereby you have power given to overcome evil with good; and many other fruits you may find, which he ever brought forth in his chosen, whereby they was known to be in him, and he in them, for which the world hates them; by all which you may clearly know if he be the same in you today as he was yesterday in his people, and forever; for he changeth not, nor conforms to the world, nor the will of any creature, but changes all his followers, till they become in all things like himself; for they must bear his name and image before all men and spirits.

Now if you profess the same as was, and is, and is to come, the same forevermore, the same Christ, the same calling in you that was in all the people of God, then prove your faithfulness in answering and obeying. Who is it that sees not that wars is begun? and to whom hath not the sound gone forth? The children of light hath published the gospel of light through the world, and the prince of darkness hath showed his enmity against it; the Lamb hath appeared with his weapons as before‐​mentioned, in much longsuffering, and the god of this world hath appeared to withstand him with his weapons, and hath prevailed unto blood with much eagerness; and the Lamb hath prevailed unto suffering with much meekness and patience, each of them in their subjects, in whom these contrary spirits acts one against another; and now see what part you take, who hath hired you, and whose work are you in, or are you idle, looking on? Or are you gone out with the beast of the field, and regards nothing but your bellies and pleasures? Doth it not greatly concern you to try your estate, seeing all must come speedily to an account for their lives and service? Are you such as spend your time and strength in watching and praying to the Father of spirits for yourselves and the people of God, that they may be kept in the time of temptation and assaults of the evil one, who seeks his advantage on the weak brethren, and for your enemies, that they may be delivered from under his power, who are captivated by him at his will, to fulfill his lusts and envy, and satisfy his wrath upon the innocent? And do you deny yourselves of your pleasures, profits, ease and liberty, that you may hold forth a chaste conversation in the power and life of gentleness, meekness, faithfulness & truth, exercising a conscience void of offense towards God and all men, that thereby you may shine forth in righteousness, so as to convince your enemies whom you pray for, thus following him who lays down his life for his enemies? Is this your war? and these your weapons? Is this your calling? & are you faithful to him that hath called you hereto, so as you can by no means bow to the god of this world, nor his ways, though it were to save your lives or credit in the world, or estates, & yet can serve the meanest creature in God’s way, though to the loss of all? I beseech you be faithful to your own souls herein: do you find nothing in you that calls or moves this way, or reproves the contrary? If there be, are you not such as quench the Spirit, & put out your own eye, & denies the Lamb’s call against your own lives? & if there be not, then are you not dead members, cut off from Christ, & all your profession is but a lie, & without Christ you are in the world? O that you would prove your own selves; for there be many deceitful workers at this day of his appearance, who do the work of the Lord negligently & deceitfully, & many do their own work instead of his, & many are called, & for a while abide, but in the time of hardship prove deceitful, & return to serve in the world again, and take pleasure therein; others are called & convinced, but come half out of the world, even as far as they can do it without loss or shame, but keep their covenant therewith still, in what makes most for their gain, or earthly advantage or credit: others have answered their call, & been faithful in the whole covenant of the Lamb against the prince of this world, so far as they have seen; but not minding the watch against the enemy, & not keeping low in the fear, & zealous in the light, have suffered the simplicity to be deceived, & are led back to the old beggarly rudiments of the world again, & take that for their perfection & growth, which once they had vomited up; & these expect great things in their work; but they are blinder than the rest, & more to be pitied, because of the simplicity that is deceived. Many other grounds there be that brings not fruit to perfection, who are not found faithful to him that hath called them therein; so that now truth is, that many are called, but few chosen and faithful; many are ashamed at the Lamb’s appearance, it is so low & weak & poor & contemptible, & many are afraid seeing so great a power against him; many be at work in their imaginations, to compass a kingdom to get power over sin, & peace of conscience, but few will deny all to be led by the Lamb in a way they know not, to bear his testimony & mark against the world, and suffer for it with him. Now deceit hath taught you to say, and maybe you think it also, God forbid but you should suffer with Christ till death, but come to the trial in deed and truth. Doth not he suffer under all the pride & pleasures of the flesh, by all manner of excess, by all manner of customs & fashions not of God but of the world? Is not all against him that is not of him and the Father? Is not the lust of the eye, and of the flesh, and pride of life, his oppressors? And do you that live in these things and fashions, and plead for them, suffer with him by them, or war with him against them? then would you be weary of them, and not practice nor plead for them against him: this you will find true in the end, you cannot suffer with him and serve his enemies.

For the original text in full, see the Quaker Heritage Press.

The Lamb’s War: A Lamb’s Armor
James Nayler

The Belly of the Whale: The New English Canaan, Part IV
Thomas Morton

Rothbard against the Christian Reconstructionists
Murray Rothbard

Libertarianism and Christianity
Doug Bandow, Aaron Ross Powell, and Trevor Burrus

A Muslim Case for Liberty
Mustafa Akyol, Aaron Ross Powell, and Adam Bates

Ep. 14: “Lives of the Necromancers,” and the Salem Trials
Anthony Comegna

A Guide to Quaker Practice for Friends School of Minnesota 2012

 A Guide to Quaker Practice for Friends School of  Minnesota


This booklet is available for download at


We know that people in the Friends School of Minnesota community come to this school from many different traditions, having had a variety of experiences in their spiritual lives. In these pages, we want to introduce Friends School of Minnesota’s foundation in the 

Quaker tradition of spirituality. We hope to encourage conversations in the  Friends School community and in your family about these beliefs and values.  

In this booklet, we describe the history of Quaker testimonies and how Friends School does its Meeting for Worship. An explanation of testimonies and how they are lived at Friends School follows on page 3.   Next, you will find suggested readings on Quakers and their lives and beliefs on page 9. At the very end are quoted individuals on page 10, describing the people quoted in the Queries sections.

We hope the document will be valuable to all readers  regardless of spiritual tradition or personal beliefs.                 

Words Quakers Use    

Faith and Practice—the Quaker title of writings about beliefs and how to live, which Quakers create and revise together. In this simple guide here we follow structures used in a Quaker Faith and Practice as we explore the Quaker values in Friends School of Minnesota’s mission. 

Testimonies—statements of Quaker principles to live a right life, which have come from our experience with the Light.  

Leadings—messages or concerns received or understood in worship about how to live a right or just life in the world. 

Queries—questions that deepen or broaden our reflection about the Testimonies.

Advices—quotes from well-known people that relate to the Testimonies.

Religious Society of Friends—the formal name of Quakers.

Inner Light, Spirit, Light, Divine Light, “that of God,” Inward Teacher, Holy Spirit, God—various names Quakers use to refer to the same experience. 

Right relationship, right living, living rightly—to live in accordance with leadings of the Divine Light. 


To prepare children to embrace life, learning, and community with hope, skill, understanding , and creativity. We are committed to the Quaker values of peace, justice, simplicity and integrity.


A guide to Quaker practice for Friends School of Minnesota


Where Did the Testimonies Come From?

The testimonies came from the way early Quakers worshiped. Early Quakers sat in silence, clearing their heads from the thoughts of the ego and daily worries, 

waiting for messages to come from the Inner Light. They focused on the reality of their daily lives, their neighbors, their community and nation. Making their minds receptive to the message from “that of God” within them, Quakers devised the testimonies to guide them in living rightly with the world. 

George Fox, the seventeenth century Quaker founder, preached to people that their spiritual teacher was always within them. The truth that came from within would make them free. Fox preached that no one could tell others what to believe; that it had 

to come from the teacher within, not the Bible nor the preachers of the Church. The early Quakers called themselves Friends in the Truth and Friends of the Truth. Pursuing Truth is what led Quakers to act in ways that were right with their beliefs. 

These early Quakers, one of many rebellious groups in England at the time, were moved to make choices that often put them at odds with the larger society. Sometimes they were even sent to jail for their practices and beliefs. Yet Quakers did aim to walk cheerfully over the Earth speaking to “that of God” in everyone they met. 

One story reportedly passed down from George Fox is about “We have found... 

that the Spirit, if rightly followed, will lead us into truth, unity and love: all our testimonies grow from this leading.”

—Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Quaker Faith and Practice, 4th Edition, 

William Penn asking Fox how long he should wear 1995–2008. his sword. Penn, a follower of Fox, was a wealthy businessman who had worn his sword as a status symbol of belonging to the upper classes. Fox 

replied “Wear it as long as you can.” This nicely 

illustrates how different Fox was from the other preachers of his time.

Meeting for Worship 

Quakers often rely on advices and queries about the testimonies to serve as seeds of contemplation during Meeting for Worship, and for their own personal reflection and worship at home.

staff gather once a week during the school day to sit together in silence for about 20 minutes. People can speak from the silence if they are called to share a thought with the whole group.  Sometimes we gather as a whole school, and sometimes we gather as a Lower School or Middle School or in other smaller groupings. Parents and visitors are always welcome to attend Meeting for Worship.

Many Meetings start with a query for people to think about. At least once each month, we “At Meeting for Worship, friends gather as a community to search together in silence  for the truth that is the  core of their lives.” 

—Meeting for Worship in Friends Schools, Occasional 

Paper, Friends Council on Education, 1957). 

At Friends School of Minnesota, students and seek to connect students back to our mission statement through our queries. Some Meetings are unprogrammed: the members of the community reflect on their 

own, without a guiding question. 

Quakers believe that these leadings arising from silence are the result of listening for “that of 

God” within themselves. Students and staff may consider the silence in these terms, or for meditation, reflection, or simply as a pause in their day to be quiet and think on their own. This practice of silence is also used at other times during the day as way of starting or ending classes, or as an opportunity to reflect upon something particularly poignant or difficult.

The Testimony of Integrity 

To have integrity is to be a whole person whose words and actions reflect one’s beliefs. Quakers seek always to be honest in all instances toward both others and themselves. Integrity 

can be viewed as the most basic testimony. It strengthens the other testimonies—and our lives—by saying that we will say and do what we are. Integrity is also doing your best at all things you do. Quakers strive to live with the truth in the world in every waking moment, with guidance from the Light in worship and from the testimonies.

At Friends School of Minnesota, students are given the freedom to act with integrity. The whole school uses conflict resolution. Students learn how to voice their concerns to each other, and figure out together how to reach a common understanding. Each finds their own voice—and their own integrity—in this process together. Directly communicating about conflicts or concerns is also actively practiced by staff, and it is a principle that guides the whole school community. 


“Live with the truth and be what you say you are.” —George Fox

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right—for you’ll be criticized anyway.”  

—Eleanor Roosevelt

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” —C.S. Lewis


How does my life show my values? 

When is it right to tell the truth even if it may cause hurt? 

Have I ever been afraid to say the truth? What did I learn from this experience? 


Fern frond unfurling

The Testimony of Community

Among Quakers, community refers to how we as a group can nurture and sustain the Light within each person. When we live in right relationship, we are fair, honest, and caring. Community 

helps members understand how they are led to be of service in the world. Quakers believe that worshiping together is the source of a deep sense of 

Building community is consciously fostered at Friends School of Minnesota. Every Wednesday all students and faculty join for silent meeting for worship in the manner of Quakers, as noted earlier. In classroom morning meetings each day, each child is 

acknowledged. Community is created throughout the school experience in all kinds of ways, through all-school recess, buddies, scheduling, common projects, traditions, conflict 

resolution, work and play. We hope families experience this deep sense of community. 

Many opportunities exist in our community for families to make connections with each other. And when families experience illness, injury or other disruptions to their lives, the Community Care Committee can help. 


“From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength.” —Cesar Chavez

“Use your capabilities and your possessions not as ends in themselves, but as…  gifts entrusted to you. Share them with others; use them with humility, courtesy,  and affection.” —Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, Revised, 1972.

“With wisdom and knowledge... you may be lights for the world, salt for the earth,  and thus... instrumental in opening the eyes of others.” —George Fox


Have I given willingly of my time and energy to efforts that serve the health of  my community?

How does my school community give me strength?

How do I help to resolve problems and struggles among my friends and family? 

The Testimony of Equality


uakers believe there is a measure of Divine Light in each person. This belief lets us explore, develop, share, and be fully recognized for our unique gifts. 

Human equality means that there can be no equal opportunity for all without 

justice for all. Historically, Quakers have been active in working to abolish slavery, to establish workers’ rights, and to advocate for women’s voting rights. Today, Quakers follow their leadings from the Inner Light to work for economic, racial  and immigration justice.

At Friends School of Minnesota this testimony is visible in many ways. Teachers are called by their first names because equality means treating everyone with respect, regardless of an individual’s position or status. Similarly, we place the same importance on the activities of all students, not just the oldest. Our curriculum asks students about how justice and equality matter, in their own lives, throughout history, and in the world. 


“My humanity is bound up in yours for we can only be human together. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another.”  —Desmond Tutu

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”  —Audre Lorde

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere...  Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”  —Martin Luther King, Jr.


Have I ever felt that nobody was listening to me? How did it feel? What did I do about it?

Do I allow my peers and friends to speak for themselves?

What is something unique about each person in my class,  or in my family? 

The Testimony of Peace


uakers follow the advice of George Fox to confront conflicts with respectful words and actions, and not to engage in verbal or physical violence. This practice stems from the belief that there is “that of God” within each person. This has long led to compassionate work with people affected by violence, including helping all sides heal during times of conflict. Because Quakers do not believe in the usefulness of violence, most do not fight in wars. Some Quakers will serve their country in other ways. The Peace Testimony also asks us to be careful with our words and how they can wound, to be respectful of people who are different from ourselves, and to work for justice and equality for all peoples. 

Friends School of Minnesota teaches the principles of peace through conflict resolution techniques which involve talking about feelings and observations, and respectful listening. The testimony of peace is woven throughout the formal and informal curriculum, from how we study about conflict to how we choose science fair projects.


“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”  —Francis of Assisi

“If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence.” —Bayard Rustin

“You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.”  —James 1:19-20 


How can I reach peace with someone I’m in a disagreement with when I’m angry?

How can I become comfortable acting nonviolently in response to other people’s violence?

Can there be true peace without justice and equality?

The Testimony of Simplicity 


uakers believe in simple living, as outward things in life can interfere with our inward spiritual lives. Historically, simple living has meant simple dress, plain speech, 

respect for all, not deferring to people some may think are superior, and unadorned places of worship. Today, Quakers live simply by carefully choosing possessions and activities, in order that we can care for ourselves and be present to one another. Quakers also strive to live simply by speaking plainly to the heart of an issue. Quakers try to avoid distortion and exaggeration, with the 

understanding this allows one to be fully present with others. Sweet black-eyed susan

Simplicity is an important consideration at Friends School of Minnesota in the classroom. Most important is allowing children to explore ideas and topics in a way that is not pressured and rushed. We strive for balance between what we hope to create and how we go about doing it. We value learning that focuses both on what we create and how.


“Simplicity is the name we give to our effort to free ourselves to give full attention to God’s still, small voice... subtract[ing] from our lives everything that competes with God for our attention and clear hearing.” —Lloyd Lee Wilson 

“In life, as in art, whatever does not help, hinders. All that is superfluous to the main object of life must be cleared away, if that object is to be fully attained.”  —Caroline Stephens

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” —Albert Einstein


When examining activities and possessions in my life, how much is too much and how much is enough?

How might I live out the testimony of simplicity at school, at work, and in my free time?

When examining my attempts for a simple life, how might I include over-attachment to desires, places or even people?

The Testimony of Stewardship


tewardship asks that we take care of our precious resources and make wise use of them. Precious resources include our time, talents, relationships, property, finances and the natural environment. As good stewards in the world, we seek ways to find 

peace, equality, community, and simplicity in all our relationships.

Friends School of Minnesota seeks to prepare students to become citizens and stewards of the earth. At Friends School, students apply the values and practices of taking care of the world in which they live. Students study and spend time in nature with the goal of helping to foster their sense of place and attachment to the natural world, understanding that they are not alone in depending on the earth’s resources.


“... all we possess are the gifts of God to us, now in distributing it to others, we act as his stewards.” —John Woolman

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”  —Tenzin Gyatso

“...How could we find the impudence to abuse the world if we were seeing the great Creator stare us in the face through each and every part of it?” —William Penn


How do I share my gifts of time, talents and treasure?

What are challenges I face in trying to live in right relationship with things and people in my life?

How can I work to protect nature?  

How can I be more thoughtful about my use of resources?

Suggested Age-Appropriate Readings about Quakers, Quaker life, and Quakerism

This list, together with their annotated descriptions, is just a selection of what is available for purchase from the website. Many of these books are available for loan through Friends School of Minnesota. 


Brinton Turkle. Thy Friend, Obadiah. The story of a New England Quaker boy’s encounter with a seagull. A Caldecott Honor Book, and a classic Quaker children’s story. This is one of several stories of Obadiah Starbuck and his Quaker family who live in Nantucket in the early 1800s. Quaker classics. 

Marguerite de Angeli. Thee Hannah! Catch a glimpse of pre-Civil War Quaker life through the story of Hannah and her family.

Stacey Currie. We Are Going to Quaker Meeting! Written for Preschool through Early Elementary students in Friends schools, this book explains the sometimes mysterious Quaker practice of Meeting for Worship in simple language.


from Quaker Press of Friends General Conference: 

Quakers on the Move. 

From FGC: “We hope that the children who read these stories  will gain new understandings, not just of a Quaker history alive with faithful struggles and transformations, but of a contemporary, spirit-led, Friends movement…”

Lighting Candles in the Dark. 

Stories of courageous people who used nonviolent and creative action in difficult and dangerous situations. Some are taken from Quaker history. some focus on helpfulness, fairness, the power of love, and care of the earth.  


Friends General Conference. Lighting Candles in the Dark (see description above, under Older Elementary). 

Jessamyn West. The Friendly Persuasion. The classic novel about life for a Quaker family in Indiana during the Civil War, and the basis for the William Wyler film starring Gary Cooper.

Daisy Newman. I Take Thee Serenity. In this novel, young Serenity discovers love and her Friendly heritage.

Daisy Newman. A Procession of Friends. Represents not only the events of Quaker history but the growth of Quaker principles, from George Fox’s call in 1640 to the recent past.


Margaret Hope Bacon. The Back Bench. It’s 1837. Fourteen-year-old Quaker Myra Harlan’s mother has died, forcing her to leave her home and family in the country to live in 

Philadelphia. Shocked by the racism she sees all around her and caught in the aftermath of the Orthodox-Hicksite split in the Religious Society of Friends, Myra longs for her mother and struggles to make friends until she finds the Female Anti-Slavery Society, Lucretia Mott, Sarah Douglass, and—ultimately—herself. The ebook version is available in mobi (for Kindle readers) and epub (for all other ereaders).


Rex Ambler. The Quaker Way. Although Quakerism is fairly well known, it is not well understood, so the purpose of this book is to explain how it works as a spiritual practice and why it has adopted its particular practices. Primarily for non-Quakers.

Michael Birkel. Silence and Witness. This is a meaty and inviting introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life. His chapter on the inward experience of worship is both an excellent introduction and a seasoned examination of centering techniques. 

Howard Brinton. Friends for 350 Years. The updated edition of Brinton’s classic overview of basic Quaker understandings, practices, and history. An essential book for every meeting and member.

Vanessa Julye and Donna McDaniel. Fit for Freedom Not for Friendship. This study of Quaker history documents the spiritual and practical impacts of discrimination in the Religious Society of Friends in the expectation that understanding the truth of our past is vital to achieving a diverse, inclusive community in the future.

John Punshon. A Portrait in Grey. Revised edition of this comprehensive and thoroughly readable introduction to the history of Quakerism, from its origins in 17th century England to the development of the differing varieties found around the world today.


Individuals quoted in the testimonies

Chavez, Cesar. 20th-century labor rights activist |  Fox, George. 17th-century itinerant minister credited with founding of the Religious Society of Friends | Francis of Assisi. Late-12th-century Christian mystic and philosopher | King, Martin Luther Jr. Civil rights leader and Christian minister | Lewis, C.S. Mid-20th- century author and Christian theologian | Lorde, Audre. 20th-century author and civil rights activist |  Penn, William. 18th-century Quaker notable and philosopher | Roosevelt, Eleanor. Mid-20th-century public figure and social justice advocate | Rustin, Bayard. Mid-20th-century Quaker pacifist and civil rights leader | Stephens, Caroline. Late-19th-century Quaker notable, from her book Quaker Strongholds, 1890 | Tenzin Gyatso. Fourteenth Dalai Lama,  contemporary Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader and  philosopher |Tutu, Desmond. Contemporary Christian minister and civil rights activist | Williams, Lloyd Lee. Mid-20th-century Quaker quoted in 1947 from North Carolina Yearly Meeting | Woolman, John.  

18th- century Quaker minister and vocal opponent of slavery

Illustrations by Ruby Thompson, Friends School of Minnesota class of 2012; layout by Pat Thompson

 | A guide to Quaker practice for Friends School of Minnesota


Seeking the Seekers | Studies in Church History | Cambridge Core

Seeking the Seekers | Studies in Church History | Cambridge Core

Seeking the Seekers

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 May 2021
Alec Ryrie
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Article contents
  • Abstract
  • What was a Seeker?
  • The Roots of Seekerism
  • Living as a Seeker
  • References


The Seekers, a supposed sect which flourished in late 1640s England, have generally been neglected by historians, with the exception of Quaker historiography, in which the Seekers play a pivotal but supporting role. This article argues that the Seeker phenomenon is worth attending to in its own right. Perhaps deriving from spiritualist, radical and Dutch Collegiant roots, it also represents the logical outcome of English Baptists and other radicals trying and failing to find ecclesiological certainty, and being driven to the conclusion that no true church exists or (for some Seekers) can exist. The article concludes by examining how the Seeker life was lived, whether as austere, apophatic withdrawal; a veering into libertinism; or by forming provisional communities, communities which did, in some cases, serve as a gateway to Quakerism.
TypeResearch Article
Studies in Church History , Volume 57: INSPIRATION AND INSTITUTION IN CHRISTIAN HISTORY , June 2021 , pp. 185 - 209
DOI:[Opens in a new window]
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
CopyrightCopyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Ecclesiastical History Society

The zoo of religious exotica which proliferated across England in the years of the Civil War and Revolution of the 1640s and 1650s has always attracted plenty of attention, but neither evenly nor even-handedly. There has been a good deal written on the phenomenon as a whole: how a Protestant culture which had formerly kept its disputes within relatively narrow bounds suddenly exploded into such exuberant, radical variety, and how the majority who did not join these religious adventures responded.Footnote1 And there has been much scholarship on individual sects, whether the enduringly significant, such as the Baptists and the Quakers; the evanescent but eye-catching, such as the Ranters and the Fifth Monarchists; or the small-scale but indisputably fascinating, such as the Diggers and the Muggletonians.

Yet one of the supposed sects which was and is regularly listed in the catalogues has largely escaped attention. There is only a modest amount of modern scholarship on the Seekers, and, as we will see, the bulk of it represents a very particular, and problematic, way of framing this movement's history. The only substantial published exceptions to that are an article from 1948,Footnote2 which actually spends most of its length discussing a group the author calls the ‘Finders’, a label the author admits having invented; and a rather better article from 1984,Footnote3 which gives a proper nod in the Seekers’ direction but nevertheless looks mostly at the Ranters, who have a much more developed historiography.

One might conclude from this that the Seekers were an inconsequential curiosity. But this is what Thomas Edwards, the obsessive Presbyterian chronicler of 1640s sectarianism, had to say about them in 1646:

The Sect of Seekers growes very much, and all sorts of Sectaries turn Seekers; many leave the Congregations of Independents, Anabaptists, and fall to be Seekers. … Whosoever lives but few yeers (if the Sects be suffered to go on) will see that all the other Sects … will be swallowed up in the Seekers. … Many are gone already, and multitudes are going that way.Footnote4

Nor was that simply a momentary panic. Over a decade later, Richard Baxter was asking ‘how come so many called Seekers’ doubt orthodox Protestant doctrine? His conclusion that Seekers are in fact a catspaw for the Jesuits is paranoia rather than reportage, but he added that it was the ‘Seekers … among whom I have reason to believe the Papists have not the least of their strength in England at this day’: he plainly saw them as a significant movement. And indeed he went on to list six different varieties of Seekers he had met, with detailed descriptions and examples of each.Footnote5

This article's starting-point, then, is simply that the Seekers appear to deserve a little more historical attention than they have received. It will argue that, as well as being a group of interest in their own right, they are an unusually extreme – and therefore unusually revealing – case of the relationship between institution and inspiration in the history of Christianity; and also that if we look at the world of radical religion in the English Revolution through their eyes, they give us a different view of radicalism's origins and of its possible trajectories.

What was a Seeker?

Unlike most of the sectarian labels used in this period, ‘seeker’ was not an inherently pejorative term. It had a long and rather banal prehistory of being used to refer to Christians striving towards God. So it was simple praise for a tract defending the work of the Westminster Assembly in 1643 to say that ‘the whole Assembly are … Seekers unto God night and day’.Footnote6 Only in the mid-1640s, not long before the publication of Edwards's Gangraena, did the word become a label for a certain kind, or kinds, of radicalism. That anodyne prehistory is significant, because it meant that the notion of fearlessly seeking after God was already seen in a positive light, and indeed it continued to be used in that way. In 1648 a posthumous collection of sermons by the Congregationalist preacher Jeremiah Burroughs was published under the title Jacobs seed, or the generation of seekers, and it used the word in a wholly positive and traditional sense, in praise of ‘the Saints of God that have ever sought God truly’.Footnote7 Whether Burroughs's editors were ignoring or playing with the new layer of meaning the word had now acquired, they show that there was still room for ambiguity here, an ambiguity which was open to exploitation. The most famous example of this comes from Oliver Cromwell in October 1646 – just on the terminological cusp – writing to his daughter Bridget Ireton about her younger sister, Elizabeth Claypole:

Your Sister Claypole is (I trust in mercy) exercised with some perplexed thoughts. She sees her own vanity and carnal mind, bewailing it; she seeks after (as I hope also) that which will satisfy. And thus to be a seeker is to be of the best sect next to a finder; and such an one shall every faithful humble seeker be at the end. Happy seeker, happy finder!Footnote8

This passage is cited by every scholar of the Seekers: it was this which set Johnson, in 1948, on the trail of the supposed sect of ‘Finders’. Yet it is a very slippery text. It could be taken, perfectly plausibly, to mean that Cromwell was merely talking about simple Christian questing, with ‘sect’ being no more than a playful metaphor. That is certainly more credible than making him, on the basis of these remarks, into a Seeker fellow-traveller. More likely, however, Cromwell was making use of the space which the word's ambiguity afforded: trying to downplay his daughter's spiritual adventures, and so using the anodyne, generic sense of ‘seeker’ to smother the new, dangerous sense, which others were even then trying to bring to the fore.

Before we can understand this new sense of the word, a historiographical detour is necessary, for if most scholars have neglected the Seekers, one field has given them sustained and misleading attention. The Seekers have long had a very definite place in Quaker historiography, and most studies of them come from that perspective, including the only monograph dedicated to the subject.Footnote9 There is a great deal of excellent scholarship in this tradition, and I am indebted to it, but it does also represent a distinctively Quaker tradition. Its bare bones were laid out clearly by William Penn in the 1690s. Penn provided a summary history of Christianity as a repeating process of successive holy withdrawals. So the Protestant reformers broke free from the Babylonian captivity of Rome, but they swiftly grew ‘Rigid in their Spirits … more for a Party then for Piety’. This led separatists, who were ‘yet more retired and select’, to withdraw in their turn; only to be seduced by power, such that they ‘outlived and contradicted their own Principles’, leaving some who worried that they were not correctly baptized to withdraw from them once more. These Baptists ‘for a time … seemed like John of Old, a Burning and a Shining Light’, and yet all too soon ‘worldly Power spoiled them too. … They grew High, Rough and Self-righteous.’ Therefore:

Many left them and all visible Churches and Societies, and Wandred up and down, as Sheep without a Shepherd … seeking their Beloved but could not find Him, as their Souls desired to know Him. … These People were called Seekers by some, and the Family of Love by others; because, as they came to the knowledge of one another, they sometimes met together, not formally to Pray or Preach, at appointed times or Places, in their own Wills, as in times past they were accustomed to do; but waited together in Silence, and as any thing rose in any one of their Minds that they thought Savoured of a Divine Spring, so they sometimes Spoke.

Some of these Seekers, lacking humility and ‘exalted above Measure’, became Ranters and were ensnared in pride and debauchery. But it was when the rest stood firm that God chose

… to Honour and Visit this benighted and bewildred Nation with his Glorious Day-spring from on High; yea with a most sure and certain sound of the Word of Light and Life, through the Testimony of a Chosen Vessel. … What People had been vainly seeking without, with much Pains and Cost, they by this Ministry found within.

By this he meant that eventually George Fox met them and persuaded them that what they had been seeking was Quakerism.Footnote10

This is accurate enough to be misleading. It is true that many Seekers did become Quakers, and much of what we know about the Seeker experience comes from Quaker autobiographies. But the Seekers Penn describes are in effect proto-Quakers, anticipating Quaker forms of worship with suspicious precision. It is, as J. F. McGregor recognized, a sign of a deeper problem: for Penn and for most Quaker commentators since, the Seekers do not really signify as a phenomenon in their own right.Footnote11 Penn tells us nothing about their specific convictions or concerns. They are merely links in the chain, Quakers who have not yet realized that they are Quakers, supporting actors in someone else's drama. Later Quaker treatments were more sophisticated, but still tended to treat the Seekers as a sectarian version of Schrödinger's cat: mere suspended potentialities, waiting to be resolved by the historian's gaze into either Ranters or Quakers.Footnote12 From the perspective of Quaker studies, it is still natural to speak of ‘the gathered Seeker churches from which the Quaker movement emerged’.Footnote13 From Seekers’ own perspective, as we shall see, the very notion of a gathered Seeker church is somewhere between an irony and an impossibility.

In accounts of Quaker origins, we frequently read narratives of a Quaker preacher who comes upon a meeting of Seekers – or something like Seekers – and convinces them of the Quaker message. If the Quaker movement has a single recognized point of origin, it is George Fox's encounter in 1652 with the group whom Quaker historians have dubbed the Westmorland Seekers: the great Quaker historian William C. Braithwaite described them as ‘a people in white raiment, waiting to be gathered’.Footnote14 If these accounts are read closely, however, a recurrent feature begins to stand out. For example, at Mobberley in Cheshire in 1652, a Quaker preacher visited a group ‘whose Custom was when met Together neither To preach nor pray vocally butt to Read the Scriptures & Discourse of Religion, Expecting a farther Manifestation’. He addressed them, and ‘many of them were Convinced’. Again, at Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, in the mid-1650s, a Quaker evangelist heard that there had been ‘ameeting for some years of apeople called puritants [sic], or Jndependants, a seeking people to know the way of truth’. ‘Most of those meeters’ came to hear the Quaker, and ‘many in and about Naylsworth’ were convinced. Or again, in Sussex in May 1655, a Quaker evangelist ‘came to a seekers meeting held in Southouer, neere Lewis’, and convinced three members of the meeting, which thereafter broke up. Another evangelist in Reigate eighteen months later described how ‘a dore was opened for me … there were seuerall sekers (soe called) and many of them were Convinced’. A further account actually written by someone who was ‘at a private Meeting … of those called Seekers’ described how when Quakers visited them, he and ‘divers also of the same Meeting at the same time’ became ‘strongly affected’ with the new message. A final example: in Bristol in 1654, a group of as many as twenty of those ‘which were seeking after the Lord’ gathered weekly, spending the day in silent waiting, ‘bowed and broken before the Lord, in Humility and Tenderness’. Two Quaker missionaries visited the meeting, and one of meeters was convinced by them, but apparently not many more.Footnote15 So even these accounts – which are, to be clear, the Quakers’ own telling of the story – claim merely that ‘many’, ‘most’ or ‘divers’ members of Seeking groups were convinced by Quaker preaching, or even that only a handful did so. If early Quakers had considerable success recruiting from these groups, they plainly did not convert them wholesale. ‘It must not be supposed’, Braithwaite warned, ‘that the Quaker movement, except in certain districts, absorbed the Seekers en masse’.Footnote16 Quaker historiography has not exactly disregarded that warning: it is has simply shown no interest in those Seekers who rejected their Quaker destiny, other than assuming that they collapsed into Ranterism. From the perspective of the history of Quakerism, that is perhaps fair enough. If we are trying to understand the Seekers themselves, this perspective is seriously distorting.

In Quaker historiography, then, ‘Seeker’ has become an openly teleological category, a word meaning ‘not-yet-Quaker’, and used to describe people who may not have had the label Seeker applied to them at the time. Fox's journal itself never uses the word. On a few occasions he described visiting what he called ‘Separate’ teachers and congregations, which the principal twentieth-century edition of the journal supplements with an editor's note explaining that he meant Seekers.Footnote17 As we have already seen, some of these near-contemporary accounts describe these people as Independents or puritans instead of, or as well as, Seekers. Even Penn speaks of people ‘called Seekers by some, and the Family of Love by others’, an alarming conflation of two rather different radical lineages. For Quakers, therefore, ‘Seeker’ is a theological category rather than a historical one, a label applied retrospectively to almost any religiously discontented person who eventually becomes or might become a Quaker. Thomas Taylor was an ordained parochial minister before his Quaker convincement in 1652, but he was described as having in those days been ‘a Seeking Man, having Real Desires to understand the Things of God … a true Seeker and Inquirer after the best Things’.Footnote18 This is no doubt true, but also takes full advantage of the word's ambiguous range of meaning. If we define Seekers in their own terms, it is clear both that by no means all early Quakers started out as Seekers, and that by no means all Seekers became either Quakers or Ranters.

Non-Quaker sources characterize the Seekers rather differently. A heresiographical broadside from 1647 described them as follows:

All Ordinances, Church and Ministry,

The Seeker that hath lost his beaten way,

Denies: for miracles he now doth waite,

Thus glorious truths reveal'd are out of date.Footnote19

This is terse, but fair. Baxter's sixfold classification a decade later did little more than spell it out. The first, entry-level variety of Seekers, Baxter said, are ‘Seekers for the true Church and Ministry; holding that such a Church and Ministry there is, but they are at a loss to know which is it’. The second sort question whether such a church or ministry exists at all; a third openly deny it; a fourth deny the existence of an invisible, universal church as well as of specific churches. The fifth accept that true churches and ministries exist but ‘suppose themselves above them: for they think that these are but the Administrations of Christ to men in the passage to a higher state’. The final kind ‘think the whole company of believers should now be over-grown the Scripture, Ministry and Ordinances’.Footnote20 The fifth and perhaps the sixth variety stretch the category of Seeker as it was conventionally used: these people appear to have found something, and so are strictly speaking no longer quite Seekers. This, at least, was the view of one such person, the spiritualist preacher John Saltmarsh. Saltmarsh's 1647 book Sparkles of Glory – the title is suggestive of the provisionality so typical of this milieu – was warm about the Seekers, whom he saw as measuring the churches of their own day against the ministry and gifts of the apostolic age and finding them so severely wanting that they could not plausibly be seen as churches in the same sense. Therefore,

… now in this time of the Apostacie of the Churches, they finde no such gifts, and so dare not meddle with any outward Administrations, dare not preach, baptize, or teach, &c. or have any Church-fellowship. … They wait … as the Apostles and Disciples at Jerusalem, till they were endued with power from on high.

Saltmarsh respected this attitude, but believed it was mistaken. To him, such Seekers were backward-looking, expecting the old ministry to be restored: ‘a discovery of the Gospel rather as to Christ after the flesh, then [sic] after the Spirit’. He argued that ‘to wait in any such way of Seeking or expectation, is Antichristian’. He particularly disapproved of the Seekers’ tendency to subsist in ‘secret chambers, or single fellowships’ rather than working together and openly for the new era. In other words, his critique was both doctrinal and institutional.Footnote21 And well it might be, because the central tenet of the Seeker position that he, Baxter and many other witnesses describe is a rejection of institutional churches in any form. There is no church, or at least no church one can be confident deserves the name; and the risk of affirming an erroneous ministry is so intolerable that it is better to remain outside, and better to go thirsty than to risk drinking poison. Revealingly, in some of the earliest texts which use the term Seeker in this sense, the terms Waiter or Expecter are given as synonyms.Footnote22 The Seekers, in this sense, were not a sect at all, but an anti-sect: defined by their ironclad commitment to uncertainty.

The Roots of Seekerism

We may trace the origins of this paralysing conviction in two ways. The classic method of historians of ideas, intellectual genealogy, is not too different from the heresiographical approach popular at the time. Edwards's Gangraena, which helped to popularize the label ‘Seeker’ but did not invent it, quite correctly compared the Seekers’ principles to those of the self-described ‘spiritualist’ Sebastian Franck, Luther's contemporary who believed that ‘for fourteen hundred years now there has existed no gathered church nor any sacrament’.Footnote23 There is a spiritualist, radically anti-institutional thread, or rather a series of dots which may or may not be connectable, running from Franck to 1640s England.Footnote24 Alongside Franck there is the parallel Schwenckfeldian tradition, which is more openly provisional, denying all current churches but allowing and even expecting that God might act to renew them. There is an isolated but potentially important English precedent in radical circles around the turn of the century, apparently arising from the suspicion that Roman Catholic baptism was invalid, and that true baptism had therefore vanished from the earth and could only be renewed by direct divine initiative. This doctrine, naturally enough, led some individuals to claim to be the new John the Baptist, including the last person to be burned for heresy in England, Edward Wightman in 1612. However, the second-to-last victim of the heresy laws, Bartholomew Legate, who died only weeks before Wightman, took a different tack. Legate, according to the second-hand report we have, taught that ‘New Baptism there cannot be, till there come new Apostles. New Apostles there cannot be, who are not endued (from aboue) with miracles’.Footnote25 Yet he did not go on to anoint himself as such an apostle, instead denying all reports of such miracles as ‘idle dreams’, and so insisting that there is ‘no true Baptism in the earth, nor any one true visible Christian’. He supposedly refused to pray with others, on the grounds that Christian fellowship is an impossibility. When a listener begged to join his church, he replied: ‘How sillily you speak. I have all this while taught you, that there is no Church.’Footnote26

It is, therefore, unsurprising we can trace no institutional continuity following Legate's execution: how could there have been? There are at least some parallels in the world of underground London radicalism in the 1620s and 1630s that David Como has reconstructed: the antinomianism of that world was distinct from Legate's anti-ecclesiasticism, but they share a common anti-formalist impulse.Footnote27 Como's antinomians were commonly described as the Family of Love or as Familists, invoking the sixteenth-century mystical Dutch sect of that name: William Penn was not the first to make the connection between the Familists and the Seekers. There does not in fact seem to be any direct link to the original Familists, but other Dutch connections are more plausible and, intriguingly, the Legate family had mercantile connections in the Netherlands. The great vernacular Dutch ethicist of the late sixteenth century, Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert, who was equally ill at ease with Catholicism and with Calvinism, advocated an interim church, which in Schwenkfeldian style he called a stilstandskerk, until a proper apostolic refoundation should come.Footnote28 In some Remonstrant circles, the idea that there was no true church was taken in radically Erastian directions, as in the anonymous 1647 tract Grallator Furens, attributed to the minister Pieter Lansbergius, which argued that, since no-one could claim authoritatively to be Christ's representative, anyone might preach, but the state ought not to permit such preachers any status or privileges.Footnote29 There is something Hobbesian about this strand of thinking: Thomas Hobbes was no Seeker, but his philosophy does depend on a Seeker-like commitment to radical uncertainty.

As Rufus Jones argued, however, the more significant Dutch strand runs through the Collegiant movement, which emerged in the 1620s where the wilder fringes of defeated Arminianism overlapped with the fissiparous world of the Dutch Mennonites. The Collegiants were enthusiasts for Sebastian Franck, and the openness and provisionality of their meetings anticipated Seeker scruples. The most direct connections cluster around the intriguing figure of Adam Boreel. Boreel had family connections across the Channel: his father had been a part of a Dutch embassy to England in 1613, and had been knighted by King James I. At some point in the 1630s, Boreel himself came to study in England. Almost all we know about this visit is that he was ‘noted for zeal to Religious ways’, and that, according to the hostile witness who is our only substantial source for this episode, he was arrested for being an enthusiast and prophet. After a few months his English friends secured his release, although he was expelled from the country. What mark he may have made during this period we do not know, but it is at least clear that the experience did not sour his view of England as a whole. When the Civil War of the 1640s brought with it a religious revolution, Boreel became deeply involved with a group of prominent English and Scottish thinkers who were trying to put together a bulletproof rationalist defence of Christianity. These friendships, which Boreel regarded sufficiently seriously that he took the trouble to learn the English language, plugged him into an intellectually adventurous milieu which spanned Protestant orthodoxy and emerging radicalisms. His most constant English correspondent, Samuel Hartlib, was a formidable networker, theologian and scientist, who amongst other things collaborated closely with a rising young radical writer named John Milton.Footnote30

In 1645–6 Boreel would become, in effect, the second founder of the Collegiants. He set up meetings in Middelburg and Amsterdam around which a new movement formed, and published a weird, compelling manifesto. Ad legum, et ad testimonium appeared in Latin in 1645, was never published in Dutch, but did appear in English translation in 1648. By now the outline of his argument will be familiar. Boreel begins from the position that the first apostles’ preaching was ‘wholly, intrinsically, undoubtedly, and merely true’, and that their hearers could be ‘infallibly assured of the truth of that word’, so much so that even a ‘doubting examiner, after a due search, might be infallibly assured that no error … was to be found there’. He then asks how Christians in his own time might attain that same level of utterly invincible certainty. After many tortuous pages of exhaustive logical sifting, he reaches the obvious conclusion: they cannot. And since no ministers can be fully certain whether they are preaching in accordance with God's will ‘or only as it seemeth good to themselves’, their ministry is ‘tainted’. Any church built on such a foundation is corrupt and therefore intolerable. Such churches have merely split Christendom into a kaleidoscope of factions, and the very fact that none of them have been able to convince the others of their authority shows that they have none. As such, these pseudo-churches ‘ought to have been very shy of preaching in the name of God’ or of claiming divine authority for anything they did. Since they have in fact done the very opposite, he concludes, his readers ought ‘to separate themselves from such societies … accounting them not longer Churches of God, but malignant societies; whereinto the soule of a man fearing God … ought not to enter’. He has rather less to say about what these scrupulous objectors should do instead. They ought to worship ‘privately … making use of the Scripture as it is’, but he struggles to reconcile the plain fact that the Bible requires collective worship with his deduction that no-one can be sure that any form of worship is valid. He concludes tentatively that it may be ‘profitable’ to join a community which worships tolerantly and ‘with an ear always open readily and thankfully to receive better information’, in order both to praise God in the unadorned words of Scripture and ‘mutually to edify his neighbour in conference’.Footnote31

The parallels with the English Seekers are unmistakable. Yet actually piecing together the direct connections – if there are any – is not straightforward. By the time Boreel's book was published in English in 1648, English Seekerism was already well established. There may be a link running through the litigious Worcestershire clothier Clement Writer. According to Edwards, Writer dallied with several different heresies before he eventually ‘fell to be a Seeker’, claiming that ‘there is … no Ministery, nor no Faith, nor can be, unlesse any can shew as immediate a call to the Ministery as the Apostles had, and can do the same Miracles as they did’. Edwards called Writer an ‘arch-Heretique’.Footnote32 He was not, in fact, a Seeker leader – there was no such thing, by definition – but he was one of the boldest and most articulate Seeker voices. He laid out his early position most clearly in his 1646 book The jus divinum of presbyterie, a book which is strongly reminiscent of Boreel's 1645 Ad legum, et ad testimonium, both in the way its unusual question-and-answer structure sidles crabwise towards its conclusion, and in the argument itself. Writer's book is not a translation of Boreel but is perhaps an imitation of him. Yet we know of no direct contact between them and we know that Writer did not read Latin. And while the arguments are closely parallel, Writer is less cautious and more far-reaching. He rejects the validity of Christian ministry of any kind, including the validity of water baptism, unless such ministry is authorized by ‘mighty works which … none could do, but by the special power of God’.Footnote33

There are, therefore, all manner of suggestive hints and half-submerged connections which could be woven together into several plausible intellectual genealogies for the Seeker position, but only with the addition of generous amounts of supposition and guesswork. In the 1930s Jones was asking, of the Seekers: ‘Did the movement have a founder? If so, who was he? Was it indigenous, or did it originate abroad and migrate to England? If it came from the Continent, when did it originate there and what place was its native habitat?’Footnote34 Almost a century later, we have little more in the way of answers than he did, but we are also coming to suspect that this genealogical mode of explanation – which privileges institution above inspiration – can lead us to ask the wrong questions. It is all very well to ask out where ideas come from, but it is perhaps more important to notice that ideas which had been out there in Protestant Europe's meme pool for a century or more suddenly started to flourish as never before in mid-1640s England. Whatever thread may connect the Seekers to earlier generations of radicals, they may be better understood as the most purely distilled example of the spirit of anti-formalism which gripped the conscience of English Protestant culture more widely during the revolutionary decades.Footnote35 On this view, they were not exotic intrusions but arose from the mainstream. If so, our story is not one of the long descent of a Seeker movement, but the sudden precipitation of a Seeker moment.

Take, for example, what was happening in contemporary New England, a radical Protestant hothouse with its own distinct pressures. It is well known that Roger Williams had, by the mid-1640s, reached a very Seekerish position, to the extent of casting doubt on baptism, although when Cotton Mather describes Williams and his disciples as being of ‘that sort of Sect which we term Seekers’, he makes it plain that Williams did not use that word himself.Footnote36 Nor, apparently, did those who (wittingly or unwittingly) followed him. In the summer of 1651, one John Spurr was disciplined by the First Church of Boston ‘for his insolent bearing witnes against Baptisme and singing and the church covenant as noe ordinances of god’. Eventually, and a little farcically, he was excommunicated ‘for his with Drawinge communion from the church at the Lords table’. He had ‘professed he could hold noe more communion with the church as it stood’, and condemned all of the church's practices, sacraments and ordinances as ‘humaine Inventions’. Two more church members were excommunicated on the same grounds later that year, and refused even to come to the church to explain themselves.Footnote37 The following spring two men in the neighbouring Plymouth Colony were sentenced to a hefty fine or a whipping for ‘vild and deriding speaches against Gods word and ordinances’, and two years later one of those two was disciplined, along with two others, for withdrawing from public worship: one of the trio ‘afeirmed hee knew noe publicke vizable worship now in the world’.Footnote38 Some at least of them were New Englanders of long standing, not new arrivals from England carrying their sectarian infection with them. The word ‘Seeker’ was not used, and the churches seem to have been genuinely puzzled by these people's behaviour. And yet there are plainly close parallels between these people and the English Seekers. What are we to make of such parallels? It seems futile to wonder whether or not there were threads of influence, traceable or irrecoverable, linking these New Englanders to Roger Williams, the English Seekers, the Dutch Collegiants or the earlier Spiritualists. The point surely is that whether the seed was imported or home-cultivated, it was finding fertile soil in which to grow. It is quite possible that this was a pristine creation: that the Seekers of Boston and Plymouth were being consumed, not by others’ dangerous ideas, but by their own hair-trigger scrupulosity.

For importing intellectual influences was not strictly necessary. To plenty of observers, the Seeker phenomenon did not seem like an alien intrusion, but a logical end point, a reductio ad absurdum, of certain widespread tendencies within the world of Protestant radicalism. In 1645, in one of our very earliest uses of the term ‘Seeker’ in a sectarian sense, Robert Baillie traced it back to the persistent fear that ‘no Church anywhere can have any solid foundation’: you cannot be sure it is built on rock rather than shifting sands. This was the root of all separatism, he believed, and drove separatists in the end, ‘when they have run about the whole circle of the Sects, at last to break out into the newest way of the Seekers, and once for all to leap out of all Churches’.Footnote39 Essentially the same view comes from another very early witness, Edmund Calamy, preaching in January 1646. Very proper Protestant scruples about episcopacy and correct rites of ordination had, he believed, slipped out of control. The Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 had led some worrywarts first to claim that all previously ordained ministers ought to renounce their pretended orders and seek reordination; then to worry that none of the new forms of ordination were sufficiently pure or could be shown from Scripture to be adequate; and thus finally ‘to turn Seekers, and to wait till God send Apostles to ordain Ministers’.Footnote40

Most observers, however, agreed that the root of the problem was not ordination, but a still more fundamental rite of initiation and laying on of hands: baptism. William Bartlet, a minister in Wapping, thought the Seeker phenomenon arose out of a Baptist milieu, with scruples over the correct gospel ordinance of baptism metastasizing into a paralysed inability to be sure any actual baptismal practice was uncorrupt. Baptists themselves were alarmed: the baptistic congregationalist Christopher Blackwood warned in 1646 that ‘when you have condemned all ministerie & baptisme … you will hardly finde a way to set up any ministery, re-establish any baptisme, but leave us among the seekers, who deny any Church or ministery at all upon earth’.Footnote41 As early as 1644, the radical prophet Sarah Jones warned that ‘some are seekers out of a Baptism, looking for Elijah, as John the Baptist, to bring it from heaven, forsaking all fellowship till Christ shall send forth new Apostles to lay on hands’.Footnote42 The word ‘seeker’ here does not yet have its full sectarian sense, but it is plainly on the way.

Several Seekers recalled having passed with growing scruples and disillusionment through Baptist groups and out the other side. Laurence Claxton, one of the first to be called a Seeker, wrote that most of them were initially ‘fallen from the Baptists’. Mary Springett and her husband were initially drawn to the new baptism, but they ‘found it not to answer the cry of our hearts’. ‘I sufficiently saw’, said the one-time Baptist Stephen Crisp, that ‘I … had grasped but at a Shadow, and catched nothing but Wind, and that my Baptism was short of John's’.Footnote43 Luke Howard, a shoemaker's apprentice from Dover, was baptized one February ‘when the Ice was in the Water … with great Joy’. But over the months that followed, observing that neither he nor his brethren were transformed in spirit, he began to worry that it was merely a ‘carnal ordinance’. The crux for him came when he was asked to baptize a new convert, and felt he had to refuse. He could not administer baptism to others because ‘I was not satisfied in my own’. He told his dismayed fellow-believers that ‘I saw myself out (and them also) of the Faith of the Gospel, and that if ever I do come to know it; I shall know it as plain as my Natural Eyes knows that Door. … And from that time I gave my self up to a seeking state again.’Footnote44 That sounds painfully principled, and no doubt it was, but as Claxton's chequered career reminds us, there could be more worldly motives. So-called ‘dippers’, practitioners of adult baptism, were still subject to harassment and persecution in the mid-1640s. Claxton spent six months in prison in Bury St Edmunds in 1645 for baptizing converts. He was eventually released, in part because he was able to swear that his study of the Scripture had now convinced him ‘that he ought not to Dip any more’. He pledged to refrain, promising he would ‘only wait upon God for a further manifestation of his truth’. The committee understandably did not appreciate that he was renouncing baptism altogether. This far more radical position was, for the moment at least, much less likely to attract legal trouble.Footnote45

No doubt to begin with some of these people were genuine seekers, in the sense that they were actively searching for something better to replace what they had renounced as inadequate. This is the sense of the word that later Quaker appropriation of the term encouraged. But in fact many Seekers ceased to believe that a true church existed or might exist out there if only they searched for it long and hard enough. If they did search, they deliberately framed the effort in such a way that it could not succeed, measuring it by standards against which the apostles themselves would surely have fallen short. In the meantime, they insisted, as several observers noticed, that ‘there is no true Church upon earth’.Footnote46 That is not a provisional admission of ignorance, but a definitive statement of faith. It was becoming a truism by the end of the 1640s that there was a ‘sort of Seekers, who neither seek nor find’.Footnote47 Mary Springett, passing discontentedly from sect to sect as a young widow, concluded

… that the Lord and his truth was, but that it was made known to none upon the earth. … There was nothing manifest since the Apostles’ days that was true religion, and so would often express that I knew nothing to be so certainly of God, as I could shed my blood in defence of it. … I … resolved in my heart I would … be without a religion until the Lord manifestly taught me one.Footnote48

That stance has steeliness in it as well as despair. Repeated disillusionment has hardened into a principled conviction that, as this world stands, no church is possible. It is reminiscent of nothing so much as the apostle Thomas's nihilistic blend of faith and doubt, so unwilling to be taken in by comforting lies that he demands to be able to plunge his hands into Christ's wounds; an ultimatum issued to God, in the same deep confidence that he will be able to meet the challenge.

Living as a Seeker

Living under such austere principles, Seekers could not avoid becoming exemplars of the dialectic between institution and inspiration which this volume considers. Since they believed that they lacked the institution, they found themselves virtually compelled to renounce the inspiration.

It is at this point that the Quaker tradition, with its talk of ‘groups’ of Seekers loosely defined, and even of ‘gathered Seeker churches’, becomes positively misleading. The more purist Seeker position renounced collective piety of any kind. In 1645, the Presbyterian minister John Brinsley described that ‘the new and strange Generation of seekers’ as people who ‘stand alone (like a lost sheep in a desert)’.Footnote49 Robert Baillie described ‘the opinion and practice of those whom we call Seekers’ as simply that ‘they served God single and alone, without the society of any Church’.Footnote50 By this account, anti-institutionalism was not so much a consequence of Seeker doctrines as the heart of what it meant to be a Seeker. Much direct testimony confirms the point. Whatever we make of the communities whom George Fox converted, his description of his own life during his early turmoil in Derbyshire in 1647 is compelling:

I fasted much, and walked abroad in solitary places many days … and went and sate in hollow trees and lonesome places till night came on. … During all this time I was never joined in profession of religion with any, but gave up myself to the Lord, having forsaken all evil company.Footnote51

Mary Springett ‘gave over all manner of exercises of religion in my family, and in private’.Footnote52 When John Gratton's conscience drove him out of an Independent church, ‘I left them, and all Churches and People, and continued alone, like one that had no Mate or Companion. … [I] was now afraid to join with any, lest they should not worship God aright.’Footnote53 When Luke Howard left the Baptists behind, ‘I mourned in secret with Tears … in a waste Howling Wilderness, where I could find no Trodden Path, nor no Man to lead me out’.Footnote54

What remained of such people's religion? Perhaps prayer and Bible reading alone: but was even that pure, redolent as it was of the hypocritical pious formalities of puritanism? ‘When I used all these duties,’ a radical named Paul Hobson claimed, ‘I had not one jot of God in me.’ The seventeen-year-old Edward Burrough tried to steel himself to prayer in 1650, but heard an inner voice reproving him: ‘Thou art ignorant of God, thou knowest not where he is, nor what he is; to what purpose is thy Prayer?’ This ‘broke me off from praying [and] I left off reading in the Scripture’, severing the last moorings still tying him to Christian convention.Footnote55 Seekers, one sympathizer wrote, ‘are entered into their rest, they cease from their labours … all external forms … duties of prayer, etc.’Footnote56 Such Seekers were not, could not be, a sect.Footnote57 They were something more significant: a mood – a diffuse, leaderless, mood which could surface anywhere and which dissolved the bonds which held Christian communities together. Stripping away every remnant of institution, they left no scope for inspiration either. They did not throw out the baby with the bathwater. They deliberately threw out the baby so as to ensure that not so much as a drop of bathwater might be left behind.

This is the farthest point out, at which Seekers had to make a decision: would they really live in this holy vacuum? Those who actually did so are a mystery to us. These people – the truest and most authentic Seekers, if they actually existed – vanish from the record by their very nature. We might question how sustainable such a forbiddingly rarefied apophatic spirituality could truly be, but doubting the existence of such people is in the end an argument from silence, and when we are considering people whose principles committed or even sentenced them to silence, such an argument is even more dubious than usual. The best we can say is that, since Seekers were human, they may have found it difficult to gaze unblinkingly into the glare of this dazzling darkness. Laurence Claxton's account of his time with communities he called Seekers describes how his former beliefs were peeled away from him like the layers of an onion, until all that was left was appetites, and he was cynically preaching doctrines he no longer believed in order to line his pockets and lure zealous women into his bed.Footnote58 Claxton's account is deeply problematic, and the dangers of falling for the prurient moral panic that surrounded the so-called Ranters are all too well known. Yet with all the institutional guard-rails of conventional piety removed, it is not hard to believe that some Seekers may have turned their attention to searching for less impossibly transcendent goals.

There was of course an alternative, for those who never went quite so far, or who, having looked over the edge into the void, pulled back. Those have concluded that no existing church, worship or ordinance is valid could be forgiven for wanting to discuss that devastating insight with others of like mind; for wanting to gather regularly to do so; perhaps, even, for doing so at the same hour as their spiritually blind neighbours assembled in their false churches. In July 1645, the Welsh Seeker William Erbury preached forcefully against ‘gathering Churches’ and baptism, and did so to a gathered congregation numbering some forty people. He compared them to the Israelites in the wilderness, who had manna but not yet the full covenant of circumcision. ‘So now we may have many sweet things, conference and Prayer, but not a Ministery and Sacraments.’Footnote59 To be an anti-partisan party is certainly an irony, but it is not necessarily a contradiction. In a tract of 1651 which was one of the most thoughtful and balanced defences of the Seeker position, John Jackson insisted that Seekers did not reject all ordinances. They believed they were called to ‘searching the Testimonies of the Holy Writings of Truth’, and ‘the same touching Prayer, and distributing to the necessity of those that want’. And while these duties were chiefly solitary, there is also some ‘coming together into some place on the First-dayes [Sundays], and at other times, as their hearts are drawn forth, and opportunity is offered’. The purpose of these gatherings was to

… keep alive, and hold out in their measure their witness and testimony against the false, and waite for the manifestation of the true Lord Jesus, in his pure Ordinances of Mi|nistery and Worship … expressing their deep sence of the want of what they enjoy not, behaving themselves … as Sheep unfolded, and as Souldiers unrallied, waiting for a time of gathering, and restitution to the knowledge of what as yet they understand not.

That is certainly deeply austere, but there is at least the ghost of an institution: a body is being kept ready so that inspiration might one day fill it.Footnote60

This is what we may imagine when we read of Claxton joining ‘the society of those people called Seekers, who worshipped God onely by prayer and preaching’,Footnote61 or of John Toldervy attending ‘a private Meeting … of those called Seekers’, in which ‘two or three … were making enquiry what should be the meaning of the Spirit of God in two Scriptures, which seemingly did appear to contradict each other’.Footnote62 We may even believe Charles Marshall's account of how, in 1654, of

… many which were seeking after the Lord … a few of us … kept one day of the Week in Fasting and Prayer; so that when this day came, we met together early in the Morning, not tasting any thing; and sat down sometimes in silence; and as any found a Concern on their Spirits, and Inclination in their Hearts, they kneeled down, and sought the Lord; so that sometimes, before the day ended, there might be Twenty of us might pray, Men and Women, and sometimes Children spake a few words.Footnote63

Or perhaps we do not entirely believe him. For Marshall, like so many of our retrospective witnesses of the Seeker experience, became a Quaker, and all of those accounts are shaped by hindsight. When he describes something that sounds for all the world like a Quaker meeting avant la lettre, we are entitled to be suspicious.

And yet, for all that we must recognize the relentless undercurrent in this subject's historiography tugging us towards Quakerism; for all that we must treat the Seeker experience as a phenomenon in its own right, not simply a Quaker warm-up act, there is no escaping the fact that plenty of Seekers did become Quakers, and that Seekerism dissolved into darkness while Quakerism flourished. The takeover was not complete but it was substantial. And it is supremely a story of inspiration and institution: for the Quakers’ achievement, in stark contrast to the Seekers, was eventually to develop a structure and a form of collective life and worship which was faithful to the inspiration that drove them, but which also channelled, disciplined and nurtured it. In particular, where Seekers had nothing aside from their own consciences to keep them from sliding into hypocrisy or depravity, the Quakers quickly acquired that rarest and most invaluable of Christian characteristics: a reputation for fiercely authentic morality. It was that which convinced the former Mary Springett, now Mary Penington, that these wandering nobodies whom she had at first dismissed as fanatics were in fact the real thing.Footnote64 Toldervy, too, was won over by the Quakers’ implacable opposition to sin, ‘the sincerity of their discourse, with the sobriety of their appearance. … I concluded, that surely these people were of God, sent forth as witnesses for himself.’Footnote65 When faced with an audience so resolutely sceptical that they denied that a true church was even possible, it turned out that a community who became known for their daunting and unimpeachable moral perfection could make headway.

Even this, however, may have been a symptom of something deeper. The Quakers had, with their doctrine of the light of Christ within, successfully discovered what the Seekers had despaired of finding: a genuinely invincible certainty, a certainty which felt, as Boreel would put it, ‘wholly, intrinsically, undoubtedly, and merely true’, and of which they could be ‘infallibly assured’. Take the case of the former Leveller John Lilburne, in Dover in 1655, where he was visited by Luke Howard, the ex-Baptist and Seeker who had by now turned Quaker. Lilburne asked him, ‘I pray, sir, of what Opinion are you?’ – a weary question which may be curious for novelty, but does not expect enlightenment. Howard gave an unexpected reply: ‘None.’ Pressed on the subject, he insisted repeatedly that ‘really I am of no Opinion’, and he also refused to instruct Lilburne on how to act: ‘Thou mayest speak what is in thine owne Minde, & after thy owne Manner.’ This was the exact opposite of how sectarians usually behaved, and Lilburne was both perplexed and intrigued. Eventually he accompanied Howard to a Quaker meeting. He was unimpressed, feeling that ‘his Wisdom was aboue it’. But another Quaker preacher there, George Harrison, told him, ‘Friend, thou art too high for Truth’, which words, Lilburne claimed, ‘gaue him … “such a Box on ye Eare,” that stund him againe’.Footnote66 He would go on to live and die a Quaker. In a world of shifting opinions and dubious claims to wisdom, to meet a group who denied holding any opinions, who were confident that everyone who looked inside themselves would find the same truths, and who met only to share in the secret that there are no secrets, was to find unexpectedly what the Seekers had given up seeking. No wonder if, for many of those who had gone out to the farthest point and discovered the hard way that you cannot have inspiration without some form of institution, it was the form of institutionalized inspiration we call Quakerism that offered something they had despaired of ever finding: a home.



Most recently Como, David, Radical Parliamentarians and the English Civil War (Oxford, 2018)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; see also the indispensable Hughes, Ann, Gangraena and the Struggle for the English Revolution (Oxford, 2004)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.


Johnson, G. A., ‘From Seeker to Finder: A Study in Seventeenth-Century English Spiritualism before the Quakers’, ChH 17 (1948), 299–315Google Scholar.


McGregor, J. F., ‘Seekers and Ranters’, in idem and Reay, B., eds, Radical Religion in the English Revolution (Oxford, 1984), 121–39Google Scholar.


Edwards, Thomas, The first and second part of Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries, Wing E227 (London, 1646), 11Google Scholar.


Baxter, Richard, A key for Catholicks, to open the jugling of the Jesuits, Wing B1295 (London, 1659), 320, 332–4Google Scholar.


Powers to be resisted, or, A dialogue argving the Parliaments lawfull resistance of the powers now in armes against them, Wing P3111 (London, 1643), 48.


Burroughs, Jeremiah, Jacobs seed or The generation of seekers, Wing B6090 (Cambridge, 1648), 11Google Scholar.


The Writings and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell: With an Introduction, Notes and a Sketch of his Life, 1: 1599–1649, ed. Wilbur Cortez Abbot (Oxford, 1988), 416.


Gwyn, Douglas, Seekers Found: Atonement in Early Quaker Experience (Wallingford, PA, 2000)Google Scholar. The most important scholar of the subject, however, was the American Quaker Rufus M. Jones, who returned to the Seekers in several works, in particular Studies in Mystical Religion (London, 1909), 452–67; and Mysticism and Democracy in the English Commonwealth (Cambridge, MA, 1932), 58–104. See also the pioneering work of the nineteenth-century English Quaker Robert Barclay, The Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Commonwealth (London, 1876).


Penn, William, ed., A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of … George Fox, Wing F1864 (London, 1694)Google Scholar, sigs B2r–C1r.


McGregor, ‘Seekers and Ranters’, 128–9.


For example, Barclay, Inner Life, 412.


Peters, Kate, ‘Quakers and the Culture of Print in the 1650s’, in Knoppers, Laura Lunger, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Literature and the English Revolution (Oxford, 2012), 568–90Google Scholar, at 571.


Braithwaite, William C., The Beginnings of Quakerism (London, 1923), 83Google Scholar; cf. Hoare, Richard J., ‘The Balby Seekers and Richard Farnworth’, Quaker Studies 8 (2004), 194–207Google Scholar.


Penney, Norman, ed., The First Publishers of Truth, 5 vols (London and Philadelphia, PA, 1904), 18–19Google Scholar, 106, 115, 235 (continuously paginated); William Hull, The Rise of Quakerism in Amsterdam, 1655–1665 (Philadelphia, PA, 1938), 122; John Toldervy, The foot out of the snare. Or, A restoration of the inhabitants of Zion into their place, Wing T1767 (London, 1655), 4–7; Charles Marshall, Sion's Travellers Comforted, And the Disobedient Warned (London, 1704), sigs d3v–d4r.


Braithwaite, Beginnings of Quakerism, 27.


George Fox, The Journal of George Fox, ed. Norman Penney (New York, 2007; this edn first publ. 1924), 63, cf. 145, 148.


Thomas Taylor, Truth's innocency and simplicity shining through the conversion, Gospel-ministry, labours, epistles of love, testimonies and warnings … of … Thomas Taylor, Wing T591 (London, 1697), sigs B3r, C2r.


A catalogue of the severall sects and opinions in England and other nations. With a briefe rehearsall of their false and dangerous tenents, Wing C1411 ([London], 1647).


Baxter, A key for Catholicks, 332–4.


John Saltmarsh, Sparkles of Glory, Or, Some Beams of the Morning-Star, Wing S504 (London, 1647), 290–5; cf. idem, The smoke in the temple. Wherein is a designe for peace and reconciliation of believers, Wing S498 (London, 1646), sigs c2r–3r.


See, for example, Edwards, The first and second part of Gangraena, 13; ‘Wellwisher of Truth & Peace’, A relation of severall heresies … Discovering the originall ring-leaders, and the time when they began to spread, Wing R807 (London, 1646), 15; Ephraim Pagitt, Heresiography, or, A discription of the hereticks and sectaries of these latter times, 2nd edn, Wing P175 (London, 1645), 141; John Bastwick, The second part of that book call'd Independency not Gods ordinance, Wing B1069 (London, 1645), 37.


Thomas Edwards, The third part of Gangraena, Wing E237 (London, 1646), 116; Sebastian Franck, ‘A Letter to John Campanus’, in George Huntston Williams and Angel M. Mergal, eds, Spiritual and Anabaptist Writers, Library of Christian Classics 25 (London, 1957), 149. This edition of Gangraena includes (at p. 167) a letter from an informant of Edwards's in Lancashire, dated 10 October 1646, which lists ‘Seekers’ amongst the sectarians troubling the county by that date, implying that by then the term was in use across much of England.


This thread is traced in more detail in Alec Ryrie, Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 141–60; but see especially the fuller treatment of it in Jones, Studies in Mystical Religion; idem, Mysticism and Democracy.


Henoch Clapham, Errour on the right hand, RSTC 5341 (London, 1608), 29–31; cf. the briefer report from John Etherington, A discouery of the errors of the English Anabaptists, RSTC 14520 (London, 1623), 76–7.


Clapham, Errour on the right hand, 31–2, 37–8.


David Como, Blown by the Spirit: Puritanism and the Emergence of an Antinomian Underground in pre-Civil War England (Stanford, CA, 2004); J. C. Davis, ‘Against Formality: One Aspect of the English Revolution’, TRHS 6th series 3 (1993), 265–88.


Gwyn, Seekers found, 61, 63; Andrew C. Fix, Prophecy and Reason: The Dutch Collegiants in the Early Enlightenment (Princeton, NJ, 1991), 89; Ruben Buys, Sparks of Reason: Vernacular Rationalism in the Low Countries 1550–1670 (Hilversum, 2015); Gerrit Voogt, ‘“Anyone who can read may be a Preacher”: Sixteenth-Century Roots of the Collegiants’, DRChH 85 (2005), 409–24.


[Pieter Lansbergius]?, Grallator furens, de novo in scenam productus cum pantomimo suo, Bombomachide ulissingano (Franeker, 1647). For this book's salience to Anglophone readers, see George Gillespie, A treatise of miscellany questions wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved, Wing G761 (Edinburgh, 1649), 1, 7; ‘The Correspondence of John Selden (1584–1654)’, transcribed by G. J. Toomer, in Cultures of Knowledge Project, Early Modern Letters Online, 193–4, at: <>, last accessed 15 January 2021.


Walther Schneider, Adam Boreel. Sein Leben und seine Schriften (Giessen, 1911), 41–2, who bridles at the charge of ‘enthusiasm’; Sheffield, University of Sheffield, Hartlib Papers 3/3/32B; cf. ibid. 3/3/60B on Boreel's command of English. On his English links in general, see Rob Iliffe, ‘“Jesus Nazarenus legislator”: Adam Boreel's Defence of Christianity’, in Silvia Berti and Francoise Charles-Daubert, eds, Heterodoxy, Spinozism and Free Thought in Early Eighteenth-Century Europe (Dordrecht and Boston, MA, 1996), 375–96; Ernestine van der Wall, ‘The Dutch Hebraist Adam Boreel and the Mishnah Project’, Lias 16 (1989), 239–63.


[Adam Boreel], To the lavv, and to the testimonie or, A proposall of certain cases of conscience by way of quaere, Wing T1562 (London, 1648), especially 5, 28, 37–8, 83, 92–3, 96; cf. idem, Ad legem, et ad testimonium (, 1645).


Thomas Edwards, Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time, Wing E228 (London, 1646), sigs M1r–v.


[Clement Writer], The jus divinum of presbyterie, Wing W3724 (London, 1646), especially 12, 34.


Jones, Mysticism and Democracy, 72.


Davis, ‘Against Formality’.


Cotton Mather, Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England from its First Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698, 7 parts (London, 1702), 7: 9; cf. Jones, Mysticism and Democracy, 100–3.


Richard D. Pierce, ed., The Records of the First Church in Boston 1630–1868, 3 vols, Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts 39–41 (Boston, MA, 1961), 1: 52–4.


Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. Court Orders, 3: 1651–1661 (Boston, MA, 1855), 4, 74.


Robert Baillie, A dissuasive from the errours of the time: wherein the tenets of the principall sects, especially of the Independents, are drawn together in one map, Wing B456 (London, 1645), 163.


Edmund Calamy, The great danger of covenant-refusing, and covenant-breaking, Wing C254 (London, 1646), 27.


William Bartlet, Baʿal-shakoz or, Soveraigne balsome, gently applied in a few weighty considerations, Wing B987 (London, 1649), 4; Christopher Blackwood, Apostolicall baptisme: or, A sober rejoinder, to a treatise written by Mr. Thomas Blake, Wing B3096 (London, 1645 [vere 1646]), 76. On the term ‘baptistic congregationalist’ for those conventionally described as Particular Baptist, see Matthew Bingham, Orthodox Radicals: Baptist Identity in the English Revolution (Oxford, 2019).


S[arah]. J[ones]., To Sions louers, being a golden egge to avoid infection, or, A short step into the doctrine of laying on of hands, Wing J990 (London, 1644), sig. A2v.


Laurence Claxton, The lost sheep found: or, the prodigal returned, Wing C4580 (London, 1660), 19; David Booy, ed., Autobiographical Writings by Early Quaker Women (Aldershot, 2004), 82; Stephen Crisp, A memorable account of the Christian experiences, Gospel labours, travels, and sufferings of that ancient servant of Christ, Stephen Crisp, Wing C6921 (London, 1694), 13.


Luke Howard, Love and Truth in Plainness Manifested (London, 1704), 8–11.


Edwards, Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery, sigs K4v–L1r, which triumphantly reveals the implicit deception.


Richard Allen, An antidote against heresy: or a preservative for Protestants, Wing A1045A (London, 1648), 106–7.


The manner of the election of Philip Herbert late Earle of Pembroke, Wing M467 ([London], 1649), 3.


Booy, ed., Autobiographical Writings, 82–4, 88.


John Brinsley, A looking-glasse for good vvomen, held forth by way of counsell and advice, Wing B4717 (London, 1645), 12.


Robert Baillie, Anabaptism, the true fountaine of Independency, Wing B452A (London, 1647), 31.


Fox, Journal, ed. Penney, 7–8.


Booy, ed., Autobiographical Writings, 83.


John Gratton, A Journal of the Life of that Ancient Servant of Christ, John Gratton (London, 1720), 16.


Richard Farnworth, The heart opened by Christ, Wing F485 (London, 1654), 12.


Edwards, Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery, sig. N1v; Edward Burrough, The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation, Wing B5980 ([London], 1672), sig. E1v.


Francis Freeman, Light vanquishing darknesse. Or a vindication of some truths formerly declared, Wing F2129 (London, 1650), 2.


Compare the parallel and still controversial argument advanced by J. C. Davis in relation to the supposed Ranters: Fear, Myth and History: The Ranters and the Historians (Cambridge, 1986); idem, ‘Fear, Myth and Furore: Reappraising the “Ranters”’, P&P 129 (1990), 79–103. Davis had no more patience with ‘Seeker’ as a category of analysis than with ‘Ranter’, but his description of the those labelled Ranters as disparate figures whose common antipathy to partisanship led, ironically, to their being formed into a party by hostile contemporaries and by historians also applies, perhaps more convincingly, to the Seekers.


Claxton, Lost sheep found, especially 19–33.


Edwards, Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery, sig L3v.


John Jackson, A sober word to a serious people: or, A moderate discourse respecting as well the Seekers, (so called) as the present churches, Wing J78A (London, 1651), 3.


Claxton, Lost sheep found, 19.


Toldervy, The foot out of the snare, 3–4.


Marshall, Sion's Travellers Comforted, sig. d3v.


Booy, ed., Autobiographical Writings, 89.


Toldervy, The foot out of the snare, 3.


Penney, ed., First Publishers of Truth, 144–5.