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Spiritual ecology - Wikipedia

Spiritual ecology - Wikipedia

Spiritual ecology
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Spiritual ecology is an emerging field in religion, conservation, and academia recognizing that there is a spiritual facet to all issues related to conservation, environmentalism, and earth stewardship. Proponents of Spiritual Ecology assert a need for contemporary conservation work to include spiritual elements and for contemporary religion and spirituality to include awareness of and engagement in ecological issues.

3Indigenous wisdom

4Current trends
4.1Science and academia
4.2Religion and ecology
4.3Earth-based traditions and earth spirituality
4.4Spirituality and ecology
4.5Environmental conservation

5Opposing views

6See also
8Further reading
9External links


Contributors in the field of Spiritual Ecology contend there are spiritual elements at the root of environmental issues. Those working in the arena of Spiritual Ecology further suggest that there is a critical need to recognize and address the spiritual dynamics at the root of environmental degradation.[1]

The field is largely emerging through three individual streams of formal study and activity: science and academia, religion and spirituality, and ecological sustainability.[2]

Despite the disparate arenas of study and practice, the principles of spiritual ecology are simple: In order to resolve such environmental issues as depletion of species, global warming, and over-consumption, humanity must examine and reassess our underlying attitudes and beliefs about the earth, and our spiritual responsibilities toward the planet.[3]U.S. Advisor on climate change, James Gustave Speth, said: "I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation."[4]

Thus, it is argued, ecological renewal and sustainability necessarily depends upon spiritual awareness and an attitude of responsibility. Spiritual Ecologists concur that this includes both the recognition of creation as sacred and behaviors that honor that sacredness.

Recent written and spoken contributions of Pope Francis, particularly his May 2015 Encyclical, Laudato si', as well as unprecedented involvement of faith leaders at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris[5] reflect a growing popularity of this emerging view. The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, stated on December 4, 2015, that “Faith communities are vital for global efforts to address the climate challenge. They remind us of the moral dimensions of climate change, and of our obligation to care for both the Earth’s fragile environment and our neighbours in need.” [5]

Spiritual ecology identifies the Scientific Revolution—beginning the 16th century, and continuing through the Age of Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution—as contributing to a critical shift in human understanding with reverberating effects on the environment. The radical expansion of collective consciousness into the era of rational science included a collective change from experiencing nature as a living, spiritual presence to a utilitarianmeans to an end.[6]

During the modern age, reason became valued over faith, tradition, and revelation. Industrialized society replaced agricultural societies and the old ways of relating to seasons and cycles. Furthermore, it is argued that the growing predominance of a global, mechanized worldview, a collective sense of the sacred was severed and replaced with an insatiable drive for scientific progress and material prosperity without any sense of limits or responsibility.[6]

Some in Spiritual Ecology argue that a pervasive patriarchal world-view, and a monotheistic religious orientation towards a transcendent divinity, is largely responsible for destructive attitudes about the earth, body, and the sacred nature of creation.[7] Thus, many identify the wisdom of indigenous cultures, for whom the physical world is still regarded as sacred, as holding a key to our current ecological predicament.

Spiritual ecology is a response to the values and socio-political structures of recent centuries with their trajectory away from intimacy with the earth and its sacred essence. It has been forming and developing as an intellectual and practice-oriented discipline for nearly a century.[8]

Spiritual ecology includes a vast array of people and practices that intertwine spiritual and environmental experience and understanding. Additionally, within the tradition itself resides a deep, developing spiritual vision of a collective human/earth/divine evolution that is expanding consciousness beyond the dualities of human/earth, heaven/earth, mind/body. This belongs to the contemporary movement that recognizes the unity and interrelationship, or "interbeing," the interconnectedness of all of creation.

Visionaries carrying this thread include Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who founded the spiritual movement of anthroposophy, and described a "co-evolution of spirituality and nature"[9] and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit and paleontologist (1881-1955) who spoke of a transition in collective awareness toward a consciousness of the divinity within every particle of life, even the most dense mineral. This shift includes the necessary dissolution of divisions between fields of study as mentioned above. "Science, philosophy and religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole."[10]

Thomas Berry, the American Passionist priest known a 'geologian' (1914-2009), has been one of the most influential figures in this developing movement, with his stress on returning to a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world. He shared and furthered many of Teilhard de Chardin’s views, including the understanding that humanity is not at the center of the universe, but integrated into a divine whole with its own evolutionary path. This view compels a re-thinking of the earth/human relationship: "The present urgency is to begin thinking within the context of the whole planet, the integral earth community with all its human and other-than-human components."[11]

More recently, leaders in the Engaged Buddhism movement, including Thich Nhat Hanh, also identify a need to return to a sense of self which includes the Earth.[12] Joanna Macydescribes a collective shift – referred to as the "Great Turning" – taking us into a new consciousness in which the earth is not experienced as separate.[13] Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee similarly grounds his spiritual ecology work in the context of a collective evolutionary expansion towards oneness, bringing us all toward an experience of earth and humanity – all life – as interdependent. In the vision and experience of oneness, the term "spiritual ecology" becomes, itself, redundant. What is earth-sustaining is spiritual; that which is spiritual honors a sacred earth.[14][15]

An important element in the work of these contemporary teachers is the call for humanity’s full acceptance of responsibility for what we have done – physically and spiritually – to the earth. Only through accepting responsibility will healing and transformation occur.[14][15][16]

Including the need for a spiritual response to the environmental crisis, Charles, Prince of Wales in his 2010 book Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, writes: "A specifically mechanistic science has only recently assumed a position of such authority in the world... (and) not only has it prevented us from considering the world philosophically any more, our predominantly mechanistic way of looking at the world has also excluded our spiritual relationship with Nature. Any such concerns get short shrift in the mainstream debate about what we do to the Earth."[17] Prince Charles, who has promoted environmental awareness since the 1980s,[18] continues: "... by continuing to deny ourselves this profound, ancient, intimate relationship with Nature, I fear we are compounding our subconscious sense of alienation and disintegration, which is mirrored in the fragmentation and disruption of harmony we are bringing about in the world around us. At the moment we are disrupting the teeming diversity of life and the ‘ecosystems’ that sustain it—the forests and prairies, the woodland, moorland and fens, the oceans, rivers and streams. And this all adds up to the degree of ‘disease’ we are causing to the intricate balance that regulates the planet’s climate, on which we so intimately depend."[19]

In May 2015 Pope Francis’s Encyclical, “Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home,”endorsed the need for a spiritual and moral response to our environmental crisis, and thus implicitly brings the subject of spiritual ecology to the forefront of our present ecological debate. This encyclical recognizes that “The ecological crisis is essentially a spiritual problem,” [20] in line with the ideas of this developing field. American environmentalist, author, and journalist Bill McKibben who has written extensively on the impact of global warming, says that Pope Francis has "brought the full weight of the spiritual order to bear on the global threat posed by climate change, and in so doing joined its power with the scientific order."[21]

Scientist, environmentalist, and a leader in sustainable ecology David Suzuki also expresses the importance of including the sacred in addressing the ecological crisis: "The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it. If a mountain is a deity, not a pile of ore; if a river is one of the veins of the land, not potential irrigation water; if a forest is a sacred grove, not timber; if other species are biological kin, not resources; or if the planet is our mother, not an opportunity—then we will treat each other with greater respect. Thus is the challenge, to look at the world from a different perspective."[22]

Historically we see the development of the foundational ideas and perspective of spiritual ecology in mystical arms of traditional religions and spiritual arms of environmental conservation. These ideas put forth a story of an evolving universe and potential human experience of wholeness in which dualities dissipate—dualities that have marked past eras and contributed to the destruction of the earth as "other" than spirit.

A Catholic nun interviewed by Sarah MacFarland Taylor, author of the 2009 book, “Green Sisters: Spiritual Ecology” (Harvard University Press, 2009), articulates this perspective of unity: “There is no division between planting new fields and prayer.”[23]

Indigenous wisdom[edit]

Many in the field of spiritual ecology agree that a distinct stream of experience threading throughout history that has at its heart a lived understanding of the principles, values and attitudes of spiritual ecology: indigenous wisdom. The term "indigenous" in this context refers to that which is native, original, and resident to a place, more specifically to societies who share and preserve ways of knowing the world in relationship to the land.[24] For many Native traditions, the earth is the central spiritual context.[25] This principle condition reflects an attitude and way of being in the world that is rooted in land and embedded in place.[26] Spiritual ecology directs us to look to revered holders of these traditions in order to understand the source of our current ecological and spiritual crisis and find guidance to move into a state of balance.

Features of many indigenous teachings include life as a continual act of prayer and thanksgiving, knowledge and symbiotic relationship with an animate nature, and being aware of one’s actions on future generations. Such understanding necessarily implies a mutuality and reciprocity between people, earth and the cosmos.

The above historical trajectory is located predominantly in a Judeo-Christian European context, for it is within this context that humanity experienced the loss of the sacred nature of creation, with its devastating consequences. For example, with colonization, indigenous spiritual ecology was historically replaced by an imposed Western belief that land and the environment are commodities to be used and exploited, with exploitation of natural resources in the name of socio-economic evolution. This perspective "... tended to remove any spiritual value of the land, with regard only given for economic value, and this served to further distance communities from intimate relationships with their environments,"[27]often with "devastating consequences for indigenous people and nature around the world."[28][29] Research on early prehistoric human activity in the Quaternary extinction event, shows overhunting megafauna well before European colonization in North America, South America and Australia.[30][31][32][33][34][35][36] While this might cast doubt upon the view of indigenous wisdom and the sacred relationship to land and environment throughout the entirety of human history, it this does not negate the more recent devastating effects as referenced.

Along with the basic principles and behaviors advocated by spiritual ecology, some indigenous traditions hold the same evolutionary view articulated by the Western spiritual teachers listed above. The understanding of humanity evolving toward a state of unity and harmony with the earth after a period of discord and suffering is described in a number of prophecies around the globe. These include the White Buffalo prophecy of the Plains Indians, the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor from the people of the Andes, and the Onondaga prophecies held and retold by Oren Lyons.[37][38][39]

Current trends[edit]

Spiritual ecology is developing largely in three arenas identified above: Science and Academia, Religion and Spirituality, and Environmental Conservation.
Science and academia[edit]

Among scholars contributing to spiritual ecology, five stand out: Steven Clark Rockefeller, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, Bron Taylor and Roger S. Gottlieb.[40]

Mary Evelyn Tucker[41] and John Grim[42] are the co-ordinators of Yale University’s Forum on Religion and Ecology,[43] an international multi-religious project exploring religious world-views, texts ethics and practices in order to broaden understanding of the complex nature of current environmental concerns.

Steven C. Rockefeller is an author of numerous books about religion and the environment, and is professor emeritus of religion at Middlebury College. He played a leading role in the drafting of the Earth Charter.[44]

Roger S. Gottlieb[45] is a professor of Philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institute is author of over 100 articles and 16 books on environmentalism, religious life, contemporary spirituality, political philosophy, ethics, feminism, and the Holocaust.

Bron Taylor at the University of Florida coined the term "Dark Green Religion" to describe a set of beliefs and practices centered on the conviction that nature is sacred.[46]

Other leaders in the field include: Leslie E. Sponsel at the University of Hawai'i,[47] Sarah McFarland Taylor at Northwestern University,[48] Mitchell Thomashow at Antioch University New England and the Schumacher College Programs.[49]

Within the field of science, spiritual ecology is emerging in arenas including Physics, Biology (see: Ursula Goodenough), Consciousness Studies (see: Brian Swimme; California Institute of Integral Studies), Systems Theory (see: David Loy; Nondual Science Institute), and Gaia Hypothesis, which was first articulated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the 1970s.[citation needed]

Another example is scientist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger, world recognized expert on how trees chemically affect the environment, who brings together the fields of ethnobotany, horticulture, ecology, and spirituality in relation to the current ecological crisis and stewardship of the natural world. She says, "... the world, the gift of this world is fantastic and phenomenal. The molecular working of the world is extraordinary, the mathematics of the world is extraordinary... sacred and science go together."[50][51]

Religion and ecology[edit]

Within many faiths, environmentalism is becoming an area of study and advocacy.[52]Pope Francis’s May 2015 encyclical, Laudato si', offered a strong confirmation of spiritual ecology and its principles from within the Catholic Church. Additionally, over 150 leaders from various faiths signed a letter to the UN Climate Summit in Paris 2015, “Statement of Faith and Spiritual Leaders on the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21 in Paris in December 2015”, recognizing the earth as “a gift” from God and calling for climate action. These contemporary events are reflections of enduring themes coming to the fore within many religions.

Christian environmentalists emphasize the ecological responsibilities of all Christians as stewards of God's earth, while contemporary Muslim religious ecology is inspired by Qur'anic themes, such as mankind being khalifa, or trustee of God on earth (2:30). There is also a Jewish ecological perspective based upon the Bible and Torah, for example the laws of bal tashchit (neither to destroy wantonly, nor waste resources unnecessarily). Engaged Buddhism applies Buddhist principles and teachings to social and environmental issues. A collection of Buddhist responses to global warming can be seen at Ecological Buddhism.[53]

In addition to Pope Francis, other world traditions currently seem to include a subset of leaders committed to an ecological perspective. The "Green Patriarch," Bartholomew 1, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church,[54] has worked since the late nineties to bring together scientists, environmentalists, religious leaders and policy makers to address the ecological crisis, and says protecting the planet is a "sacred task and a common vocation… Global warming is a moral crisis and a moral challenge.”[55] The Islamic Foundation For Ecology And Environmental Sciences (IFEES)[56] were one of the sponsors of the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium held in Istanbul in August 2015, which resulted in "Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change"—a declaration endorsed by religious leaders, noted Islamic scholars and teachers from 20 countries.[57] In October, 2015, 425 rabbis signed "A Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis", calling for vigorous action to prevent worsening climate disruption and to seek eco-social justice.[58] Hindu scriptures also allude strongly and often to the connection between humans and nature, and these texts form the foundation of the Hindu Declaration on Climate Change, presented at a 2009 meeting of the Parliament of World Religions.[59]Many world faith and religious leaders, such as the Dalai Lama, were present at the 2015 Climate Change Conference, and shared the view that: "Saving the planet is not just a political duty, but also a moral one."[60][61] The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, has also stated, "The environmental emergency that we face is not just a scientific issue, nor is it just a political issue—it is also a moral issue.”[62]

These religious approaches to ecology also have a growing interfaith expression, for example in The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) where world religious leaders speak out on climate change and sustainability. And at their gathering in Fall 2015, the Parliament of World Religions created a declaration for Interfaith Action on Climate Change, and "brought together more than 10,000 activists, professors, clergy, and global leaders from 73 countries and 50 faiths to confront climate change"[63]
Earth-based traditions and earth spirituality[edit]

Care for and respect to earth as Sacred—as Mother Earth (Mother Nature)—who provides life and nourishment, is a central point to Earth-based spirituality. PaGaian Cosmology is a tradition within Earth-based spirituality that focuses particularly in Spiritual Ecology and celebrating the sacredness of life. Glenys Livingstone describes it in her book as "an ecospirituality grounded in indigenous Western religious celebration of the Earth-Sun annual cycle. By linking to story of the unfolding universe this practice can be deepened. And a sense of the Triple Goddess—central to the cycle and known in ancient cultures—may be developed as a dynamic innate to all being. The ritual scripts and the process of ritual events presented here, may be a journey into self-knowledge through personal, communal and ecological story: the self to be known is one that is integral with place."[64]

Spirituality and ecology[edit]

While religiously-oriented environmentalism is grounded in scripture and theology, there is a more recent environmental movement that articulates the need for an ecological approach founded on spiritual awareness rather than religious belief. The individuals articulating this approach may have a religious background, but their ecological vision comes from their own lived spiritual experience.[65][66] The difference between this spiritually-oriented ecology and a religious approach to ecology can be seen as analogous to how the Inter-spiritual Movement moves beyond interfaith and interreligious dialogue to focus on the actual experience of spiritual principles and practices.[67] Spiritual ecology similarly explores the importance of this experiential spiritual dimension in relation to our present ecological crisis.[14]

The Engaged Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of the importance of mindfulness in taking care of our Mother Earth, and how the highest form of prayer is real communion with the Earth.[68] Sandra Ingerman offers shamanic healing as a way of reversing pollution in Medicine for the Earth.[69] Franciscan friar Richard Rohr emphasizes the need to experience the whole world as a divine incarnation. Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Leedirects our attention not just to the suffering of the physical world, but also its interior spiritual self, or anima mundi (world soul). Bill Plotkin and others are involved in the work of finding within nature the reconnection with our soul and the world soul.[70] These are just a few of the many different ways practitioners of spiritual ecology within different spiritual traditions and disciplines bring our awareness back to the sacred nature of creation.

Environmental conservation[edit]
Main article: Conservation movement

The environmental conservation field has been informed, shaped, and led by individuals who have had profound experiences of nature’s sacredness and have fought to protect it. Recognizing the intimacy of human soul and nature, many have pioneered a new way of thinking about and relating to the earth.

Today many aspects of the environmental conservation movement are empowered by spiritual principles and interdisciplinary cooperation.

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, has recently founded the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment[71] which bridges scientific based study of ecology and the environment with traditional ecological knowledge, which includes spirituality. As she writes in this piece from Oxford Journal BioScience: "Traditional ecological knowledge is increasingly being sought by academics, agency scientists, and policymakers as a potential source of ideas for emerging models of ecosystem management, conservation biology, and ecological restoration. It has been recognized as complementary and equivalent to scientific knowledge... Traditional ecological knowledge is not unique to Native American culture but exists all over the world, independent of ethnicity. It is born of long intimacy and attentiveness to a homeland and can arise wherever people are materially and spiritually integrated with their landscape."[72]

In recent years, the World Wildlife Fund (World Wide Fund for Nature) has developed Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation, a program to collaborate with spiritual leaders and faith communities from all different spiritual traditions around the world, to face environmental issues including deforestation, pollution, unsustainable extraction, melting glaciers and rising sea levels. The Sacred Earth program works with faith-based leaders and communities, who "best articulate ethical and spiritual ideals around the sacred value of Earth and its diversity, and are committed to protecting it."[73]

One of the conservation projects developed from the WWF Sacred Earth program is Khoryug,[74] based in the Eastern Himalayas, which is an association of several Tibetan Buddhist monasteries that works on environmental protection of the Himalayan region through apply the values of compassion and interdependence towards the Earth and all living beings that dwell here. Organized under the auspices of His Holiness, the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the Khoryug project resulted in the publication of environmental guidelines for Buddhists and "more than 55 monastery-led projects to address forest degradation, water loss, wildlife trade, waste, pollution and climate change."[75]

Krishna Kant Shukla, a physicist and musician, is noted for his lectures on "Indian villages as models of sustainable development" and his work in establishing Saha Astitva a model eco village and organic farm in tribal Maharashtra, India.

One trend to note is the recognition that women—by instinct and nature—have a unique commitment and capacity to protect the earth’s resources. We see this illustrated in the lives of Wangari Maathai, founder of Africa’s Green Belt Movement, which was initially made up of women planting trees; Jane Goodall, innovator of local sustainable programs in Africa, many of which are designed to empower girls and women; and Vandana Shiva, the Indian feminist activist working on a variety of issues including seed saving, protecting small farms in India and protesting agri-business.

Other contemporary inter-disciplinary environmentalists include Wendell Berry, a farmer, poet, and academic living in Kentucky, who fights for small farms and criticizes agri-business; and Satish Kumar, a former Jain monk and founder of Schumacher College, a center for ecological studies.

Opposing views[edit]

Although the May 2015 Encyclical from Pope Francis brought the importance of the subject spiritual ecology to the fore of mainstream contemporary culture, it is a point of view that is not widely accepted or included in the work of most environmentalists and ecologists. Academic research on the subject has also generated some criticism.[76][77]

Ken Wilber has criticized spiritual ecology, suggesting that “spiritually oriented deep ecologists” fail to acknowledge the transcendent aspect of the divine, or hierarchical cosmologies, and thus exclude an important aspect of spirituality, as well as presenting what Wilber calls a one-dimensional “flat land” ontology in which the sacred in nature is wholly immanent. But Wilber's views are also criticized as not including an in-depth understanding of indigenous spirituality.[78]

See also[edit]

Ecology portal
Cultural ecology
Deep ecology
Religion and ecology

^ White, Lynn (1967-03-10). "The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis". Science. 155(3767): 1203–1207. doi:10.1126/science.155.3767.1203. ISSN 1095-9203. PMID 17847526.
^ Sponsel, Leslie E. (2012). Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution. Praeger. pp. xiii. ISBN 978-0-313-36409-9.
^ This theme is developed further in the work of Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sandra Ingerman, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim:, Leslie Sponsel:, and others.
^ Crockett, Daniel. "Connection Will Be the Next Big Human Trend", Huffington Post, Aug 22, 2014.
^ Jump up to:a b Vidal, John. "Religious leaders step up pressure for action on climate change", The Guardian, December 4, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Mary Evelyn Tucker, "Complete Interview", Global Oneness Project video. See also: Worldviews & Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John A. Grim (eds.), and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
^ See Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, ch. 3, "Patriarchal Deities and the Repression of the Feminine."
^ See Leslie E. Sponsel, Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution, ch. III, "Branches", 69-83 and specifically ch. 12, "Supernovas."
^ Leslie E. Sponsel, Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution, p. 66.
^ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, p. 30.
^ Thomas Berry, The Great Work, p. 105.
^ Confino, Jo. "Beyond environment: falling back in love with Mother Earth," The Guardian, Feb. 2010.
^ Joanna Macy (2009-10-07). "The Great Turning". Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Jump up to:a b c Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. "Spiritual Ecology". Spiritual Ecology. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Jump up to:a b "Home". Working with Oneness. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Also see the video Taking Spiritual Responsibility for the Planet with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, and Engaged Buddhism
^ Charles HRH The Prince of Wales. Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, ch. 1, pp. 10–11.
^ Gayathri, Amrutha. "Prince Charles Warns of ‘Sixth Extinction Event,’ Asks People to Cut Down on Consumption," International Business Times, Sept. 9, 2011.
^ Charles HRH The Prince of Wales. Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, ch. 1, p. 27.
^ 'Metropolitan John Zizioulas: Laudato Si' give Orthodox 'great joy'", Vatican Radio, June 16, 2015.
^ McKibben, Bill. "Pope Francis: The Cry of the Earth," New York Review of Books, NYDaily, June 18, 2015.
^ The David Suzuki Reader, p. 11.
^ See Harvard University Press, Interview with Sarah McFarland Taylor on the HUP Podcast.
^ John Grim, "Recovering Religious Ecology with Indigenous Traditions", available online at: Indigenous Traditions and Ecology, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology.
^ Mary Evelyn Tucker and John A. Grim (eds.), Worldviews & Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment, p. 11.
^ Tu Wei-Ming, "Beyond Enlightenment Mentality", published in Worldviews & Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John A. Grim (eds.), p. 27.
^ Ritskes, Eric. “A Great Tree Has Fallen: Community, Spiritual Ecology, and African Education", AJOTE, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012.
^ See "Environment and Imperialism: Why Colonialism Still Matters,"[1] Joseph Murphy, Sustainability Research Institute (SRI), School of Earth and Environment, The University of Leeds, U.K., Oct. 2009, page 6.
^ See also "Healing Ecological and Spiritual Connections through Learning to be Non-Subjects'[2], Charlotte Šunde, Australian eJournal of Theology 8, Oct 2006.
^ Edwards, William Ellis. (1967). “The Late-Pleistocene Extinction and Diminution in Size of Many Mammalian Species.” In Pleistocene Extinctions: The Search for a Cause. Paul S. Martin and H.E. Wright, Jr., eds. Pp. 141-154. New Haven: Yale University Press
^ "...all of these [data] indicate human involvement in megafauna extinctions as not only plausible, but likely." Humans and the Extinction of Megafauna in the Americas, Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science, Spring 2009
^ Gibbons, Robin (2004). Examining the Extinction of the Pleistocene Megafauna. Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal, Spring 2004, pp. 22-27
^ Grayson, Donald K. (1984). “Archaeological Associations with Extinct Pleistocene Mammals in North America.” Journal of Archaeological Science 11(3):213-221
^ Martin, Paul S. (1967). “Prehistoric Overkill.” In Pleistocene Extinctions: The Search for a Cause. Paul S. Martin and H.E. Wright, Jr., eds. Pp. 75-120. New Haven: Yale University Pressre.
^ Martin, Paul S. (1984). “Prehistoric Overkill: The Global Model.” In Quaternary Extinctions: A Prehistoric Revolution. Paul S. Martin and Richard G. Klein, eds. Pp. 354-403. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
^ Roberts, Richard G. et al. (2001). “New Ages for the Last Australian Megafauna: Continent-Wide Extinction About 46,000 Years Ago.” Science 292:1888-1892
^ "Chief Arvol Looking Horse Speaks of White Buffalo Prophecy". YouTube. 2010-08-26. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Vaughan, Emmanuel (2015-04-25). "An Invitation". Global Oneness Project. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "The Faithkeeper | Film Reviews | Films | Spirituality & Practice". Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Leslie E. Sponsel, Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution, ch. 12, "Supernovas", p. 83.
^ "About | Mary Evelyn Tucker". Emerging Earth Community. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "About | John Grim". Emerging Earth Community. 2015-02-03. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology". Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "Earth Charter | Overview". Emerging Earth Community. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Roger S. Gottlieb, Professor of Philosophy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
^ "Exploring and Studying Environmental Ethics & History, Nature Religion, Radical Environmentalism, Surfing Spirituality, Deep Ecology and more". Bron Taylor. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "Spiritual Ecology | Leslie E. Sponsel". Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Sarah McFarland Taylor (2008). Green Sisters: a Spiritual Ecology. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674034952.
^ "Transformative Learning through Sustainable Living". Schumacher College. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Harris, Sarah, (Reporter and Producer) "Sacred and science go together" for botanist Diana Beresford-Kroeger North Country Public Radio, May 15, 2014.
^ See also: Hampson, Sarah. The tree whisperer: science, spirituality and an abiding love of forests The Globe and Mail, Oct. 17, 2013.
^ "Religious agency in sustainability transitions: Between experimentation, upscaling, and regime support". Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 27: 4–15. 2018-06-01. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2017.09.003. ISSN 2210-4224.
^ "Home". Ecobuddhism. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "Home - The Ecumenical Patriarchate". Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Bingham, John. "Science alone cannot save the planet, insists spiritual leader of Orthodox Church" The Telegraph, Nov. 3, 2015.
^ The Islamic Foundation For Ecology And Environmental Sciences (IFEES)
^ Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change
^ Link to the text of the Rabbinic Letter and its signers
^ Hindu Declaration on Climate Change, presented at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 8, 2009.
^ Religious leaders as climate activists: Saving planet is moral duty", DPA (German Press Agency News), Nov 4, 2015.
^ See also Greenfield, Nicole "In the Spiritual Movement to Fight Climate Change, the Pope Is Not Alone," originally published by the Natural Resource Defense Council, June 22, 2015.
^ Rohn, Roger. "For Buddhist Leader, Religion And the Environment Are One: Interview with H.H. The Karmapa, Yale Environment 360, April 16, 2015.
^ "7 Ways the Parliament Stepped Up to Challenge Climate Change in 2015," Parliament of World Religions, Dec. 14, 2015.
^ "PaGaian Cosmology". PaGaian Cosmology. 2013-07-16. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ Raymond., Taylor, Bron (2010). Dark green religion : nature spirituality and the planetary future. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520237759. OCLC 313078466.
^ "Eco-Spirituality in Environmental Action: Studying Dark Green Religion in the German Energy Transition | Koehrsen | Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture". doi:10.1558/jsrnc.33915. Retrieved 2018-12-31.
^ Interspirituality moves a step beyond interfaith dialogue and is a concept and term developed by the Catholic Monk Wayne Teasdale in 1999 in his book The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World’s Religions. Also see "New Monasticism: An Interspiritual Manifesto for Contemplative Life in the 21st Century", by Rory McEntee & Adam Bucko, p. 22, and Wayne Teasdale, A Monk in the World, p.175. Furthermore, interspirituality has an ecological dimension. See "The Interspiritual Age: Practical Mysticism for a Third Millennium", Wayne Teasdale, (1999).
^ "Thay: Beyond Environment". Ecobuddhism. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "Sandra Ingerman". Sandra Ingerman. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ "A New Book by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D". Nature and the Human Soul. Retrieved 2015-08-28.
^ See SUNY-ESF Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
^ Kimmerer, Robin Wall. "Weaving Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Biological Education: A Call to Action," Oxford Journals: Science & Mathematics, BioScience, Vol. 52, Issue 5, Pp. 432-438.
^ See Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation at WWF.
^ See Khoryug.
^ See Murray, Tim. Seeking an Ecological Rescue: Do We Need a Spiritual Awakening—or a Scientific Understanding?, Humanist Perspectives: a Canadian Journal of Humanism, Issue 86, Autumn 2013.
^ See also Sponsel, Leslie E. Religion, nature and environmentalism Archived 2014-05-30 at the Wayback MachineEncyclopedia of the Earth, published July 2, 2007 (updated March 2013).
^ See Zimmerman, Michael E. Ken Wilber's Critique of Ecological Spirituality, Integral World, published August 2003.
As of 15 December 2015, this article is derived in whole or in part from The copyright holder has licensed the content in a manner that permits reuse under CC BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL. All relevant terms must be followed. The original text was at "About Spiritual Ecology".
Further reading[edit]
Beresford-Kroeger, Diana, The Global Forest: Forty Ways Trees Can Save Us. Penguin Books, 2011. ISBN 978-0143120162
Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1988. ISBN 1578051355
Berry, Thomas, The Sacred Universe. Essays edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker. Columbia University Press, New York, 2009. ISBN 0231149522
Hayden, Thomas, The Lost Gospel of the Earth. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1996.
Jung, C.G., The Earth Has A Soul, The Nature Writings of C.G. Jung, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, 2002. ISBN 1556433794
Koehrsen, Jens, Religious agency in sustainability transitions: Between experimentation, upscaling, and regime support, in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 27, p. 4-15.
Laszlo, Ervin & Allan Coombs (eds.), Thomas Berry, Dreamer of the Earth: The Spiritual Ecology of the Father of Environmentalism. Inner Traditions, Rochester, 2011. ISBN 1594773955
Livingstone, Glenys, Pagaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth Based Goddess Religion. iUniverse, Inc, 2008. ISBN 978-0-595-34990-6
Macy, Joanna, World as Lover, World as Self. Parallax Press, Berkeley, 2007. ISBN 188837571X
McFarland Taylor, Sarah, Green Sisters: A Spiritual Ecology. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. ISBN 9780674034952
Nelson, Melissa (ed.), Original Instructions, Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future. Bear & Co., Rochester, 2008. ISBN 1591430798
Maathai, Wangari, Replenishing the Earth: Spiritual Values for Healing Ourselves and the World. Doubleday Religion, New York, 2010. ISBN 030759114X
McCain, Marian Van Eyk (ed.), GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness. O Books, Washington, 2010. ISBN 184694290X
McDonald, Barry (ed.), Seeing God Everywhere, Essays on Nature and the Sacred. World Wisdom, Bloomington, 2003. ISBN 0941532429
Newell, John Philip, A New Harmony, The Spirit, The Earth, and The Human Soul. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2011. ISBN 0470554673
Plotkin, Bill, Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World. New World Library, Novato, 2007. ISBN 1577315510
Plotkin, Bill, Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche. New World Library, Novato, 2003. ISBN 1577314220
Sponsel, Leslie E., 'Spiritual Ecology in Ecological Anthropology' in Environmental Anthropology Today. Ed. Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet. Routledge, 2011. ISBN 978-0415781565.
Suzuki, David; McConnell, Amanda; and DeCambra, Maria The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature. Greystone Books, ISBN 978-1553651666
Stanley, John, David Loy and Gyurme Dorje (eds.), A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency. Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2009. ISBN 0861716051
Thich Nhat Hanh, The World We Have. Parallax Press, Berkeley, 2008. ISBN 1888375884
Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth. The Golden Sufi Center, 2013. ISBN 978-1-890350-45-1; downloadable in PDF
External links[edit]
ARC: the Alliance of Religions and Conservation
Bioneers National Conference, Oct 18-20, 2013: Spiritual Ecology: A Spiritual Response to the Ecological Crisis, with Dekila Chungyalpa, Director of the World Wildlife Fund’s Sacred Earth program; Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sufi teacher and author; Joanna Macy, legendary activist and scholar of systems theory, deep ecology and Buddhism
The Earth Charter
Center for Earth Jurisprudence
Faith Statements on the Environment at Earth Ministry
Ecological Buddhism: A Buddhist Response to Global Warming
Emerging Earth Community: John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, Co-Directors of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale University
Genesis Farm: Exploring the sacred unity of life, humanity and Earth within a single, unfolding Universe
Global Peace Initiative of Women, Sacred Earth Community
Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute
Schumacher College
"Ecology, Spirituality, Sustainability: Feminist and Indigenous Interventions" April 2014 The 21st Annual Women's Studies Conference at Southern Connecticut State University
Spiritual Ecology: Welcome to the Revolution, website and academic resources from Dr.Leslie E.Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai`i
Spiritual Ecology: A Spiritual Response to Our Present Ecological Crisis by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee & Others
Spiritual Ecology Youth Fellowship Program
Project on Spiritual Ecology at St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation & Peace, London, UK
The Thomas Berry Foundation
The Wendell Berry Center
The Work that Reconnects: First emerging in 1978, this pioneering, open-source body of work has its roots in the teachings and experiential methods of Joanna Macy
World Wildlife Program—Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation


What is the Meaning of Life, Jeremy Griffith

What is the Meaning of Life, What is Life and Other Thoughts on Life | Book of Answers | World Transformation Movement

What is the Meaning of Life?

Written by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith2011

There IS an answer to the question of ‘what is the meaning of life’, BUT until we could explain our seemingly-imperfect, ‘good-and-evil’-afflicted HUMAN CONDITION we couldn’t afford to acknowledge what that meaning is.

Since life is subject to the laws of physics, and the integrative, cooperation-dependent law of Negative Entropy implies that we should live cooperatively, selflessly and lovingly, WHY THEN ARE WE HUMANS COMPETITIVE, SELFISH AND AGGRESSIVE? Yes, we needed to first explain our DIVISIVE human condition because only then could we face this truth of the ordering-of-matter, INTEGRATIVE meaning of life!

And, MOST WONDERFULLY, biology is now able to provide that long dreamed-of, reconciling, redeeming and thus psychologically rehabilitating explanation of our seemingly-highly-imperfect, divisively-behaved human condition, thus allowing us to safely admit that the meaning of life is to behave in an integrative cooperative, selfless and loving way. (It should be mentioned that this explanation of our species’ deeply psychologically troubled condition is not the psychosis-avoiding, trivialising, dishonest account of it that the biologist E.O. Wilson has put forward in his theory of Eusociality, but the psychosis-addressing-and-solving, real explanation of it.)

Before presenting the all-important, human-race-transforming, real explanation of the human condition, the following scientific explanation of the integrative meaning of life makes it very clear why we couldn’t admit this truth while we were unable to explain the human condition.

The world’s greatest physicists, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, have said, respectively, that ‘The overwhelming impression is of order…[in] the universe’ (‘The Time of His Life’, Gregory Benford, Sydney Morning Herald28 Apr. 2002), and that ‘behind everything is an order’ (Einstein RevealedPBS1997). Yes, this ‘order’ IS apparent everywhere. Over the eons a chaotic universe organised itself into stars, planets and galaxies. Here on Earth, atoms became ordered or integrated to form molecules  which in turn integrated to form compounds  virus-like organisms  single-celled organisms multicellular organisms  and then societies of multicellular organisms. Overall, what is happening on Earth is that matter is becoming ordered into larger wholes. So the theme or purpose or meaning of existence is the ordering or integration or complexification of matter, a process that is driven by the physical law of Negative Entropy. ‘Holism’, which the dictionary defines as ‘the tendency in nature to form wholes’ (Concise Oxford Dictionary5th edn, 1964), and ‘teleology’, which is defined as ‘the belief that purpose and design are a part of nature’ (Macquarie Dictionary3rd edn, 1998), are both terms that recognise this integrative ‘tendency’.
HOWEVER, the great problem with this truth of the integrative meaning of life is that for a larger whole to form and hold together the parts of that whole must consider the welfare of the whole above their own welfareput simply, selfishness is divisive or disintegrativewhile selflessness is integrative. So consider-others-above-yourself, altruistic, unconditional selflessness is the underlying theme of existence. It’s the glue that holds the world together and what we really mean by the term ‘love’. Indeed, if we consider religious terminology, the old Christian word for love was ‘caritas’, which means charity or giving or selflessness; see Col. 3:141 Cor. 13:11310:24, and John 15:13. Of these biblical references, Colossians 3:14perfectly summarises the integrative significance of love: ‘And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.’ In John 15:13 we also see that Christ emphasised the unconditionally selfless significance of the word ‘love’ when he said, ‘Greater love has no-one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’ BUT acknowledging and accepting this truththat the meaning of life is to be integrative cooperative, selfless and lovingleft humans feeling unbearably condemned as bad, evil or unworthy for our divisive competitive, selfish and aggressive, seemingly-unloving behaviour. Indeed, we have been so divisive, soruthlessly competitive, selfish and brutal that human life has become all but unbearable and we have nearly destroyed our own planet! ONLY when we could truthfully explain the good reason WHY we humans have not been ideally behaved, explain our in-humanitytruthfully explain the human condition no less, which fortunately we now canwould it be psychologically safe to confront, admit and accept that the meaning of life is to be integrative, selfless and loving.
Furthermore, the concept of ‘God’ is actually our personification of this truth of Integrative Meaning, and if we include more of what Hawking and Einstein said we can see that they both agree. Hawking: ‘The overwhelming impression is of order. The more we discover about the universe, the more we find that it is governed by rational laws. If one liked, one could say that this order was the work of God. Einstein thought so…We could call order by the name of God’ (‘The Time of His Life’, Gregory Benford, Sydney Morning Herald28 Apr. 2002); and, ‘I would use the term God as the embodiment of the laws of physics’ (Master of the UniverseBBC1989). Einstein: ‘over time, I have come to realise that behind everything is an order that we glimpse only indirectly [because it’s unbearably confronting/condemning!]. This is religiousness. In this sense, I am a religious man’ (Einstein Revealed,PBS1997). As it says in the Bible, ‘God is love’ (John 4:8, 16).‘God’ is the integrative, unconditionally selfless theme of existence. Again, the problem was that until we could truthfully explain the human condition we needed the concept of ‘God’ to remain safely abstract and undefinedwe couldn’t afford to demystify ‘God’, admit the truth that the meaning of life is to be integrative, selfless and loving. It is little wonder then that we humans have been, as we say, ‘God-fearing’in fact, God-revering to the point of being God-worshippingnot God-confronting!
When the scientist-philosopher Teilhard de Chardin wrote, ‘I can see a direction and a line of progress for life, a line and a direction which are in fact so well marked that I am convinced their reality will be universally admitted by the science of tomorrow’ (The Phenomenon of Man1938, p.142), he was recognising firstly how obvious the integrative, order-of-matter-developing theme of existence is; and, secondly, that this truth of the integrative ‘direction’ or theme or purpose or meaning of existence wouldn’t be able to be ‘admitted’ until the human-condition-resolved ‘science of tomorrow’ emerged, which relievingly it now has. ‘Yesterday’s’ scientists avoidedthe overarching, truthful whole view of the integrative meaning of existence and the issue of the human condition it raised and instead adopted a reduced view that only focused down on to the details about the mechanisms of the workings of our worldthey have been what’s called ‘reductionist’ and ‘mechanistic’not ‘teleological’ and ‘holistic’and the contrivance they developed to avoid the truth of Integrative Meaning was to assert that there is no direction or meaning to existence and that change is random. Furthermore, to avoid religion’s acknowledgement of Integrative Meaning (albeit an indirect and abstract acknowledgement in the form of the concept of ‘God’) ‘yesterday’s’ scientists claimed that religion and science were two totally unrelated realmsto the point that E.O. Wilson has said, ‘I take a very strong stance against the mingling of religion and science’ (National Geographic Magazine, May 2006). Of course, as the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Charles H. Townes truthfully admitted, ‘they [religion and science] both represent man’s efforts to understand his universe and must ultimately be dealing with the same substance. As we understand more in each realm, the two must grow together…converge they must’(‘The Convergence of Science and Religion’, Zygon, Vol.1 No.31966).
Indeed, the great hope implicit in the reductionist, mechanistic approach was that by finding understanding of the mechanisms of the workings of our world its practitioners would at least be assembling the means by which the human condition might one day be able to be explainedand that is exactly what they achieved. As will be described shortly, through the gradual accumulation of knowledge about the mechanisms of the workings of our world, scientists found understanding of the difference in the way genes and nerves function, which is the key insight that at last made it possible to explain the human condition.
So it is only now that the human condition has been explained that de Chardin’s integrative-‘direction’-or-theme-or-purpose-or-meaning-acknowledging ‘science of tomorrow’can emerge. And it is also only now that the integrative ideals and our lack of compliance with them can be reconciled and religion and science ‘converge’. Furthermore, finding understanding of our less-than-ideally-behaved human condition is the crucial insight we needed to psychologically rehabilitate the human race. The famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung was forever saying that ‘wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow’because he recognised that only finding understanding of our dark side could end our underlying insecurity about our fundamental goodness and worth as humans and, in so doing, make us ‘whole’ and restore our humanity, the cooperative, harmonious integrated state. Yes, it is only now that we can at last explain the human condition that we can understand and thus heal that divisive competitive, selfish and aggressive, seemingly-‘unGodly’ condition! (Again, it has to be stressed that this explanation of our deeply psychologically troubled condition is not the psychosis-avoiding, trivialising, dishonest account of it that E.O. Wilson put forward in his theory of Eusociality, but the psychosis-addressing-and-solving, truthful, real explanation of it.)

So, what is the wonderful, dreamed-of, exonerating, psychologically ameliorating, real biological explanation of the human condition that at last makes it safe to admit that the meaning of life is to be integrative, selfless and loving?

Certainly, we have invented excuses to justify our species’ seemingly-imperfect competitive, selfish and aggressive behaviourfor our inconsistency with the integrative meaning of life. The main excuse has been that we have savage animal instincts that make us fight and compete for food, shelter, territory and a mate. Of course, this ‘explanation’, which has been put forward in the biological theories of Social Darwinism, Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology, Multilevel Selection and E.O. Wilson’s Eusociality and basically argues that ‘genes are competitive and selfish and that’s why we are’, can’t be the realexplanation for our competitive, selfish and aggressive behaviour. Firstly, it overlooks the fact that our human behaviour involves our unique fully conscious thinking mind. Descriptions like egocentric, arrogant, deluded, artificial, hateful, mean, immoral, alienated, etc, all imply a consciousness-derived, psychological dimension to our behaviour. The real issuethe psychological problem in our thinking minds that we have suffered fromis the dilemma of our human condition, the issue of our species’ ‘good-and-evil’-afflicted, less-than-ideal, even ‘fallen’ or corrupted state. We humans suffer from a consciousness-derived, psychologicalHUMAN CONDITIONnot an instinct-controlled animal conditionour condition is unique to us fully conscious humans. (A brief description of the theories of Social Darwinism, Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology, Multilevel Selection and Eusociality that blame our divisive behaviour on savage instincts rather than on a consciousness-derived psychosis is presented in the What is Science? article in this, The Book of Real Answers to Everything!, with the complete account provided in the freely-available, online book Freedom: Expanded Book 1.)
The second reason the savage-instincts-in-us excuse can’t possibly be the real explanation for our divisive, selfish and aggressive behaviour is that it overlooks the fact that we humans have altruistic, cooperative, loving moral instinctswhat we recognise as our ‘conscienceand these moral instincts in us that are aligned to the integrative, selfless, loving meaning of life are not derived from reciprocity, from situations where you only do something for others in return for a benefit from them, as Evolutionary Psychologists would have us believe. And nor are they derived from warring with other groups of humans as advocates of the theory of Eusociality would have us believe. No, we have an unconditionallyselfless, fully altruistic, truly loving, universally-considerate-of-others-not-competitive-with-other-groups, genuinely moral conscience. Our original instinctive state was the opposite of being competitive, selfish and aggressive: it was fully cooperative, selfless and loving. Our species’ original instinctive alignment WAS TO the integrative, truly loving, ‘Godly’ meaning of life; as William Wordsworth wrote in his great poem, Intimations of Immortality‘trailing clouds of glory do we come, from God, who is our home’. (How we humans acquired unconditionallyselfless moral instincts when it would seem that an unconditionally selfless, fully altruistic trait is going to self-eliminate and thus not ever be able to become established in a species is briefly explained in the above-mentioned What is Science? article, and more fully explained in chapter 5 of FREEDOMhowever, the point being made here is that the savage-instincts-in-us excuse is completely inconsistent with the fact that we have genuine and entirely moral instincts, NOT savage instincts. Charles Darwin recognised the difference in our moral nature when he said that ‘the moral sense affords the best and highest distinction between man and the lower animals’ (The Descent of Man1871, p.495).)
So, what is the truthful, human-condition-addressing rather than human-condition-avoiding, biological explanation of our species’ present seemingly-imperfect, competitive, selfish and aggressive behaviour? The answer begins with an analysis of consciousness.
Very briefly, nerves were originally developed for the coordination of movement in animals, but, once developed, their ability to store impressionswhich is what we refer to as ‘memory’gave rise to the potential to develop understanding of cause and effect. If you can remember past events, you can compare them with current events and identify regularly occurring experiences. This knowledge of, or insight into, what has commonly occurred in the past enables you to predict what is likely to happen in the future and to adjust your behaviour accordingly. Once insights into the nature of change are put into effect, the self-modified behaviour starts to provide feedback, refining the insights further. Predictions are compared with outcomes and so on. Much developed, and such refinement occurred in the human brain, nerves can sufficiently associate information to reason how experiences are related, learn to understand and become CONSCIOUS of, or aware of, or intelligent about, the relationship between events that occur through time. Thus consciousness means being sufficiently aware of how experiences are related to attempt to manage change from a basis of understanding.
What is so significant about this process is that once our nerve-based learning system became sufficiently developed for us to become conscious and able to effectively manage events, our conscious intellect was then in a position to wrest control from our gene-based learning system’s instincts, which, up until then, had been controlling our lives. Basically, once our self-adjusting intellect emerged it was capable of taking over the management of our lives from the instinctive orientations we had acquired through the natural selection of genetic traits that adapted us to our environment.
HOWEVER, it was at this juncture, when our conscious intellect challenged our instincts for control, that a terrible battle broke out between our instincts and intellect, the effect of which was the extremely competitive, selfish and aggressive state that we call the human condition.
To elaborate, when our conscious intellect emerged it was neither suitable nor sustainable for it to be orientated by instinctsit had to find understanding to operate effectively and fulfil its great potential to manage life. However, when our intellect began to exert itself and experiment in the management of life from a basis of understanding, in effect challenging the role of the already established instinctual self, a battle unavoidably broke out between the instinctive self and the newer conscious self.
Our intellect began to experiment in understanding as the only means of discovering the correct and incorrect understandings for managing existence, but the instinctsbeing in effect ‘unaware’ or ‘ignorant’ of the intellect’s need to carry out these experiments‘opposed’ any understanding-produced deviations from the established instinctive orientations: they ‘criticised’ and ‘tried to stop’ the conscious mind’s necessary search for knowledge. To illustrate the situation, imagine what would happen if we put a fully conscious mind on the head of a migrating bird. The bird is following an instinctive flight path acquired over thousands of generations of natural selection, but it now has a conscious mind that needs to understand how to behave, and the only way it can acquire that understanding is by experimenting in understandingfor example, thinking, ‘I’ll fly down to that island and have a rest.’ But such a deviation from the migratory flight path would naturally result in the instincts resisting the deviation, leaving the conscious intellect in a serious dilemma: if it obeys its instincts it will not feel ‘criticised’ by its instincts but neither will it find knowledge. Obviously, the intellect could not afford to give in to the instincts, and unable to understand and thus explain why its experiments in self-adjustment were necessary, the conscious intellect had no way of refuting the implicit criticism from the instincts even though it knew it was unjust. Until the conscious mind found the redeeming understanding of why it had to defy the instincts (namely the scientific understanding of the difference in the way genes and nerves process information, that one is an orientating learning system while the other is an insightful learning system), the intellect was left having to endure a psychologically distressed, upset condition, with no choice but to defy that opposition from the instincts. The only forms of defiance available to the conscious intellect were to attack the instincts’ unjust criticism, try to deny or block from its mind the instincts’ unjust criticism, and attempt to prove the instincts’ unjust criticism wrong. In shortand to return to our human situation because we were the species that acquired the fully conscious mindthe psychologically upset angryalienated and egocentric human-condition-afflicted state appeared. Our ‘conscious thinking self’, which is the dictionary definition of ‘ego’, became ‘centred’ or focused on the need to justify itself. We became ego-centric, self-centred or selfish, preoccupied with aggressively competing for opportunities to prove we are good and not badwe unavoidably became selfishaggressive and competitive.
What is so exonerating, rehabilitating and healing about this explanation of the human condition is that we can finally appreciate that there was a very good reason for our angry, alienated and egocentric behaviourin fact, we can now see why we have not just been ego-centric, but ego-infuriated, even ego-gone-mad-with-murderous-anger for having to live with so much unjust criticism. We can now see that our conscious mind was NOT the evil villain it has so long been portrayed assuch as in the Bible where Adam and Eve are demonised and ‘banished…from the Garden of Eden’ (Gen. 3:23) of our original innocent, all-loving, moral state for taking the ‘fruit…from the tree of knowledge’ (ibid. 3:3, 2:17). No, science has finally enabled us to lift the so-called ‘burden of guilt’ from the human race; in fact, to understand that we thinking, ‘knowledge’-finding, conscious humans are actually nothing less than the heroes of the story of life on Earth! This is because our fully conscious mind is surely nature’s greatest invention and to have had to endure the torture of being unjustly condemned as evil for solong (the anthropological evidence indicates we humans have been fully conscious for some two million years) must make us the absolute heroes of the story of life on Earth. Finally, God and man, religion and science, our instinct and intellect, the integrative meaning of life and the inconsistency of our behaviour with that meaning, are all reconciled.
And BEST OF ALL, because this explanation of the human condition is redeeming and thus rehabilitating, all our upset angry, egocentric and alienated behaviour now subsides, bringing about the complete TRANSFORMATION OF THE HUMAN RACEand importantly, understanding of the human condition doesn’t condone ‘bad’ behaviour, it heals and by so doing ends it. From being competitive, selfish and aggressive, humans return to being cooperative, selfless and loving. Our round of departure has ended. The poet T.S. Eliot wonderfully articulated our species’ journey from an original innocent, yet ignorant, state, to a psychologically upset ‘fallen’, corrupted state, and back to an uncorrupted, but this time enlightened, state when he wrote, ‘We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’ (Little Gidding1942).
Yes, finding the exonerating, redeeming understanding of our dark, psychologically upset, meaning of life-defying, human-condition-afflicted existence finally enables the human race to be healed and thus TRANSFORMEDit makes us ‘whole’ again, as Jung said it would. To quote Professor Harry Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, on this dreamed-of, greatest of all breakthroughs in science: ‘I have no doubt this biological explanation of the human condition is the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race’ (FREEDOM2016, Introduction).

As just demonstrated, with understanding of the human condition 
found ALL the great issues finally become explainable.
See alsoHuman condition – What is science? – What is love? – Soul
– Conscience – Good vs Evil – Is there a God? – Our ego and egocentric lives – 
How can we save the world? – Consciousness – Human nature – 
Why do people lie? – Why do we fall in love?

For a book of these explanations to keep or give to others, print 
The Book of Real Answers to Everything! by Jeremy Griffith
featuring a Foreword by Professor Harry Prosen, at


Watch videos on the biological explanation of the human condition and the 
dreamed-of TRANSFORMATION of the human race that it brings about 


Read FREEDOM, the definitive book on the world-transforming explanation of 
the human condition, specifically chapter 4 for more on Integrative Meaning