Showing posts with label Carl Jung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Jung. Show all posts


The Mundus Imaginalis - Appliedjung

The Mundus Imaginalis - Appliedjung

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The Mundus Imaginalis

Jung’s complex psychology makes the Image the basic element of the psyche and gives us the praxis of Active Imagination that can heal us and teach us and then break through to the mundus imaginalis.

(Tom Cheetham, All the world an Icon, p. 209)


Mundus Imaginalis or the Imaginal was a term coined by Henry Corbin, a friend and colleague of Jung. This concept captured for Jung the fundamental key to working with symbols, allowing the psyche to move beyond the limiting constraints and one-sided attitude of the ego. Jung believed that the psyche contained all that is required for wholeness, but the ego is trapped in a rational reductive perspective which cuts us off from the healing power of the imagination. Imagination connects us to our desires, brings together the past, present and future and provides us with the means to build a cohesive story of our lives, to discern the meaning of our lives. Imagination is therefore the agency that enables us to create our world and to keep creating new and endless possibilities. Imagination connects us with movement and change, compels us towards the new.

In the words of Jung:

“The great joy of play, fantasy and the imagination is that for a time we are utterly spontaneous, free to imagine anything. In such a pure state of pure being, no thought is ‘unthinkable.’ ( Jung on Active Imagination p.5)

Throughout his work, Jung came to recognise that the imaginal world, the world of our imagination, fantasies and dreams was an authentic reality, in other words just as real as the world in which we live and that this imaginal world contained a “witches cauldron” of inner knowledge and wisdom.

“Every good idea and all creative work are the offspring of the imagination, and have their source in … fantasy. Not the artist alone, but every creative individual whatsoever owes all that is greatest in his life to fantasy. The dynamic principle of fantasy is play, a characteristic also of the child, and as such it appears inconsistent with the principle of serious work. But without this playing with fantasy no creative work has every yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (CW 6, par 93)

Here Jung is telling us that whether we are children or adults and whether we are conscious of it or not, imaginative activity goes on within us all the time and that this imaginative activity is part of our inborn psyche, expressed in many ways, through – play, dreams, fantasy, creativity and active imagination.

This course offers a phenomenological and experiential approach, which is a profound and effective way to not only grasp but integrate Jungian theory.


The focus of this course is to teach the approach and method of Active Imagination in order to form a bridge between the inner and outer world, a threshold between our everyday awareness and our fantasy life, between our conscious ego ad the unconscious.

This course will take you through the journey of experiencing and integrating the symbols from your Active Imagination in order to connect with your inner guide. This process will provide you will insight, energy, passion and most importantly, meaning on your journey towards individuation.


The Power of Imagination:

exploring the imaginal

Accessing the Unconscious:

learning how to access the imaginal

Extracting the Value:

how to extract associations and amplifications

Uncovering the Meaning:

how to analyse and assimilate the active imagination

Manifestation in the Real:

insight brought into reality


The Mundus Imaginalis is an online programme, runs over 10 weeks, starting on the 8th of August 2022. The course includes both elements of working through the material on your own, as well as interacting with others on the course on a private and confidential Facebook Forum. There will be one webinar at the beginning of the course which will be recorded and made available to view. All learning material is delivered via email to download onto your PC or tablet and consists of a podcast and PDF reading material. At the beginning of each week you will receive the weeks material, as both a podcast and transcript, focusing on one of the five respective elements we will be covering on the course. Group work and guidance with the applications are facilitated on a private and confidential Facebook Forum. The Facebook Forum is optional, but please note that you will miss out on the shared experience of the community and facilitation.


This course is for anyone who wants:

* Have a direct experience of the unconscious and active engagement with it.

* Break down the barriers we face in our lives and move beyond our circumstances.

* Connect to the life enhancing emotions of joy and interest which have the power to heal.

* Gradually transform troublesome complexes.

* Enlarge and enrich the personality.

* Constantly progress in our lives.

* Access our inner wisdom.

* Undertake the journey of individuation, moving towards become whole.


Registration closes midnight 7 August 2022 (PST)

The Mundus Imaginalis start on Monday 8 August 2022

Anima and Animus 2022Please enter your details below if you want to be notified when this course opens for intake.

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Thank you both so much for opening my inner and outer eyes, my heart, my soul ever more to the magic of the alchemical process.


Many thanks for the symbols course. i was expecting a more theoretical explanation of symbols (that’s my thinking part taking over) but realized immediately that the symbols exercises were much more fruitful, challenging and insightful. i am going to read Jung’s Man and his symbols again, this time with a much more personal slant and will try and be constantly mindful of symbols around me . very enjoyable!


I will offer my gratitude here, as well, for this course, Anja and Stephen – the materials, lectures and applications were so well put together, and your responses to questions asked by participants so illuminating. And of course I am grateful for all that shared here, as it was thought provoking process all around. My tool/medicine kit for living fully has been profoundly enriched. I am also particularly appreciative of the materials covered and applications, as they reflect a solid grounding in this approach to well-being and authenticity. They require much energy, and sometimes patience, but were presented in a way that I find very usuable/ accessible. I have added to my resource kit for living fully, and I am quite grateful for those able to share over this course’s forum, as I learned much from that openness. Cheers


Thank you Anja and Stephen for the depth of your heart. Also For the offerings of these modules and providing a safe venue to share this moment in time with a community of people from around the world.


Well – this part of my journey is over and it has been mind blowing. I can fill my tray with symbols and there are so many. They are all around me because that’s how I play. My biggest symbol is THE SONG…. and it was my transcendent symbol. So here is the song I will leave this course with. Thanks Stephen and Anja for your wisdom and guidance and Good luck. It has been an honour. So glad you chose Jung to be a passion for you because it has made me realise what a powerful soul he was. The answer is blowing in the wind, the synchronicities, THE SYMBOLS…..and therin – THE ALCHEMY. XXXXX


Thank you for this course. I feel I have once again awakened to The Transformation. You are to be commended for the depth and divergence brought to bear in such a concise and succinct way. Leaving you with this borrowed symbol.


The course has been very good for me. Shoring up existing understating and opening new areas. This infuses my counselling work seamlessly and I move closer to my imaginal vision – A small house in the woods with a wooden sign at the gate; Alchemist. Enquire within.


I wish I had been more present throughout this course. I was actually reluctant to join initially knowing I would be traveling on these dates. But I am glad I did join and learn what I could. I really needed this course right now to work on myself. I have begun thanks to you two and wonderful others in the group and I plan to continue working on it. This has been an immense learning experience. I enjoyed it. Looking forward to any other courses in the near future. Thank you again for your understanding and support.


Some last words. Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you.
How to put into words what this course has meant to me, let me try. I have taken courses and gone on retreats, and even been on amazing trips and they have all changed my life, some more than others. This experience is different. It has quietly pulled together many many loose ends that have been dangling, like an unidentified plant on the walls of my life, Important, beautiful, interesting just not named. Sometimes I didn’t even know they all belonged together. It was done so quietly, gently and calmly you had to pay attention, or you didn’t notice. The results it was just meant to be. Like a puzzle fitting back together. Like putting one foot in front of the other and looking down and finding you have the most striking red shoes on. Each and everyone of you where part of this magic for me. Of course, for creating the space for this to happen I thank Anja and Leonie, Thanks-you for your focus. To lift the veil and give us a peek at the magical world of symbols and all it can mean to us, priceless. This is a beautiful, special thoughtfully, amazing gift. Please know it is appreciated.


Dear Leonie, Anja, this course has been amazing, deep and satisfying. Thank you 🙏🙏For long I’ve been wanting to study symbols, i did some work but none if it seemed satisfying or enough. This space was gentle and compassionate. The modules just the right size and the exercises so very well thought of and facilitative. Its only a start of this journey for me, i hope to carry it forward. Thank you again. Love and gratitude to all you lovely people


Thank you !! This class has been amazing! I think I’ve finally cleared another piece of resistant childhood garbage that needed healing, so thankful I signed on. I’ll continue to work with the modules and applications because I know there’s more work to do. I send Love to you and all of you who encouraged me with your posts. Keep me notified, please, of other classes!!


Dear Anja, thank you for this offering! I found the content approachable and yet deep, and the applications described well and enticing! My understanding of the healing power of symbols calls for more exploration and more reading from Jung and Taoism…and simply playing in this realm.


Thanks for a very enlightening and healing course – I feel like I am developing a more creative and playful relationship to my “problems”, “issues”, wounds – no longer connected to them in a pathological way, but as clues and symbols towards envisioning and carrying out a life of meaning and purpose. I believe in the value and importance of seeing and living life in its poetic form.


Better late than never 🙂 I’m grateful for people who shared their often very private and bitter experiences and very mature reflections during that course. I have learnt a lot from you and grown through that enormously. I’m grateful for the tutors for setting up the course in a way which pushed me into symbols more forcefully than I’d be able to do myself. I made my first steps into active imagination. It is a huge leap, methinks.. I thank everybody who contributed and wish the luck and courage for your next life turns.



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Jung, Buddhism, and the Incarnation of Sophia by Henry Corbin - Ebook | Scribd

Jung, Buddhism, and the Incarnation of Sophia by Henry Corbin - Ebook | Scribd

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Jung, Buddhism, and the Incarnation of Sophia: Unpublished Writings from the Philosopher of the Soul
By Henry Corbin

4/5 (2 ratings)
271 pages
7 hours


Examines the work of Carl Jung in relation to Eastern religion, the wisdom teachings of the Sophia, Sufi mysticism, and visionary spirituality

• Reveals the spiritual values underlying the psychoanalytic theories of Carl Jung

• Explores the role of the Gnostic Sophia with respect to Jung’s most controversial essay, “Answer to Job”

• Presents new revelations about Sufi mysticism and its relationship to esoteric Buddhist practices

• Shows how the underlying spiritual traditions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity mesh with the spiritual teachings of Buddhism

Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was one of the most important French philosophers and orientalists of the 20th century. In this collection of previously unpublished writings, Corbin examines the work of Carl Jung in relationship to the deep spiritual traditions of Eastern religion, the esoteric wisdom teachings of Sophia, the transformational symbolism of alchemy, and Sufi mysticism.

Looking at the many methods of inner exploration in the East, including the path of the Sufi and Taoist alchemy, Corbin reveals how the modern Western world does not have its own equivalent except in psychotherapy. Expanding Jung’s findings in light of his own studies of Gnostic and esoteric Islamic traditions, he offers a unique insight into the spiritual values underlying Jung’s psychoanalytic theories. Corbin analyzes Jung’s works on Buddhism, providing his own understanding of the tradition and its relationship to Sufi mysticism, and explores the role of the Gnostic Sophia with respect to Jung’s most controversial essay, “Answer to Job.” He also studies the rapport between the Gnostic wisdom of Sophia and Buddhist teachings as well as examining Sophia through the lens of Jewish mysticism.

Explaining how Islamic fundamentalists have turned their back on the mystic traditions of Sufism, Corbin reveals how totalitarianism of all kinds threatens the transformative power of the imagination and the transcendent reality of the individual soul. He shows how the underlying spiritual traditions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity mesh with the spiritual teachings of Buddhism and reinforce the unity of the esoteric teachings of the world’s great religions. Comparing the imaginal realm with Jung’s archetypal field, he shows how we could transform the world by spiritualizing Jung’s methods, enabling us to transcend duality and make the created world divine.
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Inner Traditions
Feb 12, 2019

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208 pages
February 12, 2019

Editorial Reviews
“That Henry Corbin was one of the great religious thinkers of the 20th century will be apparent to all who delve into this brilliant collection of his previously unpublished writings on Carl Jung and Buddhism, the gnostic Sophia, and Sufism. Corbin’s insights into the profound roots of Jung’s teachings make this essential reading for those who ponder the ties that bind psychology and spirituality and all the great religious traditions to one another.” ― Jeff Zaleski, editor and publisher of Parabola magazine

“Jung, Buddhism, and the Incarnation of Sophia is where two astounding explorers of the inner cosmos, Henri Corbin and Carl Jung, meet in their insights--an intriguing octagon of mirrors surrounding the illuminated soul.” ― Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., author of The Sacred Network, DNA of the Gods

"Delivered on all accounts in offering me valuable insights into the complexities of the psycho-spiritual nature of Gnostic and Buddhist practices, as well as filling my coffers with a simplicity that inspires a more contemplative approach in the deepening of my own spiritual and philosophical beliefs." ― Robin Fennelly, Spiral Nature Magazine


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applewoodTop Contributor: Blues Music
3.0 out of 5 stars Essays from a Devotee....
Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2019
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As a long time student of Jung, Buddhism and Taoism I took a chance, thinking this might be an interesting book, although I knew very little about French philosopher Henry Corbin (1903-1978) before reading it.

Part 1; although based on the writings of Jung about Buddhism and Taoism, it doesn’t add much to the study of any of the subjects, not very insightful or deep exploration of psychology or spirituality, instead mostly a rambling and wordy rehashing of what Jung originally had said (taken from various introductions and commentaries he penned), along with a few references and conjectures based on Corbin’s own expertise in gnostic and esoteric Persian traditions.

And this is perhaps the essence of the problem; that Jung the pivotal subject of these essays, had a rather limited and narrow (some would say misinformed) view of Buddhism specifically, and Eastern spirituality in general, and that speculations about spirituality are rarely helpful when not based on first hand knowledge.

Although Jung had a sincere interest in and appreciation of Buddhism it was for the most part informed only by books, and so relatively superficial and biased. For instance his knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism was via the infamous “translations” by Evans-Wentz, even though Evans-Wentz was no translator, Tibetan scholar, nor even a Buddhist! Instead as an editor he presented these rare and essential mystical teachings 2nd hand through the lens of a Western Theosophist steeped in Advaita Vedanta Hinduism and New Age spiritualism.

(For an informed discussion of this and a critique of Jung’s subsequent view see John Myrdhin Reynolds’ lengthy essay in his translation of a related Tibetan text published as “Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness.”)

Overall my impression is that after a really slow start Part 1 at least has an interesting essay on Taoist Alchemy, and then Part 2 with essays on Jung's "Answer to Job" and Corbin's "Eternal Sophia" reply, continues in being similarly interesting (although sometimes quite dense and overly intellectual) - specifically because they address the alchemical aspects of Jung's work (Western and Christian) - ground he was much more familiar with than Eastern religions (and which I am less so).

But perhaps the best thing about the book is the general appeal to modern man to rediscover the divine in our own lives – the value and wonder of the soul (in psychology) and spirit (in spirituality), experienced as our Self through myriad masks and paths in the process of becoming (individuation).

“What needs to be emphasized here is the extent to which this imago animae – insofar as its encounter is a decisive stage in the process of individuation – holds, all in all, the secret of the Golden Flower…. The activation of the archetype of the imago animae is therefore a supreme event. It is the undeniable sign that the second part of life has begun” (p. 79)

This may just be the projection of a Jungian, but I can relate to it at least!

Otherwise I’m really not sure who the audience was intended for, but it seems perhaps aimed at a reader unfamiliar with either Jung or Eastern religions, say perhaps a freshman introductory philosophy class on comparative religion and the nature of the soul and Self in various spiritual traditions - East and West. (Is there even such a philosophy class these days? Maybe in Seminary.)

One quirk of the book is it’s an incomplete manuscript (collection of essays really), which was presented to the editor by the author’s widow with the request that it be published completely as is. This is a shame since some judicious editing would have made it both more readable and relevant.

Perhaps there was a good reason these essays remained unpublished during Corbin’s life…although it's clear that from his widow's point of view they make an appropriate, even loving, offering to his memory.

3+ stars.

PS. I fear I have given an impression of this book not being all that good, while it is more a matter of it not appealing all that much to me. To give a better taste of Corbin's writing (from a section I think the most interesting and relevant) I quote at length;

" The conflict introduced by Christianity is this: God wished and wants to become man. And John experienced in his vision a second birth of the Son, having Sophia as his mother. This birth is characterized by the conjunctio oppositorum; it is a divine birth that anticipates the Filius Sapientiae, and it is the very rare substance of the process of individuation. This Son is the mediator of opposites. The conclusion that traditional Christianity came to was omne bonum a Deo, omne malum ab homine. This conclusion maintains the old Yahweh heritage of the opposition between God and man. As such, it gives to man a cosmic and overdrawn grandeur in evil. It charges him with carrying the whole of the dark side of divinity. The irruption of apocalyptic visions is enough to give some idea of what then takes place. However, this irruption produces in John the Image of the divine Child, the Savior to come, born of the divine companion whose Image lives in every man, the Child that Meister Eckhart (he too) contemplated in a vision. Because the shadow side in God is something for God himself to abolish, and this is done precisely be his becoming man and by his being born of Sophia. The Incarnation of Christ is then the prototype that is progressively transferred to the creature by the Holy Spirit, the promised Paraclete. The Filius Sapientiae is thus he through whom the Holy Spirit accomplishes the divine anthropomorphosis - a God of love in a man of gentleness. He is engendered from an "unknown father" and from Sophia-Sapientia. Certainly, for that, "Christian virtues" are needed but not enough. This is not only a moral issue. Wisdom is needed - the wisdom of Job was looking for and up until his anamnesis remained hidden to Yahweh. This filius represents the totality that transcends consciousness in the form or figure of Puer aeternus. It is in the Child that Faust is resuscitated transformed. It is to him that the following evangelical statement refers: "Unless you become like children..." - that is, a child born of the maturity of the age of man and not the unconscious child that many would like to remain or become. All the symbols brought to light in Jung's books and extensive research crowd together here, adding their voices severally as a final chorus of a new "second Faust." (p. 134-6)
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== =                            
Late night visitor
3.0 out of 5 stars Jung
Reviewed in the United States on July 23, 2020
Verified Purchase
Not my favorite book on Jung.
Henry Reed
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Good to Learn Some of the Background of Today's Consciousness
Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2019

What do Jung and Buddhism have in common with the Incarnation of Sophia, and why should we care, and who's Henry Corbin and why didn't they publish his ideas until now, might you ask? 

Good questions, all, and I've found on my walks of the past month or so a wonderment building about what I might share with you about this little book that could make a difference.

Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy, suggested that the central, underlying theme of the current revolution, of the new story, the new paradigm was/is "the end of separation." Today, this theme comes up in so many, unsuspecting areas of life beyond the obvious globalization, and the increasing transparency of our interdependence, of our total dependence on ecological sustainability. And then there's the global consciousness, a not always subliminal awareness of our underlying interconnectedness, if not oneness. Of course, these seeds of change are challenging us to invent new ways of being, and as we do so, what is the effect? It can be akin to giving birth to a new denizen of the planet, such as the increasing involvement of feminine principles in our consciousness of reality.

The incarnation of Sophia refers to an event, a process involving a "spiritual being" of some kind. Such a beingis doing something that has consequences for us... might be a way of putting it. Unlike moving into "the Age of Aquarius," which brings an impersonal aspect of a turning wheel of time has come to bearing water, and the effects of such water will follow. What could be the change, the effect, the consequence alluded to? What changes in consciousness are required in order to detect this particular presence, or essence, this being of "the goddess"? For one, how about taking the imagination to be real? A good place to start.

"The imagination is getting a new image." Such a pronouncement has been one of my themes. Another would be, "the boundaries are dissolving!" Not to mention that I've been noticing that "All my relations" seems to be a better cartographer of my soul than would be my resume. What these different topics have in common is that they are all reflections, or implications, or a relative of the prospect of "the return of the goddess," or, as expressed in the title of this meaningful little book, "the incarnation of Sophia." For some time we've suspected, known, or even sung aloud that the times are changing, and in so many ways, being driven by so many different forces. Is there any underlying rhyme or reason to it? Age of Aquarius? Water? Yang? Affecting everything, an effect in global consciousness.

While the psychiatrist Carl Jung was focused on chasing God via the redeeming value and prophetic acumen of his patients' dreams, Henry Corbin, because of his involvement in Islam and especially Sufism, explored the significance of a realm of being mid-way between the physical and the mental, bringing the status of a living world to Jung's growing idea of an evolving collective unconscious. Were he granted a seat at the table, Edgar Cayce might point out that his readings on the "imaginative forces" in creation are relevant here, especially since he links that concept to his experiences as a child playing with nature spirits.

When The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, declares that "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye,” he is expressing this idea, with "heart" being related to the imagination. It is here that the "soul" enters into our experience, that other dimension of being that provides meaning, purpose, and the experience of the oneness of life. This dimension of being is the feminine mystery, and Sophia is her name.

It is important to recognize these small, elemental aspects of "the feminine," as the domain is quite profound in its implications, reaching into most everything, especially how we imagine things to be, how we imagine the nature of reality, how we imagine the story of life, and other variations on the theme. Reading some of Corbin's thoughts on the subject way back when can stimulate our imagination today beyond the literal vision of the coming Feminine principle affecting our experience of life, especially as it becomes more "interesting" in the days ahead.

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18 people found this helpful
Anna from InannaWorks
5.0 out of 5 stars What does Jung have to do with it?
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2019

This is not a light read. Those who are looking for quick facts will be disappointed. However, for those who have achieved at least a glimpse of the initiations that await those who explore the subconscious/unconscious level of awareness thoroughly, this will prove to be an invaluable guidebook.

Available in English for the first time, Corbin’s close examination of Carl Jung’s work regarding the esoteric traditions of Eastern spirituality will provide those who are ready with an excellent interpretation of the experience of moving through the personal unconscious to the transcendent levels of supraconscious awareness. Corbin believes that the inner explorations of the East, while they underlay the spiritual traditions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, no longer have an equivalent in the Western world except in psychotherapy. It is Jung, he tells us, who points the way back to a philosophy of Active Imagination that will enable us to transcend duality and reunite with divinity.

Corbin provides us with powerful insights and, thanks to his wife, Stella Corbin, and editor Michel Cazenave, his writings have been reproduced here in the form in which he intended them to be presented to the world.

( received a free copy of this book.)
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7 people found this helpful

Mar 03, 2016Francisca rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: estanteria
About Jung. Buddhism and Sophia, the book by Henry Corbin that he has edited by Siruela, delves into the contribution to the Western world that this philosopher gives of Eastern theology, this time around the figure and profound psychology of Carl Jung. 

It is a book, then, to go deeper into Zen and Buddhism, through a psychological and philosophical reading that we can extract from the West but that is not far from what the East offers us. In the book, Corbin reveals the similarities and relationships between Zen and Tibetan Buddhism with the psychology that Carl Jung has contributed. 

The phenomenology of both cases agree that there is an effort of man to free himself from the egoic form of consciousness in order to approach the interior and know what constitutes his essence. There is a deep explanation of Eastern meditation and Buddhism, which can not be compared with what is extracted and known through Jungian psychotherapy. For example, we have satori, a Japanese term that designates enlightenment in Zen Buddhism, with which we can find a similarity to insight itself - that unconscious awareness - that we find in Jungian psychoanalysis. The relationship between Buddhist meditation and Jung is fostered, thus, through active imagination, which leads us to know our psychic world as well as the nature of things. Another relationship that we can find in the book is the similarity between Jung's archetypes and the Tibetan Book of the Dead; also with the Tao (the conscious path that is made on a path that is also conscious in which two aspects come together) and The Secret of the Golden Flower, a book in which Jung tells us about how Chinese wisdom has enough power to find a deep psychology from which we can learn and examine our psyche. The point of approximation of the figure of Sophia in Jung's alchemy and psychology is also key. The importance of the anima as an archetype to make oneself and how it affects the soul. Corbin also collects the first original text that Jung addresses morally, mythologically and psychologically about The Book of Job, called "Answer to Job". The book, which caused quite a stir in Germany, is a spiritual text that highlights the importance of spirituality in the process of individuation in Jungian psychological practice. It is almost a philosophy of the soul. In it, Jung uses Christianity as a metaphor, thus extracting the psychic processes that lie beneath each character. In the text we see that there is a comparison between the myth of Sophia with that of the Virgin Mary, for example. In this way, we observe the importance of the archetypes in Jungian psychology to know oneself and evolve, a very important topic and in which Corbin places a lot of emphasis, even seeing it from an orientalist point of view. The deepening of this book on Jungian psychology is full and provides new knowledge in which it highlights the importance of Orientalist theology and practice, which here we can see almost as important as psychoanalysis and depth psychology that Jung has offered us and legacy. It is also a book that is included within the Eranos Circle, to which Jung and Henry Corbin belonged and in which, together with Mircea Eliade among others, they bring together the different philosophies -both Western and Eastern- to make the human being be seen as a being that it is capable of integrating all the different aspects that we have been able to not only read in the book, but also in the experience that each one has of their life. About Jung. Buddhism and Sophia is a book, therefore, for connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy as well as psychology, since it does not give us a superficial explanation of what Jung and the Buddhist religion can offer us, but rather delves into it in a profound way. and exhaustive, full of references and various examples to make us understand that we are always on a path of personal evolution and a journey towards our interior.
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Sep 07, 2021Aaron rated it really liked it
A bit unpolished but never read Corbin and subject seemed most interesting.
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Dorian Moreau
May 25, 2021Dorian Moreau rated it really liked it
Very valuable material and insights. It is unfortunate that the book could not be completed before the author's death, as the notes in the text indicate additions which would have brought more clarity and depth. (less)
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Mandala - Wikipedia

Mandala - Wikipedia


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Thangka painting of Manjuvajra mandala
The Womb Realm mandala. The center square represents the young stage of Vairocana. He is surrounded by eight Buddhas and bodhisattvas (clockwise from top: RatnasambhavaSamantabhadra, Saṅkusumitarāja, ManjushriAmitābhaAvalokiteśvaraAmoghasiddhi and Maitreya)

mandala (Sanskritमण्डलromanizedmaṇḍalalit.'circle', [ˈmɐɳɖɐlɐ]) is a geometric configuration of symbols. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.

In the Eastern religions of HinduismBuddhismJainism and Shintoism it is used as a map representing deities, 

or especially in the case of Shintoism, paradises, kami or actual shrines.[1][2]

A mandala generally represents the spiritual journey, starting from outside to the inner core, through layers.


Mandala of Vishnu

In Hinduism, a basic mandala, also called a yantra, takes the form of a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Each gate is in the general shape of a T.[3] Mandalas often have radial balance.[4]

yantra is similar to a mandala, usually smaller and using a more limited colour palette. It may be a two- or three-dimensional geometric composition used in sadhanas, puja or meditative rituals, and may incorporate a mantra into its design. It is considered to represent the abode of the deity. Each yantra is unique and calls the deity into the presence of the practitioner through the elaborate symbolic geometric designs. According to one scholar, "Yantras function as revelatory symbols of cosmic truths and as instructional charts of the spiritual aspect of human experience"[5]

Many situate yantras as central focus points for Hindu tantric practice. Yantras are not representations, but are lived, experiential, nondual realities. As Khanna describes:

Despite its cosmic meanings a yantra is a reality lived. Because of the relationship that exists in the Tantras between the outer world (the macrocosm) and man's inner world (the microcosm), every symbol in a yantra is ambivalently resonant in inner–outer synthesis, and is associated with the subtle body and aspects of human consciousness.[6]

The term 'mandala' appears in the Rigveda as the name of the sections of the work, and Vedic rituals use mandalas such as the Navagraha mandala to this day.[citation needed]


Painted 17th-century Tibetan 'Five Deity Mandala', in the centre is Rakta Yamari (the Red Enemy of Death) embracing his consort Vajra Vetali, in the corners are the Red, Green, White and Yellow YamarisRubin Museum of Art
Sandpainting showing Buddha mandala, which is made as part of the death rituals among Buddhist Newars of Nepal


In Vajrayana Buddhism, mandalas have been developed also into sandpainting. They are also a key part of Anuttarayoga Tantra meditation practices.[citation needed]

Visualisation of Vajrayana teachings[edit]

The man mandala can be shown to represent in visual form the core essence of the Vajrayana teachings. The mind is "a microcosm representing various divine powers at work in the universe."[7] The mandala represents the nature of the Pure Land, Enlightened mind.

An example of this type of mandala is Vajrabhairava mandala a silk tapestry woven with gilded paper depicting lavish elements like crowns and jewelry, which gives a three-dimensional effect to the piece.[8][9]

Mount Meru[edit]

A mandala can also represent the entire universe, which is traditionally depicted with Mount Meru as the axis mundi in the center, surrounded by the continents.[10] One example is the Cosmological Mandala with Mount Meru, a silk tapestry from the Yuan dynasty that serves as a diagram of the Tibetan cosmology, which was given to China from Nepal and Tibet.[11][12]

Wisdom and impermanence[edit]

In the mandala, the outer circle of fire usually symbolises wisdom. The ring of eight charnel grounds[13] represents the Buddhist exhortation to be always mindful of death, and the impermanence with which samsara is suffused: "such locations were utilized in order to confront and to realize the transient nature of life".[14] Described elsewhere: "within a flaming rainbow nimbus and encircled by a black ring of dorjes, the major outer ring depicts the eight great charnel grounds, to emphasize the dangerous nature of human life".[15] Inside these rings lie the walls of the mandala palace itself, specifically a place populated by deities and Buddhas.

Five Buddhas[edit]

One well-known type of mandala is the mandala of the "Five Buddhas", archetypal Buddha forms embodying various aspects of enlightenment. Such Buddhas are depicted depending on the school of Buddhism, and even the specific purpose of the mandala. A common mandala of this type is that of the Five Wisdom Buddhas (a.k.a. Five Jinas), the Buddhas VairocanaAksobhyaRatnasambhavaAmitabha and Amoghasiddhi. When paired with another mandala depicting the Five Wisdom Kings, this forms the Mandala of the Two Realms.


Tantric mandala of Vajrayogini

Mandalas are commonly used by tantric Buddhists as an aid to meditation.

The mandala is "a support for the meditating person",[16] something to be repeatedly contemplated to the point of saturation, such that the image of the mandala becomes fully internalised in even the minutest detail and can then be summoned and contemplated at will as a clear and vivid visualized image. With every mandala comes what Tucci calls "its associated liturgy ... contained in texts known as tantras",[17] instructing practitioners on how the mandala should be drawn, built and visualised, and indicating the mantras to be recited during its ritual use.

By visualizing "pure lands", one learns to understand experience itself as pure, and as the abode of enlightenment. The protection that we need, in this view, is from our own minds, as much as from external sources of confusion. In many tantric mandalas, this aspect of separation and protection from the outer samsaric world is depicted by "the four outer circles: the purifying fire of wisdom, the vajra circle, the circle with the eight tombs, the lotus circle".[16] The ring of vajras forms a connected fence-like arrangement running around the perimeter of the outer mandala circle.[18]

As a meditation on impermanence (a central teaching of Buddhism), after days or weeks of creating the intricate pattern of a sand mandala, the sand is brushed together into a pile and spilled into a body of running water to spread the blessings of the mandala.

Kværne[19] in his extended discussion of sahaja, discusses the relationship of sadhana interiority and exteriority in relation to mandala thus:

...external ritual and internal sadhana form an indistinguishable whole, and this unity finds its most pregnant expression in the form of the mandala, the sacred enclosure consisting of concentric squares and circles drawn on the ground and representing that adamant plane of being on which the aspirant to Buddha hood wishes to establish himself. The unfolding of the tantric ritual depends on the mandala; and where a material mandala is not employed, the adept proceeds to construct one mentally in the course of his meditation."[20]

Mandala Hindu Rangoli art form


Chenrezig sand mandala created at the House of Commons of the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Dalai Lama's visit in May 2008

A "mandala offering"[21] in Tibetan Buddhism is a symbolic offering of the entire universe. Every intricate detail of these mandalas is fixed in the tradition and has specific symbolic meanings, often on more than one level.

Whereas the above mandala represents the pure surroundings of a Buddha, this mandala represents the universe. This type of mandala is used for the mandala-offerings, during which one symbolically offers the universe to the Buddhas or to one's teacher. Within Vajrayana practice, 100,000 of these mandala offerings (to create merit) can be part of the preliminary practices before a student even begins actual tantric practices.[22] This mandala is generally structured according to the model of the universe as taught in a Buddhist classic text the Abhidharma-kośa, with Mount Meru at the centre, surrounded by the continents, oceans and mountains, etc.

Theravada Buddhism[edit]

Various Mandalas are described in many Pali Buddhist texts. Some of the examples of the Theravada Buddhist Mandalas are:

  • Mandala of Eight Disciples of Buddha describing the Shakyamuni Buddha at center and Eight great disciple in eight major directions.
  • Mandala of Buddhas is the mandala consisting of nine major Buddhas of the past and the present Gautama Buddha occupying the ten directions.
  • Mandala of Eight Devis includes the eight Devis occupying and protecting the eight corners of the Universe.

In Sigālovāda Sutta, Buddha describes the relationships of a common lay persons in Mandala style.

Shingon Buddhism[edit]

One Japanese branch of Mahayana Buddhism – Shingon Buddhism – makes frequent use of mandalas in its rituals as well, though the actual mandalas differ. When Shingon's founder, Kukai, returned from his training in China, he brought back two mandalas that became central to Shingon ritual: the Mandala of the Womb Realm and the Mandala of the Diamond Realm.

These two mandalas are engaged in the abhiseka initiation rituals for new Shingon students, more commonly known as the Kechien Kanjō (結縁灌頂). A common feature of this ritual is to blindfold the new initiate and to have them throw a flower upon either mandala. Where the flower lands assists in the determination of which tutelary deity the initiate should follow.

Sand mandalas, as found in Tibetan Buddhism, are not practiced in Shingon Buddhism.

Nichiren Buddhism[edit]

The mandala in Nichiren Buddhism is a moji-mandala (文字曼陀羅), which is a paper hanging scroll or wooden tablet whose inscription consists of Chinese characters and medieval-Sanskrit script representing elements of the Buddha's enlightenment, protective Buddhist deities, and certain Buddhist concepts. Called the Gohonzon, it was originally inscribed by Nichiren, the founder of this branch of Japanese Buddhism, during the late 13th Century. The Gohonzon is the primary object of veneration in some Nichiren schools and the only one in others, which consider it to be the supreme object of worship as the embodiment of the supreme Dharma and Nichiren's inner enlightenment. The seven characters Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō, considered to be the name of the supreme Dharma, as well as the invocation that believers chant, are written down the center of all Nichiren-sect Gohonzons, whose appearance may otherwise vary depending on the particular school and other factors.[citation needed]

Pure Land Buddhism[edit]

Pure Land Taima Mandala, Kamakura period, 14th century, Japan (Kyushu National Museum)

Mandalas have sometimes been used in Pure Land Buddhism to graphically represent Pure Lands, based on descriptions found in the Larger Sutra and the Contemplation Sutra. The most famous mandala in Japan is the Taima mandala, dated to about 763 CE. The Taima mandala is based on the Contemplation Sutra, but other similar mandalas have been made subsequently. Unlike mandalas used in Vajrayana Buddhism, it is not used as an object of meditation or for esoteric ritual. Instead, it provides a visual representation of the Pure Land texts, and is used as a teaching aid.[citation needed]

Also in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, Shinran and his descendant, Rennyo, sought a way to create easily accessible objects of reverence for the lower-classes of Japanese society. Shinran designed a mandala using a hanging scroll, and the words of the nembutsu (念仏) written vertically. This style of mandala is still used by some Jodo Shinshu Buddhists in home altars, or butsudan.[citation needed]


Bodhimaṇḍala is a term in Buddhism that means "circle of awakening".[23]

Sand mandalas[edit]

Sand Mandala

Sand mandalas are colorful mandalas made from sand that are ritualistically destroyed. They originated in India in the 8th-12th century but is now practiced in Tibetan Buddhism.[24] Each mandala is dedicated to specific deities. In Buddhism Deities represent states of the mind to be obtained on the path to enlightenment, the mandala itself is representative of the deities palace which also represents the mind of the deity.[24] Each mandala is a pictorial representation of a tantra. for the process of making Sand mandalas they are created by monks that have trained for 3-5 years in a monastery.[25] These sand mandalas are made to be destroyed to symbolize the Buddhist belief that death is not the end, our essence will return to the elements. It is also related to the belief of not becoming attached to anything.[26] To create these mandalas first the monks create a sketch,[27] they then take colorful sand traditionally made from powdered stones and gems into copper funnels called Cornetts[25] and start to gently shake them to make a pattern. Each color represents attributes of deities. While making the mandalas the monks will pray and meditate, each grain of sand represents a blessing .[28] Monks will travel to demonstrate this art form to people, often in museums.

Mesoamerican civilizations[edit]

Mayan Tzolk'in[edit]

The Maya civilization tended to present calendars in a form similar to a mandala.[29] It is similar in form and function to the Kalachakra (Wheel of Time) sand paintings of Tibetan Buddhists.[30] Maya symbolism was later used in the Dreamspell calendar, developed by José Argüelles. Sometimes described as an authentic Mayan mandala, it is "inspired by" elements of the 260-day Tzolk'in calendar (as opposed to the 365-day Haabʼ calendar).

Aztec Sun Stone[edit]

The Aztec Sun Stone as an amate print.

The Sun Stone is thought to be a ceremonial representation of the entire universe as seen by the Aztec religious class, in some ways resembling a mandala.

The earliest interpretations of the stone relate to its use as a calendar. In 1792, two years after the stone's unearthing, Mexican anthropologist Antonio de León y Gama wrote a treatise on the Aztec calendar using the stone as its basis.[31] Some of the circles of glyphs are the glyphs for the days of the month.[32] The four symbols included in the Ollin glyph represent the four past suns that the Mexica believed the earth had passed through.[33]

Another aspect of the stone is its religious significance. One theory is that the face at the center of the stone represents Tonatiuh, the Aztec deity of the sun; it is for this reason that the stone became known as the "Sun Stone." Richard Townsend proposed a different theory, claiming that the figure at the center of the stone represents Tlaltecuhtli, the Mexica earth deity who features in Mexica creation myths.[32] Modern archaeologists, such as those at the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, believe it is more likely to have been used primarily as a ceremonial basin or ritual altar for gladiatorial sacrifices than as an astrological or astronomical reference.[34]

Yet another characteristic of the stone is its possible geographic significance. The four points may relate to the four corners of the earth or the cardinal points. The inner circles may express space as well as time.[35]

Lastly, there is the political aspect of the stone. It may have been intended to show Tenochtitlan as the center of the world and therefore, as the center of authority.[36] Townsend argues in favor of this idea, claiming that the small glyphs of additional dates amongst the four previous suns - 1 Flint (Tecpatl), 1 Rain (Atl), and 7 Monkey (Ozomahtli) – represent matters of historical importance to the Mexica state. He posits, for example, that 7 Monkey represents the significant day for the cult of a community within Tenochtitlan. His claim is further supported by the presence of Mexica ruler Moctezuma II's name on the work.[37]


The round window at the site of the Marsh Chapel Experiment supervised by Walter Pahnke

The Cosmati pavements, including that at Westminster Abbey, are geometric supposedly mandala-like mosaic designs from thirteenth century Italy. The Great Pavement at Westminster Abbey is believed to embody divine and cosmic geometries as the seat of enthronement of the monarchs of England.[38]

Similarly, many of the Illuminations of Hildegard von Bingen can be used as mandalas, as well as many of the images of esoteric Christianity, as in Christian Hermeticism, Christian Alchemy, and Rosicrucianism.

Alchemist, mathematician and astrologer John Dee developed a geometric symbol which he called the Sigillum Dei (Seal of God) manifesting a universal geometric order which incorporated the names of the archangels, derived from earlier forms of the clavicula salomonis or key of Solomon.

The Seal of God; a mystic heptagram symbol composed by Dee

The Layer Monument, an early 17th-century marble mural funerary monument at the Church of Saint John the Baptist, Maddermarket, Norwich, is a rare example of Christian iconography absorbing alchemical symbolism to create a mandala in Western funerary art.

Western psychological interpretations[edit]

The re-introduction of mandalas into modern Western thought is largely credited to psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. In his exploration of the unconscious through art, Jung observed the common appearance of a circle motif. He hypothesized that the circle drawings reflected the mind's inner state at the moment of creation. Familiarity with the philosophical writings of India prompted Jung to adopt the word "mandala" to describe these drawings created by himself and his patients. In his autobiography, Jung wrote:

I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, [...] which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time. [...] Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is: [...] the Self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well is harmonious.

— Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, pp. 195–196.

Jung claimed that the urge to make mandalas emerges during moments of intense personal growth. He further hypothesized their appearance indicated a "profound re-balancing process" is underway in the psyche; the result of the process would be a more complex and better integrated personality.

The mandala serves a conservative purpose – namely, to restore a previously existing order. But it also serves the creative purpose of giving expression and form to something that does not yet exist, something new and unique. [...] The process is that of the ascending spiral, which grows upward while simultaneously returning again and again to the same point.

— Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz, C. G. Jung: Man and His Symbols, p. 225

American art therapist Joan Kellogg later created the MARI card test, a free response measure, based on Jung's work.[39]

Transpersonal psychologist David Fontana hypothesized that the symbolic nature of a mandala may help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises."[40]

In architecture[edit]

Aerial view of the Boudhanath stupa resembles a mandala
Aerial view of the Boudhanath stupa resembles a mandala
Borobudur ground plan taking the form of a Mandala

Buddhist architecture often applied mandala as the blueprint or plan to design Buddhist structures, including temple complex and stupas.[citation needed] A notable example of mandala in architecture is the 9th century Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia. It is built as a large stupa surrounded by smaller ones arranged on terraces formed as a stepped pyramid, and when viewed from above, takes the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology and the nature of mind.[41] Other temples from the same period that also have mandala plans include SewuPlaosan and Prambanan. Similar mandala designs are also observable in Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar.

7th century buddhist monastery in Bangladesh. Somapura Mahavihara

In science[edit]

Circular diagrams are often used in phylogenetics, especially for the graphical representation of phylogenetic relationships. Evolutionary trees often encompass numerous species that are conveniently shown on a circular tree, with images of the species shown on the periphery of a tree. Such diagrams have been called phylogenetic mandalas.[42]

In art[edit]

Mandala as an art form first appeared in Buddhist art that were produced in India during the first century B.C.E.[43] These can also be seen in Rangoli designs in Indian households.

In New Age, the mandala is a diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a time-microcosm of the universe, but it originally meant to represent wholeness and a model for the organizational structure of life itself, a cosmic diagram that shows the relation to the infinite and the world that extends beyond and within various minds & bodies.[citation needed]

Phylogenetic tree of Hexapoda (insects and their six-legged relatives). Such trees have been called phylogenetic mandalas.[42]

In archaeology[edit]

One of the most intense archaeological discoveries in recent years that could redefine the history of eastern thought and tradition of mandala is the discovery of five giant mandalas in the valley of Manipur, India, made with Google Earth imagery. Located in the paddy field in the west of Imphal, the capital of Manipur, the Maklang geoglyph is perhaps the world's largest mandala built entirely of mud. The site wasn't discovered until 2013 as its whole structure could only be visible via Google Earth satellite imagery. The whole paddy field, locally known as Bihu Loukon, is now protected and announced as historical monument and site by the government of Manipur in the same year. The site is situated 12 km aerial distance from Kangla with the GPS coordinates of 24° 48' N and 93° 49' E. It covers a total area of around 224,161.45 square meters. This square mandala has four similar protruding rectangular ‘gates’ in the cardinal directions guarded each by similar but smaller rectangular ‘gates’ on the left and right. Within the square there is an eight petalled flower or rayed-star, recently called as Maklang ‘Star fort’ by the locals, in the centre covering a total area of around 50,836.66 square meters. The discovery of other five giant mandalas in the valley of Manipur is also made with Google Earth. The five giant mandalas, viz., Sekmai mandala, Heikakmapal mandala, Phurju twin mandalas and Sangolmang mandala are located on the western bank of the Iril River.[44] Another two fairly large mandala shaped geoglyph at Nongren and Keinou are also reported from Manipur valley, India, in 2019. They are named as Nongren mandala and Keinou mandala.[45]

In politics[edit]

The Rajamandala (or Raja-mandala; circle of states) was formulated by the Indian author Kautilya in his work on politics, the Arthashastra (written between 4th century BCE and 2nd century BCE). It describes circles of friendly and enemy states surrounding the king's state.[46]

In historical, social and political sense, the term "mandala" is also employed to denote traditional Southeast Asian political formations (such as federation of kingdoms or vassalized states). It was adopted by 20th century Western historians from ancient Indian political discourse as a means of avoiding the term 'state' in the conventional sense. Not only did Southeast Asian polities not conform to Chinese and European views of a territorially defined state with fixed borders and a bureaucratic apparatus, but they diverged considerably in the opposite direction: the polity was defined by its centre rather than its boundaries, and it could be composed of numerous other tributary polities without undergoing administrative integration.[47] Empires such as BaganAyutthayaChampaKhmerSrivijaya and Majapahit are known as "mandala" in this sense.

In contemporary use[edit]

Fashion designer Mandali Mendrilla designed an interactive art installation called Mandala of Desires (Blue Lotus Wish Tree) made in peace silk and eco friendly textile ink, displayed at the China Art Museum in Shanghai in November 2015. The pattern of the dress was based on the Goloka Yantra mandala, shaped as a lotus with eight petals. Visitors were invited to place a wish on the sculpture dress, which will be taken to India and offered to a genuine living Wish Tree.[48][49]


See also[edit]


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  47. ^ Dellios, Rosita (2003-01-01). "Mandala: from sacred origins to sovereign affairs in traditional Southeast Asia". Bond University Australia. Archived from the original on 2015-02-03. Retrieved 2011-12-11.
  48. ^ "China Art Museum in Shanghai - Forms of Devotion". 14 November 2015. Archived from the original on 28 October 2016. Retrieved 10 October 2016.
  49. ^ "Haljinu "Mandala of Desires" dnevno posjećuje čak 30 000 ljudi!"Archived from the original on 2015-12-22. Retrieved 2015-12-15.

General sources[edit]

  • Brauen, M. (1997). The Mandala, Sacred circle in Tibetan Buddhism Serindia Press, London.
  • Bucknell, Roderick & Stuart-Fox, Martin (1986). The Twilight Language: Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism. Curzon Press: London. ISBN 0-312-82540-4
  • Cammann, S. (1950). Suggested Origin of the Tibetan Mandala Paintings The Art Quarterly, Vol. 8, Detroit.
  • Cowen, Painton (2005). The Rose Window, London and New York, (offers the most complete overview of the evolution and meaning of the form, accompanied by hundreds of colour illustrations.)
  • Crossman, Sylvie and Barou, Jean-Pierre (1995). Tibetan Mandala, Art & Practice The Wheel of Time, Konecky and Konecky.
  • Fontana, David (2005). "Meditating with Mandalas", Duncan Baird Publishers, London.
  • Gold, Peter (1994). Navajo & Tibetan sacred wisdom: the circle of the spiritISBN 0-89281-411-X. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International.
  • Mipham, Sakyong Jamgön (2002) 2000 Seminary Transcripts Book 1 Vajradhatu Publications ISBN 1-55055-002-0
  • Somorjit, Wangam (2018). "World's Largest Mandalas from Manipur and Carl Jung's Archetype of the Self", neScholar, vol.04, Issue 01, ed.Dr. R.K. Nimai Singh ISSN 2350-0336
  • Tucci, Giuseppe (1973). The Theory and Practice of the Mandala trans. Alan Houghton Brodrick, New York, Samuel Weisner.
  • Vitali, Roberto (1990). Early Temples of Central Tibet London, Serindia Publications.
  • Wayman, Alex (1973). "Symbolism of the Mandala Palace" in The Buddhist Tantras Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass.

Further reading[edit]

  • Grotenhuis, Elizabeth Ten (1999). Japanese mandalas: representations of sacred geography, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press

External links[edit]