Showing posts with label Beatrice Tinsley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beatrice Tinsley. Show all posts


Beatrice Tinsley, A Very Luminous Star | by Aayushi Verma | Medium

Beatrice Tinsley, A Very Luminous Star | by Aayushi Verma | Medium

Beatrice Tinsley, A Very Luminous Star

This is the first article in my series of ‘Women in Astronomy’ article series, in honour of the International Astronomical Union’s Women and Girls in Astronomy month (February).

Beatrice Muriel Hill Tinsley was a remarkable astronomer, who against all the difficulties in her life, wholly devoted herself to her passion, cosmology.
Beatrice Tinsley. Image source: Wikipedia.

Beatrice Hill was born in 1941 in Chester, the United Kingdom, and her family later on emigrated to Christchurch, New Zealand, then soon moved to New Plymouth. Beatrice was a star student (no pun intended), and excelled in her schooling years, especially high school. At New Plymouth Girls’ High School, Beatrice not only had a distinguished academic record in all her subjects, but was also proficient in playing the piano as well as violin. She won several prizes during her time at school, acknowledging her academic and musical prowess, and perhaps her ultimate high school achievement was that she was the Dux of her school. In addition, she won a scholarship for university in 1957 (her final year of high school).
Modern-day city of New Plymouth, with Mount Taranaki in the background. Image source: Wikipedia.

Beatrice Hill studied a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, and she thrived. She was involved in the community, taking part in many extracurriculars, whilst simultaneously excelling in her studies. During this time period, she also got married to her classmate, Brian Tinsley. After graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Physics with straight A’s, she did her Master’s degree. She completed her Master’s in 1962, having gotten all straight A’s and winning all the prizes available in her year.
Modern-day Arts Centre of Christchurch. Previously the location of the University of Canterbury until 1961, the time period in which Beatrice Tinsley studied at the University of Canterbury. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

The next year, Beatrice and Brian moved to Dallas, Texas in the United States of America, where she started her PhD at the University of Texas at Austin in 1963. UT-A was 600km away from where they lived in Dallas, and so Beatrice had to commute. She drove to Austin on Tuesdays and came back to Dallas on Fridays. She completed her PhD in record time (only 2 years and 2 months), and on a record topic — on the evolution of galaxies. Her thesis, ‘Evolution of galaxies and its significance for cosmology’ challenged many of the then-laws of physics.
The University of Texas at Austin. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

After being awarded her doctorate in 1966, Dr. Beatrice Tinsley worked on presenting her research on galaxy evolution at various conferences. At one such gathering, Beatrice questioned the leading cosmologist of the time, Dr. Allan Sandage, about his theory that the universe is a closed system. This led to an academic rivalry between the two.

Beatrice diligently worked hard the next few years, publishing several pioneering works of research in cosmology, mainly on the evolution of galaxies and stellar evolution. In the meantime, she was also busy with her family, and was also involved with the community. She was even a member of the Richardson Symphony Orchestra! To help support herself and her family, she worked at several institutions for short periods of time, such as a three-month position at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, a six-month position at the University of Maryland in the Department of Astronomy, and a half-time position as an assistant professor of astronomy at UT-A.
California Institute of Technology, otherwise known as Caltech, in Pasadena, California. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

With ground-breaking research in the field of cosmology, it is evident that Beatrice Tinsley received academic awards and recognition. For example, she was awarded the Annie J. Cannon Award in 1974 for her ‘outstanding research and promise for future research by a postdoctoral woman researcher’ for her research on galaxy evolution.

However, Beatrice’s personal life was strained during this time. She could not get a full-time position at the University of Dallas where Brian was an associate professor, and so in pursuit of better opportunities in the field which she was so passionate about — cosmology — Beatrice left her family in Dallas and took up the position of associate professor at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, in the department of astronomy in 1974. Prior to taking up her position, though, she travelled to Pasadena, California to work on a collaboration with her friend Dr. James Gunn on the life history of stars forming in a galaxy, then took up a six-month position as an assistant research astronomer and lecturer at Lick Observatory in Santa Cruz, California.
The C. Donald Shane 3.0m telescope at Lick Observatory, San Jose, California. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

Beatrice flourished at Yale, where she was a full-time theoretical astrophysicist/cosmologist. She happily worked on research on various topics, such as star formation, stellar evolution, and galaxy evolution. One of her important findings of her stellar evolution in galaxies research was that galaxies are getting dimmer with age, instead of them having constant luminosity. This research was important because it helped in understanding the expansion rate of the universe.
Yale University. Image source: Pixabay.

Another of her important research papers, ‘An unbound universe’ was revolutionary because she showed that the universe is open and hence expands forever, contrary to the leading-edge research of the time (including Allan Sandage’s research), where it was believed that the universe is closed and will eventually collapse in itself.

Yet another of her innovative research articles focused on showing that galaxy mergers cause star formation. She even organised a conference on ‘The Evolution of Galaxies and Stellar Populations’ in 1977 with her Yale colleague, Dr. Richard Larson. Her crowning achievement was becoming the first female professor of astronomy at Yale in 1978.

Sadly that year, she discovered she had cancer (melanoma). This unfortunate diagnosis did not prevent Beatrice from working on her passion, and in the next few years until she passed away in 1981 at the age of 40, she published several academic papers, many of which are still cited today.

Beatrice Tinsley’s legacy lives on, as she is remembered not only in the astronomical academia world, but also many books, podcasts, prizes, professorships, geographic features, a play, an asteroid and a lecture series are all named after or in honour of Dr. Beatrice Hill Tinsley.

Dr. Beatrice Tinsley is an inspiring female figure. In defiance of all the hardships she faced and the general attitude towards women, she prevailed and made very valuable contributions in the field through her research and her perseverance. She helped the field of cosmology to advance by showing that galaxies aren’t static, rather they evolve as time goes on, for one. She also showed that galaxy mergers can trigger star formations. The implications of Dr. Beatrice Tinsley’s life research are still being used today to help our understanding of the universe.
An image of two galaxies colliding, triggering very luminous star formation. Image source: NASA, Hubble and Spitzer.

Also check out this article on my website at:
Female Scientists


Written by Aayushi Verma


Data Scientist | Astronomer | Researcher | MS in Data Science '23

The Nature of the Universe : Fred Hoyle : Internet Archive

The Nature of the Universe : Fred Hoyle : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Nature of the Universe
by Fred Hoyle

Publication date 1955
Publisher Mentor Book
Collection internetarchivebooks; americana; inlibrary; printdisabled
Contributor Internet Archive
Language English
Fred Hoyle had a series of radio programs in England printed in The Nature of the Universe. Sir Frederick "Fred" Hoyle FRS (24 June 1915 - 20 August 2001)[1] was an English astronomer and mathematician noted primarily for his contribution to the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis and his often controversial stance on other cosmological and scientific matters-in particular his rejection of the "Big Bang" theory, a term originally coined by him on BBC radio.

 In addition to his work as an astronomer, Hoyle was a writer of science fiction, including a number of books co-written with his son Geoffrey Hoyle. Hoyle spent most of his working life at the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge and served as its director for a number of years. He died in Bournemouth, England, after a series of strokes. Dark Blue Hardcover, Gold writing,142 pages Inside front and back covers has orion and Dark Bay, Mount Wilson Observatory, 12 pages of black and white stellar photos and galaxies.


Overlooked No More: Beatrice Tinsley, Astronomer Who Saw the Course of the Universe - The New York Times

Overlooked No More: Beatrice Tinsley, Astronomer Who Saw the Course of the Universe - The New York Times

Overlooked No More: Beatrice Tinsley, Astronomer Who Saw the Course of the Universe

An insurgent who challenged the academic establishment and became a foremost expert on the aging of galaxies, she was eventually forced to choose between family and career.

Beatrice Tinsley at an International Astronomical Union symposium in Tallinn, Estonia, in 1977.Credit...J. Richard Gott
July 18, 2018
Leer en español

Since 1851, obituaries in The New York Times have been dominated by white men. With Overlooked, we’re adding the stories of remarkable people whose deaths went unreported in The Times.

By Dennis Overbye

In 1967 a very prominent astronomer visited Dallas to give a talk. Before he could speak, however, a young woman named Beatrice Tinsley stood up and told the audience that everything they were about to hear was wrong.

Thus began a feud that changed cosmology, the study of the origin and evolution of the universe.

On one side was Allan Sandage, arguably the most important astronomer in the world, who was convinced that he was homing in on the fate of the universe — namely, that it was doomed to collapse one distant day, a hundred billion years from now.

On the other side was an outspoken 26-year-old graduate student, who was saying that Sandage had misread the light of distant galaxies and, with it, the fate of the universe.

Sandage was outraged, but history would record that Tinsley won that argument.

In the years ahead, before cancer struck her down on March 23, 1981, at the age of 40, Tinsley would become known as the world’s leading expert on the aging and evolution of galaxies — the gigantic glowing stellar metropolises that are the true citizens of the cosmos.

In her work, which the Princeton astronomer James Gunn called “a real paradigm change,” galaxies went from being considered isolated blobs of starlight to dynamic changeable weather centers of energy and radiation, influencing and being influenced by the cosmos around them.

Tinsley was the sparkplug of a new generation of astronomers and physicists who were using new methods and data to wrest the narrative of the universe from their elders. Friends and colleagues recalled her as passionate about her ideas and the universe and also as a feminist hero to the tiny but growing band of women in astronomy — one who had to pay a steep personal price, in the form of abandoning her family, to follow her stars.

Asteroids, mountains, lectureships and awards have since been named for her, but a lifetime of glass ceilings and rejections left Tinsley often feeling unappreciated.

“She never lost the feeling of fighting the world,” said Richard Larson, a Yale astronomer who became a collaborator and close friend.

Beatrice Muriel Hill was born in Chester, England, on Jan. 27, 1941, and grew up in New Zealand, the middle of three daughters of Jean and Edward Hill. Her father was a clergyman turned politician who became mayor of New Plymouth in New Zealand.

“Beetle,” as her friends and family called her, had a healthy disrespect for authority, which would influence her attitudes toward both science and religion. As she grew up her two loves were music and mathematics.

At the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, she fell under the spell of physics, learning, as quoted in a biographical memoir by her father, “to question everything.” In 1961 she married a fellow physicist and classmate, Brian Tinsley. A year later she emerged with a master’s degree, but could not find work at Canterbury because her husband worked there.

When her husband was recruited to the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies in Dallas — now the University of Texas at Dallas — she followed, but found the situation stultifying. She once caused a minor scandal by refusing to host a faculty tea when it was her turn. In 1964 she enrolled as a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, the only woman in the program, commuting 400 miles every week.

It was while simulating the effects of the evolution of billions of stars on the overall appearance of galaxies that she crossed swords with Allan Sandage.

The fate of the universe was the big question in cosmology. Would the universe keep expanding forever? Or would the combined gravity of the galaxies eventually pull everything back together, like a handful of rocks tossed back to Earth?

Sandage and others sought to answer that question by looking at how the universe had been expanding in the deep past. He concluded that it was slowing down and would one day fall back together in a Big Crunch. That was about as momentous a prediction as any scientist could ever make.

But the answer depended on the presumption that certain galaxies — egg-shaped agglomerations known as giant ellipticals, which he was using as cosmic distance markers — were so-called standard candles, not changing much over time.

Tinsley’s work suggested, however, that these galaxies were not so constant — that they could dim with age as the stars inside them evolved.

Such effects, if true, would undermine Sandage’s method and could tip the answer of the fate of the universe to that of expanding forever, existence being a one-way trip into the eternal night.

Her dissertation was published — Sandage ignored it — and she got her Ph.D. in 1968. At the same time, she and her husband adopted a boy, Alan, and then later a girl, Teresa. While in Dallas, raising the children, she got involved in Planned Parenthood and Zero Population Growth.

Meanwhile, by dint of scientific conferences and visits to places like Mount Wilson and Palomar and the University of Maryland, Tinsley continued to pursue her vision of galaxies and cosmology.

In 1972 she and three young colleagues — James Gunn and J. Richard Gott of Princeton and David Schramm of the University of Texas at the time — set out to summarize what they thought was growing evidence that the universe would expand forever.

“We were sort of young Turks wanting to upset the establishment,” Schramm, who died in 1997, said in an interview in 1986.

“Beatrice was the glue,” recalled Gunn, who said that she had done most of the writing for the paper, titled “An Unbound Universe?” The paper had a saucy tone, far from the austere formality that had characterized astronomical pronouncements before.

“Desist from thrusting out reasoning from your mind because of its disconcerting novelty,” the paper began, quoting the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius. “For the mind wants to discover by reasoning what exists in the infinity of space that lies out there beyond the ramparts of this world,” it went on. “Here then is my first point. In all dimensions alike, on this side or that, upward or downward through the universe, there is no end.”

In other words, the universe would expand forever; there would be no Big Crunch, no chance of a second act for the Big Bang. After the paper was rejected by the journal Nature, it was published in The Astrophysical Journal in 1974.

A year later Sandage reached a similar conclusion, that the universe was not slowing down enough to ever collapse again. So much for the idea (a sentimental favorite of many astronomers) of a cyclic universe going from Big Bang to Big Crunch, like a beating heart. “The universe has only happened once,” Sandage wrote.

In the years before cancer struck her down in 1981, Tinsley became known as the world’s leading expert on the aging and evolution of galaxies.Credit...Walter Oleksy/Alamy

Tinsley was delighted. “It might be ‘bad science’ to like the universe being open because it feels better, but there is in me a strong delight in that possibility,” she wrote in a letter to her father. “I think I am tied to the idea of expanding forever — like life in a sense — more than spatial infinity.”

(Further observations a quarter of a century later, using distant exploding stars instead of galaxies as milestones, were to show that the expansion of the universe was in fact speeding up, under the influence of what astronomers call dark energy. Tinsley had been right with “a vengeance,” Larson said.)

That same year, 1975, Tinsley was awarded the Annie Jump Cannon Award, given by the American Association of University Women for outstanding postdoctoral research.

But despite her rising prominence, she couldn’t find a job in Texas. She complained to her father that she felt “rejected and undervalued intellectually.”

Reluctantly, she expanded her search and took a job at Yale, drawn by the chance to work with Larson. She divorced Brian Tinsley, from whom she had grown distant, and gave up custody of the children, leaving on Christmas, Larson said.

It was a choice she later agonized over. When her cancer appeared, Larson said, she wondered if it was nature’s retribution for her being a bad mother.

Larson said she had tried to make up for her absence by inviting the children to visit New Haven regularly and taking them on vacation trips.

But it hurt, said her daughter, Teresa Tinsley, who now lives in Dallas. (Tinsley’s son, Alan, lives in Phoenix.)

“She was given an ultimatum that in my opinion was unfair: Choose family or a career,” Teresa Tinsley wrote in an email. “But that is how it was back in those days — women were supposed to be homemakers. I am proud that she stood her ground and followed her career.”

She added, “She followed her dream — a dream created when she was a very young lady, her dream to be a scientist.”

At Yale, Tinsley was the first female astronomy professor. Her position, as she wrote to her father, gave her “a sense of hope and power over the future that has escaped me for years.”

In 1977 she organized and hosted a symposium that brought together the world’s experts on the evolution of stars and galaxies. The transcribed proceedings, which she and Larson edited, have become a classic reference for researchers.

But she did not have long to enjoy her recognition. A year later she discovered that a lump on her leg was melanoma.

In 1979 she brought Teresa, who was then 11, to New Haven for whatever time was left. Her daughter recalled playing after school in the halls of the astronomy department, and her mother helping her with her homework in the Yale Infirmary. Near the end, Tinsley wrote a poem:

Let me be like Bach, creating fugues
Till suddenly the pen will move no more.
Let all my themes within — of ancient light
Of origins and change and human worth —
Let all their melodies still intertwine,
Evolve and merge with growing unity,
Ever without fading
Ever without a final chord …
Till suddenly my mind can hear no more.

Beatrice Tinsley - Wikipedia

Beatrice Tinsley - Wikipedia

Beatrice Tinsley

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beatrice Tinsley
Born27 January 1941
Chester, England
Died23 March 1981 (aged 40)
Alma mater
Known forEvolution of galaxies
(m. 1961div. 1974)
AwardsAAS Annie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy (1974)
Scientific career
InstitutionsYale University

Beatrice Muriel Hill Tinsley (27 January 1941 – 23 March 1981) was a British-born New Zealand astronomer and cosmologist, and the first female professor of astronomy at Yale University, whose research made fundamental contributions to the astronomical understanding of how galaxies evolve, grow and die.


Beatrice Hill was born 1941 in Chester, England, as the middle of three daughters of Jean and Edward Hill.[1] The family emigrated to New Zealand following World War II, first living in Christchurch, and then for a longer time in New Plymouth, where her father was a clergyman, Moral Re-Armer, and later became the mayor (1953–56).

While studying in Christchurch, she married physicist and university classmate Brian Tinsley, not knowing that this would prevent her from working at the university while he was employed there.[1] Tinsley completed her master's thesis in 1962.[2] They moved in 1963 to the United States, to Dallas, Texas, where Brian was hired by the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies (now the University of Texas at Dallas). However, she was said to have found the situation "stultifying", and had once caused a controversy by refusing to follow the custom of hosting a faculty tea.[1] In 1964, she enrolled at UT-Austin, where she was the only woman in the astronomy programme and where she would later publish her groundbreaking research.[3]

Despite receiving recognition for her work, Tinsley was unable to find a permanent academic position. In 1974, after years of attempting to balance home, family and two commuting careers, she left her husband and two adopted children to take a position as assistant professor at Yale.[1] On 1 July 1978 she was appointed a professor of astronomy at Yale, becoming the first woman to hold the position.[4] She worked at Yale until her death from melanoma in the Yale Infirmary in 1981.

Professional activity[edit]

Tinsley completed pioneering theoretical studies of how populations of stars age and affect the observable qualities of galaxies. She also collaborated on basic research into models investigating whether the universe is closed or open. Her galaxy models led to the first approximation of what protogalaxies should look like.

In 1974 she received the American Astronomical Society's Annie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy, awarded for "outstanding research and promise for future research by a postdoctoral woman researcher", in recognition of her work on galaxy evolution.[5]

In 1977, Tinsley, with Richard Larson of Yale, organised a conference on 'The Evolution of Galaxies and Stellar Populations'.

Shortly after, in 1978, she became the first female professor of astronomy at Yale University.[6] Her last scientific paper, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal ten days before her death, was published posthumously that November, without revision.[7][note 1]


Tinsley died of melanoma on 23 March 1981, at the age of 40.[1][4] Her ashes are buried at Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut, which is surrounded by the Yale University campus.


Mount Tinsley from the Town of Manapouri

In 1986 the American Astronomical Society established the Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize, which recognises "an outstanding research contribution to astronomy or astrophysics, of an exceptionally creative or innovative character."[8] It is the only major award created by an American scientific society which honours a woman scientist. The award is not made with restriction on a candidate's citizenship or country of residence.[8]

The main-belt asteroid 3087 Beatrice Tinsley, discovered in 1981 at Mt John University Observatory near Tekapo, is also named after her.[9]

The University of Texas at Austin established from endowment in 1989 the Beatrice M. Tinsley Centennial Visiting Professorship, where a distinguished mid-career or senior professor is invited to visit for up to a semester.[10] In 2007 they added the Tinsley Scholars, awards for younger researchers to briefly visit Austin.[10]

In 2005, the Circa Theatre in Wellington produced a play called Bright Star, about the life of Beatrice Tinsley.[11] The Wellington Astronomical Society held telescope viewing sessions outside the theatre, on the wharf next to the Te Papa Museum.[citation needed]

In December 2010 the New Zealand Geographic Board officially named a mountain in Fiordland's Kepler Mountains (which are named for astronomer Johannes Kepler) as Mt Tinsley.[12][13]

The Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand established the Beatrice Hill Tinsley Lectures[14] in 2012.

Beatrice Tinsley Crescent in Rosedale, on Auckland's North Shore, is named for her.[citation needed]

On 27 January 2016, the 75th anniversary of her birth, Google published a Doodle to honour her work.[15] In the same year, the New Zealand Association of Scientists renamed the Research Medal the Hill Tinsley Medal in Tinsley's honour.[16] In 2017, Tinsley was one of the Royal Society Te Apārangi's "150 women in 150 words", celebrating women's contribution to knowledge in New Zealand.[17]

Her obituary was published by The New York Times several decades later on 18 July 2018,[1] in their "Overlooked" project, which aims to note "the stories of remarkable people whose deaths went unreported in The Times".[18]

In 2018, the Yale Society of Physics Students began an inaugural prize lecture in honour of Tinsley.[19]

A 2019 $1.20 New Zealand postage stamp in a series of "New Zealand Space Pioneers" honours her.[20]

The University of Canterbury College of Science named their staff and postgraduate building after Tinsley, which was opened in October 2019 by the Honourable Dr Megan Woods, Vice-Chancellor Cheryl de la Rey, and Pro-Vice Chancellor of Science Professor Wendy Lawson.[21] The building uses Pres-Lam technology developed at the university.[22]

The final track on the 2022 Forenzics album Shades and Echoes, "Autumn", is credited "Words by NZ astronomer Beatrice Hill Tinsley – adapted with permission by T. Finn".[23]

Selected publications[edit]


  1. ^ The editor's note: "Deceased on 1981 March 23, thus ending prematurely a distinguished career. The text of this last paper was not revised, although Michele Kaufman kindly added some clarifying definitions and comments."


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e f "Overlooked No More: Beatrice Tinsley, Astronomer Who Saw the Course of the Universe"The New York Times. 18 July 2018.
  2. ^ Tinsley, Beatrice (1962). Theory of the crystal field in neodymium magnesium nitrate (Masters thesis). UC Research Repository, University of Canterbury. doi:10.26021/7553hdl:10092/2222.
  3. ^ "This Astronomer Had to Make the Hardest Career Choice". American Association of University Women. 16 July 2014. Archived from the original on 13 February 2019. Retrieved 19 July 2018.
  4. Jump up to:a b "Beatrice Tinsley made professor of astronomy at Yale" Retrieved 26 June 2021.
  5. ^ "AAS Annie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy". Archived from the original on 2 October 2009. Retrieved 18 November 2009.
  6. ^ "The Life of Beatrice Tinsley". Archived from the original on 25 March 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2016.
  7. ^ Tinsley, B.M. (1981). "Chemical evolution in the solar neighborhood. IV – Some revised general equations and a specific model". Astrophysical Journal250: 758–768. Bibcode:1981ApJ...250..758Tdoi:10.1086/159425.
  8. Jump up to:a b "Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize"American Astronomical Society. Archived from the original on 22 December 2010. Retrieved 18 November 2009.
  9. ^ "Citation for (3087)". Cambridge, MA: Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 18 November 2009.[permanent dead link]
  10. Jump up to:a b "External Review 2009" (PDF)University of Texas at Austin Department of Astronomy/McDonald Observatory. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 June 2010. Retrieved 18 November 2009.
  11. ^ "Circa Theatre: Bright Star". Archived from the original on 7 February 2006. Retrieved 18 November 2009.
  12. ^ "Mount Pickering and Mount Tinsley". Archived from the original on 15 December 2009. Retrieved 18 November 2009.
  13. ^ Mackay, Scot (20 January 2011). "Historian's mountainous goal reached"The Southland Times. Retrieved 25 January 2011.
  14. ^ "The Beatrice Hill Tinsley Lectures". Archived from the original on 28 July 2013. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
  15. ^ "Beatrice Tinsley’s 75th Birthday".
  16. ^ "New Zealand Association of Scientists – Hill Tinsley Medal" Retrieved 4 May 2021.
  17. ^ "Beatrice Tinsley"Royal Society Te Apārangi. Retrieved 4 May 2021.
  18. ^ Padnani, Amisha; Bennett, Jessica (8 March 2018). "Remarkable People We Overlooked in Our Obituaries"The New York Times. Retrieved 15 February 2024.
  19. ^ "Who We Are | Yale Society of Physics Students (SPS)".
  20. ^ Stamp image
  21. ^ "Beatrice Tinsley building opening a milestone for science at UC"University of Canterbury | Tūpono. 4 October 2018. Archived from the original on 24 January 2021. Retrieved 25 February 2021.
  22. ^ hks24 (18 July 2018). "Beatrice Tinsley building timber technology developed at UC"The Insider's Guide to UC | Tūpono. Archived from the original on 21 August 2019. Retrieved 21 August 2019.
  23. ^ Forenzics, Shades and Echoes, CD booklet

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Other biographies:

Other material: