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Showing posts with label "spiritual practice". Show all posts


Sejin Pak [케어 직의 자격] [Pastoral Care] [Spiritual Counselling]


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[케어직의 자격] [Pastoral Care] [Spiritual Counselling]
케어일을 한다면 어떤 일을 할 수 있을까 알아본다.
- 신체적인 것 보다 영성 카운셀링 같은 정신적인 일을 하고 싶다.
- 카운셀링도 있지만, <파스토럴 케어>라는 직종이 있다.
- 한국말로 뭐라고 하나 찾아보니, "목회적 돌봄", 목회상담(학)이라는 말들이 있다. 조금 너무 기독교적인 냄새가 난다. 다른 적절한 말이 없을까?
- 미국에 있는 원불교의 파스토랄 케어라는 프로그람을 찾았다. 10달 프로그람에 3만 5천불 정도 든다고 한다.
- 한국서 공부하면 더 싸지 않을까? 그러나 영어가 아니라서 호주에서는 인정을 해 주지 안을 수도 있지 안을까?
- 그 내용을 혼자 공부할 수도 있지 안을까 생각해 본다. 나는 더 이상 무슨 자격도 보수도 필요한 것은 아니나, 그 분야의 일을 하기 위한 자격이 필요하다.
- 호주에 흔한 한인들 사이에서 한국어로 하는 목회상담학 같은 것이 의미가 있을까. 기독교 상담학도 이해하돼, 기독교를 벗어나는 것이 중요하다. 밑의 원불교 프로그람에서는 기독교와 불교의 비교학을 공부하는 것이 좋다.
- 밑의 한 과목 (650)의 설명에서 Theologcal anthropology라는 말을 처음으로 들어 본다. 욕망, 고뇌, 동정을 기독교와 불교의 두 시각에서 검토해 본다고 한다.
<The Buddhist Pastoral Care Program>
- is most appropriate for students who:
- have a sustained contemplative practice, Buddhist or otherwise, and want to develop clinical pastoral skills for use in a variety of institutional contexts
- have some prior training or experience in the helping professions, and wish to gain stronger foundations in Buddhist thought and practice, or
- seek to use the Buddhist Pastoral Care Certificate Program as one way to complete accredited coursework toward a graduate degree.
<Graduation Requirements>
In order to complete the Won Institute Certificate in Buddhist Pastoral Care, students are required to complete 18 credits (6 total courses) of graduate coursework, including 12 credits (4 courses) during two intensive study-retreats in August and March.
The program curriculum consists of four required study-retreat courses:
  1. - Buddhist Psychology (AMS 580),
  2. - Contemplative Speaking and Listening Skills (DIV 510),
  3. - Professional Ethics in Pastoral Care: A Case-Based Approach (DIV 540), and
  4. - Leadership and Care of Institutions (DIV 600).
Two further courses, or 6 credits, may be fulfilled either by any elective in Buddhist Studies offered at the Won Institute campus itself, by CPE or volunteer practicum coursework (both covered by DIV 780), or through the distance-learning course,
  1. Buddhism and Christianity on Desire, Suffering, and Compassion (DIV 650).
This program is designed primarily as a 10-month academic-year program. For students unable to complete all 18 credits within a single academic year, the Certificate requirements must be completed within two academic years.
<Learning Objectives>
Students in the Won Institute's Certificate in Buddhist Pastoral Care program will:
  • Develop foundational skills of counseling and pastoral care—including skill in contemplative speaking and listening, empathic awareness of others, appropriate self-assertion, and increasingly courageous openness to one’s own suffering and the suffering of others
  • Understand the diversity of Buddhist psychological teachings across Pali and Mahayana traditions, connecting those understandings in turn to Western psychotherapeutic perspectives and approaches
  • Deepen familiarity with meditative practices that support pastoral capacities for stillness, silence, attentive observation, and compassion
  • Carefully engage with teachings from at least one other religious tradition, as a way of preparing to skillfully and generously encounter religious difference
  • Recognize one’s own most basic affective challenges, intellectual passions, and personal commitments, in order to empower more and more skillful service on behalf of others over time.
<Curriculum & Course Descriptions>
Certificate in Buddhist Pastoral Care Curriculum
**AMS 580: Buddhist Psychology
Buddhist psychology is concerned with the nature of <lived experience>. This experience encompasses matter, mind, and mental-physical emotional states. At the forefront of experience, however, stands consciousness, or bare awareness. It is this conviction that makes “psychology” a primary subject of inquiry for any system of human wellbeing. So, what is this awareness? How does it function; what is driving it? What are its working parts? How does it integrate constituent elements? What roles do identity and agency play in conscious experience? Is will just an illusion?
MDIV 510: Contemplative Speaking and Listening Skills
This course helps students to integrate mindfulness techniques and introductory counseling skills as antidotes to unskillful human habits of interaction. The course seeks to support greater awareness of self, greater awareness of other, and more communicative choice for the pastoral practitioner in situations of conflict, suffering, and transition.
DIV 540: Professional Ethics in Pastoral Care: A Case-Based Approach
This course, in either a seminar or online format, offers an analysis of ethical case studies taken both from texts and from students’ own experience, in order to prepare students to meet the sometimes difficult decision-making challenges of pastoral care. Chaplains, retreat center staff, and temple ministers may regularly find themselves in close contact with painful human conflict, serious questions about the fairness of healthcare decisions, tensions between institutional employment itself and advocacy on behalf of patients or prisoners who have been poorly treated by the same institution, and questions about the most appropriate referrals for legal or psychiatric issues that fall outside of the scope of professional pastoral care. While focusing consistently on formal case studies, the course asks students to consider the evolving complexities and uncertainties of real situations, as well as the kinds of discernment required to make careful judgments. Upon completion of the course, students should better understand the responsibilities and options of referral, the ethical responsibilities and problems of intra-institutional advocacy, and the ways that theologies can both enable and hinder ethical decision-making. Students may also reflect on the relationship between regular religious or spiritual practice, on the one hand, and the pastoral capacity to respond with clarity and care in moments of stress, on the other hand.
**MDIV 600: Leadership and Care of Institutions
Virtually all Master of Divinity or Pastoral Care Certificate graduates will work at some point in an institution: a non-profit organization, a dharma center or temple, a hospital or hospice, a prison, a school. This course seeks to prepare students to respond with clarity, skill and empathy in the midst of the interpersonal and institutional difficulties that are certain to arise in pastoral work with and on behalf of others. This course introduces students to <theoretical and practical skills of emotional self-awareness, nonviolent communication, appropriate assertiveness, and self-care—skills crucial to the successful functioning of organizations>. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to name <their own most significant affective challenges and directions for interpersonal growth, intimately understand practical skills of assertive and nonviolent communication, cultivate successful boundaries, identify potential sources and patterns of institutional harm, and understand how to create positive habits of interpersonal engagement>.
** MDIV 650: Buddhism and Christianity on Desire, Suffering, and Compassion
This course examines Buddhist and Christian considerations of <theological anthropology>, focusing in particular on the ways in which both traditions seek to critique and then re-educate human desire. The course may address Buddhist and Christian accounts of suffering, the relationship between spiritual practice and service on behalf of others, the ways in which Judeo-Christian social commitments have influenced contemporary Engaged Buddhism, and the ways in which Buddhist contemplative practices have helped to reorient Christians to their own liturgical and monastic traditions of silence and prayer. The course may focus in particular on the changing nature of theistic faith in the early modern and modern periods, as a foundation for understanding Buddhist practice in the West as an apparent alternative to merely cognitive or propositional forms of religious commitment. The course may also consider several robust recent challenges to Buddhism from Slavoj Zizek, Jeremy Carette, Joseph Ratzinger, and others. Upon completion of the course, students should better understand the ways in which Buddhists and Christians have mutually informed one another in the modern period; students should be able to critique and question their own assumptions about Christianity; and students should be able to imagine ways to interact pastorally and positively with persons from different Christian traditions.
MDIV 780: Practicum
This course may be taken concurrently with Clinical Pastoral Education, and must be taken with any other practicum or volunteer placement, in order to receive graduate credit for that practicum. CPE students who wish to receive graduate credit, because they already meet at least weekly with their clinical education supervisors and peers, are only required to attend three course meetings during the semester, to reflect as a group on their separate clinical placements. Students may be asked to present modified versions of at least one CPE verbatim report during these meetings. Please note: Students who do not need or want to receive graduate practicum credit may elect not to enroll in MDIV 780 during CPE, though students are strongly encouraged to discuss this choice at least one month prior to CPE enrollment with the M.Div Program Chair. Students in other, non-CPE practicum placements are required to enroll in MDIV 780, which uses a seminar or online format to reflect regularly on assigned readings as a foundation for ongoing practical learning and vocational discernment.
Chung Ok Chung
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  • Chung Ok Chung
    구도의 깊은 열망이 있으시군요. 미국 엘에이에 국선도 사범님이 계신데 청산선사님을 직접 모시고 그 밑에서 도장을 돌보았던 분이십니다. 캐나다 국적으로 어려서 입문하고 엘에이에서만 20년 이상을 수련 수도 지도하시는 일에만 전념하시는 분이신데 그분은 모든 질문에 딱 좋은 답을 해 주시더군요. 깊은 질문은 깊게, 가벼운 질문은 가볍게, 그러나 꼭 그 답을 해 주시네요. 이메일로 한번 편안히 대화를 나워 보시겠습니까? 성함은 김창옥사범님이십니다. 말이 사범이시지 아주 깊게 닦으셨으나 평범항 모습으로 지도만 하시는 분이십니다. 죄송합니다. 제가 혹시 실례를 범하는 것인지도 모릅니다...
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    • Sejin Pak
      그분은 페북이나 블록이 있는가요?
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    • Chung Ok Chung
      그분의 이순신장군과 관련돈 글을 제가 조금 전 올렸습니다. 그분의 이메일은 입니다. 성함은 김창옥 이시고요
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    • Chung Ok Chung
      참 좋은 인연이시기를 바랍니다.
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    • Sejin Pak
      검색으로 얼마 알게 되었습니다. 증산도 관계의 분이시군요. 증산도에 대하여는 누나 반아님은 관심이 있던 것 같은데, 저는 책을 몇권 구하고 아직 읽을 시간은 없었습니다.
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    • Chung Ok Chung
      증산도가 아니고 국선도 사범이십니다. 세계국선도법연구회 원장이시고요. 두루 열리시고 걸림이 없으신 분이십니다 종교아니고 심신을 수련하는...
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