
07 Rosemary Morrow, working globally and locally - Permaculture Australia

Rosemary Morrow, working globally and locally - Permaculture Australia

Rosemary Morrow, working globally and locally

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by Russ Grayson
Permaculture design teacher, development assistance worker, home gardener and relocalisation advocate, Rosemary Morrow lives in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
Rosemary's work in Cambodia and Vietnam has been the means by which she has enacted her Quaker philosophy. Rosemary has traveled widely in Australia to educate people in the permaculture design system and is author of 'The Earth Users Guide To Permaculture' (new edition 2006) as well as a trainer's manual based on the first, 1993, edition of the book.
Rosemary is active in her local area where she promotes the virtues of localism.