New Rights of Nature book releases - The Rights of Nature
admin_garn April 11, 2011

“The Rights of Nature, The Case for a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth begins to reveal the path of a movement that is driving the cultural and legal shift that is necessary to transform our human relationship with nature away from being property-based and towards a rights-based model of balance.
The book gathers the unique wisdom of indigenous cultures, scientists, environmental activists, lawyers, and small farmers in order to make a case for how and why humans must work to change our current structures of law to recognize that nature has inherent rights. It includes essays and interviews from esteemed thought leaders such as Maude Barlow, Vandana Shiva, Desmond Tutu, Cormac Cullinan, Edwardo Galleano, Nimo Bassey, Thomas Goldtooth, and Shannon Biggs.
… the book reveals the path of a movement driving the cultural and legal shift that is necessary to transform our human relationship with nature away from being property-based and towards a rights-based model of balance being driven from the grassroots up to the United Nations.”
Also being released for the first time in the US is theWild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice by Cormac Cullinan. Originally released in 2002, Wild Law has provided inspiration and momentum forwarding Rights of Nature around the world.
For more information on Rights of Nature, The Case for a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth…
Rights of Nature Articles
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
- Founding the Global Alliance
- Founding Principles of the Global Alliance
- Current Executive Committee and Staff
- Founding Organizations and Expansion Members
International Rights of Nature Tribunal
- Report from the Center of the Earth, Quito – Lisa Mead, Earth Law Alliance
- Fracking and Lima Climate talks slammed at Nature Rights Tribunal – David Hill, The Guardian
- Tribunal at Peoples’ Summit calls for a UN Declaration on the Rights of Nature, by
Sample Existing Legal Structures
- Ordinance 2013-01 Mora County, New Mexico – Rights of Nature
- A Bill of Rights for Occupied Communities by Thomas Linzey, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (
- Ecuadorian Constitution English – Español
Global Exchange – Collections of articles about Rights of Nature
Table of Contents
- Can Rights of Nature Help Us Rewrite Our Human Story? by Carleen Pickard
- The Global Water Crisis Demands a Paradigm Shift By Maude Barlow and Meera Karunananthan
- A New Paradigm for Nature – Turning our Values into Law By Shannon Biggs and Mari Margil
- What are Rights, and how can Nature “have” Rights? By Ben Price
- At the Crossroads Between Green Economy and Rights of Natureby Pablo Solón
- Indigenous Sovereignty, “Green” Economy and the Rights of Mother Earth By Tom B.K. Goldtooth
- I am the River and the River is Me – The Implications of a River as an Indigenous Legal Person By Brendan Kennedy
- How the Recognition of the Rights of Nature Became a Part of the Ecuadorian Constitution By Dr. Mario Melo
- The Nature of Farming and Farming with Nature, Interview with Anuradha Mittal
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary: Rights of Nature Is System Change by Shannon Biggs
- It’s Time for New Solutions By Maryam Adrangi and Carleen Pickard
- At the Crossroads Between Green Economy and Rights of Nature by Pablo Solón
- Changing the Terrain: The Significance of Rights of Nature for Environmental and Social Activism by Cormac Cullinan
- Legal Rights for Nature – Local to National: How Do We Get there? By Mari Margi
- Ecuador’s Challenge: Rights of Mother Earth or the Continued Colonization of Nature by Alberto Acosta
- Rights of Nature: An Update on Ecuador By Natalia Greene
- No Rights of Nature, No Reducing Emissions: REDD, el Buen Vivir, and the Standing of Forests By Jeff Conant and Anne Petermann
- Indigenous Sovereignty, “Green” Economy and the Rights of Mother Earth By Tom B.K. Goldtooth
- Earth Community Economy by Osprey Orielle Lake
- The Global Water Crisis Demands a Paradigm Shift By Maude Barlow and Meera Karunananthan
- Water in the Green Economy: “Legal Rights for Waterways” By Linda Sheehan
- Beyond Fossilized Paradigms: Futureconomics of FoodBy Vandana Shiva
- Food Sovereignty and Rights of Nature By Suzy Pinos
Table of Contents
- Does Nature Have Rights?
- We Must Stop Playing Deaf to Nature by Eduardo Galeano
- The Heart of the World: U’Wa perspectives on Mother Earth Interview with Atossa Soltani
- Building the Case for the Universal Declaration of The Rights of Mother Earth by Maude Barlow
- The Universal Declaration of The Rights of Mother Earth: An overview by Cormac Cullinan
- Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth Draft February 2010
- A New Paradigm for Nature – Turning our Values into Law by Shannon Biggs and Mari Margil
- Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature by Natalia Greene and Bill Twist
Navdanya Publications on Seed Freedom GMOs and Farmers Rights
- THE Law of the Seed by Navdanya International
- The GMO Emperor has no Clothes by Navdanya, Centre for Food Safety and Navdanya International
- Seed Freedom by Navdanya
Rights of Nature – general
- Worlds Biodiversity Concentration by Natalia Greene
- The Case for The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth by Cormac Cullinan
- If Nature Had Rights, What Would People Need to Give Up? by Cormac Cullinan
- Governing People as Members of the Earth Communityby Cormac Cullinan
- Peoples Charter for Africa by Cormac Cullinan
- Los Derechos de la Naturaleza: Rights-Based Protection for Pachamama by Mari Margil
- Rivers and Natural Ecosystems as Rights Bearing Subjects by Robin R Milam
- Rights of Nature and an Earth Community Economy by Osprey Orielle Lake
- People’s Rights, Planet’s Rights: Holistic Approaches to a Sustainable Population by Suzanne York
- International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative Declaration Being Nature – A European Citizens Inititative for Recognizing and Respecting the Inherent Rights of Nature by Mumta Ito
- Earth Rights: The Theory by Peter Burdon
- Exploring Wild Law, The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence edited by Peter Burdon
- Why should tress have legal rights? It’s second nature by María Banda
- Ethics for Economics in the Anthropocene by Peter G. Brown, McGill University
- Garver – final Sustainability article – Rule of Ecological Law – Sustainability journal final by Geoffrey Garver
- Rights of Nature and the Economics of the Biosphere Global Exchange, collection of articles, October 2013
- The riddle of leaving the oil in the soil—Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT project from a discourse perspective by Cristina Espinosa
- Has the World Failed Ecuador? The Case of the Yasuni ITT Initiativeby Santiago Bucaram1, Mario Andres Fernandez2
- Condor Mirador Case – Ecuador
- For the Love of Sharks! by Hana Begovic
- Document deliverd to the Supreme Court, written by Hugo Echeverría> Legal arguments for the shark case in Ecuador