
Right Holding of Yearly Meeting
We propose these revised terms of reference for the Right Holding of Yearly Meeting Committee which will be guided by the Quaker testimonies and the need to conduct business in a spirit led manner, ensuring that Australian Quaker gatherings are designed to fulfil their purposes, are easy for Friends to host and attend, and are equitable and accessible.
1.             Engagement - Actively seek input from Friends across Australia in a variety of ways (including workshops and surveys) about:
a.              the purpose and future of Yearly Meeting gatherings
b.             ideas about alternative models
c.              current challenges
2.       Data - Collate and discern the relevance of information about the practices of some other comparable Quaker gatherings
3.       Testing and further discernment - Develop alternative models which may suit Australia Yearly Meeting better than our present practices. This would include:
a.              The conduct of business of the Society, including using electronic methods
b.             The timing, regularity, format and location of Australia Yearly Meeting gatherings
c.              The conduct of trials and pilot programs of some systems or processes
4.       Reporting - report findings and progress to Standing Committee and Yearly Meeting.

South Australia and Northern Territory Regional Meeting
Weekend Gathering - October 20th-21st

Place: Leabrook Guide Hall (Saturday), North Adelaide Meeting House (Sunday)

Theme: Renewal

Friday night
·       There are no activities planned for Friday night. However we would ask you to come to the gathering on Saturday having thought about one things about our Meeting that works well for you, and one that you might struggle with, if any,

·       9-15-10.30am First session - Right Holding of Yearly Meeting and SANTRM
At YM meeting this year, we have been considering how best to organise our annual gatherings, and how they might continue to meet our needs, spiritually, socially, educationally, and administratively. We will be also being our reflections on this process within SANTRM, which we will then continue to talk about in a session on Sunday
·       10.30-11.00am Morning tea
·       11-12.30pm Second session - What is our purpose in the world? Our as Sheila Keane asked us at YM2018, What is our prophecy? (what we say) What is our witness? (what we do). In this session, members of our Meeting, as well as some of our visiting Friends, will talk about their experience of being a Quaker, and their understanding of our purpose in the world.
·       12.30-2.00pm Lunch. This will be a picnic style lunch in the creek reserve outside the Guide Hall (weather permitting). Please bring a small plate of food to share. After we have eaten, there will be a chance for musically-minded Friends to perform a piece of music, as we relax together.
·       2.00-3.00pm Third session - Celebrating and honouring our differences
In this session we will be seeking to understand how as a Society we can better honour our different experiences of religion, of gender, and of racial heritage.
·       3.00-3.30pm Afternoon tea
·       3.30-4.15pm Fourth Session - Committing to individual and collective renewal
In this session we meet in small group to explore what we may need, as people, and collectively as a Meeting, to experience a sense of renewal
·       4.15-4.30pm Closing - Meeting for worship

Sunday morning
·       9-30-10.30am Fifth session - How do we understand spirituality within the Quaker Faith tradition?
·       10.30-11.00 Worship-sharing - A chance to minister to a learning moment from the weekend
·       11.00-12.00 noon Meeting for Worship
·       12.00-1.00pm Lunch. Please bring food to share.
·      1.00pm-2.00pm Sixth and final session. Picking up on our discussions from the previous day, what do we want for SANTRM? How should we guide and support our Meeting going forwards. We will end with a Meeting for Worship