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Wake therapy

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Example of sleep patterns: Top row depicts a typical sleep pattern (9 h), middle two rows show 1 day of early and late partial sleep deprivation (4 h) and bottom row shows 1 day of total sleep deprivation (0 h night 1). Each box represents 1 hour. Boxes without color indicate periods of wakefulness.

Wake therapy is a specific application of intentional sleep deprivation. It encompasses many sleep-restricting paradigms that aim to address mood disorders with a form of non-pharmacological therapy.[1]

Wake therapy was first popularized in 1966 and 1971 following articles by Schulte and by Pflug and Tölle describing striking symptom relief in depressed individuals after 1 night of total sleep deprivation. Wake therapy can involve partial sleep deprivation, which usually consists of restricting sleep to 4–6 hours, or total sleep deprivation, in which an individual stays up for more than 24 consecutive hours. During total sleep deprivation, an individual typically stays up about 36 hours, spanning a normal awakening time until the evening after the deprivation. It can also involve shifting the sleep schedule to be later or earlier than a typical schedule (eg. going to bed at 5 am), which is called Sleep Phase Advancement. Older studies involved the repetition of sleep deprivation in the treatment of depression, either until the person showed a response to the treatment or until the person had reached a threshold for the possible number of sleep deprivation treatments.

Chronic sleep deprivation is dangerous and in modern research studies it is no longer common to repeat sleep deprivation treatments close together in time.[2]

Recent closed-loop paradigms have been developed to selectively deprive individuals of some stages—but not others—of sleep. During slow-wave sleep deprivation, researchers monitor the electrical activity on an individual's scalp with electroencephalography (EEG) in real-time, and use sensory stimulation (eg. playing a noise such as a burst of pink noise) to disrupt that stage of sleep (eg. to interfere with slow waves during non-rapid eye movement sleep) The goal of these paradigms is to investigate how the deprivation of one type of sleep stage, or sleep microarchitecture, affects outcome measures, rather than the deprivation of all sleep stages. One drawback of closed loop sleep deprivation paradigms is that they must be carefully calibrated for each individual. If researchers use auditory stimuli to inhibit slow waves, they must calibrate the volume of the stimulus so that it is loud enough to evoke a sensory response, but quiet enough that it does not wake the patient from sleep. There is some evidence that depriving individuals of slow wave sleep can induce a rapid antidepressant effect in a dose-dependent manner, meaning a greater reduction in slow wave activity relative to baseline is expected to induce greater symptom relief.[1]

Response rate[edit]

The response rate to sleep deprivation is generally agreed to be approximately 50%. A 2017 meta-analysis of 66 sleep studies with partial or total sleep deprivation in the treatment of depression found that the overall response rate (immediate relief of symptoms) to total sleep deprivation was 50.4% of individuals, and the response rate to partial sleep deprivation was 53.1%[3] In 2009, a separate review on sleep deprivation found that 1700 patients with depression across 75 separate studies showed a response rate that ranged from 40 - 60%.[4] For reference, the non-response rate for conventional antidepressant pharmacotherapy is estimated to be ~30%, but symptom relief may be delayed by several weeks after the onset of treatment (compared to the immediate, transient relief induced by sleep deprivation).[5] Metrics of mood change vary highly across studies, including surveys of daily mood, or clinician administered interviews that assess the severity of depression symptoms. One benefit to sleep deprivation is that it can provide relief from symptoms within 6–12 hours after sleep deprivation, a rapid effect compared to the 4–6 weeks that it may take conventional treatments to have an effect.[6]

One downside of sleep deprivation therapy is that the beneficial effects are transient, and disappear after even short periods of sleep.[7][6] Even ultra-short periods of sleep lasting seconds, termed microsleeps, have been shown to cause a relapse in symptoms.[8]

Relapse after recovery sleep[edit]

One meta-analysis of over 1700 unmedicated depressed patients who had undergone sleep deprivation found that 83% relapsed in their symptoms after one night of recovery sleep.[9] Only 5-10 % of patients who initially respond to sleep deprivation show sustained remission.[4] However, when sleep deprivation is combined with pharmacological treatments, the number of patients who show sustained remission is much higher, with rates as high as half of patients experiencing sustained remission.[4] Compared to a relapse rate of 83% for unmedicated patients, patients who simultaneously took antidepressants only experienced a relapse rate of 59% after a night of recovery sleep.[9]

Effect of sleep deprivation depends on psychiatric status[edit]

The effect of sleep deprivation on mood is dependent on an individual's psychiatric status. Healthy individuals with no history of mood disorders who undergo sleep deprivation often show no change or a worsening of mood after the sleep deprivation.[4] In addition to constant or worsening mood, they also show an increase in tiredness, agitation, and restlessness.[8] Similarly, individuals with psychiatric disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder or those who suffer from panic attacks do not show reliable improvements in mood disorder.[4]

Types of Sleep Deprivation
TypeAverage Response Rate*Average Response Duration
Partial sleep deprivation (~ 4–6 hours of sleep in either the first or last half of the night)~ 53.1%[3]~ 1 Day [10]
Total sleep deprivation (no sleep 24–46 hours)~40-60 %[4]~ 1 Day[10]
Scales Used to Assess Mood Improvements
Scale NameDate PublishedSummaryInter-rater reliabilityTime to completeTypical reduction rate required for "remission"
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale[11]196021 items0.46 to 0.97[12]15–20 minutes30 - 40% reduction in baseline score, or a score <7
Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale[13]197810 items: 9 based on patient report, 1 rater's observation0.89-0.97[14]15–20 minutesscore < 5
Example timecourse of depression rating scores across a night of sleep deprivation: Responders (orange) to sleep deprivation show lower depression scores (and higher positive mood scores) after sleep deprivation. Nonresponders (blue) do not show a significant change in mood scores.

Side effects[edit]

The only known contraindication to sleep deprivation therapy for individuals with unipolar depression is a risk of seizures. Some studies have shown that the stress associated with a night of sleep deprivation can precipitate unexpected medical conditions, such as a heart attack.[15] Other known side effects of sleep deprivation include general fatigue, and headaches.[8] For individuals with bipolar depression, sleep deprivation can sometimes cause a switch into a manic state.[16]

Combination of antidepressant pharmacological intervention and total sleep deprivation[edit]

Unipolar depression[edit]

Although individual studies have shown a positive effect of combined antidepressant-sleep deprivation therapy, there is currently no widely-accepted consensus about whether combined treatment is superior to pharmacological intervention alone for individuals with unipolar depression.[17] A meta analysis (2020) of more than 368 patients found that sleep deprivation combined with standard treatment did not reduce depressive symptoms compared to standard treatment alone.[17]

Bipolar depression[edit]

In contrast with unipolar depression, there is a wide body of evidence that sleep deprivation may be useful in the treatment of bipolar depression. A meta analysis of 90 articles found that combining total sleep deprivation and pharmacological intervention significantly increased the antidepressant effects in patient with bipolar depression when compared to pharmacological intervention alone.[18] The metric that the studies used to assess success of the interventions was a depression symptom scale called the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale[13] or the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale,[11] which both are used to measure someone's mood. Multiple studies have shown that adding a mood stabilizing medication (lithium, amineptine, or pindolol) to total sleep deprivation can induce a significant decrease in depression symptoms that is sustained at least 10 days after the treatment.[18] When considering the long-term effects of the combined total sleep deprivation-pharmacological intervention, it appears that combination therapy can also improve the maintenance of the antidepressant effect for individuals with bipolar mood disorders. These results suggest that adding total sleep deprivation to bipolar depression pharmacological treatment may result in an augmented treatment response.[18]

Total sleep deprivation may not be necessary to achieve the beneficial effect of combined sleep deprivation-antidepressant therapy- partial sleep deprivation may be sufficient. Compliance in these studies is typically measured with actigraphy in order to track movements and time in bed.


The mechanism by which sleep deprivation enhances the effect of antidepressant pharmacological intervention is still under investigation. One hypothesis is that sleep deprivation could enhance the effects of the antidepressant drugs, or it could shorten the delay of the drugs effects, which can take up to several months depending on the drug.[19]

BDNF hypothesis[edit]

One hypothesis for the mechanism of sleep deprivation is that it induces a rapid increase in the level of a neutrophic protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which mimics the long term effects of some antidepressant drugs.[20] Drug-naive patients with depression typically show lower levels of BDNF than age and sex-matched controls.[21] An increase in BDNF in patients with depression who take a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors has been reported in several studies to increase after 8 weeks.[21] Similarly, an increase in serum BDNF level is also observed in patients who undergo a single night of total or REM sleep deprivation, however the effect is observed immediately rather than after a long period of time.[20] This increase is hypothesized to be the result of a compensatory mechanism in the brain that produces BDNF to preserve cognitive functions like working memory and attention.[20]

Serotonin hypothesis[edit]

Another hypothesis for the mechanism of sleep deprivation is that it may affect the serotoninergic (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT]) system, including a receptor called the 5-HT1A receptor.[8] Animals models of sleep deprivation suggest that sleep deprivation increases serotonin neurotransmission in several ways, including 1) increasing extracellular serotonin, 2) increasing serotonin turnover, 3) reducing the sensitivity of serotonin inhibitory autoreceptors and 4) increasing behavioral responsiveness to serotonin precursors.[22] Studies in humans that measure pre-sleep deprivation levels of serotonin with single photon emission computer tomography have provided evidence that responders to sleep deprivation may have a specific deficit in serotoninergic systems.[23]

Barriers to sleep deprivation-antidepressant combination therapy research[edit]

One barrier to understanding the effects of sleep deprivation is the lack of a consistent metric of "response". Although there are standard mood surveys and clinician-rated scales, different investigators use different criterion as evidence of response to the treatment. For example, some investigators have required a 30% decrease in the Hamilton Rating Scale, while others required a 50% decrease.[19]

Other barriers include the fact that researchers are not blind to patient condition when they rate the patient's mood, and that many previous studies have not included control groups, but rather only published findings on patient groups without any control reference.

Skeptics of sleep deprivation therapy argue that it is not the sleep deprivation itself, but rather the prolonged contact with other humans and unusual circumstances of the sleep deprivation that lead to improvements in mood symptoms.[4]

Another major barrier is that depression is a highly heterogenous disorder, spanning both unipolar and bipolar types.[24]

Predictors of antidepressant response to sleep deprivation therapy[edit]

Diurnal Mood[edit]

Changes in mood across 1 day. Healthy individuals will typically show the highest mood after awakening in the morning, with a gradual degradation throughout the day. In contrast, individuals with depression show low mood scores in the morning, that gradually increase throughout the day. These trends are based on group averages; many individuals deviate from these trajectories.

Mood fluctuations are currently thought to be dependent on circadian processes. A typical healthy individual without a mood disorder shows circadian-locked fluctuations in mood, with positive mood beginning right after the morning awakening, and decaying as the day goes on during prolonged wakefulness. A typical individual with depression will show the opposite mood fluctuation cycle, with a low mood right after morning awakening, which gradually becomes more positive with prolonged wakefulness. These circadian-locked changes across the day are referred to as "diurnal" variations in mood. Evidence across many sleep deprivation studies suggests that an individual's diurnal mood fluctuations can be used to predict whether they will respond to sleep deprivation therapy.[25] Individuals with depression who show the typical low morning mood that increases throughout the day are more likely to respond positively to sleep deprivation than individuals who show mood fluctuations that deviate from the typical pattern.[25] One caveat to these findings is that a single individual may show diurnal fluctuations that vary day-to-day, showing typical diurnal changes on one day while not showing any changes (constant mood) on the next. This complexity was addressed in studies that followed single individuals and administered repeated sleep deprivation on days when the individual showed different mood fluctuations. The studies showed that an individual's ability to show the typical mood fluctuations was a better predictor of whether they would respond to sleep deprivation treatment than the individual's mood state on the particular day that they underwent sleep deprivation.[25]

Short REM latency[edit]

Responsiveness to sleep deprivation is also currently believed to be dependent on observable pattern in a person's regular sleep cycle, such as how quickly a person enters into a sleep cycle called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.[26] Individuals with depression typically show abnormally short REM sleep onsets, meaning they enter into the REM sleep stage earlier in the course of the night than matched healthy controls. Individuals with depression who have short-latency REM sleep typically respond to sleep deprivation therapy more often than individuals with depression who do not show the typical short latency REM sleep pattern.[26]

See also[edit]


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  8. Jump up to:a b c d Hemmeter, Ulrich-Michael; Hemmeter-Spernal, Julia; Krieg, Jürgen-Christian (2010). "Sleep deprivation in depression"Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics10 (7): 1101–1115. doi:10.1586/ern.10.83ISSN 1473-7175PMID 20586691S2CID 18064870.
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  10. Jump up to:a b Wirz-Justice, Anna; Benedetti, Francesco; Berger, Mathias; Lam, Raymond W.; Martiny, Klaus; Terman, Michael; Wu, Joseph C. (2005). "Chronotherapeutics (light and wake therapy) in affective disorders"Psychological Medicine35 (7): 939–944. doi:10.1017/S003329170500437XISSN 1469-8978PMID 16045060.
  11. Jump up to:a b Hamilton, Max (1960-02-01). "A Rating Scale for Depression"Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry23 (1): 56–62. doi:10.1136/jnnp.23.1.56ISSN 0022-3050PMC 495331PMID 14399272.
  12. ^ Bagby, R. Michael; Ryder, Andrew G.; Schuller, Deborah R.; Marshall, Margarita B. (2004-12-01). "The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale: Has the Gold Standard Become a Lead Weight?"American Journal of Psychiatry161 (12): 2163–2177. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.161.12.2163ISSN 0002-953XPMID 15569884.
  13. Jump up to:a b Williams, Janet B. W.; Kobak, Kenneth A. (2008). "Development and reliability of a structured interview guide for the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (SIGMA)"The British Journal of Psychiatry192 (1): 52–58. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.106.032532ISSN 0007-1250PMID 18174510.
  14. ^ Sajatovic, Martha; Chen, Peijun; Young, Robert C. (2015-01-01), Tohen, Mauricio; Bowden, Charles L.; Nierenberg, Andrew A.; Geddes, John R. (eds.), "Chapter Nine - Rating Scales in Bipolar Disorder"Clinical Trial Design Challenges in Mood Disorders, San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 105–136, ISBN 978-0-12-405170-6, retrieved 2020-11-30
  15. ^ Delva NJ, Woo M, Southmayd SE, Hawken ER. Myocardial infarction during sleep deprivation in a patient with dextrocardia - a case report. Anglology 52, 83-86 (2001).
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  17. Jump up to:a b Ioannou, Michael; Wartenberg, Constanze; Greenbrook, Josephine T.V.; Larson, Tomas; Magnusson, Kajsa; Schmitz, Linnea; Sjögren, Petteri; Stadig, Ida; Szabó, Zoltán; Steingrimsson, Steinn (2020-11-03). "Sleep deprivation as treatment for depression: systematic review and meta‐analysis"Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica143 (1): 22–35. doi:10.1111/acps.13253ISSN 0001-690XPMC 7839702PMID 33145770.
  18. Jump up to:a b c Ramirez-Mahaluf, Juan P.; Rozas-Serri, Enzo; Ivanovic-Zuvic, Fernando; Risco, Luis; Vöhringer, Paul A. (2020). "Effectiveness of Sleep Deprivation in Treating Acute Bipolar Depression as Augmentation Strategy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"Frontiers in Psychiatry11: 70. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00070ISSN 1664-0640PMC 7052359PMID 32161557.
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  20. Jump up to:a b c Rahmani, Maryam; Rahmani, Farzaneh; Rezaei, Nima (2020-02-01). "The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor: Missing Link Between Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, and Depression"Neurochemical Research45 (2): 221–231. doi:10.1007/s11064-019-02914-1ISSN 1573-6903PMID 31782101S2CID 208330722.
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  25. Jump up to:a b c Wirz-Justice, Anna (2008). "Diurnal variation of depressive symptoms"Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience10 (3): 337–343. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2008.10.3/awjusticeISSN 1294-8322PMC 3181887PMID 18979947.
  26. Jump up to:a b Berger, M.; Calker, D. Van; Riemann, D. (2003). "Sleep and manipulations of the sleep–wake rhythm in depression"Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica108 (s418): 83–91. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0447.108.s418.17.xISSN 1600-0447PMID 12956821S2CID 23918249.



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1971년 독일의 Pflug과 Tolle이 우울증 환자를 하룻밤 잠들게 함으로써 밤샘 직후부터 우울증세가 극적으로 개선됨을 보고하였다[1].그 이후 구미를 중심으로 단면요법이 폭넓게 이루어져 그 높은 유효성이 확인되고 있다.단면요법에 대한 연구는 독일 이탈리아 스위스 등 유럽 국가에서 특히 이뤄져 왔다.

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「우울증」과「조울증의 우울상」에 대한 효과가 실증되었다[2]. 특히 약물 치료에 대한 효과가 부족하고 우울 상태가 오래 지속되고 있는 경우에 시행된다.신경증으로 인한 우울증 상태에서는 효과를 크게 기대하기 어렵다.공황장애나 간질을 합병하고 있다면 단면으로 공황발작이나 간질발작이 유발될 위험이 있으므로 시행하지 말아야 한다.

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관련 항목
조울증(양극성 장애)

^ ^ Pflug B and Tolle R : Disturbance of the 24-hour rhythm in endogenous depression and the treatment of endogenous depression by sleep deprivation. Int Pharmacopsychiatry 1971 ; 6 : 187-196.
^ 수면의료 제2권 제1호 2007 특집 우울과 수면을 둘러싸고 '8. 우울증의 시간생물학적 치료' (주)라이프사이언스

참고 문헌
정신과 치료학 Vol.17 증간호 기분장애 가이드라인 「제5장 치료법의 해설 단면요법」2002년 10월 세이와 서점
수면의료 제2권 제1호 2007 특집 우울과 수면을 둘러싸고 '8. 우울증의 시간생물학적 치료' (주)라이프사이언스
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< 나도 한국인이지만 이해하기 힘든 한국인들 >
(A) 영어 때문에 생업에 제한을 받는 것이 안타까워 내가 줄 수 있는 모든 도움을 언제건 어떤 일이건 만사 제치고 무조건적으로 주곤 했던 지인이 있었다. 어차피 미국에서 살 거면 영어공부는 필수이니 공부해서 질문거리만 만들어 놓으면 영어과외는 내가 무료로 무제한으로 해 주겠노라며 교재까지 선물했는데도, 실제로 공부해서 내게 질문을 한 적이 한 번도 없었다. 일은 내게 맡겨 놓고 자신은 그 시간에 영어공부를 하는 게 아니라 취미생활과 사교모임을 하러 다녔다. 그 세월이 길어지니 뭔가 허무해서 이제는 돕지 않는다.
(B) 약간의 치유력을 갖추었다는 이유만으로 스스로를 '나' 아닌 '깨달은 이'라고 늘 3인칭으로 부르면서 자신이 쓴 기공책을 내게 영역하라고 (용어도 개념도 영어권에 존재하지도 않는 내용인지라 아마도 1,000시간은 족히 걸릴 듯 생각되는 분량), 부탁의 말투도 아니고 내 의향을 묻는 말투도 아니고 마치 이미 결정된 사실을 통보하듯 하면서 "세상을 구할 이런 일에 무료봉사를 하면 오히려 너에게 영광이고 네가 내게 감사해야 하는 일인 거지!"라는 식으로 나오는 어떤 기공 마스터의 가스라이팅 실력에는 정말이지 까딱하면 넘어갈 뻔도 했었다. 그 기공 마스터를 위한 통역도 지인의 부탁으로 했던 거였는데, 아무리 선의에서 하는 봉사도 아무에게나 하면 안 되겠구나 싶었다.
(C) 태권도 1단인 사람은 나이가 아무리 많아도 최소한 태권도에 대해서만큼은 태권도 3단 보유자에게 이래라 저래라 할 입장이 못 되건만, 단지 자신의 나이가 많다는 이유만으로 태권도 3단에게 태권도에 대해! 잔소리를 하고 게다가 자신의 심부름꾼으로까지 부리려 드는 사람들을 보면서는 인간이라는 존재가 얼마나 어메이징한지 늘 감탄한다.
위 경우들 모두 사적으로는 '선량하고 따뜻하고 정많은' 분들이었지만, "어리석은 사람을 가까이 않는 것이 최고의 부적"이라는 부처님의 Sn 2:4 가르침을 절감할 뿐이었다. (부처님은 제사, 부적, 진언 등에 대해 매우 부정적이셨지만 당시의 사람들이 저런 신비주의에 워낙 익숙해 있었던 탓에 저렇게 표현하신 것일 뿐, 그 의도는 부적 같은 거 사용하지 말라는 얘기이니 오해 마시기를.) 자신을 보호하기에 급급한 '에고' 때문에 세상이 이렇게 각박한 것이라는 류의 믿음을 갖고 있는 분들이 많은데, 내가 A, B, C 같은 이들을 위해 봉사하는 일에 내 시간과 에너지를 모두 바친다면 과연 세상이 조금이라도 더 좋아지려는지 그들에게 묻고 싶다.
나의 영어는 그냥 기본적인 의사소통 정도 하는 수준이지만 이조차도 안 되는 교포들이 대다수인지라, 안면만 트고 나면 영어로 인한 자신의 곤란을 나를 이용해 해결하려고 달려드는 한국분들이 워낙 많아서, 미국에 살면서는 한국인 혐오 나아가 인간 혐오가 생겼다. 아무리 측은지심으로 시작해도 상대가 한국인인 경우엔 예외 없이 A, B, C처럼 되고 때로는 봉사할수록 오히려 점점 채무자 취급을 받기도 하니, 한국인을 마주치면 마음은 반가운데 머리에서는 사이렌이 마구 울린다. 그런데, 같은 보시라도 탐진치가 적은 대상에게 하는 보시일수록 공덕이 크다는 부처님의 말씀이 요즘 자주 떠오른다. 결과나 공덕이 어떻고 상대로부터 고맙다는 인사를 받고 안 받고 그런 것들과 완전히 무관하게! 탐진치가 적은 대상에게 하는 보시/봉사일수록 그 과정 자체에서 내 스스로 즐겁고 뿌듯하고 행복하다. 상대가 최소한 한국인만 아니면 아무 경계/걱정할 필요가 없는 것 같다.
'열정페이' 비난하다가 막상 자신은 자원봉사자들로 사업장을 운영하겠다는 어떤 분의 소식을 들으니, 그 내막을 자세히는 모르지만 '결국 갑질의 뿌리이기도 한 한국인들의 이 착취성 먹고살기 힘들어 생겨난 부작용도 아니었구나' 싶어 한국인에 대한 나의 편견이 강해지려고 한다. (물론, 내 스스로 책임져야 하는 나 자신의 상카라다.) 유교에서는 염치라는 것을 강조하건만, 대체 한국인들의 무의식을 지배하는 철학은 무엇인 건지..

여러가지 생각을 하게 만드는 글이고 경험이라서 주변의 한국 사람들과 관계에서의 저의 경험에 비추어 생각해보고, 통역으로 20년 정도 일한 아내에게도 물어보았습니다. 
- 아내에게 이제까지 관계해온 한국사람들과에서 희수님이 말씀하신 것과 비슷한 사람의 경험릏 난 적이 있느냐고 물었더니, 그런 경험은 없다고 합니다. 일반적으로 통역직으로의 통역에는 어떤 기관으로부터의 보수가 있어서 도와주는 관계는 아닌데, 그런 기관을 통하지 않고 그저 아는 사람이라도 통역으로 도와주는 경우도 있습니다. 예를 들면 병원에 같이 가주는 경우가 가장 흔하고. 또 운전을 못하는 사람들  차를 정기적으로 태워주는 경우도 있습니다. 그런 경우에는 대부분 고마워하며, 어떤 식으로도 그 고마움을 갚으려고 하는 경우가 대부분입니다. 그래서 차를 태워주는 사람의 경우는 정기적으로 김치를 만들어 준다든지 그렇게 됩니다. 
- 저의 경우에는 주로 대학관계의 일로 조언을 받으려고 찾아오는 사람들이 있었는데, 일반적으로 한국사람들이 아닌 학생들이고, 한국인의 경우는 소수이지만 있습니다. 대학 교수로서의 저의 입장은 컨설테이션에 응해주는 것은 가르치는 과목의 학생에게는 당연한 것이고, 그렇지 않은 사람에게도 무보상으로 해주는 문화환경입니다. 도움을 받은 사람들 중에  감사의 표시를 선물로 하는 것은 금지되어있는데, 선물을 보내는 사람들이 있습니다. 그런 경우 방가운 것이 아니라 곤란한 느낌이 보통입니다. 양측이 서로 마음 만으로 고맙게 느끼면 된다는 이해였습니다. 그러니 역시 희수님이 말하는 사람같은 사람은 만나본적이 없습니다. 
- 그래서 생각나는 것은  희수님이 말하는 종류의 사람들은 좀 특별한 사람들이 아닌가 하고 생각하게 됩니다. 짐작컨데 그들은 일반적으로 <고마와 하지 않는 사람들>이라는 카테고리의 사람들이라기 보다, 어떤 분야의 <마스터>같이 일종의 특별한 능력을 가진 사람들이 아닐까, 생각해봅니다. 그런 경우라면 많은 사람들이 그들의 능력에 호감을 느끼고 배우려고 가까이 가게되지요. 그리고 기꺼이 자신의 시간을 내어 마스터를 도우려고도 하고요. 특히 마스터가 뭔가 필요한데 내가 도울수 있다면 도우려고 하겠지요. 그런데 이런 마스터들은 이제까지 자기를 <스승>으로 모시려고 가까히 하려는 하고, 자기 시간을 기꺼이 제공하겠다는 <제자>들을 많이 보아왔으므로 그런 행동들에 익숙해 있는 경우가 흔하겠지요. 이런 관계라면 <제자>가 돕는 것에는 고마움을 느끼거나, 표시하지 않는 경우가 흔할 것 같습니다. 그 사람의 인격에 달린 것이겠지만요. 
- 그래서 결론은 저나 아내나 이제까지 도와준 사람들은 <스승>같은 사람이거나, 그 사람에게서 배울 것이나 특별히 바라는 것은 전혀 없는 관계와의 사람들이어서 희수님의 경우와 달았던 것이 아니었을까? 추측해봅니다. 
