
Quaker Aging Resources | Providing Spirit-Centered Information

Quaker Aging Resources | Providing Spirit-Centered Information

Quaker Aging Resources
Providing Spirit-Centered Information



Spirituality & Aging WorkshopAn interactive workshop with Friends exploring what spiritual gifts to nurture. An opportunity to bring a new vision of how the Inner life, the Creative Life and the Community Life can be discovered and shared.Read More

Quaker Advices & Queries to Guide Financial DecisionsQuakers live in accordance with four core principles, or testimonies: Honesty and integrity, Simplicity, Equality and Peace. These testimonies are not imposed, but guide their personal and professional lives. You are invited to use these advices and queries alongside our methods for decision making to challenge and inspire your work and business.Read More

Adjusting to RetirementStudies have been made of successful, happy, retirements and they contain three components: inner life, creative life, and connected life.Read More

Aging with PeaceGrowing old, even when that means facing physical or other changes, can help us focus on what is essential. As we age, our perspective on what has meaning is refined. When we slow down, whether because of physical changes or by choice, we often become more contemplative. We may want to share memories and stories, to forgive or be forgiven, to express gratitude, to focus on our most essential values. Older adulthood offers the opportunity to model peace.Read More

Care of the CaregiverIt is natural for the person in need of care to become the focus of a community’s concern. However, families and loved ones acting as caregivers may need spiritual and practical support just as much as the person who is ill.Read More

Anxiety and ChangeOlder adults are more likely to be facing enormous changes, loss, illness, or dementia that can cause or exacerbate anxiety. Conversely, when one is very anxious one may become forgetful or confused. Although it is usual for anxiety to increase with major life changes, anxiety that disrupts a person’s usual activities can and should be evaluated and treated. Anxiety disorders are among the most treatable of illnesses, and include panic disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. Treatments vary and include medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization and relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise, and natural remedies.Read More

Living at Home ForeverMy dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about 10 years before he died in 2007 at age 93. It was a slowly progressing disease at first. Fortunately my parents could maintain their regular retirement activities up until the last couple of years, when Dad’s flexibility and ability to care for himself really diminished. My parents chose to live at home, not really having the money or inclination to move to any type of retirement setting.Read More


Quaker Aging Resources is a collaborative project of Philadelphia and New York Yearly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends, and is funded by the Thomas Scattergood Foundation and Friends Foundation for the Aging.