The human enhancement debate and disability : new bodies for a better life
Publication date 2014
Topics Biomedical Enhancement -- ethics, Disabled Persons, Bioethical Issues
Publisher Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan
Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled
Contributor Internet Archive
Language English
xviii, 257 pages ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references
Looking at human enhancement through the disability lens / Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Miriam Eilers, and Katrin Grüber -- On unfamiliar moral territory : about variant embodiment, enhancement, and normativity / Jackie Leach Scully -- Improving deficiencies : historical, anthropological, and ethical aspects of the human condition / Christina Schües -- Good old brains : how concerns about the ageing society and ideas about cognitive enhancement interact in neuroscience / Morten Bülow -- The making and unmaking of deaf children / Sigrid Bosteels and Stuart Blume -- Token of the loss : ethnography of artificial restoration of cancer patients' bodies and lives in Kenya / Benson Mulemi -- Singing better by sacrificing sex / Anna Piotrowska -- Mood enhancement and the authenticity of experience : ethical considerations / Lisa Forsberg -- Prometheus descends : disabled or enhanced? / John Harris -- Human enhancement, and the creation of a new norm / Trijsje Franssen -- More human than human! how recent Hollywood films depict enhancement technologies and why / Kathrin Klohs -- Transhumanism's anthropological assumptions : a critique / Nicolai Münch -- Be afraid of the unmodified body! the social construction of risk in enhancement utopianism / Sascha Dickel
Disability Bioethics: Moral Bodies, Moral Difference Hardcover – 15 August 2008
by Jackie Leach Scully (Author)
Jackie Leach Scully argues that bioethics cannot avoid the task of considering the moral meaning of disability in humans - beyond simply regulating reproductive choices or new areas of biomedical research. By focusing on the experiential and empirical reality of impairment, and drawing on recent work in disability studies, Scully brings new attention to complex ethical questions surrounding disability. Impairment is variously considered as a set of social relations and practices, as experienced embodiment, and as an emancipatory movement, as well as a biomedical phenomenon. In this way, disability is joined to the general late-twentieth century trend of attending to difference as a significant and central axis of subjectivity and social life.
Disability Bioethics brings together important insights from disability studies, feminist theory, and bioethics to create an integrated, original analysis into a range of ethical questions that arise in the context of medical approaches to disabilities. Scully's expertise in diverse approaches to philosophy, biology, and feminist thought ensure careful and critical engagement with multiple approaches to the complex questions that surround the place of disabilities and people who are disabled in society, in medicine, and in science. The book moves questions concerning disabilities from the margins to the center of bioethics and makes clear how important it is that we understand how deeply assumptions about disability run in many current debates. Challenging the superficial treatment of ethical issues concerning disability that is prevalent in bioethics, Scully adopts the perspective of feminist disability ethics to show how important it is to begin bioethics from the reality of disabled lives.
Both provocative and sound - a thoughtful exploration of the way(s) in which understanding disability illuminates our broad understanding of human biology and its processes, by a scholar with expertise in both fields.
In her wise, clear, and careful book, Jackie Leach Scully takes her place among the leaders of a second wave of disbility theory.
The detailed and reflective description of disability as a factor in shaping moral identity, and the consideration in the concluding chapters of the formation of groups with similar limitations as political or cultural communities, make this a unique and creative contribution to the moral issues of life with disabilities. This book will be valuable to professionals and individuals dealing practically with living in "different bodies." Very thorough bibliography and index. Highly recommended.
This book operates at the intersection of three debates: bioethics; biomedicine; and disability/Deaf studies. It is an excellent introduction for bioethicists and others who are unfamiliar with the challenge posed by disability studies. Not least because she is unafraid to deploy autobiography as part of her intellectual toolbox, Scully's personality comes through the pages of this book: accessible, thoughtful, with a dry wit. Scully is one of the deeper thinkers in contemporary disability studies, eschewing radical rhetoric in favor of detailed readings and carefully constructed arguments.
Jackie Leach Scully is senior lecturer at the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, and a member of the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre, Newcastle University, UK. She has been active in the disability movement in Britain and Europe since the early 1980s.
Quaker Approaches to Moral Issues in Genetics – 2002
by Jackie Leach Scully (Author)
296 pages