Seeing God everywhere : a practical guide to spiritual living
by Shraddhananda, Swami, 1907-
Publication date 1996
Topics Spiritual life -- Hinduism, Hinduism -- Doctrines
Publisher Hollywood, Calif. : Vedanta Press
Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks
Contributor Internet Archive
Language English

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Swami ShraddhanandaSwami Shraddhananda

Pravrajika VrajapranaPravrajika Vrajaprana
Seeing God Everywhere: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Living Paperback – 3 October 1996
by Swami Shraddhananda (Author), Pravrajika Vrajaprana (Author, Editor)
4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 8 ratings
This is a book about realizing the highest spiritual experience by what seems like the almost to easy pracice of seeing God everywhere. And the book is more than that. It conveys the joy of spiritual practice and experience. The swami stresses that religion must be lived rather than discussed. It is to be gained from day to day as a tangible experience of the Spirit.
This edition is now out of print. Please see our alternate edition published in India, isbn: 8175051930.
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommend
Reviewed in the United States on 11 March 2021
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This is a great book. I was borrowing it to read; but I couldn't put it down. So I bought my own copy as reference. Almost every chapter has amazing insights. I wanted to highlight almost the entire book! I think this book is explains topics so clearly, that it would be good for beginners to spiritual life. If you are looking to progress on your spiritual journey, this is a good book for you.
2 people found this helpful
Seeing God Everywhere: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Living Paperback – 4 January 2016
by Swami Shraddhananda (Author)
4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 8 ratings
This is a book about realizing the highest spiritual experience by what seems like the almost too easy practice of seeing God everywhere.
And the book is more than that. It conveys the joy of spiritual practice and experience. The swami stresses that religion must be lived rather than discussed. It is to be gained from day to day as a tangible experience of the Spirit.
This is a book that was a real pleasure to publish!
"Conveys the beauty and joy of mystical experience... to say that it is worth reading doesn't begin to do justice to the book." - Huston Smith, author of The World's Religion and Why Religion Matters.
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Seeing God Everywhere
A Practical Guide to Spiritual Living
By Swami Shraddhananda
Ponders the human adventure as an attempt to realize the divinity within us.
Book Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
In this book, the late Swami Shraddhananda, head of the Vedanta Society of Sacramento, ponders the human adventure as an attempt "to realize the divinity within us and to manifest it in our daily life." Referring to the Upanishads and to the lore about Kali, Krishna, and Vishnu, the author writes about the search for God, overcoming obstacles, understanding the mind, and spiritual practices. Shraddhananda sees silence, diving deep, and freedom as essential elements in a sacred life.
The Gita proclaims that God's presence is found in things, in the natural world, and in our relationships. The author repeatedly emphasizes the immanence of the Holy One and the necessity of practicing attention, wonder, and gratitude. "Seeing God Everywhere" is a fine introduction to Hindu spirituality.
Vedanta Press, 12/95
ISBN: 0874810523
$12.95 Paperback
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