by Malcolm Brown - 9781803412771
Elijah The Bodhisattva

Authors Malcolm Brown
Published15 / 04 / 202 m ,
Elijah The Bodhisattva

Authors Malcolm Brown
Published15 / 04 / 202 m ,
explores the life of Elijah from the Bible, interpreting his external experiences as metaphors for internal states of mind.
Elijah's journey mirrors a path to enlightenment, culminating in the realization of the non-duality of himself and God.
While the focus is on the inner dimension, the commentary also addresses the political aspect, akin to liberation theology's "God's preferential option for the poor," termed here as the "politics of anatta," rooted in Buddhism's principle of not-self.
Elijah the Bodhisattva
An Interspiritual Exploration
작성자: Malcolm David Brown
Elijah the Bodhisattva
Reading the Bible through Buddhist eyes ...
Elijah the Prophet's journey to enlightenment.
This is an interspiritual commentary -- largely though not exclusively Buddhist-inspired -- on the life of Elijah as recounted in the Bible. It treats the externals of his life as metaphors for internal mind-states, his story as a labyrinthlike to an unfolding realization of the non-duality of himself and God. Elijah begins with a henotheistic conception of God as a national deity connected to the land of Israel and progresses to a realization of God as the ground of being, being-itself , the God of those who struggle with God, which is the deeper meaning of the name Israel. While the inner dimension is emphasized, there is also a focus on the political dimension of the story, which liberation theologians call God's preferential option , and here the politics of anatta - the core Buddhist principle of not-self.
Critic Reviews
In a beautiful meditation that exemplifies our interdependence, Malcolm Brown reflects on the life Elijah, a forefather of monasticism in the West and one of the great Hebrew prophets, thru the striking lens of Buddhism and the Bodhisattva. Building a bridge and Buddhism, as well as the other traditions he engages. However, the greatest gifts herein lie for the spiritual practitioner. By placing an emphasis on the spiritual nature of a transformative path, Brown unears that roam across our religious traditional boundaries between religious traditions are being rapidly worn down in the existential lives of interspiritual practitioners, more books like this are needed--offering deep, respect traditions. As an "unsystematic theology" that makes liberal use is a gem for anyone interested in interspirituality, new monasticism, spiritual practice, comparative theology, the essential interdependence of our contemplative traditions better Christian or Buddhist--or simply a better human being.
--Keith Helmuth, author, Tracking Down Ecological Guidance
About the Author
Malcolm David Brown is an ex-sociologist and interspiritual writer. He has a PhD in the sociology of Islam and lived experience of different strands of Christianity and Buddhism. He lives near Pisa, Italy.
Product Details
PublisherCollective Ink | John Hunt Publishing
Published26th January 2024
페이지 192
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