모리와 함께한 화요일
미치 앨봄 (지은이),공경희 (옮긴이)살림2010-01-27원제 : Tuesdays with Morrie (1997년)
장바구니 담기
Tuesdays with Morrie (Mass Market Paperback, 미국판, Internantional) Mass Market Paperback, 미국판, Internantional
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson (Paperback) Paperback
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson (Audio CD) Audio CD
죽음을 앞둔 노교수와 그의 제자가 '인생의 의미'에 대해 나누었던 열네 번의 대화를 담은 책 <모리와 함께한 화요일>은 지금까지 국내에서만 120만 부를 돌파하며 진정한 휴머니즘이 담긴 고전으로 인정받고 있다. 이 책은 한국어판 저자 서문을 최초로 수록한 특별판으로, 한국 독자들에게 전하는 저자의 특별한 이야기가 수록되어 있다.
루게릭병을 앓으며 죽음을 앞두고 있는 한 저명한 사회학 교수는 히비스커스 화분이 있는 서재에 앉아 숨을 들이쉬고 다음 내쉴 때까지 숫자를 헤아리면서 자신의 죽음이 어디까지 가까워졌는지를 가늠해 본다. 그리고 디트로이트의 한 신문사에서는 대학 시절 그의 수업을 하나도 빠짐없이 수강하며 열정적인 꿈을 꾸던 제자가 있다. 그는 바쁘게 돌아가는 일상 때문에 졸업식 이후에도 계속 연락하겠다던 스승과의 약속을 저버린 채 일에 끌려 다니며 하루하루를 보낸다.
이 책은 영혼의 결핍을 느끼던 제자 미치가 옛 스승을 찾아감으로써 시작된다. 미치는 서너 달에 걸쳐 매주 화요일마다 모리 교수와 함께 인생을 이야기한다. 그들의 대화 주제는 세상, 가족, 죽음, 자기 연민, 사랑 등이다. 이는 미치뿐만 아니라 이 세상 모두가 치열한 삶으로 인해 잃어버린 것들을 되찾아 가는 과정이기도 하다.
한국 독자들에게
출간 10주년 기념 서문
감사의 말
수업의 커리큘럼
생애 마지막 프로젝트
졸업 후 나의 이야기
코펠의 첫 번째 인터뷰
졸업 후 첫 만남
숨쉬기와 숨 헤아리기
신문사 파업과 새로운 시작
세상 첫 번째 화요일
자기 연민 두 번째 화요일
후회 세 번째 화요일
코펠의 두 번째 인터뷰
모리의 어린 시절
죽음 네 번째 화요일
가족 다섯 번째 화요일
감정 여섯 번째 화요일
모리의 삶
나이 드는 두려움 일곱 번째 화요일
돈 여덟 번째 화요일
사랑의 지속 아홉 번째 화요일
결혼 열 번째 화요일
우리의 문화 열한 번째 화요일
코펠의 마지막 인터뷰
용서 열두 번째 화요일
완벽한 하루 열세 번째 화요일
작별 인사 열네 번째 화요일
나의 졸업, 모리의 장례식
옮기고 나서
P. 9 죽음이라는 어두운 미지의 세계를 들여다보고 삶에 대한 환한 빛을 끄집어내는 교수님의 능력은 이 세상에 주어진 커다란 선물이었습니다. 저뿐만 아니라 이 책을 읽는 모든 사람들에게 말입니다. 특히 그중에서도 한국의 독자들에게 감사드립니다. 미국 다음으로 이 책이 처음 출판된 나라가 바로 한국이었거든요. 처음으로 다른 나라 언어로 인쇄된 책을 보니 제 스승님이 아주 자랑스러웠습니다. 그는 바다 건너에까지 가르침을 주었다는 생각으로 환하게 미소를 지을 겁니다. 접기
P. 16-17 “아직 단언하긴 뭐하지만……, 이 모든 것들을 전부 우연이라고 믿기에는 우주란 너무나 조화롭고 웅장하고 압도적이군.”
한때 무신론자였다는 분이 무슨 소릴 하시는 걸까요? 모든 것들을 우연이라고 믿기에는 우주가 너무 조화롭고 웅장하고 압도적이라니. 기억하건대 교수님이 이 말씀을 하셨을 때 그분의 신체는 이미 텅 빈 나무와 같았고 누군가 대신 씻겨 주고 입혀 주지 않으면 안 될 정도였습니다. 또 누군가 대신 그의 코를 풀어 주고 밑을 닦아 줘야만 했습니다. 그런데 이 세상이 조화롭고, 웅장하다니요? 그는 이처럼 고단하게 썩어 가면서도 세상의 장엄함을 발견했습니다. 그렇다면 남은 우리에게 과연 그것이 어렵기만 한 일일까요? 접기
P. 80-81 “의미 없는 생활을 하느라 바삐 뛰어다니는 사람들이 너무 많아. 자기들이 중요하다고 생각하는 일을 하느라 분주할 때조차도 그 절반은 자고 있는 것과 같지. 엉뚱한 것을 좇고 있기 때문이야. 인생을 의미 있게 보내려면 자신을 사랑해 주는 사람들을 위해서 살아야 하네. 자기가 속한 공동체에 봉사하고 자신에게 생의 의미와 목적을 주는 일을 창조하는 것에 헌신해야 하네.”
그 순간 나는 그의 말이 옳다는 것을 깨달았다. 다만 그동안 알면서도 그렇게 하지 못했을 뿐이었다. 접기
P. 92 “그럼, 우린 화요일의 사람들이군.”
“화요일의 사람들이죠.”
나도 똑같이 말했다. 모리 교수님은 미소를 지었다.
“미치, 어떻게 알지도 못하는 사람들이 마음에 걸리느냐고 물었지? 내가 이 병을 앓으며 배운 가장 큰 것을 말해 줄까?”
“그게 뭐죠?”
“사랑을 나눠 주는 법과 사랑을 받아들이는 법을 배우는 게 인생에서 가장 중요하다는 거야.”
그는 소곤거리는 것처럼 나지막한 목소리로 말했다. 접기
P. 192 “묘비에 뭐라고 적으면 좋을지 결정했네.”
교수님이 말했다.
“묘비 얘기 같은 건 듣고 싶지 않아요.”
“왜, 마음이 초조해지나?”
나는 어깨를 으쓱했다.
“그럼 그 얘긴 관두지 뭐.”
“아니에요. 말씀해 보세요. 뭐라고 쓰실 거예요?”
교수님은 입술을 지그시 깨물고서 대답했다.
“이런 글귀를 생각했네. ‘마지막까지 스승이었던 이.’”
그는 내가 그 말을 마음에 새길 때까지 기다렸다.
“……마지막까지 스승이었던 이.” 접기
오래전 우연히 이 책을 집어 들었다가 그 자리에서 다 읽은 기억이 난다. 스승과 제자의 작별 방법에 그만 눈물이 핑 돌았다. 그들이 작별하는 동안 우리는 죽음과의 만남을 배운다. 이런 아름다운 관계를 발생시키는 건 아마도 인간뿐일 것이다. 책을 다 읽었을 때 언젠가 나도 일주일의 하루, 수요일, 목요일, 혹은 금요일에 누군가를 만나서 이런 시간을 갖고 싶다는 생각을 하게 했던 책이다. - 신경숙 (소설가)
이 책은 10대에겐 무질서한 미래의 꿈들에 질서를 잡아 주고, 20대에겐 열정과 욕망의 진실을, 30대, 40대에겐 진정한 삶의 가치에 대한 가슴 벅찬 체험을, 50대, 60대에겐 인생의 마지막 순간까지 최선을 다하는 정신의 향기를 느끼게 해 준다. - 신달자 (시인, 소설가)
죽을 때 옆에 지니고 싶은 책들이 있다. 그중 으뜸은 성경과 불경이다. <모리와 함께한 화요일>도 아마 그때 내 옆에 가까이 있을 것 같다. - 이나미 (정신과 전문의, 《다음 인간》 저자)
그의 가르침은 빛나지만, 내 마음은 어린 모리에게로 쏠렸다 - 공경희 (번역가)
이 책은 영원히 떠나는 사람에 관한 이야기이다. 다시는 못 만난다는 것에 관한 이야기이기도 하다. 아니다. 이 책은 떠나보내는 사람의 슬픈 혹은 아름다운 이야기이다. 그렇다. 여기에는 떠나는 사람과의 영원한 만남이 있다. - 김창완 (김창완밴드 리더, 연기자)
이 책을 계기로 인생을 되돌아보게 됐다. 모리 교수는 죽음을 알면 진정한 삶까지 알 수 있다고 말했고 이는 내 삶에 큰 의미를 부여했다. 사실, 우린 엄청난 욕심을 가지고 살아가지만 죽음 앞에선 너무나 작아진다. 앞으로도 이 책을 인생의 교과서로 삼아 늘 곁에 두고 싶다. - 조혜련 (코미디언,『조혜련의 미래 일기』 저자)
인생의 해답을 알려주는 따스한 불빛 하나 - 김애리 (「십대, 책에서 길을 묻다」 「책에 미친 청춘」 저자)
나는 무엇으로 사는가 - 유인창
우리 모두는 시한부 인생이다 - 김훈종 (SBS PD)
저자 및 역자소개
미치 앨봄 (Mitch Albom) (지은이)
신간알리미 신청
무수히 많은 소설과 에세이를 쓴 세계적인 베스트셀러 저자. 그의 저서만 세계적으로 4천만 권이 넘게 판매되었다. 그는 작가인 동시에 에미상을 수상한 방송인이며 인기 칼럼니스트다. 그는 작품마다 고난과 역경 속에서 삶의 의미를 깨달아가는 평범한 이웃들의 이야기를 감동적으로 그려 “삶과 죽음을 끌어안는 최고의 휴머니스트”라는 극찬을 받았다. 젊은 시절 스포츠 칼럼니스트로 데뷔한 이후로 라디오와 ABC TV 등 여러 방송 매체에서 진행자로서 두각을 나타냈고, 그러던 중 『모리와 함께한 화요일』의 실제 주인공 모리 슈워츠 교수와의 만남을 계기로 세속적인 성공만 추구하던 삶에 변화를 겪었다. 『모리와 함께한 화요일』 『천국에서 만난 다섯 사람』 등 그의 대표작은 49개국에서 47개 언어로 번역 출간되어 수천만 독자에게 용기와 희망을 주었다. 그는 미시간주 디트로이트에서 아내 재닌과 함께 SAY 디트로이트 재단을 비롯해 9개 자선단체를 감독하고, 포르토프랭스에서 해브 페이스 아이티 보육원을 맡아 매달 그곳을 방문하고 있다. 그는 재닌과 미시간에 살며 인생의 의미를 깨우는 따뜻한 글쓰기에 꾸준히 힘쓰고 있다 접기
최근작 : <치카를 찾아서>,<다 괜찮아요, 천국이 말했다>,<모리와 함께한 화요일> … 총 276종 (모두보기)
공경희 (옮긴이)
신간알리미 신청
1965년 서울에서 태어나 서울대학교 영문학과를 졸업하고 성균관대학교 번역대학원 겸임교수를 지냈으며 서울여자대학교 영어영문학과 대학원에서 강의했다. 소설, 비소설, 아동서까지 다양한 장르의 좋은 책들을 번역하며 현재 명실상부한 국내 최고의 전문 번역가로 활동하고 있다.
대표 역서로는 『시간의 모래밭』, 『매디슨 카운티의 다리』, 『모리와 함께한 화요일』, 『파이 이야기』, 『우리는 사랑일까』, 『마시멜로 이야기』, 『타샤의 정원』, 『비밀의 화원』 등이 있으며, 에세이 『아직도 거기, 머물다』를 썼다.
최근작 : <살아보니 행복은 이렇습니다>,<아직도 거기, 머물다> … 총 567종 (모두보기)
출판사 소개
도서 모두보기
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <좁은 문·전원 교향곡>,<압구정에는 다 계획이 있다>,<강대철 조각토굴>등 총 1,492종
대표분야 : 요리만화 13위 (브랜드 지수 5,766점), 성공 24위 (브랜드 지수 81,564점), 일본소설 27위 (브랜드 지수 43,731점)
출판사 제공 책소개
한국 독자들을 위한 모리와의 특별한 화요일
“당신에게도 진정으로 그리운 스승이 있나요?”
전 세계 독자가 사랑한 인생 수업
『모리와 함께한 화요일』 한국어판 저자 서문 최초 수록 특별판!
“죽음은 생명을 끝내지만 관계까지 끝내는 건 아니다.”
이는 전 세계 1,400만 독자가 사랑한 『모리와 함께한 화요일』의 주인공인 모리 슈워츠 교수가 그의 제자에게 가르쳐 주고자 한 모든 것을 함축한 말이다. 그리고 그의 제자이자 이 책의 저자인 미치 앨봄은 전 세계인에게 이 가르침을 전달해 주었다. 1997년의 일이다. 그 후로 13년이 흘러 세기가 바뀌고 세상이 변했다.
미국에서 처음으로 이 책이 출간된 다음 두 번째로 모리 교수의 인생 수업이 알려진 곳은 다름 아닌 한국이었다. 이에 저자는 한국의 독자들을 위해서 모리 교수와의 오랜 기억을 다시 한 번 꺼내 놓았다. 산뜻하게 새 단장한 이 책의 맨 앞에 그가 우리에게 특별히 전하고 싶어 하는 이야기가 수록되어 있다. 이 책을 통해 인생에 긍정적인 변화를 경험해 온 한국의 독자들에게는 무척 반가운 소식일 것이다.
죽음을 앞둔 노교수와 그의 제자가 ‘인생의 의미’에 대해 나누었던 열네 번의 대화는 지금까지 국내에서만 120만 부를 돌파하며 진정한 휴머니즘이 담긴 고전으로 인정받고 있다. 최근 피겨스케이팅의 김연아 선수가 한 중앙일간지를 통해서 가장 감명 깊게 읽은 책으로 『모리와 함께한 화요일』을 꼽기도 했다. 1995년 11월, 세상을 떠난 지 벌써 15년이 지난 모리 교수의 이야기에 아직도 많은 이들이 눈물을 흘리고 감동받으며 희망을 얻는 이유는 뭘까?
화요일, 잃어버린 것들을 찾으러 갑니다
루게릭병을 앓으며 죽음을 앞두고 있는 한 저명한 사회학 교수가 있다. 보스턴의 어느 교외 지역, 그는 히비스커스 화분이 있는 서재에 앉아 숨을 들이쉬고 다음 내쉴 때까지 숫자를 헤아리면서 자신의 죽음이 어디까지 가까워졌는지를 가늠해 본다. 그리고 디트로이트의 한 신문사에서는 대학 시절 그의 수업을 하나도 빠짐없이 수강하며 열정적인 꿈을 꾸던 제자가 있다. 그는 바쁘게 돌아가는 일상 때문에 졸업식 이후에도 계속 연락하겠다던 스승과의 약속을 저버린 채 일에 끌려 다니며 하루하루를 보낸다. 우연히 텔레비전을 통해 삶을 끝마쳐 가는 옛 은사의 모습을 발견하지 못했더라면 그는 아마 지금도 사회적 성공과 야망을 향해 질주하고 있을 것이다.
이 책은 영혼의 결핍을 느끼던 그 제자 미치가 옛 스승을 찾아감으로써 시작된다. 미치는 서너 달에 걸쳐 매주 화요일마다 모리 교수와 함께 인생을 이야기한다. 그들의 대화 주제는 세상, 가족, 죽음, 자기 연민, 사랑 등이다. 이는 미치뿐만 아니라 이 세상 모두가 치열한 삶으로 인해 잃어버린 것들을 되찾아 가는 과정이기도 하다.
“스승이 지닌 능력의 비밀은 인간을 변모시킬 수 있다는 확신이다.”
미국의 시인인 에머슨의 이 말은 모리 교수가 가진 스승으로서의 가치를 제대로 설명한다. 위대한 스승이란 인생의 의미를 깨우쳐 주고 상대를 변화하게 만드는 사람이기 때문이다. 모리 교수는 인생의 스승으로서, 죽음 후에도 많은 사람의 삶과 관계를 맺고 있다. 이들이 삶에서 놓치고 있는 많은 것들을 되찾아 주는 교두보 역할을 하면서 말이다.
요컨대, 이 책은 우리가 삶에서 잃어버린 것들을 찾아가는 과정이다. 어느 때보다도 치열하고 경쟁적인 문화 속에서, 죽어 가는 모리 교수는 살아 있는 우리가 알아야 할 것들을 알려 준다.
신경숙, 조혜련, 김창완 등 휴머니즘을 말하는 이들의 서재에 꽂힌 책
『엄마를 부탁해』로 지난 한 해 독자들에게서 가장 많은 사랑을 받았던 작가 신경숙. 그녀는 우연히 『모리와 함께한 화요일』을 펼쳐 들었다가 이야기가 끝날 때까지 손에서 놓을 수 없었고, “이토록 아름다운 작별 방법은 인간만이 가능하다.”고 말했다. 얼마 전 일본 진출에 성공한 방송인 조혜련 씨는 언어의 장벽, 무명부터 다시 시작해야 하는 설움 속에서 이 책을 읽으며 어떻게 살아야 할 것인지 생각하게 됐다고 한다. 또한 오랫동안 인간적인 가수 겸 배우로 인정받아 온 김창완 씨는 ‘떠나는 사람과의 영원한 만남을 이야기하는 책’이라는 평을 내리며 일독을 권한다.
우리에게 휴머니즘을 말하는 사람들이 하나같이 『모리와 함께한 화요일』에 감동받고, 다른 이들에게 이 책을 추천하는 이유는 뭘까? 그것은 이 스승과 제자의 이야기가 억지스러운 눈물을 유도하는 대신에 헤어짐과 죽음을 통해 삶에 대한 진실하고 영원한 깨달음을 말해 주고 있기 때문이다.
1998년 IMF 시대에 따뜻한 위로가 되었던 이 책은 13년이 지나 금융 위기를 겪은 사람들의 지친 가슴에 또 한 번 힘이 되어 주고 있다. 아마 시간이 흘러도 모리 교수의 가르침은 우리의 삶을 어루만지는 고전으로 더 많은 사람들에게 희망과 감동을 전달할 것이다. 접기
구매자 (22)
전체 (68)
너무나도 크고 작은 감동으로 나를 놀라게 했던 모리교수님...그 가르침은 내것이다 구매
쪼꼬향기 2010-11-04 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
중학교과서에도 나올정도.. 마음이 따뜻해지는 인생에서 한번은 꼭 읽어보고 자녀에게 권할책 구매
수지니뿌냐 2012-05-15 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
그래도 난..... 죽음은 언제와도 두려운 것 같다!! ㅠ_ㅠ;; 구매
가비 2014-09-19 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
아직 읽어보진 못했지만 친구가 추천해준거라 좋을거 같아욤 구매
Alice 2010-04-26 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
좋아요 좋아요 내용 너무 좋네요 가지고 있을만한 책인것 같네요 구매
qkrthdud 2010-07-10 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
모리와 함께 한 화요일
책의 표지만으로는 내용을 가늠할 수 없는 책이었다.
책에 대한 정보가 없었던 탓에 그저 살아있는 이들을 위한 열네번의 인생 수업이란
타이들에 맘이 움직여 구입한 책이기 때문이다.
어떻게 죽어야 할 지 알면 어떻게 살아야 할지 알게 된다는 말로 이 책을 정의하고 싶다.
삶은 영원히 지속되지 않아야함을 깨닫고 자신의 삶을 소중히 여겨야 한다.
하지만 사람들은 자기에 삶에 대해 이기적이다. 비로소 죽음을 앞두고서야 자기의 몸을
돌보고 자기에게 솔직해지고 다른 사람을 용서하려 애쓰고, 용서받으려 애쓴다.
죽음은 생명을 끝내지만, 관계를 끝내는건 아니라는 모리교수의 말처럼
좀 더 자신의 삶에 정성을 다하자.
오늘따라 자꾸 아빠가 그립다.
아침에도 청포도를 생각하다가 아빠생각이 나서 맘이 아팠는데..
이 책속에서 아빠가 보였다.
일년동안의 암투병.. 전화를드리면 항상 괜찮다는 말로 딸들의 걱정을 덜어주시던 아빠는
그렇게 일년동안의 괴로움을 털어버리듯 우리곁을 더나셨다. 갑작스레..
미처 준비하지 못한 마음들이기에 아빠가 없는 일년은 참으로 힘든 시기였다.
좀 더 잘해드리지 못했다는 죄책감에 힘들게 아빠를 보내드린것이다.
언덕 위 나무 밑, 호수가 내려다보이는 곳에 가서 나도 모리교수님에게
얘기하고 싶다. 나의 고민들을 이야기하고 삶에 대해 인생에 대해
그리고 죽음에 대해 이야기하고 싶다. 나에게도 그러한 스승님이 계셨으면...
새삼 미치가 부러워진다.
- 접기
줄리엣지 2016-06-28 공감(6) 댓글(0)
행복한 사람
살면서 현재 자신의 인생에서 무엇이 좋고 진실하며 아름다운지 발견해야 되네, 뒤돌아보면 경쟁심만 생기지. 한데 나이는 경쟁할 만한 문제가 아니거든. -본문 158쪽
우리는 누구나 죽음을 맞이한다.
단지 그 때가 언제인지 확실치 않을뿐...
미국의 유명한 야구선수 '루 게릭'의 이름에서 유래한 루게릭병.우리가 너무도 잘 알고 있는 스티븐 호킹 박사도 루게릭병을 앓고 있다. 점점 자신의 힘으로 할 수 있는 일이 없어지게 되는 무서운 병을 가진 모리는 죽음을 두려워하지 않고 너무도 의연하게 받아들이고 있다.죽음을 앞둔 모리처럼 나도 그렇게 의연할 수 있을까?
모리는 참으로 행복한 사람이라는 생각이 든다. 죽음이 다가온다는 것을 알고 그의 죽음을 슬퍼하는 많이 이가 있고 마지막 순간까지 그와 함께 하려는 사람들도 많다. 참으로 값진 삶을 산 사람이라는 생각을 했다.
예전에 '내가 죽음을 맞이 할때 진심으로 눈물을 흘리는 사람이 얼마나 될까?'라는 생각을 한 적이 있다. 가족들은 나의 죽음을 당연히(?) 슬퍼할테지만 다른 사람은?? 자신이 없다. 가족 외에 슬퍼할 사람이 있다라고 자신있게 말 할 수 있는 사람이 생각나지 않았다. 그 때 난 참으로 잘못 살고 있다는 생각을 했다.
모리와 비교한다면 나의 삶은 참으로 한심하다는 생각을 하게 된다. 누군가의 스승이 되어 그의 영원한 스승으로 남는다는 것...난 누구의 스승은 커녕 친구로 남아 있을 자신도 없는 것이다.
- 접기
다락방꼬마 2011-03-26 공감(6) 댓글(0)
모리 선생님을 통해서 배운 인생의 교훈..
인생을 살다보면 우리는 너무나 쉽게 우리에게 소중한 것이 무엇인지 잘 잊어버리게 된다. 특히 젊었을 때는 더욱 그렇다. 젊었을 때는 사랑, 우정, 가족, 헌신 이러한 단어보다 성공, 경쟁, 실력, 학벌, 직위, 속도 이런 것들에 더 많은 관심을 갖기 마련이다. 나도 내가 20대였을 때는 오직 꿈과 미래를 위해서 달려왔고 남들처럼 적당히 직장을 잡고 결혼하여 아이를 낳고 별 어려움 없이 평범하게 사는 것은 젊음에 대한 죄라고 여기면서 스스로 평범함을 거부하며 살아왔다. 그리고 행복이라는 것도 자아의 좁은 골방에 갇히는 행위이며 원대한 포부를 품으며 사는 것이 멋진 인생이라고 스스로 생각했다. 그러나 세월이 흐르면서 내가 원하던 것을 얻게되고 삶을 뒤돌아보는 여유가 생기면서 진짜 인생에 중요한 것이 무엇인지 다시 생각하게 되었다. 그런데 놀랍게도 나에게 진정한 행복과 내 영혼에 만족을 주는 것은 내가 젊었을때 추구해왔던 높은 이상이나 꿈, 비전, 성공, 성취 이런 것이 아니였다. 오히려 꿈을 위해 달려오면서 무시하거나 소홀히 했던 것들, 나의 성취를 위해 일정기간 내가 담보로 잡아놓았던 것들이 내 인생에서 진짜 중요한 것이라는 것을 깨닫게 되었다. 한쪽으로 끊임없이 달려오면서 소홀히 했던 것들, 친구, 우정, 가족, 사랑, 여유 이런것들에서부터 진정한 만족이 온다는 것을 알게되었다. 그렇다면 내가 20대였을 때는 그것을 몰랐을까? 나는 몰랐다고 말할 수 있다. 내가 20대에 지혜로운 멘토가 있어서 인생의 참된 가치와 영혼의 만족, 그리고 참된 인생에 대해서 가르쳐주고 부모처럼 돌아봐주면서 지도해주는 선생이 있었으면 나의 인생은 어떻게 변했을까 생각해본다. 아마도 지금보다 덜 바쁘고 진짜 중요한 일에 시간과 열정을 투자했을 것이다.
이 책의 주인공은 나와 같이 자신의 성공과 꿈을 좇다가 과거 대학교때 은사였던 모리 선생님과 다시 재회하면서 그분으로부터 인생에서 진짜로 중요한 것이 무엇이며 참된 만족을 위해서 무엇에 시간을 투자해야 하면 가꾸어야 하는지 배우게 되는 이야기이다. 젊었을때 그렇게 자신에게 자상하게 대하고 인상적인 선생님이였던 모리 교수님을 졸업과 동시에 잊어버리고 스포츠 기자로 부와 명성을 모두 얻었던 미치는 어느날 우연히 방송에서 모리 선생님과 유명한 방송인 테드 코펠과의 인터뷰 장면을 보게 된다. 모리 선생님의 목소리를 듣자 마자 그는 자신이 젊었을때 모리 선생님이 자신에게 보여주었던 사랑과 편안함을 기억하게 된다. 그리고 모리 선생님이 죽어간다는 사실 또한 알게 된다. 그리고 모리 선생님을 찾아 뵙던 순간 자신이 세속에 찌들려 모리 선생님이 보여주었던 영혼을 살찌우는 인간의 모습에서 멀어져 있음을 알게 된다. 그러면서 모리 선생님과 매주 화요일에 만나 한가지씩 주제에 대해서 대화를 나누고 토론하면서 차츰 참된 삶이 무엇이고 진짜로 중요하고 평생 추구해야 할 가치가 무엇인지 배우게 된다. 미치는 모리 선생님과 만나면서 자신이 잃어버린 것이 무엇인지 조금씩 이해하게 된다.
그것은 자신이 그렇게 많은 시간을 투자한 것이 인생에서 그다지 중요하지 않은 일이였다는 것이다. 모리 선생님은 미치에게 이렇게 말했다.
"그렇게 많은 시간을 투자하는 일들-자네가 하는 모든 작업-이 그다지 중요하게 여겨지지 않을 테니까. 영혼과 관계된 것이 파고들 공간이 더 많이 마련해야 될지도 모르지"
모리 선생님의 이 말씀 가운데 미치가 그동안 잃어버렸던 모든 것이 담겨져 있었다. 미치는 성공에 대한 일에는 열심히 투자를 했지만 자신의 영혼과 관계된 일에는 전혀 시간과 열정을 투자하지 않았다. 영혼에 관한 것이라면 감상적이라고 생각할 수 있지만 그것은 참된 행복을 가져다 주고 삶의 질을 높여주는 것이다. 미치는 모리와의 매주 화요일 열네번의 만남을 통해서 '영혼에 관한 것'이 무엇인지 배우기 시작한다.
나는 모리 선생님의 이 말에 이 책의 가장 중요한 포인트가 있다고 생각한다. 우리는 성공에 관한 것이 아니라 영혼에 관한 것에 관심을 쏟아야 하는 것이다. 이것은 젊은 사람들이 듣기에는 지극히 감상적이고 실제적이지 않게 느끼기 때문에 그 만큼 소홀히 한다고 생각한다. 인간의 영혼이야 말로 가장 깊은 인간존재의 핵심이며, 세상이 주는 성공의 법칙과 부가 주는 만족과는 동떨어진 다른 법칙이 작용하는 실체이다. 따라서 사람은 외적인 성공 법칙을 따라서는 영혼의 만족을 느끼지 못하면 내적인 다른 법칙을 따라야지 참된 영혼의 만족과 행복감을 느낄수 있는 것이다.
모리 선생님을 미치와의 첫 번째 화요일 만남에서 영혼에 관한 것, 즉 영혼에 만족을 주는 첫 번째 법칙에 대해 이렇게 말씀하셨다.
"사랑을 나눠주는 법과 사랑을 받아들이는 법을 배우는 것이 인생에서 가장 중요하다는 것야"
우리는 사랑을 주고 받는 것에 대해서 나약한 자들의 행위라고 생각한다. 내가 남들보다 강하고 권력과 지위가 있으면 항상 무엇을 주어야 하지 무엇을 받는 행위는 약자의 행위라고 생각한다. 그러나 사랑을 주고 그것을 잘 받는 것이야 말로 인간영혼의 만족을 위한 가장 큰 대전제인 것이다. 그래서 모리 선생님은 이렇게 말씀하셨다. "사랑이야 말로 유일하게 이성적인 행동이야"라고.
사랑은 받는 것으로부터 시작된다. 사랑을 잘 받을때 그 영혼은 건강하게 유지되고 다른 사람을 돌볼 수 있는 능력과 여유가 생기는 것이다. 그래서 부모의 사랑을 받은 사람들이 건강한 자아상과 타인과의 원만한 관계능력을 가질 수 있는 것이다. 사람들은 거래하는 데는 익숙하지만 순수한 사랑의 주고 받음에 대해서는 낯설어 하고 어색해 한다. 참된 행복과 영혼의 만족을 위해서는 사랑을 주고 받는 것에 대해서 익숙해져야 한다. 이것이 모리 선생님이 가르쳐준 대전제이다.
그리고 모리 선생님은 우리 영혼의 만족과 건강을 위해서 두 번째 법칙을 말씀하셨는데 그것은 감정을 풀어놓으라는 것이다. 이것을 '감정이 우리를 꿰뚫고 지나가는 것'이라고 표현한다. 모리 선생님은 사람들 안에 찾아오는 두려움, 외로움, 분노, 억울함 이러한 감정들을 극복하기 위해서 이렇게 하라고 한다.
"하지만 이런 감정들에 온전히 자신을 던지면 그래서 스스로 그 안에 빠져들도록 내버려두면, 그래서 온 몸이 쑥 빠져들어가 버리면, 그때는 온전하게 그 감정들을 경험할 수 있네. 고통이 뭔지 알게 되지. 사랑이 뭔지 알게 되네. 슬픔이 뭔지 알게 되네. 그럼 그때서야 이렇게 말할 수 있지. '좋아. 난 지금껏 그 감정을 충분히 경험했어. 이젠 그 감정을 너무도 잘 알아. 그럼 이젠 잠시 그 감정에서 벗어날 필요가 있겠군'이라고 말이야"
참된 영혼의 만족을 위한 대전제를 위해서 모리 선생님은 자신안에 찾아오는 부정적인 감정을들 극복하려하거나 벗어나려고 하지 말고 그 감정이 자기를 온전히 꿰뚫고 지나가도록 허락하라고 한다. 그렇게 되면 오히려 그것을 벗어날 여유가 생긴다고 말이다.
사람은 이성보다 감성에 더 자극을 받고 더 큰 영향을 받게 되어있다. 그래서 우리에게 다가오는 여러 가지 부정적인 감정들에게 더욱 위축되고 소심해 지는 것이다. 상처나 우울, 분노나 억압 같은 감정들을 그대로 인정하고 품는 것을 배운다면 반드시 지나가게 되고 그러한 과정에서 그것을 벗어날 수 있는 자연스러운 여유가 생긴다는 것이다. 온몸으로 삶이 우리에게 주는 감정의 폭풍들을 껴안을때 역설적으로 그것을 극복할 여유가 생긴다는 것이다.
모리 선생님이 가르쳐준 영혼의 만족과 행복을 위한 세 번째 법칙은 죽음을 분명히 의식하라는 것이다. 역설적으로 우리가 죽음에 대해서 긍정적으로 접근하면 삶에 대해서 더욱 진지하고 적극적으로 살게된다는 것이다. 모리 선생님은 이렇게 말씀하신다.
"그래, 하지만 죽음에 대해 좀더 긍정적으로 접근해보자구. 죽으리란 걸 안다면, 언제든 죽을 수 있도록 준비를 해둘 수 있네. 그게 더 나아. 그렇게 되면, 사는 동안 자기 삶에 더 적극적으로 참여하며 살 수 있거든."
죽음은 인생의 종말이 아니라 삶의 의미를 주는 참의미의 생산자이다. 죽음을 분명히 의식하면 두려움이나 절망이 아니라 이 땅에서의 삶에 더욱 진지하게 임하는 것이다. 죽음은 삶을 더욱 의미 있게하고 헛된것이 아니라 참된 것에 시간을 투자하게 하는 촉매제인 것이다.
나는 이 책을 통해서 참된 인생의 행복이란 영혼에 관한 것에 투자하는 것임을 배웠다. 그것은 세가지 인데 첫째는 사랑을 주고 받는 것. 둘째는 감정이 온전히 꿰뚫고 지나가게 하는 것. 그리고 셋째는 순간 순간 죽음을 의식하는 것이다. 이 세가지 교훈을 통해서 참으로 짧은 인생 가운데 진짜 소중한 것이 무엇인지 분별하게 되고 그것에 시간을 투자하는 지혜가 생긴다는 것을 배울 수 있었다. 이 책을 통해서 나는 참으로 지혜로운 멘토의 조언을 얻은 것 같다. 어떻게 무엇을 위해서 나의 시간과 열정을 투자해야 할지 배울 수 있었다. 이후로는 좀더 의미있는 삶을 살아가게 되리라 나는 믿는다.
- 접기
불꽃나무 2012-11-30 공감(3) 댓글(0)
특명 - 새로운 문화를 만들라
"아이들에게 울림이 될 만한 책이 없을까요?"
누군가가 내 질문에 답으로 추천한 책이다. 유명한 책들에 대한 자만 섞인 등안시를 버리고 주문에 돌입 수업에 이르렀다. 아이들은 역시 감동하지 않는다. 죽음이 그네들에게는 먼 것일까? 내게 나이듦과 죽음은 준비를 요구하지만 아이들은 그다지 공감하려들지 않는다.
사실 이 책이 유독 감동스러울까? 하면 그건 아니다. 많이 듣던 이야기들이 좀 색다른 모습으로 정리돼 있을 뿐이다. 그럼에도 모든 책에는 남겨둘 구절이 있다.
"우리 문화 속에서는 우리가 원하는 것과 우리에게 필요한 것 사이에 큰 혼란이 일어나고 있네. 음식은 우리에게 꼭 필요한 것이지만 초콜릿 아이스크림은 우리가 원하는 기호 식품일 뿐이야. 자신에게 정직해야 하네. 최신형 스포츠카는 필요하지 않아. 굉장히 커다란 집도 역시 필요 없지" (176쪽)
우리에게 꼭 필요한 것은 어디까지 일까? 요즘 집중적으로 생각하고 있는 것에 딱 맞아 떨어져서 인지 자꾸 묻는다.
'이건 필요한 거야? 아니면 원하는 거야?'
예측 가능하듯이 대분분 원하는 것이다. '양산' 없으면 필요한 것이지만 좀 오래됐으나 있다면 원하는 것이 된다. '신발' 발이 커졌거나 물이 샌다면 필요한 것이지만 좀 오래되어 디자인이 어색해서라면 원하는 것이다. 다산 선생의 말대로 옷은 몸을 가리면 되고, 음식은 배를 속일 수 있으면 된다는 기준을 들이대면 내가 소유하고자 한 모든 것은 99%에 이를 만큼 원하는 것이다.
원하는 것을 위해 살다가 얼마나 많이 실수를 하는 지 필요하지도 않은 것들을 위해 시간을 쓰고, 아이와 함께 하지 못 하고, 가끔은 건강도 싹 무시해 버리는 것이 얼마나 얼마나 어리석은지. 다 안다. 다 알면서도 아차 아차 하면서 자꾸 그렇게 산다.
"내 말은 스스로 새로운 문화를 만들어 내야 한다는 뜻이네. 물론 사회의 규칙을 모두 다 무시하라는 건 아니야. 예를 들면, 나는 벌거벗은 채 돌아다니지도 않고 신호등이 빨간불 일 때는 반드시 멈춘다네. 작은 것들에는 순종할 수 있지. 하지만 어떻게 생각할지. 어떤 가치를 중요하게 여길지 등과 같이 커다란 줄기에 관한 것들에 대해서는 스스로 결정을 내려야 하네. 다른 사람이나 사회가 우리 대신 그런 사항을 결정하게 내버려 두면 안 돼."(218쪽)
이거다. "어떻게 생각할지, 어떤 가치를 중요하게 여길지"는 스스로 결정해야 한다. 더 큰 집, 더 좋은 차, 더 좋은 옷, 더 맛있는 음식 등등은 사회가 혹은 주변이 결정해 주는 거다. 이게 더 좋다고 이 쯤은 돼야 한다고 - . 사회가 문화를 만들도록 손놓고 보는 것은 위험하다. 나로 하여금 원하는 것에 종노릇하게 함으로 .'정말 중요한 것은 스스로 내 스스로 만들라는 말'은 엄청 중요하다. 밑줄을 긋고, 별을 치고 외우자.
'다른 사람이나 사회가 우리 대신 결정하게 내버려 두면 안 돼.'
- 이건 사회에 필요한 것이야. 내게 필요한 것이야. 라고 묻자 그렇게 물으면서 살아보자.
- 접기
annsang 2010-07-06 공감(3) 댓글(0)
[마이리뷰] 모리와 함께한 화요일
마지막까지도 스승이었던 모리교수님과 그의 제자인 미치 앨봄의 마지막 논문 프로젝트. 어떠한 찬사도 이 책의 진정성을 표현하기에는 부족하다. 책을 읽으며 이렇게 울어본적은 없었다. 이 책을 처음 접했을 때, 나는 인생에서 가장 큰 실패를 맛보았고 크게 좌절하고 있었다. 그리고 이 책을 읽고 크게 울고 난 후, 마음 속 응어리를 덜고 앞으로 나아갈 용기를 얻게 되었다. 이 책을 읽고 난 후 모든일이 잘 되었다고 말하는 게 아니다. 단지, 앞으로 나아갈.. 한 발자국을 내 딛을 그 한 줌의 힘을 얻게 되었다. 그 후로 많은 일이 있었고 이렇게 두 번째로 이 책을 읽게 되었다. 그리고 내가 어떻게 죽어야 될지 생각하고 있다. 나는 부족하면서도 오만하면서 남을 깔보고 성급하며 독선적이고 자기중심적이며 책임을 회피하는 사람이다. 하지만 독서를 쉽게 접할 수 있는 대한민국이라는 나라에서 태어난 행운을 받은 운좋은 사람이다. 그렇기에, 나는 점점 더 좋아질 것이고 앞으로 나아갈 것이다. 나는 내가 행복함을 느끼는 일에만 집중하겠다. 그리고 지금부터 남과의 관계에서 상처받을 생각에 겁먹지 않고 앞으로 나아가 보려고 한다.
- 접기
알옥 2016-01-09 공감(2) 댓글(0)
Tuesdays with Morrie
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.
Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?
Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying of ALS - or motor neurone disease - Mitch visited Morrie in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final 'class': lessons in how to live. (less)
Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?
Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying of ALS - or motor neurone disease - Mitch visited Morrie in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final 'class': lessons in how to live. (less)
Paperback, 210 pages
Published 2000 by Warner (first published 1997)
Recommend This Book None of your friends have reviewed this book yet.
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I have decided to delete this review. It was not my intention to upset anyone who either suffered from the disorder discussed in this book nor anyone related to such a person (See comment 270).
Nonetheless, I still believe this to be a particularly poorly written book that contains more saccharine than substance.
Still, if it brings you some sense of comfort - more strength to you.
I have chosen not to delete the comments thread as not all of the comments are mine to delete.
Nonetheless, I still believe this to be a particularly poorly written book that contains more saccharine than substance.
Still, if it brings you some sense of comfort - more strength to you.
I have chosen not to delete the comments thread as not all of the comments are mine to delete.

If I were to die unexpectedly, I wouldn’t be ashamed in the least of someone finding my porn stash. And by the way, that video isn’t bestiality, it’s just two guys in a moose suit—big difference. I would be a little ashamed of the fact that I have the first season of 90210 on my iPod, something I downloaded for a friend’s 14 year old daughter (note to self: delete it now!). I’m more worried about someone coming across Tuesdays with Morrie or Eat, Pray, Love on my book collection. I have some explaining to do.
Like any pseudo-intellectual dip-shit, I wouldn’t normally be caught dead with pieces of pop trash like those two in my library, but I believe that given my current living situation there are extenuating circumstances. I buy books compulsively, especially when they are really inexpensive. I pass by a pawn shop about once a month to buy books for .50€ each. Books in Spain are generally a bit expensive so at this price I will buy almost anything—even the two pieces of shit mentioned above. I give away lots of books to friends and acquaintances, especially when they come this cheaply.
I actually read Tuesdays with Morrie, or at least I speed-read part of it for the purposes of this essay and I had read Eat, Pray, Love some years ago, or at least most of it. Both are best sellers meant for people who almost never read. They are books for people who claim a book is brilliant simply because they were able to finish it. "Look everyone! I'm reading, I'm really reading!" I think anything people read is better than not reading, but that’s all the praise I have for these particular works promising to give the reader the deep meaning of life. Any book claiming to explain life's mysteries should set off the alarms for anyone with half a brain; books like the Bible, the Talmud, and the Koran fall into this category of trash.
I’m sorry folks, there are no “answers” in life. There's only wisdom and wisdom takes time, certainly more than the 192 pages that make up Tuesdays with Morrie. Answers are simply created by people who are terrified that there might not be answers. The problem is when religions or the Mitch Alboms and Elizabeth Gilberts of the world start infringing on the domain of the rational with their moronic explanations of the spiritual or existential. I would say that these institutions (religions and hack writers) constantly violate the airspace of the rational and scientific.
Tuesdays and Eat claim to be instruction manuals for life. They have about as much spiritual depth as a newspaper horoscope or a fortune cookie. In the case of the aphorisms in Tuesdays I’d say they were pretty lousy fortune cookies. A few examples:
Morrie is a fountain of banalities. "Whenever people ask me about having children or not having children, I never tell them what to do." Why the fuck would he? He was a sociology professor, not Heinrich Himmler.
Wisdom is difficult to define but I think I know it when I see it. I ain't seeing it here.
PS: If I dated a girl who had this book on her bed table I would probably escape by jumping out her third story bathroom window. It would creep me out, like when that girl saw the fingernails on the wall in Silence of the Lambs.
PPS: I wrote this mainly to get a few laughs. If you don't think the review is funny, it may just mean that you are a normal, well-adjusted human being. People who write comedy aren't. Before you crucify me in the comments of this review, I suggest you read one of my reviews of a book that I loved. There are many. I'm not always cynical (skeptical).
Afterword Liz (Goodreads Friend) mentioned that Saint Mitch Albom is actually a full-blown asshole who is completely contemptuous of people with shitty, minimum wage jobs—a more accurate description is the working poor. How dare I have to repeat what I said to you about my coffee order! I don't care if you are distracted because you are worried sick because you don't have health care or a dental plan, and forget about making ends meet. Yes, the poor are to blame for the downfall of our republic, or whatever it is.
https://www.mitchalbom.com/certainly-... (less)
Like any pseudo-intellectual dip-shit, I wouldn’t normally be caught dead with pieces of pop trash like those two in my library, but I believe that given my current living situation there are extenuating circumstances. I buy books compulsively, especially when they are really inexpensive. I pass by a pawn shop about once a month to buy books for .50€ each. Books in Spain are generally a bit expensive so at this price I will buy almost anything—even the two pieces of shit mentioned above. I give away lots of books to friends and acquaintances, especially when they come this cheaply.
I actually read Tuesdays with Morrie, or at least I speed-read part of it for the purposes of this essay and I had read Eat, Pray, Love some years ago, or at least most of it. Both are best sellers meant for people who almost never read. They are books for people who claim a book is brilliant simply because they were able to finish it. "Look everyone! I'm reading, I'm really reading!" I think anything people read is better than not reading, but that’s all the praise I have for these particular works promising to give the reader the deep meaning of life. Any book claiming to explain life's mysteries should set off the alarms for anyone with half a brain; books like the Bible, the Talmud, and the Koran fall into this category of trash.
I’m sorry folks, there are no “answers” in life. There's only wisdom and wisdom takes time, certainly more than the 192 pages that make up Tuesdays with Morrie. Answers are simply created by people who are terrified that there might not be answers. The problem is when religions or the Mitch Alboms and Elizabeth Gilberts of the world start infringing on the domain of the rational with their moronic explanations of the spiritual or existential. I would say that these institutions (religions and hack writers) constantly violate the airspace of the rational and scientific.
Tuesdays and Eat claim to be instruction manuals for life. They have about as much spiritual depth as a newspaper horoscope or a fortune cookie. In the case of the aphorisms in Tuesdays I’d say they were pretty lousy fortune cookies. A few examples:
Learn to forgive yourself and forgive others.
Accept the past as past and what you are not able to do.
Don’t assume that it’s too late to get involved.
Morrie is a fountain of banalities. "Whenever people ask me about having children or not having children, I never tell them what to do." Why the fuck would he? He was a sociology professor, not Heinrich Himmler.
Wisdom is difficult to define but I think I know it when I see it. I ain't seeing it here.
PS: If I dated a girl who had this book on her bed table I would probably escape by jumping out her third story bathroom window. It would creep me out, like when that girl saw the fingernails on the wall in Silence of the Lambs.
PPS: I wrote this mainly to get a few laughs. If you don't think the review is funny, it may just mean that you are a normal, well-adjusted human being. People who write comedy aren't. Before you crucify me in the comments of this review, I suggest you read one of my reviews of a book that I loved. There are many. I'm not always cynical (skeptical).
Afterword Liz (Goodreads Friend) mentioned that Saint Mitch Albom is actually a full-blown asshole who is completely contemptuous of people with shitty, minimum wage jobs—a more accurate description is the working poor. How dare I have to repeat what I said to you about my coffee order! I don't care if you are distracted because you are worried sick because you don't have health care or a dental plan, and forget about making ends meet. Yes, the poor are to blame for the downfall of our republic, or whatever it is.
https://www.mitchalbom.com/certainly-... (less)

Jul 12, 2015Ahmad Sharabiani rated it really liked it
Shelves: 20th-century, adult, classics, self-help, non-fiction, memoir, biography, philosophy, united-states
Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom
First Publication date: 1997.
The story was later recreated by Thomas Rickman into a TV movie of the same name, directed by Mick Jackson, which aired on December 5, 1999 and starred Jack Lemmon and Hank Azaria.
Tuesday's With Morrie examines the interactions and phenomena between the human experience of living and dying.
A theme of personal transcendence appears for both characters: Morrie and Albom.
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «سه شنبه ها با موری»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری»، «سه شنبه های به یاد ماندنی»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ»؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز دوازدهم ماه جولای سال 2008میلادی
عنوان یک: سه شنبه ها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم مهدی قراچه داغی؛ ویراستار: شهلا ارژنگ؛ تهران، البرز، 1379، در 176ص، شابک9644222554؛ موضوع سرگذشتنامه، روابط استاد با شاگرد، دانشگاه براندیس، از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م
عنوان دو: سه شنبه ها با موری، سه شنبه های به یاد ماندنی؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم محمود دانایی؛ تهران، جیحون، 1379، در 191ص؛ شابک9646534228؛
عنوان سه: سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم طاهره صدیقیان؛ تهران، نقطه، 1380، در176ص، شابک 9645548810؛
عنوان چهار: سه شنبه ها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم لیلی نوربخش؛ تهران، آیه مهر، 1382، در 207ص، شابک 9649375848؛
عنوان پنج: سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم ماندانا قهرمانلو؛ تهران، قطره، 1383، در262ص
عنوان شش: سه شنبهها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم بهروز زارع؛ تهران، دانشگران محمود، سال1387، در 173ص، شابک 9789647992305؛
عنوان هفت: سه شنبهها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم لیلی نوربخش؛ تهران، تالیا، 1389، در 207ص، شابک9786009036073؛
عنوان هشت: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم ندا برزویی؛ تهران، نشرگستر، 1389، در 132ص، شابک 9789645544957؛
عنوان نهم: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم محمود دانایی؛ قم، صبح صادق، 1392، در 191ص؛ شابک 9789648403992؛
عنوان دهم: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم علیرضا نوری؛ تهران، آوای مکتوب، 1393، در 160ص؛ شابک 9786009402069؛
یک استاد پیر دانشگاه پروفسور «موری شوارتس»، در انتظار پیک مرگ، از شاگرد پیشین خویش (نویسنده ی کتاب) میخواهند سه شنبه ها به دیدار استاد خویش برود، و گفتگوی دو نفره را یادداشت کند، داستان کتاب واقعی است؛ قهرمان اصلی داستان «موری» بیمار است، بیماری او بتدریج اعضای بدنش را از کار میاندازد، و باعث مرگ سلولی بافتها، و ماهیچه های بدن میگردد، «موری» مرگ را پذیرفته؛ او خواهد مرد، اما در واپسین روزهای زندگی میخواهد به کمال برسد
جملات برگزیده نقل از متن: درسته، من مربی تو میشم و تو میتونی بازیکن من باشی؛ تو میتونی تمام قسمتهای دلپذیر زندگی رو که من واسه انجام دادنش پیر هستم رو بازی کنی
وقتی مردن را میآموزی، زندگی کردن را یاد میگیری
تنها راه معنی دادن به زندگی این است که خودت را وقف دوست داشتن دیگران بکنی
مرگ زندگی را به پایان میرساند نه یک رابطه را
تو موج نیستی بلکه قسمتی از دریا هستی
اگر میخواهی برای آدمهای طبقه بالا پز بدهی زحمت نکش؛ آنها همیشه به نظر حقارت نگاهت میکنند؛ اگر هم میخواهی برای زیر دستهایت پز بدهی باز هم زحمت نکش چون فقط حسودیشان را تحریک میکنی؛ این نوع شخصیت کاذب تو را به جایی نمیرساند؛ فقط قلب باز است که به تو اجازه میدهد در چشم همه یکجور باشی
بعضی وقتها آدم نمیتواند به چشمهایش نیز اعتماد کند؛ باید به احساساتش اعتماد داشته باشد؛ اگر میخواهی دیگران به تو اعتماد داشته باشند باید تو هم به آنها اعتماد داشته باشی؛ حتی در تاریکی مطلق؛ حتی وقتی داری میافتی
بسیاری از چیزها کشف شده اند بجز چگونه زیستن
پایان نقل
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 24/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 07/05/1400هجری هورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی (less)
First Publication date: 1997.
The story was later recreated by Thomas Rickman into a TV movie of the same name, directed by Mick Jackson, which aired on December 5, 1999 and starred Jack Lemmon and Hank Azaria.
Tuesday's With Morrie examines the interactions and phenomena between the human experience of living and dying.
A theme of personal transcendence appears for both characters: Morrie and Albom.
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «سه شنبه ها با موری»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری»، «سه شنبه های به یاد ماندنی»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی»؛ «سه شنبه ها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ»؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز دوازدهم ماه جولای سال 2008میلادی
عنوان یک: سه شنبه ها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم مهدی قراچه داغی؛ ویراستار: شهلا ارژنگ؛ تهران، البرز، 1379، در 176ص، شابک9644222554؛ موضوع سرگذشتنامه، روابط استاد با شاگرد، دانشگاه براندیس، از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م
عنوان دو: سه شنبه ها با موری، سه شنبه های به یاد ماندنی؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم محمود دانایی؛ تهران، جیحون، 1379، در 191ص؛ شابک9646534228؛
عنوان سه: سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم طاهره صدیقیان؛ تهران، نقطه، 1380، در176ص، شابک 9645548810؛
عنوان چهار: سه شنبه ها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم لیلی نوربخش؛ تهران، آیه مهر، 1382، در 207ص، شابک 9649375848؛
عنوان پنج: سه شنبه ها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم ماندانا قهرمانلو؛ تهران، قطره، 1383، در262ص
عنوان شش: سه شنبهها با موری، مرد پیر، مرد جوان و بزرگترین درس زندگی؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم بهروز زارع؛ تهران، دانشگران محمود، سال1387، در 173ص، شابک 9789647992305؛
عنوان هفت: سه شنبهها با موری، عاشقانه زیستن تا لحظه ی مرگ؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم لیلی نوربخش؛ تهران، تالیا، 1389، در 207ص، شابک9786009036073؛
عنوان هشت: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده میج آلبوم؛ مترجم ندا برزویی؛ تهران، نشرگستر، 1389، در 132ص، شابک 9789645544957؛
عنوان نهم: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم محمود دانایی؛ قم، صبح صادق، 1392، در 191ص؛ شابک 9789648403992؛
عنوان دهم: سه شنبهها با موری؛ نویسنده: میج آلبوم؛ مترجم علیرضا نوری؛ تهران، آوای مکتوب، 1393، در 160ص؛ شابک 9786009402069؛
یک استاد پیر دانشگاه پروفسور «موری شوارتس»، در انتظار پیک مرگ، از شاگرد پیشین خویش (نویسنده ی کتاب) میخواهند سه شنبه ها به دیدار استاد خویش برود، و گفتگوی دو نفره را یادداشت کند، داستان کتاب واقعی است؛ قهرمان اصلی داستان «موری» بیمار است، بیماری او بتدریج اعضای بدنش را از کار میاندازد، و باعث مرگ سلولی بافتها، و ماهیچه های بدن میگردد، «موری» مرگ را پذیرفته؛ او خواهد مرد، اما در واپسین روزهای زندگی میخواهد به کمال برسد
جملات برگزیده نقل از متن: درسته، من مربی تو میشم و تو میتونی بازیکن من باشی؛ تو میتونی تمام قسمتهای دلپذیر زندگی رو که من واسه انجام دادنش پیر هستم رو بازی کنی
وقتی مردن را میآموزی، زندگی کردن را یاد میگیری
تنها راه معنی دادن به زندگی این است که خودت را وقف دوست داشتن دیگران بکنی
مرگ زندگی را به پایان میرساند نه یک رابطه را
تو موج نیستی بلکه قسمتی از دریا هستی
اگر میخواهی برای آدمهای طبقه بالا پز بدهی زحمت نکش؛ آنها همیشه به نظر حقارت نگاهت میکنند؛ اگر هم میخواهی برای زیر دستهایت پز بدهی باز هم زحمت نکش چون فقط حسودیشان را تحریک میکنی؛ این نوع شخصیت کاذب تو را به جایی نمیرساند؛ فقط قلب باز است که به تو اجازه میدهد در چشم همه یکجور باشی
بعضی وقتها آدم نمیتواند به چشمهایش نیز اعتماد کند؛ باید به احساساتش اعتماد داشته باشد؛ اگر میخواهی دیگران به تو اعتماد داشته باشند باید تو هم به آنها اعتماد داشته باشی؛ حتی در تاریکی مطلق؛ حتی وقتی داری میافتی
بسیاری از چیزها کشف شده اند بجز چگونه زیستن
پایان نقل
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 24/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 07/05/1400هجری هورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی (less)

4.5 stars
But, like most students, Mitch lost contact with everything and anything to do with his undergraduate years as soon as he graduated.
That is...until he learns that his favorite professor doesn't have long left.
The slow progression of the disease, combined with Morrie's calm demeanor and Mitch's grief just absolutely cinched this book for me.
How can you argue with lines like this?
The author had such an amazing way with words. I cannot even begin to describe the feelings of peace that flowed through me.
This should be on everyone's list.
While he was an undergrad, Mitch absolutely loved Morrie Schwartz's college courses - he took every class that professor taught.
"You know, Mitch, now that I'm dying, I've become much more interesting to people."
But, like most students, Mitch lost contact with everything and anything to do with his undergraduate years as soon as he graduated.
That is...until he learns that his favorite professor doesn't have long left.
ALS is like a lit candle: it melts your nerves and leaves your body a pile of wax.So, Mitch (on an impulse) decides to visit Morrie one last time...and that one last time turned into something else entirely.
The class met on Tuesdays. It began after breakfast. The subject was The Meaning of Life. It was taught from experience.Over the course of a couple of months, Mitch reconnects with Morrie and in the process, learns the last great lesson from his college professor.
"Everyone knows they're going to die," he said again, "but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently."Wow - what a book.
The slow progression of the disease, combined with Morrie's calm demeanor and Mitch's grief just absolutely cinched this book for me.
How can you argue with lines like this?
Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?or this?
His philosophy was that death should not be embarrassing; he was not about to powder her nose.This book was so refreshing, and sweet and beautiful.
The author had such an amazing way with words. I cannot even begin to describe the feelings of peace that flowed through me.
This should be on everyone's list.
His voice dropped to a whisper. "I want someone to hear my story. Will you?"YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_reads (less)

This is one of those books where I find myself agreeing with the five star reviews and the one star reviews with almost equal enthusiasm.
On one hand, it's the sweet story of a man as he reconnects with a former mentor/professor, who is facing a death sentence via ALS. It's obvious that Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie" provided them both with something substantially satisfying. And that's inspiring and poignant.
Yet on the other hand, Albom's attempts to enlighten us transforms it into a "Hallmark" card on steroids, a rather dramatic and prolonged one that does little more to demystify the true meaning of life than offer up tired and somewhat ambiguous cliches like "love conquers all." Though an honorable sentiment, it's not markedly more substantive or instructive than the alternative, "life sucks and then you die."
Let's face it. Death scares the *%(^ out of most of us...as it should, especially when you consider that no one really knows what it's like to be dead, if it's like anything at all. Add to that the fact that in the grand scope of things we're all insignificant blimps/statistically insignificant(tens of thousands of people die every day around the world and yet most of their deaths go relatively unnoticed) and the glaring reality that it takes markedly more than "love" to make it through life, and these comforting cliches suddenly lose some of their "comfort."
However, that doesn't mean life has to be or feel meaningless, it simply means it is up to each of us to find and give our lives meaning...whatever that may mean.
Tuesdays with Morrie definitely encourages the reader to stop and think about what is important, yet falls short of providing any new insight into how one actually figures it out for themselves and/or how we reach that balance between living as if there is a tomorrow while simultaneously realizing that, at least for some us, there won't be.
Alas...3 stars. A book worth reading, but not a life-changing or even an attitude-changing one.
I should add that this book might hold more appeal to someone who,like Morrie, is coming to immediate terms with his own mortality as they may find inspiration in his personal story. (less)
On one hand, it's the sweet story of a man as he reconnects with a former mentor/professor, who is facing a death sentence via ALS. It's obvious that Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie" provided them both with something substantially satisfying. And that's inspiring and poignant.
Yet on the other hand, Albom's attempts to enlighten us transforms it into a "Hallmark" card on steroids, a rather dramatic and prolonged one that does little more to demystify the true meaning of life than offer up tired and somewhat ambiguous cliches like "love conquers all." Though an honorable sentiment, it's not markedly more substantive or instructive than the alternative, "life sucks and then you die."
Let's face it. Death scares the *%(^ out of most of us...as it should, especially when you consider that no one really knows what it's like to be dead, if it's like anything at all. Add to that the fact that in the grand scope of things we're all insignificant blimps/statistically insignificant(tens of thousands of people die every day around the world and yet most of their deaths go relatively unnoticed) and the glaring reality that it takes markedly more than "love" to make it through life, and these comforting cliches suddenly lose some of their "comfort."
However, that doesn't mean life has to be or feel meaningless, it simply means it is up to each of us to find and give our lives meaning...whatever that may mean.
Tuesdays with Morrie definitely encourages the reader to stop and think about what is important, yet falls short of providing any new insight into how one actually figures it out for themselves and/or how we reach that balance between living as if there is a tomorrow while simultaneously realizing that, at least for some us, there won't be.
Alas...3 stars. A book worth reading, but not a life-changing or even an attitude-changing one.
I should add that this book might hold more appeal to someone who,like Morrie, is coming to immediate terms with his own mortality as they may find inspiration in his personal story. (less)

Apr 03, 2019❀ Lily ❀ added it
So i didn't realise this book was actually nonfiction until after i'd just finished reading it.. and now my feelings are all over the place!!
This was a beautiful story, I would definitely recommend reading it if you haven't already. (less)
This was a beautiful story, I would definitely recommend reading it if you haven't already. (less)

‘A wrestling match.’
He laughs, ‘Yes, you could describe life that way.’
So which side wins, I ask?
Morrie smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth.
‘Love wins. Love always wins.’
So who’s winning the wrestling match in YOUR life right now? Is it Love? Or is it his dark twin half-brothers, Anxiety and Hopelessness?
This wrestling match is REAL. I’m not making this up! Ordinary evil wants our soul. But so does LOVE.
As long as we live, our devils will try with all their might to show us love is an illusion.
But it’s not. It’s real as sliced bread!
And the love of life is so palpable in Morris’s soul he’s determined not to give up an INCH of ground in Love’s fair land to the devils’ threats.
There’s a Spanish Train that runs to old Seville...
That train is right on time
Many souls are on the line -
Oh, Lord - DON’T let him win!
But Morrie says love ALWAYS wins, unlike old Chris de Burgh - though the singer’s got a point - but whatever way you slice it, the Struggle’s Real!
Morrie knows the goodness of love and he’s not going to sacrifice it to empty and vain promises of material gain.
His Faith is that love always wins - but everyday life is chock-a-block FULL of challenges that can set us right back to Square One of this Snakes ‘n Ladders game called Life!
Love always wins but its detours are always painful. You can never go back home right away once you’ve started one.
His life is thus inordinately VALUABLE to him. He KNOWS what a rare and wonderful chance he’s been given!
So he can’t flub his chance...
Have you read Kevin Kuhn’s WONDERFUL new feel-good fantasy Do You Realize?
You must get it!
In it, the urban seer Shiloh - inventor of a Time Machine that PROVES this point - tells the desolate hero George why life is so valuable:
“Have you heard of the Rare Earth hypothesis? ...what you learn is that the conditions of life are so precise that it’s almost impossible. You need the right kind of galaxy, in the right location, with the right orbit in that galaxy...
“...personally, I think we’re lucky to have ONE day here! And for those of us that have a lifetime, it’s like we hit the cosmic LOTTO.”
Kevin, that’s exactly the way Morrie sees it!
Even without Shiloh’s amazing Apple Watch Time Machine...
You know, it’s too bad they don’t make books like Morrie and Do You Realize into movies that’re every bit as good. Just too bad.
Books like this are soft and human. The Films, though, when they come out, are hard and edgy. Thank goodness we have our books!
Morrie is a guy you can wrap your imagination around, with the BOOK in your hand. It’s just like hugging the old guy.
He’s a beautiful old-timer, and our imagination can turn him into our own sentimental grandfather, if we like.
Or Uncle Billy in It’s A Wonderful Life (Frank Capra had no time for angst and edginess, either)!
Why does the modern world think it’s cool to be edgy?
Back in the war years, people were more concerned about being close to loved ones than with looking cool.
And Morrie knew that.
He grew up in those years. Love and decency were the hallmark of that time.
Young Mitch Albom - in his rôle in this novel - was right to give Morrie a slice of his life, and Morrie enjoyed it too. Because ALL old guys like talking to young kids who’ll listen.
Oh sure, my older friends love to tell their stories to me as well - but kids like Mitch can REALLY inspire us old guys, if we see they’re already making the right choices in life.
In spite of all those traps and snares around us!
And if we older readers have also successfully learned - like these kids - that life’s not a game, but a continual battle against malicious intent, then our life will be worthwhile too.
Just as MORRIE’s life was for him -
Because there was such real LOVE in it!
He laughs, ‘Yes, you could describe life that way.’
So which side wins, I ask?
Morrie smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth.
‘Love wins. Love always wins.’
So who’s winning the wrestling match in YOUR life right now? Is it Love? Or is it his dark twin half-brothers, Anxiety and Hopelessness?
This wrestling match is REAL. I’m not making this up! Ordinary evil wants our soul. But so does LOVE.
As long as we live, our devils will try with all their might to show us love is an illusion.
But it’s not. It’s real as sliced bread!
And the love of life is so palpable in Morris’s soul he’s determined not to give up an INCH of ground in Love’s fair land to the devils’ threats.
There’s a Spanish Train that runs to old Seville...
That train is right on time
Many souls are on the line -
Oh, Lord - DON’T let him win!
But Morrie says love ALWAYS wins, unlike old Chris de Burgh - though the singer’s got a point - but whatever way you slice it, the Struggle’s Real!
Morrie knows the goodness of love and he’s not going to sacrifice it to empty and vain promises of material gain.
His Faith is that love always wins - but everyday life is chock-a-block FULL of challenges that can set us right back to Square One of this Snakes ‘n Ladders game called Life!
Love always wins but its detours are always painful. You can never go back home right away once you’ve started one.
His life is thus inordinately VALUABLE to him. He KNOWS what a rare and wonderful chance he’s been given!
So he can’t flub his chance...
Have you read Kevin Kuhn’s WONDERFUL new feel-good fantasy Do You Realize?
You must get it!
In it, the urban seer Shiloh - inventor of a Time Machine that PROVES this point - tells the desolate hero George why life is so valuable:
“Have you heard of the Rare Earth hypothesis? ...what you learn is that the conditions of life are so precise that it’s almost impossible. You need the right kind of galaxy, in the right location, with the right orbit in that galaxy...
“...personally, I think we’re lucky to have ONE day here! And for those of us that have a lifetime, it’s like we hit the cosmic LOTTO.”
Kevin, that’s exactly the way Morrie sees it!
Even without Shiloh’s amazing Apple Watch Time Machine...
You know, it’s too bad they don’t make books like Morrie and Do You Realize into movies that’re every bit as good. Just too bad.
Books like this are soft and human. The Films, though, when they come out, are hard and edgy. Thank goodness we have our books!
Morrie is a guy you can wrap your imagination around, with the BOOK in your hand. It’s just like hugging the old guy.
He’s a beautiful old-timer, and our imagination can turn him into our own sentimental grandfather, if we like.
Or Uncle Billy in It’s A Wonderful Life (Frank Capra had no time for angst and edginess, either)!
Why does the modern world think it’s cool to be edgy?
Back in the war years, people were more concerned about being close to loved ones than with looking cool.
And Morrie knew that.
He grew up in those years. Love and decency were the hallmark of that time.
Young Mitch Albom - in his rôle in this novel - was right to give Morrie a slice of his life, and Morrie enjoyed it too. Because ALL old guys like talking to young kids who’ll listen.
Oh sure, my older friends love to tell their stories to me as well - but kids like Mitch can REALLY inspire us old guys, if we see they’re already making the right choices in life.
In spite of all those traps and snares around us!
And if we older readers have also successfully learned - like these kids - that life’s not a game, but a continual battle against malicious intent, then our life will be worthwhile too.
Just as MORRIE’s life was for him -
Because there was such real LOVE in it!

I have never written a review like this before but this book truly inspired me.
So I just finished reading "Tuesdays With Morrie". What a wonderful book, I couldn't put it down! I cannot even imagine going through the last stages of my own life and being as brave (for lack of a better word in my head right now) as Morrie. He was filled with such happiness and joy in his own life. He had regrets but realized that it is ok as long as you can reconcile with yourself in the end. I'm not the type of person to find quotes in the literature I read. However, as I turned page after page through this book and submersed myself into the text I was reading I found myself getting out of bed in the middle of the night to find some post-its only to tag so many different paragraphs and pages that inspired me or had me think about things in my own life.
The idea of detaching oneself from emotions just baffled me. I myself fell in love and was heart broken in the end. I felt, and sometimes still feel, that I never want to experience such pain and heartache again. But Morrie says it best "If you hold back on the emotions - if you don't allow yourself to go through them - you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing your self to dive right in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then can you say, 'All right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.'" Who would have thought it is ok to show emotions as long as one does not stay with that emotion for too long.
Another quote that I find so enlightening... "In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive right?... But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well." This line in the book had me stop and think about everything I have in my life rather than anything I am "missing" in life. WHy should we focus on not having that special someone when truly many of us have multiple people in our lives who care for us and will be there for us in the end. Although Morrie does go on to say that everyone should find that love to marry. But why do we need to? I know that there are people who would take care of me later in life. Those that will be there for me always. While I hope to find my "true love" I still am blessed for those I have met in the past to years. I am only ashamed that I never saw them sitting right there in front of me until I read this book. Thank you for being there for me everyone! And, I hope for many more days spent with all of you and even more people to share my life with. (less)
So I just finished reading "Tuesdays With Morrie". What a wonderful book, I couldn't put it down! I cannot even imagine going through the last stages of my own life and being as brave (for lack of a better word in my head right now) as Morrie. He was filled with such happiness and joy in his own life. He had regrets but realized that it is ok as long as you can reconcile with yourself in the end. I'm not the type of person to find quotes in the literature I read. However, as I turned page after page through this book and submersed myself into the text I was reading I found myself getting out of bed in the middle of the night to find some post-its only to tag so many different paragraphs and pages that inspired me or had me think about things in my own life.
The idea of detaching oneself from emotions just baffled me. I myself fell in love and was heart broken in the end. I felt, and sometimes still feel, that I never want to experience such pain and heartache again. But Morrie says it best "If you hold back on the emotions - if you don't allow yourself to go through them - you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing your self to dive right in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then can you say, 'All right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.'" Who would have thought it is ok to show emotions as long as one does not stay with that emotion for too long.
Another quote that I find so enlightening... "In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive right?... But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well." This line in the book had me stop and think about everything I have in my life rather than anything I am "missing" in life. WHy should we focus on not having that special someone when truly many of us have multiple people in our lives who care for us and will be there for us in the end. Although Morrie does go on to say that everyone should find that love to marry. But why do we need to? I know that there are people who would take care of me later in life. Those that will be there for me always. While I hope to find my "true love" I still am blessed for those I have met in the past to years. I am only ashamed that I never saw them sitting right there in front of me until I read this book. Thank you for being there for me everyone! And, I hope for many more days spent with all of you and even more people to share my life with. (less)

I didn't know this book was a memoir when I picked up this book. I wasn't even consciously looking for this book. It's one of the books in my sister's collection. I picked it up because I needed some kind of motivation/inspiration to live life again with zeal. But what this book offered me was something I wasn't expecting from it.
This beautiful small book is divided into 27 small, concised chapters. It's written in a very simple style but dang, it's the kind of simplicity that would destroy you because it reaches you straightaway.
It talks about a retired professor who is suffering from a terminal disease. It's how he takes this inevitable journey till the end seeing it from a very different perspective from that of someone else's who would be in the same shoes as he was.
He wants to document this journey with the people he cared about. This journey deals with the misconceptions and doubts about ageing, death and illnesses. It deals well with the concept of social relationships and the various relationships in one's life. It's highly likely for anyone to become withdrawn, self-conscious and constantly bitter with such a condition but this old professor thought about doing something different and utilise his remaining time to be grateful and let the people in his life know what they mean to him and what difference they have made in his life.
The greatest lesson this memoir taught me is that our spirit dies earlier than our actual death.
And this is the first ever book (fiction or nonfiction) that I am reading about an old person who has accepted themselves as how they are wholly, and this is the first book which represents the various psychological issues that old people face so vividly.
No, he wasn't in denial regarding what's happening with him.
Instead what he chooses to do is reach out & talk about the world as a whole, when most of us do is feeling sorry for ourselves, keep having regrets, busy playing blame games.
The issue of dealing with death is the main highlight of this book.
The book talks about family, aging, money and marriage. There are parts where it talks about the basic human emotions, the relations we have and the culture we are thriving in.
This is one gem of a book! It made me cry, laugh but made me realise so many amazing truths about life & human nature.
There is nothing in this book that makes you feel like you are not a part of this book.
This book made me feel at home right away.
Reading this book is like talking with someone who has accepted life with all its flaws & blessings. Even though I cried a lot at the end, it was while I was accepting everything how the book was going to end, and about real life.
I am sure I am going to reread this book after a decade. Made me cry tears of realisation about many things about our mortal lives. (less)
This beautiful small book is divided into 27 small, concised chapters. It's written in a very simple style but dang, it's the kind of simplicity that would destroy you because it reaches you straightaway.
It talks about a retired professor who is suffering from a terminal disease. It's how he takes this inevitable journey till the end seeing it from a very different perspective from that of someone else's who would be in the same shoes as he was.
He wants to document this journey with the people he cared about. This journey deals with the misconceptions and doubts about ageing, death and illnesses. It deals well with the concept of social relationships and the various relationships in one's life. It's highly likely for anyone to become withdrawn, self-conscious and constantly bitter with such a condition but this old professor thought about doing something different and utilise his remaining time to be grateful and let the people in his life know what they mean to him and what difference they have made in his life.
The greatest lesson this memoir taught me is that our spirit dies earlier than our actual death.
And this is the first ever book (fiction or nonfiction) that I am reading about an old person who has accepted themselves as how they are wholly, and this is the first book which represents the various psychological issues that old people face so vividly.
No, he wasn't in denial regarding what's happening with him.
Instead what he chooses to do is reach out & talk about the world as a whole, when most of us do is feeling sorry for ourselves, keep having regrets, busy playing blame games.
The issue of dealing with death is the main highlight of this book.
The book talks about family, aging, money and marriage. There are parts where it talks about the basic human emotions, the relations we have and the culture we are thriving in.
This is one gem of a book! It made me cry, laugh but made me realise so many amazing truths about life & human nature.
There is nothing in this book that makes you feel like you are not a part of this book.
This book made me feel at home right away.
Reading this book is like talking with someone who has accepted life with all its flaws & blessings. Even though I cried a lot at the end, it was while I was accepting everything how the book was going to end, and about real life.
I am sure I am going to reread this book after a decade. Made me cry tears of realisation about many things about our mortal lives. (less)

Review inspired by Eddie Greenwell
Wisdom grows with age. But the development of wisdom also accelerates when mortality becomes clear. Mortality shined down on Morrie Schwartz, a happy not-quite-old man through a quick diagnosis of ALS – or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Morrie was a professor of sociology at Brandeis University; he dedicated his life to the study of individuals’ actions in their respective societies and together he and Mitch Albom wrote his final paper: a study of his life in his society.
The framework for Albom and Morrie’s message of love and returning to what’s important is archetypal in world literature. The Bible, Koran and other religious books trumpet the theme that the relationships of familial love end up giving you ultimate joy in the end.
Literary fiction is a wonderful genre, but literary fiction shouldn’t tell the reader outright there is some lesson to be learned. It should be the same with non-fiction as well. In this story, the message is one of those direct, sappy ones: surround yourself with loved ones and know what is important, and don't get caught with money and business. We have heard that a million times! Worse, he doesn’t write it in a more creative way that we have heard it in the past.
The problem is that Tuesdays with Morrie seems like some kind of self help book. Albom needs to learn to give only the story and let the reader make of it what she wants. He shouldn’t preach to the reader, "I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck" (p. 33). That is why his work comes across so sappy – one liners creep into the pages all over.
In comparing Tuesdays to Five People you Meet in Heaven, they make Albom look like a one-trick pony. Much of the content is the same. A character (Eddie in "Five People..." and Mitch in "Teusdays...") has a lesson he needs spelled out for them...and they cry...a lot. They don't just live the story, they take on the empty-headed-learning perspective. His characters don't bring much to the table, but seem naive and ignorant, without common sense. Along these lines, no character in good literature can just be told a lesson and then live it. For example, would A Christmas Carol really have been much of a story if the ghosts would have just sat down and talked to Ebenezer Scrooge—who is highly comparable to Mitch in this novel—and said "Hey, you work too much and you don't really enjoy life," and then Ebenezer just did it. No, Ebenezer had to live through the consequences of his lifestyle and then choose for himself. The best part of a great and lasting character, and the part that Albom severely misses out on, is the growing. A good character doesn't just get told and then accept. Albom's characters are spoon-fed quotes and lessons like children and the reader is supposed to buy it! Well, I don't. I need to learn human development, not be told how to develop.
To jazz Tuesdays up, give us more of Mitch's life as a reporter. Not just glimpses of and a complete summary (a literary no-no) of his life as a business man. Albom needs to take the time out to develop the friction between Mitch's life in Detroit and his life at Brandeis. The true beauty about this inherent conflict that most readers can identify with is that there is an allure to making all that money and living it up as a great sports writer as opposed to living with less money but happier. It is a more dynamic and relevant story and teaches more than Albom’s classroom environment.
Some of Morries lessons are inconsistent, and the reader must forget what Albom heralded at the beginning of the encounter. For example, Morrie was adamant at the beginning of the novel that he was not embarrassed about his humanity; he lived his own life without thinking about his stature, power or wealth. He claimed that one should never worry about what other people thought about him. Later in the book, after his ALS progressed, he complained about being embarrassed about how degenerate his body had become. He stopped letting visitors be with him much and identified that his biggest thorn was that the nurse had to help him with his intimate needs in the bathroom. These inconsistencies make the reader confused as to whether Morrie progressed and realized his humanity or truly lived out of the rat race.
If Albom has grown as an author, it is simply to write in such a sappy dramatic way that the general public eats it up, but does not digest. As he says in Tuesdays: "Yet they gave up days and weeks of their lives, addicted to someone else's drama" (42). Perhaps he should spend some time reading Hemmingway before his next novel, and really dig into the characters and conflicts.
The criticality of this novel stems from Albom’s desire that his audience think about and learn from the piece. It was too sappy to be taken seriously and truly learn from.
Wisdom grows with age. But the development of wisdom also accelerates when mortality becomes clear. Mortality shined down on Morrie Schwartz, a happy not-quite-old man through a quick diagnosis of ALS – or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Morrie was a professor of sociology at Brandeis University; he dedicated his life to the study of individuals’ actions in their respective societies and together he and Mitch Albom wrote his final paper: a study of his life in his society.
The framework for Albom and Morrie’s message of love and returning to what’s important is archetypal in world literature. The Bible, Koran and other religious books trumpet the theme that the relationships of familial love end up giving you ultimate joy in the end.
Literary fiction is a wonderful genre, but literary fiction shouldn’t tell the reader outright there is some lesson to be learned. It should be the same with non-fiction as well. In this story, the message is one of those direct, sappy ones: surround yourself with loved ones and know what is important, and don't get caught with money and business. We have heard that a million times! Worse, he doesn’t write it in a more creative way that we have heard it in the past.
The problem is that Tuesdays with Morrie seems like some kind of self help book. Albom needs to learn to give only the story and let the reader make of it what she wants. He shouldn’t preach to the reader, "I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck" (p. 33). That is why his work comes across so sappy – one liners creep into the pages all over.
In comparing Tuesdays to Five People you Meet in Heaven, they make Albom look like a one-trick pony. Much of the content is the same. A character (Eddie in "Five People..." and Mitch in "Teusdays...") has a lesson he needs spelled out for them...and they cry...a lot. They don't just live the story, they take on the empty-headed-learning perspective. His characters don't bring much to the table, but seem naive and ignorant, without common sense. Along these lines, no character in good literature can just be told a lesson and then live it. For example, would A Christmas Carol really have been much of a story if the ghosts would have just sat down and talked to Ebenezer Scrooge—who is highly comparable to Mitch in this novel—and said "Hey, you work too much and you don't really enjoy life," and then Ebenezer just did it. No, Ebenezer had to live through the consequences of his lifestyle and then choose for himself. The best part of a great and lasting character, and the part that Albom severely misses out on, is the growing. A good character doesn't just get told and then accept. Albom's characters are spoon-fed quotes and lessons like children and the reader is supposed to buy it! Well, I don't. I need to learn human development, not be told how to develop.
To jazz Tuesdays up, give us more of Mitch's life as a reporter. Not just glimpses of and a complete summary (a literary no-no) of his life as a business man. Albom needs to take the time out to develop the friction between Mitch's life in Detroit and his life at Brandeis. The true beauty about this inherent conflict that most readers can identify with is that there is an allure to making all that money and living it up as a great sports writer as opposed to living with less money but happier. It is a more dynamic and relevant story and teaches more than Albom’s classroom environment.
Some of Morries lessons are inconsistent, and the reader must forget what Albom heralded at the beginning of the encounter. For example, Morrie was adamant at the beginning of the novel that he was not embarrassed about his humanity; he lived his own life without thinking about his stature, power or wealth. He claimed that one should never worry about what other people thought about him. Later in the book, after his ALS progressed, he complained about being embarrassed about how degenerate his body had become. He stopped letting visitors be with him much and identified that his biggest thorn was that the nurse had to help him with his intimate needs in the bathroom. These inconsistencies make the reader confused as to whether Morrie progressed and realized his humanity or truly lived out of the rat race.
If Albom has grown as an author, it is simply to write in such a sappy dramatic way that the general public eats it up, but does not digest. As he says in Tuesdays: "Yet they gave up days and weeks of their lives, addicted to someone else's drama" (42). Perhaps he should spend some time reading Hemmingway before his next novel, and really dig into the characters and conflicts.
The criticality of this novel stems from Albom’s desire that his audience think about and learn from the piece. It was too sappy to be taken seriously and truly learn from.

This book was recommended to me by a British couple during a train journey. They told me that it was their favorite book.
The amount of bravery shown by Morrie during his final days was truly remarkable. This book tells us more about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's disease or motor neuron disease. Morrie will teach us how to handle our emotions and how to detach from our feelings.
The amount of bravery shown by Morrie during his final days was truly remarkable. This book tells us more about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's disease or motor neuron disease. Morrie will teach us how to handle our emotions and how to detach from our feelings.
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. Let it come in. We think we don't deserve love, we think if we let it in we'll become too soft. But a wise man named Levin said it right. He said, "Love is the only rational act."(less)

"I looked at him. I saw all the death in the world. I felt helpless."
This book broke me.
It was raw, thought provoking, heart breaking and real.
Such a simple concept, a young man caught up in his busyness and business, competing to be the best in his job finds out that his old college professor is sick. And so begins a tale of regular meetings between Mitch and his old professor - Morrie.
I know this book wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but anything that makes me stop and think for a while and even tear up is what I love about reading.
As a memoir, you don't have to agree with everything they discuss, it's just beautiful to hear thoughts from someone facing the end and to be reminded of our own humanity and fleeting lives.
This book touched me, what else can I say? (less)
This book broke me.
It was raw, thought provoking, heart breaking and real.
Such a simple concept, a young man caught up in his busyness and business, competing to be the best in his job finds out that his old college professor is sick. And so begins a tale of regular meetings between Mitch and his old professor - Morrie.
I know this book wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but anything that makes me stop and think for a while and even tear up is what I love about reading.
As a memoir, you don't have to agree with everything they discuss, it's just beautiful to hear thoughts from someone facing the end and to be reminded of our own humanity and fleeting lives.
This book touched me, what else can I say? (less)

Moving, easily relatable if you've lost someone close to you, and filled with nuggets to take away for your own life. I enjoyed this very much (less)

I'd heard raves about "Tuesdays with Morrie," so I was went into this with high hopes due to hype,and this book delivered and enchanted me. It is truly a book about teaching and teachable moments. A book for anyone that is looking for something that can help him or her through life when it gets hard. "Tuesdays with Morrie" starts off as a teacher who watches his student, Mitch Albom, go through college and then later in life Mitch experiences this same teacher (or Coach, Morrie) struggle with a life threatening disease.
After college Mitch Albom was wrapped up in material things and career concerns until he was reunited with his dying professor. Albom's time with Morrie Schwartz, before his death, is chronicled in this charming little book. The lessons might seem cliché or overdone in the hands of another writer; however, because Albom had such a close relationship with Morrie the professor's personality really comes through in the book. What might've been super sappy, and at sometimes it is a little bit, otherwise comes through with heartfelt meaning and the sincerity with which it was so lovingly passed on to Albom as he talked with his friend in his dying days. This book is not all heavy and filled with seriousness though, there's a great deal of humor in Morrie's attitude, lessons, and stories and I found myself laughing every now and then.
I rated this book a five out of five because I think it's a book that every person should read at some point in his or her life. Morrie helps you look at life from a different angle or with a different lens. Morrie makes you realize how good life really is, despite his condition, and how we should value our time on Earth. He speaks on death not being a bad thing, but a good thing especially if you have lived the life that you wanted to. When Morrie was dying he explained that everyone should do what they dream of doing, don't let life get in the way of things. Money, power, etc. All that stuff is a cultural blinder, and that we should make sure we get a chance to do all of the things that we want to before we die.
In addition to the great story, I was also impressed with the layout of the book. Albom intermingles old memories from his college days in Morrie's classes among the short chapters dealing with specific life lessons like aging, love, and death. This method of layout made for an engrossing, and very fast-moving read. I blew through the book in only a few hours and was completely satisfied with its well roundedness. There was laughter as well as tears, and I came away from the book feeling enriched. I had a couple friends say to me that they had to read this book in school, now after reading it I say, I wish I had this assigned to me, it was a great read. Funny that I finished this book on a Tuesday, Morrie would say, "we're Tuesday people."
"In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive right?... But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well." - Morris Schwartz
"Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw but previous thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find a way back. Sometimes it is only in your head. Sometimes it is right alongside their beds." - Mitch Albom
After college Mitch Albom was wrapped up in material things and career concerns until he was reunited with his dying professor. Albom's time with Morrie Schwartz, before his death, is chronicled in this charming little book. The lessons might seem cliché or overdone in the hands of another writer; however, because Albom had such a close relationship with Morrie the professor's personality really comes through in the book. What might've been super sappy, and at sometimes it is a little bit, otherwise comes through with heartfelt meaning and the sincerity with which it was so lovingly passed on to Albom as he talked with his friend in his dying days. This book is not all heavy and filled with seriousness though, there's a great deal of humor in Morrie's attitude, lessons, and stories and I found myself laughing every now and then.
I rated this book a five out of five because I think it's a book that every person should read at some point in his or her life. Morrie helps you look at life from a different angle or with a different lens. Morrie makes you realize how good life really is, despite his condition, and how we should value our time on Earth. He speaks on death not being a bad thing, but a good thing especially if you have lived the life that you wanted to. When Morrie was dying he explained that everyone should do what they dream of doing, don't let life get in the way of things. Money, power, etc. All that stuff is a cultural blinder, and that we should make sure we get a chance to do all of the things that we want to before we die.
In addition to the great story, I was also impressed with the layout of the book. Albom intermingles old memories from his college days in Morrie's classes among the short chapters dealing with specific life lessons like aging, love, and death. This method of layout made for an engrossing, and very fast-moving read. I blew through the book in only a few hours and was completely satisfied with its well roundedness. There was laughter as well as tears, and I came away from the book feeling enriched. I had a couple friends say to me that they had to read this book in school, now after reading it I say, I wish I had this assigned to me, it was a great read. Funny that I finished this book on a Tuesday, Morrie would say, "we're Tuesday people."
"In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, right? And at the end of life, when you get like me, you need others to survive right?... But here's the secret: in between, we need others as well." - Morris Schwartz
"Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw but previous thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find a way back. Sometimes it is only in your head. Sometimes it is right alongside their beds." - Mitch Albom

Given the popularity of Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, I'm surprised I only just read it this week. It's been in my queue for years, but I never had a copy and for some reason, I just didn't buy it. Earlier this year, I found a copy on my apartment building's bookshelf, so I snatched it up and included it in my September TBR list. I enjoyed it a lot, but it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Knowing how much you can take away from the messages, I ended up with 4.5 stars even though part of me thought it could have pushed the envelope a bit more. Then again, it is almost 15 years old and this type of literature has only become popular in recent years. For its time (minimal social media or digital blogs!), it was pretty motivating.
Rather than critique the book, I've decided to focus more on the messages within it. Life is short. You should remember the valuable things when you're in the latter stages approaching death. Perhaps if you develop a terminal illness, you've been given an opportunity to squeeze in as much as possible before you do actually pass on. It seems odd to phrase it in such a manner, but rather than just die unexpectedly, you have a rough time period in your head... you can try to achieve a few goals and make whatever changes you can before it's too late. Of course, a terminal illness comes with extraordinarily negative impacts, but I'd prefer to focus on the benefits you can reap from the messages in such a book.
It's not important how clean your house is, tho I often obsess over it. It doesn't matter if you traveled the world and saw amazing things when you don't have anyone you love by your side. And you're not gonna focus on the little things in those last few moments. So make the most of it... find people you care for and share your feelings. That's basically the gist of the autobiographical work on a very cursory level. Albom goes back and forth between his younger days with Morrie and his older days with Morrie, and as readers, we see the change in him across time.
I kinda feel like this was one big way to accomplish a goal, but we can also implement his ideas in smaller form across each day. That's where I found the greatest lessons in his words. I'm on a kick to read a few more of his books this fall, too. (less)
Rather than critique the book, I've decided to focus more on the messages within it. Life is short. You should remember the valuable things when you're in the latter stages approaching death. Perhaps if you develop a terminal illness, you've been given an opportunity to squeeze in as much as possible before you do actually pass on. It seems odd to phrase it in such a manner, but rather than just die unexpectedly, you have a rough time period in your head... you can try to achieve a few goals and make whatever changes you can before it's too late. Of course, a terminal illness comes with extraordinarily negative impacts, but I'd prefer to focus on the benefits you can reap from the messages in such a book.
It's not important how clean your house is, tho I often obsess over it. It doesn't matter if you traveled the world and saw amazing things when you don't have anyone you love by your side. And you're not gonna focus on the little things in those last few moments. So make the most of it... find people you care for and share your feelings. That's basically the gist of the autobiographical work on a very cursory level. Albom goes back and forth between his younger days with Morrie and his older days with Morrie, and as readers, we see the change in him across time.
I kinda feel like this was one big way to accomplish a goal, but we can also implement his ideas in smaller form across each day. That's where I found the greatest lessons in his words. I'm on a kick to read a few more of his books this fall, too. (less)

Loved it. So, so sad and yet so uplifting at the same time.
Tuesdays with Morrie definitely makes you look around and realise how lucky you are and that you should make the most of life while you still can. (less)
Tuesdays with Morrie definitely makes you look around and realise how lucky you are and that you should make the most of life while you still can. (less)

* Reread
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
Whenever someone asks me to tell them my favorite books of all time, I always put this book at the top of the list. I blame but thank this book for becoming the reader that I am today and even though this book drowned me in a pool of tears...

this is still one of my most inspiring reads. ^^ Reading this book was like taking a complete course on life and living and there is no better life coach than Morrie. This may sound exaggerated but I felt like I became a different person and a better one at that after reading this.
I thank Mitch Albom for sharing not only his special gift in writing, but also his incredible experience as one of Morrie's students. This is honest to goodness the book that literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful. <3 <3 <3 (less)
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
Whenever someone asks me to tell them my favorite books of all time, I always put this book at the top of the list. I blame but thank this book for becoming the reader that I am today and even though this book drowned me in a pool of tears...

this is still one of my most inspiring reads. ^^ Reading this book was like taking a complete course on life and living and there is no better life coach than Morrie. This may sound exaggerated but I felt like I became a different person and a better one at that after reading this.
I thank Mitch Albom for sharing not only his special gift in writing, but also his incredible experience as one of Morrie's students. This is honest to goodness the book that literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful. <3 <3 <3 (less)

Tuesdays with Morrie is about death, but what we learn about is much more than the loss of dying but it is about love and friendship. Mitch Albom met with his dying mentor once a week and rediscovered in his last months a person he had lost contact with. This is a tale of life, even if we have to die.
For those dealing with any kind of loss, I recommend Tuesdays with Morrie, a story of someone that was able to deal relatively well with the devastation of ALS. When I read it, I had just lost my father from this terrible disease, and reading it was beautiful, comforting, and touching.
“The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”
“Be compassionate," Morrie whispered. And take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons, this world would be so much better a place."
He took a breath, then added his mantra: "Love each other or die.” (less)
For those dealing with any kind of loss, I recommend Tuesdays with Morrie, a story of someone that was able to deal relatively well with the devastation of ALS. When I read it, I had just lost my father from this terrible disease, and reading it was beautiful, comforting, and touching.
“The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”
“Be compassionate," Morrie whispered. And take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons, this world would be so much better a place."
He took a breath, then added his mantra: "Love each other or die.” (less)

Oct 05, 2018da AL rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, audio-books
Thought provoking and uplifting. The author does a marvelous job of writing as well as reading. Audiobook includes some of his actual sound recordings with Morrie.

“The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”
I love this book so much.
This is the first time i really want to just go buy a book and give it as a gift to others.
So grateful i finally picked this one up.
Honestly, i didn’t expect it to be this good. Turns out It touches my heart.
While reading, It’s like you’re sitting, listening and learning from Morrie as well.
It’s easy to get into the story and be connected with.
Those are valuable time Mitch (the author) felt spending with his beloved coach and so i, while reading it, feel just the same.
It’s kinda like a simple story but one that we’re all needed the most.
This book covered all the major thing that matters in life and i’m so grateful for the author for writing and sharing the story with us.
I’d say this book is so meaningful it warms my heart. It teaches me and reminds me of some important stuffs. So beautiful and valuable.
I can’t help but love and want to say thanks to Morrie as well. ❤️ (less)
I love this book so much.
This is the first time i really want to just go buy a book and give it as a gift to others.
So grateful i finally picked this one up.
Honestly, i didn’t expect it to be this good. Turns out It touches my heart.
While reading, It’s like you’re sitting, listening and learning from Morrie as well.
It’s easy to get into the story and be connected with.
Those are valuable time Mitch (the author) felt spending with his beloved coach and so i, while reading it, feel just the same.
It’s kinda like a simple story but one that we’re all needed the most.
This book covered all the major thing that matters in life and i’m so grateful for the author for writing and sharing the story with us.
I’d say this book is so meaningful it warms my heart. It teaches me and reminds me of some important stuffs. So beautiful and valuable.
I can’t help but love and want to say thanks to Morrie as well. ❤️ (less)

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”
The last recorded lines of Morrie by Mitch. I read this sentence again and again and again. It just got immersed with me, just the way this novel did. It makes you think about the lost ones, who once were your lifeline. I just asked myself about the bond that I had with my NANI. Yes, she is gone, but the relationship still stays and always will. I never understood that even after 5 years without her, what is it that I still cling to her? This particular sentence gave me that clarity. Anyways, coming back to the novel.
Well, that's what this novel does to you. It opens the door, less visited by you. Gives you answers to all the unanswered questions which, once you might have thought about but after not reaching any conclusion you left those questions there and then.
“Ted, this disease is knocking at my spirit. But it will not get my spirit. It will get my body. It will not get my spirit.”
Tell me, you don't get shivers, chills, after reading these lines. The lines said by a person on his death bed. And not just this, there were many lessons like- “ Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long.” also is something that will stay with me always.
Overall, this novel will give your life true meaning. Only if you don't simply read it for the sake of reading instead you truly want to absorb it. Mitch, in his conclusion, wrote that a dying person fears the most about being forgotten. Well, I hope, the people who have read this book, can never forget Morrie. (less)
The last recorded lines of Morrie by Mitch. I read this sentence again and again and again. It just got immersed with me, just the way this novel did. It makes you think about the lost ones, who once were your lifeline. I just asked myself about the bond that I had with my NANI. Yes, she is gone, but the relationship still stays and always will. I never understood that even after 5 years without her, what is it that I still cling to her? This particular sentence gave me that clarity. Anyways, coming back to the novel.
Well, that's what this novel does to you. It opens the door, less visited by you. Gives you answers to all the unanswered questions which, once you might have thought about but after not reaching any conclusion you left those questions there and then.
“Ted, this disease is knocking at my spirit. But it will not get my spirit. It will get my body. It will not get my spirit.”
Tell me, you don't get shivers, chills, after reading these lines. The lines said by a person on his death bed. And not just this, there were many lessons like- “ Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long.” also is something that will stay with me always.
Overall, this novel will give your life true meaning. Only if you don't simply read it for the sake of reading instead you truly want to absorb it. Mitch, in his conclusion, wrote that a dying person fears the most about being forgotten. Well, I hope, the people who have read this book, can never forget Morrie. (less)

I'm ashamed to own that I've read this. All I can say is: I did it for a good cause. That is, to promote reading in general (for a library talk).
Mawkishly sentimental (here I am, trying to wipe off the stale stench of yesterday's coffee mornings) and terribly trite.
Any person leaning to the left should, or would, recognise what Mitch is talking about. It isn't that Morrie is talking shit. He isn't. However, I think it's terribly ironic that such a venture (it screams "self-help" and "it will touch you!") has been undertaken by Mitch. I bet ol' Morrie is really angry now. It's like encouraging capitalism by using Marx.... The stuff in there, about wanting money etc, it's all in Marx....
Here's my tip: ditch the book and either meet Morrie (impossible) or read Marx or any other Marxist (recommended). Even Morrie's essays presumably, if available, would probably be a good read. It's Mitch that's the problem, the money-grubbing critter that he is.
PS as an aside it's sad to note how things that start off really radical get co-opted in the most tragi-comic ways possible... (less)
Mawkishly sentimental (here I am, trying to wipe off the stale stench of yesterday's coffee mornings) and terribly trite.
Any person leaning to the left should, or would, recognise what Mitch is talking about. It isn't that Morrie is talking shit. He isn't. However, I think it's terribly ironic that such a venture (it screams "self-help" and "it will touch you!") has been undertaken by Mitch. I bet ol' Morrie is really angry now. It's like encouraging capitalism by using Marx.... The stuff in there, about wanting money etc, it's all in Marx....
Here's my tip: ditch the book and either meet Morrie (impossible) or read Marx or any other Marxist (recommended). Even Morrie's essays presumably, if available, would probably be a good read. It's Mitch that's the problem, the money-grubbing critter that he is.
PS as an aside it's sad to note how things that start off really radical get co-opted in the most tragi-comic ways possible... (less)

Tuesday with Morrie
Well this book is:
Simple yet compelling,
Quick read yet thought-provoking,
Saddening yet heartening,
Short yet long lasting.
Not reviewing this book critically, this is perfect and complete in the style, it's written.
Truly inspirational real life story of Professor Morrie Schwartz albeit carrying a life changing message for all.
Precisely this book has something for everyone.
A must read. (less)
Well this book is:
Simple yet compelling,
Quick read yet thought-provoking,
Saddening yet heartening,
Short yet long lasting.
Not reviewing this book critically, this is perfect and complete in the style, it's written.
Truly inspirational real life story of Professor Morrie Schwartz albeit carrying a life changing message for all.
Precisely this book has something for everyone.
A must read. (less)

5.0 ⭐
What a great way to start 2022...😃
This book has touched my heart so much so that I have no words to express how I feel after reading this book. All I can do is request all of you to read this book atleast once in your lifetime.
About the Book - Mitch Albom the author is a successful sports media professional who is busy scaling heights in his career until one day when he sees his professor on TV on a talk show and gets to know that his professor who Mitch was so close to 16 years ago is sitting handicapped on a wheelchair. Altough Mitch has promised his professor he would stay in touch once college ends but he never was able to make time for his dear fatherly figure professor and 16 years passed by.
Some how Mitch gathers courage and ends up landing at his professors doorstep what was to be a 15 minute formal meet turns out to be a long conversation which culminates into frequent visits on every Tuesday until his death.
What happens between the day of this sudden reunion of the author Mitch Albom and his Professor Morrie until Professor Morrie's death ????
Read the book to know!!! This is one of the best books I have read so far if not the best and ranks in the top 3 of my all time favorite books 📚 I once again highly recommend folks to read this book once in your life time.
Thank you ✌ (less)
What a great way to start 2022...😃
This book has touched my heart so much so that I have no words to express how I feel after reading this book. All I can do is request all of you to read this book atleast once in your lifetime.
About the Book - Mitch Albom the author is a successful sports media professional who is busy scaling heights in his career until one day when he sees his professor on TV on a talk show and gets to know that his professor who Mitch was so close to 16 years ago is sitting handicapped on a wheelchair. Altough Mitch has promised his professor he would stay in touch once college ends but he never was able to make time for his dear fatherly figure professor and 16 years passed by.
Some how Mitch gathers courage and ends up landing at his professors doorstep what was to be a 15 minute formal meet turns out to be a long conversation which culminates into frequent visits on every Tuesday until his death.
What happens between the day of this sudden reunion of the author Mitch Albom and his Professor Morrie until Professor Morrie's death ????
Read the book to know!!! This is one of the best books I have read so far if not the best and ranks in the top 3 of my all time favorite books 📚 I once again highly recommend folks to read this book once in your life time.
Thank you ✌ (less)

Morrie Schwartz quickly entered my heart and now I'm left bawling as though his loss is one I personally know of. What a wise, beautiful, loving soul. I feel so honoured to have read a small part of his story. ...more

Apr 21, 2013the burning dreamer. rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommended to the burning dreamer. by: goddamned school.
Of all the glorious books out there my school could have picked for ninth grade literature class...
In the words of Marcus Aurelius, "Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else." That’s one significant message Mitch Albom tries to convey to us readers in this emotional ride. ‘Tries’ not quite being the key word, but even so, eliciting only limited success. More on that later ahead. Tuesdays With Morrie depicts the moving relationship between the author and his former professor, Morrie Schwartz. It delves into the strong bond they begin to develop over time, as Mitch shares Morrie’s lasting gift with the universe…
( ooooooh )
The book circulates around various sentimental themes: love, family, friends, relationships, happiness and death, expressed through Morrie’s personal experience. In terms of language and style of writing, Mitch likes to keep it simplistic and casual, so to say, but maintains that sombre mood surrounding his teacher’s demise. We can see that he’s supportive of him and his ideals, curious to learn more. But it’s hard to forget about the tragedy that is bound to come, is it not? Some readers will become attached to Morrie and mourn over his departure, but the hopes he gives them from his teachings is enough to satisfy and not leave you in an emotional wreck. Notice how I say some and not all— now despite the generally morbid theme concerning Morrie’s impending death, the presence of aphorisms and anecdotes manage to make the situation more acceptable and less heartbreaking. Mr. Albom successfully lightens the mood throughout the book, but unfortunately ends up overdoing it a bit (okay, a lot). At least in my opinion. Now this is where the problems begin to sprout.
The way Morrie finds the best in his sufferings and shares his knowledge of the world should make us experience the urge to adapt that into our own lifestyle. Granted, that impulse might stay there for a couple days, but it utterly fails to leave a permanent mark upon me. The whole plotline is presented in such a drastically sappy manner that it makes you feel like you’re reading a compilation of those cheesy motivational wall decors everyone detests in the form of a 192-paged, overly hyped ‘bestseller.’ In his attempt to avoid a depressing atmosphere, Mitch overflows his novel with excessive words of wisdom imparted through a rare 79-year old; words that I’m sure all of us have heard one too many times, and presented in a rather unoriginal fashion. So why should this spontaneously change our views on living any differently?
I am well aware of the fact that this was published over a decade ago, and not having read many -or any- other similar non-fictional books along this vein, I wouldn’t really know if Tuesdays was a burst of something fresh back in its day. But even if it wasn’t a considered a cliché when it was first released, the fact that we are expected to finally understand the deep meanings of life and have it create an impact is far beyond unrealistic. What I did understand was that the criticality of this novel stems from Albom’s desire for his audience to think about and learn from the piece (like so many others). Alas, his intentions to bestow a load of inspiration upon us only resulted in making you eat it up, but not fully digest it.
In conclusion, I wouldn’t recommend this particular book for anyone facing troubles in their life (aka everyone), but who knows? Maybe I’m just an extremely pessimistic critic over the issue and this jumble of typical, wise quotes might end up inspiring you, if only just a tad bit. Being an avid reader of fantasy books, it is only once in a blue moon that I find myself indulging in a spiritual book such as this one, but it saddens me to say that Tuesdays With Morrie has turned out to be one of the least influential books I’ve read among others.
(Why yes, this is, in fact, my school essay because I'm too lazy to rant over it again Goodreads style :P) (less)
In the words of Marcus Aurelius, "Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else." That’s one significant message Mitch Albom tries to convey to us readers in this emotional ride. ‘Tries’ not quite being the key word, but even so, eliciting only limited success. More on that later ahead. Tuesdays With Morrie depicts the moving relationship between the author and his former professor, Morrie Schwartz. It delves into the strong bond they begin to develop over time, as Mitch shares Morrie’s lasting gift with the universe…
The book circulates around various sentimental themes: love, family, friends, relationships, happiness and death, expressed through Morrie’s personal experience. In terms of language and style of writing, Mitch likes to keep it simplistic and casual, so to say, but maintains that sombre mood surrounding his teacher’s demise. We can see that he’s supportive of him and his ideals, curious to learn more. But it’s hard to forget about the tragedy that is bound to come, is it not? Some readers will become attached to Morrie and mourn over his departure, but the hopes he gives them from his teachings is enough to satisfy and not leave you in an emotional wreck. Notice how I say some and not all— now despite the generally morbid theme concerning Morrie’s impending death, the presence of aphorisms and anecdotes manage to make the situation more acceptable and less heartbreaking. Mr. Albom successfully lightens the mood throughout the book, but unfortunately ends up overdoing it a bit (okay, a lot). At least in my opinion. Now this is where the problems begin to sprout.
The way Morrie finds the best in his sufferings and shares his knowledge of the world should make us experience the urge to adapt that into our own lifestyle. Granted, that impulse might stay there for a couple days, but it utterly fails to leave a permanent mark upon me. The whole plotline is presented in such a drastically sappy manner that it makes you feel like you’re reading a compilation of those cheesy motivational wall decors everyone detests in the form of a 192-paged, overly hyped ‘bestseller.’ In his attempt to avoid a depressing atmosphere, Mitch overflows his novel with excessive words of wisdom imparted through a rare 79-year old; words that I’m sure all of us have heard one too many times, and presented in a rather unoriginal fashion. So why should this spontaneously change our views on living any differently?
I am well aware of the fact that this was published over a decade ago, and not having read many -or any- other similar non-fictional books along this vein, I wouldn’t really know if Tuesdays was a burst of something fresh back in its day. But even if it wasn’t a considered a cliché when it was first released, the fact that we are expected to finally understand the deep meanings of life and have it create an impact is far beyond unrealistic. What I did understand was that the criticality of this novel stems from Albom’s desire for his audience to think about and learn from the piece (like so many others). Alas, his intentions to bestow a load of inspiration upon us only resulted in making you eat it up, but not fully digest it.
In conclusion, I wouldn’t recommend this particular book for anyone facing troubles in their life (aka everyone), but who knows? Maybe I’m just an extremely pessimistic critic over the issue and this jumble of typical, wise quotes might end up inspiring you, if only just a tad bit. Being an avid reader of fantasy books, it is only once in a blue moon that I find myself indulging in a spiritual book such as this one, but it saddens me to say that Tuesdays With Morrie has turned out to be one of the least influential books I’ve read among others.
(Why yes, this is, in fact, my school essay because I'm too lazy to rant over it again Goodreads style :P) (less)

I have been hearing about this book for many years and when I came across it at work yesterday I thought I would take a look. Once I started reading I found it very hard to put away.
I finished Tuesday with Morrie tonight and spent a good part of it crying my heart out. This book touch me in away that I never thought possible and will take the lesson away that Morrie told Mitch:
1) Love your family and friend.
2) Don't be afraid to show your emotional side to people.
3) Live your life and never hold on to hate or pain.
4) Don't get taking in my what's hot know and the need to have the news thing.
I looking forward to reading more books by Mitch Albom and will be buying my own copy of Tuesday with Morrie for my own library collection.
I finished Tuesday with Morrie tonight and spent a good part of it crying my heart out. This book touch me in away that I never thought possible and will take the lesson away that Morrie told Mitch:
1) Love your family and friend.
2) Don't be afraid to show your emotional side to people.
3) Live your life and never hold on to hate or pain.
4) Don't get taking in my what's hot know and the need to have the news thing.
I looking forward to reading more books by Mitch Albom and will be buying my own copy of Tuesday with Morrie for my own library collection.

Apr 05, 2021Tanu rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites, self-help, 5-stars, reviewed, biography, non-fiction, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, memoir
If you are not reading the whole review just read the following para taken from the book. Trust me, it's worth a read!
"If ageing were so valuable, why do people always say, ‘Oh, if I were young again.’
You never hear people say, ‘Oh, I wish I were sixty-five.’He smiled.
‘You know what that reflects? Unsatisfied lives. Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven’t found meaning. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. You can’t wait until you’re sixty-five.'
‘How can I be envious of where you are – when I’ve been there myself?’"
The thing I found most beautiful about this book is the pure, warm relationship that is depicted between a teacher and a student. I call it pure because it is what a teacher-student relationship is supposed to be like, so comfortable that it becomes a friendship. One of the most important aspects of learning is listening, which also forms the basis of friendship.
My understanding of the book is divided into 3 lessons.
1. How to deal with self-pity?
2. Create our own culture
3. Love Wins, Love always wins
This book absolutely broke me, in the best way possible. I started it unsure, questioning whether its simplicity could really have much impact on me, but ended it with so much love and tears for what is such a brave and beautiful story. It is one of the greatest books of all time, I’m sure of it.I have become a fan of Mitch Albom's books ever since.
Can't recommend it enough. Grab your copy here. (less)
"If ageing were so valuable, why do people always say, ‘Oh, if I were young again.’
You never hear people say, ‘Oh, I wish I were sixty-five.’He smiled.
‘You know what that reflects? Unsatisfied lives. Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven’t found meaning. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. You can’t wait until you’re sixty-five.'
‘How can I be envious of where you are – when I’ve been there myself?’"
The thing I found most beautiful about this book is the pure, warm relationship that is depicted between a teacher and a student. I call it pure because it is what a teacher-student relationship is supposed to be like, so comfortable that it becomes a friendship. One of the most important aspects of learning is listening, which also forms the basis of friendship.
My understanding of the book is divided into 3 lessons.
1. How to deal with self-pity?
2. Create our own culture
3. Love Wins, Love always wins
This book absolutely broke me, in the best way possible. I started it unsure, questioning whether its simplicity could really have much impact on me, but ended it with so much love and tears for what is such a brave and beautiful story. It is one of the greatest books of all time, I’m sure of it.I have become a fan of Mitch Albom's books ever since.
Can't recommend it enough. Grab your copy here. (less)

This was a great book for looking at life and reflecting on how you live it. As someone who deals with a lot of stress and frustration, it was refreshing for me to hear Morrie's outlook on things. Hearing such a positive and down to earth view of life and how it should be lived coming from a man with a terminal illness made me realize I spend too much time sweating the small stuff.
I think this quick read can be enjoyed by anyone and has at least a little something in it for everyone. (less)
I think this quick read can be enjoyed by anyone and has at least a little something in it for everyone. (less)