
알라딘: 무교 - 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙, 최준식 2009

알라딘: 무교 - 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙
최준식 (지은이) | 모시는사람들 | 2009-10-25

정가 10,000원
판매가 9,500원 (5%, 500원 할인) | 무이자 할부

반양장본 | 208쪽 | 140*210mm | 270g | ISBN : 9788990699787

한국인의 정신세계의 근저에 기층문화로서 자리 잡고 있는 무교(巫敎)가 우리 역사에서 어떻게 ‘미신’이자 ‘무속’으로 왜곡되고 비하되어 왔는지 살펴보는 책이다. 저자는 한국 종교의 기본 코드는 표층의 유교(儒敎)보다 더 깊은 곳에서 작동하는 무교라고 보고 이를 바탕으로 한국 종교 전반을 일별한다.

책은 결론적으로 “종교로서의 무교”를 제자리에 복권시킴으로써, 정신세계의 실제(무교)와 현상(외래종교, 기성종교) 사이의 괴리로부터 빚어지는 한국사회 정신문화, 종교문화의 부조리와 파행을 치유하고 무교의 문화적 자산을 온전히 활용할 수 있다고 말하고 있다.

Ⅰ. 한국의 고유 종교인 무교는 미신인가?

- 무교는 어떤 종교?
무교에 대한 간단한 소개 / 무교의 기본 구조/ 무당은 순전한 사제 / 무당이 되려면? / 후post 내림굿 이야기

- 굿은 어떻게 하나
굿이란 언제 그리고 왜 하는 것일까 / 굿은 어떻게 하는 것일까 / 굿은 어떤 내용으로 되어 있을까?

- 한국인의 근원 신앙으로서의 무교
굿의 종류에 대해 / 전형적인 문화영웅, 바리공주 이야기 / 무교의 신령은 잡령?

Ⅱ. 왜 한국은 무교의 나라인가?

- 한국 무교 약사
무교는 한국인의 근본 종교 / 한국 무교 약사略史와 그 전개 양상 / 신라 금관 이야기 / 신라 이후의 무교 이야기

- 무교의 현재
무교의 종교사회학적인 의미를 찾아 / 조선 이후의 무교 / 현재의 무교 / 한국인의 근본 종교는 분명 무교!

Ⅲ. 한국인의 종교적인 내면 세계

- 무교에서 바라본 불교와 그리스도교
불교와 그리스도교의 기본 신행信行 구조 / 그리스도교의 경우 / 불교의 경우
불교나 그리스도교에서는 초월적인 존재와 정말로 소통하는 것일까? / 맹신 혹은 유치한 신앙의 폐해
- 종교 신앙은 일반적으로 다 똑같다
고등종교와 기층 종교의 차이란? / 그저 권력으로 판가름 날 뿐

: 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙. 무교에 대한 오해와 편견을 거둬라! 한국인은 모두 똑같은 신앙을 가졌다. 한국인의 정신세계의 근저에 기층문화로서 자리 잡고 있는 무교(巫敎)가 우리 역사에서 어떻게 ‘미신’이자 ‘무속’으로 왜곡되고 비하되어 왔는지 살펴보고 있다.

지은이 : 최준식
최고의 작품 투표
신간알리미 신청
최근작 : <무의식 연구의 새로운 지평 (반양장)>,<서 북촌 이야기 - 상>,<동 북촌 이야기> … 총 114종 (모두보기)
소개 :
서강대학교에서 역사학(한국사)을 전공하고 미국 템플대학교 대학원에서 종교학을 전공했다(종교학 박사). 1992년에 이화여자대학교 국제대학원 한국학과에 교수로 부임하면서 한국 문화에 대해 폭넓은 공부를 시작했다. 1990년대 중반에는 ‘국제한국학회’를 만들어 김봉렬 교수(2018년 현 한국예술종합학교 총장)나 고(故) 오주석 선생 등과 같은 동학들과 더불어 한국 문화를 다각도로 연구했다. 2000년대에 들어서는 사단법인 ‘한국문화표현단’을 만들어 우리 예술문화를 공연형태로 소개하는 운동을 시작했고 지금도 여전히 하고 있다. 2013년...


무교, 피할 수 없다면 즐겨라?
인터넷과 무선통신이 생활필수품이 되고, 우리나라에서도 우주로 로케트가 날아가는 21세기, 그리고 기독교를 비롯한 ‘고등종교’가 엄청난 교세를 확장시켜가는 현대사회에, 무속이나 점집은, 우리가 알고 있는 상식대로라면, 사양산업이 되었어야 마땅할 터. 그러나 현실은 그와 정반대 방향으로 펼쳐지고 있다. 무속인(무당)의 숫자는, 최소한 줄어들지는 않고 있으며, 골목과 산기슭을 배회하던 점집이나 귀신이야기는 TV를 넘어 인터넷 속에서 더욱 활개를 치고 있다. 이는 ‘무속’의 이면에 간단히 치부하거나 무시해 버릴 수 없는 깊이가 존재하고 있음을 반증한다.

무교에 대한 오해와 편견을 거둬라!
저자는 무교야말로 우리 민족의 유일의 자생적 전통종교라고 말한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리나라 사람들은 무교를 무속으로 비하하고, 그 속성에 대해 오해하거나 편견을 거두어들이지 않는다고 비판한다. 저자는 무교가 우리 민족의 오랜 역사 동안 힘없고 가난하고 억압당한 민중의 한을 풀어주고 아픔을 달래 왔던 핵심적인 종교임을 일깨워준다. 그리고 기성종교의 신앙행태조차 무교의 속성을 차용한 것이 대부분이라고 분석한다. 그것은 고스란히 현 사회에서 ?권력?을 행사하고 있는 기성종교에 대한 비판으로 이어진다. 기실 무교가 ‘무속’으로 전락한 것은 순전히 무교가 ‘권력’으로부터 멀어지면서 빚어진 결과라는 것이다.

무교를 활용할 수 있는 다양한 시각 필요
무교의 복원 내지 복권이 왜 지금 우리에게 꼭 필요한 일인가?
저자의 주장에 따르면 무엇보다 한국인들이 잃어버린, 혹은 유폐시킨 종교적 정체성을 양지로 드러내서, 표리가 일치하는 정신적인 성숙을 달성하는 것이 필요하다. 그것이 근대화 과정에서 한국이 지금껏 겪고 있는 온갖 파행적 사회문화의 치유와 대안을 제공해 줄 수 있는 유일한 길이기 때문이다.
둘째는, 무교의 문화 속에 대단한 문화적 자산이 숨겨져 있기 때문이다. 일종의 즉흥 연극판이라 할 수 있는 굿판에서 연주되는 음악, 춤, 음식, 복식 등만 보더라도 우리나라의 많은 문화적 자산을 갖고 있다. 이렇듯 무교를 연구할 수 있는 시각은 다양하다. 우리가 우리 것을 제대로 보고 연구하지 않으면 외국인도 우리를 대신해 주지 않는다.
셋째는, 한국사회가 앞으로 헤쳐 나가야 할 중요한 사회적 과제로서 남북 통일이나 다문화 사회로의 진입 등을 앞에 두고, 한국 정신의 원형을 오롯이 함으로써 새로운 문화적 격변에 대응할 수 있는 정신적 역량을 갖추기 위해서라도 민간신앙으로서의 무교의 복권이 논의되어야 한다.

한국인은 모두 똑같은 신앙을 가졌다
저자는 우리나라 사람들은 어떤 종교를 갖든지 기본적으로 무교적인 틀로 신앙생활을 하고 있다고 주장한다. 그러므로 한국인들은 어떤 신앙을 갖든지 그 숭배하는 대상이 명목상으로만 다를 뿐 실제의 신앙 구조와 내용은 같다는 것이다. 그러한 점에서 무교의 존재를 인정하고 그것을 음지에서 양지로 복권시키는 데 나름의 역할을 다할 수 있을 때, 무교뿐만 아니라 한국의 정신문화세계는 한 차원 높은 곳으로 비약할 수 있게 될 것이라고 전망한다.


가람 2013-08-14
우리의 진짜 전통이자 종교-신앙은 바로 무교이다. 우리 조상들과 우리들은 유교와 기독교-서양 문명에 젖어 무교를 배척하지만, 사실은 원초적인 마음 속에서 여전히 무교를 숭배하고 있다. 이것이 바로 한국인의 진짜 자화상이다.
공감(1) 댓글(0)
구매자 기준은

우리 신앙의 본질과 정체성에 대해
운산 2009-11-07

민족 고유의 종교로서 중국에 도교가 있고, 일본에 신도가 있다면 우리에겐 무엇인 있을까? 바로 ‘무교’라고 할 수 있다. 하지만 중국의 도교나 일본의 신도가 그 나라의 민중 종교로써 충분히 기능하고 있는 반면 우리의 무교는 거의 잊혀져가고 있다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그러나 이렇게 잊혀져가고 있다고 말하는 것이 맞는 말일까?

이 책 안에는 놀랍게도 현재 무당의 수가 대략 20~30만 명 정도라고 쓰여 있다. 대비하여 신도의 수가 가장 많다는 기독교의 목사가 10만 명이 못된다고 하니, 참으로 엄청난 수이다. 이로 미루어볼 때 우리나라의 제일의 종교는 무교라고 아니할 수 없다.

저자는 ‘무교’는 어엿한 하나의 종교이며, ‘무당’은 신도가 신령과 만날 수 있도록 가교 역할을 한다는 측면에서 어엿한 사제이며, ‘굿’은 엄정한 체계를 갖춘 엄연한 종교의례라고 주장하고 있다.

이 책 안에는 무당이 되는 과정, 굿의 종류와 내용, 숫자를 헤아릴 수 없이 많은 신령들에 관한 얘기들이 매우 재밌고 흥미롭게 쓰여 있다.

저자는 ‘한국은 무교의 나라’라고 과감히 주장한다. 극성스런 기독교도가 들으면 가만히 듣고만 있지는 않을 주장이다.

외부에서 들어온 종교는 반드시 그 지역의 토속 신앙과 습합되기 마련이다. 다시 말하면, ‘오리지날’을 유지할 수 없다. 예를 들어 인도의 불교와 중국의 불교와 한국의 불교와 일본의 불교가 부처를 신앙한다는 점에서는 같지만, 그 안으로 들어가 보면 내용을 달리하고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 이것은 그 나라의 토속 신앙과 외래 종교가 섞인 혼합물이기 때문이다.

그렇다면 우리는 우리나라에 있는 모든 외래 종교 역시 우리 토속신앙인 무교와 혼합되어 있다는 것을 짐작할 수 있다. 그리고 각 종교의 이름이라는 외피를 벗겨보면 내용물은 오히려 ‘무교적’이라는 것도 알 수 있을 것이다. 즉, 우리나라의 모든 국민은 거의가 무교의 신도에서 벗어날 수 없다는 말도 된다.

무교 신앙의 가장 기본적이고 특징적인 것은 ‘주술적인 기복신앙’이라는 점인데, 우리나라의 불교나 기독교를 보면 현세 기복적 특징을 전혀 벗어나지 않다는 것을 볼 수 있다. 역시 무교적이다.

우리나라이 기독교는 ‘유독 열광적인 기도와 방언이 중시되는 부흥회 같은 집회를 좋아하는데’(p.140), 여기에서 무교의 굿과 같은 열성과 무아경을 볼 수 있다고 한다면 지나친 말일까?

이 책에서는 직접 언급되어 있지 않지만, 우리나라의 기독교인이라면 거의가 한다는 새벽기도가 사실은 옛날부터 어머니들이 새벽에 정안수를 떠놓고 손바닥을 비비면서 무사안녕을 기원하던 풍속에서 연유한 것인데, 이 또한 무교적인 것은 아닌가?

우리는 보통 무교를 ‘무속’이라고 하여 불교나 그리스도교에 비교하여 원시적이고 저급하며 미신에 불과한 것이라고 여긴다. 종교라고 이름을 붙인다는 것도 어색하다고 생각한다. 그러나 저자는 이렇게 생각하는 것은 근본적으로 잘못이라고 말하고 있다. 초월성에 대한 믿음을 기본으로 하는 종교는 그 종류와 관계없이 본질은 같다는 것이다. 다만 사랑이나 자비 등 인간 윤리의 보편성을 교리로 하는 종교는 나라와 민족을 넘어 전파할 수 있고, 여기에 교리를 일관되게 체계화하고, 다시 권력과 결탁할 때 이른바 ‘고등종교’가 된다는 것이다. 하지만 그렇다고 해서 그 종교가 본질적으로 달라지는 것은 없다. 어떤 옷을 입어도 그 사람은 그 사람인 것이다.

저자는 머리말에서 이 책을 쓰게 된 동기에 대해 ‘더 이상 우리를 속이지 말고 무교를 우리의 근본 신앙으로 인정해 우리 문화 발전에 유용하게 쓰자는 것’(p.6)이라고 말하고 있다. 또 책 말미에 ‘한국인들은 잃어버린 종교적인 정체성을 찾아 표리가 일치하는 정신적 성숙을 달성할 수 있다’고도 말한다.

이런 저자의 주장에 대해서 가타부타하기는 어렵고, 우리나라의 미래를 위한 하나의 모색(摸索)으로써 돌아볼 가치는 충분하다고 생각한다.

공감(6) 댓글(0)
[마이리뷰] 무교
분노의휘갈김 2015-04-28
무교와는 무관하게 굉장히 무식한 책이다. 쓰레기. 자료도 빈약하고 주장의 논거도 엉터리다.불공평하게 하대받는 무교를 대변하고자 쓴 책이라면 더 조심해야 할 것인데, 이 책으로 인해 무교에 관심을 갖는 사람 마저 정이 떨어질 정도다. 심각하다. 책을 읽다읽다 더는 못 참겠다. 과학적 사고의 부재가 이런 총체적 무식함을 부른다. 인문학이 잉여학이라 불리는 이유는 이런 무식한 책 덕분이다. 과학 교육이 필요한 근거이다.

공감(2) 댓글(0)


[책 소개] <무교 - 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙>
靑竹 2010-03-20
<무교 - 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙>

저자: 최준식
쪽수: 208쪽
가격: 10000원
출판사: 모시는사람들
초판1쇄: 2009년 10월 25일
참조: 일반 대중이 무속에 대해 접하기에는 괜찮은 편이 아닌가 싶군요. 특별한 필요가 있지 않은 다음에야 이 정도에서 그치는 편이 좋지 않을까 싶기도 하고요. 몰라도 되는 지식입니다.

제 견해로는 무속은 이게 무엇인지 알아보는 정도라면 괜찮겠지만 흥미를 가지고 파고드는 일은 아무나 해서는 안 된다고 봅니다. 그도 그럴 것이 조금 위험하기도 하기 때문입니다. 무당을 가리켜 '신이 내린 직업'이라고 부르는 것도 같은 맥락이지요. 한 번 무병에 걸리게 되면 거의 대부분(사실상 전부) 무당이 되지 않는 한 낫지 않습니다. 또한 무언가에 씌이는 일도 경험할 수 있습니다. 말도 안 되는 소리라고 치부해 버리는 이들도 있겠지만 그것이 사실입니다. 기본적으로 인간에게 있어 아무런 의미도 효력도 가지지 못하는 오랜 풍속이 현대까지 살아있으리라 생각하는 것은 말도 안 되는 사고방식입니다. 즉 '무속'은 지금까지 살아남아 있을 만한 이유가 있기 때문에 현존하는 것입니다.

자신이 믿고 있는 것에 대해 확신을 가지는 태도는 그 자체로는 나쁘지 않지만 이렇듯 학문적인 주제와 얽히면 신중하지 않다는 평가를 받기 쉽습니다. 이 글도 좀 그런 면이 있군요. 또한 얼추 부합된다 싶은 근거만으로 '무속을 종교로서 복권시켜야 한다'라는 주장을 내세우는 것은 전혀 옳은 일이 아니라고 생각합니다. 무속은 결국 자신에게서 기원한 신앙이 아니며 기독교, 불교, 이슬람교, 천주교와 같은 널리 퍼져 있는 종교에 비해 위험한 편입니다. 이 책에서 말하는 바대로 어느 종교나 결국 말하고자 하는 바는 같다면 굳이 위험을 내포한 길을 걸을 필요는 없지 않습니까.

단순히 한반도에 기원을 둔 자연종교이기 때문에 한국적인 것을 살리기 위해 무교를 믿어야 한다는 논리는 '국산제품이니까 써야 한다'는 애국심에서 발로한 기업광고와 같습니다. 한국인의 근간이 무교에 있다는 생각에 어느 정도는 동의합니다만(무교는 한국적인 것의 일부일 뿐입니다) 그것을 믿는 것은 별개의 얘기입니다.

공감(2) 댓글(0)
무교- 권력에 밀린 한국인의 근본신앙
햇빛 2009-11-28
사람들은 흔히 일이 잘 풀리지 않거나 인생사가 마음처럼 굴러가지 않을때 '굿이라도 해야하나' 혹은 '점이라도 보러가야겠다' 라는 말들을 하고는 한다. 물론 나 역시 농담처럼 쉽게 이런 말들을 하는 사람들 중의 하나일 것이다.

서양인들의 문학이나 문화를 보면 기독교적인 색채가 짙은 것이 종종 느껴지곤 한다. 그들은 오랜 기간을 걸쳐 자연스레 기독교적인 생각으로 그들만의 문화를 만들어왔음을 알수 있다.

우리나라의 경우 많은 부분이 유교적인 관습과 문화에서 크게 벗어나지 않는다. 가장 가까운 역사인 조선시대에 숭유억불 정책으로 유교가 크게 번성하여 중,의, 예, 효 를 중시하였고 현대 역시 그 큰 틀에서는 크게 벗어나지 못하는 듯 하다.

우리의 동네 골목 골목 마다 찾을 수 있는 점집이나 무당집, 험한 산을 오르고 올라 치성 내지는 기도를 하는 이들을 볼 수가 있는데 아주 오래전 부터 우리 곁에 엄연히 존재한 흔히 무속신앙이라 불리는 무교의 존재를 이야기하는 책을 만났다.

책에서는 무속이라는 단어의 부당을 설명하는데 무속의 속 자가 저속하다라는 의미가 짙기때문에 무교라는 단어를 사용한다.

미신이라 천대하고 비하되고 왜곡되었다는 저자의 설명에 어느 정도는 공감이 가기도 하지만 속이라는 단어의 저속하다라는 표현보다는 사람들과 그만큼 가까운 곳에 있는 친근한 종교라 불교에서도 일반 사회를 일컫는 말인 속세(俗世)라는 말 처럼 친근한 종교라 무속이라 불리었고 불리어 왔다고 믿고싶은 마음이다.

무교에대한 오해와 천대가 한국인들의 근본에 깔려있는 무교를 향한 믿음을 저속하고 촌스러운 것, 무시되는것으로 바라보는 시각이 존재하는 것은 어느정도 사실일지도 모른다. 무교란 범위가 워낙에 광범위하고 쉽사리 질서를 정할 수 있는 것이 아니기에 이러한 왜곡이 더욱 심화되었고 저자가 지적 하는 것 처럼 자생 적으로 광범위하게 퍼져있고 자체적으로 통합의 어려움이 있기에 지금껏 권력을 장악하지 못하였고 또한 그러기에 한국인들의 근본신앙임에도 무교를 신봉하는 이들이 미신이라 비하를 받은것이 사실일 것이다.

저자는 무교에는 많은 문화적 자산이 안겨져 있기에 무교를 복원하여 사회적인 통합과 사회적 성숙을 위한 기틀 아래에에 서게하고 이를 통해 새로운 문화적 격변에 대응할 수 있는 정신적 역량을 갖추기 위해서 민간신앙으로서의 무교의 복권을 이야기한다.

그러나 무교를 정당화 하는 수단으로 다른 종교를 빗대어 비하하거나 혹은 저것도 그러한데 이것이 이러한 것 쯤이야 어떻겠느냐 식의 뉘앙스가 무교가 한국인의 근본신앙임을 주장하는 말에 제동을 걸기도 한다.

이것은 마치 '너희 나라는 원숭이 골에 달팽이에 무엇 무엇도 먹지 않느냐'

'그럼 우리가 개고기 먹는게 뭐 어때?'하는식의 빈약한 주장으로밖에는 비쳐지지 않는다는 아쉬움이 있다.

개고기의 정당성을 주장하기 위해 원숭이 골이나 달팽이를 트집잡아서는 기대하는 만큼의 설득력을 이끌어낼 수 없기에 우리에게 개고기가 어떠한 의미를 지니고 어떤 역사가 있으며 어떤 개고기 문화를 만들었는지에 대해 설명하는 것이 외려 더 자연스레 정당성이 부여되는 것은 아닐까말이다.

무교에 대해 이야기하고자 한다면 다른 종교의 폐혜를 가지고서 이야기 할 것이 아니라 무교가 한국인의 근본신앙임을 더 설득력있는 이야기로 풀어내었으면 어땠을까 하는 아쉬움이 드는 이유는 바로 이런 이유에서이다.

조금 더 세밀하고 농도 짙은 무교의 세계를 경험하고자 하는 이들 보다는 무교에 대한 막연한 생각과 궁금증을 이해하고자 하는 이들에게 어울릴만한 책인듯 하다.

공감(1) 댓글(0)
fw6kies 2009-12-13
주변에서 쉽게 점을 본다니, 사주팔자가 어떻다니
하는 이야기를 들어왔다. 호기심이 막 쏟구치면서도
한편으로는 에이~ 그냥 미신인데 하는 생각을 하면서
무심코 지나가곤 했다. 그것을 이 책에서 말하는 것
처럼 무교라는 종교의 개념으로 설명할 수 있으리라고는
생각하지 못했었다.
이 책에서는 우리가 보통 단순히 미신이라고 치부하여
왔던 무당, 굿, 점 이런 것을 무교라고 하는 하나의
종교로 설명하고 있다. 이런 개념이 나에게는 생소하게
느껴지기도 했지만 보면 호기심을 일게 만들었다.
정말 어쩌면 이 책에서 말하는 것처럼 한국인의 가장
뿌리깊은 신앙은 무교와 가까운지도 모르겠다. 물론
모두가 다 그런것은 아니겠지만 아이러니하게도 내
주변에도 기독교나 불교신자이면서도 정 어렵고
힘든 일이 있으면 점을 보러 가는 사람 찾는것은
어렵지 않다. 평소에는 미신이야 미신 하면서 조금
낮게 치부하는 사람들도 마지막에 찾는 곳은 바로
그런 곳들이다.
정말 억압되어 표현은 못하지만 뿌리깊은 마음속에는
그런게 남아 있는 지도 모르겠다.
나는 이 책을 통해서 종교의 개념으로 다시 한번
이런 분야를 새롭게 볼 수 있어서 참 좋았다.
이 책을 읽은 덕분에 앞으로 단순히 미신이야 이런
말은 잘 안하게 될 것 같다. 믿고 안 믿고를 떠나서
기독교나 불교 처럼 엄연한 종교로서 받아들이고 인정
할 수 있을 것 같다. 어쩌면 그 보다 더 친숙한..!

공감(0) 댓글(0)
구매자 기준은

[정선원] 공주에서 동학한다는 것은 - 성산기획

[정선원] 공주에서 동학한다는 것은 - 성산기획

공주에서 동학한다는 것은

정선원 (계룡중학교 교사/공주동학기념사업회 이사)
동학을 한다는 것은 동학 정신을 계승하는 것으로, 동학 정신을 가슴에 모시고 있는 것뿐만 아니라 동학 정신을 항상 생활에서 실천한다는 것이리라. 종교인로서 동학에 접근하지 않더라도 1894년 동학농민혁명의 영향력은 우리 근대 역사에서 인간 평등 사상, 반외세 민족 자주 정신 그리고 생명운동, 환경 운동에까지 미치고 있다.
공주는 내가 고향 여수에서 고등학교를 마치고 공주사범대학으로 진학하면서 만난 제2의 고향이다. 1979년 유신 말기에 공주사범대학 역사교육과에 입학할 때 공주에는 막연하게나마 동학혁명의 격전지인 우금티(고개 우금치를 공주에서는 우금티로 부른다)가 있다는 것을 알고 있었다. 입시 지옥에서 해방되어 대학에 가면 무엇인가 희망찬 세상을 볼 줄 알았는데, 대학에 입학해도 무엇인가 답답하여 우금티의 농민혁명군들을 비유하면서 공주대학 신문사에 투고를 하기도 했었다.
대학 1학년 때, 여기저기 대학교를 다니다가 삼수해서 공주사대에 들어온 동급생 선배가 독서 모임을 시작했다. 1학기 때 수십 명이 모였던 독서 모임이 2학기 들어 정치적 토론도 하게 되면서 많은 친구들이 떨어져 나갔다. 그즈음 ‘김영삼 총재 가처분 사건’, 신민당사에서 ‘YH노조 김경숙 사망 사건’이 생기자 교내에 사복 경찰이 좍 깔리기 시작했다. 이때 그 선배가 한 건 할 것을 제의했다. 네 명이 한밤에 공주사대 곳곳에 “유신철폐”, “정보원 물러가라”는 빨간색 벽서를 감행했다. 그날이 10월 13일이었다. 며칠 뒤 강의실에서 경찰에 잡혀갔고, 경찰서 유치장 테레비에서 부산·마산 항쟁을 보았다. 그리고 부모님들에게 한 사람씩 인계되어 석방되었다.
이 건으로 나는 대학에서 무기정학 처분을 받아 집으로 가야 했는데, 고향에서 오신 어머니가 멀미가 있어 바로 고향으로 내려가지 못하고 자취방에서 하룻밤 자고 고향 여수로 가기로 하였다. 새벽에 라디오를 트는데(당시 자취방에 티비는 아주 귀했다) 장송곡이 울려 나오면서 ‘박정희 암살 사건’(10.26)을 보도하였다. 그렇게 물러가라고 한 독재자가 암살로 물러나는 경우도 있구나 하면서 역사의 여러 다양성을 생각했었다.
박정희 암살로 무기정학이 풀려 다음해 3월부터 등교를 했고, 대학가는 박정희 체제 18년 및 유신체제의 독재적 과거를 청산하기 위한 어용 교수 퇴진 등 민주화 운동으로 몸살을 앓기 시작하였다. 개학 후 ‘유신철폐 벽서파’ 우리들은 독서 모임을 다시 시작했다. 군부 재집권 반대 시위로 전국 대학이 들썩였는데 ‘5.17 계엄확대조치’로 전두환 군사 정부가 다시 시작되었기 때문이다. 사회 과학 공부 독서 모임에 지도 교수를 구할 수 없게 되자 우리의 독서 모임은 자연스레 비밀 독서 모임이 되었다.
박정희 군사 정권의 죄악상 그리고 광주학살사건의 진상을 하나둘 접하면서 이러한 진실을 이야기할 수 있는 독서 모임은 당시 우리에게는 하나의 숨쉴 수 있는 공간이었다. 군사 정권에 대한 분노 때문에 모인 친구들이 매우 소중하다고 생각해서 “금강회”라는 단체 이름도 만들고, 노래도 만들었다. “금강회”는 군사 정권과 싸울만한 능력이 있었던 조직이 아니라 분노에 갈팡질팡했던 수준 낮은 모임이었다. 그 노래 가사에는 “우금치 얼 이어받은 금강의 소명, 금강의 흐름은 역사의 생명”이 있었다. 공주에서의 민주화 운동은 당연히 우금치 정신을 잇는 것이었다. 그해 겨울에는 회원들이 모여 공주 남쪽에서 동학농민군의 진격로를 상상하며 탄천에서 이인 그리고 우금티 위령탑까지 15km를 걸어 위령탑에 참배하기도 하였다.
81년 3학년 여름이 되면서 “금강회” 회원들에 대한 구속이 시작되었다. 전국적인 학생 운동 및 사회 운동 탄압의 하나이어서 “학림”, “부림”, “아람회” 등의 사건으로 구속된 사람들을 교도소에서 만날 수 있었다.
2년 가까이 구속되었다가 석방되면서 나는 나에게 학생 운동을 가르쳐준 공주에서 살기로 결정했다. 공주에서 사회 과학 서점을 하며, 다른 한편으로는 85년 전두환 정권하의 제적생들이 중심이 되어 ‘선도투’를 하겠다고 결성한 “충남민주운동청년연합”(약칭 충남민청)의 임원이 되어 활동했다. 충남민청은 그 첫 대외 사업으로 4.19 기념 마라톤을 공주대에서 시작하여 우금티 위령탑까지 하기로 하였다.
1985년은 전두환 정권이 시퍼렇게 살아 있을 때였다. 충남대, 목원대, 공주사대 학생 운동권 100여 명이 모여 마라톤을 했고, 그리고 사전에 예정한 대로 우금티 위령탑 비문의 역사 왜곡 바로잡기 행사를 진행하였다. 유신 직후인 1973년 공주 우금티에 세워진 위령탑 비문에는 ‘동학혁명’이 ‘5.16 군사혁명’, ‘10월 유신’으로 계승되고 있다고 씌여 있었다. 또한 위령탑의 몸에 새겨진 “동학혁명군위령탑”의 글씨는 박정희가 써서 내려 준 것이다. 공주의 위령탑을 볼 때마다 군사 정권의 역사 왜곡에 참을 수 없는 분노를 느끼는 것은 위령탑을 찾는 모든 양심 있는 인사들의 공통된 심정이었다.
박정희의 동학 역사 왜곡에 대한 비판은 바로 전두환 군사 정권 비판이었다. “충남민주운동청년연합” 의장 오원진 형은 구속을 각오하고 이 행사를 주관했다. 오원진형은 우금티 위령탑의 역사 왜곡의 비문을 파손했는데 예상과는 달리 구속은 되지 않았다. 공주에서 행사 실무 준비를 맡았던 나는 철물점에서 산 쇠망치를 찾을 수가 없어서 주위에서 큰 돌멩이를 주워 오원진 형께 교도소 먼저 잘 가시라고 드렸던 기억이 새롭다. 오원진 형은 유신 때 충남대에서 대학을 다니면서 ‘유신반대투쟁’으로 제적과 강제 징집되었고, 1980년에 복학하여 총학생회장을 역임하였으나 전두환 정권 반대 투쟁으로 제적, 구속되었다. 그 뒤 충남에서 여러 사회 활동을 하다 92년 젊은 나이에 암으로 돌아가셨다. 위령탑을 볼 때마다 오원진 형을 생각하게 된다.
“동학혁명 100주년”이 되는 1990년 들어 학계에서부터 동학혁명 기념행사들이 열렸다. 공주에서는 93년에 우금티 위령탑 근처에 주유소를 세운다고 하였다. 주유소 반대 운동을 하면서 공주에 “동학기념사업단체”가 결성되었다. 94년 들어 “동학혁명 100주년” 기념행사가 서울, 정읍, 전주, 그리고 공주에서 거행되었다. 공주에서 1억 5천만 원의 국가 지원비로 행사를 진행하기 위해 시청에서 간부들과 동학기념사업단체 임원들이 회의를 하는데 시청 간부가 ‘동학은 역적인데 왜 기념 사업을 하느냐?’라고 했다는 이야기가 들려왔다. 이러한 공주의 동학농민혁명 반대 분위기 때문에 공주에서는 93년 이후 동학 기념 사업을 하면서 한동안 동학농민혁명이 무엇인지 공주 시민들에게 널리 알리는 일을 위주로 하였다.
공주에서 시민들과 함께 동학 사업을 시도한 일로는 거리 예술제가 있다. 공주 중심 시가지의 사거리 한쪽을 2시간 정도 ‘차 없는 거리’로 만들고 많은 시민 단체와 함께 거리 예술제와 먹거리 나누기 행사 등을 95년부터 2000년까지 5년 동안 시행했었다. 예술제 현장 한쪽에서는 몇 단체가 나누어 맡아 즉석에서 부침개를 붙여 행사 참가자 및 시장 상인들과 나누어 먹었다. 부침개를 담당한 단체는 재료를 준비하고 거리에서 부치고 하는 일이 쉬운 일은 아니었는데도, 동학 행사는 그렇게 나눠야 되는 것으로 알고 진행했다. 그런데 부침개를 먹던 시장 상인 말씀이 “동아생명에서 부침개 나눠준데!”라고 하신다. 플래카드와 포스터 그리고 방송으로 동학 기념행사라고 홍보를 했어도 지역 주민들에게는 “동아생명”으로 들렸던 모양이었다.
94년 10월 29일과 30일에 전국적 규모로 공주에서 동학 기념행사가 진행되었다. 그런데 그 직후인 11월 23일에 공주의 이인면 초봉리 검바위에 “유림의병정란사적비(儒林義兵靖亂事蹟碑)”가 공주노인회, 공주유도회 명의로 세워졌다. 공주의 보수층을 대표하는 몇몇 분들이 94년 6월부터 공주에서 동학혁명 기념 사업 반대 입장의 홍보물을 학교 등에 배포했고 또한 “국가 사적지 지정 취소 촉구서”를 관련 기관에 보냈다고 했다. 위의 비에는 정통성을 가진 조선 왕조에 대한 반란을 일으킨 동학군을 공주에서 관군 측 유림 의병이 동학군을 패퇴시킨 것을 기념한다고 새겨져 있다. 1894년 동학농민혁명 기념 사업이 전국에서 행해질 때 전국에서 두 군데 즉 공주와 경상도 어느 지역에선가 반대 기념비가 세워졌다고 했다. 이러한 민심 때문에 공주에서는 94년 동학 기념행사 뒤 마을 노인회관 곳곳에 기념행사 자료집을 보냈다. 그 뒤로 사무실에 어르신 한 분이 사탕 한 봉지를 들고 찾아와 고생했다고 격려한 일도 있었다는 이야기도 아울러 전한다.
공주시는 99년 7월에 2차선의 우금티를 깊게 파서(고개를 낮춰서) 4차선으로 만들겠다고 설명회를 개최하였다. 공주의 동학기념사업단체는 터널 방식으로 하여 우금티 국가 사적지의 원상을 유지하는 방안을 제안하였다. 이미 터널 방식으로 공주터널을 개통하기도 했는데, 왜 우금티는 터널 방식을 고려하지 않는지 이해할 수 없는 처사였다. 그 후 우금티 고개를 두고 전국의 동학기념사업단체와 함께 성명전을 거듭하였는데 3년 반 정도 지나 결국 문화재청이 우리 단체의 편을 들어 터널로 결정되었다.
공주시청에서 동학 기념 사업에 관심을 갖기 시작한 첫 사건은, 2000년 공주시 체육대회 입장식에서 사적지 우금티가 있는 금학동의 유치원생들이 위령탑의 모형을 앞세우고 죽창과 괭이 모형을 들고 입장했을 때이다. 당시 금학동 동장님이 여성이었다는 것이 기억에 남는다. 2004년에는 동학군이 일본군·관군 연합군과 격전을 벌였던 공주산줄기(공주에서 공주대간이라고 부른다)를 문화관광과 과장과 직원 분들과 함께 답사하였다. 그쯤에서야 공주의 동학혁명을 공주시에서 지역의 역사 자원으로 인식하기 시작했다고 본다.
2005년에 원광대학교 박맹수 교수님, 일본인 나카츠카 아키라 교수님 등 몇 분이 방문하여 공주 회원들과 간담회를 한 적이 있다. 그분들은 2018년에도 ‘한일시민과 함께 하는 동학기행’으로 공주를 방문하여 공주기념사업회와 교류를 하기도 했다. 박맹수 교수님은 평생을, 동학 연구에만 그치고 않고 생활 속에서 실천하며 한살림운동, 생평평화모임 등을 이끌어 오셨다. 나카츠카 아키라 교수님은 일본인이지만 역사 연구를 통해 일본에서 동학농민혁명 시기에 일본군에 의한 조선인 학살 규명, 침략 전쟁 반대의 입장을 명확히 하고 한일의 양심적인 시민의 교류를 추진해 온 분이다. ‘한일시민과 함께 하는 동학기행’은 2006년부터 시작하여 작년에 13회째를 마쳤다. 동학기념사업을 한국·일본의 진보적 시민운동이 연대하는 국제 교류 사업으로 침략 전쟁 반대와 동아시아 평화를 모색하는 역할로까지 확대한 것이다.
공주의 우금티 전투가 전라도 농민군이 공주에 와서 일본군·관군 연합군에 학살된 전투라는 인식이 한동안 공주에 널리 퍼져있었다. 공주에서 아직 동학이 불온시될 때, 공주의 구상회, 조재훈 선생님이 동학에 관심을 가지고 구전 조사와 학술 연구를 해 오신 일은 꼭 기억했으면 하는 일이다. 공주동학기념사업을 계기로 ‘공주 사람들은 동학농민혁명 시기에 어떻게 활동했을까?’ ‘얼마나 주체적으로 참여했을까’에 관심을 갖게 되면서 나는 내가 할 수 있는 공주 지역 구전 조사를 시작했다. 공주 토박이 어른인 구상회 선생님은 이미 구전 조사를 시작하여 많은 자료를 가지고 계셨다. 나는 기회가 되는대로 구상회 선생님을 모시고 공주의 리 단위까지 샅샅이 방문하였다.
그리하여 공주에서도 싸움터 우금티뿐만 아니라 금강 이남과 이북 그리고 많은 지역에서 동학농민군의 이야기를 찾아내었다. 열 분을 동학 참여자로 국가 기관에 등록시켰으며, 2005년과 2015년 두 차례에 걸쳐 “공주와 동학농민혁명”(박맹수, 정선원 공저)이란 책을 내기도 했다. 2007년에는 지역 신문에 스물한 분의 공주 동학 참여자를 소개하며 관심을 환기시키기도 했다. 박맹수 교수 등 연구자의 연구로 공주에서 동학은 1881년부터 공주 사람 윤상오가 동학에 입도해서 충청도 서부와 전라도에 포교한 것이 밝혀졌고, 최시형 선생은 공주에 비밀리에 다섯 차례 이상 잠입하여 활동했던 것으로 드러났다. 또한 공주는 1892년 교조신원운동의 첫 출발지이며 1894년에는 3월부터 공주의 동학군이 활동한 사실이 밝혀졌다. 1894년의 동학혁명이 전국적 상황이었듯이 공주에서도 우금티만이 아니라 여러 지역에서 많은 주민들이 함께한 운동이었던 것이다. 또한 동학혁명의 계기가 된 인물인 조병갑 집안의 세거지가 공주 신풍면 평소리로 공주와 동학은 매우 깊이 얽혀 있는 곳이었다.

공주에서도 ‘박근혜대통령탄핵촛불운동’ 시작인 2016년 11월부터 2017년 4월까지 매주 1회 이상 꼬박꼬박 집회를 가졌다. 공주에서는 동학기념사업단체 회원들을 포함해 시민 단체 회원들이 주도적으로 집회를 조직하고 참여했다. ‘세월호진상규명촛불’에도 함께 했고, 2008년 ‘광우병촛불시위’에서도 마찬가지였다. 1894년의 동학 정신을 계승한다는 것은 현실의 부정부패와 불의한 정권에도 항거하는 것이었다.
우금티에는 장승들이 서있다. 1994년 동학 100주년 기념행사를 하면서 공주의 우성 어천리 주민들이 참여해 민족의 아픔을 함께 하는 장승을 우금티에 세웠다. 그 자리에 세웠던 장승은 세월과 함께 쓰러졌지만 지금까지 매년 음력 정월 보름에 공주 지역 시민 사회 단체들이 모여 각 단체의 이름으로 장승을 세우고 새해 인사를 함께 나누어 왔다. 2017년에는 ‘촛불민심’을 몸에 새긴 장승을 세웠는데 어느 땐가 ‘촛불민심’ 등 장승 몇 개의 몸이 토치램프로 글씨를 알아 볼 수 없게 그을려 있었다. 역사의 진보와 함께하는 문화 행사에 대한 폭력적인 대응에 대해 우리들은 새로운 장승을 계속 세우는 것으로 대처하기로 했다.

1894년 동학혁명의 격전지 우금티가 있는 공주에서 동학한다는 것, 동학기념사업을 한다는 것은 우금티의 동학 정신을 가슴에 지니고 지역의 보수적 민심을 넘어서 인간의 자유로운 해방, 지역의 시민운동, 민주주의 그리고 통일 운동에도 함께하는 것이다. 매년 공주 지역에서는 정월 보름날 우금티에 모여 새로운 장승을 세우며 민족의 비원을 넘어서는 통일을 갈망하며 새해 새 결의를 다질 것이다.

Death and the Atheist Mystic: Zhuangzi's Last Words | HuffPost

Death and the Atheist Mystic: Zhuangzi's Last Words | HuffPost

Brook Ziporyn, Contributor
Professor of Chinese Philosophy, Religion and Comparative Thought, University of Chicago

Death and the Atheist Mystic: Zhuangzi’s Last Words
11/06/2015 04:52 pm ET Updated Nov 06, 2016

No mind ruling the universe; no guarantee of good triumphing over evil; no spirit surviving the body; no life after life after life—and here comes death. No God, no moral world order, no afterlife, no reincarnation—and here comes death. He is a finite human animal, he is an ancient Chinese philosopher, he may or may not be that butterfly, he is Zhuangzi. Here are his last words, his last joke:

Zhuangzi was dying, and his disciples wanted to give him a lavish funeral. Zhuangzi said to them, “I will have heaven and earth as my coffin and crypt, the sun and moon for my paired jades, the stars and constellations for my round and oblong gems, all creatures for my tomb gifts and pallbearers. My funeral accoutrements are already fully prepared! What could possibly be added?” “But we fear the crows and vultures will eat you, Master,” said they. Zhuangzi said, “Above ground I’ll be eaten by crows and vultures, below ground by ants and crickets. Now you want to rob the one to feed the other. Why such favoritism?”

What is this dying man leaving to his solicitous friends? Is it perhaps a bitter parody of their hopes from one who is hopeless? A fat lot of good it does me, he is perhaps saying, your pious funerals, your coffins and crypts, your ceremonial mourning—I might as well be cast on the ground for the crows. Yet the parody turns around: your rituals are silly, yes, but no sillier than heaven and earth. Is it then perhaps the insouciant chill-out manifesto of an ultra-cool Dude who is shockingly at home in the universe? He is thinking big, in the thrall of the eyeless glory that will engulf him as his final resting place. Yet at the same time his words tuck the cosmos itself into a permanent deathbed: at home, yes, but the home he is at home in is one enormous morgue. Zhuangzi is a joker, but also a cruel and insane master: he is condemning his disciples to watch their beloved teacher and friend being devoured, consumed, dismantled, ground to powder, liquified. Zhuangzi’s more tender-hearted contemporary Mencius, the great Confucian philosopher, tells his disciples that the very reason funerals were invented in the first place was to avoid this kind of thing. Back in the day, says Mencius, everyone just tossed mom and dad by the roadside with the trash, but when they happened by a few weeks later they couldn’t bear to see the festering mom and dad had gotten up to in the meantime, and so folks got the idea of putting them in boxes deep underground to do their festering in private. But here at Zhuangzi’s place there is no escape, the disciples are just sparing their own feelings. In any case he has to go, he has to disintegrate, he has to be consumed. Playful Zhuangzi plays dumb when he plays, offering a willful misunderstanding—you rob one to feed the other, gosh, you guys must really love ants and crickets! But of course this is a shot across the bow at another bias: why this bias for life over death? For one form over the disintegration into infinite forms? Not just for the crickets over the crows, but for me over the crickets and crows, for me alive over me dead?

The issue here, as in so much classical Chinese philosophy early and late, is incompleteness. Bias. One-sidedness. And it is just here that Zhuangzi’s bittersweet dying joke itself is unbiased, at once both a resigned and hopeless surrender to the inevitable and an exultant embrace of the totality of ceaseless transformation that is the world worlding, the bubbling source of whatever joy a self feels in happening to have become a self for awhile, and the weirder joy embedded in the sorrow in having to surrender that self after that little while: as Zhuangzi says elsewhere, what makes my life good is also what makes my death good.

What is it? It is tempting to say that Zhuangzi, like Spinoza, reads simultaneously as God-intoxicated man and the most extreme possible nihilist, an atheist’s atheist. Not God-intoxicated, though: tipsy on Dao. That is perhaps the difference that makes the peculiar double-vision buzz delivered by both Dao and Spinoza’s God possible. It is the unbiased that encompasses both meaninglessness and meaning. The contrast to a personal God could not be more stark. For although this God is sometimes appealed to as a locus of justice and fairness, as the unbiased and encompassing, a moment’s reflection reveals that, as long as God is some sort of mind or personal being or spirit, this unbiasedness is quite limited. God is less biased than the warring parties who might appeal to him, but much more biased than the Godless infinities that he is enlisted to replace. More to the point, his relative unbiasedness is usually imagined as ultimately in the service of a larger ultimate bias, an agenda: he is thought to be temporarily all-accepting only as a preliminary to a subsequent judgment. For a personal being is generally supposed to have some things or states he prefers; that is what it usually means for something to be a someone rather than merely a something, a person rather than merely a thing or a principle or a stuff or a substratum. The essence of the usual idea of God as the ruling mind of the universe is preference, is will, is purpose, is care and concern about how things go—and in Daoist perspective, all of those are just words for bias, for one-sidedness, for incompleteness. Dao is precisely the denial of these, the antithesis of purpose and of bias—Dao, the perfect antonym of God, more not God than matter, more not God than the devil. And it is this God-lessness precisely that is powering Zhuangzi’s laughter at his own helplessness, at his own childlike excitement for the new headless adventure ahead, at his disciples’ pettiness, at the glory of the world as giant coffin, at the scandal of coffin as miniature world. The lack of God, which is the lack of bias at the foundation of the world, is itself what makes his death acceptable. For it is not the getting eaten that rankles; or rather, it is the getting eaten that rankles, but only because getting eaten is a particularly vivid form of being limited, being one-sided, being on only one side of a relation, being finite, fixed, trapped, stuck. Getting eaten is one of the way things flow on from form to form, from state to state, but it is so small a portion of the flow; the solution is not to stop that flow but to augment it, to flow from there into all sides of every relation. That is the vastness of Zhuangzi’s coffin.

People who have gotten used to the idea of God find depressing or even terrifying the idea of a heartless cosmos that doesn’t care about our fate, that has no interest in whether we live or die. But perhaps this really is just a question of having gotten used to something, or, to put it less politely, the withdrawal from an addiction. As Zhuangzi says elsewhere, even the most hot-heated man does not go so far as to break the sword of his enemy, or to curse at an empty boat that collides with him. The world thwarts us, which is bad enough, but what is much worse is the bias, the smirking agenda, the contravening will, the know-it-all overall plan, which we imagine to be locking us willfully into only one position: the eaten, not the eater; the me, not the you; the creature, not the creator. The horror is in having to be one or the other, rather than always being both, or ready to be any.

Bias means limitation. It means finitude. It means non-omnipresence: that this is only happening here, not anywhere else; only going in this direction, not any other direction; only serving this use, not any other use. Pain and death are finitude writ large and stark: rude blares of “No further.” The problem of pain is really the problem of being trapped within boundaries and straining against them. For the atheist mystic, the prospect of death leading only to heaven or only to a particular other life is no better than death leading only to being an inert chunk of matter: the problem in all cases is that we have one transformation that leads to no further transformations. The problem is getting stuck in only one state: that’s what it is to be a mortal, a finite being. What if this one change leads to a million more? What if being eaten leads to being not only the eaten but a million eaters? What if the real problem hidden in these traumatic shutdowns and demolitions that we call pain and death is not that they happen, but that their happening is a stopping, they don’t keep happening everywhere. Or do they?


Response to JADAM Youngsang Cho’s article – Rei Yoon – Medium

Response to JADAM Youngsang Cho’s article – Rei Yoon – Medium

Response to JADAM Youngsang Cho’s article

Rei YoonFollow
Jul 1, 2018

Our responses are in bold, written in between Youngsang Cho’s original article.

Lies in Rei Yoon’s around 20 long responses. I am uploading a statement again. I apology for those who have tired of this drama. THIS STATEMENT IS LONG. BUT WHOEVER HAS READ ALL OF REI’S RESPONSES AND GOT BAD IMPRESSION ABOUT JADAM AND ME, I WOULD APPRECIATE IT, IF YOU READ IT TO THE END.


What I am going to say is not assumptions which Rei Yoon is good at it. I am going to say only facts. From Hankyu Cho (Master Cho) who is 83 years old and has cerebral infarction, SARM got the agreement of CGNFI North American branch with Master Cho’s sign only through phone call from a substitute secretly. The agreement bears the marks of forgery of a contract and it is poor and nonsense (JADAM international advisory counsel). With such a poor agreement, they threatened to sue people in public. SARM were unreasonable.

Our lawyer said the contract is perfectly legal in entire Canada where SARM sits. Signing party will be responsible for entering a legal contract, then claiming it is illegal, and breaching it.

CGNFI North American branch can drastically reduce activities area of CGNF HAWAII & CGNF HAWAII-I. Master Cho thought you are bad people so he added your names on the first warning statement.

You said the contract is nonsense but now you say that it is strong enough to drastically reduce activities area of CGNF Hawaii. CGNFI North American branch has no conflict of interest with CGNF HAWAII & CGNF HAWAII-I. The territory does not overlap. Master Cho believes we are evil because you made him believe Hawaii is part of North America.

If you were honest and confident, you had to CALL Kim C S Chang who uploaded the first warning statement and Master Cho who signed the statement to solve misunderstanding.

SARM has done no wrong toward CGNFI or CGNF Hawaii and the three people mentioned never did wrong to Master Cho or Kim Chang. Are you saying innocent people that were victimized should call first? I consider Master Cho signed it because you tricked him. But why didn’t Kim Chang contact me BEFORE posting that warning everywhere? Kim Chang apologized for this, didn’t you know?

Rei Yoon (Seung-seo Yoon) had to debate with facts, not with assumptions.

You assumed so many times that we did a parody in number 13 out of 20.

SARM did not answer any of important problems which I brought up. Moreover, Seung-suk Lee, the president of SARM, said “If Master Cho is in a state that his son claims to be, he should immediately resign from president of CGNFI” and “X seems to be demonstrating prowess by holding Master Cho as a hostage”. You had to explain the questions and doubts which I brought up!

If Master Cho is a helpless old man “as you say,” he must resign from president of CGNF. Do you not even understand a sentence that starts with “if”? We think he is healthy, especially mentally. As for your traps, doubts, and questions, read our response here.

Stop raising assumptions only!

You are the master of assumption and illogic. I think you are X not Youngsang. I will speak to X, not YS from now.

At least, Rei Yoon shouldn’t threaten to sue in public.

What you did are illegal, including threatening. Seeking legal solution to illegal act is not a threat. Together with Mr. Lee, I almost convinced President Lee that we should sue you thanks to your unacceptable crimes. President Lee is firm that Master Cho and his wife should be protected. Ironic when his own family is hurting him.

Old people who were closed to Rei Yoon got scared because if they make a wrong response to SARM, they might lose their whole fortune. They sent messages to us and said it will be better for us to apology first. In this situation, I couldn’t stay silence. If I didn’t show action against Rei Yoon, they might still tremble in fear which was caused by Rei Yoon.

Who are “Old people who were closed to” me? Are you talking about your parents-in-law? Your old father-in-law got in trouble because he did inappropriate acts against SARM because of you. I think you scared them with lies that they will lose their whole fortune.

Seung-suk Lee (SARM) worries about JADAM.

President Lee worried about JADAM because you keep speaking weird things and receiving public’s distaste. She still trusts and worries about President Youngsang Cho. Even when YS threatened me that I should go explain myself to the police, she said, “He must be drunk.” She doesn’t think you can speak such nonsense. That is how much she trusts YS.

People around me asked me to apology to SARM because Seung-suk Lee’s husband is a tax administration officer so, she might ask her husband to destroy JADAM with a tax investigation. But I couldn’t give up. She actually really said “I am deeply concerned for the organization that he heads”. I took the meaning as she is going to destroy JADAM with a tax investigation. However, I am not a coward by nature. Like Master Cho!

Looking at your thoughts, you really are X. You asked your husband to do dirty things and manipulated him to do things that he should not. That is why you think President Lee as your level. YS, it is your greatest misfortune that X is your closest person.

President Lee cannot imagine destroying anybody. She will not accept even her friends or family if they link public work such as tax investigation with private affairs. Do you mean Mr. Sangwoo Lee when you say Seung Suk Lee’s husband without mentioning the name directly? He is respected for the highest standard of fairness and ethics.

You (1) insulted Seung Suk Lee, (2) insulted Sangwoo Lee, and (3) Korean tax service is a corrupt agency that uses tax investigation for personal revenge. You will have to explain this. President Lee really respects and worries about JADAM and YS. How can you take concerns for JADAM as a tax investigation?

You were treasurer for JADAM. Did you do any embezzlement deceiving Youngsang who is not good with numbers or profit? Is JADAM’s financial structure so poor that it needs a tax investigation? Are you planning to blame President Lee and Mr. Sangwoo Lee if you get a tax investigation in the future?

I remember President Lee, the Chairperson of JADAM Advisory Committee, advised you three years ago that JADAM has to be incorporated as a non-profit! She asked you to make the finance really transparent for the donators and also for JADAM.

Master Cho that I know is not a coward. I hope you are not too.

Rei Yoon described me as shameless in his post and this post about me will go down and stay forever in Facebook.

I said you are shameless to hide behind YS. Who started this? All your lies and libel about me will stay forever in Facebook. Why do you continue without apologizing? I tried to be objective and embracing. X, your evil plan designed to destroy President Lee, Pastor Lee, and me is destroying Youngsang Cho now. Do you have to accomplish your wicked goals even if it means the destruction of not only Master Cho, but of YS?

Therefore, I cannot stay calm without refutation. Insult about me also falls the honor of JADAM. I am the president of JADAM who has 60,000 members so I am a man with a mission to actively stop them.

X is a disgrace to JADAM giving shame to 60,000 members. YS, you should get out.


I am not perfect. As Rei Yoon said, I am not perfect. Nevertheless, I have led JADAM for 30 years and most of JADAM researchers are working with me more than 10 years. Current JADAM staffs are 14.


YS’s problem is not that he is not perfect. His problem is that he trusts X.

From now on, I will correct Rei Yoon’s responses and statements. There is no assumption but just facts.


I didn’t ask Rei Yoon to work together as he mentioned in his response 1. That time, Rei Yoon didn’t have a job. So, Seung-suk Lee (SARM) asked me to hire Rei Yoon continuously when we met in Vancouver, Canada.

YS said to me that he came to Canada to meet me, not for pleasure, suggested to work together many times, and I refused. I had my own plan of buying a vacant land and turning it into an organic farm. I was searching for such land. I was also considering studying Chinese medicine and pursing Tai Chi. In front of me, you looked at President Lee and asked her to “support convince” me. How can you explain visiting and spending so many days with me if you didn’t want to hire me? Purely because you missed me?

You met many people during the stay, not only President Lee and me. You visited many of President Lee’s friends. When President Lee treated you at home or in restaurants, she invited other friends and introduced you. Every time, you said to them that you came to Canada to scout me, you were happy that it worked out, and thanked President Lee’s help. There are so many witnesses.

They all remember clearly how you called President Lee “Godmother.” You tried so hard to please her, praising her. President Lee did not like being called “Godmother” at first, coined by YS, but gave in because you insisted. Surely she helped you more than any Godmother. She helped the reconciliation with parents. Then the first thing you do after making up with your parents-in-law is to use and manipulate the great man.

I replied her that we cannot hire him due to financial reasons. So, she suggested low price, $2,000 per month and I accepted it. After that, I gave Rei Yoon $2,500 per month.

When you came to ask me to work together, I was working as a professional translator with a business registration. My rate is on average 100 dollars per page, very high in the industry. I was also considering entering a Traditional Chinese Medicine school and looking to buy a large land to build farm with the money I saved.

President Lee offered to help you believing that it will also be a good experience for my future. For your son too, she suggested he study Traditional Chinese Medicine for both himself and JADAM. You accepted her idea and sent your son to the school.

After graduating from university, I worked hard, unlike people who live off donations. I also never over-consumed when I had money. I had quite a lot of savings. JADAM’s salary was much lower than Ministry of Foreign Affairs but I agreed to work with YS. I did not work for JADAM for money.

This is what I checked with President Lee. You asked how much my salary should be. That was the first mention of money. President Lee said YS should decide, and YS said it was difficult to give much. You intervened, said JADAM can pay about 2,000 dollars and added that you know that is too little to hire a talent like me. President Lee said Rei does not work for money. YS said he will increase salary every year so that it can match Rei’s ability. You agreed. That is how President Lee remembers it.

After I joined the three people in conversation, what you told me was exactly same as this. You bragged in big voice, laughing, about how you acquired a talented person at a low price in front of me. Please do not make up stories just because President Lee was alone when she talked to you two. What YS mentioned about my salary after I started working in JADAM also matches the above situation.


Rei Yoon does not have farming experience. When I visited his very small farm 3 years ago, it was hard to find crops. I asked Rei Yoon to visit my farm several times. When he finally came, he stayed there for 30 minutes in the daytime.

I did not have a farm three years ago. I was doing little soil experiments in a small space in a friend’s farm. I was not growing crops. YS frequently criticized his father for not having any farming experience. Please do not point your fingers at me as your fingers are pointing at your YS and his father at the same time. Also, do you not know that I have farmed and researched in Canada for three years after I met you?

You are X. I visited the small farm in Daejeon because YS wanted to “take pictures of the staff in the farm.” I only stayed short time, just to take pictures. Of course, you would not know.

As the time goes by, I got to know something astonishing fact about Rei Yoon. He rarely asks me questions about farming. JADAM researchers who have been with me for more than 10 years ask questions frequently.

I am sure you are X. How can YS not know about how much I asked him about farming and we enjoyed many interesting conversations? However, that is limited to the early period of our relations. I stopped asking YS questions sometime last year. Because he displayed discomfort with my questions. I remember asking him “Why do you say vinegar fermentation is anaerobic in your lecture? It needs oxygen.” He was very upset.

Rei Yoon loves lecturing. So, I gave him an advice that “Rei, if you only give workshops or lectures without knowing how to do farm, your mind will fall into disrepair!”.

I teach with a sense of mission. What I want to do most is not teaching but to work with poor farmers to rehabilitate a degraded land. I study and practice, and teach based on that. When I farm, research, and teach, my mind will fall into happiness and meaning.

Rei Yoon’s reply was ridiculous. He said “That is the reason why, I am going to China to learn farming.” Even though, he gained popularity by giving JADAM lectures, he is going to China to learn farming, not from JADAM Organic Farm. I felt like shit.

When I quit last year, I told YS clearly that it is because “You neither trust nor support me.” I felt like shit. Why would I go to work in JADAM Organic Farm when I know that? How can I go to JADAM farm when you separate me from naïve YS.

I am going to China to work in the field, meet farmers, study organic farming, and experience agriculture of China. It is much more exciting than selling books. I feel much better than being stuck with a president who does not trust or support you because he is tricked by you. He turned into a monster because of you, and even threatens to sue his employee who worked so hard for JADAM.

I gained friends rather than popularity through lectures. I am grateful. Most of all, “JADAM” gained popularity because I gave lectures. Many people in the Philippines are talking about JADAM, JADAM. You take the fruits of my sweat but only desire to destroy me. You encouraged YS to remove me from JADAM projects and tarnish my honor.


Rei Yoon put English subtitles on my 25 lecture videos which is opened in JADAM English website. He took long time to finish it. When I got to know the subtitle was insincerely done in March, 2018 from my son and daughter who are studying in Canada, I was shocked.

YS trusts his son and daughter more than me, so of course he will believe what they say. They have all the motivation to increase distrust of me. But I do not think your young children know enough English or farming to judge my work. Because I have personally trained your child. YS made me correct her translations. I did it faithfully and taught her English regarding farming. One of my friends had actually worried, “I am sure they will be watching videos where you do interpretation over and over to learn your English.” You remove me because you believe your children are trained?

I gave YS the best English translation of his book he could never dream of. Do you think your children can produce such work? Do not insult me or my work. I even translated YS’s “personal” things out of friendship.

I informed Rei Yoon about it and told him we are going to rework on it. I couldn’t get Rei’s reply.

I was Director of International Operations at that time. But I kept finding out that there were overseas operations that I was not aware of. I did all my work very well but YS was always suspicious. He treated me as an interpreter and some translating machine. He asked too much. I over-worked like some personal secretary. But I held on to the hope that the work I did would help poor farmers.

I think nobody can stay calm when English subtitles on your lecture videos which is going to be published all over the world was insincerely done.

Adding subtitles was not my main job. I translated not only 25 of YS’s lectures but also numerous interview with farmers. I did it to help YS and farmers. When you recruit your next “Director” of International Operations make sure you put in “translating/posting subtitles” as the main job description.

When Rei Yoon was working on English subtitles, he never asked a question.

I know everything YS says, I interpreted it over ten times, what should I ask? I asked a lot when I was translating the book because many things in the Korean book didn’t make sense. But video lectures are quite simple. You have no understanding of translation. Go see amazon reviews of JADAM English book that I translated.


I am working on an Agriculture project with Rei Yoo and Kim C S Chang. I recently paid Rei Yoon $5,400 more for Hawaiian Agriculture project except his regular salary.

How dare you mention Hawaii project to me. $5,400 was given to me from Hawaiian government for my contribution to the project according to “Subcontract for JADAM experts.” It was for three months, but actually I had worked on it for two years. I was foolish to make Hawaii project happen for you and YS. I convinced the government which you could never have done. I set up the whole process. I did the research. I shared English material in Korean with the JADAM team. I explained to YS about strategies of pest management. I was there for ten days this February to purchase the sprayers and start spraying.

Then YS removed me from the team without mentioning anything to me. Is he in right mind to secretly contact the government, telling awful things about me, and removing me from the project? That is so embarrassing but he doesn’t seem to know why it is embarrassing. Proper procedure should have been to notify me first, prove my “insincerity”, reach a consensus that my such insincerity is detrimental to the project, and then remove me with consultation with Hawaiian government. I heard even CGNF Hawaii sent multiple letters and notices to a member before removing him. What is your level?

You never did that because I never was insincere. You knew you cannot remove me through proper procedure. That is why your attack is always happening in secret, in the back, in the dark, launched against an innocent person.

Rei Yoon said he will participate Hawaii project fully. I planned the project based on what he claimed. However, he suddenly informed that he can stay in Hawaii only for 5 days a month. When I heard it, I was furious and told him our relationship is over.

I kept asking YS about his plan for Hawaii. After much delay in reply, YS said his wife, his daughter, and I should stay permanently and he would visit from time to time. That was breach of contract because I was supposed to be “working from home” which meant I had freedom of movement. JADAM office is in Korea but I was working in Canada. I suggested I can stay five days a month which is one week, considering weekends. YS was not furious but kindly asked me to reduce my other work. That was April 11, 2017. If you write with YS’s name, check the facts more. YS did not say our relationship was over at that time.

Even though, Rei had to participate Hawaii project, he made 10 JADAM seminar schedules unilaterally around March to April without my permission. Moreover, he told me that he is going to China to learn farming while the project is still on process. He didn’t talk in advance about all these.

Starting this year, I was a part-time worker for JADAM, which meant I can get any other full-time job. This is written in YS’s email. I was invited to the Philippines to give eight, not ten, lectures this year, and I reported about it late due to my personal issue. I told YS that I was going to China when we were in Hawaii. Actually, I have no obligation to tell JADAM where I am going as long as I do my work for JADAM. I notified my going to China while making sure my work for Hawaii project would not be affected.

Hawaii project team decided to remove Rei Yoon from the team after discussion. I informed the government of Hawaii that Rei Yoon is not going to participate the project. Due to his insincerity, my mistrust about him became strong.

Do not lie. I have information that there was no formal discussion within the team. Even if there was a discussion, the process is still flawed because the meeting excluded me. How can you not know proper procedures? YS’s mistrust of me increased due to your evil and YS’s instability.


Even though, CGNF Hawaii has been working on spreading the knowledge and techniques of Korean Natural Farming (KNF) for 10 years, SARM made an agreement which can drastically reduce activities area of CGNF HAWAII & CGNF HAWAII-I.

Not true. Our agreement has nothing to do with CGNF Hawaii. I explained this so many times I am tired. Read here.

Rei Yoon and Kim C S Chang are close friends. However, he didn’t tell her about it. While the agreement was on process, Rei Yoon stayed around 10 days at Kim C S Chang’s house in March. Rei Yoon stayed at her house for several times before too. Even though, he was beholden to her, he didn’t say a single word about the agreement. The agreement of CGNFI North American branch began on Feb. 5, 2018. As being human, how can he do it? This is UNETHICAL.

I repeat that I did not stay ten days at Kim’s place in March. You took out Pastor Lee because that was a false. Read and study SARM’s twenty points like a text book. If you keep changing minute details but not answer our main points, you will forever be lost. It is president’s responsibility to coordinate between branches of an organization. Your false accusations are UNETHICAL. See here.

According to Rei Yoon, “There was no need to discuss with CGNF Hawaii from the beginning because Hawaii doesn’t belong to North America and SARM never had and will not have an intent to control Hawaii”. This is an irresponsible comment with no deep understanding of the situation. CGNFI North American branch can drastically reduce activities area of CGNF HAWAII & CGNF HAWAII-I.

You are making an irresponsible comment with not even shallow understanding of the situation. CGNFI North American branch does not reduce activities area of CGNF HAWAII & CGNF HAWAII-I. Provide evidence that the contract can “drastically reduce activities area of CGNF Hawaii” instead of repeating empty claims.


Rei Yoon received 70 % for the payment by giving JADAM lecture from me. Moreover, I gave him $10 per JADAM BOOK he sold during JADAM workshop. Is there any CEO who offers this much benefit to an employee?

More important than how much money you give, is how much trust and respect you give. I told you I don’t teach organic farming for money. You requested me to give you 30% of what I earn, just orally, without any legal or other supporting ground. I accepted because I donate anyway, so I thought I was donating to JADAM. However, I feel that money went into your pocket.

You decided to give $10 per book to me as a margin for sales. But I am not a book salesman. I didn’t sell the book with enthusiasm, especially in poor regions. Even if you gave me $100 per book, I’d have done the same. Did you forget that I translated at such a low price?

So, Rei Yoon earned more than $10,000 from several JADAM lectures which were held in Philippine. Moreover, he got $5,400 from Hawaii project, even though he participates only for few days after Hawaii project began.

My seminar in May last year was for free. I did a volunteering work. For October last year, the organizer said it might be difficult to pay so I said I can teach for free. They gave me money but I never asked. This year, I earned 6,000 dollars in the Philippines. Out of eight workshops, one workshop was free for indigenous people in Palawan. In another workshop, I donated all 1,000 dollars back to the region because I had promised to do it for free before I went there. From that 6,000 dollars, I gave 1,800 dollars to you. I donated the remaining 4,200 dollars to non-profit society SARM that I am a member of.

I do not make money from teaching farming or Tai Chi, they all go into charity. That is one of the rules set up by SARM president when founding the organization. All members including President Lee have their job, they volunteer or donate any income from SARM activity. I gladly accepted it because it exactly matches my belief.

I don’t use precious money from farmers personally. I don’t take monthly donation from innocent people who believe in you and use it for personal purposes like eating sashimi and drinking vodka. What was the first thing you did after getting out of debt? You bought a European car for YS. YS said it is a used car and comfortable to sleep in. But when YS went to teach farmers, he parked the car far away from the classroom and walked. SARM President Lee advised you about five times: First, you are an activist that cares for the poor. Better to change the car because expensive European car does not fit in. Second, if you are riding the car for good reasons, do not hide the car, just drive all the way to the classroom.

I repeat the same explanation because you repeat the same issue. $5,400 was given to me from Hawaiian government for my contribution to the project according to “Subcontract for JADAM experts.” It was for three months, but actually I had worked on it for two years. I was foolish to make Hawaii project happen for you and YS. I convinced the government which you could never have done. I set up the whole process. I did the research. I shared English material in Korean with the JADAM team. I explained to YS about strategies of pest management. I was there for ten days this February to purchase the sprayers and start spraying.


I paid around $3,721 for his first translation.

That was ultra-low-cost translation. My standard translation fee is ten times that. I charge from 50 to 300 dollars per page. I don’t do it for 10 dollars. YS has an English translation already which was total rubbish. He said he paid over 15,000 or 30,000 dollars for that translation. You were not there. YS first asked me to translate it for him. Mr. Sangwoo Lee and President Lee were present. I didn’t even ask how much he’d pay, I just refused because I had no time. I was translating another book. Mr and Mrs Lee wanted to help YS, who seemed to be on a path to success. They convinced me to take the job.

JADAM book has been sold in Amazon.com. Since then, I have paid an additional 5% of the amount I received from Amazon.com. Rei Yoon was so happy when the sales increased. Paying the additional 5% is exceptional treatment for translator. There might be no example like this in the world.

YS decided to give 5% on his own, so happy that he got a beautiful book at such an ultra-low cost. I never counted how much money that 5% was. I was happy for your success when book sales increased. I was also happy that my work was helping the people.

That 5% YS brags so much… is not a simple payment for translation. It was given as an appreciation for a friend and comrade who helped at such a low cost. It was an offer of partnership. If I were not working for JADAM but were only a translator, he would never have given me that 5% especially so many months after the translation was finished.

If you see the beginning of JADAM book, you can see “Cover designed by Rei Seungseo Yoon”.

You are showing your shamelessness again. Yes. I did the cover design too. You paid nothing for that.

When Rei was translating my book, he was in Korea with me. He asked me to put his name on the cover of book so I putted his name as translator on the kindle version of JADAM book. You can see the picture which I uploaded.

Can you find one book in the whole world where the translator’s name is missing from the book cover? Your desire to remove me is quite old. Translator never has to “ask” for his name to go in the front page. Translator’s name is not on the front page of the paper book.

Let me add a history about the book title. When you couple came to Vancouver in 2015, you asked our advise on how to spread JADAM overseas and President Lee gave lots of ideas. One day in my car, the topic of YS’s book name came up. YS said he was considering “Ultra-low Cost Agriculture.” SARM President Lee suggested “JADAM Organic Farming” but he still liked “ultra-low cost.” Lee advised him that JADAM needs to be a brand and be advertised. She said “Ultra-low Cost Agriculture” can be added as subtitle. YS was very happy with those ideas. That’s how YS’s title went down as subtitle. Eventually, the name “JADAM Organic Farming” became not only book title but also the name of your company and methodology and activity throughout the English-speaking world. Name was given by President Lee and spread by me. Attacking both people shows that you are inhuman.


What Rei Yoon shared in public is not an advertising material made by me. He edited quite a lot based on the advertising material. Moreover, he shared the most important part of JADAM BOOK; recipe of JADAM natural pesticide. He shared 28 pages of JADAM BOOK in public.

JADAM natural pesticide recipe is an open information distributed as pamphlets in Korean. You can download it from JADAM homepage. Don’t the English speaking people deserve the same info? I remember when we discussed whether to open that to English-world, YS is the one that said it should be opened. YS gave me slides, encouraged me to teach, were happy when JADAM spread so fast. Suddenly when you want to attack me, you use it against me. If you had the smallest decency, you should have stopped at just telling me to delete sharing the file. But YS went on to threat to sue me. That is when I clearly understood your intent behind YS. You are playing dirty politics, trying to eliminate me. If I didn’t find the email of YS approving the disclosure of the material, you WOULD HAVE SUED me already.

I don’t think there is an author who don’t get furious when they find their book was in public without their consent. So, I told him that he will have to explain himself to the police. Rei Yoon kept protested but at the end, he admitted the truth that he shared the material without my consent and sent me a written long apology. I cannot ignore this problem just with his written apology.

I admitted the truth that I shared the material WITH YS’s consent. I explained that what I shared was based on open info and things YS agreed to share. I “accepted” his demand to delete that file from everywhere because he was the JADAM boss and I still belonged to JADAM. I did not accept it because what you requested through YS was right.

Also, I never sent YS an apology because I did nothing wrong. Please do not lie. I actually expressed discomfort at being threatened and told YS that “this will be the last time I endure such insult, do not test me further.” I also asked him to stop doing these ugly things and concentrate on helping the environment and the people. I have record of text messages. Stop lying. I sent long written explanation of what happened, how YS gave consent to info-sharing, how my action was legal, what I did to respect YS’s demand to delete. That is not an apology.

YS’s act of threatening to sue his staff will be forever left in his history. His act was instigated by you. Especially when he claims to be the person who brings knowledge back to the farmers through open info-sharing. Again, I have never apologized for this. I suspect that you distorted the facts and actually told Master Cho that I sent a long written apology.

I opened all of my methods in public without patenting. I even released all of videos of my lecture which could make a lot of money. JADAM BOOK is main source of income, I have. I have to pay monthly salary to my employees, and operating expenses. I live every day in tension.

YS cannot monopolize or patent the information. Opening was the second best strategy. Please do not say that you gave up making money by opening. By making that gesture of info-opening, you are collecting 17,000 dollars of donation every month. YS bragged about how he makes 5,000 dollars a day for his lectures. Are they not enough to pay for salary and operating expenses?

You are so wicked. You enjoy the fruits of opening info, the work of info-sharers. Now, when you think it is time to crack down, you persecute the info-sharers. I am not saying copyright is bad. I am saying you have to maintain a coherent position, announce a clear rule before you display your knowledge, and discard that sinister opportunistic attitude.

I told him clearly that “I prohibit you from sharing the advertising materials which was edited by you in public and lecturing with the edited material”. Rei Yoon replied “I got it. I will do as you say”.

I accepted because I worked for JADAM at that time, not because what YS said was right. What YS is saying is nonsense, even illegal. He is telling me that I cannot edit “advertising” materials and cannot teach based on that. What right do you have to restrict my right to access and use information?


Use of capitalized letters sure seems powerful. Good luck. In my opinion, opening the info was most important to maintain JADAM. It is not money from selling books. You do not understand the tension between opening and closing. You cannot simply take all the sweet fruits and not bear its price.


The smart phone which Rei Yoon is currently using is LG V20 (around $1,000) which I bought and gave it to him. Two laptops which he used to upload the posts in Facebook also which I bought it for him. I bought many expensive shoes, clothes and bags for him. Rei! Return it.

Why do you not mention business cards, internet phone, watch, and the box of mackerel you sent to my parents? You sent me a laptop because I was supposed to work from home. I did enormous amount of work that YS asked and translated tremendous amount of material with that computer. I once just said I like big monitor. Next thing I knew, you sent me a bigger laptop. I was surprised. Problem is that I worked so much on these computers that they are not in good condition. I used up most of the business cards too. I am thinking how to return all these back to you, the problem is the fish that my parents ate already.

I could understand you sending me office items. But gifts always felt uncomfortable. I always refused but YS and you insisted that I receive them. It didn’t feel like pure gift between friends. I was right. You are asking to return gifts. Do you not realize how base that looks? You lost any sense of discernment and judgment.

Do you charge your employees in Korea for the computers and phones? They are supplied by the employer. I remember YS’s expression when he said he was sorry to make me work with such low salary when he gave me those things.

Why don’t you ask President Lee to return the “Chairperson of Advisory Committee” business card and computer? Can you not say it because you received so much more than you gave? Mr. Lee and President Lee gave a lot of gifts and treated many expensive meals for YS to cheer him. You and your children were treated as VIP just because you were his family. Do you plan to return all that?

President Lee was extremely kind to YS ever since he was having a tough time of his life in an abandoned school in Hadong. I remember President Lee preparing a Chanel perfume as a gift for you when we went to see him. In 2010, President Lee left Korea for good for personal reasons. Among the list of must-see people was included Master Cho. After seeing him, I told her that Master Cho’s son has separated from his father, is doing research in organic but the results were not good, were in debt, and had no house. She went all the way to a remote village in Hadong to see YS. On that day too, President Lee advised YS to make up with his parents.

President Lee was very kind to you. She told me that “family suffers more.” She doesn’t wear make-ups but she bought luxurious one for you because she did not want you to feel left out, living in the countryside without a house. YS was deeply touched by President Lee. She treated him with a good meal. He drank and got emotional, repeatedly saying, “I will succeed. I will.”

When President Lee heard later that he became successful, she was happy as if it were her own news. YS expressed his wish to treat President Lee who came all the way to Hadong to cheer him, when he was at the lowest point of his life. So YS came to Seoul from Daejeon, and President Lee met him for the second time. That’s when Mr. Sangwoo Lee met YS, and the translation of book was decided. You were not there.

YS said that after President Lee visited him, things went so well that he became a prince from a beggar in an instant. He said he felt many times that the good luck came from her. He wanted to call her “Godmother.” Below is his poem sent to me in May 2015, after meeting President Lee third time in Canada:

This feeling is indescribable

As if I came down from a mountain

With grace (Christian term)

Thank you

Especially to Godmother

The time spent with warm hearts

I have seen the spring of

Tranquility, peace, and hope

In my rough journey of life

Let us walk like destiny!

This is the beautiful friendship that started between YS, President Lee, and me. You could not accept this growing of love. You decided to act to destroy it. X! You can have all the gifts I gave you. But return the friendship among beautiful people!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpLIq2dhpu34qkIyyaeEGxw

JADAM ENGLISH WEBSITE: http://en.jadam.kr/news/articleList.html…

(You can see the lecture video with English subtitle from JADAM English website.)


Rei Yoon wrote a story based on his assumptions that I “wanted all requests for KNF workshops, permission to use CGNF/CGNFI name/logo to flow into their channel” (From Rei Yoon’s final statement). As Master Cho mentioned through video, I am going to manage the copyright of CGNF & CGNFI for TEMPORARY and I will HAND OVER all rights to CGNF Hawaii.

The warning statement says “if anyone would like to use the name and associated logo of CGNF or CGNFI to educate or publish certificates, please contact jadamorganic@gmail.com.” Time will tell us how you manage the copyright of CGNF.

I am too busy with JADAM. I think it would be more desirable if CGNF Hawaii succeed everything Master Cho has accumulated and they achieve harmony with JADAM.

You spoke in so many places that your theory is superior to Master Cho’s. You always publicly criticized your father’s theory. Now you are selling your book in CGNF Hawaii’s homepage right next to your father’s.

I didn’t plan all these. I am not interested in the copyright of CGNF/CGNFI. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense that I planned all these. I only mediated a dispute.

Yes. YS did not plan all these. You had interest in copyright, and you planned all this. YS was only faithful to his role given by you, not knowing how much that will destroy him. Putting JADAM’s official email in a warning statement that defames individuals is mediation? Using father to attack us publicly on a video is mediation? YS created the dispute without knowing. We know YS is not interested in copyright of CGNF/CGNFI and did not plan the dispute. We know that you planned and carried out the dispute in order to destroy President Lee and me.

Master Cho said he put in the names in the warning statement. That is not true. I have evidence of how names were put into the warning statement and why one person was deleted. You had strong enough influence over Master Cho to be able to remove a person.

Rei! Stop making drama! Rei Yoon sent a resignation letter on June 4, 2018. If Rei Yoon was working in SARM from Jan. 2016, he had to resign from JADAM long time ago because he was a JADAM full-time employee during that time. Rei Yoon became insincere from last year so I told him “You are thinking of your job in JADAM as a sideline”.

X! Stop making drama! I am a member of SARM but I never worked there as an employee. I never had other full-time job while I was working full-time for JADAM. SARM’s purpose is charity. It is different from YS’s company which is a private business disguised as social enterprise. I did not become insincere from last year, YS became weird. I think it is your influence. When YS said I regard JADAM as a sideline job, I was very upset and insulted because I was working SO HARD. YS knew how hard I worked but erased that memory because of you. There is no need to debate. Just look at the achievements that I brought to JADAM.

It was okay with Rei Yoon until last year. Rei was once my best drinking buddy. This is unfortunate that our relationship is over like this. I think it happened when he started to prepare to establish CGNFI North American branch.

You said I became insincere “from last year” and then you said I was okay “until last year.” You use any word you want to attack me, regardless it makes sense or not. Please realize how you hurt others with groundless vitriol. You believe you can do whatever you want, destroy whoever you hate. That is not normal.

I really was YS’s best drinking buddy. Not only YS but I am also sad that our relation ends like this. Establishing CGNF branch was a happy process. Previously, Master Cho and YS were on bad terms, and I was in an awkward position. The two seems to have reconciled now. Then I should also be happy because I am friend of both CGNF and JADAM. How is it that helping CGNF through President Lee brings an end to relation with YS? It’s because of you.

Rei! You shouldn’t threaten to sue your close friends and Master Cho in public.

Telling you that we will resort to legal measures is not a threat when that is the only way to stop your crime. If that “close friends” is YS, you made YS inform that he would sue an employee who shared an open info for the company. That is a threat. What I did was legal, but I corrected it immediately because he requested. There is no way to correct you. That’s when we need law.

You manipulated Master Cho into signing an illegal document and reading a problematic statement in a video. That put him in risk of being sued. But we never thought of suing Master Cho.

Good-bye, Rei Yoon.

Good-bye X.

Thank you for resigning in advance.

I am sorry I resigned before you could fire me. You done enough sin in firing people by removing Pastor Lee.

YS, please rethink this whole situation with a cool head. You are destroying yourself and your father. NOBODY on Facebook supports you. JADAM’s reputation has fallen to the ground internationally. Why? Because of X. I sometimes feel there are two Xs. Do not become as ugly as X who brings in her own children into the sewer. You were once my father-like brother. I ask that you return to a pure-hearted passionate young activist that you once were.


Rei Yoon

Jason MacLeod, Instructor of Civil Resistance at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney | ICNC

Jason MacLeod, Instructor of Civil Resistance at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney | ICNC

Jason MacLeod, Instructor of Civil Resistance at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney

Jason MacLeod is an educator, organiser and researcher. He currently teaches civil resistance at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney where he is a visiting scholar. He has previously held teaching and/or research positions at The University of Queensland, Sydney University, University of New England, Christian Heritage College and Monash University. His research interests include nonviolent struggles for self-determination, conflict transformation, social movements, community development, community organising, popular education, and politics in Indonesia, West Papua and the Pacific. He is the author of Merdeka and the Morning Star: Civil Resistance in West Papua, What Would it Take?(forthcoming), and editor of the People Power Manual, a series of six training and education guides, with Dr James Whelan. Jason is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Resistance Studies and at the invitation of, and in close cooperation with, local people in conflict settings, coordinates a civil resistance training and education for people in non-democracies. He lives on Jagera and Turrbal land in Brisbane, Australia.