The Gnostic Gospels/Adam, Eve and the Serpent/The Origins of Satan by Elaine Pagels | Goodreads

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The Gnostic Gospels/Adam, Eve and the Serpent/The Origins of Satan
Elaine Pagels
4.16 · Rating details · 79 ratings · 3 reviews
An exclusive 3-in-1 edition. "The Gnostic Gospels," first published in 1979, is the now classic study of one of Christianity's earliest sects, as revealed through the Nag Hammadi texts discovered in Egypt in 1945. "Adam, Eve and the Serpent" (1988) recreates the controversies that racked the early Church as it confronted the riddles of sexuality, freedom and sin embodied in the story of Genesis. "The Origin of Satan" (1995) explores how Satan evolved from the Old Testament's mere "Adversary" to the Prince of Darkness we meet in the New Testament. (less)
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Published 2005 by Quality Paperback Book Club (first published 1995)
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The Gnostic Gospels/Adam, Eve and the Serpent/The Origins of Satan
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April 29, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
April 29, 2020 – Shelved
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Oct 10, 2010Chip rated it it was amazing
Academically well researched, balanced presentation, sophisticated yet pleasant reading. These books do not try to convince; they present the facts in context and let you decide for yourself. My understanding of the Christian faith has been expanded exponentially, and I am eager to find more of Pagels' work. From a historical perspective these are an excellent read. From a spiritual perspective, also very illuminating. As literature... well, perhaps a little dry (but then it isn't supposed to be literature)! Recommended for anyone interested in the very early days of the Christian movement. (less)
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May 23, 2012Susan Newman rated it really liked it
What if Mary Magdelene had been the first pope? The history of Christianity would be very different.
Thought-provoking books about the early history of the Christian church.
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Mar 06, 2012Cicely rated it it was amazing
This book is an eye opener as to some of the basic stories of the Bible, teaching us that these stories originated in earlier times.