
니야야 학파 - 위키백과 Nyaya

니야야 학파 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

니야야 학파

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

니야야 학파(Nyāya)는 힌두교의 정통 육파철학 중의 하나로, 정리론(正理論) 또는 정리학파(正理學派)라고도 한다.

"니야야"란 법칙 · 규범 등을 뜻한다.[1] 《베다》 연구를 할 때의 여러 가지 변론이나 사고(思考)에 있어서 논증상의 법칙이나 규약이 설정되고 이러한 것에 관한 연구와 교의가 이윽고 한 학파를 이루게 된 것으로 생각된다.[1] 그 성격상 "(윤회의) 원인을 밝히는 논리"라는 의미에서 인명(因明) 혹은 인론(因論)이라고도 부르지만 논리학적 연구는 힌두교의 다른 철학 학파에도 큰 영향을 미쳤다.[1]

창시자는 고타마(가우타마 · 아구바다 · 足目)라고도 하나 분명치 않다.[1] 근본경전으로서는 《니야야 수트라》가 있으며 《정리경(正理經)》이라고 번역된다.[1] 《니야야 수트라》는 250~350년경에 편찬되었다.[2]

니야야 학파의 성립은 약 1세기경으로 추정된다.[1] 니야야 학파의 자연철학과 형이상학은 거의 바이셰시카 학파의 철학을 계승한 것으로 대체로 바이셰시카 학파와 유사하다.[1][2] 해탈론은 불교와 삼키아 학파의 영향을 받았다.[1] 다른 힌두교 철학 학파들과 마찬가지로 해탈을 인생의 궁극적 목표로 삼았으며, 《니야야 수트라》에 정해진 참된 지식(眞知)의 대상인 16제(十六諦)를 바르게 알게 됨으로써 해탈이 달성된다고 주장하였다.[1]

니야야 학파의 사상에는 불교의 영향을 볼 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 또한 논증 중심의 성격을 가진 것으로 인해 《베다》 신학의 주류들로부터는 냉담시되었다.[1] 10세기 이후에는 바이셰시카 학파와 융합되었다.[1] 13세기에 미티라에 강게샤(12세기?)가 나타나서 신니야야 학파를 창설하였다.[2]


인도에서 논리학 연구는 상당히 오래전부터 이루어지고 있었는데, 불교에서는 논리학을 인명(因明)이라고 부른다.[2] 그러나 그것을 조직적으로 대성한 것은 니야야 학파이다.[2] "니야야"라는 낱말의 문자 그대로의 의미는 이론(理論) 또는 정리(正理)이다.[2] 그것이 후에는 논리학적 연구 전반의 의미가 되었고 다시 학파명으로 되었다.[2]

기본 교의[편집]

니야야 학파는 약 1세기경에 성립된 것으로 추정된다.[1] 니야야 학파의 우주발생론이나 극미론(極微論) 등의 자연철학과 형이상학은 거의 바이셰시카 학파의 철학을 계승하여 대체로 바이셰시카파와 유사하다.[1][2] 해탈론에 있어서는 불교와 삼키아 학파의 영향을 받았다.[1] 다른 철학 학파와 마찬가지로 해탈을 인생의 궁극적 목표로 삼았으며 그것은 《니야야 수트라》에 정해진 참된 지식의 참된 지식(眞知)의 대상인 16제(十六諦)를 올바르게 알게 됨으로써 달성되고, 또한 고(苦) · 생(生) · 동작 · 과실 · 사지(邪知)를 마지막 것으로부터 시작하여 순차적으로 없애 나가면 연쇄적으로 앞의 것이 소멸되어 해탈에 이를 수 있다고도 주장했다.[1]


니야야 학파의 교의에 따르면, 인생은 (苦)에 번뇌하고 있는데, 그 원인은 인간이 생존(生存)하고 있기 때문이다.[2] 인간이 생존(生存)은 인간이 활동(活動)을 하는 데 근거한다.[2] 그런데 인간의 활동은 여러 가지 결점, 즉 탐욕 · 미워함 등에 근본하여 일어나는 것이며, 이런 결점은 "오류(誤謬)의 지(知)"에서 비롯된 것이다.[2] 그러므로 인간에게서 일어나는 (苦)의 근원을 추구해 들어가면, 결국 "오류의 지(知)"가 (苦)가 일어나는 궁극적 근원임을 알 수 있다.[2] 따라서 이 근본적인 오류의 인식(認識)을 제거하여 만유의 진실상을 인식할 것 같으면 자연히 고뇌를 이탈하게 된다.[2] 이것이 모크샤(해탈)이다.[2] 모크샤(해탈)에 이른 사람은 윤회의 굴레에서 벗어나 무엇에도 속박되지 않는다.[2] 이러한 경지에 도달하기 위해서는 계율을 준수하고 요가수행을 해아만 한다.[2]

니야야 학파는 바이셰시카 학파와 같이 한없이 많은 원자가 오랜 옛적부터 존재하여 불변불멸(不變不滅)이며 그것들이 합하여 자연 세계를 성립시키고 있다고 한다.[2] 또 아트만의 존재를 적극적으로 논증하고 있다.[2]


니야야 학파에서는 정당한 지식을 얻기 위한 인식방법으로 다음 네 가지를 주장한다.[2]

  1. 직접지각(直接知覺)
  2. 추론(推論)
  3. 유비(類比)
  4. 신뢰할 만한 사람의 언어

이들 중 두 번째의 추론(推論)은 다음의 예와 같은 5분작법(五分作法)이라고 일컬어지는 논증 형식으로 이루어진다.[2]

  1. 주장(主張: 宗 · 종): 저 산(山)은 불을 가지고 있다.
  2. 이유(理由: 因 · 인): 그것은 연기가 있기 때문이다.
  3. 실례(實例: 喩 · 유): 어떤 것이든지 연기가 일어나는 곳에는 불이 있다. 비유컨대 아궁이와 같다.
  4. 적용(適用: 合 · 합): 연기가 일어나는 아궁이와 같이 저 산의 경우에도 마찬가지이다.
  5. 결론(結論: 結 · 결): 따라서 저 산은 불을 가지고 있다.

네 가지 인식방법 중 세 번째의 유비는, 예를 들어, 물소(水牛)는 소와 같은 것이라고 가르쳐지고 후에 실물(實物)인 물소를 보고서 이것이 물소라고 아는 경우이다.[2]

네 가지 인식방법 중 네 번째의 신뢰할 만한 사람의 언어에는 《베다》가 포함된다.[2] 이 네 번째 항목과 관련하여 니야야 학파에서는 미맘사 학파 등의 어상주론(語常住論)에 반대하였는데, 니야야 학파의 이러한 반대 의견은 바이셰시카파와 그 입장이 동일하다.[2]


참고 문헌[편집]

분류: 고대 인도 철학 학파
힌두 철학

인과율 (철학) - 위키백과, 인중유과론, 인중무과론

인과율 (철학) - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

인과율 (철학)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

인과율(因果律, 영어Causality)이란 어떤 상태(원인)에서 다른 상태(결과)가 필연적으로 일어나는 경우의 법칙성을 일컫는다. 인과 혹은 인과성(因果性)이라고도 한다.

인과의 개념에서 원인이란 용어는 결과라는 용어를 떼놓을 수 없다. 원인은 시간적으로 결과에 선행하고 이를 발생시키지만, 기본적으로 모든 현상이 그것에 뒤이어 일어나는 현상과 인과적 연관을 맺고 있다는 것을 의미하지는 않는다. 예를 들어, 밤은 아침에 선행하기는 하지만 아침의 원인은 아니다. 원인과 결과라는 개념 자체가 사회적 실천과정과 세계에의 인식과정에서 만들어진 것이다. 모든 현상에는 반드시 원인이 있다. 세계의 모든 현상이 인과적으로 제약당하고 있다는 명제는 인과관계를 표현하는 명제 그 자체이다.[1]

보통 어떤 사건이 발생했을 때, 그 사건을 야기시킨 조건이 인정된다면 그 조건은 원인으로 간주된다. 인과 조건에서 'A가 B의 원인이다'라는 문장은 두 사건이 각각 독립적이라는 것과 두 사건이 모두 실재했다는 것을 전제한다. 그러므로 인과적 필요 조건이란 결과의 발생을 위해서는 필수적인 조건이다. 곧 인과적 필요 조건은 그 조건이 발생하지 않았을 때, 그에 따른 결과 역시 발생하지 않는다는 것을 암시한다.[2]

동양에서의 인과율[편집]

인과율이 세상을 바라보는 인식론 중 가장 보편적인 성격을 가졌다는 측면에서, 인과율은 동양에도 물론 존재한다. 동양에서 흔히 다루어질 때는 원인 때문에 결과가 발생한다는 일종의 동기론적 관점에서 부각되었다. 보통 불교의 연기설이 가장 유명하고 알려져 있는데, 이것은 그러나 불교의 독창적 개념은 아니며 고대 인도의 사상으로부터 큰 영향을 받았다. 고대 인도의 인과응보와 같은 인과율의 개념을 불교가 이어받아, 그것을 모든 세상만사로 적용시킨 것이다. 종교로서 인과율에 영향을 받은 동양 사람들은 인간 개개인이 상호 교섭되어 있음을 명심하여 개인이 전체를 망각해서는 안 된다고 생각했다.


불교에서 인과란 원인과 결과를 합쳐 말하며, 그 둘을 별개로 보지 않는다. 또한 그 사이에 존재할 조건들 역시 배제하지 않는다. 그 사이의 조건들을 불교에서는 연이라고 부른다. 원인은 연을 사이에 두고 결과를 맺고, 모든 결과는 다시 원인과 연결된다. 이러한 시각을 통해, 불교는 존재하는 모든 존재들이 서로 상호관계를 맺고 있다고 본다. 또한 모든 원인과 결과를 유동적인 것으로 간주한다. 이 두 시점을 합쳐 보면 이 세상에 우연한 것은 존재하지 않는다. 결과가 곧 원인이고, 원인이 곧 결과이다. 불교에서는 이 인과율의 적용을 현재의 삶에만 적용하지 않고 내세로까지 확장시킨다. 그렇기 때문에 불교에서는 이번 삶에서 나쁜 일을 하면 다음 생에 좋지 못한 존재로 태어난다고 설파하는 것이다. 이 원리는 단순히 세상에만 적용되지 않는다. 이 원리가 자기 자신에게 적용될 때, 자기 자신이라는 존재 역시 끊임없이 변하는 존재이고, 우연히 변하는 것이 아니게 된다. 불교의 입장에서 사람들이 자신의 변화에 집착하는 것은, 근본을 보지 않고 형상에 집착하는 것과 같은 일이다. 그러므로 연기론을 통한 이 인과율을 통해 자신이 없다는 무아를 알게 되면 자신만을 아는 집착하는 삶이 아닌 그 이상의 삶을 보게 되는 것이다. 불교에서는 색계와 무색계 속에 '나'를 비롯한 모든 것이 포함되어 있다고 보았고 바로 여기에 관련된 법칙이 연기라고 보았다. 그러므로 불교에서는 선악의 행위가 주는 결과를 결코 무시하지 않으며 곧 이를 통해 인과응보의 정당성을 설명한다. 한마디로, 불교에서는 인과율이라는 개념을 '이 세상 어떠한 것도 단일로 독립되어 있는 것은 없다'라는 연기의 원리로 승화시켰다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 내용이 다가가기 어려우며 특유의 추상성을 없애지 못했기 때문에 불교에서 관련 가르침을 설파할 때 여러 어려움이 존재하였다. 그렇기에 불교는 내적으로 교리를 발전해나가 인을 여섯 개로, 연을 네 개의 연으로, 과를 다섯 개의 과로 구분하여 인과관계의 복잡성을 풀어내려 시도했다. 후의 대승불교에서는 이를 받아 더 체계적으로 발전시켰다. 또한 삼보라 하여, 과보가 나타나는 시기를 세 개로 나누어 설명했다. 즉시로 나타나는 순현보, 다음 시기에 나타나는 순생보, 나타나기는 하지만 언제인지는 일정하지 않은 순후보가 그것이다. 한국에서는 불교 윤리 중 인과에 관한 전반적인 내용이 들어와 나름의 독자성을 띠며 발전하였다. 삼국 초전기 불교의 중심사상은 업설이었다고 볼 수 있는데, 이 이유는 윤리보다는 정치적인 이유 때문이었다. 이 사상들의 도입은 발전되면서 우리나라의 문화에 많은 영향을 주었다. 우리가 흔히 알고 있는 보시나, 보은 같은 개념들도 여기에서 나왔다.[3]

The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the coming of the Muslims by A.L. Basham | Goodreads

The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the coming of the Muslims by A.L. Basham | Goodreads

Displaying 1 - 10 of 120 reviews

Kushal Srivastava
159 reviews28 followers

October 2, 2011
Women in ancient India roamed the streets with naked breasts. Take that, modern world!

One cannot refrain from considering any work on Indian culture and history under the scanner of famed "Orientalism" as told to us by Edward Said, if the work is from an Western author. AL Basham though seems doesn't quite fill the bill of an orientalist. This is a work of very high quality and very deep research for which the author learned nearly all the ancient Indian languages and all of its ancient literature. The work is polymathic in it's outlook and covers nearly all known aspects of the Indian civilization from its geography, its literature, governance, religion, philosophy to science and even coinage.

Indian culture and its civilization are amongst the oldest in the world and perhaps one of few which are still intact in pretty much the same form as when they were created. This continuity is surprising and in the book Basham has tried to find out the reasons behind it.

We are given a quick tour of the Harappa culture and possible reasons for its decline (attack? Natural decline?) according to the author Harappans may have settled down in the South India and could have been the Dasas referred to in literature, the Brahmi script is also probably a derivative of the Harappan script but nothing can be claimed with certainty.

The Indian society as it stands today is certainly the amalgamation of Aryans who probably came from somewhere near the modern day Iran and the natives. It is this culture of the Aryans which has been transferred almost undiluted through centuries. Slowly the Aryans dominated the entire sub continent and every inch of India soon had their footprints.

There is a lot of information on the Indian religions though not necessarily structured. We come to know that the Aryan religion was in the beginning a sacrificial cult which was later transformed into a devotional cult or the modern day hinduism. All the religions in India have been influenced by each other upto the coming of Muslims. The coming of Buddhism and Jainism brought the non violence and vegetarian aspect into the Indian religions. Almost all of the Indian literature has been religious and even if some were secular like Mahabharata or Ramayana they have been transformed into religious works by later writers. Basham is clearly not much impressed by the ideas expressed in literature of the period, according to him, the literature is mostly either religious or gnomic. What has impressed him is the amazingly and almost supernatural grasp of the language ancient Indian poets have shown.

Where else in the world would you find a beauty like this

Dadado dudda-dud-dadi
Dadado duda-di-da-doh
Dud-dadam dadade dudde
Dad'-adada-dado 'da-dah

Translation: The giver of gifts, the giver of grief to his foes, the bestower of purity, whose arm destroys the giver of grief, the destroyer of demons, bestower of bounty on generous and miser alike, raised his weapon against the foe.

This work is essential for anyone who is interested in knowing the Indian history. It is a brilliant reference material, even if some sections feel dated.

Appendices at the end give information on Indian science and maths but is hardly of the same detail as religion or governance. But the importance of mathematics is highlighted in the fact that author calls the unknown mathematician who gave the world the zero as the second most important son of India after Buddha.

Oh and according to Basham, the gypsies are of Indian origin, so next time you see Brad Pitt in Snatch remember he is just Rajnikant in disguise.
history india

216 reviews190 followers

October 24, 2022
This is a clearly written introduction to ancient India before the Muslim conquest of the 13th century. Arthur Llewellyn Basham's father was a British journalist who served in the Indian Army during WWI. His son became a scholar of Indian history and religion, teaching at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and mentoring R. S. Sharma and Romila Thapar. Published in 1954, Basham avoided much of the esoteric density of contemporary European indologists such as Zimmer and Kramrisch.

As others have noted, this is essentially an undergraduate level textbook. Basham's literary inclination allows it at times to transcend the usual tedium implied. The reader is first taken through a quick chronology of the Indus Valley civilization, Aryan/Vedic period, advent of Buddhism, Greek invasion, Mauryan and Gupta empires, and the Chalukya and Chola dynasties. The larger remainder of the book is arranged thematically into the political, social, religious, technological and artistic spheres.

I appreciated the fast paced historical narrative but wanted more detail in this section, which comprises less than a fifth of the 500 page text. The topical chapters are by contrast a bit drawn out, but they can be digested separately according to your personal interests. It is a typical dilemma in history surveys whether to integrate this material by time period or to extract it by subject matter. The latter approach errs on the side of brevity which works well with the book's introductory nature.

Unfortunately the book suffers from dubious racial theories that were prevalent in the mid 20th century. Aryan invasion or migration theories are still debated on the merits of linguistic or DNA evidence, but Basham's analysis of skin color, lip, nose and head morphology at times smacks of phrenology, or worse. Basham was a student of Sanskrit, so his observations from the Vedas and Brahmanas do not come second hand. Nevertheless they are seen through the lens of conquest and colony.

Inevitably this is a dated work since so much has been discovered in the past 65 years. The generalized approach of the book doesn't exacerbate this fault however. For a more specialized and updated focus, Thapar's "Early India" and Sharma's "Ancient Past" may be both good options. The relatively small selection of recent English books on ancient Indian history is peculiar. There are many other academic monographs available but good material for the general reader is hard to come by.

Arun Divakar
799 reviews397 followers

October 20, 2016
While getting down from a train recently, a small post-it on the wall of the coach caught my attention. It was a quote from Stephen Covey – There are three constants in life…change, choice and principles. I do not know about principles but change and choice are always prevalent when you pause to think about life and also about history. If you were to take only a sample of Indian history (prior to the arrival of the Mughals) and examine it, the sheer number of dynasties and empires that passed through the Indian stage are mindboggling. No single person or enterprise escaped the stamp of change and as cliché would have it, time continued its inexorable march. A. L Basham’s work is a consolidation of the data and writings available at the time of its first publication on how rich a history India had prior to the arrival of the Muslim invaders. The timeline we are talking about is from the rise of the Indus valley civilization to the first arrival of the Mughals.

Reading the book was like a trip down memory lane. This feeling was not because I am fully well versed with Indian history but more because this is written in a style that reminded me of high school history classes. I harboured no special liking for this subject in school and to this day I have no idea how I managed to clear that paper. The dry and factual descriptions in the book brought me back to those soporific afternoon classes…sigh !

But I digress and so getting back – change is the most common factor in this book. The first big chapter in the book is a brief history on the dynasties that rose and fell across the length and breadth of the subcontinent in the eras gone by. In hindsight it all seems so fickle and tiny. The power plays, the decades of warfare, blood and glory, the opulence of the royal households are all now recorded for posterity only on files hosted on some database with the Government of India. There are still standing testimonies scattered across the vastness of this landscape with a personal favourite of mine being Hampi in Karnataka. The grandeur of the constructions and the sheer scale of it all made me marvel at the effort that would have gone in to create such a place. Then again a stroll to the magnificent Vijaya Vittala temple or gazing at the Narasimhamoorthy statue tells you how that glorious kingdom was ravaged by the invaders following the Battle of Talikota in 1565. This gets a mention of two lines in the book but having walked those streets, the past glory was still fresh on my mind. The most famous early empire of India of Ashoka has been all but forgotten now even though his is a very popular name in India. Thereby you get a rough picture of the scale of changes that the landscape has been witness to.

Don’t let this review make you believe that this is a depressing work about the seemingly momentary nature of history. On the contrary the writing style is purely dispassionate and dry. Basham is a competent chronicler who relies heavily on the available literature of his time as the base for his work. The chapters are broadly divided into art, politics, religion and theology, culture and social structure. Summed together they give an in depth understanding of the Indian subcontinent when the Mughals arrived on the scene. A lot of criticism is levelled against Basham for the glaring omissions and errors in the book but having being first published in 1954, this would have been pretty much obvious.

Recommended for its breadth and scope (and also for the unintentional nostalgia !).


192 reviews132 followers

June 17, 2013
A fine survey of Indian culture up to 15th century or so. It's rare that a semi-academic book 50 years old holds up at all, but this one seems quite useful. It gives the broad outlines of Indian history, politics, society, daily life, religions, arts, and literature in a mere 500 pages. The author knew perhaps a half dozen early Indian languages, and translates from them all, comfortably discuss numismatics and prosody, astronomy and sculpture. Very impressive.

I'm sure scholars of classical India could note hundreds of advances in the field since this book's publication. One could also criticize some of the author's assumptions (i.e., that Indian culture "went into decline" with the growing political dominance of Islamic groups in the 16th century, or that history is generalizable at all), but these would be cheap shots. For a 20th century British historian, Basham is remarkably anti-imperialist, avoiding the dominant "they need overlords" narrative of many of his English colleagues, and taking pains to point out the great achievements coming from all aspects of Indian society.

In short, this book is recommended to anyone who is generally curious about early and medieval Indian history, a relatively brief introduction for the intelligent non-expert.

149 reviews22 followers

January 21, 2013
Focuses mainly on Indian pre-islamic cultural and religious history (Basham's specialty I think is Buddhism). No good for a correct balanced view now as the book is outdated, but has nice snippets.

Recommended if you like Buddhism, the Vedas and Sanskrit. I personally liked it as you can be reasonably certain Basham is not bigoted. One drawback I see is Basham's over reliance on only written records which handicaps him in this period, quite a bit of the book reads like an English translation of the Arthashastra (he's not ready to speculate even when he himself repeatedly states that the Arthashastra maybe unreliable for actual "history on the ground").

Shekar Subramanian
4 reviews

August 26, 2019
First of all in this day and age, I don't see any value to this book because this book has been completely based on the premise the Aryan Invasion Theory and the Aryan-Dravidian Myth which have been completely falsified and debunked.

Through out this book you will find certain repetitive themes as follows:

1. Any possible achievement or positive development in India or Hinduism would be put off saying..."they say this happened but It is highly unlikely it could have happened"

2. Any major breakthrough or discoveries would be put off by saying..."It is highly unlike that the Aryans could have done it by themselves then surely they must have taken inspiration from the Greeks or Roman or Arabic or Persians"

3. Wherever possible Hinduism is frowned upon as the most orthodox, backward and downtrodden & how influences of Islam and Christianity were necessary for its revival into its present day form.

4. It becomes hilarious at one point where Basham tries to suggest how Muslim and British invasions did more good to India and Indians than harm.

5. Any school of thought or idea of the Hindus or Brahmans or Aryans will be termed as pessimistic asceticism and weird mysticism.

The only positives about the book is that basham has done a decent job in compiling the entire history in 500 odd pages.

There is typical british condescending and cold tone to the book and when I read book I can hear the master AL Basham saying to me, "O Come here! Let me introduce you to my sweet little India, Well there are some good things about her! But in the end she is not capable of doing anything on her own and see how I have improved her life considerably"

It is preposterous when I see how such people have been the given the titles of "notable historian and Indologist". This is what happens when the authority to write the history is given to those very forces which have plundered and looted you for centuries or their mouthpieces.

I have grown up listening to the old adage "History is always written by the winners", India always comes out as an anomaly.


1 review2 followers

September 14, 2007
I've wanted to buy this book for the better part of 3 years and I finally got my hands on it. Haven't finished it yet, but from what I've read it thoroughly deserves its reputation as a classic, holding up well after 53 years.

In my experience with histories of India, you generally have two extremes: Ones written by Indian authors that so aggressively seek to discount earlier volumes' Western slant it comes across as "one-upsmanship", and the volumes written by Western authors that seek to apologize for earlier transgressions. A.L. Basham achieves a happy medium. Some of his language can be excused as indicative of the time in which he wrote the book, 7 years after the Partition, but otherwise he does a great job of covering Indian history up to the High Middle Ages with thoroughness and equanimity. His writing is also very engaging.

As the foreward in this new edition points out, the book stops "before the coming of the Muslims" because Basham didn't have any background in Persian, not as any sort of "statement" about that part of Indian history.


Ashok Krishna
372 reviews55 followers

September 19, 2017
Breathtakingly brilliant! ❤️


Sumir Sharma
Author 20 books2 followers

July 25, 2018
Basham's book is recommended for students and aspirants who prepare for Civil Services in India. It is presumed that those who work on that line, they might have read this book.

Secondly, he was the guide for PhD of Romila Thapar another renowned historian of Ancient India.

The book definitely gives a fresh look to Ancient India. Generally, you find very few books nicely written on the period of Ancient India. Some of the other books contain too many references to the facts and figures written in Sanskrit that it is not useful for every one. Secondly, the chapter making is different from other books. The contents fulfil the need of the students about whom it is referred above. On the whole, it is one of the popular books till this day.

On the other hand, the author had failed to suspend his racial bias while writing about Ancient India. Some of the commentators and reviewers have already raised some issues. A historian is not expected to be judgemental which interpreting. Alas, Basham made many judgemental remarks. While discussing Yogasutra, he sarcastically commented on the existence of Sushma Nadi. Similarly, while talking about Soma, one can guess that what can be a remark of a Western scholar. Therefore, while calling it one of the best books on ancient India for the students, I have given only three stars. It is best because one can find reference to answers to numerous Multiple Choice questions which appears in the examination in a single book. One can prepare a good note on Ancient literature on Buddhism from the contents provided in this book. That is the importance and value of the book. One can gather many references to numerous terms related to the society and those terms are not fully understood at present. However, this book is not a good source on the political history of India. For that, one needs to take help of other books.

One should not wonder if some of the reviewers and especially the Indian reviewers criticise it. From Kapil, to Gautam, to Patanjali, to Panini, to Aryabhata, to Sankaracharya to later times the people like Satyendra Bose, J Bose, Meghanath Jha, C. V. Raman, or for that purpose, Narain, a twenty nine year old young man whom the Western World knew as Vivekananda, the disciple of Ramakrishna on whom even Max Muller wrote a biography, to the present day intellectually awake Indians who fully understand the Western Philosophy, Basham made some amusing judgemental remarks. If someone gives him one star, I will not be surprised. But, I will like to respect the intellectual mind of any race, as it the heritage and culture of Indians like Varamahir who was ready to respect Romanav chart to correct the Solar chart, Basham definitely deserve the respect.


673 reviews

March 26, 2018
Even though Indian civilization has interacted with other civilizations over the millennia, there is still a mystery and allure about its history, culture, and religions that still fascinates. The Wonder That Was India by A.L. Basham is a classic interpretation of Indian culture that for over 60 years has been an introduction to the unique culture that covered a subcontinent up until the arrival of the Muslims.

Basham ordered the book by discipline first with history—both pre-recorded and recorded—followed by government, society, everyday life, religion, the arts, and finally language and literature. This allowed for a generally reader friendly book as Basham covered the history of the subcontinent and then used that background to show the societal and cultural developments. Throughout the book are numerous illustrations, drawings, and maps that showed the richness of the civilization. However, being over 60 years old some of the information is out of date and that is not all of the imperfections that future readers should know about. Basham’s writing style is somewhat dry in places and reading becomes as slog. And the illustrations while being spread throughout the book are not easy to find when referenced in the text.

However, even with this downside The Wonder That Was India is still a great introduction into Indian history. A.L. Basham’s enthusiasm is very evident as well as his expertise on the subject. I definitely recommend this book for dedicated history readers, but issue a word of warning to general readers.
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