
What does it feel like to be old? The other... - Society Retro Hub | Facebook

What does it feel like to be old? The other... - Society Retro Hub | Facebook

What does it feel like to be old?
The other day, a young person asked me: - What did it feel like to be old?
I was very surprised by the question, since I did not consider myself old. When he saw my reaction, he was immediately embarrassed, but I explained that it was an interesting question. And after reflection, I concluded that getting old is a gift.
Sometimes I am surprised at the person who lives in my mirror. But I don't worry about those things for long. I wouldn't trade everything I have for a few less gray hairs and a flat stomach. I don't scold myself for not making the bed, or for eating a few extra "little things." I am within my rights to be a little messy, to be extravagant, and to spend hours staring at my flowers.
I have seen some dear friends leave this world, before they had enjoyed the freedom that comes with growing old.
-Who cares if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 in the morning and then sleep until who knows what time?
I will dance with me to the rhythm of the 50's and 60's. And if later I want to cry for some lost love...I will!
I'll walk down the beach in a swimsuit that stretches over my plump body and dive into the waves letting myself go, despite the pitying looks of the bikini-wearers. They'll get old too, if they're lucky...
It is true that through the years my heart has ached for the loss of a loved one, for the pain of a child, or for seeing a pet die. But it is suffering that gives us strength and makes us grow. An unbroken heart is sterile and will never know the happiness of being imperfect.
I am proud to have lived long enough for my hair to turn gray and to retain the smile of my youth, before the deep furrows appeared on my face.
Now, to answer the question honestly, I can say: -I like being old, because old age makes me wiser, freer!-.
I know I'm not going to live forever, but while I'm here, I'm going to live by my own laws, those of my heart.
I'm not going to regret what wasn't, nor worry about what will be.
The time that remains, I will simply love life as I did until today, the rest I leave to God.
Copied and pasted from Women Life.
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  • Shelly Zehl
    I feel I can maybe let a little bit of those woo's go that makes me afraid to live the best of my latter yrs. Just hearing your words.
    You have put some perspective on my thinking now. You've put some clatity to my growing old and I respect your opinion and will most definable chng my outlook on myself and my life going forward....
    Thank you for your beautiful view on your life 🙏
    You totally inspired me!!!
    • Lori Gottlieb
      Shelly Zehl Thank you. You have reinforced my own feelings exactly.
      “Old” is a concept that I refuse to accept because it thwarts the desires and energy of the present.
      To tire more easily, and sleep less
      soundly must be acknowledged but it is small potatoes compared to the thrill of anticipating the pleasures of things to come, for
      every day holds promises.
  • Emilia Tito
    So pretty, I imagine when She was young!
  • Thomas Nuanez
    I like when people tell me to act my age. For one I never grew up, and I've never been this age before. I feel very blessed, to have lived 69 years so far, and have a mental and emotional age of about 28 to 30, my emotional age will never catch up with my real age. Plus I'm going to live to 150 anyway. Life begins every day.
  • Tom Lewandowski
    I agree totally! I am almost mid-way through my 76th year. I am still able to run half marathons (13.1 miles). I enjoy my life and family and wouldn't change a thing. Thank you to God!
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  • Melanie Popp
    I too am comfortably imperfect, stay up till dawn and sleep all day sometimes. I waited all my life to do "bad" things. After losing the "love" of my life, a slight black and orange splashed American short hair cat named Shadow and too many people I can't count today, at least I have my memories that make me blush bad!
    Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!
  • Judy Tegler Corr
    This was great, I’m gonna keep reading it to keep reminding myself , words well spoken!
  • Robyn Dorenfeld
    My father had ALS for ten years as that discussing disease stole his ability to speak,walk and eventually breathe he had so much class and always gave you a smile. I worry a lot about things let it steal my serenity. I’m have to remember who’s daughter I am. Life is precious
  • Margaret Watson Roubique
    So true. You may as well be positive about aging. As she says, not everyone lives to be old. There’s so much to enjoy & see in this world & our time here is limited, so we may as well make the most of it!
  • Thomas Valeri
    After reading this, it made me feel so much more saddened after losing my wife to illnesses at a time in her life that very much mirrored this post.
    Time is precious…Enjoy every bit of it on your terms not on others….
  • Alma Leon
    You are so fabulous you just described my like thank you for letting me know I'm still alive God bless you 💋
  • Dianna Huszar
    It feels painful and scary sometimes. It can be lonely. Old Age is also a time to reflect and enjoy things you never really saw before in front of your eyes. You get to see your kids make middle age. If you planned, you get spend money and the only problem is there is no one to go with you if you are alone. So, you do what you want, when you want, and pray the ones you love will love you back. There is the truth. Maybe you don’t pray and that is another decision of old age but you do think about it. You think about all kinds of things if you pay attention. You have time for that and bed feels really good but so does coffee.
    2 replies
  • Liz Goslin
    Thank you that's just what I needed to read.
  • Lynne Galbraith
    Great looking lady, love her attitude
  • Valeria Ciocci
    It feels like being old, cannot be explained because inside you do not feel it. Days before dying my father told me he felt same as when he was 20 years old, but the body was not responding and that was the biggest frustrations of all. This is how it feels.
  • Racquel Chavez
    Oh my goodness.. I love it.!
    Well said my dear co- senior
  • Derek Evans
    When I was six I was old. When I was 13 I was old. When I was 21 I was older. I am now 71 and I am still old. I have been old from the minute I was born. I guess we were born old 😊
  • Jacqueline Watson
    Very well said , don’t think I’ll enter the sea though, step to far for me lol I’m seventy now live life very much like yours , continue on , bless you
  • Antoinette Kealy Martin
    What a load of rubbish be true to yourself been old is crap but we make the most of it be honest life is great ever the pain how lucky we are so I say tg for what we have been given be happy take all they comes your way love your family and friend… 
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  • Noel Stephens
    inside …..
    im still the little girl with dirty feet and the smell of air in my hair my fingers are sticky and the wonder of new things….
    Now laced with wisdom, laughter lines and abundant love !!!
  • Dawn Marie Bunn-LaCroix
    I love this. Just turned 60 a couple days ago and really had a difficult time. I’m empowered now and this post proves everything I feel. 💗
  • Luminita Racasan
    You are perfectly right.I think the age gave you freedom and you can taste better life.
  • Beth Moro
    Beautifully said , almost 84 and every day more grateful than the day before . I enjoy each of my wonderful family and friends and consider myself the luckiest “ old” lady ! ❤️🙏🏻🌸🇺🇸
  • Rita Janitza
    So true! Descripes my thoughts and attitude - and I try always to keep close to them…
  • Pamela Butler Jacobson
    Yes, yes and yes! I’m 70 and still trying to balance my age and state of mind.
    I will always be younger despite my age. Each decade represents a very special time in my life❣️
  • Pauline K Webber Cross
    I love this. When I was reading it I had to.choke back the tears because it really rang true for me. I've reached a point where I don't care what anyone thinks about me, if I want to sleep in I do and I enjoy doing things that most might think is a was… 
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  • Jody Mangler
    This is so true, I'm close to 89 but my mind says thats not old, yet when I go upstairs my mind says "You're Old".
    6 replies
  • Muthoni Mambo
    The older I get the happier I become no worrys no tears I have seen and done a lot. Cried, laughed same way.. All glory to God. @50 still counting new blessings everyday.
  • Michele Sager
    Love this post. Speaks to my heart and life experiences. I know this all to be true and welcome the next lesson. Thank God everyday for this wonderful gift!
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  • Kellie Pulido
    Great message. I don’t mind getting older because it means I’m still here 😊
  • Shonah Palmer
    That is amazing and so true I got things on me body I didn't know I owned a couple things have fallen off some have stretch and the only way to get rid of me facial wrinkles is to put me hair in a pony tail mind I have to be careful gran if I pull to t… 
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  • Eva Cenal Gaje
    Oh my goodness!! So very very inspiring, Never misses the lines , thank you
  • Joanne Di Tomasso
    That's what is nice about getting old, at least in my case. I have the wisdom to know my worth, what I bring to the table, what I have contributed to this life and don't feel the need to explain myself to anyone. I don't care what others may think of m… 
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  • Louise Carol Wrobel Pudlo
    Inside you are young but wiser. Only your body ages and not working as when you were young. So when your with a old person there's a kid inside. If there cranky and mean they were always that way.at 81 I am still me.
  • Caralee England
    Spoken so true...if you are old you have been blessed
  • Zuza Rogowska
    I’m going to embrace it
  • Barry Werthwine
    I am fast approaching 79, I still play senior softball, hike and walk the beach. The only time I feel old is when I look in the mirror and occasionally in the mornings. Keep up the feeling and keep moving. I too have lost friends much younger. Viva life
  • Gloria Grivas
    You are as old as you make yourself feel old!
    I’m in my mid seventies and have lots of energy and don’t feel old at all.
    Age is just a number !!!
  • Lois Reddick-Brown
    Thank U gorgeous! I’m right there with U, #73, and wouldn’t change anything, had a marvelous growing up life! Had the best food, Very BEST Music 🎼, Best Friends, which r still around also, except 1, RIP, Bestie Linda❤️
  • Lynda Freimueller
    I feel so fortunate to have amazing good health even at 73. I know many do not. I do feel a sense of urgency about doing things before I die. One never knows what the next routine exam may find. I have lost my filter when it comes to who I talk to or what I am willing to talk about. Still anxious to learn and try new things 🥰
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  • Renee Wood
    My sunshine, I am so proud of you and you a very wise woman with a great heart, I love you my sunshine 😘☀️💞
  • Claxton Boykin
  • Rosanne Catalano
    Wow!🤩 Perfectly said about growing and being old!! I’m going to be 65 next month (June) and I feel blessed to be here for another birthday; I too had good friends and loved ones die too soon (the fact they never got the chance to grow old, breaks my heart).
  • Jude Ishak
    Beautifully written. Big thing is having good health as we do pay for the crazy things we did in younger days. Rock on, pretty lady👍🏻
  • David Holroyd
    You sound like a very balanced person and you have lived and loved without many regrets. Good for you and spoil yourself with the things that make you happy. Best wishes.
  • Laurie Clarke
    Thank you it’s only recently that I realised that I am ageing I’m 75 and this was brought about by an injury to my knee . It will get better and I’ll carry on just like you and do all the things that god has given me time for . Stay safe and well all of you .
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    Julie Hock
    Keeping fit and strong gives me a definite feeling of living life well.
  • Nina Ekman
    I love this text, thank you! 🙂
  • Carole Segrave
    i like this! There is a freedom when you are old that you dreamed about when you were young -- the only drawback is that your body may not be as young as you feel!
  • Steven Greenwood
    Superb. We are what we are. Being mature is not a crime. Like the author, I have known people who did not make it to my age. So sad. I have shed tears and filled up so many times for those who mattered to me and are no longer here. Inside i feel young, although my body disagrees, but that is just life. this is me, live with it.
  • Robert Deighton Jr.
    So well expressed. I treasure every day allotted, and "Don't let the old man in ".
    2 replies
  • Tony Messina
    Very nicely said. It’s a privilege and great luck to reach an old age 👍
  • Jean Trivitt
    That's so beautiful. I have lived most of my life with no self esteem and that will never change. I do try to cherish each day that I have left because I've known many that never made it this far
  • JoAnne Konkle
    In my 20’s, I thought being 50 would be old. My 50’s were really kinda fun. Now in my 70’s, I am so busy with family, friends and volunteering…. And except for a wonky knee, I don’t have time to consider my age… will I see my 80’s, I don’t know….but… 
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  • Miriam Ganulin
    I am a young spirit and hope that in my time on this earth I can continue to share goodness and hopefully put a smile on your face. Getting old is a privilege we should try to not deny ourselves. So to 'all of you' I wish you Love, Laughter and continual Life.
  • Susan Stephens
    I love this, makes a change to see someone normal,
  • Howard Lawrence-Brown
    At 81 and something ,today is the first day of the rest of my life,have experienced all of those and more,a great life sorrow,defines happiness.
    Seeing the kids have kids,and how the world has changed ,including missing friends galore ,so lady keep it … 
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  • Anthony Smith
    My compliments ! In comparison I'm 68 which I thought ancient when young. This lady has the great gift of being biologically old but in fact mentally young. I suspect that she will never really grow mentally old - this is smart because she will just go… 
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  • Charell Smith-Senic
    I asked my mother “how does it feel growing old?” She said; “I think and feel the same way as I did in my youth but there’s someone else staring back at me in the mirror.” I’m her age if not older when that question was asked. I can agree with the sent… 
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  • Lorna Ubos Gonzales
    So true …who cares..i am thankful i get older… its a gift…not all gets the privilege of getting old..🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕
  • Jerry Dean
    Just turned 70 but in my mind I'm still 25..not sure if that's good or bad..lol..but growing up in the 60s and 70s with The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, our first color tv, wonderful parents, two wives who I loved very much, great kids and grandkids, I feel … 
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  • Rosa Reyes
    So True I am 68 year's but iam joung at heart deep inside the Soul doesn't get old just the body and enjoying my Life until is my time Than you Jesus Christ 🙏🌹💝
  • Bill Hyler
    Beautiful 😍 inside & out... you are very inspiring & living your best life!
  • Ruthie Henley
    Absolutely beautiful give God the glory for the age good healthy 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
  • Stephanie Western
    This is lovely, I would share but I’m not old 😂
  • Elaine Seel
    So very true, old age is liberating & makes you start appreciating yourself & your life more.
  • Jane Reed Owensby
    Awe, I love this!
  • Patricia Hadley
    This lady is in amazing shape. She has certainly loved and respected her body. This does help in facing 'old age' in a more serene way. It's not always possible though because some kinds of jobs can really cause enormous damage, but you don't realize it until it's too late. 😞
  • Constance Grove
    This is photo that should be on sports illustrated. She looks beautiful. As is. No "procedures" no photo shop no air brush. So natural
  • Jose Montellano
    Wow she looks super great
  • Helen Babauta
    You can feel old at 35 or at 70 still feel you are in your 30's. The attitude and appreciation of friends family and life in general that is important. There is joy to be found every day.
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  • Anusorn Sooktis Fletcher
    I love and have lived every bit of it to be here as I am now at 77 in 2 months!! Active world traveler, healthy, and crazy to be alive and well,💃💃💃
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  • Dionne Hewitt
    Beautiful 🌸🌸🌸♥️
  • Marilyn Groves
    I love this because I feel like we are being shunned sometimes because we're old but the ones looking at us and giggling because we're old it's going to happen to them
  • Emma Mangion
    Love this post.
    It is amazing and so very true.
    Wise heads grow on old shoulders.… 
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  • Lois Scott
    The hardest part is all the losses. Having outlived and outlasted nearly everyone important in my life, with all the milestones in the rear view mirror, I had to shift gears to enjoy the freedom and the little things I had no time for when life was so busy with so many demands.
  • Lesley Hargrave
    My lovely Pops says 'middle age is ten years older than yourself' - he's 93 in October
  • Gael Thompson
    When Sir Alec Guiness was asked on his 89th birthday how he felt about turning 90 he replied “when I consider the alternative I feel quite happy”
  • Tina Miaouli
    I feel lucky to have arrived at 62 and I look forward to many more years of experience, knowledge and acquired wisdom. I see my body ageing and I don't lament the arrival of lines across my face or the loss of elastin in my skin. I feel every bit the … 
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  • William Pries
    You lived on the best of times I wouldn't want to change that you have to live the hand that delt to you and continue on. Just my opinion.
  • Renata Ponzio
    Amen . I am so grateful to be old , every body won’t get there. Praise God for my almost 80 yrs. In this world . So many blessings❤️🙏
  • Pamela Whitehurst
    I love the words, but would rather see you in something beautiful and flowing.
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  • Randy Willer
    It is a privilege growing old. Not given to everyone. I lost the love of my life after 50 years. I didn’t feel old until that happened.
  • Arlene Cotner
    Love this! ❤️
    I feel the exact same way!
    Well said!
  • Yana Aristotelou
    You're right: being old is a blessing 👍🌹🙏
  • Cynthia Hunt
    You spoke my mind, thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one feeling this way 😊
  • Joanne Printup
    Said beautiful. Though I wouldn't be truthful if I said I don't mind getting old, Because I do
    But on that note I'm just happy to be alive and my family is all well. But in all Honestly getting old SUCKS 😞
  • Melissa Stein Glasser
    “Sometimes I’m surprised by who lives in the mirror”
  • Carol Oats
    Your beautiful lady. I love your story 😁
  • Kim Bergman
    She looks absolutely marvelous but I humbly have to ask … where is the apron belly or “ponch” that most of us over 65 acquire from post-child bearing and post menopausal?
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  • Erica Luchich
    I love this, so true 💖
  • Janet Richards
    Love life to your fullest, one day at a time…. Some days are better than others. Forgive quickly, & never mind the rest…. Try to stay healthy; eat well, & excercise…. Learn to love yourself of who you’re becoming & I can’t agree with her more when she says God will take care of the rest Needed to reflect on your wise words. Thank you!!
  • Nancy Pfiester
    Awesome...I dance with myself all by myself ..and it's freedom I embrace no matter how hard it has been to get here.
  • Kris Myers-Arms
    "Old" is in my future. I'm 75 and I'm still working, playing when I have time and enjoying as much as I can. The twinges of age do creep in but I will continue to carry on!!
  • Martina Kallionalusta
    lucky you if you feel this way .. myself don't see anything good in getting old . Im like and old car .. still working ,not so fast ,not like everybody else , har to get parts anymore they don't make them 😂😂
  • Marilyn Gunton
    So true we just have accept growing old is a privilege and enjoy every .
  • Rosemary Cusack Speciale
    A lovely sentiment sadly spoiled by the unrealistic photo
  • Oliver Das Gupta
    If you abuse your body your whole life—- getting old gets hard.
    Like my old car. I clean it, polish it, maintain it and respect it—- and I can drive the crap out of it. It’s not the fastest or best—- but it’s mine.
    Just like your body.
    My mother suffered horrendously—- but never lost her dignity.
    I plan to also🙏🏽❤️
  • Lisa Grad
    Thank you. So authentic and LIBERATING! I have no fear...and I'm not going to fight my body....pro-aging, naturally.
    • Fran Stasts
      Lisa Grad I am! Actually, I am thin & look pretty good except for darn dark circles under my eyes! No weight problems, color my hair & use tasteful makeup. Want to keep looking my best for my family & my self estime.


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대학생 시절에 함석헌 선생님을 통하여 다석 유영모가 함선생님의 스승임을 알게 되었다. 또 교회를 통하여 김흥호 선생님을 만나게 되었는데 다석이 또한 김흥호 선생님의 스승임을 알게 되었다. 함선생님은 잡지 「씨알의 소리」에서 다석을 소개하셨고 김선생님은 「사색」이라는 잡지를 통해 다석을 소개했다.
다석은 하루 한 끼만 드신다는 것과 날마다 살아온 날수를 계산하며 하루살이를 하신다는 소식이 인상적이었다. 김흥호선생님도 하루 한 끼만 드셨다. 그래서 나도 김흥호 선생님을 만난 지 10여 년 만에 스승으로 모시고 36세부터 한 끼를 시작했다. 결국, 일생 동안 다석의 신앙을 배우게 되었다. 이렇게 다석은 나에게 운명처럼 다가왔다. 함선생님 출생일이 3월 13일로 다석과 같다고 했는데 나의 출생일도 3월 13일이라 어떤 인연이 느껴졌다. 세상에 별로 알려지지 않았던 다석이 널리 알려지게 된 것은 1990년대 중반에 박영호선생님이 국민일보에 다석을 알리는 글을 오랫동안 연재로 실었기 때문이다. 이때 박영호 선생님이 다석의 충실한 제자임을 알게 되었다. 그 밖에 성천 유달영 선생이나 도원 서영훈 선생도 다석의 제자임을 알게 되었다. 2017년에 타계하신 서영훈 선생님은 다석을 처음 만났을 때 소감으로 ‘이 분이야말로 참 사람이다’ 하고 느꼈다 한다. 다석의 글을 볼 때마다 그분의 말씀이 생각난다. 그의 글을 통해서 일생 참을 찾아 참되게 사신 분이라고 느끼지 않을 수 없었기 때문이다.
참이란 무엇인가. 우선 거짓이 없는 것이요, 속임이 없는 것이다. 그래서 참 말을 하는 사람이 참 사람이다. 날마다 수만 마디의 말을 하며 살지만, 그 속에 거짓이 얼마나 많은가. 나도 모르게 튀어나오는 거짓과 속임이 얼마나 많은가. 입에서 튀어 나오는 말을 깨어 성찰해보면 거의 무의식적으로 수없는 거짓이 나오는 것을 알 수 있다. 그래서 참된 사람이 되려면 우선 자기를 속이지 말라고 했다. 다석은 자기를 속이지 않는 사람이었다. ‘속은 맘 가죽은 몸’이니 몸의 집착을 끊고 마음에 속지 말고 참의 빛으로 살자는 것이었다. 맘에 속지 않으려면 컴컴한 속을 빛으로 밝히라는 것이다. 밝은 속알이 되어야 한다는 것이다. 빛이 참이다. 방이 빛으로 가득 참을 얻으려면 창문이 뚫려야 하고 방은 텅 비워야 된다. 다석은 텅 빈 마음에 얼의 창이 뚫려 참 빛으로 가득한 밝은 속알이 되자고 하였다. 밝은 속알이 되기 위해서 날마다 참을 그리며 살았다.
참을 그리며 사는 삶을 하루살이라 하였다. 하루를 진실하게 살자는 것이요 그 방법으로 일좌식을 실천하였다. 저녁에 하루 한 끼를 먹고 밤에 일찍 자고 아침에 깨어 기도하고 낮에 정직하게 일하는 것이다. 진실의 가을에서 시작하여 밤의 겨울을 지나 아침의 봄과 정직의 여름을 살자는 것이다. 참의 열매가 진실이다. 진실은 거짓 없이 순수하고 깨끗한 것이다. 꾸밈도 없고 거짓도 없고 있는 그대로 천연이요 욕심도 없고 의도도 없고 그저 어린아이처럼 생명이 약동하는 무위자연의 모습이다. 이렇게 다석은 거짓 없이 깨끗하게 순수의 빛으로 사는 정직과 진실의 참사람이었다.
다석이 강연한 말씀을 글로 옮겨준 선생님들 덕분에 다석의 인격을 이렇게 조금이라도 짐작해 볼 수 있다는 것이 얼마나 감사한지 모른다. 말이나 글로써 그분의 뜻을 다 알 수는 없지만 그래도 참 사람의 말은 없어지지 않고 길이길이 우리 속에 새로운 획을 긋고 새 깃을 일으킨다.
가가 함인숙과 유유 김종란의 수고 덕분에 이처럼 주옥같은 다석의 말씀들을 접할 수 있게 된 데 대하여 깊은 감사와 존경을 표한다. 비록 다석의 말씀을 편린으로 접할 수밖에 없다는 한계가 있지만 그래도 참사람의 말은 참말이 되어 그 울림이 어디서나 가득 차고 피어난다. 피 한 방울로 온몸의 상태를 알 수 있듯이 진실한 말씀 한마디를 통해서도 우주의 참 진리를 알 수 있는 게 아닐까. 티끌 하나 속에 온 우주가 들어있다는 이 진실을 깨닫는 기쁨이 모든 독자들에게 전해지길 바라는 두 분 편집자와 함께 한 마음으로 기도한다.