
Jesus: A Very Short Introduction by Richard Bauckham | Goodreads

Jesus: A Very Short Introduction by Richard Bauckham | Goodreads

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Jesus: A Very Short Introduction
(Very Short Introductions #275)
Richard Bauckham
4.01 · Rating details · 216 Ratings · 33 Reviews

Award-winning religious scholar Richard Bauckham here explores the historical figure of Jesus, evaluating the sources and showing that they provide us with good historical evidence for his life and teaching. To place Jesus in his proper historical context, as a Jew from Galilee in the early first century of our era, Bauckham looks at Jewish religion and society in the land of Israel under Roman rule. He explores Jesus' symbolic practices as well as his teachings, looks at his public career and emphasizes how his actions, such as healing and his association with notorious sinners, were just as important as his words. Bauckham writes that Jesus was devoted to the God of Israel, with a special focus on God's fatherly love and compassion, and like every Jewish teacher he expounded the Torah, but did so in his own distinctive way. After a discussion about the way Jesus understood himself and what finally led to his death on a Roman cross, Bauckham concludes by considering the significance Jesus has come to have for Christian faith worldwide.(less)

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Paperback, 125 pages
Published August 11th 2011 by Oxford University Press, USA (first published July 28th 2011)
0199575274 (ISBN13: 9780199575275)
Edition Language
Very Short Introductions #275

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Review of ISBN 9780199575275
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Format Paperback edit

September 15, 2018 – Shelved

September 15, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
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Sep 04, 2012Adam Omelianchuk rated it really liked it
I took the advice of a seminary professor who said that many of the problems we have with Christianity can be solved by just getting to know the person of Christ better. Another recommended this book as a way to do just that. Richard Bauckham hits a home run in Oxford's fantastic little "very short introduction" series, as it provides a very clear, helpful, and brief introduction to the central figure of Christianity: Jesus Christ, savior and Lord. If you follow the advice I followed, your faith (if you have it) in Christ will be enriched. (less)
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Aug 03, 2018Joe Haack rated it it was amazing
What I want to know: Why on Earth did Oxford University Press select orthodox Jesus scholar Richard Bauckham to summarize the life of Jesus for their "Short Introduction" series, when there are a thousand more 'sensational' and unorthodox scholars out there? This is a testament to the importance of Christians pursuing their vocation with the highest levels of integrity and excellence: "Good work, well done" (Sayers). What a gift to the church! This is a gospel tract to intellectuals. And a helpful guide for anyone who reads the gospels. (less)
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Jan 21, 2018Daniel Rudge rated it really liked it
Simple and short but covers all the basics. Appreciated the way Bauckham showed that Jesus backed up His teaching with consistent action.
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Oct 07, 2014Ted Ryerson rated it it was ok
it's more about what Jesus said than who he is.
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Apr 10, 2012Damian rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Fascinating essay on the identity of Jesus as expressed in the Gospels, somewhat marred by the fact that Bauckham seems to believe that Jesus did actually perform miracles.
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Jul 11, 2018Jeffrey Brannen rated it it was amazing
Briefly summing up his much larger and more comprehensive work, “Jesus and the Eyewitnesses.” If plowing through several hundred pages of dense technical text isn’t your cup of tea, Bauckham has effectively and engagingly presented a solid case for the historical reliability of the Gospels as eyewitness testimony.

Seriously worth your time, especially if you are weighing the evidence of Jesus. In just over 100 small pages, Bauckham pushes back against Erhman, Pagels, and a host of higher critical scholars without getting lost in the weeds. (less)
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Dec 10, 2017Nicholas Varady-szabo rated it it was amazing
Bauckham has written a wonderful introduction to Jesus! As my professor Tim Mackie said: "it's short, interesting, and filled with things you didn't know". An historical, intellectual and honest portrayal of Jesus in line with modern biblical scholarship.
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May 27, 2018Sir Raymond of Ivanhoe rated it it was amazing
Terrific! I thought I knew a lot about Jesus and his times already. But I learned so much. The writing was clear and fast-paced. I read the book in 3 sittings, but it could be done in 2. I highly recommend this book.
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Mar 24, 2018Spencer Brown rated it really liked it
Shelves: theology-tr
A brief-but-thorough look at the central figure of Christianity. Bauckham argues well for both the historicity of Jesus and our ability to meaningfully know of him from extant sources. Particularly refreshing is his case for the reliability and coherence of Christianity's four Gospel books.
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Aug 08, 2018Matt rated it really liked it
Maybe slightly too advanced if you don't have even a basic GCSE understanding. But good for intermediates.
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Apr 30, 2018Dele Omotosho rated it really liked it
A rather nice overview. One downside is the author isn't being clear when his approach is historical or theological.

Mixing both approach can make for a bit of a mis-informed read.
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Sep 16, 2017Jonathan Latshaw rated it it was amazing
This short book is packed full of information, and explanations of who Jesus was. I really enjoyed reading this.
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Feb 19, 2018Nick Bersin rated it it was amazing
A good, comprehensive, yet thoroughly readable introduction to the study of Jesus.
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Nov 07, 2012Daniel Wright rated it really liked it
Shelves: vsi, biography, ancient-history, religion, bible, jesus
New Testament studies, and the study of the historical Jesus in particular, is perhaps one of the most explosive and controversial subjects in all academia. There are a number of reasons for this which I won't go into here. It is, however worth noting.

Bauckham tends to a more "traditional" approach to the historical Jesus (although to people who know much historical theology, it isn't particularly traditional; just not highly revisionist). That is to say, he treats, fairly frankly, the synoptics as broadly historical texts, and sets out his reasons for doing so. This ought not to be controversial, but sadly, in a field spotted about with popular sensationalism of no academic value, it will be to some people, even some scholars. If you are upset by that, then there is no need to apologize to you, but don't bother with this.

Setting that aside, Bauckham's account is a very readable and accessible introduction to the field, which I commend to general readers. (less)
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Nov 30, 2016Igor rated it liked it · review of another edition
The book is a good description of the historical Jesus as reconstructed by Richard Bauckham. There's nothing wrong per se with this, but this kind of book is read above all by people who lack deep (or any at all) knowledge about the subtleties of historical and biblical research. While Bauckham's research of the New Testament is very deep and should be taken seriously, but it is so far a minority opinion, it has failed to convince most historians to date.

An introductory book like this one should present the majority opinion where it is available, or, at the very least, make it explicit that what it describes has not (yet?) gained a widespread support in the Jesus academic community. (less)
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Dec 28, 2012Dan rated it really liked it
Shelves: religion, history
A succinct and readable summary of the life of Jesus Christ written by leading New Testament scholar Richard Bauckham, author of the seminalJesus and the Eyewitnesses. This book is a must for anyone seeking to understand the historical Jesus and his impact on the world. He makes the case that the first four books of the New Testament (aka the Gospels) are historical documents as reliable as eyewitness testimony can be, and much of what Jesus was about can be found there. Then he proceeds to give a synopsis of the life and work of Jesus as related by the Gospels, all with the appropriate historical context. Extremely readable and extremely engaging. Highly recommended. (less)
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Jul 14, 2012Jen Crichton rated it liked it · review of another edition
Useful summation of the historical Jesus as well as the beliefs of both Jesus and his apostles. As another Goodreads reviewer noted, Richard Bauckham does seem to be a Christian believer and describes the miracles associated with the Christ in historical terms (which I, as a teacher, am always quick to refer to in the classroom as events that Christians believe but which are not necessarily historically true). These Very Short Introductions are exactly that: introductions. But I would have preferred more details about the world in which Jesus lived and his role in it, and less of a Very Short Introduction to Early Christianity which this otherwise helpful book ultimately becomes.(less)
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Feb 23, 2016Peter Zefo rated it really liked it · review of another edition
The title says it all. This is a great introduction to the person and work of Jesus. The conclusion concerning the incarnation is especially powerful.

Bauckham's discussion of the differences in the canonical gospels and the Gnostic writings is also helpful. Overall,I recommend this book for those needing a starting point for who Jesus is and ultimately what he came to do.
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Aug 08, 2013Joshua Duffy rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favorites
Fantastic. Loved this one. When you get some historical context aside your biblical imagery you gain so much more understanding. The gospels (and the person of Jesus) will open up to you after reading this one.
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Jan 21, 2017Ephrem Arcement rated it it was amazing
A wonderfully focused and articulate account of Jesus' life, teachings, and significance. I imagine this book being a great gift for someone, particularly well educated, who would like to better understand the heart of Christian faith.
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Mar 30, 2015Lostaccount rated it liked it
Better than a short introduction to the Devil, which I read before this. Some interesting "facts" about Jesus I'd never come across. Still didn't make me a Christian, but made me see Christ in a different light.
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Nov 19, 2015Laura rated it really liked it
Shelves: adult, nonfiction, high-school
Good introduction to the themes of Jesus' teaching and life from an academic perspective.
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로동신문 력포구역 류현남새전문협동농장


주체107(2018)년 1월 19일 금요일

온실남새생산 장성

평양시안의 농촌들에서 경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 올해신년사에서 제시하신 강령적과업을 높이 받들고 온실남새생산전투를 힘있게 벌리고있다.

절세위인들의 불멸의 령도업적이 뜨겁게 깃들어있는 영광의 땅에서 일하는 긍지를 안고 사동구역 장천남새전문협동농장 근로자들이 온실남새생산에서 앞장서나가고있다.온실들의 보온대책을 빈틈없이 세우고 정보당 수십t의 질좋은 거름을 충분히 낸 농장에서는 온실들의 관리운영과 작물배치, 비배관리를 과학적으로 짜고드는 한편 관리공들의 책임성과 역할을 높여 매일 평균 지난해 같은 시기에 비해 1.6배에 달하는 남새를 수확하는 성과를 거두었다.

남새모기르기를 질적으로 한 기초우에서 락랑구역 중단남새전문협동농장에서는 생육단계별에 따르는 씨솎음과 덧비료주기, 생물농약주기 등을 기술규정의 요구대로 함으로써 많은 남새들을 푸르싱싱하게 자래우고있다.

사동구역 리현남새전문협동농장과 력포구역 류현남새전문협동농장에서도 겨울철조건에 맞게 온습도보장과 영양관리를 잘함으로써 첫 작물수확에서부터 옹근소출을 내고있다.

농장들에서는 온실들의 생산능력을 확장하고 품종배치를 작물의 생물학적특성에 맞게 하면서 비배관리를 착실하게 하여 풍요한 남새작황을 마련해가고있다.

수도시민들의 식생활향상을 책임졌다는 숭고한 자각을 안고 만경대구역 칠골남새전문농장, 대성구역 대성남새전문협동농장의 농업근로자들도 온실남새생산에 지혜와 열정을 다 바쳐가고있다.

《메아리》 력포구역 류현남새전문협동농장


주체106(2017)년 2월 23일
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남새생산을 늘이기 위한 사업 활발. 온실남새생산 지난해 같은 시기보다 1.6배로 장성

각지 농업부문 일군들이 강원도정신의 창조자들처럼 결사관철의 의지를 지니고 대담하고 과학적인 작전과 능숙한 지휘, 이신작칙의 일본새로 경제조직사업을 짜고들고있다.

특히 일군들은 남새생산을 늘이기 위하여 품종선택, 계단식재배조직, 모기르기, 토양관리, 환경관리, 병해충피해방지 등을 과학기술적으로 하고있다.

남포시가 온실남새생산의 앞장에 서고있다.

시에서는 남새온실들에서 단위면적당 수확고를 높일수 있도록 품종배치를 잘하고 온습도조절과 영양관리를 알심있게 하여 지난해 같은 시기에 비해 40여t의 남새를 증산함으로써 뜻깊은 광명성절까지 2월계획을 앞당겨 수행하였다.

강서구역 청산협동농장, 온천군 운하협동농장의 온실들을 비롯한 시안의 남새온실들에서는 생육단계별에 따르는 씨솎음과 생물농약주기 등 남새비배관리를 높은 수준에서 진행하여 실적을 부쩍 올리고있다.

한편 황해북도안의 농업근로자들은 불리한 겨울철조건에서도 온실들의 보온대책을 빈틈없이 세우고 정보당 40~50여t의 질좋은 거름을 내여 지난해 같은 시기에 비해 1.5배에 달하는 남새를 수확함으로써 2월의 명절을 맞으며 주민들에게 공급하였다.

사리원시 미곡협동농장에서는 온실호동의 기본생산면적뿐아니라 벽체와 공간 등을 리용한 립체재배방법으로 단위면적당 생산량을 훨씬 늘이였으며 대성남새전문협동농장에서는 많은 량의 유기질거름을 장만하고 여러가지 성장촉진제를 도입하여 시금치, 부루, 쑥갓 등을 푸르싱싱하게 키워내고있다.

평양시 사동구역 장천남새전문협동농장에서는 온실형태별온도변화자료에 기초하여 작물배치를 계단식으로 짜고들고 토양의 생산능력을 높여 많은 량의 남새를 수확하고있다.

또한 남새모기르기를 앞세우고 수경재배방법을 비롯한 선진농법들을 적극 받아들인 락랑구역 중단남새전문협동농장, 력포구역 류현남새전문협동농장, 만경대구역 칠골남새전문농장을 비롯한 농장들에서 한겨울에도 신선한 갖가지 남새들을 생산하고있다.

평안남도, 평안북도, 황해남도를 비롯한 각지 남새온실부문의 일군들과 근로자들도 온실남새생산에서 혁신을 일으켜 뜻깊은 올해에 인민들에게 사철 신선한 남새를 보내주기 위해 헌신의 구슬땀을 바쳐가고있다.

력포구역안의 농장들에서 모판관리에 큰 힘 집중 력포구역안의 농업부문 일군들과 농장원들이 뜻깊은 올해를 높은 알곡증산으로 빛내이기 위해 벼...

력포구역안의 농장들에서 모판관리에 큰 힘 집중 력포구역안의 농업부문 일군들과 농장원들이 뜻깊은 올해를 높은 알곡증산으로 빛내이기 위해 벼...


PublicMay 3, 2018

력포구역안의 농장들에서 모판관리에 큰 힘 집중

력포구역안의 농업부문 일군들과 농장원들이 뜻깊은 올해를 높은 알곡증산으로 빛내이기 위해 벼모판관리에 큰 힘을 넣고있다.

구역협동농장경영위원회 일군들은 모를 잘 길러내야 논벼수확고를 높일수 있다는것을 깊이 명심하고 모판관리공들의 책임성을 높이는데 선차적인 주목을 돌리고있다.

소삼정남새전문협동농장의 모판관리공들은 올해 많은 면적에 논벼강화재배를 비롯한 선진영농방법들을 받아들이는 실정에 맞게 모관리를 과학기술적으로 하고있다.

또한 대기온도와 모판안의 온도를 자주 재여보고 모판관리정형을 기록하며 사소한 현상들도 제때에 반영하여 해당한 대책들을 세우고있다.

류현남새전문협동농장을 비롯한 구역안의 다른 협동농장 모판관리공들도 벼모의 생육상태와 일기조건에 맞게 모관리를 착실히 하고있다.

지금 력포구역안의 협동농장들의 일군들과 농장원들의 뜨거운 마음에 의해 모판들에서는 벼모들이 층하없이 잘 자라고있다.



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The History of Life: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Michael J. Benton $4.14 $4.14

Emotion: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Dylan Evans $5.98 $5.98

The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction by Terry Eagleton $6.33 $6.33

Trust : a very short introduction by Hawley, Katherine


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The Brain: A Very Short Introduction by Michael O'Shea $5.11 $5.11

The History of Life: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Michael J. Benton $4.14 $4.14

The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction by Terry Eagleton $6.33 $6.33

Trust : a very short introduction by Hawley, Katherine $6.49 $6.49

Contents | Book of Answers | World Transformation Movement

Contents | Book of Answers | World Transformation Movement

Note to the Reader

The objective of this book is to provide a stand-alone, first-principle-based, scientific explanation of each of the following subjects that have so troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Since the explanations are designed to be self-contained, and since (as will become clear) the human condition is the underlying issue in all human affairs, each of the explanations does contain certain similar material, however, important subtle differences appear within those similar sections.


Foreword, by Harry Prosen

Media Release

The Human Condition

What is Science?

What is Love?



Good vs Evil

What is the Meaning of Life?

Is there a God?

Ego, and Our Egocentric Lives

Save the World


Human Nature

Why do People Lie?

Why do we Fall in Love?