
Lightwork - What Is It All About? | happiness.com

Lightwork - What Is It All About? | happiness.com

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What is lightwork?

Lightwork is a term that has been around for a few decades, and it is increasingly used as an umbrella term for
the sort of healing work that is undertaken by a raft of different people which could be said to be a force for spiritual good - or light, if you prefer. 

As such, the term lightwork indicates any endeavour that is positively spiritual in nature

Therefore, some critics of the word will say that it barely has any meaning because it is used to cover anything from deeply held religious faiths around the spirit of people, animals and the wider universe to much less well-defined aspects of spirituality, such as a casual belief in angels. 

Nevertheless, the term has caught on to try and capture all positive work in the spiritual world, and 
it can therefore be used to distinguish these sorts of belief systems and activities from that of the natural sciences.

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Which publications focus on lightworkers?

Michael Mirdad, the American spiritual teacher, healer and author, is often cited as the person who first coined the term lightwork in respect of spirituality related activities. His works often deal with intuitive healing and, in particular, obtaining a higher level of consciousness through the life and example of Jesus. Mirdad used the term lightworker as far back as the 1980s when he was writing about encouraging light and love to enter people's spirits. His early work is generally based on the 1976 book, A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman, but it is Mirdad who first coalesced many of the themes in her book into the wider concept of lightwork. In the late 1990s, Doreen Virtue, another American healer who specialises in chakras, published the book, The Lightworker's Way, which helped to popularise the term still further. Focussing on New Age ideas, Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide, and Being of Light by Sahvanna Arienta was published in 2011.

How intuitive are lightworkers?

Most people who conduct lightwork would accept that at least part of what they are doing is highly intuitive. They tend to 'feel' something within them and behave in a way that strikes a chord with that sensation. How this works may be very different from person to person, but it tends to feel right because it is natural. That said, there is something of a paradox with the intuitive nature of lightwork. This is because people who do it and are interested in it will often be on something of a journey of spiritual awakening themselves. As such, they might intuitively understand what lightwork could be, but they want to keep learning and understand more about its wider spiritual context. That is why so many self-help books on the subject are about spiritual awakenings rather than being straightforward guides for lightworkers to read. In the main, lightworkers will function in healing, teaching or guidance roles largely because of the wider intuition they have, however.

What are the traits that indicate you may be a lightworker?

There are a number of character traits that are common among lightworkers. Again, there is no single personality type that is drawn to lightwork. That said, a willingness to believe and the ability to accept things that cannot always be seen or proven – such as religious faith, astral plane knowledge or angelic healing processes, for example – are prevailing traits. Other common characteristics of lightworkers include the ability to have empathy with others to a significant degree as well as the desire to help people, usually from a psychological or spiritual standpoint. Many lightworkers will already have careers in healthcare, caregiving, or social care before discovering the spiritual side of such work. There again, some people come to it later in life as they realise their chosen career did not always satisfy a yearning in their heart for more light. People who remove themselves from situations where negative energies might be present are also more likely to be lightworkers.

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Is spiritual guiding lightwork?
Yes, to many people, performing the role of guiding or healing spirits is a form of lightwork. Indeed, it is often cited as the most typical form of such spiritual work. Most people who do this sort of work will be driven by an understanding of those around them that connects them to the Earth and the wider universe through a universal consciousness. Because they are aware that their spirit – or soul – is interconnected with that of everyone and everything else, they will often use their perceptiveness to help others make similar connections. Given that this sort of work will often be described as bringing light into the hearts of others or – in some religious senses – revealing the light to them, this is one of the most archetypal forms of lightwork you could find. Of course, someone does not need to be a professional spiritual guide to be a lightworker. Anyone who helps others formally or informally in this way could be said to be a lightworker.

Can psychics be described as lightworkers?

Having a psychic understanding of the world does not necessarily mean you are a lightworker. However, many psychics would use the term about themselves to describe at least part of their make up. Generally speaking, lightworkers try to be good to those around them, to make a difference to others and to leave the world a better place than they found it. Some people who are psychics may not always fall into this category, but many do. Conversely, people who consider themselves to be lightworkers will often seek inner truths of themselves, and this can lead to some people discovering psychic skills in themselves they never knew they had. As such, there tends to be a considerable intersection between psychics and so-called seers and lightwork. In short, some lightworkers will use their psychic abilities to spread positivity and lightness around the world about them.

Are lightworkers incarnated?
There is no way of telling - from an empirical point of view, at least – that lightworkers are incarnated. However, it is something that some lightworkers will say they think is so. In this sense, lightworkers are 'created' from birth and always have the spiritual calling within them to conduct such work, even if it is a calling that is not always answered. And yet, another explanation of lightwork is that it is within everyone or, more precisely, that all people have the capacity to take part in it. Whether you believe in lightworkers being incarnated or even reincarnated is likely to come down to your personal beliefs around the nature of the soul or spirit and their relationship to the body. Given that science cannot prove or disprove incarnation at all, it remains an open question as to whether this is something that specifically relates to lightworkers or not.

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Can lightworkers have twin flames?
A twin flame is a term that is used by some people to describe their alternate or mirrored soul. This aspect of spirituality relates to ancient beliefs about the soul whereby the same spirit could sometimes be split and enter two separate bodies. To some anthropologists, this concept is an early way of describing the intense emotional connections two people have who fall in love with one another. And yet, for others, it is more literally interpreted whereby two individuals could indeed share one soul. Given that lightworkers are, generally speaking, more open to ideas about spirituality and New Age explanations of souls, they also tend to be more likely to see a twin flame in another person. Indeed, some people have estimated that the majority of lightworkers will consider themselves to be one half of a twin flame whether they have found their twin or not. Others think that all lightworkers are effectively twin flames of one another because they all share a common soul.

What is lightwork gatekeeping?
Regarded by many lightworkers to be a particularly higher calling form of lightwork, gatekeeping refers to the spiritual pathways that connect all people and, indeed, the entire universe. If you can imagine spiritual pathways transcending the natural world and into a universal grid that crosses through time, space and even dimensions, then you are part way to understanding what gatekeepers do. In such a model of interconnected spirituality, some lightworkers would argue that as well as pathways that spirits can follow; there will be blockages and negative energies. Essentially, gatekeepers see their role as keeping the pathways open within the grid of interconnected spirituality. Being lightworkers, they do this to allow positivity and love to flow through them. Of course, not all lightworkers do such work, nor does everyone who would describe themselves as a lightworker agrees with the notion of an interdimensional grid of spirituality that connects everything in the first place.

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What is lightworker syndrome?

According to the International Lightworkers Association, lightworker syndrome is a common complaint among people who regard themselves as spiritual. Although this is certainly not a term that any medical practitioner would use in a professional sense, lightworker syndrome has some of the traits that would be common to a psychological condition or ailment. Usually, it is used to describe the feeling that spiritual people feel as they broaden their horizons. Sometimes, they feel very connected with the universe and others while, at other times, they feel as though they have no spiritual insight at all. Some lightworkers can feel disheartened as the work they have all this motivation to do is not possible or appears to be ineffective. Acceptance of this situation is often a way of shaking off the effects of the syndrome. Rather than being stuck or regressing in spiritual terms, these feelings are usually a sign of growth in spiritual understanding.

What is manifesting in lightwork?
Some people who manifest things in their life do not consider themselves to be lightworkers. That said, manifesting is often thought to be a form of lightwork by people who are using the technique in a spiritual sense. Essentially, manifesting means being able to channel energies such that what is desirable will come about. For example, a manifestor may tell themselves that they will achieve a certain outcome or imagine themselves with a type of lifestyle. By affirming it and reaffirming it in their minds, they believe it is more likely to come about. A lightworker will use similar techniques but tend to have a focus on the well-being of others, such as manifesting them into a better spiritual condition or even better health. Some will even work on manifesting an improved human consciousness among all people, aiming to bring about world peace through their efforts in human rights.

Which questions indicate you might be predisposed to lightwork?

Many quizzes and self-assessment tests are available to score yourself as a lightworker. These are often little more than personality questionnaires which make a fairly bald judgement about the sort of person you consider yourself to be. They will also often lead you in a certain direction rather than offering genuine insight into how many lightworker traits you may possess or otherwise. The sort of questions you can ask yourself about whether lightwork is something that is for you would be: do you consider yourself to be spiritual, do you have an inner yearning for a higher calling and do you have beliefs that are outside of the mainstream, which you cannot always explain? Frequently asked questions of a more general nature - such as, do you think you are ready to make a leap into a new life? - can elicit responses for a much greater number of reasons than being predisposed to lightwork and are, therefore, often useless.

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How do conspiracy theorists and lightworkers intersect?
Although lightwork is often associated with New Age belief systems and wider spiritual movements that take in paganism and organised religions, there is another way the term is used. Other than its commercial usage – Lightwork is also the name of a digital video mastering software suite – the word is also used by some people who try to challenge conspiracy theories. Although this work is not spiritual in its nature, it attempts to overcome some of the darkly negative aspects of such conspiracies, hence its use of the word light. In this sense of the term, a lightworker is someone who will confront the ideas that underpin a conspiracy theory in the hope that it will be debunked and fewer people will end up believing in it. Consequently, it is important not to get these two separate definitions of the term confused or conflated with one another.

Lightwork in summary
Overall, lightworking is about being positive with whatever spiritual teaching, guidance or practices we might have at our disposal. Although New Age ideas are at the heart of the way many people speak about the concept of lightwork and lightworkers these days, it can take in aspects of all sorts of spirituality and different beliefs so long as the person drawing upon them is doing so for the good of everyone. In this sense, lightworkers can basically be anyone who wants to do something positive for others around them, no matter what religion they belong to or how they might identify spiritually. Teachers, spiritual guides, reiki practitioners, transmuters of negative energy, gatekeepers, ascension guides and even artists can all be considered as lightworkers in that regard. Indeed, there are many more examples than that.

A lot of people who are describing themselves as lightworkers would say that they are on a spiritual journey. As such, very few people would consider themselves to be the finished article when it comes to lightwork, or that they are some kind of experts who have reached the highest level of what being a lightworker means. Rather, they are on a pathway to greater spirituality or enlightenment and simply sharing their knowledge and skills with the wider world as they move along on that journey, and all for the common good. The work of lightworkers may sometimes go unnoticed or perhaps even unappreciated, but that is not stopping people from all over the world from pouring their positivity into it.

Discussions and topics about Lightwork

Lightwork: How do you realize your calling and how do you contribute?

Voroshuck-warlock posted a topic in Happiness & Life Advice Forum
Hello ladies and gentlemen I am a lightworker I'm here to find and communicate with other lightworkers and people who are interested in making a difference this is the golden age and the time of the G ... July 22, 2020
23 replies

Articles about Lightwork

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Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution

Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution

Signature Plants 
Armada of Andromeda 
Arrival of the Andromedan Angels–Year 0 
Class Division–Year 1200 
The “Ugly Ones” Form a New Colony–Year 1500 
Crime Begins–Year 3500 
Criminals Leave the Original Colony–Year 3800 
Rebels Control and Declare War on Mutants–Year 3801 
End of First Evolutionary Cycle–Year 5200 
Emissaries of Light Arrive–Year 5200 
Meditation and Mahayana Consciousness Expand–Years 10,400 to 15,600 
A New Race Is Born–Year 15,600 
Intermarrying Begins–Year 16,600 
“Man Against Nature” Attitude Prevails–Year 20,800 
Chemical-Triggered Disasters–Year 25,980 
Spiritual Values Return–Year 26,000 
Animals Introduced–Year 31,200 
Rediscovery and Rebuilding of the Ancient Mutant Colony Site–Year 31,400 
Animals Are Killed, Alienation Between People Deepens –Year 31,925 
Colonies Reconnect–Year 32,300 
“Leave Well Enough Alone Policy”–Year 36,400 
Age of Enlightenment–Years 38,200 to 46,800 
New Damaged Beings Arrive–Year 46,900 
The Venusian Decline–Year 47,000 
Establishment of Martian Culture–Year 0 
New Venusians Reincarnate on Mars–Year 250 
Pleiadian Emissaries of Light Born–Year 5100 
Violence Against Homosexuals–Year 5125 
Hierarchical Intervention and the Law of Instant Karma–Year 5125 
Evolution and Healing Ensue–Years 5200 to 10,400 
Final Venusians Reincarnate on Mars–Year 10,600 
Suicides and Violence Among New Reincarnates–Year 10,620 
Partial Soul Memories Restored–Year 10,875 
Segregation Results–Year 13,000 
Invention of Weapons–Year 13,050 
Civil War–Year 13,100 
Migrant Colonists Reclaim the Original City–Year 13,100 
Lyran-Orion Invaders Arrive–Year 13,200 
Construction of the Pyramid–Years 13,210 to 13,400 
Pleiadians Arrive and Restore Peace–Year 15,600 
Segregation into Two Colonies–Year 15,600 
Original City Divides–Year 17,100 
Lyran-Orion Invaders Return–Year 18,500 
Lucifer Brings 5000 Souls to Maldek–Year 0 
Martian/Andromedan Colony 
Orion Colony 
Black Hole Colony 
Young Soul Colony 
Martian/Andromedan Colonists Meet Young Soul Colonists–Year 2000 
Trade Begins–Year 2003 
Three Colonies Meet–Year 2004 
First River Crossing–Year 2004 
Travelers Arrive at Black Hole Colony–Year 2012 
Discovery and Invention–Years 2012 to 3200 
Second Journey to Black Hole Colony–Year 3200 
Pleiadian Children Rename Colonies–Years 5125 to 5200 
Spiritualization of Maldek–Years 5200 to 10,400 
Karmic Patterns Reintroduced in Stages– Years 10,400 to 10,800 
Imprisonment Instituted for Violent Crimes–Year 10,775 
Capital Punishment in All Colonies–Year 10,800 
1000-Year Grace Period–Years 15,600 to 16,600 
Lucifer’s Fall–Years 16,600 to 20,800 
Maldekians Begin Life on Earth 
Fairies Arrive 
Fairies Meet the Merpeople 
Ma-Ra, the First Lemurian Initiate 
Further Development of Lemurian Culture 
The First Incans 
Development of Incan Spirituality 
Earth’s Divine Plan Prepared for and Implemented 
Commitment and Invocation to Remember 
Clearing the Memory Virus 
Transforming and Transcending Ego Allurements and Karmic Patterns 
Male and Female Energy Balancing 
Aligning with the Higher Collective Consciousness 
APPENDIX B: 145,500 B.C. 
World Map of 145,500 B.C. 

Who are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light? by Amorah Quan Yin

Who are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light?
by Amorah Quan Yin

Whenever we come to the end of a major evolutionary cycle, usually every 5200 or 26,000 years, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light make themselves known. They are a collective group with diverse responsibilities and roles, including that of guardians of Earth and this solar system. As guardians they come to awaken us to where we are in our evolution and to what is needed in order to take the next steps.

There are different kinds of beings with different functions within the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and they have met a wide variety of needs along the way. Ra, the being who always speaks to me instructionally and philosophically, is part of what is called the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes of the Light. These archangels serve as wards of Earth and our solar system. There are four of these tribes that are delineated by the color they emanate.

All of the golden yellow Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe members are called Ra and are the keepers of divine wisdom, which is the product of all experience. The blue beings are named Ptah, and they are the protectors and preservers of the eternal nature of life. Ma-at is the title given to the red beings who are the spiritual warriors; they hold the energy of divine courage, which is beyond fear. The green beings are referred to as An-Ra, and they hold the energy of divine compassion and understanding.

Some of the Pleiadian Archangels make conscious links with human beings, as Ra has done with me. Others specialize in interstellar and planetary communications that are centralized in Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades. Still others work with humans during our dreamtime and show us possibilities beyond what we have presumed to be physical limitations. At times they orchestrate special healing dreams to help us release the past and continue growing, or to find new ways of expressing ourselves that are more commensurate with who we are becoming. Now they are beginning to facilitate the remembrance and teaching of ancient healing modalities (such as contained in the PLEIADIAN WORKBOOK - AWAKENING YOUR DIVINE KA).

The Archangelic Tribe names - Ra, An-Ra, Ma-at and Ptah - may be familiar to you as they were frequently used in ancient Egypt, especially for royalty. The Egyptians were more advanced spiritually in ancient times than they are currently. The Pleiadians were commonly in communication with the ancient Egyptians who were able to respond to them during their height of spiritual advancement. The Pleiadians taught them much of their spiritual knowledge, healing practices, development of full sensory perception, and understanding of Earth's purpose within the solar system, galaxy, and far beyond.

Many Pleiadians took on human bodies in ancient Egypt, while others worked in higher dimensions with the dreamers, seers, healers, priests and priestesses, and even the royalty. Their common purposes were: the overall evolution of the planet and the human race, and to store enough higher knowledge here on Earth so that, when the time came for the Great Awakening, what would be needed would be here. Of course, Egypt was not the only civilization to receive such gifts. Before the Christ incarnation appearances by the Pleiadians took place in power spots all over the world: Machu Picchu, Glastonbury, Hawaii, Greece, Tibet and Africa.

I had been told previously that the Dolphin Brain Repatterning and Dolphin Star-Linking work were vital in the healing and preparation of our nervous systems for the ever-increasing frequencies of the Pleiadian Lightwork. If we as the human population are to make the quantum leap into Christ consciousness, many people will need very specific healings and openings to prepare for it. And that is the sole purpose of Pleiadian Lightwork: to clear the way for the Second Coming of Christ en masse. Mayan, Egyptian and Hopi prophecies - and perhaps other spiritual sources of which I am unaware - have foretold of this time when we are to be awakened to states of mastery, enlightenment and then Christ consciousness while still on Earth in human bodies.

Many avatars and enlightened masters throughout the ages and from many different cultures have attained the same level of consciousness as the Christ did. In order to understand the purpose of the Christ we must also realize that orthodox religions and the censoring of the Bible, which occurred around 150 years after his death, all but destroyed his true message. "Be ye as perfect as I am" and "You shall do even greater things than I have done" are unmistakable invitations to choose spiritual evolution, enlightenment and ascension, and to let go of limitation on all levels. These messages are invitations to let go of the idea of a chosen few and to realize that we are all chosen; it is up to each of us to choose whether our answer is 'Yes' or 'No'.

The Christ walked Earth showing the commoners that miracles happen, and that miracles are natural phenomena when people are in direct alignment with their God Presences. He healed the sick and raised the dead, all the while encouraging the onlookers to believe they could do the same things. When he said he was the 'son of God' he was also telling the people that they were the sons and daughters of God. He told people God loved them and wanted them to be well and happy, and he brought that about in his followers and listeners in order to demonstrate it.

His disciples, who were both men and women by the way, were from all walks of life: common people, wealthy people, and members of the Goddess temples, like Mary Magdalene, who was also his wife. There were thousands of disciples by the time of the crucifixion in addition to the twelve spoken of in the Bible. All of these disciples opened spiritually to gifts of healing, prophecy and visioning. They proved that what The Christ said was true.

Much of the Christ's empowerment came through awakened women. For the first twelve years of his life he was taught by the Goddess embodied: Mother Mary, her mother Anna, and others. Then, at the age of twelve, as was the natural course for males, he went to the learned men for sharing and teaching. He traveled to Egypt and India and was initiated in the pyramids. He learned ancient healing-temple practices and mystery-school initiatic teachings. He learned dominion over the body functions from old yogic practices, and secrets of longevity and conscious death.

The governments and churches at that time were very threatened by all of this. A population of self-mastered sovereign beings would soon outgrow the need for those who proclaimed to be authorities. When humans open to their full sensory awareness and spiritual heritage, they easily perceive deceit, unkindness and injustice in others. The so-called authorities can then no longer hide behind high offices and intimidation. The threat of these possible changes led to the crucifixion, with the hopes that the populace would take to heart this frightening example of what would face them if they continued pursuing such radical ways.

Today, the corruption in our worldwide governments and churches is no secret. So here we are nearly 2000 years later, still living on a planet where the masses are controlled by the few and are too scared, numbed out, or lazy to do anything about it. Spiritual awakening is the only cure to this vastly spread social disease, for the magnetic pull on Earth at this time to remain powerless and socially conformist is stronger than ever. Spiritual awakening is what the Christ, with much help, began to prepare us for during his time on Earth.

Now we are coming to the Age of Light - a time of reawakening. In order for us to evolve as a species, we must become one world. We must bring together the purity of the ancient sacred spiritual teachings of the major eight cultures and their ancient Pleiadian teachers. All people must drop their differences now and choose divine love and harmony with all things and all beings - whether they be human, animal or sentient. All must win from this new Harmonic Convergence. It's time now!

Amorah Quan Yin (1950-) | Encyclopedia.com

Amorah Quan Yin (1950-) | Encyclopedia.com

Amorah Quan Yin (1950-)
Views 1,975,000 

Amorah Quan Yin (1950-)

Amorah Quan Yin is the spiritual name of a contemporary channel of entities from the Pleiades, who currently resides in Mt. Shasta, California. Amorah Quan Yin was born on November 30, 1950, in rural Kentucky. From her childhood she reported clairvoyant psychic experiences and healings, but these were abandoned during her school years. They only manifested again after her 16th birthday. In 1977, she was diagnosed with an incurable illness and given two years to live. In response, she began a regimen of vegetarianism and meditation, and quit smoking.

Her health gradually improved and she experienced a spiritual awakening that included her adopting a New Age perspective. In 1979, she underwent some past-life therapy. In her first session she experienced herself sitting on a mountain listening to Jesus teach. As she watched, several spaceships flew above him. She experienced a direct contact with Jesus through her third eye and was flooded with light. When she came out of the session, she saw the aura of the regressionist and her own reflected in a mirror. She later came to understand the vision and the empowerment she felt in the light of extraterrestrials. She believed her healing had been overseen by the Pleiadians and the spaceships she saw from Sirius.

She began to teach classes and workshops and became a full-time teacher in 1985. She also began to make jewelry and sell gemstones, workshops on crystals having become a part of her curriculum. In 1988 she moved her work to Mt. Shasta. At Mt. Shasta, she developed her awareness of the Pleiadians and Sirians, and began channeling from the former. In 1993 she changed her name to Amorah Quan Yin. 

Her channeling has resulted in several books that have added to the growing literature credited to beings from the Pleiades, but she has also emerged as one of the new generation of post-New Age channelers who are in contact with a wide range of both ascended masters and extraterrestrials.

In her channeled material, Amorah Quan Yin offers an alternative view of the origin of the human race detailed to her from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Humans have an origin in the deeps of space, and Earth inhabitants have a history that includes the former cultures of Venus, Mars, and Maldek (the destruction of which created the present asteroid belt). 

The purpose of the Pleiadian manifestation at present is the release of the patterns of restriction that are carryovers from these earlier connections. 
They hope to bring about the Second Coming of Christ en masse, a time when many earthlings become actualized Christed (blessed or anointed) beings. 

One instrument for that is the Pleiadian Lightwork described at great length in Amorah Quan Yin's The Pleiadian Workbook. The Lightwork opens up the body's Ka channels, invisible channels of light energy similar to the meridians described in Chinese medicine.


Amorah Quan Yin. Pleiadian Perspectives on the Human Evolution. Santa Fe, N.Mex.: Bear & Co., 1996.

The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka Yin, Amorah Quan

Amazon.com: The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka: 9781879181311: Yin, Amorah Quan: Books

The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka Paperback – December 1, 1995
by Amorah Quan Yin (Author)

4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 456 ratings
4.1 on Goodreads
157 ratings
Part of: Pleidian Tantric Workbook (1 books)

Kindle from $8.99
Paperback $20.23

The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. 

Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our "Ka Channels," which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques 
  • align us with our divine selves, 
  • raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, 
  • while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.

352 pages
Editorial Reviews


"The Pleiadians are here now to offer all beings the opportunity to choose health and perfect balance in the midst of the energy acceleration. Amorah Quan Yin's Pleiadian Workbook is the source of Pleiadian energetic healing techniques, a gift of love and compassion during these amazing days." ― Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Pleiadian Agenda and Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pl

"This is one of my most favorite and regularly used books. It is a veritable library of powerful energy healing exercises in one book. . . . The book is a wonderfully clear and comprehensive instruction manual to prepare for the work with exercises to clear you and your home's energy, ground, Aura healing, chakra and energy system clearing, severing negative psychic contracts, and decording." ― Lady Adventurine, Feb 2009

“One thing is for sure, and that is if we want to wake up and change the world we will need new information to clear away old patterns and limiting beliefs and this book did the trick for me ... on many levels.” ― Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide Magazine, April 2013

From the Back Cover



The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light-light beings from the Pleiades-who say its time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our "Ka Channels," which pull energy from our multidimensional holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.

"The Pleiadians are here now to offer all beings the opportunity to choose health and perfect balance in the midst of the energy acceleration. Amorah Quan Yin's Pleiadian Workbook is the source of Pleiadian energetic healing techniques, a gift of love and compassion during these amazing days."
--Barbara Hand Clow. author of The Pleiadian Agenda and Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades

"This wonderful book can strengthen anyone's spiritual awareness and spiritual path. It is a step by-step guide to enlightenment and ascension, which then flow from each individual to all of humanity. It is a great blessing to Earth."
--Joanna Cherry, founder of Ascension Mastery International

"The exercises Amorah gives are practical and necessary at this time of Earth transitions. Vast perspectives on Earth, the solar system, and galactic cycles are given to enable each person to transform karmic patterns. In this book we can find ways to forgive ourselves of past misdeeds and move on to unconditional, compassionate states of wholeness."
--Rowena Pattee Kryder, MFA. Ph.D.. author of Sacred Ground to Sacred Space and Gaia Matrix Oracle

AMORAH QUAN YIN has been a natural healer and psychic since birth, and as a child was gifted with clairvoyance and clairaudience. A personal health crisis in later years led her to a path of holistic living, spiritual awakening, and sharing her gifts with others. Amorah has become well known and respected as a healer, seer, and teacher in Mt. Shasta, California. where she maintains a private teaching and healing practice.

About the Author
Amorah Quan Yin (1950-2013) was a natural healer and psychic since birth, and as a child was gifted with clairvoyance and clairaudience. A personal health crisis in later years led her to a path of holistic living, spiritual awakening, and sharing her gifts with others. Amorah was well known and respected as a healer, seer, and teacher based in Mt. Shasta, California.

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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bear & Company; Original ed. edition (December 1, 1995)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 352 pages
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 456 ratings

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Amorah Quan Yin

Amorah Quan Yin was born in Irvine, a small town in Kentucky, on November 30, 1950. She passed away on June 13, 2013, after an auto accident on Everett Memorial Highway, Mt. Shasta, California.

Amorah was a natural healer and psychic since birth. She adopted the name Amorah Quan Yin in 1993 after a direct experience of Quan Yin during meditation. She lived in Mt. Shasta for 24 years and there founded the Dolphin Star Temple in 1998. She often said that Mt. Shasta was the only place she ever felt at home. She loved the mountain for its high and unique energy and for the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Amorah wrote 4 books before Oneness. 

  • The Pleiadian Workbook, 
  • The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook, 
  • Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution, and 
  • Affinity. 

These were published in 12 languages. She also recorded hundreds of CDs.

Guan Yin - Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion






Top reviews from the United States


4.0 out of 5 stars Great BookReviewed in the United States on December 30, 2022
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Full of interesting information

Some Chick

3.0 out of 5 stars Convoluted?Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2022
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Outdated to say the least, but I would say the information is still relevant. This book is surprisingly difficult to begin reading. I avoided this book for two years after purchasing it because I found it extremely hard to get into. At first glance, I thought this book was full of psychobabble and utter nonsense when skimming through the components of this book, 

but I soon realized after spending time reading one chapter a day that this book actually contained useful information and spiritual insights regarding how-to guides on advanced meditation techniques and trance work that include topics such as astral projection, higher states of consciousness, and communication with other beings in the process. 

I would recommend this read to those highly interested in new-age spirituality with an emphasis on extraterrestrial intelligence.

I would not recommend this to anyone else because it’s very hard to get into because of the flowery writing, it’s difficult to understand the concepts unless you’re already familiar with them, and it’s not going to maintain your attention in the slightest with how it’s written. 

This book was made for all the self-proclaimed “starseeds” out there!

One person found this helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars Life changing.Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2022
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First off, this book is a work of art!

Growing up I used to experience the spiritual world. I lived in what I called a “Haunted house” and experienced psychic abilities. I completely fell out of touch with those abilities when several traumatic experiences happened to me.

I was interested in this book, from learning about Starseeds last year. 
As three different psychics told me I had several incarnations. 
I experienced a past life vision. That confirmed to me that this is no joke.
Most my incarnations have been as an Arcturus & Lyran. 

However, I felt a deep connection to this book. The exercises in this book completely blew me away. But at the same time, they felt extremely familiar.
Some of the exercises such as grounding. Suggest to take up to a month before moving on to the next exercise. 

These exercises felt so natural that I would get them immediately into my routine within a few days to a week.

I am extremely excited to finish this book and to gain as much knowledge as possible. Ive felt such a deep warm love when I immediately started reading The Pleiadian Workbook.

 I feel a healing power. 

And I highly recommend this book to anyone on their spiritual journey.
 And anyone interested in Starseeds or the Pleiadians. 

May the Divine light be with you!

One person found this helpful


5.0 out of 5 stars Great spiritual tool!Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2022
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I have learned so much from this book and the exercises it has. It really helped my clear my auric field. 

Connect with Gaia and star beings on a whole other level. 
The blowing roses exercises helps me to this day. I bought this digital book over 2 years ago and I still go back to it from time to time. It definitely brings forth more clarity and connectedness to a bigger aspect of this life. 

I highly recommend to anyone just trying to help themselves energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
 This book touches on so many subject and such a simple and easy to read and follow guide.

One person found this helpful

Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars This book was an answer to my prayersReviewed in the United States on March 29, 2019
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I found this book while looking for a solution to deal with the emotional rawness I was feeling every time I processed/released a bit more of my childhood traumas, but it turned out to be so much more.

In fact, this book contains things I've been looking for for years. 
Like, how to strengthen my aura from a place of well-being, not fear. 
And how to ground myself appropriately and effectively. 
And what I can do every day to make sure that my energy is running well. 
And how to make my home a high vibe place for my family, again without the usual fear that so many others teach.

I've been practicing the daily self-care exercises for a couple of months now and my world is changing around me. And as a bonus, my relationship with Quan Yin has deepened significantly as well. I've just started working on the next-level Ka channel exercises and I look forward to seeing what happens with those!

And yes, the "cocoon" exercise she shares for soothing the emotional aftermath of releasing trauma worked perfectly, and instead of being wiped out for days by it, I was fine within an hour.

I am very blessed to have come across this book by Amorah and I bless her, wherever she is right now.

44 people found this helpful



5.0 out of 5 stars Powerfully influential book for the hands-on practitionerReviewed in the United States on April 18, 2010
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This book has been extremely influential in my studies of hands-on work and light work. As a beginner with very little help from others in the field, this book helped me see new insights into the possibilities of the natural progression of light work I had been experiencing.

I have not even finished the book, as it is literally a workbook, as the title says. There are steps that need to be thoroughly worked through before moving on to the next. 

And I have found even the beginning of these steps to be some of the most transformational in my journey on the path. 

The guidelines to grounding, to healing your aura, and to clearing and owning your spinal pathways are the ones to begin with and I have found them to be simple to follow with outstanding results I had not found before.

Amorah is also very honest and does not claim to be the authority on anything. She relays her experiences and tries to make that accessible to everyone who is interested. She tells you to take only what you find works for you and leave the rest, a stance I greatly respect in an author or expert.

I would recommend this book to anyone just entering the spiritual healing field and to those looking for a guide to expand your practice of it.

12 people found this helpful



4.0 out of 5 stars She likes to talK about herselfReviewed in the United States on March 28, 2021
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She talks about herself quite a lot, but it’s still a good book

2 people found this helpful

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Cliente de Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars ReflexionReviewed in Mexico on April 29, 2017
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Super importante para mi crecimiento espiritual
Despertar de mis confusos pensamiento para alinear mi corazon con mi mente y lograr der feliz asi como tambien transmitir lo que yo estoy aprendiendo

Super important for my spiritual growth 
Awakening from my confused thoughts to align my heart with my mind and achieve happiness as well as transmit what I am learning

5.0 out of 5 stars Practical toolsReviewed in Australia on September 12, 2018
Verified Purchase

A life changer. It is with the application that we achieve ascension. Great tools and insides. I will search for more books from this author

Gregory Vance
5.0 out of 5 stars The Pleiadian Workbook review
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 29, 2011
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To be honest with the amount of great information in this book you really do get your moneys worth. There are some truly awesome healing techniques in this with detailed information to connect with the Pleiadians to receive healing sessions. 

I've tried these healing sessions and they really do work. 

One of the main goals of this book is to align with your higher self, a major spiritual achievement but I think one that could be attained by dedicated work. 

I have not as yet worked my way through the whole book as you progress step by step, it is a workbook and I guess it'll take you as long as you want it to 
- it's not some superficial coffee table book but it is all explained very well by Amorah Quan Yin who I think is a highly knowledgable author with great integrity.

 I cannot stress enough that there really is so much valuable information in this book and considering what it costs to buy it's virtually a giveaway. I highly recommend it to anyone serious about spiritual development, and especially anyone that wants to connect with the Pleiadian energy. Thanks Amazon for selling it and to Amorah for writing such a truly useful and wonderful book!

22 people found this helpfulReport

1.0 out of 5 stars Waste of timeReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 26, 2018
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After reading the Bringers of the Dawn by Marciniak (one of my favourites ever), I thought this workbook could complement it nicely. I was wrong. 

It is very boring to read, not convincing and if you attempt to do the exercices, you better not have kids or work because it will take you forever to accomplish them. 
Totally regret my purchase, learned nothing knew.

2 people found this helpfulReport

S. Ebert-forbes
5.0 out of 5 stars The Pleuiadian WorkbookReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 1, 2011
Verified Purchase

I am reading this book, and so far I am fascinated and impressed by it. It is very readable and easy to comprehend and undrstand.
This book contains many meditations, visualisations, affirmations for the reader to practice.
There are many activities one can do without much ado, such as taking a light shower, to give an example.
Watch this space when I have worked through this workbook.
Just one little point: there are cds containing the meditations available from source in Mount Shasta. It would be great if some nice person could put together a package of book and cds.

13 people found this helpfulReport

Star seed Wikipedia
Star seed or starseed may refer to:
  • Starseed, a 1973 book by Timothy Leary
  • Star Seed, a 2021 single by Loona
  • Starseed (band), South-African/British rock band
  • Starseed (novel), a 1991 science fiction novel by Spider Robinson and Jeanne Robinson
  • "Starseed" (song), a 1994 single by Our Lady Peace
  • Starseed launcher, a hypothetical concept of a space exploration system
  • Starseeds, fictional microorganisms used by Outsiders to seed new planets with life in Larry Niven's Known Space science fiction series
  • Star seeds, a type of crystal in sentient life in the Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars series
  • Star people (New Age), individuals who state they’ve originated from another planet or Galaxy
  • A giant machine hypothetized to be able to collapse black holes among other things, in the video game Solar Ash. The McGuffin of the game's story.

the sort of healing work that is undertaken by a raft of different people which could be said to be a force for spiritual good - or light,

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo - Wikipedia - Subud International Brotherhood

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo - Wikipedia

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo.jpg
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo

June 22, 1901
Kedungjati, Dutch East Indies
DiedJune 23, 1987 (aged 86)
Other namesPak Subuh, Bapak
OccupationSpiritual leader
Years active1930s-1987
Known forSubud

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (born June 22, 1901, in Kedungjati, near SemarangJavaDutch East Indies; died June 23, 1987) was an Indonesian who founded the movement known as Subud.[1] As a young man Muhammad Subuh claims to have received a series of intense experiences that he believed gave him contact with a spiritual energy from a higher power. By the 1930s, he believed that it was his task to transmit this energy - which he called latihan kejiwaan (Indonesian for "spiritual exercise") - to others, but that he was not to seek people out but simply to wait for those who asked for it.

In 1956, Pak Subuh, or "Bapak" as he was called by members of Subud (the word "Bapak" is Indonesian for something akin to father), was invited to England by J. G. Bennett, where many Westerners joined Subud. He was then asked to go to other countries such as the United States and Australia. In this way, Subud spread rapidly around the world.

When he died in 1987 he left many talks on tape, video and in print, which Subud uses to guide the organization he founded.


Muhammad Subuh was an Indonesian monk who founded the Subud movement. "Subud" is a contraction of three Sanskit words: sushila, budhi, and dharma.[2] Subud centres around the mystical phenomenon of latihan.[2]

Muhammad Subuh wrote in his autobiography that, about the year 1932, he had a visionary visit to the highest heaven, the "Seventh Heaven". By his account, one night he felt drowsy and went to lie down in bed. Instead of falling asleep, he felt himself "lengthen, widen and expand into a sphere" and then entered a great space. He saw a group of stars far away and was told that it was the universe he had left behind. He then traveled at great speed through a great expanse and beyond, there were seven (7) "mountain-like cones of light, one stacked upon another". He described how he entered the cones of light one after another until he entered the seventh, the last. Then he returned to earth and saw what looked like stars in the sky but later realized they were the lights of Semarang, the hometown where he lived. He even tarried a little over the rooftop of his own house trying to lift up some roof tiles with his fingers but instead found himself inside his own room. It was about the time of Subuh or dawn.

In his description Muhammad Subuh implied the seventh cone of light represents the highest heaven. It is likely because of this description of his ascension that Muhammad Subuh insisted that his autobiography be published only after his death though it was completed much earlier.

From his first visit to Britain in 1957 until his death 30 years later in 1987, Muhammad Subuh is estimated to have travelled 594,320 miles outside Indonesia, visiting Subud groups around the world.[3] On these trips he gave explanations about the nature of the Latihan spiritual exercise and the purpose and meaning of the spiritual association of Subud. Approximately 1,400 of these talks were recorded,[4] with provisional translations to English made available at the time. These talks are currently being re-translated and republished by Subud Publications International. There are now Subud groups in over 70 countries, with a worldwide membership of about 10,000.

In the late 1950s, British academic John G. Bennett came under Pak Subuh's influence and funded his career, believing Pak Subuh to be a messiah.[2] By 1960, once interest in Subud had faded, Bennett had left Subud and became a Catholic.[2] The actress Eva Bartok was also a supporter of Pak Subuh.[2]

In Indonesia itself, very little literature is available on Subuh, and therefore very few people have knowledge about Subuh or the movement he founded.


  • Sumohadiwidjojo, Muhammad-Subuh (1990). Autobiography: The History of Bapak R.M.Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, Founder of the Spiritual Association of Susila Budhi Dharma, or Subud. Subud Publications International. ISBN 1-869822-07-2.
  • Sumohadiwidjojo, Muhammad-Subuh (1993). Bapak's Talks, Volume 1. Subud Publications International.


  1. ^ "Subud", by Gisella Webb, in America's Alternative Religions, Timothy Miller, ed. (SUNY Press, 1995) p272
  2. Jump up to:a b c d e Randi, James (1995). An encyclopedia of claims, frauds, and hoaxes of the occult and supernatural: decidedly sceptical definitions of alternative realities. New York, NY: St. Martin's Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-15119-5.
  3. ^ Brochure, "Bapak's Extraordinary Journey" (SPI 2007)
  4. ^ Bapak's Talks, Volume 1 (SPI 1993), Publisher's Introduction

External links[edit]

Subud International Brotherhood
Views 2,542,147Updated
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions

Subud International Brotherhood. A new religious movement started in Indonesia in 1933 by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (1901–87), Pak Subuh, called Bapak (‘father’) by his followers. It claims to be a spiritual experience rather than a religion or belief system. The name Subud is an abbreviation of the Skt. terms suśīla, buddhi, and dharma, which are given the meanings: ‘living according to the will of God’, ‘the force of the inner self within humanity’, and ‘surrender and submission to God’, respectively. The whole (Subud) means ‘right living, with all one's parts awakened’.

At the heart of the movement is latihan (or latihan kejiwaan), an Indonesian term meaning ‘training’ or ‘exercise’. Latihan cannot be taught or acquired through imitation; it is said to arise spontaneously from within the individual after contact has been transmitted.

This movement, with members in some seventy countries, is responsible for many large enterprises, including banks and schools.
