
In an Abusive Relationship, There Are Not Two Sides to the Story

 Una  I am on my 5th year of litigation and legal abuse,...

I am on my 5th year of litigation and legal abuse, constantly threatened and harassed and unable to get a divorce following 10 incredibly grueling years of “marriage”.

This notion that there are always two legitimate sides to a story (even if one is made up and untrue) has plagued me - in the courts and with friends and family who have politely stayed “neutral” and out of the way in a stance of pseudo-objectivity.

Speaking out is so often met with skepticism and viewed as evidence of a conflictual, immature, and unspiritual attitude, that I am frankly reluctant to. I still struggle every day to maintain my sense of self and sanity against a wall of silence and non-belief.

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In an Abusive Relationship, There Are Not Two Sides to the Story
Though it actually does take two to tango…

24You, Esther Min Sun, Susanna Lim and 21 others




Esther Min Sun You are not alone ♡
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Kirsten Andelman Simon Most of the chronic litigants in family court have a single party who is driving the litigation: these are basically individuals who have resolved to make the other party’s life a living hell, and who are using the legal system as a cudgel. I hope you…See more
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Una Kim replied · 3 replies 3 hrs

Susanna Lim Sending support and positivity to you from the East Coast. I can’t make it better, but know you are not alone
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Agni Shyam Very sorry to hear this ..... I wish we could do something to support you ..
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Maya Marisa Joelson Sorry I hear una!!! Let’s meet up when I am back in La and always here if you want to chat! X
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Karen Chang Workman I am not neutral...I am angry, upset, indignant, protective...it’s just so wrong
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Rob Hogan Yes, the family law system is cumbersome and broken. Especially when you throw multi-national jurisdiction into the mix. I think all people try to envision reasonable people playing by reasonable rules- not psychopaths like you are facing
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Zach Lorenzini My wife has had to go through some unbelievable stuff, just like you. I'm sure she would be happy to talk to you if you need a kindred spirit who can 100% relate to your situation.
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Monica M. Perez I believe your side of it and you'll always have my support!
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Ami Foster So frustrating. You know I am 100% in “your corner” if you ever need someone to listen. I get it-they are evil 😡
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In an Abusive Relationship, There Are Not Two Sides to the Story

Though it actually does take two to tango…

Suzanna Quintana
Oct 19 · 4 min read

Photo by Natalie Perez

I used to be a professional ballroom dancer, teacher, and choreographer. My oldest son was a competitive ballroom dancer for over a decade and won the U.S. National title…twice.

Because of our combined dancing experience, I can unequivocally state that, yes, it does take two to tango.

How this morphed into a phrase that is equivocal to “he said/she said” I’ll never know. In this scenario, any relationship is presumed to be like a tango, thus it takes two to make things go right (and now I’ll be singing that song for the rest of the day). When things go wrong, however, the presumption continues that blame is divvied up equally between both parties since — just like a tango — any accomplishment is dependent on each party contributing their fair share.

When it comes to an abusive relationship, however, there are no two sides to the story. There is only the truth. There is an abuser and there is a victim of that abuser. The abuser possesses and wields control over a victim in the effort to enable his abuse to continue. A victim is powerless (or believes herself to be) and exists in a place of darkness where walking on eggshells and living in a state of heightened fear and dread becomes the accepted standard.

How to Know if You’re Being Abused.

You’d think it would be easy to figure out, but…


In an otherwise healthy relationship in which two people decide to part ways, there very well may exist a difference in opinion on the reasons leading up to the breakup, with both parties taking responsibility to whatever degree necessary. In an abusive relationship, where the power dynamic is skewed to benefit the abuser, any attempt to invoke a “he said/she said” analogy is victim-blaming. And suggests that in some way a victim had a role to play in her own abuse.

Within any abusive relationship, there is an element of secrecy that is necessary for both parties to maintain. An abuser keeps his abuse behind closed doors because of the need to keep up the charade while out in public (abusers, especially narcissists, operate on a core sense of shame and cowardice, thus it’s crucial that no one ever discover who they really are).

A victim is compelled to keep what is happening to her behind closed doors for a variety of reasons that may include her own shame and embarrassment for what she’s enduring, threats made by her abuser for her to keep quiet, and/or her conditioning to somehow believe she deserves it or isn’t worthy of anything better.

This attempt to subdivide an abusive relationship into sides of a story only complicates the healing process for a victim once she escapes and becomes a survivor of abuse. The guilt and shame she feels for her experience are then multiplied when facing a society that loves to blame the victim. When we ask her, “Why did you stay?” or “Why did you put up with it?” we are inserting the possibility that there is indeed another side to her story, and therefore maybe she did have some responsibility in her own pain and suffering.

The Burden of the Question “Why Did She Stay?”

I remember clearly when I was asked this the first time. This question also comes in its sister form of “Why didn’t she…


As both a former dancer and a survivor of abuse at the hands of a diagnosed narcissist, I’m here to tell you that while the tango does require the equal effort of two people to be successful, abuse operates on a basis of inequality, and essentially “works” only if there is an oppressor and an oppressed. In short, abuse is not some fucking dance where two people are enjoying themselves. And there are not two sides to how this story is to be told. There is only one side: The truth.

If you are a survivor of abuse and have begun the long road of healing, don’t ever let someone pull you into this narrative where you’re having to defend your experience. You’ve been through enough, so now is the time to rid your life of any victim-blamers who continue to retraumatize you by suggesting you had something to do with your own abuse.

That way you’ll have the room in your beautiful new life — free of abuse — to actually start living again, enjoying yourself again, maybe even taking a dance lesson or two…

Tango, anyone?


To read more of my own story, or to grab a free copy of my book, “You’re Still That Girl: Get Over Your Abusive Ex for Good!” visit www.suzannaquintana.com today!


일 최고 문학상 작가, 혐한 여론에 “강제징용 판결문 읽어라” : 일본 : 국제 : 뉴스 : 한겨레

일 최고 문학상 작가, 혐한 여론에 “강제징용 판결문 읽어라” : 일본 : 국제 : 뉴스 : 한겨레

일 최고 문학상 작가, 혐한 여론에 “강제징용 판결문 읽어라”

등록 :2019-10-11 15:49수정 :2019-10-11 19:30

소설가 히라노 게이치로 <아사히신문> 인터뷰
“일 언론들 무책임하게 반감 부추겨
한국 대법 판결문 읽으면 쇼크 받을 것
국적 넘어 개개인의 불행에 주목해야”

일본 소설가 히라노 게이치로. 연합뉴스소설 <일식>으로 일본의 최고 권위 문학상인 아쿠타가와상을 수상한 소설가 히라노 게이치로(44)가 수출규제 등을 둘러싼 한·일 갈등과 관련해 일본사람들에게 한국 대법원의 강제징용 소송 판결문부터 읽으라고 따끔하게 충고했다. 또 국가를 넘어 징용피해자 ‘개인’의 인간적 불행에 주목하자고 강조했다.

히라노 작가는 <아사히신문> 11일치에 실린 인터뷰에서 혐한을 부채질하는 방송과 주간지 보도에 “화가 나기도 하고 상처를 입기도 했다. 한국 문제에 대해 미디어가 무책임하게 반감을 부추기고 있다”고 꾸짖었다. 그는 “한국 대법원의 강제징용 판결의 판결문도 읽지 않은 (방송) 출연자에게는 코멘트하게 해선 안 된다”며 “우선은 모두 판결문을 읽어봐야 한다. 판결문을 읽으면 쇼크를 받지 않을 수 없을 것”이라고 말했다. 그는 소설 <일식>(1999년)으로 아쿠타가와 상을 탄 인기 작가로, 대표작 20여편이 국내에도 번역 출판돼 한국팬들이 많은 편이다.

강제징용 피해자 이춘식씨의 인터뷰를 읽었다는 그는 “(강제징용 피해자들은) 기술을 습득할 것을 기대하고 (일제 등의) 모집에 응했다가 위험도가 높은 노동 환경에 놓여 임금도 받지 못했다. 도망치고 싶다고 말하면 맞기도 했다. 비참하다”고 지적했다. 또 “우선은 한 사람의 인간으로서 그들(피해자들)의 경우를 생각하는 것이 중요하다. 소설은 한국인, 일본인, 남자, 여자 같은 카테고리를 주인공으로 하지 않는다”며 “징용공이라는 카테고리가 아닌 한명의 개인으로 주목한다면 공감할 수 있을 것”이라고 덧붙였다.

히라노 작가는 작년에 ‘자이니치‘(재일동포) 3세를 주인공으로 삼은 소설 <어떤 남자>를 출판하기도 했다. 그는 “학창시절에 만난 자이니치를 생각하며, 그들이 지금 이 시대를 어떻게 지낼지 생각하면서 자이니치에 대해 접근했다”며, “(국적) 범주를 뺀 채 사람의 인생을 보고 공감하는 곳을 찾아야 한다”고 인간에 대한 공감능력을 재차 강조했다. <아사히신문>은 한·일 관계 악화 속에 양국간 협력·우호 회복을 모색하는 인터뷰 시리즈 ‘이웃 사람’의 첫 순서로 히라노 작가의 인터뷰를 게재했다.

조계완 기자 kyewan@hani.co.kr


이현주 (목사) - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

이현주 (목사) - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

이현주 (목사)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
둘러보기로 가기검색하러 가기
이현주(李賢周, 1944년~ )는 대한민국의 감리교 목사이다. 동화작가이며 번역문학가이기도 하다. 호(號)는 관옥(觀玉)이다. 본래 그의 스승인 무위당(无爲堂) 장일순 선생에게서 관옥목인(觀玉牧人)이라는 호를 받았으나, 현재는 주로 관옥(觀玉)만을 쓰고 있다. 이외에도 스스로 지은 호 이오(二吾)가 있으며, 책을 쓸 때에는 주로 "이 아무개"라는 필명을 쓴다. 이름을 내세우지 않고 겸허히 살겠다는 그의 의지에서 비롯된 필명으로 보인다. 이는 그의 사상의 주요틀인 '세상일에 함부로 나서지 않는다는(不敢爲天下先)' 노장(老莊)사상에서 비롯된 것이기도 하다.
1944년 충주에서 출생하여 감리교신학대학교에 진학하였다. 신학교 재학시 변선환 박사에게 배웠으며, 졸업후 죽변교회 등에서 목회했다. 동화작가 이원수의 추천으로 문단에 나왔다. 기독교서회, 크리스찬 아카데미 편집기자를 역임하고, 죽변교회 목사를 거쳐 작가, 번역문학가로 활동하면서 대학.교회에서 강의도 하고 있다. 그는 동서양과 유불선 등 지역과 종교를 넘나들며, 이에 대한 성찰의 과정과 결과를 글로 표현하여 이웃과 나누고 있다

스승인 장일순과 함께 문답형식의 노자 해설서인 《무위당 장일순의 노자이야기》를 썼으며, 장자 해설서인《이 아무개의 장자산책》를 집필했고, 대학, 중용 해설서인《이현주 목사의 대학,중용읽기》, 금강경 해설서인 《기독교인이 읽는 금강경》을 썼다. 이외에도 《길에서 주운 생각들》에서는 불교의 벽암록, 원불교의 경전인 대종경 등의 여러 동서양 경구를 다루기도 했다. 최근에는, 논어를 쉽게 풀이한 짧은 분량의,《내 인생의 첫 고전 논어》를 펴냈다. 
이렇듯 한국 개신교의 배타적, 보수적인 태도와 다른 모습을 보여주고 있다.
1977년에 문익환 목사와 함께 개신교를 대표해 《공동번역성서》번역에 참여했으며, 저서로는 예수의 수난과 죽음을 시적으로 표현함으로써 기독교 평화주의를 주장한《예수의 죽음》(샨티)등이 있다. 진보적인 신학잡지《기독교 사상》에 공동번역성서를 성서번역본으로 한 성서 묵상을 연재할만큼 작가로서 활발히 활동하고 있으며,《풍경소리》라는 기독교 잡지를 발행하고 있다.
참고로, 소리꾼 장사익의 8집에 수록된 《우리는 서로 만나 무얼 버릴까》는 이현주 목사의 시(詩)에 장사익이 곡을 붙인 노래다.

관련 인물[편집]

  • 변선환(감리교신학대학교 학장)-이현주 목사는 감리신학대학교 재학 시절 변선환 박사에게서 신학을 배웠다. 변선환 박사는 생전 "교회 밖에도 구원이 있다."라는 발언때문에 한국교회사 최초의 종교재판에 선 적이 있을 정도로 열린 자세로 보여준 신학자였다. 이현주 목사의 열린 구도의 태도는 이런 변선환 박사의 영향을 받았다.
  • 장일순(민주화운동가)-장일순은 그의 스승이다. 이현주 목사는 장일순 선생에게서 배우고, 호를 하사받고, 함께 《무위당 장일순의 노자이야기》를 집필하는 등 많은 영향을 받았다. 이현주 목사의 초기 저작이 주로 기독교 신학에만 초점이 맞춰진 반면 후기로 갈수록 동양사상, 특히 노자(老子)사상이 주를 이루고 있는 것으로 보아 아마 장일순의 영향을 받은 게 크지 않을까 싶다. 이현주 목사는 장일순 선생을 일컬어, "부모없는 집안의 맏형같은 분"이라고 했다.
  • 문익환(목사)-문익환 목사와는 가톨릭, 개신교 통합의 《공동번역성서》에 함께 참여해서 윤문 교정위원을 맡았다. 이현주 목사와의 대화 중, 문익환 목사가 "어떻게 한국에서는 구교가 신교같고, 신교가 구교같다"라고 했다는 일화가 유명하다. 이는 당시 공동번역성서에 포용적이던 구교(가톨릭)에 비해 신교(개신교)의 비협조적인 자세를 빗댄 말이다.
  • 권정생(동화작가)-권정생과도 생전에 교류가 깊었다. 권정생과 장일순과의 만남을 주선한 것도 이현주 목사다. 권정생은 이현주 목사를 일컬어 "평화를 사랑하는 사람"이라고 했다. 둘은 동화작가로서 같이 동화를 엮어서 내기도 했다.
  • 법륜(스님)-이현주 목사와 함께 출판기념회를 열고, 부처님오신날에는 법륜스님이 이끄는 정토회에 이현주 목사를 초대해 강연을 듣는 자리를 마련하는 등 교류가 깊다. 스님은 이현주 목사의 저서인 《기독교인이 읽는 금강경》의 서문을 써주기도 했다.
  • 이철수(판화가)-판화가 이철수와도 매우 절친한 사이다. 그래서인지 둘의 사상은 상통하는 부분이 크다. 이철수는 이현주 목사를 통해 장일순 선생을 뵙기도 했다.
  • 김재준(목사)-민주화운동가이며 한국기독교장로회와 한신대학교의 실질적 설립자 역할을 했던, 장공(長空)김재준 목사와도 가까운 사이였다. 김재준 목사는 이현주 목사에게 책을 선물해주기도 하는 등 여러모로 그의 인격형성에 영향을 끼쳤다. 둘은 사적으로는 사돈 간이기도 하다.
  • 임락경(목사)-임락경 목사와도 교류관계가 깊다. 80년대 군부독재 시절, 임락경 목사와 이현주 목사는 민중교회계의 단골 강사였다고 한다. 이는 의식있고 저항적인 내용의 강연을 할 수 있으면서도, 그 당시 서슬퍼런 정부 감시망 하에서, 문제가 되지 않을 만큼의 선에서 이야기들을 에둘러서 잘 표현할 수 있었기 때문이라고 한다.
  • 이덕주(목사)-이현주 목사의 동생이다. 현재 감리교신학대학교에서 한국 교회사 교수로 있다. 이덕주 목사는 한국 교회사에서 독보적이라 할 만큼 큰 영향력을 지닌 학자이다.


  • 《너희가 나를 알게 되리라》
  • 《알게 뭐야》
  • 《날개 달린 아저씨》
  • 《사람의 길, 예수의 길》
  • 《한송이 이름없는 들꽃으로》
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Burn: Michael Faraday's Candle: Darcy Pattison, Michael Faraday, Peter Willis: 9781629440453: Amazon.com: Books

Burn: Michael Faraday's Candle: Darcy Pattison, Michael Faraday, Peter Willis: 9781629440453: Amazon.com: Books

What makes a candle burn? Solid wax is somehow changed into light and heat. But how? Travel back in time to December 28, 1848 in London, England to one of the most famous juvenile science Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution. British scientist Michael Faraday encouraged kids to carefully observe a candle and to try to figure out how it burned. Since Faraday’s lecture, “The Chemical History of a Candle,” was published in 1861, it’s never been out of print. Faraday originally gave seven lectures on how a candle burns. Pattison has adapted the first 6000-word lecture to about 650 words for modern elementary students. Known as one of the best science experimenters ever, Faraday’s passion was always to answer the basic questions of science: “What is the cause? Why does it occur?”See all 3 images

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Darcy Pattison
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Burn: Michael Faraday's Candle Paperback – June 29, 2016
by Darcy Pattison (Author), Michael Faraday (Author), & 1 more
4.6 out of 5 stars 13 ratings


Editorial Reviews


"Delightful," say science educators
With this delightful book, Darcy Pattison brings one of Michael Faraday's famous scientific lectures for children to a whole new generation of young learners. Peter Willis' colorful artwork illustrates Faraday's own explanations in a scientific, yet kid-friendly style. This book is a wonderful way to introduce children to this extraordinary scientist and to teach them about changes in matter with a familiar, yet remarkable, object - a candle.

- Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan, Authors of Picture-Perfect Science Lessons

"Good, simple explanation of a complex chemical process. Great enrichment possibilities for teachers. I loved the illustrations, the science, and the British tone. Overall, thumbs up!"
Deb Thrall, President, New Mexico Science Teacher's Association

School Library Journal says, ". . .whimsical illustrations. . "
". . .for readers. . .beginning the learn the process of scientific inquiry."

". . .exciting. . .enhanced by dashing, colorful, quirky illustrations. . .brilliant. . . ." Midwest Book

About the Author

Darcy Pattison is the author of Abayomi, the Brazilian Puma: The True Story of an Orphaned Cub, which was named a 2015 National Science Teacher's Association Outstanding Science Trade Book. Desert Baths was named a 2013 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book. For more, see darcypattison.com/book.

Peter Willis With over 20 years' experience in illustration and design, illustrator Peter Willis continues to be as enthusiastic and passionate about his work as ever. His illustrations have palpable character, bringing them to life through his craft and quirky approach. He lives in North East England with his wife and daughter. This is his debut picture book. Peter Willis brings humor to the story, but he also manages to convey accurate information about matter and its physical properties.

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Product details

Age Range: 6 - 12 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 6

Lexile Measure: 840L (What's this?)

Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Mims House (June 29, 2016)

Darcy Pattison is an Arkansas (US) children's book author and writing teacher.
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In 1999, she created the Novel Revision Retreat, which she now teaches across the nation. For more, see http://www.darcypattison.com/speaking/ Books about how-to write include:

START YOUR NOVEL: Six Winning Steps Toward a Compelling Opening Line, Scene and Chapter
NOVEL METAMORPHOSIS: Uncommon Ways to Revise

Translated into ten languages, her books have been recognized for excellence by starred reviews, Book of the Year awards, state award lists and more. She is the 2007 recipient of the Arkansas Governor's Arts Award for Individual Artist for her work in children's literature. Titles include:

Moment in Science series
ECLIPSE: How the 1919 Solar Eclipse Proved Einstein's Theory of General Relativity
POLLEN: Darwin's 130-Year Prediction **Fall 2019 Junior Library Guild selection**
CLANG: Ernst Chladni's Sound Experiments **2019 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book
BURN: Michael Faraday's Candle


13 customer reviews

February 9, 2016
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
The story makes capillary action and cohesion easy to understand. I like the clever way that Darcy Pattison has Michael Faraday's students "see the current of the flame". The illustrations are cute and interesting. As a teacher, I always enjoy books and drawings that show children enjoying science! And, there is a bit of history tossed in the mix as well. Can't wait to hold this book in my hands!
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March 2, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
A great look at science for children - maybe 7 and up
One person found this helpful
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September 6, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Great book. A little advanced for our 5 yr old granddaughter but she'll grow into it. Something to share with science-bent grandfather.
One person found this helpful
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July 17, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
pages are all jumbled--it has not been published correctly
February 15, 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Very interesting history of Michael Faraday's life.
April 11, 2016
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
What a fun look at a little known scientist and teacher! Darcy was shining when she shed a light on this topic for young people in his story.
June 1, 2016
Format: Paperback
Take yourselves back in time to December 28th, 1848 to a place called London, England! It is time for one of the most famous Royal Institution Christmas Lectures ever! (When we lived in England, Richard used to watch this Christmas series EVERY year!) As a matter of interest did you know that these lectures are the "longest running series of science education lectures in the world"?

The original lecture by Michael Faraday on how a candle burns was 6,500 words and has never been out of print! In this picture book the text has been shortened to approximately 650 words. Fascinating chemistry and history for kids along with bold and sometimes amusing illustrations.

I hope from the above, along with the pictures, you can catch a glimpse of how educational this book is. It is very well written, providing more detailed information on the lecturer and the lectures at the end of the book. Paperback copy provided in exchange for an honest review. Thanks, Liz
review imagereview imagereview image
6 people found this helpful
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March 23, 2016
Format: Hardcover
"The Chemical History of a Candle" is a complex concept even if you know about science. This book is displayed with historical beautifully detailed colorful illustrations that help to make the complex simple for a young reader. It teaches children to go beyond and ask what is the cause? Many more questions may arise about such words as stearin, guinea, and spermaceti whale. I especially liked the example of what happens when you dry your hands on a towel to explain capillary action. It was practical and easy to grasp. I liked the summary at the end which recapped the story and the background history of Michael Faraday.
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