
Japan as a Colonizer : Nitobe, Inazo : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Japan as a Colonizer : Nitobe, Inazo : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Full text of "Japan as a Colonizer"



By Inazo Nitobe, Ph.D.

President of the First National College, and Professor in

the Imperial University, Tokyo, formerly Director of the

Bureau of Industries in the Government of Formosa


Published April 1, 1912

"Japan as a Colonizer" is an article from

  The Journal of Race Development, Volume 2.

With the acquisition of the small island of Formosa in 1895,

Japan joined the ranks of colonial powers. Since then she

has had the island of Saghalien by the treaty of Portsmouth

in 1905 and Korea by annexation last year. Besides these

territories she has also in her possession the small province

of Kwang-tung in the Liao Tung peninsula; and a long,

narrow strip of land along the Manchurian railroad, the

last two being leased from the Chinese.

In recounting what Japan has done as a colonizer I shall

for several reasons devote my time to a review of what Japan

has achieved in Formosa. First, because it was the first colony

and as such served the purpose of colonial education for us.

Second, because it may be called the only colony with which we

have had any experience worth speaking about. The other

colonies and possessions are so new to us that whatever

policy we may have formed for them has not yet borne any

fruit. And thirdly, because the administration of this island

of Formosa forms a precedent for the government of later

acquisitions; and also because you can infer from a descrip-

tion of our policy in Formosa what we shall do with other

possessions and colonies. To these three reasons there is

an appendix to be added — namely, because I can speak of

this colony from a long and personal connection with it,

and to me the last is the strongest and the best reason.

Now Formosa, or more properly, Tai-wan (since Formosa

is not a Chinese nor a Japanese name, being a Portuguese

appellation), was ceded to us at the termination of theChino-



Japanese war. When accession from China was proposed

by Japan, we were not at all sure that the suggestion would

be complied with by the authorities. But the Chinese

plenipotentiary, Li Hung Chang, took up the proposition

as though it were wise on the part of his country to be freed

from an incumbrance, and even commiserated Japan for

acquiring it. He pointed out that the island was not amen-

able to good government, that brigandage could never be

exterminated there, that the presence of head hunting tribes

was always a menace to social order, and that the climate was

not salubrious, and also that the opium habit among the

people was widely spread and extreme. The island, some-

what like Sicily, had, in the course of its history, been sub-

ject to the flags of various nations; Holland, Spain and

China ruled it at different times, and at one time Japanese

pirates had practically usurped supreme power over it.

At another time the French flag floated on its shores. Such

an instability in government is enough to demoralize any

people; but among the people themselves there were ele-

ments which put law and order to naught.

The indigenous population consists of head-hunters of

Malay descent, who live in small communities in a very low

grade of culture. The only art with which they are ac-

quainted is agriculture, and that in a very primitive style

— what the Germans name Spatencultur, not agriculture

proper but rather what Mr. Morgan, if I remember rightly,

in his Primitive Society calls a primitive form of horticulture.

They have no ploughs; they have no draft animals; this hor-

ticulture is all that they know. But these people are very

cleanly in their habits. This may be due to their Malay

instinct of frequent bathing; and they keep their cottages

perfectly clean, unlike other savages of a similar grade of

culture. The main part of the population, however, con-

sists of Chinese who have come from the continent and

settled in Formosa. They came chiefly from the opposite

shores, the province of Fukien and from the city and sur-

roundings of Canton. It seems that the Chinese emigrants

could not perpetuate their families in their new home for

any number of generations, succumbing as they did to the


direct and indirect effects of malaria, and hence the Chinese

population proper was constantly replenished by new arri-

vals from the main land. The aborigines or savages liv-

ing a primitive life, constantly driven into the forest regions

and high altitudes, did not increase in numbers; so when

Japan assumed authority in this island she found few con-

ditions that bespoke a hopeful outlook. The Chinese, repre-

senting two branches of their race totally different in char-

acter and in their dialects — their dialect being unintelligible

one to the other — occupied the coast and the plains and were

chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits. They had a few

fortified cities and towns among them; Tainan and Taihoku,

with a population of about 40,000 were the most important.

The peaceful Chinese inhabitants were constantly exposed to

depredations of the brigands. In fact, a great many villages,

besides paying taxes to the government, had to make regular

but secret tribute to the brigand for immunity from spolia-

tion. But this is nothing peculiar to Formosa. When I was in

Manchuria I found just the same thing there. Perhaps my

friend, Professor Iyenaga, described to you in his speech

this morning the brigandage in Manchuria. When I was

there a few years ago I found that the mounted bandits

often threatened the caravans which carried merchandise

and silver ingots. The government could do nothing with

them and so the caravans formed a kind of league, a kind

of guild; and then the brigands also formed a kind of guild,

and both the caravan guild and the brigand guild would

send their representatives to meet somewhere; and the cara-

van representative would offer to pay something and say,

"Now, we will pay you so many thousands of dollars a year,

if you promise to spare our caravans," and the brigands

would say, "All right. If you carry such and such a flag

we will not attack your caravans, but we will attack other

caravans that do not pay us." Thus without any action

on the part of the government there is peace procured

between the brigands and the caravans.

It is the same with the beggars; in Mukden I saw a num-

ber of wretched looking creatures begging from house to

house. These paupers form a very strong body; they have


a delegate of their own. A number of them will stand in

front of a store and of course no one will go into such a store

guarded by beggars, and that store loses trade. So a num-

ber of these stores get together, form a guild and send a dele-

gate to the guild of the beggars and say," Please don't stand

in front of our stores." Between them the two delegates

settle the matter for a certain sum of money. So it was with

these Formosans, in their dealings with the bandits. They

paid tribute, so many dollars or so many head of cattle a

year. Still the agriculturists who had their farms away

from the villages, even though they were free from brigand-

age, were exposed to the attacks of head-hunters who would

steal unawares from their haunts among the mountains to

shoot anybody. I must make a digression and state that

these head-hunters are very partial to Chinese heads; they

say that they are easier to cut, being shaved in the back.

Well, these head-hunters had a custom among them accord-

ing to which young men must secure some head as a trophy

without which they could not obtain recognition for bravery

or celebrate any feast among their tribes. Hence the For-

mosan people had never known the meaning of a quiet,

peaceful society or of a stable government. They had

never known the security of property or of life. Successive

administrations had, none of them, been able to assure them

of these elementary duties of government. With a people

brought up under these circumstances, patriotism was a

thing entirely unknown.

In accordance with the stipulation of the treaty of Shi-

monoseki, one of our generals, Count Kabayama, was dis-

patched as governor-general of Formosa. In that capacity

he was about to land at the island with a large army; when

he was met by the Chinese plenipotentiary at the port of

Kelung, and in an interview which took place on board of

the steamer Yokohama Maru, the 17th of April, 1895, it

was arranged that a landing should be effected without

opposition. This marked the first landing of our troops since

the acquisition of the island of Formosa by the Japanese.

There were at that time some Imperial Chinese soldiers still

remaining on the island, but on hearing of its cession to


Japan they were required to disarm and leave the country.

Many did so, but a few remained to oppose our army; and

then also there were a few patriots who did not feel ready to

accept our terms, not ready to accept an alien rule — and

these either left the island or took up arms against us.

Since there was now no government, some of the so-called

patriots proclaimed a republic, one of the very few republics,

(I say one of the very few because this is not the only case

a — we had a similar instance in Japan), that were started in

Asia. Mr. Tang was elected president and the republic of

Formosa lasted three or four months, leaving behind nothing

but some post-stamps valuable for collectors. At this time

the professional brigands took this opportunity of general

disturbance to ply their trade. I dare say the peaceful

inhabitants of the island suffered more from the hands of

their own countrymen, that is, largely from Chinese troops

and brigands, than they did from us. Evidence of this lies

in the fact that several towns received our army with open

arms as a deliverer from robbery and slaughter.

Though the island was pacified no one knew what was to

happen next. We did not understand the character of the

people. Very few Japanese could speak Formosan and

fewer Formosans could speak Japanese. There was natur-

ally mutual distrust and suspicion. The bandits abounded

everywhere. Under these conditions military rule was the

only form of government that could be adopted until better

assurance could be obtained of the disposition of the people.

For this purpose it was calculated that some ten million yen,

I may say five million dollars, was yearly needed for the paci-

fication and government of Formosa. Out of this necessary

sum only three million yen could be obtained by taxation,

according to the old regime. The balance had to be defrayed

by the central, that is by the Japanese, government. Now

an annual expenditure of six or seven million yen in those

years, to be spent in an island away from home, with no

immediate prospect of return, was by no means an easy

task for the rather limited finance of Japan. You know how

land values are rising everywhere. Even in Africa, England

had to pay very much more than she had expected in getting


land in the south; and I think Italy has by this time found

Tripoli rather more expensive than she had calulated at

first. A colony that looks at a distance like the goose that

lays the golden egg, on nearer approach and especially

when you have to pay the bills, often proves to be a white

elephant. So with us impatient people who had expected

great things and great benefits to come from Formosa,

began to call for more frugality and some of the very best

publicists went even so far as to propose that the island of

Formosa should be sold back to China or even to some other

power. In the course of some thirty months, two years and

a half, no less than three times were governors changed.

The first governor general was Count Kabayama, known

as a hero of the Chino- Japanese war; the second was no less

a man than Prince Katsura, now of some international fame

as the prime minister of Japan for many years; and the third

was General Nogi. Finding that the country could ill afford

such a luxury as a colony, the parliament of Japan cut down

its subsidy of six or seven million yen from the national

treasury by about one-third, thus reducing the subsidy from

six or seven million to only four million. Now who would

accept a position held by a man as Nogi, but now reduced

financially to two-thirds of its former prestige and power?

Only a man of unbounded resources, of keen perception and

quick decision, not a second or a third-rate man, would

accept such a place; and Japan is forever to be congratulated

on finding the right man at the right time for the right place,

Viscount Kodama, who, as a member of the General Staff, had

made a study of the Formosan problem and was ready to accept

the governorship and to see if he could put to rights the bank-

rupt housekeeping of the colony. I am afraid that the name

so well known among us is perhaps very much less known in

this country. Kodama is a name which is cherished by

our people with love and respect. Perhaps you can best

remember his name if I tell you that he was the real brains

of the Russo-Japanese war. It was he who actually directed

the whole Japanese army in the war with Russia.

In accepting the governorship of Formosa he was particu-

larly fortunate in the selection of his lieutenant, his assist-


ant, the civil governor; he made the discovery, as he called

it, of a man who proved himself his right hand, and who

actually came far above his most sanguine expectations.

I mean Baron Goto, one of the rising statesmen of modern

Japan. Baron Goto in the last cabinet held the position of

Minister of Communications and was President of the

Bailway Board. Until Baron Goto was made civil governor

of Formosa under Kodama he had been known as an expert

on hygiene, having been a medical doctor. The advent of

these two men in Formosa marked a new era in our colonial

administration. Upon entering their new post of duty early

in 1898, the first thing they did was the practical suspension

of military rule; at least it was made subservient to civil

administration. Military rule is apt to become harsh and

to the Chinese especially, who are not accustomed to respect

the army, it is doubly harsh.

Next, Kodama and Goto, to whom English colonial ser-

vice was an inspiring example, surprised the official world

by a summary discharge of over one thousand public ser-

vants of high and low degrees, and collected about them men

known and tried for their knowledge and integrity. They

used to say often and often, "It is the man who rules and

not red tape." In an old and well settled country "red tape"

may be convenient, but in a new colony great latitude of

power and initiative must be left to responsible men. I

emphasize this point because these men, I mean the gover-

nor general and the civil governor, attributed their success

largely to the selection and use of right men.

Brigandage was still rampant when Kodama went to

Formosa, and with military rule in abeyance there was some

likelihood of its growing worse. To offset this, the constabu-

lary department was organized and made efficient by proper

care in choosing men for the police and by educating them in

the language, and in the rudiments of law and industries, for

their arduous tasks. Exceedingly arduous were their call-

ings, since these policemen were required not only to repre-

sent law and order but they were expected to be teachers.

They kept account, for instance, of every man, and they

watched over every man and woman who smoked opium;


they had to be acquainted with children of school age and

know which children went to school and which did not.

Moreover, they were required to teach the parents the rudi-

ments of entomology. I do not know how policemen in

this country are educated; but I think they are better edu-

cated, though perhaps not in entomology and hygiene. But

our Formosan police were expected to teach the people how

to take care of themselves, and especially about pests, about

disinfection, and about lots of other things that would

scarcely be required of any policeman in any other part of

the world. Moreover these policemen were required to live

in a village where there were no Japanese, just a purely

Formosan village, alone or sometimes with their wives. Of

course the policemen were required to know the language

and to speak it. Now under civil administration armies

were not mobilized against brigands, and if there was any

trouble it was the policemen who had to go and settle bri-

gandage. But the brigands were invited to subject them-

selves to law and if they surrendered their arms they were

assured not only of protection but against hunger. Not

a few leaders took the hint and were given special privileges,

so that they were assured of a future living. Those who

resisted to the end were necessarily treated as disturbers and

as criminals. Twelve years ago brigandage was so rampant

that the capital of Formosa, Taihoku, was assaulted by them ;

but in the last ten years we scarcely hear of it. I went to

Taihoku ten years ago and whenever I went a few miles

out of the city half a dozen policemen armed with rifles used

to accompany me for my protection. But in the last five or

six years a young girl can travel from one end of the island

to the other, of course excluding savage or aboriginal dis-

tricts, of which I shall speak later.

Thus what Li-Hung-Chang in the conference of Shimono-

seki said, turned out to be of no consequence. According

to him brigandage was something inherent in the social

constitution of Formosa. He said it was something that

could not be uprooted in the island; yet here is Formosa

to-day with not a trace of brigandage. That is one of the

first things which was accomplished by Japan as a colonizer.


Then another great evil in the island to which Li-Hung-

Chang alluded was the opium smoking. When the island

was taken, it was a favorite subject for discussion among

our people. Some said opium smoking must be abolished

at once by law. Others said, "No, no, let it alone; it is

something from which the Chinese cannot free themselves;

let them smoke and smoke to death." What took Baron

Goto for the first time to Formosa was the desire to study

the question of opium-smoking from a medical standpoint ;

and the plan he drew up was the gradual suppression of the

smoking habit, and the modus operandi was the control of

the production — this was to be done by the government,

because, if the government monopolizes the production and

manufacture of opium, it can restrict the quantity and also

it can improve the quality so as to make it less harmful. A

long list of all those who were addicted to this habit was

compiled, and only those who were confirmed smokers were

given permission to buy opium. People who never smoked

opium before, or children, were not allowed to buy, much

less to smoke opium, and strict surveillance was to be insti-

tuted by the policeman, who, as I mentioned before, knows

every man in the village. The annual returns made of

the confirmed smokers and of the quantity consumed in the

island show distinct and gradual decrease of opium. At

one time the number of smokers was, in round numbers,

170,000. In ten years the olders ones died off and

younger ones did not come to take their place; so there is

constant diminution. In ten years the number decreased

from 170,000 to 130,000; and now it is about 110,000. So

there is this constant annual decrease and that, we think,

is the only right way to do away with this habit. It may

interest you, perhaps, to know that American commissioners

from the Philippine Islands came to study our system.

When I met them they expressed much satisfaction and I

dare say they are going to have the same system introduced

in the Philippines, for the Chinese in these islands. Thus

the second evil which Li-Hung-Chang said was inherent to

Formosa also disappeared, or rather is fast disappearing.

There are two more obstacles which we consider are in the


way of the further development of the island of Formosa;

these are, first the mosquito and second, the savages. By

mosquitoes I mean especially the anopheles, the malaria-

bearing mosquito. Malaria is the greatest obstacle in the

way of developing the resources of the island. The Japanese

immigrants who have come suffer, I may say one-third of

them, from malaria. If I want labor and if I take with me

100 Japanese laborers to Formosa, I can count on the effi-

ciency of only 60 or 70, because one-third of the laborers

must be expected to be sick with malaria. Hygienic and

sanitary measures are vigorously enforced but this can be

done only in the larger cities. In the city or rather the

capital of Taihoku, they made a very perfect sewage system;

they tore down the old castle walls and used the stones in

making the sewage ditches, and ever since then the number

of people suffering from malaria has decreased greatly.

In fact, it is said that malaria has disappeared from the city.

Careful observations resulted in substantiating the fact that

among the mosquitoes in this city less than 1 per cent be-

longed to the dangerous species of anopheles. The rest of

the mosquitoes are harmless, that is to say, as far as malaria

is concerned. Then also, speaking of sanitation, I am

reminded of what we have done against the pest; the pest,

or the bubonic plague, was a very common disease there, but in

the last four years we hear nothing or it. By constant care

and by strict enforcement of sanitary laws is the pest now

eradicated or near eradication.

But as to the aborigines, or the savages of Formosa we cannot

say we have nearly eradicated them. They belong to the

Malay race and are fierce and brave. As I have said before,

they live in the mountains; they never live on the plains.

And when they want a head they steal down, hide them-

selves among the underbrush or among the branches of trees,

and shoot the first Chinese or Japanese that passes by. In

fact I knew of a savage who had his rifle so placed on a rock

that he could shoot any person who happened to walk past

in just a certain direction and at a certain height; and there

he waited for days and days for somebody to walk right

within his range; and he succeeded in getting a head! With


such people it is practically impossible to do anything.

In number they must be over 100,000; we cannot count them,

but we are pretty sure there are 115,000. Repeated at-

tempts we have made but we never have succeeded thus

far in doing much damage to them, though they have suc-

ceeded in doing much damage to us.

All that we can do and all that we are doing, in order to

prevent their descending from among the heights, is to

place a wire fence on the ridge of the hills. Barbed wire

was used at first, but now we use a wire fence which is not

barbed but is of ordinary wire with a strong electric current

running through it. That may sound very savage to you,

but it is the only way that we can keep them off from us.

I have been in this place and seen the fences. The wire is

strung on posts about five feet high; there are four wires with

a foot between them, and a strong electric current running

through. At first they tried their best to get over the fence,

but they have learned not to approach it. This wire fence

stretches a distance of some three hundred miles. It costs

several thousand dollars ; yet every year we build this fence

some miles further in. The next year we go another stretch,

so that their dominion will be more and more confined to the

very tops of the mountains. Of course I do not wish to give

you an impression that we are dealing harshly with them,

because we offer them their choice. We say, "If you come

down and don't indulge in head-hunting we will welcome

you as a brother," — because they are brothers. These

savages look more like Japanese than Chinese and they

themselves say of the Japanese that we Japanese are their

kin and that the Chinese are their enemies. Because the Chi-

nese wear their qeues they think that their heads are espec-

ially made to be hunted. And now every year, as I say, we

are getting a better control over them by this constant mov-

ing of the wire fence and by the salt-famine for they have no

salt since they are cut off from the sea-shore; they raise their

rice, they raise millet, they have their own animals, and so

they do not want food, but what they want badly is salt.

So we say, "We will give you salt if you will come down and

give up your arms;" and tribe after tribe has recognized our


power and has submitted itself to Japanese rule. Then

we build them houses, we give them agricultural tools and

implements, give them land, and let them continue their

own peaceful ways of livelihood.

Thus I have dwelt in a very sketchy, very unsatisfactory

way, on the four points to which Li-Hung-Chang in the con-

ference at Shimonoseki alluded as great obstacles in the way

of developing Formosa. What now is the result? At first

we could not manage a colony with the money that we could

raise in the island; every year we had to get some subsidy

from the national treasury. It was expected that such a

subsidy was necessary until 1910. But by the development

of Formosan industries, especially of rice and of tea, (of

Oolong tea, for which you are the best customer, because

Oolong tea is made chiefly for American export), by develop-

ing the camphor industry (because all the camphor that you

use, if not artificial, is produced in Formosa) ; by developing

sugar, the production of which was increased five-fold in the

last ten years (a tremendous increase for any country in

any industry) — by developing these industries, we can get

money enough in the island to do all the work that is needed

to be done there. By this I mean that irrigation work,

for instance, is now being carried out on a large scale. Then

there is the improvement of the harbors; both in the north,

at Kelung, and in the south, at Takao, commodious and deep

harbors are now being constructed or improved. "We have

built a railroad from one end of the island to the other.

Schools and hospitals are now to be met with in every vil-

lage and town. Then the police attend to the health, to the

industries, and to the education of the people. In all these

things we think that we have succeeded quite well, especially

when we compare our colony of Formosa with the experi-

ments that other nations are making. We often speak of

English colonies as being models; we speak of French colo-

nies as examples not to be followed ; and we are looking to

your experiment in the Philippines to find what it will

amount to. Comparing our Formosa with the colonies of

these different powers, we have good reason to congratulate



I have made a very rough, sketchy address this afternoon.

I have only tried to show what were the general lines of

policy pursued in the development of Formosa. We have

been successful. A colony was at first thought to be a

luxury, but now Formosa is to us a necessity. The example

that we set there in that island will be followed in other

colonies of ours. I may say that the general lines of the

colonial policy of Formosa were first of all, the defense of

the island. So much is said about our increased navy,

some people in this country think that we are increasing

our navy in order to attack San Francisco or Manila; but

with the acquisition of Formosa, of the island of Saghalien,

and of Korea, our coast line has increased immensely and yet

our increased navy is not sufficient for the proper defence

of all the coast lines that we have, for the first great object

in the colonial policy of Formosa, and I may say of Japan, is

the defence of the new territory.

The second is the protection of property and life, and the

dissemination of legal institutions. People unaccustomed

to the protection of law feel as though it were despotism.

But they will soon find out that, after all, good government

and good laws are the safeguard of life and property, and we

have to teach in Korea as well as in Formosa what govern-

ment and what laws are.

Then the third point is the protection of health. I have

spoken to you of what we have done in Formosa; similar

lines of policy will be pursued in Korea. When I saw Prince

Ito in Seoul and when I told him that the population in

Korea had not increased in the last hundred years and that

perhaps the Korean race was destined to disappear, he said,

"Well, I am not sure. I wish to see whether good laws will

increase the fecundity of the Korean people." In Formosa

it was a very well known fact that without new recruits

coming from the mainland of China the population would

diminish. There were more deaths than births. But since

we assumed sovereignty there annual returns show a gradual

increase of births over deaths; hence, as I said, the third

great point in the colonial policy of Japan is the protection of



The fourth is the encouragement of industries. In For-

mosa the government has done much to improve the quality

as well as the quantity of rice, and to improve irrigation.

The improvements in the sugar industry which have been

made were suggested by the government. When the work

was started ten years ago we got sixty tons of cuttings from

Hawaii; and we have about twenty mills, the machinery

being imported from Germany, England and Hawaii. The

experiments in the manufacture of sugar were also made by

the government and when the experiments resulted in im-

provement, this was told to the people; experts were sent

out to the different villages, preaching the advantages of

better culture. So with other branches of industry. The

government is constantly encouraging the people to make


And then the fifth policy is that of education. In For-

mosa we have just reached the stage when we are taking

up education seriously. We could not do it before this,

because our idea was first of all to give to those new people

something which will satisfy their hunger and thirst; their

bodies must be nourished before their minds. And now that

the economic condition has improved in the last year or two,

schools are being started in all the villages.

These broad lines of colonial policy which we have prac-

tised with good results in Formosa, will be transferred in

Korea. We do not trouble ourselves about the question of

assimilation. In the last number of the Journal of Race

Development published by this University, I read an article

by Mr. MacKay, British consul in Formosa. He concludes

his article by expressing two doubts, namely: one in regard

to the commingling of races, that is, Chinese and Formosans;

and second, in regard to the Japanization of the Formosans.

He doubts whether either will take place. Well, as far as the

Japanese are concerned, we do not trouble ourselves about

these questions. I think assimilation will be found easier

in Korea because the Korean race is very much allied to

our own. In Formosa, assimilation will be out of the ques-

tion for long years to come and we shall not try toforceit. The

idea is that we put no pressure upon them, with the object of


assimilation or Japanization in view. Our idea is to pro-

vide a Japanese milieu, so to speak, and if people come and

if they assimilate themselves, well and good. We have a

proverb in Japan which says, "He who flees is not pursued,

but he who comes is not repulsed." If the Formosans or the

Koreans come to us, we will not repulse them. We will

take them with open arms and we will hold them as our

brothers, but we will not pursue them. We leave their

customs and manners just as they like to have them. Our

principle is firm government and free society. Firmness in

government is something which they did not have before,

and that is what we offer to them.

And therefore I beg of Americans who are interested in the

development of Japan as a colonial power, not to be misled

by reports which now and then appear in different peri-

odicals and newspapers by critics of all nationalities and

of all countries. I have often read articles written by

foreign critics who speak of our administration in Korea

as a failure. A well educated man, an American, wrote

that in Formosa the people are very much opposed to the

Japanese government, are very much dissatisfied with it.

If I were to go among the farmers in the west of this country

and ask, "Are you satisfied with Mr. Taft's administra-

tion?" they would say "Yes, we are." But if I were to

press the question. "Do you think there is something to

improve?" "Of course," the farmers will say, "I do not

think Mr. Taft's administration is perfect." Well, I may

note down in my book that the American people are dissat-

isfied with Mr. Taft and may rise against him at any mo-

ment. Such a rumor you may hear from time to time in

any newspaper about any country; but as our adage has

it — "Proof is stronger than argument;" and I have given

but a few proofs, though, if time allowed, I could give




平和な日本とは違い宗教戦争の真っ只中の欧米の宗教事情 - 逝きし世の面影

平和な日本とは違い宗教戦争の真っ只中の欧米の宗教事情 - 逝きし世の面影


2015年05月14日 | 宗教
『米国、クリスチャンの数が減少』2015年05月13日Sputnik 日本

米国ではクリスチャンの数が減少している。Pew Research Center (PRC)による報告書「米国の宗教風土の変化」に示された。USA Todayが報じた。

今回USA Todayが報じた『米国、クリスチャンの数が減少』の記述ですが、実に興味深い。
またUSA Todayの『実に39%が夫婦でそれぞれ信教を異にする混合婚である』との記述の意味ですが、この数値は7割以上が自分をキリスト教徒であると断定するアメリカではキリスト教徒と異教徒の仏教徒とかイスラム教徒とが婚姻するとの意味ではない。


単なる社会契約という以上の国民的な統合の軸というもの、アメリカ人における「市民宗教」(religion civique)に類するものは存在しますか?
それは伝統的な宗教実践や、「マーケット志向的」(orientés client)な新しい宗教運動の出現には関与しているでしょうか?
現在政権の座にある日本の右翼( la droite japonaise actuellement au gouvernement)の政治的アジェンダには「宗教的」な面があるでしょうか?
戦後70年経ちましたが、日本は後戻りのできない方向に舵を切っているのでしょうか?(le Japon prend-il un virage irréversible ?)




単なる社会契約という以上の国民的な統合の軸。アメリカ人における「市民宗教」(religion civique)に類するものとして、我が日本国に存在するのがマグニチュード9の3・11大震災時に、欧米のマスコミが驚愕した『きずな社会』の存在である。


2015年05月08日 社会の『一流の小説家は新聞記者と同じ仕事をしていた』の記述内容の正しさを改めて証明するような話である。

『政治』 ジャンルのランキング
コメント (8)   この記事についてブログを書く 

内田樹 - Wikipedia

内田樹 - Wikipedia


内田 樹
日本の旗 日本東京都
内田 樹(うちだ たつる、1950年9月30日 - )は、日本哲学研究者コラムニスト思想家倫理学者武道家翻訳家神戸女学院大学名誉教授京都精華大学人文学部客員教授。合気道凱風館館長。


1982年4月、東京都立大学人文科学研究科博士課程を中退。東京都立大学人文学部助手(フランス文学専攻)となる[5]。1985年9月、レヴィナスの訳書『困難な自由』を国文社から刊行。1987年9月、レヴィナスに面会[5]1989年に離婚[9]、娘の内田るんと父子家庭になる[10][11][注 1]
1990年神戸女学院大学文学部総合文化学科助教授となる[5]。1997年2月、観世流下川宜長に入門、仕舞を習い始める。2001年3月、初めての単著となる『ためらいの倫理学』(冬弓舎)を刊行。2009年、再婚[12]。同年11月、『日本辺境論』(新潮新書)を刊行[注 2]。2010年7月から2012年11月まで[要出典]平松邦夫大阪市長のもとで市長特別顧問を務める[15]
2011年3月、神戸女学院大学教授を退職[16]。同大学名誉教授[17]。同大学の合気道部顧問を継続して務める[18]。同年4月、第3回伊丹十三賞を受賞[19]。同年11月、神戸市東灘区住吉本町に道場能舞台の「凱風館」が完成[20][21][注 3]、館長を務める[22]。2015年4月、京都精華大学人文学部客員教授に就任[23][2]







教育行政については、一貫して[要出典]政治や政治家は教育に関わるべきではないとする立場をとっている。学校教育という制度が、非常に惰性の強い制度であって、急激な変更はなじまないと考えている。つまり、政治家が替わるごとに教育に急激な変化が起こるのは、決して良いものではないという考えである。たとえば、大阪市長特別顧問に就任した際の記者会見において、平松市長に対してこう述べている。「私が市長にお願いしたいことが一つあります。一つだけです。それは地方自治体の首長は教育行政に関与して欲しくないということです」[27]。この“政治が教育行政に関わりすぎるべきではない”という点において、大阪維新の会の教育政策には批判的である[注 4]










2005年8月19日に大瀧と初めて会う[35][注 5]。2007年から2013年までの間、「ラジオデイズ」のオーディオ・コンテンツとして大瀧との座談会を平川克美らと共に計6回行った[39]


かつてブログにはコメント機能が設けられていた。しばしば主張への批判や反論が書き込まれていたが、本人からの反批判や再反論は少なかった。これについて内田は、「どちらが正しいかは読んだ人の判断に任せる」との立場を取っていた[要出典][注 6]



1ためらいの倫理学冬弓舎2001年3月ISBN 4925220020角川文庫 ISBN 4043707010
2『レヴィナスと愛の現象学』せりか書房2001年12月ISBN 4796702369文春文庫 ISBN 4167801485
3「おじさん」的思考晶文社2002年4月ISBN 4794965303角川文庫 ISBN 4043707053
4寝ながら学べる構造主義文春新書2002年6月ISBN 4166602519
5期間限定の思想―「おじさん」的思考2晶文社2002年11月ISBN 4794965494角川文庫 ISBN 4043707061
6『女は何を欲望するか?』径書房2002年11月ISBN 4770501803角川oneテーマ21 ISBN 4047100900
7『私の身体(からだ)は頭がいい』新曜社2003年5月ISBN 4788508478文春文庫 ISBN 4167717441
8『疲れすぎて眠れぬ夜のために』角川書店2003年5月ISBN 4048838199角川文庫 ISBN 4043707037
9映画の構造分析晶文社2003年6月ISBN 4794965753文春文庫 ISBN 4167801256
10子どもは判ってくれない洋泉社2003年9月ISBN 4896917596文春文庫 ISBN 978-4167679910
11『他者と死者』海鳥社2004年10月ISBN 4874154980文春文庫 ISBN 4167801493
12『死と身体』医学書院2004年10月ISBN 4260333666
13『街場の現代思想』NTT出版2004年7月ISBN 4757140754文春文庫 ISBN 4167717735
14先生はえらいちくまプリマー新書2005年1月ISBN 4480687025
15『街場のアメリカ論』NTT出版2005年10月ISBN 475714119X文春文庫 ISBN 4167773686
16『知に働けば蔵が建つ』文藝春秋2005年11月ISBN 4163677003文春文庫 ISBN 4167753138
17態度が悪くてすみません角川oneテーマ212006年4月ISBN 4047100323
18私家版・ユダヤ文化論文春新書2006年7月ISBN 4166605194第6回小林秀雄賞受賞
19『下流志向』講談社2007年1月ISBN 4062138271講談社文庫 ISBN 4062763990
20『狼少年のパラドクス』朝日新聞出版2007年2月ISBN 4023303771改題『街場の大学論』
角川文庫 2010年10月 ISBN 4043707045
21『街場の中国論』ミシマ社2007年6月ISBN 4903908003増補版 ミシマ社 2011年2月 ISBN 4903908259
2007年9月ISBN 4903951006
23『もういちど村上春樹にご用心』2010年11月ISBN 4903951375『村上春樹にご用心』の増補版(削除された文章もあり)
文春文庫 ISBN 4167902591
24『ひとりでは生きられないのも芸のうち』文藝春秋2008年1月ISBN 4163696903文春文庫 ISBN 4167801159
25『こんな日本でよかったね』バジリコ2008年7月ISBN 4862380964文春文庫 ISBN 4167773074
26『街場の教育論』ミシマ社2008年11月ISBN 4903908100
27『昭和のエートス』バジリコ2008年12月ISBN 4862381189文春文庫 ISBN 4167838087
28『日本辺境論』新潮新書2009年11月ISBN 41061033622010年度新書大賞受賞
29『邪悪なものの鎮め方』バジリコ2010年1月ISBN 486238160X文春文庫 ISBN 4167900157
30『街場のマンガ論』小学館2010年4月ISBN 4778037170小学館文庫 ISBN 9784094060218
31『街場のメディア論』光文社新書2010年8月ISBN 4334035779
32『武道的思考』筑摩選書2010年10月ISBN 4480015078
33『最終講義』技術評論社2011年6月ISBN 4774147095
34うほほいシネクラブ―街場の映画論文春新書2011年10月ISBN 4166608266
35『呪いの時代』新潮社2011年11月ISBN 4103300116新潮文庫 ISBN 4101260613
36『街場の読書論』太田出版2012年4月ISBN 4778312880
37『僕の住まい論』新潮社2012年7月ISBN 4103300124新潮文庫 ISBN 4101260621
38街場の文体論ミシマ社2012年7月ISBN 4903908364
39『修業論』光文社新書2013年7月ISBN 4334037542
40『内田樹による内田樹』140B2013年9月ISBN 4903993183
41『街場の憂国論』晶文社2013年10月ISBN 4794968116
42『日本の身体』新潮社2014年5月ISBN 4103300132
43『街場の共同体論』潮出版社2014年6月ISBN 4267019800
44憲法の「空語」を充たすためにかもがわ出版2014年8月ISBN 4780307139
45街場の戦争論ミシマ社2014年10月ISBN 4903908577
46『内田樹の大市民講座』朝日新聞出版2014年11月ISBN 4022512342
47『もういちど村上春樹にご用心』文藝春秋2014年12月ISBN 4167902591
48『最終講義 生き延びるための七講』文藝春秋2015年6月ISBN 416790389X
49『困難な成熟』夜間飛行2015年9月ISBN 4906790208
50『街場の文体論』文藝春秋2016年3月ISBN 4167905809


1『映画は死んだ』松下正己いなほ書房1999年12月ISBN 479520599X新版 ISBN 4434034871
2『現代思想のパフォーマンス』難波江和英松柏社2000年4月ISBN 4881989324光文社新書 ISBN 433403277X
3『大人は愉しい』鈴木晶冬弓舎2002年6月ISBN 4925220063ちくま文庫 ISBN 4480423559
4『東京ファイテイングキッズ』平川克美柏書房2004年10月ISBN 4760126252朝日文庫 ISBN 4022615311
5『東京ファイティングキッズ・リターン』バジリコ2006年11月ISBN 4862380344文春文庫 ISBN 4167773376
釈徹宗本願寺出版社2005年3月ISBN 4894167778角川ソフィア文庫 ISBN 4044089043
ISBN 4894167786角川ソフィア文庫 ISBN 4044089051
8『14歳の子を持つ親たちへ』名越康文新潮新書2005年4月ISBN 4106101122
9『身体(からだ)の言い分』池上六朗毎日新聞社2005年7月ISBN 4620317314
10『健全な肉体に狂気は宿る』春日武彦角川oneテーマ212005年8月ISBN 4047100064
毎日新聞社2006年3月ISBN 4620317608ちくま文庫 ISBN 4480429948
12身体知―身体が教えてくれること三砂ちづるバジリコ2006年4月ISBN 4862380050講談社プラスアルファ文庫
ISBN 4062813947
13『身体を通して時代を読む―武術的立場』甲野善紀バジリコ2006年6月ISBN 4862380034文春文庫 ISBN 4167773988
14『逆立ち日本論』養老孟司新潮選書2007年5月ISBN 4106035782
平尾剛朝日新書2007年9月ISBN 4022731648
16『大人のいない国 成熟社会の未熟なあなた』鷲田清一プレジデント社2008年10月ISBN 4833418886文春文庫 ISBN 4167838540
17『橋本治と内田樹』橋本治筑摩書房2008年11月ISBN 4480814981ちくま文庫 ISBN 4480428488
18『現代霊性論』釈徹宗講談社2010年2月ISBN 4062159546講談社文庫 ISBN 4062775166
サンガ2010年ISBN 4904507592サンガ新書
ISBN 4904507975
140B2010年ISBN 4903993108
21『沈む日本を愛せますか』高橋源一郎ロッキング・オン2010年ISBN 4860520939文春文庫
ISBN 4167901102
22『どんどん沈む日本をそれでも愛せますか?』2012年ISBN 4860521080
23『若者よ、マルクスを読もう』石川康宏かもがわ出版2010年6月ISBN 4780303605角川ソフィア文庫 ISBN 4044086125
24『若者よ、マルクスを読もうⅡ』2014年9月ISBN 4780307147
朝日新聞出版2011年5月ISBN 4022508744
26『身体で考える。』成瀬雅春マキノ出版2011年6月ISBN 4837671594
マキノ出版2011年11月ISBN 482841651X
メディアファクトリー2011年12月ISBN 4840143269
29『大人の作法』2013年3月ISBN 4840151261
30『本当の仕事の作法』2014年3月ISBN 4040663500
イースト・プレス2011年6月ISBN 4781606237文春文庫 ISBN 4167903229
32『嘘みたいな本当の話 みどり
2012年6月ISBN 4781608000
33『日本の文脈』中沢新一角川書店2012年1月ISBN 404110078X
140B2012年9月ISBN 4903993132
35『荒天の武学』光岡英稔集英社新書2012年12月ISBN 4087206718
36『評価と贈与の経済学』岡田斗司夫徳間書店2013年2月ISBN 4198635676徳間文庫カレッジ
ISBN 4199070265
講談社2013年6月ISBN 4062184273
38『聖地巡礼 ビギニング』釈徹宗東京書籍2013年8月ISBN 4487806380
39『聖地巡礼ライジング 熊野紀行』2015年3月ISBN 4487806399
40『能はこんなに面白い!』観世清和小学館2013年9月ISBN 4093883114
中田考集英社新書2014年2月ISBN 4087207250
朝日新聞出版2014年2月ISBN 4022511486
晶文社2014年5月ISBN 4794968140
44『日本霊性論』釈徹宗NHK出版新書2014年8月ISBN 4140884428
45竹と樹のマンガ文化論竹宮惠子小学館新書2014年12月ISBN 4098252228
46『日本戦後史論』白井聡徳間書店2015年2月ISBN 419863906X
47『慨世の遠吠え』鈴木邦男鹿砦社2015年3月ISBN 4846310388
晶文社2015年3月ISBN 4794968183
49『ぼくたち日本の味方です』高橋源一郎文藝春秋2015年11月ISBN 4167904934
50『「意地悪」化する日本』福島瑞穂岩波書店2015年12月ISBN 4000610988
51『生存教室 ディストピアを生き抜くために』光岡英稔集英社2016年1月ISBN 4087208168
52『転換期を生きるきみたちへ』岡田憲治他9名晶文社2016年7月ISBN 978-4794968258
バジリコ2008年3月ISBN 4862380727
集英社新書2009年1月ISBN 4087204758
徳間書店2012年11月ISBN 4198635099
4『医療につける薬 内田樹・鷲田清一に聴く』岩田健太郎
筑摩選書2014年6月ISBN 4480015965
ひつじ書房2014年7月ISBN 4894767279


  1. レヴィナス『困難な自由―ユダヤ教についての試論』(国文社 1985年、抄訳)ISBN 9784772000925
  2. レヴィナス『超越・外傷・神曲―存在論を超えて』合田正人共編訳(国文社 1986年)
  3. ノーマン・コーン『シオン賢者の議定書(プロトコール)―ユダヤ人世界征服陰謀の神話』(ダイナミックセラーズ 1986年)
  4. レヴィナス『タルムード四講話』(国文社 1987年)
  5. ジェフリー・メールマン『巨匠たちの聖痕―フランスにおける反ユダヤ主義の遺産』(国文社 1987年)
  6. ベルナール=アンリ・レヴィ『フランス・イデオロギー』(国文社 1989年)
  7. レヴィナス『タルムード新五講話―神聖から聖潔へ』(国文社 1990年)
  8. レヴィナス『暴力と聖性―レヴィナスは語る』(国文社 1991年)
  9. レヴィナス『モーリス・ブランショ』(国文社 1992年)
  10. サロモン・マルカ『レヴィナスを読む』(国文社 1996年)
  11. レヴィナス『観念に到来する神について』(国文社 1997年)
  12. 『ユダヤ教―過去と未来』R.アロン,A.ネエール,V.マルカ(ヨルダン社 1998年)
  13. コリン・デイヴィス『レヴィナス序説』(国文社 2000年)
  14. 『ヒチコック×ジジェク』スラヴォイ・ジジェク編 鈴木晶共訳(河出書房新社 2005年)



  • 「内田樹・平川克美の、たぶん月刊『はなし半分』」 ラジオデイズ(2011.8.17配信)[47]
  • 「内田樹・中沢新一・平川克美『いま、日本に何が起きているのか』 ラジオデイズ(2011.4.5配信)[48]
後に『大津波と原発』内田樹,中沢新一,平川克美(朝日新聞出版 2011年)として出版された。



  1. ^ 内田るんは2002年よりライブイベントを企画しており、その模様を「ラヴラヴ企画のブログ」に綴っている。
  2. ^ コラムニストの加藤嘉一によると、現代日本人を理解するテキストとして、中国の大学では、ルース・ベネディクト著『菊と刀』とともに『日本辺境論』が親しまれているという[13]。内田は、はじめから中国や韓国の読者に読まれることを前提として、本書を書いたと述べている。同書は2010年2月に第3回新書大賞を受賞し、1年弱の間に30万部を突破した[14]
  3. ^ 設計者の光嶋裕介が「建築家一年生の初仕事」として刊行している(ISBN 978-4903951560)。
  4. ^ 今日は、維新の会が提案した教育基本条例案の理論的な難点を指摘していきたいと思っていますが、最大の問題点は、この条例案は「学校教育というのは非常に惰性の強いシステムであって、頻繁な変更になじまない」という現場の人間にとっての常識を理解していないということです[27]
  5. ^ このとき行われた対談は『文藝別冊 KAWADE夢ムック 大瀧詠一』(河出書房新社、2005年11月)に収録された。
  6. ^ 内田は「言論の自由」がテーマのブログ記事で次のように述べた。「言論の自由とは、私は私の言いたいことを言う。あなたはあなたの言いたいことを言う。その理非の判断はそれを聴くみなさんにお任せする。ただそれだけのことである」[42]


^ 第1回 矛盾の中へ|かんかん! -看護師のためのwebマガジン by 医学書院-
^ a b 内田 樹 | 京都精華大学
^ a b c d e f g 内田樹「おもいつき的研究史」2000年4月。(2013年7月9日時点のアーカイブ
^ 内田樹の研究室: 吉田城君追悼文脱稿
^ a b教育学術新聞 : 教育学術オンライン 第2420号」 日本私立大学協会、2010年11月。
^ リナックスカフェ:スタッフ紹介(2016年5月13日時点のアーカイブ
^ 内田樹氏 女性と付き合う時は「ボーっとしているのが一番」│NEWSポストセブン(『週刊ポスト』2012年3月2日号、小学館)
^ 内田るん | アーティストプロフィール | ラジオデイズ
^ 内田樹「凱風館日乗」第5回、ミシマ社、2013年に5月
^ just married (内田樹の研究室)
^ 加藤嘉一の「だったら、お前がやれ!Ⅱ」思考停止のニッポンをぶった切る
^ 内田樹『日本辺境論』|特設サイト|新潮社
^ 内田 樹氏を市長特別顧問に委嘱します(2011年11月29日時点のアーカイブ) 大阪市公式ホームページ
^ 年末吉例・2011年の重大ニュース (内田樹の研究室)
^ 思考も組織も「株式会社化」 神戸女学院大名誉教授・内田樹さんに聞く|高知新聞
^ 「旬な人」に密着【第3回】内田樹(思想家) – FRIDAYデジタル
^ 伊丹十三記念館 伊丹十三賞 第3回受賞者(2011年)
^ 凱風館 - アクセス
^ ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 - みんなの家。(「凱風館」建設の記録)
^資本主義末期の国民国家のかたち (内田樹の研究室)”. 内田樹. 2016年7月25日閲覧。
^ 京都精華大学人文学部客員教授に養老孟司氏と内田 樹氏の就任が新たに決定 | 京都精華大学人文学部
^ “神戸女学院大学名誉教授 内田樹さん これを「独裁」と呼ぶのです”. しんぶん赤旗日曜版. (2014年3月16日) 2015年7月14日閲覧。
^ “「無国籍企業」のために国民に犠牲強いるのは筋違いです”. しんぶん赤旗. (2013年5月31日)2015年7月14日閲覧。
^夜霧よ今夜もクロコダイル-2001年5月”. 内田樹. 2016年7月25日閲覧。
^ a b 平松さんの支援集会で話したこと (内田樹の研究室 2011年11月24日)
^ 「親と子の居場所はどこにあるのか」 『潮』2013年2月号、潮出版社、84頁。
^「リアリスト」に未来はあるか? (内田樹の研究室)”. 内田樹. 2016年7月25日閲覧。
^ 格差社会って何だろう (内田樹の研究室 2007年7月24日)
^ 東京でお仕事 (内田樹の研究室 2007年5月1日)
^ 一億総学力低下時代 (内田樹の研究室 2006年11月22日)
^ 利益誘導教育の蹉跌 (内田樹の研究室 2012年5月11日)
^地球温暖化で何か問題でも? (内田樹の研究室)”. 内田樹. 2016年7月26日閲覧。
^ a b大瀧詠一の系譜学 (内田樹の研究室)”. 内田樹. 2016年7月26日閲覧。
^ 「楽しい夜更し」は1975年5月発売のアルバム『NIAGARA MOON』に収録された楽曲
^ 内田樹『態度が悪くてすみません角川oneテーマ21、角川書店、2006年4月、202頁。
^ Back to 1960s (内田樹の研究室 2008年1月14日)
^シリーズ一覧”. 株式会社ラジオカフェ. 2016年7月26日閲覧。
^内田樹の研究室”. 内田樹. 2016年7月31日閲覧。
^とほほの日々-2000年8月”. 2016年7月31日閲覧。
^ 言論の自由について再論 (内田樹の研究室 2015年7月1日)
^ 書物について (内田樹の研究室 2009年4月5日)
^ 配偶者の条件 (内田樹の研究室 2009年10月18日)
^ イー・エー・ユー株式会社
^ 内田樹 | アーティストプロフィール | ラジオデイズ
^ 内田樹・平川克美の、たぶん月刊「はなし半分」
^ 内田樹・中沢新一・平川克美「いま、日本に何が起きているのか」
内田樹の研究室 旧ホームページ - ウェイバックマシン(2014年7月6日アーカイブ分)
内田樹 (@levinassien) - Twitter


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