
이즈쓰 토시히코의 (뻔뻔스러운) 철학 프로젝트> --- - <동양철학>을 동서양의... | Facebook

 [독서생활] <이즈쓰 토시히코의 (뻔뻔스러운) 철학 프로젝트> --- - <동양철학>을 동서양의... | Facebook
[독서생활] <이즈쓰 토시히코의 (뻔뻔스러운) 철학 프로젝트>
- <동양철학>을 동서양의 철학을 포괄할 수 있는 <영원의 철학>(!)의 메타프레임으로 만들겠다는 욕심.
Ch 25 Comparative Philosophy in Japan: Nakamura Hajime and Izutsu Toshihiko - John W. M. Krummel,
<The Oxford Handbook of JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY>에서 인용
Izutsu의 비교 작업을 알리는 궤적은 궁극적으로 "근동, 중동 및 극동의 다양한 철학적 전통의 핵심 용어에 대한 엄밀한 철학적 비교 연구 시리즈에 기초한 새로운 유형의 "동양 철학"(tōyō tetsugaku 東洋哲学)의 공식화이다.
헬레니즘과 히브라이즘의 두 기둥에 기초한 서양철학은 역사적 발전과정에서 상당히 두드러진 유기적 획일성을 보여주지만 동양에는 그러한 역사적 획일성이나 유기적 구조가 없다.
대신, 동양 철학은 전체적으로 서양 철학과 병치될 수 있는 응집력이 없는 공존하는 여러 전통으로 구성된다. 따라서 Izutsu는 포괄적인 구조적 틀 (동양 사상의 메타 철학)에 도달하기 위해 동양 철학에 대한 체계적인 연구에 참여할 것을 제안한다. 완전한 철학적 지평.
그러나 오늘날 독자를 처음 놀라게 하는 것은 철학에서 "동양" 또는 "동양"을 범주화할 때 그가 남아시아 및 동아시아 전통과 함께 이슬람 사상을 포함한다는 것이다. 일단 동양의 모든 학파를 포괄한 Izutsu는 궁극적으로 그러한 메타 철학이 서양 철학도 포함하도록 확장될 수 있기를 희망한다.

Izutsu는 오늘날의 세계가 Henry Corbin이 동양과 서양 사이의 "메타 역사에서의 대화"(un dialogue dans la métahistoire)라고 부른 것이 그 어느 때보다 필요하다고 주장한다. 그리고 철학은 그러한 문화 간 메타-역사적 대화를 열기 위한 적절한 공통 기반을 제공한다. 따라서 일반적으로 비교 철학은 문화 간의 깊은 이해를 촉진하는 의미를 갖는다.
그러나 우리는 먼저 동양 전통의 범위 내에서 더 나은 철학적 이해가 필요하다. 이것이 완료되면 서구도 메타-역사적 대화에 포함될 수 있다. 그는 서양의 세계적인 지배에도 불구하고 동양의 텍스트는 현대 사상을 자극하고 풍부하게 할 수 있으며 궁극적으로 동양과 서양의 정신적, 지적 유산의 융합에 기반한 새로운 세계 철학의 발전에 기여할 수 있다고 덧붙인다. 즉, '동양철학'의 구축을 위해 최초로 진행된 메타역사적 대화는 결국 '영원의 철학(philosophia perennis)'으로 구체화될 수 있다. 궁극적으로 그리고 근본적으로 하나이다.” 여기서 이즈츠는 '동양철학'을 중시하면서 '영원의 철학'이라는 최종 목표를 뻔뻔스럽게 내세운다.
영어 원문
Izutsu Toshihiko's (Philosophical) Project
The trajectory informing Izutsu’s comparative work is ultimately the formulation of a new type of “Oriental philosophy” (tōyō tetsugaku 東洋哲学) “based on a series of rigorously philological, comparative studies of the key terms of various philosophical traditions in the Near, Middle, and Far East.”
Whereas Western philosophy, founded upon the two pillars of Hellenism and Hebraism, presents a fairly conspicuous organic uniformity in its historical development, there is no such historical uniformity or organic structure in the East. Instead, Eastern philosophy consists of multiple coexisting traditions with no cohesion that can be juxtaposed to Western philosophy as a whole. Izutsu thus proposes to engage in the systematic study of the philosophies of the East in order to arrive at a comprehensive structural framework—a meta- philosophy of Eastern thought— that could gather those philosophies into a certain level of structural uniformity, a single organic and integral philosophical horizon. What initially strikes today’s reader, however, is that in his categorization of what is “Eastern” or “Oriental” in philosophy, he includes Islamic thought in conjunction with the South and East Asian traditions. Once having encompassed all the Eastern schools of thought, Izutsu ultimately hopes that such a meta-p hilosophy can then be broadened to encompass Western philosophy as well.
Izutsu claims that today’s world more than ever before is in need of what Henry Corbin has called a “dialogue in meta- history” (un dialogue dans la métahistoire) between East and West. And philosophy provides the suitable common ground for opening such intercultural meta-historical dialogue. Comparative philosophy in general thus has the significance of promoting deep understanding between cultures.
But we first need better philosophical understanding within the confines of the Eastern traditions. Once this is done, the West can be included in the meta-h istorical dialogue. He adds that, despite the global dominance of the West, texts of the Orient can stimulate and enrich modern thought and can contribute, ultimately, to the development of a new world philosophy based on the convergence of the spiritual and intellectual heritages of East and West. In other words, meta- historical dialogue, conducted first for the construction of “Oriental philosophy,” can eventually be expanded to crystallize into a philosophia perennis— “for the philosophical drive of the human mind is, regardless of ages, places and nations, ultimately and fundamentally one.” Here, Izutsu, while focusing on “Oriental philosophy,” unabashedly assumes the final goal of “perennial philosophy.”
May be an image of text that says "EDITED BY. BRET W. DAVIS The Oxford Handbook of JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY"
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崔明淑, Park Yuha and 10 others
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  • 崔明淑
    뻔뻔스러운? 겁도 없이..사양도 하지 않고…한국어의 뻔뻔스럽게하고 하면 좀 다른 의미로 다가오네요.
    서양적 접근법의 동양의 ”본질론” 을 시도했다?
    책의 의도가 조금씩 드러나는 것 같네요
    • Sejin Pak
      崔明淑 이 표현은 이즈쓰의 것이 아니라 이즈쓰의 프로젝트를 설명하려는 위의 글의 저자의 것인데, “너무나도 대담한”이라는 의미인 것 같아요.

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February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Physics is a mathematical science. But why should manipulating numbers give insight into how the world works? This question was famously posed by physicist Eugene Wigner in his 1960 paper, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.” Explore proposed answers, including Max Tegmark’s assertion that the world is, in fact, a mathematical system.
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S1 E3 - Can Physics Explain Reality?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
If the point of physics is to explain reality, what counts as an explanation? Professor Gimbel goes deeper to probe what makes some explanations scientific and whether physics actually explains anything. Along the way, he explores Bertrand Russell’s rejection of the notion of cause, Carl Hempel’s account of explanation, and Nancy Cartwright’s skepticism about scientific truth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E4 - The Reality of Einstein’s Space

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
What’s left when you take all the matter and energy out of space? Either something or nothing. Newton believed the former; his rival, Leibniz, believed the latter. Assess arguments for both views, and then see how Einstein was influenced by Leibniz’s relational picture of space to invent his special theory of relativity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E5 - The Nature of Einstein’s Time

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Consider the weirdness of time: The laws of physics are time reversable, but we never see time running backwards. Theorists have proposed that the direction of time is connected to the order of the early universe and even that time is an illusion. See how Einstein deepened the mystery with his theory of relativity, which predicts time dilation and the surprising possibility of time travel.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E6 - The Beginning of Time

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Continue exploring time by winding back the clock. Was there a beginning to time? Einstein’s initial equations of general relativity predicted a dynamic universe, one that might have expanded from an initial moment. Einstein discarded this idea, but since then evidence has mounted for a “Big Bang.” Is it sensible to ask what caused the Big Bang and what happened before?
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E7 - Are Atoms Real?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Compare proof for the reality of atoms with evidence for the existence of Santa Claus. Both are problematic hypotheses! Trace the history of atomic theory and the philosophical resistance to it. End with Bas van Fraassen’s idea of “constructive empiricism,” which holds that successful theories ought only to be empirically adequate since we can never know with certainty what is real.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E8 - Quantum States: Neither True nor False?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Enter the quantum world, where traditional philosophical logic breaks down. First, explore the roots of quantum theory and how scientists gradually uncovered its surpassing strangeness. Clear up the meaning of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a metaphysical claim, not an epistemological one. Finally, delve into John von Neumann’s revolutionary quantum logic.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E9 - Waves, Particles, and Quantum Entanglement

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Quantum mechanics rests on an apparent category mistake: Light can’t be both a wave and a particle, yet that’s what theory and experiments show. Analyze this puzzle from the realist and empiricist points of view. Then explore philosopher Arthur Fine’s “natural ontological attitude,” which reconciles realism and antirealism by demonstrating how they rely on different conceptions of truth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E10 - Wanted Dead and Alive: Schrödinger’s Cat

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The most famous paradox of quantum theory is the thought experiment showing that a cat under certain experimental conditions must be both dead and alive. Explore four proposed solutions to this conundrum, known as the measurement problem: the hidden-variable view, the Copenhagen interpretation, the idea that the human mind “collapses” a quantum state, and the many-worlds interpretation.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E11 - The Dream of Grand Unification

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
After the dust settled from the quantum revolution, physics was left with two fundamental theories: the standard model of particle physics for quantum phenomena and general relativity for gravitational interactions. Follow the quest for a grand unified theory that incorporates both. Armed with Karl Popper’s demarcation criteria, see how unifying ideas such as string theory fall short.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription

Prime Video: The Big Questions of Philosophy

Prime Video: The Big Questions of Philosophy

The Big Questions of Philosophy
Season 1
We have all pondered seemingly unanswerably but significant questions about our existence - the biggest of all being, "Why are we here?" Get the tools to follow and create logical arguments while exploring famous philosophers' viewpoints on these important questions. Join Plato, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Mill, Marx, and many others in an exploration of fundamental questions.
36 episodes
S1 E1 - How Do We Do Philosophy?

June 1, 2020
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Begin with the big question: What is philosophy? Start by exploring the kinds of problems that philosophy addresses, the way philosophy works, and the distinction between philosophy and opinion. Discover that philosophy is arguably the most important pursuit there is.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription


Prime Video: The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics

Prime Video: The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics

The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics
Season 1
The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics guides you through the concepts, theories, and speculations that underlie our understanding of reality. In 12 stimulating episodes, award-winning teacher and philosopher Steven Gimbel covers the fundamental ideas of modern physics, highlighting the role of philosophy in setting ground rules, interpreting the results, and posing new questions.
12 episodes
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Special Interest
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
Play Season 1, Episode 1

Download Episode 1

S1 E1 - Does Physics Make Philosophy Superfluous?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Trace the growth of physics from philosophy, as questions about the nature of reality got rigorous answers starting in the Scientific Revolution. Then, see how the philosophy of physics was energized by a movement called logical positivism in the early 20th century in response to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Though logical positivism failed, it spurred new philosophical ideas and approaches.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E2 - Why Mathematics Works So Well with Physics

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Physics is a mathematical science. But why should manipulating numbers give insight into how the world works? This question was famously posed by physicist Eugene Wigner in his 1960 paper, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.” Explore proposed answers, including Max Tegmark’s assertion that the world is, in fact, a mathematical system.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E3 - Can Physics Explain Reality?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
If the point of physics is to explain reality, what counts as an explanation? Professor Gimbel goes deeper to probe what makes some explanations scientific and whether physics actually explains anything. Along the way, he explores Bertrand Russell’s rejection of the notion of cause, Carl Hempel’s account of explanation, and Nancy Cartwright’s skepticism about scientific truth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E4 - The Reality of Einstein’s Space

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
What’s left when you take all the matter and energy out of space? Either something or nothing. Newton believed the former; his rival, Leibniz, believed the latter. Assess arguments for both views, and then see how Einstein was influenced by Leibniz’s relational picture of space to invent his special theory of relativity.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E5 - The Nature of Einstein’s Time

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Consider the weirdness of time: The laws of physics are time reversable, but we never see time running backwards. Theorists have proposed that the direction of time is connected to the order of the early universe and even that time is an illusion. See how Einstein deepened the mystery with his theory of relativity, which predicts time dilation and the surprising possibility of time travel.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E6 - The Beginning of Time

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Continue exploring time by winding back the clock. Was there a beginning to time? Einstein’s initial equations of general relativity predicted a dynamic universe, one that might have expanded from an initial moment. Einstein discarded this idea, but since then evidence has mounted for a “Big Bang.” Is it sensible to ask what caused the Big Bang and what happened before?
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E7 - Are Atoms Real?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Compare proof for the reality of atoms with evidence for the existence of Santa Claus. Both are problematic hypotheses! Trace the history of atomic theory and the philosophical resistance to it. End with Bas van Fraassen’s idea of “constructive empiricism,” which holds that successful theories ought only to be empirically adequate since we can never know with certainty what is real.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E8 - Quantum States: Neither True nor False?

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Enter the quantum world, where traditional philosophical logic breaks down. First, explore the roots of quantum theory and how scientists gradually uncovered its surpassing strangeness. Clear up the meaning of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a metaphysical claim, not an epistemological one. Finally, delve into John von Neumann’s revolutionary quantum logic.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E9 - Waves, Particles, and Quantum Entanglement

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Quantum mechanics rests on an apparent category mistake: Light can’t be both a wave and a particle, yet that’s what theory and experiments show. Analyze this puzzle from the realist and empiricist points of view. Then explore philosopher Arthur Fine’s “natural ontological attitude,” which reconciles realism and antirealism by demonstrating how they rely on different conceptions of truth.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E10 - Wanted Dead and Alive: Schrödinger’s Cat

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The most famous paradox of quantum theory is the thought experiment showing that a cat under certain experimental conditions must be both dead and alive. Explore four proposed solutions to this conundrum, known as the measurement problem: the hidden-variable view, the Copenhagen interpretation, the idea that the human mind “collapses” a quantum state, and the many-worlds interpretation.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E11 - The Dream of Grand Unification

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
After the dust settled from the quantum revolution, physics was left with two fundamental theories: the standard model of particle physics for quantum phenomena and general relativity for gravitational interactions. Follow the quest for a grand unified theory that incorporates both. Armed with Karl Popper’s demarcation criteria, see how unifying ideas such as string theory fall short.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription
S1 E12 - The Physics of God

February 18, 2021
PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
The laws of physics have been invoked on both sides of the debate over the existence of God. Professor Gimbel closes the series by tracing the history of this dispute, from Newton’s belief in a Creator to today’s discussion of the “fine-tuning” of nature’s constants and whether God is responsible. Such big questions in physics inevitably bring us back to the roots of physics: philosophy.
Included with your The Great Courses Signature Collection subscription