
Parker J. Palmer “The Courage to Teach”, translated into Persian (Farsi)

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For me, the book pictured here is a small miracle. It’s my book, “The Courage to Teach”, translated into Persian (Farsi) by teachers in Tehran in support of colleagues across their country. I see it as a beautiful example of what ordinary people can do to bridge chasms created by politics...
My copy came with this note: “Your book has deeply affected teachers here in Iran. Many of them read it in study circles where they discuss every concept you wrote about. We give the book away to our colleagues, and have sold a few here in Iran at a very low price. We also created a free audiobook for the blind and other disabled people. As the leader of our group always says, ‘It’s a book for the Centuries!’”
The Iranian teachers behind this project wrote me last Spring to ask for my blessing. I said yes, asking only for a copy of the book, which arrived at my home this week. I cannot imagine a greater reward than to know that teachers in a country with such a deep and rich cultural tradition want to be in dialogue with an American educator, giving me a precious opportunity to learn from them and make valued friends.
The teachers behind this project asked me to write an Author’s Note for the Iranian edition—you’ll find it below. My deep gratitude to Nogol Rohani, translator; Dr. Nematallah Fazeli, author of the Preface; and Hooshenab Publications for their important roles in bringing this to pass.
One more thing: I call upon certain political leaders in the U.S. to honor the long-time American norm of the free exchange of ideas. Stop telling our teachers what they can and can’t teach. Stop telling librarians what books they can and can’t stock. Stop telling our children what they cannot read, say, or hear. You cannot win the ideological war you’ve declared. Truth cannot be stopped at the border of your state: it moves like water where it will. Teachers and citizens working together will see to that.
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Author’s Note to the Iranian Edition of “The Courage to Teach”
I’ve not had the privilege of visiting Iran. But I know that teachers around the world have much in common, regardless of nationality.
Together, we are charged with: • Teaching our own subjects with competence and skill, and generating new knowledge via research. • Giving young children adult care and guidance in dealing with the challenges that arise in the course of growing up. • Helping adolescents and young adults become people who can and want to contribute to the common good. • Serving as faithful stewards of culture, preserving it, questioning it, and helping it evolve in support of positive social change.
Doing any of this well requires vulnerability, a full investment of mind and heart in our work. That’s why it takes “courage to teach.” That’s why I regard teaching as a sacred trust.
I am deeply honored that my book on this subject is now available to teachers across Iran. Teaching and learning thrive when we have a free and open exchange of ideas across the lines that divide us in our broken but beautiful world. I trust that some of my ideas about teaching and learning will prove useful to you, and I look forward to learning from you as time goes on.
As one teacher to another, I greet and salute you, with gratitude for all you do to help the next generation rise up with hope. —Parker J. Palmer
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Jennifer Louden, Bob Holmes Author and 1.6K others


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  • Janlyn Neri
    The Courage to Teach is your first book I read. It was given to me by a friend and launched me into your world.
    The last paragraph of your post is so powerful: “I call upon certain political leaders….” and your introduction to the book gave me hope.… 
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  • Pat Barnes
    A great testament to the fact that one man CAN make a difference! What a wonderful example you are setting for all of us, Parker! And you are making fine use of your bully pulpit with your "Truth cannot be stopped" side note. Congratulations on your… 
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  • Kaye Judge
    Wonderful to hear this story of hope for the education of a new generation for the wonderful people of Iran. It has inspired and reminded me to promote this book for the teaching faculty where I work in Papua New Guinea. May we have a similar renewal of hope.
  • Paul Heskett
    An inspiring post - God knows we need them - from an inspirational man. I am reminded of the saying: 'It is better to light a candle than complain about the dark.' Thank you Palmer 🙏
  • Wendy Burton
    What a blessing. Your book was given to each new faculty member at my university while I was Director of Teaching and Learning. It was so fine to see copies popping up like sunflowers in many offices... or open on a desk
  • Top fan
    Barbara Fox
    Again, you’ve shared wisdom and hope with the world. You are a blessing to us all. ♥️
  • Masako Ryan
    “As one teacher to another, , , , rise up with Hope.” So be it 🙏 Thank you Mr. Parker ❤️ 🙏
  • Mary Garde
    Breathtaking… I read your book 20 years ago, and it moved me 
  • Top fan
    Diane Nilan
    This is such a spectacular accomplishment, Parker! The amount of good that comes from your insightful efforts cannot be calculated.
  • Pam Snyder Blanchard
    Courage to Teach was the first book of yours I read many years ago. As a Special Education teacher in Tennessee it was given to me to read in a teacher workshop where we read and studied it in depth. I was so moved by amazing insights and encouragement shared by you and went on to read many more of your books. You changed my life and gave me the “courage to [continue to] teach” for 30 years as my life’s work. You are a treasure. Love this post! “Truth cannot be stopped….it moves like water where it will.” You have touched so many. Many blessings to you! 💟☮️
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  • Elizabeth Henderson
    Wow, that’s fantastic news and I am delighted for all teachers and practitioners involved. I love your book ‘The Courage to teach’ as it speaks to my heart.
  • Amy Savery
    I retired as an elementary teacher in TN. I read your book MANY years ago and it helped me mold my life as a teacher.
  • Lynn Goldberg Valinetz
    I read The Courage to Teach many, many times during my 36 year teaching journey! So much “food for thought “! It was my favorite gift to give to student teachers also! A classic! Thank you, thank you for this gift!
  • Beth Conroy
    Your book
    The Courage to Teach changed my life
    I came across this book many years ago
    still have my copy with side notes and underlined passages
    Thank you
  • Top fan
    Gwen Weate
    Thank you Parker! There is hope in bringing all nations together through education. Your book speaks to the universal language of truth and hope instead of division and war.
  • Adrienne Kanach
    I used this book in my graduate level teacher prep class. A truly great source for beginning teachers!
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    Sherrill Weller Knezel
    Parker J. Palmer, this brings me to tears. The ripples that our actions have when done in truth and love, very honestly, have no bounds. How very beautiful.
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  • Alannah Bell
    So happy to hear that this beautiful book is used with our Iranian friends. 💕 Indeed a Christmas gift to all.
  • Kathy Cocchio
    OMGOSH, Parker. This post made my day. The ripples of your shared wisdom continue to influence teaching practitioners around the world. I have been giving a copy of The Courage to Teach to new teachers for decades. You have blessed my teaching practice and I pay it forward with every copy. Thank you for all you do to create compassionate, intentional learning spaces.
  • Nicholaes P Roosevelt
    What a blessing. I used it too with 60 Hartford teachers as apart of my mindfulness grant. Thank you. Circles of trust did the trick too.
  • Sherry Myers
    I read this book when studying for my teaching license - Augsburg College in Minneapolis used it as part of their curriculum. Thank goodness! I understand wht people throughout the world would benefit from your careful reflections about teaching, instruction and life itself.
  • Linda Powell
    So honored to be in the First Courage to Teach group so many years ago. Thank you Parker for letting me learn to be my authentic self in my classroom at the age of 46 so many years ago!
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    Reyna Daniela
    Little becomes much when we place it in God's hands....your incredible contributions of heart will continue to be magnified and multiplied. Thank you for teaching me by example.
  • Caralyn Henry
    I required every preservice teacher to read your book. It was the first book that I assigned in every course I taught. It is life changing.
  • Douglas Wood 
    How wonderful! Inspiring and heartening. Congratulations and a huge thank you!
  • Susan McAllister
    This just gives me so much hope for our world. I read The Courage to Teach often during my teaching career and its wisdom (your wisdom) was/is so influential.
  • Dennis Stamper
    Wonderful! Your work continues to bless even in far off places. Thank you Parker.
  • Sabine Kleinhagauer
    ❤️ passion pays well. Thanks for all the inspiration- I was reading your book let your life speak over the last months in my morning routine - I was deeply touched,moved & inspired by your words
  • Marge Drueding
    This book was a bedrock for me in my teaching & Educational Administrative career! My favorite line: “To teach without creating a relationship is to commit a violent act”. Thank you, Parker!
  • Mary Guzzy
    This book was given to me when I began my journey as a teacher in 2005. It was life-changing, and moved me forward in a profound way. Congratulations on this milestone for teachers everywhere.
  • Lori King-Roberts
    Thank you.
    Deeply good.
  • Lisa Hodgens
    I loved TCTT! Read it many times during my 44 years of teaching. It was always inspiring
  • Top fan
    Nicki Weidt Nordell
    You are a Soulful Being, Parker. Your Words are gifts to the Universe…born of Thoughts of Love for ALL whose (own) journey has miraculously intersected with your Wisdom and Light. This - Giving and Receiving dynamic is no mistake! It is truly SACRED! Namaste, Parker. 💜🙏💜
  • Top fan
    Grainne Ni Fhoighil
    Ohh wow! 😊🙏🏼💖 this post speaks to me on so many levels. I believe in this full heartedly.
    Thank you for sharing.
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  • Janae Winegarden
    Your book inspired me throughout my 30 year career as a public school elementary teacher, and it still does. Thank you. How wonderful that this book inspires the teachers in Iran and all over the world. And thank you for your words of truth to the politicians and those who want to control others in what and how to read and think and say. They will not win.
  • Blanche Rayford
    Freedom is so very important!!!! Thank you for sharing this information!
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    Linda Gilmet Mott
    Thank you, once again, for standing for the betterment of our species!
  • Marie English
    Particularly important after yesterday’s NYTIMES article on the current state of teachers and education. You are continuing to make a difference in this crazy world. Thank you. 🙏🏻
  • Susan Chast
    This book informed my teaching. Thank you for sharing this tribute and author's note! I keep "The Courage to Teach" on my shelf between Linda Christensen's "Reading, Writing, and Rising Up,"and various books by bell hooks.
  • Jeff Albert Sculpture 
    The wisdom in this book transcends time and place and lives on, teacher to teacher, teacher to student, and students who become teachers.
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  • Kristy K Smith
    That book was a life-changer for me & I’m not a teacher! I’m sure it will inspire in Tehran as well
  • William Kenneth Marsella
    Parker you’ve ‘Let Your Life Speak’....around the world as it should😊
  • Eldon Miller
    I'm glad to see this. "The Courage to Teach" was a guiding inspiration for a number of years in my teaching career. Its principles transcend cultures. Thanks for sharing!
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  • Karen L. Klein
    Thank you again-almost 30 years ago I “met” you through this wondrous book-your words have sustained me during my 35 years of teaching and living.
  • Margaret Dykstra
    This act is so heartwarming. Thank you.
  • Charlotte Hough Stocek
    Ken Bergstrom gave me a copy of “The Courage to Teach” when we served together on the faculty of the Vermont College M.Ed. Program. He spoke often of his work with you. I connect the translation of your book in Iran with my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines (‘61-‘63) and the promotion of peace and connection with all people. Thank you for all you do to bring people together in peace. I especially like the study circles with Iranian teachers focused on your book. May they multiply and spread everywhere.
  • Nancy Roberts
    I hope your life is filled with blessings. Thanks so much for your wisdom.
  • Farnaz Hamedi
    I'm a nurse educator, and years before I became a nurse I realized Teaching is a holy practice. My dear Canadian friend found you and shared your post with me and I cannot wait to share it. Thank you for for such a beautiful openness and connection wit… 
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  • Top fan
    Russ Peterson
    A small miracle indeed. Congratulations, Parker
  • Claudia Stockdale
    Jan, Thanks for posting this! Much "food for thought"!!
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