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Introduction to Quaker Basics | Quaker Learning Australia

Introduction to Quaker Basics | Quaker Learning Australia

Introduction to Quaker Basics

Quaker Basics (QB) is a course of study focussing on various aspects of Quaker life and practice. The basic materials for the course consist of a manual which is available online or as a hard copy publication. QB can be undertaken individually, with another Friend, or as a small group and will probably take several months to complete.
Experience suggests that the experience is richer when done as a pair or a group; the momentum is hard to maintain on your own.
There are readings and discussion questions associated with each topic, and many of these readings are reprinted in the manual. Other cores texts are:
  1. British Yearly Meeting Quaker faith & practice and this we can say for(Advices & queries)
  2. Silence: our eye on eternity by Dan Seeger, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #318, 1994
  3. A light that is shining by Harvey Gilman, Quaker Home Service 1997
  4. Four doors to meeting for worship by William Taber, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #306, 1992.
  5. Testament of devotion by Thomas Kelly, Harper & Row, 1941.
  6. Spiritual discernment by Patricia Loring, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #305, 199
These texts may be available from your Meeting library. QLA also has sets of them available for loan. To obtain these and/or purchase printed copies of the manual, contact qla@quakers.org.au.
An online version of the Quaker basics manual (pdf 1458kb) is also available for downloading.
The QB course is made up of the following topics:
Session oneIndividual practiceCentring and meditation
The experience of silence
Session twoCorporate practiceMeeting for worship
Vocal ministry
Session threeTestimonies and concerns• Simplicity
• Peace
• Equality
• Ecological responsibility
• Integrity
• Community
Session fourReflections paper
Session fiveTaking action: a Quaker view of ministryOrganisational structures among Friends
International Quaker organisations
Session sixIndividual discernment / leadingsClearness process
Session sevenCorporate discernmentFriends business meetings
Session eightMembership