Showing posts with label Emissaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emissaries. Show all posts


The Life of Japanese Quaker Inazo Nitobe

The Life of Japanese Quaker Inazo Nitobe

The Life of Japanese Quaker Inazo Nitobe

Samuel M. Snipes August 1, 2011
At Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, numerous epistles are read from other yearly meetings throughout
the world. Likewise Philadelphia sends its annual epistle and greetings to all yearly meetings. Japan
Yearly Meeting’s epistle this year mentioned the “Nitobe lectures.” Friends outside of Japan may not
know about the extraordinary life of Inazo Nitobe. My purpose here is to acquaint Friends Journal
readers with him.
Inazo Nitobe (1862-1933) became a Christian while a college student, and later a Friend. He rose to
fame as an agricultural sugar expert, was the president of several colleges, was a Carnegie exchange
professor to the United States, and was a tireless worker for Japanese- U.S. understanding. Most
notably, he was the leader of the Japanese delegation to the League of Nations in Geneva,
Switzerland, in 1919, and when he arrived there he was promptly appointed under-secretary general
of the League. Nitobe is famous for coining the phrase, “Bridge across the Pacific”; for writing the
history of William Penn; and for the book, Bushido: The Soul of Japan. He is the only known Quaker
whose picture is on his country’s currency.
Nitobe stemmed from a Samurai (Japanese nobility) family on Honshu, the main island of Japan. His
grandfather was distinguished for developing irrigation projects and bringing much additional land
under cultivation. His father died when he was five and his mother when he was 13. He was the
youngest of eight and was raised by his uncle, who adopted him.
At 13, he entered Tokyo English School. By studying English, he became acquainted with Christianity
and the Bible. In 1877 he entered the newly founded Sapparo Agricultural College in the northern
island of Hokkaido and graduated in 1881. William S. Clark, from Amherst College, was the
viceprincipal of the Sapparo Agricultural College, although he left the college before Nitobe started
attending. He left a strong influence on the students, particularly in the way ethics was taught. He
said the only way he could teach ethics was by teaching the Bible. All of his students became
Christians and signed Clark’s “Covenant of Believers in Jesus.”
   
Nitobe subsequently became a Friend when he was 22 years old while doing graduate study at Johns
Hopkins University. He joined Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
He had previously attended Tokyo University, but found the professors there poorly trained. He
persuaded his uncle to finance his graduate study in the United States, first at Allegheny College in
western Pennsylvania, and then at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. While there, he was
appointed assistant professor in absentia by his original Japanese college, Sapporo Agricultural
College. This college financed his further study in agricultural economics for three years in Germany
at Bonn, Berlin, and Halle universities. He received his PhD from Halle.
In 1885, Inazo and a Japanese classmate were invited from Baltimore to Philadelphia by the
Women’s Foreign Missionary Association of Friends to advise them about establishing a Quaker
mission in Japan. This ultimately resulted in the establishment of the Friends Girls School in Tokyo
and ten agricultural missions in Iberaki Province, just north of Tokyo. The Friends Girls School
continues to flourish, educating the daughters of prominent Japanese business leaders. Three of the
agricultural missions still continue as Friends meetings in Tsuchiura, Shimotsuma, and Mito. Samuel
Nicholson, now retired at Friends Village in Newtown, Pa., and his father before him were
instrumental in founding a ceramics center at Mito Friends Center.
Gilbert Bowles, Gurney and Elizabeth Binford, Herbert Nicholson, Edith Sharpless, Esther Rhoads,
and others were instrumental in the success of Friends School and the success of the various
monthly meetings during the past 100 years.
An important outcome from Nitobe’s visit to Philadelphia was meeting his future wife, Mary
Patterson Elkinton, the daughter of Joseph S. Elkinton, later widely known for his help in bringing the
persecuted Dukhobors from Russia to Canada, as well as for his family business, Philadelphia Quartz
Co. They were married in 1890 upon Nitobe’s return from Germany.
Mary Elkinton’s parents objected to the marriage because it would take her to Japan. Her meeting
initially also opposed the marriage because of her parents’ objection. Mary’s brothers persuaded the
weighty members to change one by one. The wedding ultimately took place, and subsequently, her
parents approved.
Mary’s family of Elkintons, Evanses, and Jameses have inspired many others to support Philadelphia
Yearly Meeting’s Japan Committee (now International Outreach Committee) in nourishing the growth
of the Friends Girls School in Tokyo.
A corollary of this relationship was the friendship of Mary with her Westtown classmate Anna H.
Chace (one of the founders of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Chace Fund) and a member of both
Providence (R.I.) and Fallsington (Pa.) meetings. This friendship lasted all their lives. When Nitobe
subsequently became an under-secretary general of the League of Nations from 1920 to 1927, Anna
went to Geneva each year while the League was in session to be with Mary and Inazo. One year,
when Mary was ill and could not come to Geneva, Inazo asked Anna to be his hostess at all official
functions. Anna was in effect the “first lady of the world” for a year.
When Nitobe initially enrolled in University of Tokyo after Sapporo and before his German study, he
expressed his interest in studying agricultural economics and English literature. The interviewer said
“this is a queer combination.” Nitobe responded that “he wished to be a bridge across the Pacific
Ocean,” a bridge across which Western ideas could flow to Japan and over which Japanese and
Oriental ideas could flow to the United States. This term “bridge across the Pacific,” embraced
Nitobe’s life.
His PhD thesis at Halle was Land Possession and Distribution, and Its Agricultural Use in Japan. He
also subsequently completed his thesis at Johns Hopkins, The Intercourse between United States
and Japan: An Historical Sketch. Later, as a college professor, he published a 400-page biography of
William Penn.
In 1900, while recuperating from overwork in Japan, he took a leave of absence in California where
he wrote his most famous book, Bushido: The Soul of Japan. It was instantly acclaimed in the
English-speaking world as one of the few accounts of Japanese spiritual history written by a
Japanese author in eloquent English. It was subsequently translated into several languages. Bushido
means literally “the way of Samurai,” and it relates to traditional Japanese moral values.
Returning with his degree from Germany, Nitobe became a full professor at Sapporo. He taught
agronomy, colonial theory, history of agriculture, economics, English literature, and German, and was
the college librarian. He was also a technical advisor to the government of Hokkaido, two-thirds the
size of Pennsylvania.
Inazo established a secondary school in Hokkaido and became its headmaster, with financial
support from a local businessman. He and Mary also established a school for poor working girls in
the Sapporo slum, supported by faculty and student volunteers from the college. After a few years
he exhausted himself from too many duties, and in March 1899 he took the abovementioned leave
of absence in Vancouver and then in California.
While recuperating in California, Nitobe was offered numerous positions in Japan. He accepted a
position as advisor to the Japanese colonial government on Taiwan in 1901. His reform plan for sugar
production there increased it sixfold in 10 years and by 45 times in 20 years. His reforms continue
today to support Taiwan’s prosperity.
This brought him wide acclaim. He was appointed professor at University of Kyoto Law Faculty and
also headmaster at the First Higher School, the successor of his alma mater, Tokyo English School.
He began teaching on the faculty of Agriculture at University of Tokyo.
Inazo and Mary were invited to visit the emperor in 1905. As a boy, the emperor had spent the night
with Nitobe’s family at Morioka.
In 1911, Nitobe was chosen as the first exchange professor between the U.S. and Japan, funded by
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Nitobe tried to neutralize a rising tide of ill feeling in
the United States that was building against Japanese immigrants.
He spent one month each at Brown, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and the universities of Virginia,
Illinois, and Minnesota. He also visited and lectured in many other universities and colleges,
including Stanford, Clark, Haverford, and Earlham. These lectures were collected and published in
1912 as The Japanese Nation: Its Land, Its People, and Its Life. He spoke to other groups like the
National Geographic Society and Maryland Peace Society. He delivered a total of 166 lectures to
approximately 40,000 people, trying to build goodwill between Japan and the United States.
Brown University awarded him an honorary degree and he ultimately received five such degrees
during his lifetime.
Upon returning to Japan, he became a full-time professor of Colonial Studies at University of Tokyo.
A conflict had developed among educators about the Europeans and Japanese supporting
colonialism rather than liberation of their colonies. Some, like Germany and its South African colony
Namibia, thought a colony was merely for enriching the mother country. Nitobe espoused the more
humanitarian view that the mother country should bring benefit to its colonies and raise their
standard of living.
Nitobe also was concerned for women’s rights. He assisted several prominent women’s educational
institutions such as Smith School at Sapporo, the prestigious Tsuda College (founded by a Bryn
Mawr graduate, Umeko Tsuda) in Tokyo, Keisen Women’s College (established by another Bryn Mawr
graduate), and Tokyo Women’s School of Economics.
In 1918, he was appointed the first president of the newly established Tokyo Women’s Christian
College. This was heavily subsidized by the Methodist Church of Canada. Soon after assuming the
presidency, he and Mary and other Japanese officials toured Europe to inspect the damage from the
World War. While in London, he was advised by the Japanese minister that he had been selected to
be the under-secretary general of the newly formed League of Nations, under Sir Eric Drummond,
the secretary general. It is interesting that Nitobe had studied at Johns Hopkins with Woodrow
Wilson, whose ideas formed the League.
The League of Nations moved from London to Geneva in 1920. Nitobe quickly became a favorite
spokesman for the League. According to one of his colleagues, nine times out of ten he was chosen
to speak to audiences rather than his superior, Drummond. Drummond himself explained that
Nitobe was most highly qualified when he said, “He gives his audiences a deep and lasting
impression.” One of his colleagues wrote:
Contemporaneous with the idealist growth of the League was the increasing hostility in California to
There is no office in which more visitors were received or more work done; . . . yet there,
one always had the feeling of quiet, of reflection, of that silent gathering together of the
internal forces of human nature. One always left that room convinced afresh that it was
worthwhile doing one’s best in dealing with even the smallest everyday problems of office
life, because one had realized once more the essential connection between his work . . .
and the great current of human development which is embodied in the League.

Japanese. Initially there was a “gentlemen’s agreement” in 1907 between Japan and the United
States that only 146 Japanese individuals per year would be permitted to immigrate here. In 1924,
the U.S. Congress unilaterally repudiated this agreement and passed the Oriental Exclusion Act,
forbidding any Japanese to immigrate to the United States.
Nitobe was outraged by this Act. He tactfully spent the rest of his life trying to influence the
international community to appreciate Japan’s problems and attributes.
He resigned as under-secretary of the League in 1927 at the age of 64. He was appointed a member
of the House of Peers, the Upper House of the Japanese Diet. He joined the editorial board of the
Osaka newspaper and wrote a regular English column. Many organizations requested him to be their
advisor. He enthusiastically supported the union movement in aid of labor. He became chairman of
the Morioka Farmers Cooperative, and he was instrumental in preventing the intervention of local
conservatives in union activity.
Nitobe played a significant role in establishing Japan’s universal medical care system. (Does the
Japanese system have any provisions that we might emulate today?) This medical care system had
been initiated by Toyohiko Kagawa (1888-1960), who is known to numerous older U.S. Friends for
his Social Gospel work among the poor in Tokyo.
Politically, Nitobe’s speech against the pro-military cabinet of Prime Minister Tanaka in the House of
Peers in 1929 aided in Tanaka’s being condemned by many and led to his cabinet resigning.
The rise of militarism in Japan coincided with the London Naval Treaty in 1930, which adopted the
5:5:3 ratio in battleship strength between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The
Japanese Navy strongly opposed this. Japan resigned from the League of Nations in 1933, in part
because of this treaty.
In 1931, to Nitobe’s great sorrow, the Japanese military bombed the Japanese-run South Manchurian
Railroad and blamed the Chinese for it. The Japanese army then established Manchukuo as a
separate nation carved out of Manchuria, over which it appointed a puppet government.
Nitobe was interviewed by a group of reporters about this development, with the promise that his
views would not be reported. One reporter violated his promise and published Nitobe’s anti-military
comments. A furor arose in Japan and Nitobe delivered a tactful apology.
With this as background, Nitobe toured North America in 1931 and attempted to present a clearer
picture of the events in Manchuria. He viewed Manchuria as a three-way conflict between Russia
(dating from the Sino- Japanese War of 1895), China, and Japan, with its historical presence in
Manchuria. He stated that this historical and economic background needed to be distinguished from
the current military action.
He pointed out how the Japanese civilian occupation of Manchuria occurred. Russia had occupied
Manchuria after 1895 despite strong Anglo-U.S. protest. Through President Theodore Roosevelt’s
efforts, the Russo-Japanese War ended in 1905, and the rights to administer Manchukuo that Russia
had previously obtained from China were transferred to Japan. Japan invested one billion yen in gold
in Manchuria to develop it. Japan, not China, was administering Manchuria, based upon the ChineseRussian
treaty. Japan, in hindsight, justified its actions because of the U.S. Oriental Exclusion Act.
Japan reasoned that it needed Manchukuo for its expanding population. Nitobe compared the
hostility in India against British administrators and the U.S. advocacy of the Monroe Doctrine in the
Caribbean, to the prohibition of Japanese immigration to the United States.
Nitobe toured North America again in 1932, conferred with President Hoover in the White House,
received an honorary degree from Haverford College, and in ten months delivered one hundred
lectures on Japanese culture and on the Manchukuo issue to audiences in the United States and
Canada, starting with a CBS radio address in New York, in which he said, “My keen concern over
Japanese-American relations and my earnest desire to study the American sentiment toward Japan,
are what have brought me over to America.”
Nitobe’s final trip to U.S. in 1933 was to attend the Institute of Pacific Relations conference in Banff,
Canada. This conference of scholars in various fields from countries around the Pacific Ocean met
annually. Nitobe had been chairman of the Japanese delegates since 1929, and this was his fifth
conference. In his final address he said: “China and Japan sit side-by-side at the conference table. . . .
There are differences between our governments . . . but as man-to-man, we harbor no ill-will the
one to the other. . . . Is it too much to hope then that in the intimate contact of nationals from all
over the Earth, the day will gradually come when not passion but reason, when not self-interest but
justice will become the arbiter of races and nations?”
In September, he collapsed in Victoria, Canada, and died on October 15, 1933, at age 72.
A memorial service was held in the Wesley United Church in Vancouver. Mary took his ashes to
Japan. A Quaker memorial service was held in Tokyo. Over three thousand people attended,
including his former students, politicians, the emperor’s emissaries, and citizens. There is a
monument honoring him at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Vancouver.
I made a pilgrimage to his home in Morioka, four hours north of Tokyo, after attending the Friends
World Committee gathering in Tokyo in 1988. There in the public park is a sarcophagus six feet long
and three feet high bearing the name NITOBE in Japanese. Morioka and Victoria have been sister
cities since 1985. Nearby is a sign in English directing one to Nitobe’s boyhood homestead. There is a
stone statue of him sitting in a chair with one hand under his chin, in a contemplative mood with the
inscription “Bridge across the Pacific” and a quotation from one of his famous speeches.
The 1945 will of Anna Harvey Chace provides for a $10,000 scholarship in honor of Inazo Nitobe,
the income from which is to assist a Japanese student to attend Haverford College. The corpus of
this scholarship is today valued at $55,000.
Nitobe is the only known Quaker to be honored on his country’s currency, a 5,000-yen note,
authorized in 1981.
Among Inazo Nitobe’s legacies to the world is the present United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Toward a More Balanced Analysis of Zionism
Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Power in Japan: The Ocean of Light above the Ocean of Darkness
Comments on may be used in the Forum of the print magazine and may be edited for
length and clarity.
QuakerSpeak DVDs on Sale Now
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which grew out of the International Committee on Intellectual
Cooperation of which he was a founding director in the 1920s.
Friends are encouraged to visit the Nitobe Memorial Garden at University of British Columbia when
in Vancouver, Canada, and also the Nitobe homestead garden at Morioka when visiting Japan.
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Emissaries of Divine Light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emissaries of Divine Light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emissaries of Divine Light

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emissaries of Divine Light is a global spiritual network of people from all walks of life initiated by Lloyd Arthur Meeker in 1932.[1] The foundational premise of the network is that human beings are divine by nature, and that their true qualities can only be known as they are expressed in daily living.[2] The mission of Emissaries of Divine Light, as cited in its articles of incorporation, is to assist in the spiritual regeneration of humanity under the inspiration of the spirit of God.[3]Meeker saw the work of the Emissaries as the Third Sacred School, an approach to spirituality that transcends physical and mental disciplines, and offers human beings the opportunity to experience their true identity by giving spiritual expression that is consonant with their divine nature.[4]



Lloyd Arthur Meeker was born on February 25, 1907.[5] Meeker had begun to experiment with Attunement in 1929.[6] Emissaries of Divine Light dates its origin to Meeker’s spiritual awakening on September 16, 1932. On three successive evenings, Meeker had been compelled to write and, as he did so, he experienced a higher spiritual awareness that flowed through him. He reported that he had been looking for a teacher but realized through his awakening that the teacher he sought was within him.[7]
Meeker lectured, taught, and practiced Attunement in various locations in North America from 1929 to 1945.[8] He wrote under the pen name Uranda, and he was known to his followers by that name. In 1945 Meeker established his headquarters at Sunrise Ranch, which was a dryland farm at the time.[9] From 1952 to 1954 he conducted six-month Servers Training School classes at Sunrise Ranch, teaching Attunement and the spiritual understanding behind the practice, as well as practical spirituality.[10][11] These classes were attended by people from many backgrounds, and included GPC (God-Patient-Chiropractor) chiropractors, led by a former Major League Baseball pitcher, George Shears, and others.[12]
In 1954 Meeker died in a plane crash in San Francisco Bay with his wife, Kathy Meeker. A close associate of Meeker’s, Albert Ackerley, and two children also died in the crash.[13] Martin Cecil, who had worked closely with Meeker, assumed the responsibility for leading Emissaries of Divine Light from 1954 until his death in 1988.[13]

Development under Martin Cecil's leadership[edit]

Lord Martin Cecil was the second son of William Cecil, 5th Marquess of Exeter and descended from William Cecil, chief advisor to Queen Elizabeth I.[14][15] He led a ranching operation on his family’s property in the Cariboo country of British Columbia.[16] In 1948 Cecil formed a spiritual community at 100 Mile House, BC.[17] On the death of his brother, David Cecil, in 1981, he became the 7th Marquess of Exeterand a member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom but never spoke in the House.[18]
Under Cecil’s leadership, the network grew to about 4,000 adherents.[19] Many young people, disenchanted with the Vietnam War and inspired by the idealism of the 1960s and ’70s, were drawn to his message and the network that was growing around him. Twelve centers developed around the world, and numerous other nonprofit organizations were birthed by participants in Emissaries of Divine Light.[20] These included an outdoor adventure educational organization, Educo; an association of spiritually based business people, Renaissance Business Associates; an association of media professionals, Association for Responsible Communication; an association of educators, Renaissance Educational Associates; and Emissary Foundation International.[21][22][23][24]
Bill Bahan became an important leader and teacher for Emissaries of Divine Light in the ’60s, ’70s and early ’80s, offering classes at Sunrise Ranch; Epping, New Hampshire;[20] and Livingston Manor, New York.[25] He was a nephew of George Shears, D.C., leader of the G-P-C Chiropractic Movement. He and his brother Walter Bahan (also active in the Emissary program), along with three other brothers (all chiropractors), operated the Bahan and Bahan Chiropractic Clinic in Salem and Derry, New Hampshire, using GPC principles.[26] Bill founded the Whole Health Institute, an association of healthcare professionals promoting wholistic health.[27][28] They hosted conferences and lectures around the world, and published the journal Healing Currents. In Bill's words, "Health is the unhindered expression of love through the heart, truth through the mind and life through the body."

Transition after Martin Cecil's death[edit]

When Martin Cecil died in 1988, his son, Michael Cecil, became the leader of Emissaries of Divine Light until he left the organization in 1996.[29] In that eight-year period, much of the leadership left the organization, including most of the children of Lloyd Arthur Meeker and Martin Cecil, who had been prominent in the network. From 1988 to 1996, more than two thirds of the participants in Emissaries of Divine Light left as well.[19][29] Many ex-members became bitter about their experience and launched accusations against the organization.[30][31]
As Michael Cecil resigned from his position in 1996, a group of trustees assumed responsibility for the leadership of the network. They set in place ethical guidelines throughout the network and addressed grievances brought to them by participants. They sought to bring the universal truths taught by Lloyd Arthur Meeker into contemporary language and practice.

Recent history[edit]

In the 1990s, Emissaries of Divine Light developed new programs for spiritual understanding and personal development. Deepening Spiritual Expression and The Opening are week-long residential programs that are still offered by the organization.[32] They also developed Attunement Practitioner certification training, which is available at many Emissary centers.
In August 2004, the trustees of Emissaries of Divine Light named David Karchere as the leader of the global network. In 2008, David Karchere and Jane Anetrini developed and taught a year-long Leadership Program based on the teachings of Emissaries of Divine Light. A second session of the program was conducted in 2009 and 2010.[33] In 2012 they initiated a new series of seminars under the title Practical Spirituality: An Operator’s Guide to Being Human, led by David Karchere.[34]

Sunrise Ranch[edit]

The headquarters of Emissaries of Divine Light was established in 1945 at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, now a conference and retreat center staffed by a community of eighty-five people.[35][36] Sunrise Ranch hosts workshops, seminars and retreats intended to offer the participants fresh thinking and understanding, leading to a direct experience of spiritual renewal.[37] There are seven other major centers around the world for Emissaries of Divine Light, each offering programs with a similar approach.[19]
Sunrise Ranch also offers residential work-study programs in practical spirituality, which it defines as the application of universal spiritual principles to the common issues of human life.[38] These include a program designed for personal spiritual renewal, called Full Self Emergence, and a Permaculture Design Course for people interested in sustainable human systems and sustainable agriculture.[37][39]

Creative Field Project[edit]

The trustees of Emissaries of Divine Light lead the Creative Field Project.[40] The project is an exploration of the power of human intention to influence the field of energy held by a group of people. The Creative Field Project began in 2009 with a network of small groups around the world that meet monthly by telephone. It included the first Creative Field Conference in 2011 at Sunrise Ranch that featured Lynne McTaggart, who wrote The Field; and American priest and theologianMatthew Fox.[41] In 2012, Emissaries of Divine Light joined with the Novalis Ubuntu Institute in Cape Town, South Africa, to host the Creative Field Conference—South Africa: Your Destiny Is Calling.[42]

Teaching and practices[edit]

Emissaries of Divine Light teach that the key to creative living is the individual’s openness to the source of universal power and intelligence within them, and that human emotions either connect a person to that source or cut them off from it.[43] The educational programs of the Emissaries are designed to assist people to find out what has been emotionally triggering them, so that they can withdraw their emotional attention from the trigger and turn it to the life force within them.[44]The Emissaries believe that behind all emotions is the universal power of love and a universal intelligence that bring spiritual enlightenment. They teach that through deliberate conscious thought a person can let their own emotional current purify, so that they open themselves to the flow of the universal power and intelligence within them.[45]

The One Law[edit]

The central teaching of Emissaries of Divine Light is referred to as The One Law. They describe it as a law of cause and effect.[46] They see the causative factor in spiritual regeneration as the universal power and intelligence within all people, and the effect in human experience as dependent on the response to that internal reality.[47] They describe the creative process in human experience as the working of The One Law in a sequence of five stages: radiation, response, attraction, union and unified radiation.[48] Their seminars claim to assist people to withdraw their energetic response from the circumstances around them and direct it to the power and intelligence within them.[49]
Emissaries of Divine Light describe the process of personal spiritual renewal as Full Self Emergence because they believe that a person is renewed when their own divine selfhood expresses through their mind, emotions and their body.[50] They use the story of the Seven Days of Creation in Genesis as a symbolic template for the process of spiritual renewal in the life of the individual, and for humankind as a whole.[51]


Attunement is a central practice of Emissaries of Divine Light. The origin of the word Attunement refers to the attuning of the human capacity with the universal animating spirit within all people.[52] Attunement practitioners believe that positive shifts in consciousness release a healing energy through a person’s body, mind and emotions.[53]
Emissaries of Divine Light practice Attunement as a form of energy medicine.[54] Attunement practitioners believe that universal life energy is conveyed to the client through the hands of the practitioner. The primary contact points for the client receiving the Attunement are the endocrine glands. Attunement practitioners teach that the endocrine glands are portals for universal life energy that operates through the physical body, and through the mental and emotional function of the individual.[55]
Emissaries of Divine Light also teach Attunement as a personal spiritual practice.[56] They believe it is a central factor in the conscious evolution of humanity.[57]


Emissaries of Divine Light is led by David Karchere, who is the spiritual director of the organization, and six other trustees.[58] Karchere lives, writes and teaches at Sunrise Ranch, and travels in North America, Europe, Africa and Australia, offering programs on practical spirituality and Attunement.
The trustees are elected by an International Emissary Congress with representatives from Emissary organizations around the world. Currently, the trustees are Jane Anetrini, Ruth Buckingham, Cliffe Connor, Hugh Duff, David Karchere, Phil Richardson and Maureen Waller.[59]

Major centers[edit]

In addition to their international headquarters at Sunrise Ranch, Emissaries of Divine Light operates Glen Ivy in Corona, California. Glen Ivy is a conference and retreat center and an Attunement teaching center. Glen Ivy is also a natural mineral springs. The Emissaries lease the mineral springs and the spa property, which is adjacent to their center, to Glen Ivy Hot Springs, a popular destination in Southern California.[60]
These are the major centers for Emissaries of Divine Light around the world:[38]
Edenvale, Abbottsford, British Columbia, Canada
Gate House, Constantia, South Africa
Glen Ivy, Corona, California, USA[61]
Joyville, Jeju Island, South Korea[62]
Rainbow Farm, Selma, Indiana, USA[63][64][65]
Riverdell, Gawler, South Australia, Australia
Still Meadow, Clackamas, Oregon, USA
Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, Colorado, USA[66]


Beginning in the 1930s, Emissaries of Divine Light have continually published their writings and teachings and circulated these to their membership. In 1936, Lloyd A. Meeker published his seven-week meditation guide, Seven Steps to the Temple of Light, as well as his correspondence course, Steps to Mastership.[67][68] In the 1980s, Martin Cecil published eighteen volumes of his own writing and the writings of Lloyd Meeker under the title The Third Sacred School.[69]
For most of its history, weekly talks and writings of Emissary leadership have been distributed by regular mail. Since 2005, the organization has circulated a weekly e-mail message, The Pulse of Spirit, authored by David Karchere and other current leaders of the network.[70] In 2010 they began to publish the Journal of the Creative Field.


  1. Jump up^ Miller, Timothy (2005).Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. New York, NY: Continuum International Publishers. p. 595.ISBN 1847062733.
  2. Jump up^ Cecil, Martin (1968). As of a Trumpet. Loveland, Colorado: Eden Valley Press. p. 13.
  3. Jump up^ "Emissaries of Divine Light -- About Us". Emissaries of Divine Light. Retrieved May 14,2012.
  4. Jump up^ Cecil, Martin (1977). The Third Sacred School. Loveland, Colorado: Emissaries of Divine Light. pp. 291–295.
  5. Jump up^ Van Duzen, Grace (1996).The Vibrational Ark. Loveland, Colorado: Eden Valley Press. pp. 1, 2. ISBN 0-932869-05-X.
  6. Jump up^ Layne, Laurence (2008).Keepers of the Flame: A History of Attunement. St. Augustine, Florida: Health Light Publishing Company. p. 19. ISBN 0-9771193-3-5.
  7. Jump up^ Van Duzen, Grace (1996).The Vibrational Ark. Loveland, Colorado: Eden Valley Press. pp. 13–15. ISBN 0-932869-05-X.
  8. Jump up^ Layne, Laurence (2008).Keepers of the Flame: A History of Attunement. St. Augustine, Florida: Health Light Publishing Company. pp. 14–28. ISBN 0-9771193-3-5.
  9. Jump up^ Van Duzen, Grace (1996).The Vibrational Ark. Loveland, Colorado: Eden Valley Press. pp. 78–80. ISBN 0-932869-05-X.
  10. Jump up^ Laurence, Layne (2006). The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body. St. Augustine, Florida: Health Light Publishing Company. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-9771193-0-1.
  11. Jump up^ Meeker, Lloyd A. (1952). The Divine Design of Man. Loveland, Colorado: Universal Institute of Applied Ontology.
  12. Jump up^ Layne, Laurence (2008).Keepers of the Flame: A History of Attunement. St. Augustine, Florida: Health Light Publishing Company. pp. 19–22. ISBN 0-9771193-3-5.
  13. ^ Jump up to:a b "The Sunrise Ranch Cemetery". The USGenWeb Project. Retrieved May 15,2012.
  14. Jump up^ "100 Mile House". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Foundation. RetrievedMay 15, 2012.
  15. Jump up^ Foster, Chris (1989). One Heart, One Way. Denver, Colorado: Foundation House Publications, Inc. p. 33. ISBN 0-921790-00-7.
  16. Jump up^ "Emissaries of Divine Light". Encyclopedia of BC. Retrieved May 15, 2012.
  17. Jump up^ "New Religious Movements". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 15,2012.
  18. Jump up^
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  52. Jump up^ Henderson, Jaclyn Stein. The Healing Power of Attunement Therapy: Stories and Practice. New Delhi, India: New Dawn: A Division of Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd. p. 21. ISBN 81 207 2442 9.
  53. Jump up^ Wilkinson, Bill (1986).Attunement With Life. Loveland, Colorado: Eden Valley Press, Inc. pp. 25, 26. ISBN 0-932869-05-X.
  54. Jump up^ Laurence, Layne (2006). The Spiritual Nature of the Physical Body. St. Augustine, Florida: Health Light Publishing Company. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-9771193-0-1.
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  69. Jump up^ Meeker and Cecil (1980–1991). The Third Sacred School, Volumes 1-18. Loveland, Colorado: Emissaries of Divine Light.
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