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Meditation and Its Practice
Swami Rama Himalayan Institute
443 ratings34 reviews
Clear, concise and easy-to-follow instructions cover all the basics of sitting postures, breathing, relaxation and using a mantra.
110 pages, Paperback
First published December 1, 1977
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Swami Rama
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124 reviews
May 21, 2017
The practice of meditation exists in pretty much every spiritual belief system. It can have a different name, its purpose concealed by obscure wording of some calcified dogma, its essence overgrown with obsolete rituals, but the true heart of meditation - a quiet, mindful introspection - is very much alive and should be practised by every human being.
Many books were written about meditation and the sheer volume of these writings can be confusing (OMG where do I start?), but if you took all these texts and pared down the differences, what remains is a set of very simple instructions and they are all contained in this slim volume. This could be deceptive - if you read this book today, you won't be meditating like a pro tomorrow. But it means that if you read this book today you will have all you need to start practising tomorrow. And the fact that the book is so slim is good for another reason also - you can read it in one sitting and then move on to practice without much thinking about it. Reading about meditation is not meditation, trying it, doing it is. Meditation is like playing a musical instrument - say a flute. All you need to play the flute is to blow into it and move your fingers on the holes along its body. But between producing a sound and making beautiful music are years of patient, continuous practice. Same with meditation.
I am not trying to say that this is the one and only book on meditation you should ever read. What I am saying is that this book will give you an excellent start. You may never want to read anything else, but if you are curious then other texts are certainly worth exploring later on. Your practice will give you the best foundation to expand your knowledge, that of the first hand experience.
5 reviews
June 11, 2018
Words of the Master, Swami Rama – the book is a slim volume containing an astonishing amount of information for a meditation practitioner. Swami Rama refers to the book as a manual that offers “systematic guidance in the practice of meditation.”
Beginning with a succinct explanation of what is meditation, the benefits of meditation are clearly outlined. However, a practitioner must prepare oneself thoroughly in order to receive those benefits. The rest of the book expounds on aspects that the practitioner is required to learn for meditation to be effective. Meditative postures to make the body comfortable and keep it steady – suitable for practitioners at various levels of physical abilities – is clearly explained. How breath, mind and mantra can enhance and deepen meditation is dwelt upon in chapter four. Thoughts may arise during meditation but, being a witness and not engaging in them is key to effective meditation. A step-by-step guide to relaxation and breath practices are at the end of the book. Guidelines for progress in meditation and answers to frequently-asked questions are particularly helpful to a practitioner. However, the focus is not merely on relaxation techniques or establishing diaphragmatic breath, but on the quality of the practices conducive for meditation.
The book is a treasure not only for one who is taking the beginner’s steps into meditation, but also to those who may wish to deepen their meditation. A must read.
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Nic Brisbourne
191 reviews11 followers
June 28, 2013
ood practical guide to meditation from Swami Rama, one of the great modern sages from the Himalayan tradition of spirituality. Swami Rama writes with clarity and feeling. His love for meditation and belief in its power as a force for good shine through.
The book is intended as a guide for anyone wanting to learn to meditate, regardless of faith, and it largely delivers in that promise, but drifts into Himalayan specifics from time to time.
The book could do with more diagrams and practical details of what to do and what to expect. I'm not sure it would work for an absolute beginner.
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Barack Liu
511 reviews16 followers
September 4, 2020
254-Meditation and Its Practice-Swami Rama-Psychology-1991
- The more a person close to the heart, the closer the eternal truth. There are different paths, and what can help you achieve your deep inner satisfaction is what you want to take.
"Meditation and Its Practice" (Meditation and Its Practice), first published in the United States in 1991. It mainly introduces some of the most basic knowledge about meditation, mainly involving meditation postures, breathing exercises and meditation process.
Swami Rama was born in India in 1925 and died in 1996. Studied at Allahabad University and Oxford University. He practiced in the Himalayas in his early years, and later spent most of his life in propagating Dharma in the West. Representative works: "Meditation", "Panayama", etc.
Part of the catalog
1. What is meditation
2. Preparation for meditation
3. Meditation posture
4. Meditation, Mind, Mandala
5. Breathing exercises
6. Advanced meditation plan
7. Meditation Q&A
There are eight branches of yoga: precepts, internal control, asanas, breath control, sense control, concentration, meditation, and samadhi. This book mainly discusses the introductory knowledge of meditation.
Meditation can be roughly divided into 5 steps .
1. Bathing or other cleaning preparations;
2. Stretching exercises or yoga asanas;
3. Relaxation exercises
4. Breathing exercises
5. Meditation
Methods of relaxation exercises.
1. Lie down in the corpse style and lightly close your eyes. Inhale and exhale through your nose, breathing slowly, smoothly and deeply;
2. Use your mind to pay attention to all parts of your body, relax the top of your head, forehead, eyebrows, eyebrows, eyeballs, eyelids, and cheeks;
3. With breathing, relax the mouth, chin, chin, neck, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, wrists, hands, fingers, fingertips;
4. Relax fingertips, fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, upper back, chest;
5. Relax the upper abdomen, lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, soles, and toes.
6. From the toes back to the top of the head one by one, let the brain pay attention to the steady and quiet breathing.
Method of breathing training.
1. Lie on your back in the corpse style, with your legs apart, your arms away from your torso, palms up;
2. Close your eyes and observe the flow of breath;
3. Pay attention to the ups and downs of the abdomen every time you breathe. When the diaphragm drops, the abdomen rises naturally. This is an inhalation, and vice versa.
4. The breath flows naturally from each inhalation to exhalation, without pause in the middle;
5. Breathing should be deep and gentle. Don't try to control your breathing. The time of inhalation and exhalation should be roughly equal;
6. Observe the exhalation and inhalation over and over again, as if the body is exhaling and inhaling, and you are just watching.
Method of meditation.
1. Pay attention to the mandala chanting inside the body;
2. Bring it back when the consciousness is free.
The mandala is the core of many meditation systems. It is a difficult concept to understand. It needs to listen with heart, not with ears. It comes from within and without to be read out loud. Amen/Shalom/Om are all mandala, but not everyone can become a mandala. The mandala includes sounds, syllables and vocabulary.
Rama believes that the ancient sages devoted themselves to meditation and heard those sounds that originated from within, which made them the mandala we use now. These special sounds have different effects on different meditators. The same mandala will have different effects on different people.
Some mandala can cooperate with breathing, such as: So Hum, Om, Omkar. So Hum is a mandala suitable for beginners. Like other mandalas, So Hum's influence comes from its pronunciation rather than its literal meaning. However, for ease of understanding, we can translate it as "I am it", which means that my inner self is combined with the consciousness of the universe.
How to use So Hum.
1. Hear the first part when inhaling: So;
2. Hear the second half when exhaling: Hum.
People's spiritual world is often noisier and noisier than the material world. In meditation, we need to quiet the brain activity and focus on the sound of "So Hum". If other thoughts arise, allow yourself to observe these associations without evaluation as a bystander, and then gently bring your consciousness back to "So Hum" . Don't try to fight these whims, observe them, and then guide them.
" " Meditation " there is the concept of many different interpretations, it is our understanding correct it brings the confusion . What is meditation ? How should practice meditation? Some people mistakenly use the word to express the thinking or meditation , and some people use it to refer to do daydream or fantasy. in fact, these are not meditation. meditation is a completely different realm, fully understand its meaning is particularly important .
It is a unique skill that allows the brain to rest and reach a state of consciousness that is completely different from usual . When meditating , you are fully awake and aware, and your brain will not pay attention to the external world or what is happening around you . Your consciousness is not sleeping , dreaming, or fantasizing . Rather , it is clear , relaxed, and focused on the inside. "
"In the process of meditation, we let the mind think of the problem lay down , analysis , memory, judgment, and dedication to the past , look to the future and we slow down the brain's thinking and feelings of speed, and to use internal awareness and focus replace them . Therefore , meditation is not a problem to be thinking or analysis of the current situation . it is not a fantasy , daydreams or let your mind aimlessly to float, not self-meditation and self-dialogue or debate, nor is it some kind of strengthening The thinking process is just a very simple , quiet , effortless focus and clarity .
Meditation , we should try to avoid cranky , imagination, even those who usually fleeting thoughts and Lenovo also have to try to give up . Of course , this does not mean that we have to completely empty our brains. In fact, this is not possible . We do this to focus our mind on a particular object or object, because this will direct our attention to the inside . Through inner attention, we can avoid stressful thought processes at the spiritual level, such as worrying, planning , thinking and judging. "
In "Jobs Biography" , I clearly see Jobs ' admiration of meditation . In essence , what meditation exercises is human spiritual power. Of course, meditation is not the only way to exercise mental strength . Just as there is not only one way to exercise physical strength. But meditation may be a relatively efficient way . Human behavior requires the cooperation of spirit and body . The physical exercise method is relatively clear. But the way to exercise the spirit is sometimes not so obvious , because it is internal and not so easy to observe and imitate . But this does not mean that we should neglect mental exercise. A truly strong person should be as strong in spirit and body.
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Nadin Vaneva
8 reviews
January 6, 2024
Не само ръководство, но и прекрасно обяснение за всяко ниво, смисъл и практика в медитацията. В книгата има изключително полезни и добре обяснени дихателни упражнения.
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76 reviews
November 4, 2014
Swami Rama was very influential when I first started to practice meditation. As an experienced yoga teacher, I use breathwork and mindfulness during my physical practice of Yoga. I found that, more frequently I was sinking further into the joy of meditation, this book underlines the very essense of meditation and illustrates beautifully how we can incorporate simple meditative techniques into our everyday busy lives.
This book gives a clear, systematic,and practical step by step approach to meditation, it also introduces the most important practices used in order to prepare oneself for meditation.
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117 reviews
March 19, 2019
Finished reading this book in its entirety today, but in truth it will not be far from my meditation spot for reference. From my experience to date, both this book and Ajahn Brahm's (signed :) Mindfulness Bliss and Beyond are the best meditation books I have read. Highly recommended.
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61 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2020
Very good beginner level book for prospective meditators.
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Vinod Pal
31 reviews
May 3, 2021
Definitely a very good and original book on Meditation. It gives a precise idea on how to practice meditation. The book explains in a very clear manner the difficulties that are faced while initiating the practice and also the solutions so as to make progress. The book provides a very comprehensive picture regarding various aspects including correct posture, breathing technique etc which form an integral part for the process of meditation. A must read for understanding the basics of meditation.

36 reviews
October 21, 2019
Simple overview of how to meditate. Great starting point for beginners, and seems to cover all of the necessary basics - you could go on to read more in-depth guides if you wanted more insight into e.g. the spirituality side of things (he recommends other books to explore throughout) but this book is perfectly adequate if you’re looking for a clear programme to follow to learn how to meditate properly.
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