Life Force, the Scientific Basis: Volume 2 of the Synchronized Universe
byClaude Swanson
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5.0 out of 5 starsOnce Again My Compliments To Claude
Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2014
Update: I have now had some quality time to read and digest this book, with the following additional comments:
This is indeed an amazing book. While much of the information contained within is known and available elsewhere, this book is the first and only time I have observed it all to be in on location. This a superb reference for all thing related to energetic healing, communications, and influencing at a distance. Regardless of your specific area of interest (mine is bioenergy devices), I believe any serious student of the nature and characteristics of what is broadly classified as "life force" will find this book invaluable. I also admire that the author presents what is known, what has been experimentally proven, and what is subjective or unproven as the information is presented. He presents the reader with information in an objective research point of perspective and does not lead the reader on any agenda or forced outcome.
I also found the format to be outstanding. Every information element is cataloged and presented in a very coherent manner, with cross reference notations forward/backward within the text to information previously presented or to be presented later. Key messages of importance are presented in bold text and underlined, and I personally found them to very closely match text that I myself would have marked for emphasis. There were literally only a couple of dozen areas of text of particular importance to me, that were not pre-highlighted by the author. It's almost as though Claude and I were reading and annotating the text together many times in this book.
This is a resource of extremely valuable information assembled with genuine care, attention to detail, and a genuine passion and love for the subject matter by the author.
A copy of this book should be in every persons reference library. There is a broad and pervasive resonance of intelligence and order in our universe, and this book takes the reader well down the pathway of understanding how it works... why resonance connects us all, and how we can be aware of and make use of natural laws that govern the flow and applications of this resonance.
I purchased both The Syncronized Universe and this book Life Force, The Scientific Basis
This will be an initial review of the book, not so much a critical review of the contents (I'll provide that after a complete and detailed reading).
Quality: the Book is very well produced. Excellent binding, cover, and interior. This book is 8 1/2 by 11" size and printed on good quality paper stock. This is a very good quality paperback product.
First Impressions: A quick review of contents inside, I have to say, the writing style is clear, easy to read and follow, yet does not gloss over topics. It reads exactly as Claude talks (if you have seen youtubes of Claude you will understand what I mean).
Once I read fully read and digest the book, I'll update this review.
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Old timer
3.0 out of 5 starsIt is a good book and I like it, but it is big and requires a lot of effort to read it.
Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2016
Depending on your science background, this book could range from a 1 star to a 5 star book. It is undoubtedly not for people without a science background and no interest in Western Science as evidenced by the 1star review. For him it was a bad book, but certainly not for thirty 5 star reviewers, and I vote with them. This book reviews about a century of research that for the most part starts in the mid 1900s, but occasionally goes back a bit further. It may be the best or even the only good integration of recent physics and healing research available. Swanson says some researchers complained about research publications telling them if their research is not main stream it is too controversial to publish. This may be because of an opinion I read somewhere that some scientists don’t want to hear that the twentieth century science they learned may no longer be the basic reality. These scientists may not be comfortable with significant change. A new generation of scientists and education may be needed for The Life Force to be widely accepted. The ESP and “miracle” healing research reviews seem valid, but some people may not believe them. His target audience clearly describes it as an excellent 5 star book. However, when I read through much of the book I was often referring back to earlier parts of the book I didn’t understand adequately. I give it only 3 stars because after my first reading/ rereading, I expect it may take me two more readings to get my understanding up somewhere near where the “next generation” will be. It might have helped to read part one of his series first, but I would rather have started with this book. Swanson’s writing makes the research understandable and the book has good reference detail, it certainly is an interesting book. I have related graduate education, but I believe it can be understood by an intelligent person who does not have a good science education, wants to know more about health and science, and is willing to spend the time. I sometimes reference the Internet for information, but be careful about what you read. I like the Wikipedia for technical information, but they surprised me by saying that energy medicine is pseudoscience, they may agree with the research publications comment above.
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From the United States

Old timer
3.0 out of 5 stars It is a good book and I like it, but it is big and requires a lot of effort to read it.Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2016
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Depending on your science background, this book could range from a 1 star to a 5 star book. It is undoubtedly not for people without a science background and no interest in Western Science as evidenced by the 1star review. For him it was a bad book, but certainly not for thirty 5 star reviewers, and I vote with them. This book reviews about a century of research that for the most part starts in the mid 1900s, but occasionally goes back a bit further. It may be the best or even the only good integration of recent physics and healing research available. Swanson says some researchers complained about research publications telling them if their research is not main stream it is too controversial to publish. This may be because of an opinion I read somewhere that some scientists don’t want to hear that the twentieth century science they learned may no longer be the basic reality. These scientists may not be comfortable with significant change. A new generation of scientists and education may be needed for The Life Force to be widely accepted. The ESP and “miracle” healing research reviews seem valid, but some people may not believe them. His target audience clearly describes it as an excellent 5 star book. However, when I read through much of the book I was often referring back to earlier parts of the book I didn’t understand adequately. I give it only 3 stars because after my first reading/ rereading, I expect it may take me two more readings to get my understanding up somewhere near where the “next generation” will be. It might have helped to read part one of his series first, but I would rather have started with this book. Swanson’s writing makes the research understandable and the book has good reference detail, it certainly is an interesting book. I have related graduate education, but I believe it can be understood by an intelligent person who does not have a good science education, wants to know more about health and science, and is willing to spend the time. I sometimes reference the Internet for information, but be careful about what you read. I like the Wikipedia for technical information, but they surprised me by saying that energy medicine is pseudoscience, they may agree with the research publications comment above.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Once Again My Compliments To ClaudeReviewed in the United States on January 8, 2014
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Update: I have now had some quality time to read and digest this book, with the following additional comments:
This is indeed an amazing book. While much of the information contained within is known and available elsewhere, this book is the first and only time I have observed it all to be in on location. This a superb reference for all thing related to energetic healing, communications, and influencing at a distance. Regardless of your specific area of interest (mine is bioenergy devices), I believe any serious student of the nature and characteristics of what is broadly classified as "life force" will find this book invaluable. I also admire that the author presents what is known, what has been experimentally proven, and what is subjective or unproven as the information is presented. He presents the reader with information in an objective research point of perspective and does not lead the reader on any agenda or forced outcome.
I also found the format to be outstanding. Every information element is cataloged and presented in a very coherent manner, with cross reference notations forward/backward within the text to information previously presented or to be presented later. Key messages of importance are presented in bold text and underlined, and I personally found them to very closely match text that I myself would have marked for emphasis. There were literally only a couple of dozen areas of text of particular importance to me, that were not pre-highlighted by the author. It's almost as though Claude and I were reading and annotating the text together many times in this book.
This is a resource of extremely valuable information assembled with genuine care, attention to detail, and a genuine passion and love for the subject matter by the author.
A copy of this book should be in every persons reference library. There is a broad and pervasive resonance of intelligence and order in our universe, and this book takes the reader well down the pathway of understanding how it works... why resonance connects us all, and how we can be aware of and make use of natural laws that govern the flow and applications of this resonance.
I purchased both The Syncronized Universe and this book Life Force, The Scientific Basis
This will be an initial review of the book, not so much a critical review of the contents (I'll provide that after a complete and detailed reading).
Quality: the Book is very well produced. Excellent binding, cover, and interior. This book is 8 1/2 by 11" size and printed on good quality paper stock. This is a very good quality paperback product.
First Impressions: A quick review of contents inside, I have to say, the writing style is clear, easy to read and follow, yet does not gloss over topics. It reads exactly as Claude talks (if you have seen youtubes of Claude you will understand what I mean).
Once I read fully read and digest the book, I'll update this review.
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Justin Coven, Ph.D.
5.0 out of 5 stars Who knew there was so much Scientific Proof?Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2013
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An absolutely incredible compendium of research relating to Life Force/Subtle Energy. Covers research from the 1850's to the present and from all over the world. Includes tables, charts, graphs, explanations, and references for each experiment, so you learn not just the results but also the why. Covers every topic imaginable in the field (scientific basis of the life force). This should be in every researches library and should be read. It is a very big book and takes a long time to go through, but by doing so you gain an incredible understanding and appreciation of the field.
The only weak point is the author's own model. The problem is that he starts with the conventional model of physics (relativity, quantum mechanics, quarks, ...), which is flawed. Every day new data is popping up where this model fails (i.e. they have to start fudging by introducing things like dark energy and matter). Of particular note is what Rupert Sheldrake discusses in "Science Set Free". He points out that the speed of light, and Gravity are actually varying and are not constants, with gravity varying in sidereal time. This implies (along with a lot of other evidence) that there is an ether. Paul Laviolette's "Subquantum Kinetics" is the most comprehensive model for the ether. His model actually has about five dozen advantages over the conventional model from a data matching perspective and is far simpler from a number of model elements perspective than the conventional model. Using Subquantum Kinetics the Torsion Field discussed by Claude and others makes much more sense. The Subquantum Kinetics model includes etheron's that interact like chemicals, and the interaction of these etherons creates standing spinning fields (like spherical tornadoes). It is these tornadoes that are elementary particle. Like a tornado there would be spin not just in the particle but also a milder spin around it. This fits very well with many of the Torsion Field experiments Claude discussed.
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Jeanne Garner
5.0 out of 5 stars Delighted with the content of this book!Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2012
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Dr. Shealy recommended this book in one of his books on energy healing, and I am so grateful that he did. This is one of the most complete books on this topic that I have seen anywhere, and it appears to be thoroughly researched. Editing is excellent as well.
If I had any gripes at all, it would be the SIZE of the book. Books with this much information would necessarily be huge, but this book is so big that one almost requires a luggage cart to carry it around! Not a book you can tuck into your bag to read in the checkout line, that's for sure! So my request to the author and publishers: PLEASE PUT THIS BOOK ON KINDLE, for easier reading.
Actually, purchasing a Kindle version and the paper version would the best of all possible worlds. Amazon, author, publisher--please make it so!
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Dr David Shuch
5.0 out of 5 stars A deeply researched book, bringing together many anomalous phenomena ...Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2016
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A deeply researched book, bringing together many anomalous phenomena, and putting a plausable theoretical construct around them all. Though it could have benefitted from some editing, it is worth the read for those interested in theories of consciousness.
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Toni Delgado
5.0 out of 5 stars great book!!Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2015
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An intriguing look at what "science" ignores... gives detailed descriptions of much of what makes our world/multiverse "tick" but is decided as unscientific by mainstream. Gives a lot to ponder.
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5.0 out of 5 stars TORSION FIELDSReviewed in the United States on April 26, 2011
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Volume 2 is much better. In this volume, the author introduces the reader to the works of Dr I.M. SHAKHPARONOV and his torsion field research. I checked it out and found out that V.A. Filimonov and William J. Hooper also worked with the idea. Both require two opposite traveling energy fields. Little is known about this research. This mysterious field is devoid of measurable magnetic flux yet has a energy that circulates around its generator. Here is my intrepretation of the book: It creates mysterious effects around non-linear objects such as wood (page 340), the electric field can be cancelled to create a different effect (page 329), it may be able to pierce into parallel universes (page 620), and alter electron trajectories (page 565). Its ability to pierce into other dimensions would endow it with the ability of quantum entanglement without physical contact (page 506). Within our bodies, photons are coupled with excitons at tetrahertz frequencies to generate Polaritons followed by acoustic phonon emissions (page 499). Interference occurs between two condensates that act like independent sources of matter waves with an arbitrary phase difference between them. (page 621). Compare this research with US Patent 5845220. I highly recommend this book to get new ideas.
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Terri O
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful book!Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2010
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This book is an excellent synthesis of the various types of subtle energies. It is easy to read with personal experiences by the author. There is also excellent data that explains the phenomena. Dr. Swanson is a physicist who has written a wealth of information on the various paranormal experiences, with personal experiences and data to support the concepts. It is easy to turn to any section of the book and read about a particular topic of interest. Great book!!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Life Force: a scientific view of paranormalityReviewed in the United States on May 18, 2011
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This second volume of a series has gone further in some aspects than a similar series written by John Davidson which includes "Subtle Energy", "The secret of the creative vacuum" and "The Web of Life" at the end of the 1980s. There are plenty of interesting apparent facts and hidden ones as well in Swanson's review of different scientific works coming from scientists of different origins. I don't necessarily agree with all his conclusions or theories but Swanson has made a good start and has to be congratulated on writing about the work of people like Kozyrev and Allais about whom mainstream scientists have ignored or denigrated. Swanson, however, has not focused on the chronobiological and other aspects of Allais' work. This book could be called a turning point in science compared to the end-of-science books on the market today. I would recommend scientists and amateurs to take a closer look at the complete works of Kozyrev and Allais together with knowledge, for example, of "What is life?" by Erwin Schrodinger on one hand and sacred science, "Homage to Pythagoras" edited by Christopher Bamford and "Beyond Measure" by Jay Kappraff on the other hand. First try to find an answer to Schrodinger's question "Why must our bodies be so large compared with the atom?" Then try a simple exercise. Find the connection between "Le Temple de L'Homme" and Kozyrev's work using the first sacred science book just mentioned. You haven't a clue? Try these. The Egyptian word mht means "north" and the word mhn refers to the diadem itself that encircles the King's head. So Swanson's books would seem to be a step in the right direction and with further understanding we should expect a third volume or even more.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Everyone should read this book in high schoolReviewed in the United States on May 4, 2013
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This work should be essential knowledge for all high school level students.
Success and happiness will flow naturally if a young person is embed with the profound perspectives of Dr. Claude Swanson and that of Dr. Bruce Lipton
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