Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order
by Lloyd Lee Wilson check NA meeting
4.30 · Rating details · 30 ratings · 5 reviews
Paperback, 200 pages
Published March 28th 1997 by Pendle Hill Publications
Original Title

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Jan 29, 2019Rhiannon Grant rated it really liked it
Shelves: liberal-quaker-theology, quakerism, theology-and-philosophy, library-wb
An interesting set of essays with a clear and Christ-centred approach to Gospel Order.
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Jun 02, 2019K rated it it was amazing
Shelves: quaker, philosophy-spirituality, quaker-book-group
Wow! This a book to read and keep and reference again and again if you are Quaker or a seeker in general.
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Jun 29, 2017Shannon rated it really liked it
Shelves: quaker-books
Really deepened my thinking about Quakerism. I am from the liberal wing of Quakerism so some of the "Godly" language required translation, but I really appreciated the perspective offered here. ...more
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Feb 08, 2009Jonathan rated it really liked it
Lloyd Lee Wilson lays out the Quaker (Conservative) understanding of community life and worship.
My favorite quote:
"...each worshiper brings that amount of silence which (s)he has been able to nurture through daily practices and disciplines, and together the assembly creates a larger silence, in which the eternally present divine Word may be more clearly heard" (35). (less)
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Aug 26, 2012Carl Williams rated it it was amazing
Shelves: spirituality-and-religion, quaker-quaker-ish-quaker-lite, essays-and-other-non-fiction
A deep, spirit-led group of essays that manage to be both nurturing and challenging. Highly recommended.