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Lord Willing?

Simple Pleasures
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Trouble I've Seen
![[Trouble I've Seen]](
Christian. Muslim. Friend.

Rewilding the Way
![[Rewilding the Way]](
Coming for VBS 2016
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Lord Willing?
Wrestling with God's Role in My Child's Death

Does God’s perfect plan really includethis?
When her young son was diagnosed with brain cancer, Jessica Kelley couldn’t stomach Christian clichés. God’s will? Divine design? The Lord’s perfect plan? In Lord Willing?, Kelley boldly tackles one of the most difficult questions of the Christian life: if God is all-powerful and all-loving, why do we suffer? For Kelley, this question takes an even more painful and personal turn: did God lack the power or the desire to spare her four-year-old son?
For those dissatisfied with easy answers to why evil and tragedy occur, Lord Willing? offers a refreshing, hopeful journey straight to the heart of God. Be prepared for something more beautiful, more pure, and more healing than you can dare to imagine.
Simple Pleasures
Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother
![[Simple Pleasures]](
Young Amish homemaker Marianne Jantzi invites readers into her family’s life on the snowy plains of Ontario. The mother of four young children and wife of a storekeeper, Jantzi writes about her daily routines and heartfelt faith with equal measures of wit and warmth. Sewing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, and helping to manage the store take up most hours in her day, but Jantzi finds time to pen columns for the Connection, a magazine beloved by Amish and Mennonite readers across the United States and Canada. Never sugarcoating the frustrations of motherhood, Jantzi tells it like it is, broken washing machine and bickering children and all. But through her busy days, Jantzi finds strength in simple pleasures of family, fellowship with her Amish community, and quiet time with God.
A Parent's Guide to Sanity in the World of Youth Sports

David King and Margot Starbuck offer good news for Christian parents stressed out by these questions and stretched thin by the demands of competitive youth sports. Join King, athletic director at a Christian university, and Starbuck, an award-winning author and speaker, as they investigate seven myths about what’s best for young athletes. Discover with them what it means to not be conformed to the patterns of the youth sports world. Listen in as they talk to other parents, pastors, and coaches about the peril and promise of children’s sports. Learn practical ways to set boundaries and help kids gain healthy identities as beloved children of God—both on and off the field, and whether they win or lose.
Click here for a free study guide to Overplayed.
Trouble I've Seen
Changing the Way the Church Views Racism
![[Trouble I've Seen]](
In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G. I. Hart places police brutality, mass incarceration, anti-black stereotypes, poverty, and everyday acts of racism within the larger framework of white supremacy. He argues that white Christians have repeatedly gotten it wrong about race because dominant culture and white privilege have so thoroughly shaped their assumptions. He also challenges black Christians about neglecting the most vulnerable in their own communities. Leading readers toward Jesus, Hart offers concrete practices for churches that seek solidarity with the oppressed and are committed to racial justice.
Christian. Muslim. Friend.
Twelve Paths to Real Relationship
— W I N N E R —
2016 Christianity Today Book Award
for Mission/The Global Church
2016 Christianity Today Book Award
for Mission/The Global Church

Can Christians and Muslims be friends? Real friends? David Shenk lays out twelve ways that Christians can form authentic relationships with Muslims—characterized by respect, hospitality, and candid dialogue—while still bearing witness to the Christ-centered commitments of their faith. Rooted in fifty years of friendship with Muslims in Somalia, Kenya, and the United States, this book will inspire readers with astounding stories of the author's animated conversations with Muslim clerics, visits to countless mosques around the globe, and the pastors and imams who are working for peace.
Rewilding the Way
Break Free to Follow an Untamed God
![[Rewilding the Way]](
When did we become so tame? How has "the good life" come to mean addiction to screens and status, fossil fuels and financial fitness? Can we break free to become the joyful and prophetic people God calls us to be? Trek along with wilderness guide Todd Wynward as he "rewilds" the Jesus Way. Seek the feral foundations of Scripture and the lessons that the prophets and disciples gleaned from wilderness testing. Packed with inspiring stories of how contemporary people and groups are caring for the land and each other, Rewilding the Way issues a call to action.
Get a free chapter here.
Coming for VBS 2016
Surprise! Stories of Discovering Jesus
Jesus surprised the people he met! People in the temple were amazed by the conversations and questions they had with a boy named Jesus. Hungry people in a crowd had more than enough food to eat when Jesus provided plenty of food. Two travelers were sad that Jesus died, but then they were surprised when Jesus started walking alongside them! With each surprise, people discovered more about Jesus. Are you ready to be surprised by Jesus? Are you ready to ask questions and discover more about him? Then come along on the journey, open your eyes, and see what you will find!
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