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Louis Massignon

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Louis Massignon
Louis Massignon.jpg
Born25 July 1883
Died31 October 1962 (aged 79)
TitleChair of Muslim Sociology and Sociography
Spouse(s)Marcelle Dansaert-Testelin
Academic background
EducationLycée Louis-le-Grand
Alma materCollège de France
Academic work
DisciplineOriental Studies
Sub-disciplineArab and Islamic Studies
InstitutionsCollège de France
Notable worksAnnuaire du Monde Musulman
La passion de Hussayn Ibn Mansûr an-Hallâj

Louis Massignon (25 July 1883 – 31 October 1962) was a Catholic scholar of Islam and a pioneer of Catholic-Muslim mutual understanding.[1] He was an influential figure in the twentieth century with regard to the Catholic church's relationship with Islam. He focused increasingly on the work of Mahatma Gandhi, whom he considered a saint. He also played a role in Islam being accepted as an Abrahamic Faith among Catholics. Some scholars maintain that his research, esteem for Islam and Muslims, and cultivation of key students in Islamic studies largely prepared the way for the positive vision of Islam articulated in the Lumen gentium and the Nostra aetate at the Second Vatican Council.[1] Although a Catholic himself, he tried to understand Islam from within and thus had a great influence on the way Islam was seen in the West; among other things, he paved the way for a greater openness inside the Catholic Church towards Islam as it was documented in the pastoral Vatican II declaration Nostra aetate.


Louis Massignon was born in Nogent-sur-Marne near Paris, France. His father, Fernand Massignon (1855–1922), a painter and a sculptor under the pseudonym Pierre Roche, was an intimate friend of novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans. Huysmans' own conversion to Roman Catholicism was one of the first major inspirations of the young Louis in a friendly tutorial relationship that lasted from 1901 till Huysmans' death in 1907. From 1911 he edited a journal on Islamic world, Revue du monde musulman.[2]

His daughter was the linguist and ethnographer, Geneviève Massignon.


Louis Massignon started his studies at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris (1896) where he befriended his classmate Henri Maspero, later a renowned sinologist. Following his "baccalauréat" (1901) he went on a first trip to Algeria where his family had relations, and ties with high colonial officers: Henry de Vialar, Henry de Castries, and Alfred Le Chatelier, the founder of the Chair of Muslim Sociology at the Collège de France in Paris. In 1902, he continued his studies, graduating "licencié ès-lettres" on an essay on Honoré d'Urfé and embarking on the first of his many Arab subjects: the corporations of Fez in the 15th century. Exploring the sources of his study in Morocco in 1904 he vowed to dedicate himself to the study of Arabic after a dangerous confrontation in the desert. In 1906, he received his "diplome d'études supèrieures" on the strength of his study.[3]

Conversion to Christianity[edit]

In 1907, he was sent on an archeological mission to Mesopotamia. In Baghdad he was the guest of the great Muslim family of the Alusi, who introduced him to the brand of Arab hospitality[4] he was to honour throughout his life. It was the Alusi who saved him from a very dangerous situation in the desert when in 1908—during the ferment of the Turkish revolution—he was captured as a "spy" and almost killed. (The Alusi also helped him gather the sources for his magnum opus on Al-Hallaj.)

This situation of captivity, and the experience of Muslim spirituality, also brought about his conversion to Christianity: In mortal danger, which filled him with extreme, physical anguish, he first felt remorse for his past life, made an abortive and tentative suicide attempt, fell into a delirium and a state of great agitation (later diagnosed as either malaria, a stroke caused by sun and fatigue), and finally experienced the presence of God as a "visitation of a Stranger", who overwhelmed him, leaving him passive and helpless, feeling judged for having judged others harshly, and almost making him lose his very sense of identity. Yet he also experienced this visitation as a liberation from his (outer) captivity, and a promise that he was going to return to Paris.[5] He himself interpreted the state of delirium as a "reaction of [his] brain to the forced conversion of [his] soul".[6]

He recovered rapidly from his illness, had a second spiritual experience and travelled to Beirut accompanied by an Iraqi Carmelite priest, Père Anastase-Marie de Saint Elie. In Beirut, he made a confession to Père Anastase, thus confirming his conversion to Catholicism.

Massignon strongly felt that he was assisted in his encounter with God and in his conversion by the intercession of living and deceased friends, among them Joris-Karl Huysmans[7] and Charles de Foucauld (1858–1916), who had also experienced God in a Muslim context. Thus, his conversion provided a firm basis for his lifelong association with the latter. He made Massignon the executor of his spiritual legacy: the Directoire—the Rule for the foundation of the Little Brothers of Jesus, which Louis Massignon duly saw to publication in 1928 after a long hesitation by the Church authorities over the imprimatur.

However, Massignon did not follow Foucauld's invitation to join him in his life as a hermit among the Tuareg in Tamanrasset. Instead, in January 1914, he married a cousin, Marcelle Dansaert-Testelin.

Activities in World War I[edit]

During World War I he was a translating officer for the 2ième Bureau (Second Bureau-French Intelligence) at the headquarters of the 17th French colonial division, in which capacity he was affected to the Sykes-Picot Agreement mission (1917) as a temporary captain acting on his experience as an Arabist and an Islamist, after a spell of his own volition as an infantry second-lieutenant at the Macedonian front (1916) where he was twice mentioned in dispatches and awarded a medal for bravery.

At the Sykes-Picot Mission he became acquainted with T. E. Lawrence, with whom he had several friendly interviews among others on the Handbook for Arabia, which served as an example for his own Annuaire du Monde Musulman. They both shared the same sense of honour and betrayal after the collapse of the Arab-Anglo-French relationship on the disclosure of the (1917) Balfour Declaration. Massignon does not figure among the friends in Lawrence's published letters, which does not mean that Lawrence did not take an intellectual interest in the subsequent contributions to Arabism by Massignon since, it will be remembered[8] he had started his own career as a keen Francophile.

Scholarly work after World War I[edit]

On June 15, 1919, Massignon was provisionally appointed to the Chair of Muslim Sociology and Sociography at the Collège de France in Paris, as a successor to its creator, Alfred le Chatelier. He was finally given the chair in January 1926, when Le Chatelier retired. He conducted research on various subjects related to Islam, such as the lives of the 10th century mystic al-Hallaj, Muhammad's companion Salman Pak and the significance of Abraham for the three Abrahamic religions.

His four-volume doctoral thesis on Hallaj appeared in 1922. It was criticized by many as giving prominence to a relatively marginal figure in Islam: especially sharp criticism appears in Edward Said's Orientalism. Likewise, his great openness for Islam was seen with skeptical eyes by many Catholics.

Religious commitments[edit]

In the 1930s, Francis of Assisi played a great role in his life: In 1931, Massignon became a Franciscan tertiary and took the name of "Ibrahim". On February 9, 1934, he and Mary Kahil, a friend from his youth, prayed at the abandoned Franciscan church of DamiettaEgypt, where Francis of Assisi had met Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil in 1219. They took a vow of Badaliya (Arabicsubstitution), offering their lives for the Muslims, "not so they would be converted, but so that the will of God might be accomplished in them and through them". This vow led to the formal foundation of the Badaliya prayer association in 1947.

Encouraged by Mary Kahil and with the permission of Pope Pius XII, he became a Melkite Greek Catholic on February 5, 1949, which meant he still remained in the Catholic Church, but was no longer affiliated with the Roman Rite. Instead the Melkite Church consists of Arab Catholics and its Byzantine Rite liturgy is celebrated in Arabic. This indirectly allowed Massignon to be closer to Arab Christians and Muslims alike.

As a Greek Catholic, he could be ordained as a priest although he was married (yet it was not for this reason that he had had himself transferred to Greek Catholicism). He was ordained by Bishop Kamel Medawar on January 28, 1950, with the permission of Patriarch Maximos IV, despite some opposition from the Holy See, which, however, finally accepted his priestly ordination. Being a priest meant for Massignon offering his life in substitution for others, especially for the Muslims.

Political commitment after World War II[edit]

People fasting against torture during the Algeria War, Paris, 1957 (Lanza del Vasto, Louis Massignon, and others).

After World War II, while still remaining active as a scholar, his focus of attention shifted to political action to help Muslims and Arab Christians. In this he followed the model of Mahatma Gandhi and his principles of non-violent action (ahimsa and satyagraha). (He was also president of the Amis de Gandhi association.) He made it clear that he did not hope for success in all his areas of action, but that, first and foremost, he wanted to bear witness to Truth and Justice, just as Jesus Christ had done.

He committed himself to the following (in chronological order):

Dialogue was very important for him; he also talked to the Iranian religious sociologist Ali Shariati who would later become extremely influential as a modernist Muslim thinker in Iran. Shariati had immense respect for Massignon and adored him as a teacher and a master in his book Kavir (book).

Massignon died on October 30, 1962, and was buried on November 6 in PordicBrittanyLouis Gardet, his friend and colleague, assisted in the posthumous edition of Louis Massignon's work La passion de Hussayn Ibn Mansûr an-Hallâj, published in 1975.


Among his students were many scholarly luminaries:

Religious views[edit]

While firmly rooted in Catholic faith, Massignon was inspired by Islamic theology and practice as well, which made him a very independent thinker in religious matters, while he avoided any kind of heresy.

Religious beliefs[edit]

Massignon's faith can be characterized by the basic concepts of sacred hospitality and mystical substitution (Arabicbadaliya).

Sacred hospitality[edit]

Sacred hospitality, a concept that was inspired by the Islamic commandment of hospitality, demands, in Massignon's eyes to accept anyone and even serve him without wanting to change him or wishing him to be different. It is also rooted in the life of Jesus Christ, "who asked for hospitality and died on a cross", thereby accepting even the violence of his executioners.[9]

This concept also forms the basis for his strong belief in peaceful coexistence among different ethnicities, which made him speak out against the displacement of the Arabs from Palestine, as well as (at least initially) the decolonization of Algeria that implied the emigration of the French Algerians and Algerian Jews, the Pieds noirs, and the end of a multi-religious Algeria.

Substitution and intercession[edit]

The concept of mystical substitution was first suggested to Massignon by Huysmans' biography of Saint Lydwine of Schiedam, "whose life exemplified the writer's belief that one could atone for the sins of others by offering up one's suffering on their behalf." This is also, ultimately, a concept inspired by Jesus Christ, whose suffering on the Cross, according to Saint Paul, redeemed mankind from sin.

He also believed in the power of intercession—i.e., of praying for others—and had felt this power himself, especially during his conversion to Christianity.

Following this idea, Massignon wanted to dedicate his whole life as a substitute for the Muslims, not necessarily so that they would be converted (not putting up with their difference for religion would have been against his idea of sacred hospitality) but that God's will would be fulfilled through them. He also saw his becoming a priest later in life as a way of offering up his life for others.

View of Islam[edit]

In Massignon's view, Islam is a religion based on Muhammad's genuine inspiration, which made him see the oneness (tawhid) of God. This inspiration was completed by research in which Muhammad found the origins of the Arab people in the Biblical person of Ismael.[10] He thus sees the revelation in Islam as a "mysterious answer of (divine) grace to Abraham's prayer for Ismael and the Arab race".[11]

Massignon believes revelation to occur in three stages, the first being that of the patriarchs, to whom natural religion was revealed, second the revelation of the Law to Moses and third, Christ and his revelation of Divine Love.[12] Islam is, in his eyes, a return to the natural religion of the patriarchs, "where God's essence cannot be known" and where man only has to accept what has been revealed to him about God's qualities and follow His laws, without seeking union with Him through these laws.[13]

This model of different stages explains, according to Massignon, the differences in moral questions between Islam on the one hand and Judaism and Christianity on the other hand, such as Islam's permission of polygamy or its acceptance of war. It would therefore be absurd to criticize Muhammad for his polygamy, his warfare; there was just nothing bad about it for him. Furthermore, polygamy was well accepted and routinely practiced by Judaism before Islam, as per many wives of King David, King Solomon, and even Moses himself.[14]

Massignon often talks of Islam as a naive and primitive religion but far from looking at Muslim faith with disdain, he sees in its existence of Islam a protest of those excluded by the Alliances of God with the Jews and Christian, and a criticism of the infidelity of the Elected, the Jews and Christians.[11] Christians should therefore see themselves challenged by the presence of Islam to live a life of a simple sainthood, which it is hard, yet not impossible, to attain from a Muslim background,[15] and whose truth they can understand.

Given their common origin in Abraham, Christians should always approach Muslims as brothers in Abraham "united by the same spirit of faith and sacrifice", and offer up their lives for the salvation of the Muslims in mystical substitution, "giving to Jesus Christ, in the name of their brothers, the faith, adoration and love that an imperfect knowledge of the Gospel does not permit them to give". He thus wants to integrate them into salvation given by Christ without them having to become Christians themselves; an external conversion does not seem necessary to him, he rather envisages an "internal conversion" of Muslims within Islam.[16]

He also sees some potential for further development of revelation within Islam: Islam saw it as its original mission, according to Massignon, to spread the message of the oneness of God even by means of violence so as to force all idol-worshippers to acknowledge it.[17] Yet, there is also a tendency of Islam towards non-violence, to be recognized most clearly in the self-offering on Mount Arafat during the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca.[18] Massignon believes that the self-offering of Muslim saints in substitution for their brothers can make Islam go ahead on the way of revelation. He even showed great admiration for some of Islam's saints, especially for al-Hallaj.

Political views[edit]

Massignon's political action was guided by a belief in peaceful coexistence of different peoples and religions (which ultimately derived from his religious concept of sacred hospitality), and by the Gandhian principles of non-violent actions (satyagraha and ahimsa).

Appraisal and criticism[edit]

Catholic view of Massignon[edit]

Although always remaining faithful to Catholicism and avoiding any suspicion of syncretism, Massignon's views were seen critically by many Catholics who considered him a syncretist, a "Catholic Muslim", although this was also used as a compliment by Pope Pius XI.[19]

Massignon's appreciation of Islam was seminal for the change in Catholic view of Islam as it is reflected in the Vatican II declaration Nostra aetate, which shows a greater appreciation of Islam and next to the traditional missionary approach also talks of respectful dialogue with other religions. He died shortly after the opening of Vatican II, but his contacts with popes Pius XIPius XII, and John XXIII helped pave the way for this re-orientation.[20]

Criticisms of Massignon's focus[edit]

Massignon was sometimes criticized by Muslims for giving too much importance to Muslim figures that are considered somewhat marginal by Islamic mainstream, such as al-Hallaj and for paying too much attention to Sufism, and too little to Islamic legalism.[21]

Edward Said, a non-Muslim Arab-American scholar, wrote Massignon used Hallaj "to embody, to incarnate, values essentially outlawed by the mainstream doctrinal system of Islam, a system that Massignon himself described mainly in order to circumvent it with al-Hallaj".[22]

Views of his students[edit]

In his thesis L'Islam dans le Miroir de l'Occident (1963), his Dutch student J. J. Waardenburg gave the following synthesis of Massignon's precepts: "1°- God is free to reveal Himself when and how He wants. 2°- The action of God is exercised in the world of grace that may also be outside Christianity; it can be found in Islam, in the mystical vocations. 3°- The religious discovery has an existential character, the religious object has a significance for the seeker. 4°- Religious science is a religious study in the proper sense of the word: it is a discovery of grace (i.e., the work of the Saint-Esprit, Rûh Allah, Holy Ghost)."[23]

A "Catholic, scholar, Islamicist, and mystic" is how Seyyed Hossein Nasr describes him in his homage at the 1983 commemoration of the 100th birthday of Louis Massignon.

  • Catholic: He played a key role in the acceptance by religious authority of the Rule for the Little Brothers of Jesus as dictated by Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858–1916).
  • Scholar: At the age of 29 (1912–1913) he delivered a series of 40 lectures in Arabic on the history of philosophy at the Egyptian University of Cairo; from 1922 till 1954 he was entitled the Chair of Muslim Sociology created in 1902 by Alfred Le Chatelier at the Collège de France with support of AlgeriaTunisia, and Morocco.
  • Islamicist: He pioneered the studies of early Sufism in the west in two major contributions; 1°- Essay sur les origines du lexique technique de la mystique musulmane (Guenther ed., Paris 1922). 2°- La Passion d'al Hallâj (Guenther ed., Paris 1922.[24]
  • Mystic: He truly lived the deep spirituality of his faith in the inter-religious dialogue between Christianity and Islam; in a state described by Seyyed Hossein Nasr as manifesting "al-barakat al-isawiyyah".[25]

See also[edit]


  • Gude, Mary Louise (1996). Louis Massignon – The Crucible of CompassionNotre Dame IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
  • "Herbert Mason". Department of Religion, Boston University. Archived from the original on 7 May 2010. Retrieved 11 June 2010.
  • Borrmans, Maurice (1996). "Aspects Théologiques de la Pensée de Louis Massignon sur l'Islam". In Daniel Massignon (ed.). Louis Massignon et le dialogue des cultures (in French). Paris: Cerf. ISBN 9782204052702.
  • Mémorial Louis Massignon, Sous la direction de Youakim Moubarac et des textes arabes de Ibrahim Madkour, Abd al-Rahman Badawi, Taha Hussein, etc., Dar el-Salam, Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo, 1963. OCLC 20425710
  • Morillon, Jean. Massignon. Classiques du XXième Siècle, Editions Universitaires, Paris, 1964.
  • Moubarac, YouakimBibliographie de Louis Massignon. Réunie et classée par Y. Moubarac, Institut Français de Damas, Damascus, 1956. OCLC 61507397
  • ––. Pentalogie Islamo-chrétienne, Volume 1: L’œuvre de Louis Massignon, Editions du Cénacle Libanais, Beirut, 1972. OCLC 1054570
  • Nasr, Seyyed HosseinIn commemoration of Louis Massignon: Catholic, Scholar, Islamist and Mystic. University of Boston, November 18, 1983 in: Présence de Louis Massignon-Hommages et témoinages Maisonneuve et Larose ed. Paris 1987


  1. Jump up to:a b Krokus, Christian (Fall 2012). "Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in Louis Massignon's Appropriation of Gandhi as a modern saint"Eucumenical Studies47 (4): 525. ISSN 0022-0558. Retrieved 3 March 2019.
  2. ^ Ahmet Kavas (2008). "Revue du monde musulman (RMM)"Islam Ansiklopedisi (in Turkish). Vol. 35.
  3. ^ Massignon, Louis (1906). Le Maroc dans les prémieres années du 16ième siecle - Tableau géographique d'après Leon l'Africain. Alger: Adolphe Jourdan.
  4. ^ Seidel, Kathleen (2000). "Serving the Guest: A Sufi Cookbook and Art Gallery"www.superluminal.com.
  5. ^ Gude 1996, pp. 39–46.
  6. ^ Gude 1996, p. 46.
  7. ^ Wessinger, Catherine (2011). The Oxford Handbook of MillennialismOxford HandbooksOxford University Pressp. 557ISBN 9780199909902.
  8. ^ Wilson, Jeremy. "Lawrence of Arabia" The authorised biography of E. T. Lawrence 1989 ISBN 0-7493-9133-2, index s.v. France.
  9. ^ Gude 1996, p. xii.
  10. ^ Borrmans 1996, pp. 119f.
  11. Jump up to:a b Borrmans 1996, p. 122.
  12. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 128.
  13. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 118.
  14. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 129.
  15. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 127.
  16. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 130.
  17. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 121.
  18. ^ Borrmans 1996, p. 124.
  19. ^ Anawati, Georges (1996). "Louis Massignon et le dialogue islamo-chrétien". In Daniel Massignon (ed.). Louis Massignon et le dialogue des cultures (in French). Paris: Cerf. p. 266. ISBN 9782204052702.
  20. ^ Waardenburg, Jacques (1996). "L'approche dialogique de Louis Massignon". In Daniel Massignon (ed.). Louis Massignon et le dialogue des cultures (in French). Paris: Cerf. p. 186. ISBN 9782204052702.
  21. ^ Gude 1996, p. 116.
  22. ^ Said, Edward (2003) [1979]. Orientalism (25th Anniversary ed.). New York City: Vintage.
  23. ^ Also see Sufi studies.
  24. ^ Translated by his student Herbert Mason as The Passion of al-Hallâj, Princeton University Press, 1982.
  25. ^ Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1987). "In Commemoration of Louis Massignon: Catholic, Scholar, Islamicist and Mystic". Présence de Louis Massignon. Paris. Cited in Laude, Patrick (2011). Louis Massignon: The Vow and the Oath. Matheson Trust. p. 193n96ISBN 9781908092069.

Further reading[edit]

  • deSouza, Wendy (2013). "Hostility and Hospitality: Muhammad Qazvini's Critique of Louis Massignon". British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies40 (4): 378–391. doi:10.1080/13530194.2013.811630.

External links[edit]

Lecture, Mystical Tradition: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Mystical Tradition: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


Mystical Tradition: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Luke Timothy Johnson, Ph.D. Professor, Emory University

Course No. 6130
3.9  37 reviews
63% would recommend

Course Overview
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Luke Timothy Johnson, Ph.D.
I strive to make philosophy accessible and lovable to everyone. If everyone embraced philosophy, the world would be a much better place.

InstitutionEmory University

Alma materYale UniversityLearn More About This Professor

Course Overview

Mystical experiences and practices-including dramatic visions, direct communication with the divine, intense spiritual quests, and hermetic lifestyles-are commonly associated with Eastern cultures. They are thought to be far removed from the monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

But consider the following:Many of the most important figures in the Jewish Bible had experiences that can be interpreted as mystical, including Moses's conversation with God as the burning bush and Ezekiel's vision of the heavenly throne-chariot.
Jesus Christ, as a figure believed to be the incarnation of God, can be seen as representing the ultimate goal of mystical thought, the unification of human with divine.
The Islamic prophet Muhammad is believed to have experienced the call of God directly through the angel Gabriel, and throughout his life he reported incidents of mystical encounters, including the divine revelation of the Qur'an, the sacred text of Islam.

In these examples, we encounter a surprising truth: that each of the great three Abrahamic religious traditions-those religions that trace their origins back to the patriarch Abraham-holds the seeds for deep mystical contemplation. But what do most of us know about these mystics and the tradition they sustained?

In Mystical Tradition: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, you explore this spiritual, literary, and intellectual heritage in these great faiths as it unfolds over three millennia. In 36 enlightening, thought-provoking lectures, award-winning Professor Luke Timothy Johnson of Emory University offers nearly unprecedented access to these seldom studied traditions.

What Is Mysticism?

But what do we mean when we speak of Western mysticism? As Professor Johnson shows, there is no single or simple definition of mysticism. In some traditions, it is rooted in intellectual discipline. In others, it's based in devotion to prayer and fasting. In still others, it's defined by ecstatic experience-a glimpse of the divine given as a gift from above.

Just consider these diverse instances of mysticism:The writings of Jewish Kabbalah mystic Rabbi Abulafia, whose work includes practical directions for the achievement of religious ecstasy
The practice of hesychasm, through which medieval Christians recited the "Jesus prayer" to invite divine revelation
The theological texts of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a Muslim scholar who explored the mystical implications of love through breathtaking poetry

Mystical Tradition introduces you to the many faces of mysticism, from renowned scholars to simple people striving for personal enlightenment, throughout the centuries. You also contemplate questions about the nature of mysticism itself: How are we to understand mysticism-as literally true, as poetically true, or as a delusion? What is the future of mysticism? As it becomes detached and popularized apart from its religious faiths, can mystical observances retain their original character?

The course also offers a thought-provoking perspective on the nature of human spirituality. As Professor Johnson demonstrates, mystical strains of thought have permeated and influenced these three great religions for centuries, despite opposition from-and, in some cases, persecution by-the mainstream religious community. As you come to see, this persistence in the face of persecution reflects something about human nature: the need to pursue ultimate knowledge and union with a transcendent power.

A Unique Opportunity

For most students, this is a unique opportunity. Many of the sources Professor Johnson draws on are unavailable to general readers. Some of them have only recently been translated into English. Professor Johnson's course offers a first-time glimpse into this tradition.

A noted religious scholar and former Benedictine monk, Professor Johnson offers an intriguing, enlightening look into these seldom studied traditions and illuminates the rich and complex relationship between mystical contemplation and the Western traditions of faith.

But perhaps most importantly, he invites you to join him as you ponder a new way to understand faith, religion, and the essence of humanity. Explore with Professor Johnson the intriguing and enriching insights that await you in Mystical Tradition: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Hide Full Description

36 Lectures

Average 30 minutes each
1A Way into the Mystic Ways of the West
2Family Resemblances and Differences
3The Biblical Roots of Western Mysticism
4Mysticism in Early Judaism
5Merkabah Mysticism
6The Hasidim of Medieval Germany
7The Beginnings of Kabbalah
8Mature Kabbalah—Zohar
9Isaac Luria and Safed Spirituality
10Sabbatai Zevi and Messianic Mysticism
11The Ba'al Shem Tov and the New Hasidism
12Mysticism in Contemporary Judaism
13Mystical Elements in the New Testament
14Gnostic Christianity
15The Spirituality of the Desert
16Shaping Christian Mysticism in the East
17Eastern Monks and the Hesychastic Tradition
18The Mysticism of Western Monasticism
19Medieval Female Mystics
20Mendicants as Mystics
21English Mystics of the 14th Century
2215th- and 16th-Century Spanish Mystics
23Mysticism among Protestant Reformers
24Mystical Expressions in Protestantism
2520th-Century Mystics
26Muhammad the Prophet as Mystic
27The House of Islam
28The Mystical Sect—Shi'a
29The Appearance of Sufism
30Early Sufi Masters
31The Limits of Mysticism—Al-Ghazzali
32Two Masters, Two Streams
33Sufism in 12th–14th Century North Africa
34Sufi Saints of Persia and India
35The Continuing Sufi Tradition
36Mysticism in the West TodayHide Full Lecture List

What's Included?

☆☆☆☆☆4 out of 5 stars.
· 9 years ago

Vital introduction to crucial aspect of Faith

The purpose of studying this course was to gain an understanding of the place of mysticism within each of the Abrahamic Faiths.
Professor Johnson gave an insightful introduction of what is an absolutely essential tradition within each of Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Mysticism is the label he has given to the views, writings and actions of those believers who have claimed a direct apprehension of the Divine Realm; not the actual Divine in itself perhaps but attributes of the Divine that stand outside the physical world.
The mystics' claims are that Reason/rationality alone cannot allow us to reach such metaphysical knowledge; rather it is "illumination" or "Intellect" that is the pathway to this gnosis.

Professor Johnson shows two important lessons from the mystical tradition:

a) it is an essential feature of all three Abrahamic Faiths and

b) there is tremendous similarity across all 3 Faiths in the nature of the knowledge/gnosis that mysiticism reveals.

I have given "only" a 4 star because:

- clearly this is course that offers only a "bird's eye" view of the subject. Inevitable of course given it covers 2000+ years of history across three Faith traditions!
- the Professor's depth of knowledge of mysticism within Islam is nowhere near that of his in the other two Faiths. He acknowledges this and the lectures on Islam remain valuable introductions. But if you have read works on Sufism(which is the mystical tradition in Islam) by Louis Massignon, Anne Marie Schimmel or SH Nasr then you will note one or two not entirely accurate descriptions.

Despite the above the course is recommended as the extent of mysticism within each Tradition may not be well known outside scholarly circles and the commonality of vision amongst mystics across each of the 3 Faiths is even less well known.
I for one would absolutely purchase seperate courses (either 24 or 36 lectures) on mysticism within each Faith to augment the valuable introduction afforded by these lectures.

Recommends this product
✔ Yes

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☆☆☆☆☆1 out of 5 stars. DavidF · 11 years ago  
Islam and Judaism not accurately portrayed
The instructor of this course is not an expert in Judaism or Islam. His attempts to explain Hebrew and Arabic terms are laughably amateurish. As an expert in these languages and religions looking for a fun lecture, I was not satisfied. At one point, the professor accidently uses the wrong name for one of the medieval Jewish figures (Yehudah He-Hasid), getting it mixed up with a modern figure (Eliezer Ben Yehudah). In the lecture in which he tries to explain Arabic etymologies, the instructor gaffs at every turn. He even incorrectly tells the audience that a certain Arabic word (shirk) is the source for a familiar English word (shirk).

The unit on Christianity is good, but that is the instructor's area of research.

The Teaching Company strikes out with this production.

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The Wisdom of Zhuang Zi On Daoism Translated With Annotations and Commentaries by Chung Wu by Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi. Wu, Chung | PDF | Confucianism | Classical Chinese Philosophy

The Wisdom of Zhuang Zi On Daoism Translated With Annotations and Commentaries by Chung Wu by Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi. Wu, Chung | PDF | Confucianism | Classical Chinese Philosophy

The Wisdom of Zhuang Zi On Daoism 
Translated With Annotations and Commentaries 
by Chung Wu by Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi. Wu, Chung
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Original Title:The Wisdom of Zhuang Zi on Daoism Translated With Annotations and Commentaries by Chung Wu by Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi. Wu, Chung (Z-lib.org)
This book is concerned with the philosophy of Daoism based on the adapted beliefs of Zhuang Zi (369-286 B.C.), and not the religion of Daoism, which developed centuries later. A gifted philosopher and a literary giant as well as a keen observer and a humanist, Zhuang Zi developed Daoism in his own way. Furthermore, as a cynical philosopher, he was against the establishment and critical of the teachings of the sages.
Throughout the years there have been several editions of Zhuang Zi’s book with significant differences in certain parts of the text. Not every word in the book came from Zhuang Zi’s pen. Contributions were made by his disciples and there have been many changes to the original text: errors in hand copying the text, in mistaking notations for text, and in outright forgery throughout centuries. Chen Guying’s 1976 edition of the book, an eclectic study of all the editions that identifies probable forgeries, is used as the text reference in the present translation.
This work is the first translation to include annotations and commentaries in addition to hundreds of notes. These provisions will help guide readers to get the most out of the text. Courses related to Asian literature and philosophy would benefit greatly by using this book.
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About the Author
The Translator: Chung Wu received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Michigan. He is a frequent contributor to the arts and literature edition of the Central Daily News in Taipei, Taiwan, and he has published many essays in various monographs as well as entries in Collier’s Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Americana. Wu is also the author of The Essentials of the Yi Jing (I Ching) (2003) and An Advanced System for Playing Mahjong (1976).
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers; New edition (November 2, 2007)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 452 pages

Genuine Pretending: On the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi: Moeller, Hans-Georg, D'Ambrosio, Paul J.

Genuine Pretending: On the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi: Moeller, Hans-Georg, D'Ambrosio, Paul J.: 9780231183994: Books: Amazon.com

Genuine Pretending: On the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi Paperback – October 17, 2017
by Hans-Georg Moeller (Author), Paul J. D'Ambrosio (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars 48 ratings

from $27.42

Genuine Pretending is an innovative and comprehensive new reading of the Zhuangzi that highlights the critical and therapeutic functions of satire and humor.

 Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio show how this Daoist classic, contrary to contemporary philosophical readings, distances itself from the pursuit of authenticity and subverts the dominant Confucianism of its time through satirical allegories and ironical reflections.

With humor and parody, the Zhuangzi exposes the Confucian demand to commit to socially constructed norms as pretense and hypocrisy.
The Confucian pursuit of sincerity establishes exemplary models that one is supposed to emulate.
 In contrast, the Zhuangzi parodies such venerated representations of wisdom and deconstructs the very notion of sagehood. 
Instead, it urges a playful, skillful, and unattached engagement with socially mandated duties and obligations. 
The Zhuangzi expounds the Daoist art of what Moeller and D’Ambrosio call

“Genuine pretending”: the paradoxical skill of not only surviving but thriving by enacting social roles without being tricked into submitting to them or letting them define one’s identity. 

A provocative rereading of a Chinese philosophical classic, Genuine Pretending also suggests the value of a Daoist outlook today as a way of seeking existential sanity in an age of mass media’s paradoxical quest for originality.

<진정한 척>: 타인의 속임수에 굴복하거나 자신의 정체성을 타인이 정의하지 않게 하며 사회적 역할을 수행함으로써 생존뿐만 아니라 번성하는 역설적인 기술. 

중국 철학 고전을 도발적으로 재해석한 <진정한 척>은 또한 매스미디어가 독창성을 추구하는 역설적인 시대에 실존적 건전성을 추구하는 방법으로서 오늘날 도교적 관점의 가치를 시사한다.

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240 pages
Columbia University Press
Publication date
October 17, 2017

Editorial Reviews

[The book's] scholarship is first rate and the contribution original and timely. The authors offer genuinely illuminating and original readings of many of the widely discussed parts of the Zhuangzi. -- Barry Allen, author of Striking Beauty: A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts

A highly insightful new reading of the Zhuangzi that is exceptionally sensitive to both philosophical and textual subtleties, highlighting the key theme of genuine pretending―the adoption of multiple roles while maintaining a form of radical flexibility that prevents full identification, thereby allowing all roles to be at once fulfilled and transcended. -- Brook Ziporyn, author of Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism

Without ignoring the many and varied eccentricities found throughout the composite text of the Zhuangzi, D'Ambrosio and Moeller have presented an appropriately contextualized whole that is text-sensitive, highly original, and deeply incisive, satisfying for readers lay and expert alike. It is a new benchmark for the field. -- Henry Rosemont, author of Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion

Genuine Pretending is one of the best books, if not the best book, on the Zhuangzi,
since A.C. Graham's analysis of the text in Reason and Spontaneity. The book restores humor to the Zhuangzi. It moreover liberates whole Zhuangzi passages from dense thickets of Buddhist, Christian, and Freudian interpretations. And while I suspect that some of the dividing lines between Confucians and Daoists that Genuine Pretending draws were rather less clear in early China, Genuine Pretending surely constitutes a firmer basis for vigorous debate for years to come. -- Michael Nylan, editor of The Norton Critical Edition of “The Analects”

This book presents a novel reading of the Zhuangzi that illuminates its humor and presents it as responding to philosophical concerns of its day. To the extent that these philosophical concerns are also those of the present day -- the search for a sane and healthy response to the impossible demands of sincerity -- we can, through the discussion here, gain an understanding of an alternative to the unsatisfying ethical approaches of both sincerity and authenticity. . . . This book is one to which I will return for its insights into the Zhuangzi and its place in traditional and contemporary thought. -- Susan Blake ― Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

An exemplary work of scholarly exegesis, and an unquestionably significant contribution to Zhuangzi studies worldwide. . . . I highly recommend it to those interested in ancient Chinese philosophy, comparative philosophy and urging for a brand new (and maybe sometimes antitraditional) interpretation. -- Guo Chen ― Monumenta Serica

This is a book with which serious students of Daoist philosophy will need to grapple. “Grapple,” perhaps, is not the right word, for the book is written in a clear, buoyant style. -- David Cooper ― Los Angeles Review of Books

Moeller and D’Ambrosio’s delightful work will be of interest to anyone interested in learning more about Daoist thought, and the Zhuangzi in particular. A light-hearted work that is expertly researched, Genuine Pretending allows us to saunter amongst its pages as easily as its authors hop and skip through the Zhuangzi. . . . Genuine Pretending succeeds in expanding the methodological approaches to reading this most difficult text. A laudable effort indeed! ― Reading Religion

Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio have crafted and presented a truly innovative and refreshing take on Zhuangist thought and narrative technique. ― Journal of Chinese Religions

The book is greatly recommended not only for specialists of Chinese culture, but also to anyone keen on witnessing how an inventive and inspiring reinterpretation of a short, yet highly influential antique text could possibly be a game changer in the field. ― Religious Studies Review

About the Author
Hans-Georg Moeller is professor of philosophy at the University of Macau. His books include The Philosophy of the Daodejing (2006); The Moral Fool: A Case for Amorality (2009); and The Radical Luhmann (2011), all from Columbia University Press.

Paul J. D’Ambrosio is assistant professor of Chinese philosophy at East China Normal University, where he serves as dean of the Center for Intercultural Research, Teaching, and Translation. He is the coeditor (with Michael Sandel) of Encountering China: Michael Sandel and Chinese Philosophy (2017).

4.4 out of 5 stars 48 ratings

Top reviews from the United States

Marked Wayne

5.0 out of 5 stars The Zhuangzi as Subversive ComedyReviewed in the United States on October 19, 2017
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I confess that I went into this book a skeptic, having been burnt one too many times by scholarship promising some new "hot take" on the Daoist canon—only to find that it's just more of the same trendy deconstructionist pap. 
Refreshingly, that isn't the case here. The authors are attentive to the historical contexts of the texts, and as such are careful not to ground their arguments in the anachronisms that keep most studies like this from ever reaching liftoff (see, e.g., the fruitless endeavors of the "Daoism-as-Heideggerian-authenticity" school). Even better: the titular concept is actually *useful* for better understanding the Zhuangzi! Imagine that.

But the concept of genuine pretending is not *merely* consonant with the historical texts of the Zhuangzi; even more crucially, it manages to both amplify the points of disagreement between it and its main rival school, Confucianism, while highlighting the rival schools' subtler (but no less important) points of convergence by framing them against the backdrop of the pre–established historical context. Those who teach advanced courses on Chinese thought ought to take note of this strength in particular, since one of the central difficulties involved in teaching such courses is getting the students the nature of Daoist/Confucian relations.

Lastly, while this is without a doubt an academic book, it is not as dry as typical academic publications, stylistically speaking. In keeping with their "humoristic" take on the Zhuangzi, the authors themselves drop the occasional joke or funny observation into the pot, and this serves to make the book significantly less of a chore to read.

In sum, I see this as being a truly *productive* entry into the study of Daoism. By "productive," I mean to say that I can see many of the concepts introduced herein being adopted by the larger community of East Asian scholarship.

I certainly hope they will be, in any case.

16 people found this helpful

Jason Gregory (Author of Effortless Living, Fasting the Mind, Enlightenment Now, & The Science and Practice of Humility)
Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2018

Chinese philosophy (alongside Indian philosophy) is always my central focus because of my dedication to to delivering ancient Eastern thought for modern minds. And when it comes to the ancient Daoist (Taoist) sage Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) I'll read anything about his philosophy. When people speak about Daoism they often look to Laozi (Lao-tzu) for its gems. But if you have not encountered the genius of Zhuangzi then it is hard to get a complete picture of the depth of Daoism. As soon as I laid my eyes on Genuine Pretending it was immediately on my hit list. And I can tell you that Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul D'Ambrosio did not disappoint. 

They explain how the classic Zhuangzi text is not a one dimensional text. A lot of people believe the text is either a book on metaphysics, spirituality, strategy, or politics. But the authors believe it is all of the above and much more, especially when we take seriously (or not seriously) the humor component of the text. Genuine Pretending goes into the science behind humor and what that has to do with the spiritual depth of the Zhuangzi text. They have a thorough study of sincerity and authenticity, and how that relates to Confucian thought and Zhuangzi. 

This book explains that even though Zhuangzi is criticizing Confucian thought somewhat, he is really poking fun at it because of the sincere people we are supposed to become through high moral values and ideals that Confucius believes we should live up to. Zhuangzi skillfully knows these high rationalistic goals are not possible. Zhuangzi explains that in trying to create sincere people we actually create the opposite. Most importantly they introduce the Genuine Pretender, the joker in the pack, which in their opinion is a state of being Zhuangzi recommends for us to be in if we want to be a healthy and sane individual and live in a healthy and sane world. "A genuine pretender develops a capacity to playfully and skillfully enact social personae by looking at things, including oneself, from a 'zero perspective.'"

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5.0 out of 5 stars Great BookReviewed in the United States on October 15, 2018
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With all the works written on the Zhuangzi over the past decades, it is not easy to come across a book that gives new insights and perspectives on the Ancient text. This book is not only innovative in bringing new perspectives, but also well scholarly based providing an overview of previous and noteworthy interpretations and brings the Zhuangzi into a conversation not only with other Ancient Chinese texts, but also with Modern Western views. Each claim in the book is thoroughly based in research and thought. The book is clear, written well, in a way that keeps the reader attuned and interested even if one is not well versed in Chinese philosophy. Although this book takes Chinese philosophy seriously, it is not limited to Chinese philosophy, but brings the Chinese text into the international philosophical scene, becoming a world philosophy without geographical restrictions. Not only professional readers will enjoy this book, but anyone interested in philosophy in general. Without depriving it from its seriousness, It is a refreshing and fun book to read, thus warmly recommended for both the academic and lay reader.

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Walter Braun
2.0 out of 5 stars True to its title
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 18, 2020
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Definitely a genuine academic exercise - a quote feast and endless historicising, one seventh of the book are references, and the text itself is mostly referencing. The rest is pretending that this exercise in academic navel-gazing amounts to anything at all.
I genuinely regret the waste of money and time. Perhaps we should close the Humanities departments for, say, a generation and then ask the citizens whether they have missed them? Self-satisfied scholasticism, even in liberal disguises, is definitely something for pensioners and private scholarship...
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Andrea Martinez
5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in the United Kingdom on January 6, 2018
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Brilliant, accesible and comprehensive.
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giampaolo de amicis
5.0 out of 5 stars Essere "faceless"Reviewed in Italy on January 3, 2018
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Interessante l'assunto che occorra restare 'faceless' senza irrigidirsi. Ciò è considerato foriero di sanità e di libera evoluzione nel proprio girovagare. Forse sarebbe stato da evidenziare maggiormente come l'essere 'faceless' sia condizione dell'adesione al circostanziale. Comunque chiaro e ottimo.
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Helen  Luo
May 15, 2021rated it really liked it
This volume is constructed for the devoted student of the Zhuangzi, and advances a philosophical methodology I am largely sympathetic to: that Classical Chinese philosophy is funny. Indeed, one wonders if the Zhuangzi can ever aptly be interpreted in the absence of its signature quick wit and whimsy. Notwithstanding, the specifics of this thesis were lost on me: I was left unconvinced by the distinction between the Confucian notion of "sincerity" and the contrasting Zhuangzian notion of "authenticity" that propels much of the analysis in the opening chapters, as the argumentative structure of the text was so deeply invested in dense, comparative accounts. 
Perhaps what was missing in this account was a coherent modern framework on the philosophy of emotion - and moreover a more accessible explanation of what kind of psychological or sociological content 'performativity' has as an ethical system.

The most persistent issue I find in in this work is an issue I see frequently in western approaches to Asian philosophies overall: that they can sometimes entrench an unjustified division between East and West by appealing uniquely to analogical arguments existing within a delimited western canon. In this case, "Genuine Pretending" appeals to classical Greek plays, Freud, German continental thinkers, and so on, without ever really making an effort to situate the Zhuangzi within its sinological context (and thereby also excludes interesting comparatives from every other non-western philosophical tradition). 
I've always loved characters that were "stupid" or "dumb", and now that I can call all of them Daoist sages, my life has been changed for better. I've set myself up the ideal of the wise bimbo, and this was the book that opened up that possibility for me (less)
Oct 22, 2018rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: junk
Another dry scholastic text from some academic paper pusher who needs to justify some wages. The text is also dishonest. It is not a read of Zhuangzi, but the usual what other scholastic writes have assumed on the given theme.
Yun Rou
Feb 04, 2020rated it it was amazing
This is a work of scholarship and as such not to be undertaken either lightly or by the casual reader. It has a particular place in writings about Zhuangzi, at least in my view, in that there is this deep and defining juxtaposition between Zhuangzi (as insurgent) and Confucian teaching and culture. If you think about Confucianists as Imperial folks in the Star Wars universe and Taoists as Jedi, you can inform yourself deeply with this work.
Nov 09, 2021marked it as unfinished
Love the idea presented of the genuine pretender, but the intro is enough to see it's dryness will leave me a desert. (less)

The Mutual Cultivation of Self and Things by Yang Guorong, Hans-Georg Moeller - Ebook | Scribd

The Mutual Cultivation of Self and Things by Yang Guorong, Hans-Georg Moeller - Ebook | Scribd

The Mutual Cultivation of Self and Things: A Contemporary Chinese Philosophy of the Meaning of Being

The Mutual Cultivation of Self and Things: A Contemporary Chinese Philosophy of the Meaning of Being

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Yang Guorong is one of the most prominent Chinese philosophers working today and is best known for using the full range of Chinese philosophical resources in connection with the thought of Kant, Hegel, Marx, and Heidegger. In The Mutual Cultivation of Self and Things, Yang grapples with the philosophical problem of how the complexly interwoven nature of things and being relates to human nature, values, affairs, and facts, and ultimately creates a world of meaning. Yang outlines how humans might live more fully integrated lives on philosophical, religious, cultural, aesthetic, and material planes. This first English translation introduces current, influential work from China to readers worldwide.

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"David Rosen in this memoir is in turns vulnerable, courageous, sad, joyful, too human, funny, and extraordinarily generous and wise. Woven together into a truly wondrous adventure, it shows his great heart and spirit."
--Mark Unno, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Oregon, and Shin Buddhist Priest

"A psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, researcher, artist, stand-up comedian--Dr. Nada--and a writer with a wide range, David Rosen is, beyond what he has done, a man who has truly transformed his depression through a creative life. Torn Asunder is the latest example of a man whose life and work are an inspiration."
--Robert D. Romanyshyn, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute

"Torn Asunder, putting back the pieces, a lifelong journey, is for moving toward wholeness, responding to the spirit's depth--poetic, philosophical, wholehearted, and felt--and the experience of the Tao."
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DRDavid H. Rosen

David H. Rosen is the author of such wide-ranging books as: Transforming Depression: Healing the Soul Through Creativity (1993), The Tao of Elvis (2013), The Healing Spirit of Haiku (2014), and Time, Love, and Licorice (2015).