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The Ranters were one of a number of dissenting groups that emerged around the time of the English Commonwealth (1649–1660). They were largely common people[1] and the movement was widespread throughout England, though they were not organised and had no leader.[citation needed]


The chaos of the Second English Civil War, the execution of King Charles I and the animosity between the Presbyterians and Independents during the era of the Commonwealth gave rise to countless sectarian groups that were attempting to make sense of their society and place within that society. The Ranters were one such group. They were regarded as heretical by the established Church and seem to have been regarded by the government as a threat to social order. The quote "...the bishops, Charles and the Lords have had their turn, overturn, so your turn shall be next...",[2] published in a Ranter pamphlet, no doubt caused some concern in the halls of power. 

The Ranters denied the authority of churches, of scripture, of the current ministry and of services, instead calling on men to listen to the divine within them. In many ways they resemble the 14th century Brethren of the Free Spirit.[1] In fact, they were causing such controversy, that by the early 1650s multiple anti-Ranter pamphlets were circulating throughout Britain.[3]

The origin for the term "Ranter" seems to come from an anonymous pamphlet titled "A Justification of the Mad Crew", where the word rant was used in reference to the enemies of those espousing this particular view, equating ranting with hypocrisy. The anonymous author calls those who would eventually be deemed Ranters "the Mad Crew" instead. There is also a confluence between the term "Ranter" with the verb rent, as in to be rent away from God. Most written evidence points to the use of "Ranter" as an insult by the enemies of the sect and not a self designated moniker.[3] By the 1660s, the term became attached to any group that promoted theological deviance but since most of the literary evidence we have was created by those opposed to Ranters in general, it is difficult to determine their exact creed.[4]

There are few primary sources actually written by Ranters, but those that do exist give us a clearer picture of what they believed. The most famous English member, Laurence Clarkson or Claxton, joined the Ranters after encountering them in 1649.[5] Although he does not mention them directly, his 1650 tract called A Single Eye is widely believed to have been inspired by this dissenting group and directly reflects their views. Other less well known members of the Ranter cohort included Abiezer Coppe and Joseph Salmon.

Their central idea was pantheistic, that God is essentially in every creature, including themselves.

"If God be in all things, then in all creatures that hath live whatsoever, so that wherein is man better than these, or hath any pre-eminence above these?"[6]

— Laurence Clarkson, A Single Eye (1650).

"My most excellent Majesty (in me) hath strangely and variously transformed this form. And behold, by mine own Almightiness (in me) I have been changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the trump."[2]

— Abiezer Coppe, A Fiery Flying Roll (1649).

They embraced antinomianism and believed that Christians are freed by grace from the necessity of obeying Mosaic Law, rejecting the very notion of obedience. They held that believers are free from all traditional restraints and that sin is a product only of the imagination. The Ranters revived the Brethren of the Free Spirit's amoralism and "stressed the desire to surpass the human condition and become godlike".[7]

“...for indeed sin hath its conception only in the imagination; therefore; so long as the act was in God, or nakedly produced by God, it was as holy as God...”[6]

— Laurence Clarkson, A Single Eye (1650)

"I can if it be my will, kiss and hug ladies, and love my neighbour's wife as myself, without sin."[2]

— Abiezer Coppe, A Fiery Flying Roll (1649).

They denied the authority of the church, of accepted religious practice and of scripture. In fact, they denied the power of any authority in general.

“No matter what Scripture, Saints, or Churches say, if that within thee do not condemn thee, thou shalt not be condemned.”[6]

— Laurence Clarkson, A Single Eye (1650)

"Kings, Princes, Lords, great ones, must bow to the poorest Peasants."[2]

— Abiezer Coppe, A Fiery Flying Roll (1649).

Gerrard Winstanley, a leader of another English dissenting group called the Diggers, commented on Ranter principles by denoting them as "a general lack of moral values or restraint in worldly pleasures".[8][self-published source?] However another prominent Digger, William Everard was, some time after the failure of the Digger communes, imprisoned as a ranter, and later confined to Bethlem Hospital.[9] John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress, wrote in his autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, that he had encountered Ranters prior to his Baptist conversion.[10]

In the UK, they came into contact and even rivalry with the early Quakers, who were often falsely accused of direct association with them.[1] In the American colonies, there is evidence that Ranters were actually breakaway Quakers who did not agree with the standardization of belief that occurred in the late 1670s. Although the Quakers retained their loose, sect-like character until the 1660s, they began to formalize their worship practices and set of beliefs in order to gain some stability in the New World; this in turn pushed out those who did not fall in line, creating a group of people referred to as Ranters.[4] (Whether these people were directly inspired by the Ranters of the UK or if the moniker was simply imported via anti-Ranter pamphlets that were so popular during this era is debatable.)

The historian J. C. Davis has suggested that the Ranters were a myth created by conservatives in order to endorse traditional values by comparison with an unimaginably radical other.[11] Richard L. Greaves, in a review of Davis' book, suggests that though a very radical fringe existed, it was probably never as organized as conservatives of the time suggested.[12]

In the mid-19th century, the name was often applied to the Primitive Methodists, with reference to their crude and often noisy preaching.[1]

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up to:a b c d Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Ranters" Encyclopædia Britannica22 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 895.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d Coppe, Abiezer. "A Fiery Flying Roll"Ex-Classics. Retrieved 9 March 2021.
  3. Jump up to:a b Gucer, Kathryn (2000). ""Not Heretofore Extant in Print": Where the Mad Ranters Are"Journal of the History of Ideas61 (1): 75–95. doi:10.2307/3654043. Retrieved 8 March 2021.
  4. Jump up to:a b McConville, B. (1995). "Confessions of an American Ranter." Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, 62(2), 238-248. Retrieved March 8, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/27773805
  5. ^ "Laurence Claxton"Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 1998. Retrieved 13 May 2019.
  6. Jump up to:a b c Clarkson, Laurence. "A Single Eye"Ex-Classics. Retrieved 9 March 2021.
  7. ^ Chiara Ombretta Tommasi, "Orgy: Orgy in Medieval and Modern Europe", Encyclopedia of Religion, no. 10 (2005).
  8. ^ ExLibris staff (1 January 2008). "Ranters". ExLibris. Archived from the original on 1 September 2012. Retrieved 1 July 2012.[self-published source]
  9. ^ Hessayon, Ariel (October 2009). "Everard, William (bap. 1602?, d. in or after 1651)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/40436. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  10. ^ Bunyan, John, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. par. 44–45
  11. ^ J.C. Davis, Fear, Myth and History: The Ranters and The Historians, Cambridge University Press, 1986/Revised edition, 2010
  12. ^ Greaves, R. L, (1988). "Review: Fear, Myth and History: The Ranters and Their Historians by J. C. Davis", Church History57(3), pp. 376–378. JSTOR 3166599doi:10.2307/3166599.

Further reading[edit]

  • Grant, Linda. (1994). Sexing the Millennium: Women and the Sexual Revolution. Grove Press. pp. 19–25. ISBN 0-8021-3349-5
  • Hill, Christopher. The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution. London: Maurice Temple Smith, 1972. Reprinted by Penguin.
  • Morton, Arthur LeslieThe World of the Ranters: Religious Radicalism in the English Revolution, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1970. ISBN 978-0853152200

"The Anarchy of the Ranters" by R Ward Harrington

"The Anarchy of the Ranters" by R Ward Harrington

The Anarchy of the Ranters

R Ward Harrington

Recommended Citation

Harrington, R Ward (1992) "The Anarchy of the Ranters," Quaker Religious Thought: Vol. 77 , Article 2.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/qrt/vol77/iss1/2

Various Quaker Documents: The Anarchy of the Ranters - Title And Contents

Various Quaker Documents: The Anarchy of the Ranters - Title And Contents

Various Quaker Documents

Christonomy Publication

The Anarchy of the Ranters - Title And Contents

Title - Preface - Sec. 1 - Sec. 2 - Sec. 3 - Sec. 4 - Sec. 5 - Sec. 6 - Sec. 7 - Sec. 8 - Conclusion


The Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other Pretended Churches, equally Refused and Refuted, in a Two-fold Apology for the Church and People of God called in Derision QUAKERS.Wherein they are Vindicated from those that accuse them of Disorder and Confusion on the one hand, and from such as Calumniate them with Tyranny and Imposition on the other: shewing, that as the true and pure principles of the Gospel are restored by their Testimony, so is also the ancient apostolick ORDER of the church of Christ re-established among them, and setled upon its Right Basis and Foundation.

By Robert Barclay.Phil. 2.3. Let nothing be done through Strife and Vainglory; but in Lowliness of Mind let each esteem another better then themselves.
Herb. 13.7. Remember them that have the Rule over you, who spoke unto you the Word of God, whose Faith follow.

Printed in the Year, 1676.
Keyboarded by Keith F. Saylor 2018


Page 20. Line 18. For Gatherng read Gathering: p.21 l. 17 f. Chucrch r. Church: l. 19. F. Persecutitionr. Persecution: p. 24 l. 22. F. dding r. adding: p. 42. l. 2. f. Go)d r. God).

Light and Silence: Quakers, Ranters, and the present

Light and Silence: Quakers, Ranters, and the present

Light and Silence
Reflections on Quakerism

« John Woolman as Quietist | Main | Quaker predecessors »

Quakers, Ranters, and the present

Historian Christopher Hill's The World Turned Upside Down looks at the chaos - political, economic, and religious - of the English Civil War, the period when Quakerism started in fiery proclamations. It's hard to imagine, in today's relatively settled yet relatively mobile society, how so much could explode so rapidly. It seems a time when the end of the world really did seem near. 

In talking about the peril of applying modern frameworks to the time, Hill writes:

From, say, 1645 to 1653, there was a great overturning, questioning, revaluing, of everything in England. Old institutions, old beliefs, old values came in question. Men moved easily from one critical group to another, and a Quaker of the early 1650s had far more in common with a Leveller, a Digger, or a Ranter than with a modern member of the Society of Friends. (14)

Ranters were both Fox's blessing, a ready source of converts, and his curse, as Quakers were often labeled Ranters by their opponents while their own meetings were disrupted by Ranters. The history of the movement from about 1660 (or even 1656) to 1690 is largely the effort to move away from these groups' influence.

Quakerism emerged in a period of utter tumult - as Hill suggests, The World Turned Upside Down. As Hill notes later, "there is [not] any great theological novelty in Fox's works of the 1650s, any more than in the Journal" (232). Quakerism's success - with ideas that had often previously been suppressed - was in finding strong leaders in a time of chaos, people who could both communicate their ideals and exemplify them. "Christ has come to teach his people himself" was an incredibly powerful message and a difficult one to deliver to an audience often seeking stability in Scripture during a period of chaos.

Quakerism in 1652 is a tremendous flame, burning across the countryside. 1659 is probably the peak of political radicalism for Quakerism as a movement. By 1690, those flames are cooling to embers, embers which have sustained Quakerism to the present, through a long list of additional shifts. (There was an amazing message at Bridge City Friends Meeting Sunday about flames and embers that I keep hearing repeat in my mind.)

In my own obsession with history, I'm amazed by those early flames. It's hard not to be mesmerized by the incredible talent and perseverance of the early Quakers. It's also hard not to notice how quickly Quakerism had to change, and how the talent and perserverance applied in those new contexts as well. It has continued to change for 350 years - and perhaps some modern Friends aren't as far from 1650s Ranterism as Christopher Hill suggests.

How would Quakers deal with another period like the one that formed it?

Posted by Simon St.Laurent on July 25, 2006 5:25 PM | Permalink


Thank you for asking your closing query.
I was raised in the Orange Grove Friends Meeting in Pasadena California. I was a small boy of 7 when I began attending in 1965. I Was a student at John Woolman School in 1971-2. I was "not invited back" to continue there, I was too much of a... Ranter I guess. I stopped attending Meeting a long time ago now, and have always since been torn, because I consider myself more Quaker than anything else, but I know that my path has taken me far from where "real Friends" would want to think of me as "one of their own." The truth is also that I do not have half the discipline or integrity that a dedicated Friend has in their little finger. That being said, I still feel that the Friend today bears so little resemblence to those who gave the Society birth as to make the two seem... well, they are not the same.

I read Christopher Hill's book The World Turned Upside Down many years ago, and return to it today... and to Gerrard Winstanley... looking for, what? Not answers, but clues, and examples, and you might say, ingredients with which to cook a new and more nutritious social stew.

When I think about returning to the Friends, your query here rises immediately to my mind.

I was a member of Meeting (or whatever the child of Members is called before he reaches maturity) during the time when the Meeting became the center of the Resistance movement in Los Angeles California in 1968. Three AWOL members of the Army, Marines and Air Force requested to the Meeting that they be given "Sanctuary" and allowed to stay within the Meeting's premises until they were arrested. The Meeting agreed. I am sure that all can find references to this historic event, so I wont go into detail. But suffice to say that the original 3 AWOLs were not in fact soon arrested. That resulted in the arrival, over the next 12 months, of maybe 60 or 70 more AWOLS to the Meeting. All were given shelter there. The Meeting House was transformed into a little village of radical counter-culture effervescence, a tumult of resistance, a beacon and a real challenge to the moral authority of the mainstream society and its culture of war and exploitation.

After a year or so, the situation became untenable. There were just too many people living in a space that was not meant for such a purpose, and in fact, the sensibilities of the middle-class Friends were upset by the often rude and wild behavior of the assorted hippies and druggies and etc. who were attracted to the scene.

It really is a classic situation analogous to what Winstanley's followers encountered, with the reaction to the anarchist culture ranging from whole-hearted embrace to outright disgust among "the good town folk."

In the end, the Resistance rented a large three-story house nearby, painted a flag with a red Omega on a black background which hung from the widow's peak in front above the walk and continued to Resist. The AWOLs were all eventually arrested, the anarchy gradually transformed into a form of communistic authoritarianism, and.. the war ended... and...

Now. Here we are.

It is, quite likely, possibly, the End of the World. The consequences of partial solutions, of brave and thwarted attempts at changing the course of history, of compromises and pragmatic "dives" taken to accomplish "the possible" so as not to lose it all... all of this has brought us here.

It is as if there have been two trajectories, one toward Oblivion and the other toward the Peaceable Kingdom, and the momentum has always been skewed just enough toward oblivion to bring us here, to 2011; gasping for air, choking on toxins and stumbling through the piles of dying brothers and sisters, bombs exploding everwhere...

Here is a quote from Christopher Hill. I think this is instructive and insightful, and disappointing. I hope to find that it is a critique whose shelf-life has expired. I hope that we are now all ready to join hands and take the first steps into the unknown, risk our comforts and lives, and live in the joy of standing up.

"In time of defeat, when the wave of revolution was ebbing, the inner voice became quietist, pacifist. This voice only was recognized by others as God's. God was no longer served by the extravagant gesture, whether Nayler's entry into Bristol or the blasphemy of the Ranters. Once the group decided this way, all the pressures were in the direction of accepting modes of expression not too shocking to the society in which men had to live and earn their living. The radicals were so effectively silenced that we do not know whether many held out in isolation with Milton. We do not even know about Winstanley. But what looked in the Ranter heyday as though it might become a counter-culture became a corner of the bourgeois culture whose occupants asked only to be left alone."

I hope that we are now all ready to join hands and take the first steps into the unknown, risk our comforts and lves, and live in the joy of standing up.

Here is Winstanley:

"..yet my mind was not at rest, because nothing was acted, and thoughts run in me that words and writings were all nothing, and must die, for action is the life of all, and if thou dost not act, thou dost nothing,"

in the light,
Terrence Finnerty Burke Willard
San José, Costa Rica


The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines: the hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a ... in derision, Quakers : wherein they are...: Barclay, Robert: 9781275832206: Amazon.com: Books

The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines: the hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a ... in derision, Quakers : wherein they are...: Barclay, Robert: 9781275832206: Amazon.com: Books

The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines: the hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a ... in derision, Quakers : wherein they are... Paperback – February 22, 2012
by Robert Barclay (Author)

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2 New from $22.95
2 New from $19.75

Title: The anarchy of the ranters and other libertines : the hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold apology for the church and people of God, called in derision, Quakers : wherein they are vindicated from those that accuse them of disorder and confusion on the one hand, and from such as calumniate them with tyranny and imposition on the other : shewing, that as the true and pure principles of the gospel are restored by their testimony; so is also the antient apostolick order of the church of Christ re-established among them and settled upon its right basis and foundation.

Author: Robert Barclay
Publisher: Gale, Sabin Americana 
Based on Joseph Sabin's famed bibliography, Bibliotheca Americana, Sabin Americana, 1500--1926 contains a collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works about the Americas, from the time of their discovery to the early 1900s. Sabin Americana is rich in original accounts of discovery and exploration, pioneering and westward expansion, the U.S. Civil War and other military actions, Native Americans, slavery and abolition, religious history and more.

Sabin Americana offers an up-close perspective on life in the western hemisphere, encompassing the arrival of the Europeans on the shores of North America in the late 15th century to the first decades of the 20th century. Covering a span of over 400 years in North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean, this collection highlights the society, politics, religious beliefs, culture, contemporary opinions and momentous events of the time. It provides access to documents from an assortment of genres, sermons, political tracts, newspapers, books, pamphlets, maps, legislation, literature and more.<br /><br />Now for the first time, these high-quality digital scans of original works are available via print-on-demand, making them readily accessible to libraries, students, independent scholars, and readers of all ages.<br /><br />++++<br />The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to insure edition identification:<br />++++<br /><br />SourceLibrary: Huntington Library<br /><br />DocumentID: SABCP03856300<br /><br />CollectionID: CTRG02-B43<br /><br />PublicationDate: 17570101<br /><br />SourceBibCitation: Selected Americana from Sabin's Dictionary of books relating to America<br /><br />Notes: First published: [London?], 1676.<br /><br />Collation: viii, 111 p. ; 18 cm<br /><br />
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122 pages


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Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gale, Sabin Americana (February 22, 2012)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 122 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1275832202
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1275832206
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 8.1 ounces
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.44 x 0.26 x 9.69 inches

알라딘: 나는 예수입니다 - 도올의 예수전 김용옥 2020

알라딘: 나는 예수입니다

나는 예수입니다 - 도올의 예수전   
김용옥 (지은이)



저자 도올 김용옥이 진행해온 신학연구의 특징은 성서라는 문헌 자체에 대한 엄정한 텍스트 분석을 기본으로 하는 것에 있다. 그는 양식비평과 편집비평이라는 서양성서신학의 모든 성과를 바탕으로 동양사유의 깊이를 종합하였다. 그래서 도올에 의한 예수 이해는 인문적 상식의 기초위에 무한한 종교적 영성을 획득한 것이다.

도올이 걸어온 50년 신학탐색여정에서 가장 빛나는 금자탑이다. 저자는 이 책에서 마가복음에 대한 치밀한 분석으로 예수라는 인물의 실제적 정황을 찾아내고자 한다. AD 70년 예루살렘 멸망 이후의 폐허에서 예수를 인류의 보편적 메시아로 어필시키려는 마가의 차원 높은 의도와 사상적 고뇌를 포착하여 저자는 2천년 전의 예수를 피가 돌고 맥박이 뛰는 생동하는 오늘날의 인물로 살려낸다.

제1장_서막: 예수운동과 복음서의 등장 7
제2장_갈릴리와 나, 세례 요한과 나 43
제3장_나의 공생애의 출발 65
제4장_갈릴리 사역의 전개 78
제5장_꼴뚜기가 문어를 제일 먼저 알아본다 82
제6장_요를 걷어 집으로 가라 96
제7장_나는 안식일의 주인이다 108
제8장_누가 나의 엄마냐? 119
제9장_비유는 상식적 민중의 담론이다 126
제10장_로마군단이여! 돼지 속으로 들어가라! 134
제11장_야이로의 딸, 애잔한 혈루병 여인 139
제12장_갈릴리 후기사역의 전개, 초기공동체 생활윤리 148
제13장_오천 명에서 사천 명까지 157
제14장_수로보니게의 여인 171
제15장_예루살렘 여행의 시작: 카이사랴 빌립보와 변모산 180
제16장_계속되는 수난예고: 첫째가 되려면 꼴찌가 되어라 195
제17장_여자와 어린이, 그리고 영원한 생명 203
제18장_마지막 수난예고: 섬기는 자가 되라! 예루살렘 입성 213
제19장_무화과나무와 성전전복 224
제20장_예루살렘 셋째날: 성전에서의 공개변론 236

제21장_켄소스, 부활, 첫째가는 계명 245
제22장_나는 다윗의 로드이다 264
제23장_종말의 정체 271
제24장_진짜 대관식 277
제25장_너희보다 먼저 갈릴리로 가리라, 겟세마네 동산의 기도 288
제26장_재판, 베드로의 최후 296
제27장_빌라도는 나쁜 놈이다 310
제28장_엘로이 엘로이 레마 사박다니 316
제29장_빈 무덤 320
찾아보기_인명·지명·용어 32
나는 예수입니다. "예수"라는 것은 매우 평범한 사람의 이름입니다.
P. 8 나는 예수입니다. 나 예수는 팔레스타인의 북부, 갈릴리 지역의 한 작은 읍촌 나자렛이라는 곳에서 태어났습니다. 그런데 재미있게도 많은 사람들이 내가 베들레헴에서 태어난 것으로 알고 있습니다. 왜 그럴까요?
P. 10 여러분들이 지금 “신약성경”이라고 받들어 모시고 있는 문헌은 근본적으로 거짓말과 참말이라는 인식방법으로 접근될 성질의 것은 아닙니다. 거짓말이든 참말이든 그 모든 기술은 그 나름대로 양식적인 이유가 있습니다.
P. 30 나의 삶은 복음서를 통하여 알려지기 시작했습니다. 이 복음서 문학장르의 최초의 사건이 바로 “마가복음서The Gospel According to Mark”의 출현이었습니다.

P. 32 나는 살아있을 동안에 교회를 만든 적이 없습니다. 나는 갈릴리의 민중과 더불어 살았을 뿐이며, 나를 믿으라고 하는 신앙공동체를 만든 적이 없습니다. 나는 더불어 살았을 뿐이며, 더불어 행동했을 뿐이며, 더불어 구원의 실천을 모색했을 뿐입니다.
P. 37 마가는 복음의 궁극적 성격을 부활이나 재림에 두지 않고 갈릴리 민중의 현존적 삶의 지평 위에 뿌리박았습니다. 나는 마가의 기술 속에서 살아있었고, 비로소 숨을 쉴 수 있었습니다.
P. 41 “예수로 돌아가라!”를 외치는 사람은 반드시 이렇게 외쳐야 합니다: “마가로 돌아가라!”
P. 177~178 나의 하나님은 민족의 신, 종족의 신 야훼가 아닙니다. 아我를 구하기 위해 타他를 몰살시키는 대립과 저주와 살육의 하나님이 아닙니다. 오직 사랑의 하나님입니다. 아와 타를 함께 구원하는 평화의 하나님입니다.
P. 186 나 예수를 따르는 사람들은 모두 자기 삶의 십자가를 지녀야 합니다. 내 십자가를 지는 것이 아니라, 나를 따르는 사람들 본인의 십자가를 져야 합니다. 그런데 이 십자가를 지고 나를 따르려는 사람들은 반드시 “자기를 버려야 합니다.”
P. 198 어린이를 가슴에 품는다는 것, 그것은 내가 말하는 “꼴찌”를 가슴에 품는 것입니다. 섬김을 받으려 말고 섬길 줄 아는 자가 되어라! 영원히 섬기는 자가 되어라! 나는 이렇게 나의 제자들을 가르쳤습니다.
P. 237 나는 계속해서 “기도”와 “용서”를 말했습니다. 믿음, 기도, 용서! 이런 것들은 내가 지향하는 천국공동체의 새로운 윤리입니다. “무화과나무에 대한 저주 ─ 성전의 뒤엎음 ─ 무화과나무의 죽음”이라는 테마는 성전의 죽음을 말해주고 있으며 나의 신념의 승리를 확신케 하고 있습니다. 우리에게 필요한 것은 오직 믿음과 기도와 용서입니다... 더보기

<나는 예수입니다> 이 책을 통하여 우리나라의 기독교인들이 바른 신앙의 좌표를 찾을 수 있기를 간구합니다. - 김주한 
도올 김용옥 교수의 성서담론은 보편적 성격의 것이다. 될 수 있는 대로 많은 사람에 의해 논의되어야 한다. - 존 B. 캅 주니어 

이 책을 추천한 다른 분들 : 
 - 문화일보 2020년 3월 12일자
한겨레 신문 
 - 한겨레 신문 2020년 3월 13일자
 - 중앙SUNDAY 2020년 3월 14일자

저자 및 역자소개
김용옥 (지은이) 
신간알리미 신청

고려대학교 생물과, 철학과, 한국신학대학 신학과에서 수학하고 대만대학, 동경대학에서 철학석사학위를 받고, 하바드대학에서 철학박사학위를 획득하였다. 그리고 다시 원광대학교 한의과대학에서 6년의 학부수업을 마치고 의사가 되었다. 그는 고려대학, 중앙대학, 한예종, 국립순천대학교, 연변대학, 북경대학, 사천사범대학 등 한국과 중국의 수많은 대학에서 제자를 길렀다. <동양학 어떻게 할 것인가> 등 90여 권에 이르는 다양한 주제의 베스트셀러들을 통해 끊임없이 민중과 소통하여 왔으며 한국역사의 진보적 흐름을 추동하여왔다. 그는 유... 더보기
최근작 : <동경대전 2>,<동경대전 1>,<노자가 옳았다> … 총 99종 (모두보기)

출판사 제공 책소개

이제 한국사회 광신은 가라!
여기, 예수가 자신의 생각을 말한다!

전지적 1인칭 시점의 예수전!
예수 자신이 쓰는 예수의 바이오그라피!
예수의 생각을 제대로 알 수 있는 독특한 예수의 전기!
<마가복음>에 의거한 예수의 진면목!
도올 김용옥에 의한 예수전!

드디어 우리의 신학은 여기까지 왔다!
도올 신학여정의 가장 빛나는 금자탑!

예수, 그는 누구인가?
우리 민족이 기독교를 받아들인 지 200년, 아직도 온갖 광신과 요설이 창궐하지만 우리의 예수 이해는 여기까지 왔다. 이 책은 도올의 예수전이지만, 예수가 자신을 고백하는 자서전의 형식으로 쓰여졌다. 2천 년 전 갈릴리 풍진 속의 예수가 직접 전지적 1인칭 자신의 시점으로 담담히 그가 행한 천국운동의 실상을 그려낸다. 이것은 새로 지어낸 이야기가 아니고, <마가복음>의 예수가 ‘나는 이렇다’라고 자신을 구체적으로 설명하는 것이다. 예수의 갈릴리 사역과 예루살렘에서의 십자가 수난의 모든 과정이 마가복음의 일정에 따라 다뤄진다. 특별한 형식의 이 책은 모든 상황을 오로지 예수의 관점과 예수 자신의 언어로 발언한다. 그러기에 예수 내면의 진솔한 느낌까지 담아낼 수 있어 독자에게 예수의 속마음이 곡진하게 전달된다. 그동안 예수에 대해 단편적 인상들만 난무해왔는데 이제 누구든지 예수에 대한 전체적인 이해가 쉽게 가능해진다.

이 책, 도올 신학여정의 금자탑!
이 책의 저자 도올 김용옥이 진행해온 신학연구의 특징은 성서라는 문헌 자체에 대한 엄정한 텍스트 분석을 기본으로 하는 것에 있다. 그는 양식비평과 편집비평이라는 서양성서신학의 모든 성과를 바탕으로 동양사유의 깊이를 종합하였다. 그래서 도올에 의한 예수 이해는 인문적 상식의 기초위에 무한한 종교적 영성을 획득한 것이다. 이 책은 도올이 걸어온 50년 신학탐색여정에서 가장 빛나는 금자탑이다. 저자는 이 책에서 마가복음에 대한 치밀한 분석으로 예수라는 인물의 실제적 정황을 찾아내고자 한다. AD 70년 예루살렘 멸망 이후의 폐허에서 예수를 인류의 보편적 메시아로 어필시키려는 마가의 차원 높은 의도와 사상적 고뇌를 포착하여 저자는 2천년 전의 예수를 피가 돌고 맥박이 뛰는 생동하는 오늘날의 인물로 살려낸다.

예수, 여기 있다!
이 책의 첫 문장은 “나는 예수입니다”로 시작한다. 해서 책 제목이 <나는 예수입니다>로 자연스럽게 정해지게 되었다. 이 책에서 예수가 기술하는 그의 행적은 대략 다음과 같다. 예수는 처음부터 스스로 자신의 신상을 소개한다. 우리가 예수에 대하여 통념적으로 잘못 알고 있는 태어난 고향과 부모 형제관계들을 바로 잡아준다. 그리고 그는 이 땅에 새로운 질서인 하나님나라(천국)가 오고 있다는 복음을 선포하고, 갈릴리와 이방지역의 고난 받는 민중 속을 종횡으로 누비며, 모두가 이 복음을 믿고 생각을 바꾸어 하나님나라를 맞이하라고 외친다. 그러면서 치유의 이적을 곁들인다. 여기서 이적과 기적은 마술과 같은 기이한 것이 아니라, 비정상 상태를 정상으로 돌려놓는 행위이다. 예수는 그 치유의 이적도 그가 한 게 아니라, 고통 받고 있던 이들의 간절한 믿음에 의해 이루어진 것이라고 한다. 이것이 바로 천국이라는 새로운 질서가 이 땅에 임하고 있다는 생생한 현장의 증거이다.

또 예수의 사역과정에는 유대인의 배타적 전통을 근원적으로 거부하기에 여러 차원의 갈등구조가 예수를 둘러싸고 고스란히 드러난다. 예수는 자신의 새로운 종교운동의 의미를 제대로 이해하지 못하는 제자들에 대한 분노를 적나라하게 표출하기도 한다. 그리고 예루살렘 성전으로 상징되는 당시 종교의 질곡을 근원적으로 전복하는 구약적 세계관과의 단절을 감행한다. 그리하여 십자가 사건이라는 자신에게 닥친 참혹한 수난과 처절한 죽음을 예수는 회피하지 않고 너무나도 인간적인 모습으로 의연하게 맞이한다. 그 비극을 통하여 예수이야기는 빈 무덤으로 마무리되지만, 결국 갈릴리 민중 속에 다시 일어서는 예수로 그 장쾌한 드라마가 완성된다. 이 예수의 삶 자체가 복음, 유앙겔리온이었다.

<마가복음>의 예수, 진실한 예수의 모습!
이 책 <나는 예수입니다>에 등장하는 예수는 마가복음의 예수이다. 마가복음은 모든 복음서의 원형이고 복음서라는 장르를 탄생시켰다. 마가복음에 그려지는 예수는 실제 갈릴리 지평에서 활동했던 역사적 예수에 가장 근접한 진실한 예수의 모습이다. 마가가 증언하는 예수의 메시지는 2천년의 시대를 뛰어넘어 이미 근대적 사유의 정수를 선취했다. 가난한 자, 병든 자, 여성과 어린이, 장애인 등 모든 억압받는 사람들이 예수에게는 우선적인 관심과 존중의 대상이었다. 삶의 고통 속에서 애달파하는 인간들에게 예수는 한없는 연민을 베풀었다. 예수의 가장 중요한 계명은 “네 이웃을 네 몸같이 사랑하라!”이였고, 예수의 제자가 된다는 것은 누구든지 자기의 십자가를 지고 이 실천에 동참해야 한다는 것이었다. 이것만이 예수의 확실한 가르침이다. 이제 이것 이외의 허상의 예수를 찾지 말자!

예수에게 종말론은 없다!
예수는 종말을 말한 적이 없다. 종말이라는 황당한 생각은 예수의 천국운동과 배치된다. 예수의 하나님은 사랑의 하나님이다. 종말은 시간의 종료이지만, 사랑의 하나님은 시간의 종료가 아닌 시간의 지속을 사랑한다. 이 땅을 사랑하는 하나님이다. 이 땅에 천국이 가까이 왔다고 외치는 예수가 이 땅의 역사가 끝나기를 바라진 않는다. 성서에 나오는 종말이야기를 이 세상에 끝이 온다는 협박으로 생각하지만, 사실 그것은 새로운 질서의 도래에 대한 희망을 설득하는 것이다. 그 새로운 질서가 아주 새롭기 때문에 옛것의 종언을 말하게 되는 것이다. 잘못된 삶은 끝장이 나야 새로워지기 때문이다. 예수는 자기 앞에 드리워진 절망 속에서 그 절망의 심연이야말로 새로운 시작을 알리는 희망이라고 우리에게 깨우친다. 접기
평점분포    7.9
구매자 (6)
전체 (11)
‘나는 예수입니다‘ 제목, 첫문장부터 정말 확 깹니다. 멋진 책이라고 평가할 수 밖에 없습니다. 감사^^ 오타 발견. 페이지 109. 위에서 4번째 줄. 인식일 -> 안식일 다음판에 수정해 주세요^^  구매
quizmoon 2020-03-11 공감 (5) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
예수라면 어떤 상황이었을까라는 1인칭 시점으로 담담히 표현했다. 당시 그 시대와 지역 상황을 잘 표현해서 매우 상식적이고 개연성 있는 서술이다  구매
알퐁소 2020-04-19 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
역사적 예수를 생생하게, 그것도 1인칭으로 재현하였다. 복음서의 여러 의문의 장면들이 도올 선생의 치밀한 해석으로 합리적으로 이해될 수 있었다. 마가 복음에 나타난 예수의 삶과 죽음, 그리고 부활의 의미는 생각의 전환을 요구한다.  구매
bada0915 2020-04-23 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
한국의 기독교인들은 반드시 읽어봐야 할 책.  구매
Bean Counter 2020-03-28 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
마가복음 강해의 축약본에 불과하다. 
amorfati 2020-03-17 공감 (1) 댓글 (0)
[마이리뷰] 나는 예수입니다

하나님의 아들인 예수님과 인간의 아들인 예수님에 대해서 생각해 볼 수 있는 좋은 시간이었다!그리고, 무엇보다 어원의 의미를 명확하게 밝히고 역사의 맥락속에서 사실적 의미와 문학적 의미를 해석해 내는게 정말 중요하다는 것을 새삼스레 느꼈다!하나님의 아들인 예수님에 대하서는 잘 알지 못하지만 인간인 내가 이런 예수님이었으면 하고 바라던 예수님의 모습이 이책에 많이 서술되어 있어 마음이 훈훈하다!엘그레코의 그림에서 묘사된 예수님의 이미지를 조금 더 깊이 이해 할 수 있게 된것 같은 느낌은 보너스인가보다!ㅎ
막시무스 2020-03-19 공감(39) 댓글(2)
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[마이리뷰] 나는 예수입니다

도올 선생의 책은 아마도 [여자란 무엇인가]를 처음 접해봤던걸로 기억한다. 선배님이 추천해주셔서 읽어봤는데 당시로는 파격적인 스타일로 동양철학에 대한 선생의 견해에 흠뻑 빠져서 이후 나오는 책마다 바로 바로 읽어줬다. 벌써 30년의 세월이 훌쩍 지났는데 아직까지도 통나무 출판사에서 도올 선생의 책이 나오는걸 보면 참 꾸준하다는 생각이 든다.

학교를 졸업하고 사회로 진출해 한동안 도올선생의 책은 읽지 않았다. 한의학도 공부하시고 사회생활도 활발하게 하시면서 뭔가 그의 책을 읽어보고 싶은 마음이 생기지 않았다. 아울러 너무나 많은 책에 살짝 비슷비슷한 의견들과 용두사미격의 흐름도 그의 책을 멀리하게 된 이유가 아닐까 싶다.(물론 개인적인 느낌이고 도올 선생은 천재적인 철학자라고 생각한다.

몇년전 노자에 대한 책을 찾아보던중 도올 선생의 책을 발견하고 읽어봤는데 오랜만에 절친을 만난듯한 기분으로 아주 인상깊게 읽었다. 이후 그동안 멀리했던 선생의 책들을 만나고 있는데 그의 신간이 나와 주저없이 구입했다. 선생은 동양철학을 전공하기는 했지만 집안의 영향을 받아 기독교 사상에도 일가견이 있으신듯 하다. 궁금해서 찾아보니 그동안 관련서적들을 많이 펴내셨더라는....

저자 소개글에 나온 책을 참조해보면, 〈기독교 성서의 이해〉를 비롯하여 〈요한복음 강해〉, 〈큐복음서〉, 〈도올의 도마복음한글역주〉(전3권), 〈도올의 로마서 강해〉, 〈도올의 마가복음 강해〉을 쓰셨다.

신간 [나는 예수입니다]는 일종의 평전이지만 예수가 자신을 고백하는 자서전의 형식으로 씌여졌다. 신격화된 예수가 아닌 인간 예수의 모습이 진솔하게 그려진다. 그동안 읽었던 예수님에 관한 책중 가장 인상적이고 가슴에 다가왔다. 하느님의 아들이자 거의 신에 가까운 인간이 민중을 얼마나 사랑했고 그가 어떤일들을 행했는가에 대해 확연하게 깨친 느낌이다.

썩어빠진 보수적이고 소위 말하는 사회지도층격인 유대 사회에 큰 파장을 던지고 민중을 향해 다가서고 질투의 하나님이 아닌 사랑의 하나님을 설파한 예수는 종교안에 갇혀있기에 너무나 아까운 존재인것 같다. 2천년의 세월이 지나 다시 예수님의 이름을 팔아 먹고 사는 ***들이 득실대는 요즘 다시 한 번 예수님을 돌아봐야되지 않을까 싶다.

비교적 알려지지 않은 공생애전의 예수에 대해 합리적인 추론을 바탕으로 역사적인 배경과 맞물려 그에 대한 탄생의 신화를 사실로 풀어내는 방식은 상당히 수긍이 가는 서술이었다. 비교적 자료가 풍부한 세례요한 이후의 공생애는 마가복음을 중심으로 사실에 입각해 예수의 처절한 투쟁을 그려냈다. 기독교인인건 비기독교인이건 읽어볼만한 책이다.
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라스티 2020-06-02 공감(1) 댓글(0)
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그 다음으로 중요한 말이 "회개하라"라는 말입니다. 그 원의는 "메타노에오"인데, "메타"는 "바꾸다"라는 뜻이고 "노이아"는 "생각"이라는 뜻입니다. 그러니까 "회개하라"는 뜻은 "메타노에오"에는 없습니다. "생각을 바꾸라", "인식을 전환하라", "달리 생각하라"는 뜻이지 "회개하라"는 뜻은 없습니다. "회개하라"는 말은 잘못을 뉘우친다는 의미이지만, 이 말은 인간의 현존을 잘못을 저지를 존재로 규정할 때 쓸 수 있는 말이며, 이 말은 인간보편에 적용될 수 있는 말은 아닙니다. 이것은 구약의 구습에서 유래된, 인간을 무조건 죄인으로 규정할 때만이 가능한 말입니다.

나는 인간을 죄인으로 규정하지 않습니다. "죄"라는 것은 "하마르티아"라는 것인데, 그것은 궁술에서 쓰이는 말로서 그냥 "과녁을 빗나갔다"는 뜻입니다. 빗나간다는 뜻은 실력이 좀 모자란다는 뜻이고, 실수할 수도 있다는 뜻입니다. 과녁을 빗나간 것이 곧 악은 아니지요. 우리의 삶이 우리 삶의 도덕적 이상(과녁)에 좀 못 미친다고 해서 그것을 악이라고, 죄라고 규정할 수는 없습니다. 나는 인간을 죄인으로 규정하지 않습니다.(75-76)

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부엉이 2020-05-18 공감(0) 댓글(0)
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Chernobyl’s Cover-up Is A Warning For Our Nuclear Future | Kate Brown Online

Read Chernobyl’s Cover-up Is A Warning For Our Nuclear Future | Kate Brown Online

Chernobyl’s cover-up is a warning for our nuclear future | Kate Brown
Before expanding nuclear power to combat climate change, we need answers to the global health effects of radioactivity
Remove from SavedRemove Chernobyl’s Cover-up Is A Warning For Our Nuclear Future | Kate Brown from SavedIllustration: Bill Bragg

In 1986, the Soviet minister of hydrometeorology, Yuri Izrael, had a regrettable decision to make. It was his job to track radioactivity blowing from the smoking Chernobyl reactor in the hours after the 26 April explosion and deal with it. Forty-eight hours after the accident, an assistant handed him a roughly drawn map. On it, an arrow shot north-east from the nuclear power plant, and broadened to become a river of air 10 miles wide that was surging across Belarus toward Russia. If the slow-moving mass of radioactive clouds reached Moscow, where a spring storm front was piling up, millions could be harmed. Izrael’s decision was easy. Make it rain.

So that day, in a Moscow airport, technicians loaded artillery shells with silver iodide. Soviet air force pilots climbed into the cockpits of TU-16 bombers and made the easy one-hour flight to Chernobyl, where the reactor burned. The pilots circled, following the weather. They flew 30, 70, 100, 200km – chasing the inky black billows of radioactive waste. When they caught up with a cloud, they shot jets of silver iodide into it to emancipate the rain.

In the sleepy towns of southern Belarus, villagers looked up to see planes with strange yellow and grey contrails snaking across the sky. Next day, 27 April, powerful winds kicked up, cumulus clouds billowed on the horizon, and rain poured down in a deluge. The raindrops scavenged radioactive dust floating 200 metres in the air and sent it to the ground. The pilots trailed the slow-moving gaseous bulk of nuclear waste north-east beyond Gomel, into Mogilev province. Wherever pilots shot silver iodide, rain fell, along with a toxic brew of a dozen radioactive elements.

If Operation Cyclone had not been top secret, the headline would have been spectacular: “Scientists using advanced technology save Russian cities from technological disaster!” Yet, as the old saying goes, what goes up must come down. No one told the Belarusians that the southern half of the republic had been sacrificed to protect Russian cities. In the path of the artificially induced rain lived several hundred thousand Belarusians ignorant of the contaminants around them.

The public is often led to believe that the Chernobyl exclusion zone, a depopulated 20-mile circle around the blown plant, safely contains Chernobyl radioactivity. Tourists and journalists exploring the zone rarely realise there is a second Chernobyl zone in southern Belarus. In it, people lived for 15 years in levels of contamination as high as areas within the official zone until the area was finally abandoned, in 1999.

In believing that the Chernobyl zone safely contained the accident, we fall for the proximity trap, which holds that the closer a person is to a nuclear explosion, the more radioactivity they are exposed to. But radioactive gases follow weather patterns, moving around the globe to leave shadows of contamination in shapes that resemble tongues, kidneys, or the sharp tips of arrows.

England, for example, enjoyed clear weather for several days after the Chernobyl accident, but rain started on 2 May, 1986 and fell heavily on the Cumbrian fells – 20mm in 24 hours. On the uneven, upland terrain, radioactive fallout pooled in rivulets and puddles. The needles on radiation detectors at the Sellafield (formerly Windscale) nuclear processing plant went upwards alarmingly, 200 times higher than natural background radiation. From 5 becquerels a square metre, radiation levels in topsoil spiked to 4,000 bq/m2. Kenneth Baker, the then environment secretary, issued assurances that the radioactive isotopes would soon be washed away by rain.Ukrainians protest against the cover-up of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, April 1990. Photograph: Игорь Костин/РИА Новости

Two months later, however, levels rose yet higher to 10,000 bq/m2 in Cumbria and 20,000 bq/m2 in south-western Scotland, 4,000 times higher than normal. Scientists tested sheep and found their levels of caesium-137 were 1,000 becquerels per kilogram – too high for consumption. In the midst of general anxiety, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fish and Food (MAFF) issued temporary restrictions on the sale of meat for 7,000 farms.

The early predictions of caesium being washed from upland soils proved optimistic. The mineral-starved native plants efficiently drank up radioactive isotopes. Tiny micro-fungi moved caesium-137 from the roots to plant tips, where grazing sheep fed.

Researchers added months, then years, to their predictions of how long the radioactive caesium would linger in the environment. Eventually, restrictions remained in place for 334 farmers of north Wales for 26 years.

As researchers monitored Chernobyl radioactivity, they made a troubling discovery. Only half of the caesium-137 they detected came from Chernobyl. The rest had already been in the Cumbrian soils; deposited there during the years of nuclear testing and after the 1957 fire at the Windscale plutonium plant. The same winds and rains that brought down Chernobyl fallout had been at work quietly distributing radioactive contaminants across northern England and Scotland for decades. Fallout from bomb tests carried out during the cold war scattered a volume of radioactive gases that dwarfed Chernobyl.

The Chernobyl explosions issued 45m curies of radioactive iodine into the atmosphere. Emissions from Soviet and US bomb tests amounted to 20bn curies of radioactive iodine, 500 times more. Radioactive iodine, a short lived, powerful isotope can cause thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, hormonal imbalances, problems with the GI tract and autoimmune disorders.

As engineers detonated over 2,000 nuclear bombs into the atmosphere, scientists lost track of where radioactive isotopes fell and where they came from, but they caught glimpses of how readily radioactivity travelled the globe. In the 1950s, British officials detected harmful levels of radioactive caesium in imported Minnesota wheat. The wheat became radioactive from US bomb tests in Nevada, 2,500km from the Minnesota wheatfields. But over the years, scientists failed to come to an agreement on what the global distribution of radioactivity in the food chain did to human health. When the Chernobyl accident occurred, experts in radiation medicine called for a long-term epidemiological study on Chernobyl-exposed people. That study never occurred. After Fukushima, Japanese scientists said what Soviet scientists asserted after Chernobyl – we need 20 years to see what the health effects from the accident will be.

Fortunately, Chernobyl health records are now available to the public. They show that people living in the radioactive traces fell ill from cancers, respiratory illness, anaemia, auto-immune disorders, birth defects, and fertility problems two to three times more frequently in the years after the accident than before. In a highly contaminated Belarusian town of Veprin, just six of 70 children in 1990 were characterised as “healthy”. The rest had one chronic disease or another. On average, the Veprin children had in their bodies 8,498 bq/kg of radioactive caesium (20 bq/kg is considered safe).

For decades, researchers have puzzled over strange clusters of thyroid cancer, leukaemia and birth defects among people living in Cumbria, which, like southern Belarus, is an overlooked hotspot of radioactivity from cold war decades of nuclear bomb production and nuclear power accidents.

Currently, policymakers are advocating a massive expansion of nuclear power as a way to combat climate change. Before we enter a new nuclear age, the declassified Chernobyl health records raise questions that have been left unanswered about the impact of chronic low doses of radioactivity on human health. What we do know is that as fallout from bomb tests drifted down mostly in the northern hemisphere, thyroid cancer rates grew exponentially. In Europe and North America, childhood leukaemia, which used to be a medical rarity, increased in incidence year by year after 1950. Australia, hit by the fallout from British and French tests, has one of the highest incidence rates of childhood cancer worldwide. An analysis of almost 43,000 men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, showed that sperm counts dropped 52% between 1973 and 2011.⁠

These statistics show a correlation between radioactive contaminants and health problems that are similar to those that materialised in Chernobyl-contaminated territories. A correlation does not prove a causal link. These statistics do, however, invite a lot of questions; questions that scientists and stakeholders should tackle before we enter a second nuclear age.

• Kate Brown is a historian of environmental and nuclear history at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her new book is Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future

• This article was amended on 4 April 2019 to correct the number of men whose sperm counts were analysed from “almost 43,00” to almost 43,000.

Related Interests
Chernobyl Disaster
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Technology
Nuclear Energy

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Kate Brown - Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future

Kate Brown - Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future
2,820 viewsApr 27, 2019
KODX Seattle
2.91K subscribers
Talk by Kate Brown author of "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future" recorded April 16, 2019 at Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  Event sponsored by Hanford Challenge.