
The Art of Happiness at Work: Dalai Lama, Cutler, Howard C: 9781594480546: Amazon.com: Books

The Art of Happiness at Work: Dalai Lama, Cutler, Howard C: 9781594480546: Amazon.com: Books

From the authors who brought you the million-copy bestseller The Art of Happiness comes an exploration of job, career, and finding the ultimate happiness at work.

Over the past several years, Howard Cutler has continued his conversations with the Dalai Lama, asking him the questions we all want answered about how to find happiness in the place we spend most of our time. Work-whether it's in the home or at an office-is what mostly runs our lives. We depend on it to eat, to clothe and shelter ourselves, and to take care of our families. Beginning with a direct correlation between productivity and happiness, Dr. Cutler questions His Holiness about the nature of work. In psychiatry and according to the Dalai Lama, our motivation for working determines our level of satisfaction. The book explores three levels of focus: survival, career, and calling. 

Once again, Cutler walks us through the Dalai Lama's reasoning so that we know how to apply the wisdom to daily life. This practical application of Buddhist ideas is an invaluable source of strength and peace for anyone who earns a living.

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. His tireless efforts on behalf of human rights and world peace have brought him international recognition. He is the recipient of the Wallenberg Award (conferred by the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Foundation), the Albert Schweitzer Award, and the Nobel Peace Prize.

Howard C. Cutler, M.D., is a diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He first met the Dalai Lama in 1982 while visiting India on a research grant to study Tibetan medicine. Dr. Cutler maintains a private psychiatric practice in Phoenix.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


Chapter 1

Transforming Dissatisfaction At Work

It had been a long day for the Dalai Lama. Even by the time he had eaten his meager breakfast of tsampa and tea at 7:30 a.m., he had already been up for four hours, completing his rigorous daily regimen of prayer, study, and meditation. After breakfast he began his usual workday, and that day there was a full line-up: meeting with one person after another, he saw an Indian government liaison officer, the head lama of one of the ancient lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, the president of a member republic of the Russian Federation, a high official in the Tibetan government-in-exile, and various members of his private office staff. And scheduled among these private meetings, I watched with admiration as he met with a group of newly arrived Tibetan refugees. They had made the arduous journey across the Himalayas by any means of conveyance they could find, lucky if they could afford a ride on an antediluvian bus, but more likely to have caught a lift, riding in the open bed of a shuddering pickup truck. Some had crossed the rugged border on foot, climbing high-altitude passes with grim determination. Here and there one could see a child missing a finger or a toe-casualties of frostbite. Many arrived penniless, destitute, their traditional chubas (native Tibetan costumes) tattered and dusty from the long journey. In some of the older faces, ruddy faces, weathered and creased by winds and harsh climate, one could detect traces of untold suffering, spirits hardened by years of mistreatment at the hands of the Chinese Communists. For many of these people, however, a mere glimpse of the Dalai Lama, the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, was enough to revive their withered spirits and infuse them with renewed hope and joy. He offered them all, young and old, words of hope and encouragement, as well as hardheaded practical advice, ranging from "Education is critical to success" to "Now you men should be careful of going with prostitutes-you could catch a disease."

Finally, it was 2 p.m., his last scheduled appointment for the day. And here was I. I had been allotted several hours each afternoon to collaborate on our book, and I was here to collect. Our meetings were far from chatty t-te-²-t-tes, however. In fact, I often gave him no end of difficulty as we struggled to reconcile East and West, pestering him with endless questions, a fair proportion of which he labeled so silly or impossible to answer that it had become a running joke between us, trying even his legendary patience.

Standing outside on his bougainvillea-draped porch, with the majestic snowcapped Dhauladhar Mountains of northern India as a backdrop, the Dalai Lama greeted me warmly as he led me inside his home. Little had changed in this room since our first meeting twenty years before. The same traditional Tibetan thanka paintings lined the pale yellow walls, the same Buddhist shrine covered with ornate Buddhist icons at one end of the room, and the same floor-to-ceiling relief map of Tibet dominating the opposite wall. Even the modest furniture appeared to be the same, although it's possible the sofa may have been reupholstered.

As I unpacked my notebooks and fumbled with my tape recorder, we spoke casually about some of his activities and meetings earlier that day. The Dalai Lama generally scheduled our meetings for his last appointment of the day, so as I loitered in the attached reception room waiting for our meeting to begin, I often had the opportunity to observe the collection of individuals who came to meet with him. On that day in particular I was struck by the diversity of individuals seeking his time and counsel, people coming to visit him from all corners of the earth.

Thinking about this as I began our session, I said, "You know, I couldn't help but notice how many different kinds of people come to see you, people with various professions, all sorts of jobs. And I was thinking about how you also are involved in so many different kinds of activities. Now, this week I want to focus on the topic of work . . ."

"Yes. Good." The Dalai Lama nodded.

"And since we're going to be talking about work this week, I was just curious, what do you consider to be your primary job?"

The Dalai Lama looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

I was puzzled why he was puzzled. It seemed to be a simple question.

"Well, in the West," I explained, "when you meet somebody, often the first question you ask a stranger is, 'What do you do?' meaning specifically, 'What kind of work do you do? What's your job?' So, if you met a complete stranger and they didn't know you or had never heard of the Dalai Lama and they didn't even know what your monk's robes signified, they just met you as a human being and they asked you, 'What do you do for a living?' what would you tell them?"

The Dalai Lama reflected in silence for a long while, and finally declared, "Nothing. I do nothing."

Nothing? In response to my blank stare, he repeated himself. "If I was suddenly posed with this question that would probably be my answer. Nothing."

Nothing? I didn't buy it. He clearly worked as hard as anyone I knew, harder even. And as grueling as this day had been, it was light duty compared to his schedule during his frequent trips abroad. In fact, informally attached to his small staff on a speaking tour of the U.S. the year before, I had witnessed a remarkable display of relentless activity, dedication, and hard work: as a statesman, he had met with President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and a host of high-ranking senators and members of Congress. As a teacher, an ordained Buddhist monk and consummate Buddhist scholar, he gave extensive lectures expounding the most subtle facets of Buddhist philosophy. As a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and tireless advocate for world peace and human rights, he gave public addresses to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. As a religious leader striving to promote interfaith dialogue and harmony, he met with religious figures from many faiths: priests, rabbis, ministers, and swamis, even the president of the Mormon Church. He met with scientists, scholars, entertainers, the famous and the obscure. And in each place he visited, he met with local Tibetan refugees struggling to make a life and prosper in their new country. He worked morning till night, traveling from city to city with such speed that one place seemed to merge into the next. And yet not a single meeting or event on this tour was initiated at his own request-all were based on invitations from others. And even more remarkable-no matter how rigorous his schedule became, he seemed to handle his work effortlessly. He was happy doing it.

He did nothing? Not by a long shot.

"No, really," I pressed. "What if someone persisted and asked you again?"

"Well," he laughed, "in that case, I would probably say, 'I just look after myself, just take care of myself.'" Perhaps sensing my frustration with this glib response, he smiled and continued, "I think maybe this answer isn't entirely serious. But actually, if you think about it, that's true. All six billion human beings in the world are just 'taking care of number one.' Isn't it? So whether one is a professional, or whatever line of work one is in, each of us from birth to death is just working to take care of ourselves. That's our main task."

My attempt to pin him down on his job description was getting nowhere fast. And this wasn't the first time I had noticed his natural reluctance to engage in discussion about his role in the world. Perhaps it was due to a certain lack of self-absorption, an absence of self-involvement. I don't know. But I decided to drop the subject of his job for now and turn to the wider issue.

"Well, in working to take care of ourselves most people need some kind of job. Now many times in the past I've heard you say that the purpose of life is happiness."

"That's right," he affirmed.

"So, we need a way to be happy at work as well as at home, but that's not always easy. Let me give you an example of a friend of mine. I gave her a copy of The Art of Happiness shortly after it came out. She told me that she kept it on her bedside table and read from it each night before she went to bed. She was tremendously inspired by your words, and she said that when she read it she felt it was really possible to be happy. But then she told me, 'When I go to bed, I'm thinking that if I make the effort, happiness is within my reach, genuine happiness is out there waiting for me. But then the next morning I have to get up at five o'clock in the morning and face an hour-long commute to work. And the minute I step into the office, everything changes-I have to deal with the pressures, the demands, my boss is a jerk, and I can't stand my co-workers. And suddenly it seems like the idea of happiness slips away. It just evaporates. Things are so hectic that I barely have a chance to catch my breath, let alone think about training my mind or inner development. And of course the company I work for doesn't care a bit about my happiness. But I need to work. I need the money. I can't just quit and expect to get another job. So, how can I find happiness at work?'

"And of course my friend isn't an isolated case," I continued. "In many countries throughout the world, there seems to be a kind of widespread dissatisfaction at work. In fact, I recently read a survey that reported that nearly half of American workers are dissatisfied at work, unhappy with their jobs. I've talked to some experts who say that the number may even be higher than that. And things seem to be getting worse. According to the Conference Board, the nonprofit organization that conducted the survey, that same survey showed that over the past five or six years the percentage of people who are satisfied with their job has dropped by around eight percent."

The Dalai Lama appeared surprised. "Why is that?" he asked.

"Well, according to the studies I've read, there may be a variety of reasons, ranging from inadequate compensation, or simple boredom, to more complex factors related to the specific nature of the work or the workplace conditions. There are all sorts of things that can make a person miserable at work: poor social atmosphere, lack of recognition, not enough variety, and other things. In fact, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on each one of these factors. But let me give you an example. A few days before leaving for Dharamsala, I had dinner with some friends who were both in the software industry and worked for large corporations. They spent most of the dinner sitting around complaining about their jobs. Even though they worked for different companies, one thing they both mentioned was that they felt they had no control over what they did every day. They had no sense of autonomy, no freedom to do their work in their own way. They both complained that they didn't get enough information and direction from their bosses, but once they were finally given a clear-cut task or assignment, they wanted to carry out the assignment in their own way. Instead, the supervisor seemed to be standing over them breathing down their necks, giving them no room for creativity or personal initiative. They resented the fact that not only didn't they have any control over the kind of work they are required to do, they couldn't even choose how to go about doing it.

"So, do you have any thoughts about how a person could go about increasing their feeling of autonomy or freedom at work?"

"I don't know," the Dalai Lama responded. "Of course it will completely depend on the person's individual circumstances, what position they are in."

"Any general suggestions?"

He reflected for a moment. "Let's take the example of a prisoner. Now of course it is best not to be in prison, but even in that situation, where a person may be deprived of freedom, he or she may discover small choices that they are able to make. And even if somebody is in prison, with very rigid rules, they can undertake some spiritual practices to try to lessen their mental frustrations, try to get some peace of mind. So they can work on internal development. In fact, I've heard that there is a program here in India where prisoners are being taught meditation.

"So, I'm thinking that if people can do this under the extreme conditions of prison, in the workplace people may try to discover small things, small choices that they can make in how to go about their work. And of course, somebody may work on an assembly line with little variation in how to do their tasks, but they still have other kinds of choices in terms of their attitudes, how they interact with their co-workers, whether they utilize certain inner qualities or spiritual strengths to change their attitude at work even though the nature of the work may be difficult. Isn't it? So, perhaps that would help.

"Of course, when you are talking about rigid rules and lack of freedom, that doesn't mean that you are required to blindly follow and accept everything others tell you. In instances where the worker might be exploited, where the employer thinks of nothing but profit and pays a small salary and demands a lot of overtime, or where one may be asked to do things that are not appropriate or are unethical, one should not simply think, Well, this is my karma, and take no action. Here it is not enough to think, I should just be content.

"If there is injustice, then I think inaction is the wrong response. The Buddhist texts mention what is called 'misplaced tolerance,' or 'misplaced forbearance.' So, for example, in the case of Tibetans, in the face of Chinese injustice generally, misplaced patience or forbearance refers to the sense of endurance that some individuals have when they are subject to a very destructive, negative activity. That is a misplaced forbearance and endurance. Similarly, in the work environment, if there is a lot of injustice and exploitation, then to passively tolerate it is the wrong response. The appropriate response really is to actively resist it, to try to change this environment rather than accept it. One should take some action."

"What kind of action?" I asked.

"Of course it again depends on the situation," the Dalai Lama said reasonably. "But perhaps one could speak with the boss, with the management, and try to change these things."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Then, revolt! Rebel!" He laughed. "This is what I generally say. One needs to actively resist exploitation. And in some cases, one may simply need to quit and to look for other work."

"Well, in today's world, exploitation certainly goes on," I agreed. "But in a lot of cases it isn't a matter of gross exploitation. It may just be that the nature of the job is very demanding. For example, when the economy is slow, companies are forced to cut back and lay off employees. Then the employees who are left have to take on more and more responsibility. Work becomes more stressful for those who remain. Any suggestions on how to cope more effectively with that type of situation, that sort of pressure or stress?"

"Of course it will vary from individual to individual how one emotionally and psychologically responds, and it also depends upon the nature of work and the nature of the company," he reminded me. "So there are many factors to take into account. For example, if you view your work as something that is really worthwhile-if, for instance, there is a higher purpose to your work-then of course, even if the work is very hard there may be a greater willingness to undergo that hardship. Under such circumstances you might think, Oh, here's an opportunity to do something good for society. So, it depends."

"But that kind of situation or attitude may not apply to everybody," I pointed out. "So, what I'm wondering about is a general approach to work overload, which is actually one of the other common sources of work dissatisfaction."

"What is this 'work overload,' what do you mean?" asked the Dalai Lama. The genuine curiosity in his voice suggested that he had never heard of the concept.

"Well, you know," I said, struggling for words, "where you are overloaded with work, and it becomes a source of stress."

"I still don't know what you mean by this term 'overload.' For example, your boss could give you some work which you could probably finish within a certain amount of time, but that's not overload because it is something you can accomplish, even if it is difficult. Or he could give you an amount of work that is impossible to finish in a certain amount of time, in which case you simply have to say 'I can't do this.' So, what do you mean?"

He wasn't getting it. But I failed to understand why he didn't get it. The concept of work overload isn't some obscure American custom, or even something unique to Western culture. After all, the Japanese have even coined the word karoshi-death by work overload. I decided to frame it in his terms. "Well, let's say you're a young monk and you're studying and practicing Buddhism. So your teacher would be the equivalent of your boss."

"O.K., right." He nodded. "I understand."

"And your job is to learn and memorize certain texts, so let's say your boss gives you a text that you need to memorize by next week. It's a very challenging text. Now, if you work hard, maybe you can memorize it by next week, but it's going to be very difficult. Then he comes back a few hours later and says, 'Well, now you have to memorize an additional text along with this text in the same amount of time.' And he's your boss-you can't just say, 'I'm going to quit, I'm not going to be a monk anymore.' So, work overload in this context means that you are given more and more to do but not enough time to do it."

"Oh, now I think I understand. For example, when I was around twenty, in Tibet, I had to give an important teaching, and for preparation I had homework early morning and late evening. Then I had to get up very early before my attendants arrived and even when my attendants had left, late into the evening I had to read and memorize. So I woke up a few hours earlier and went to bed a few hours later-that is the kind of overload?"


"But then this is something that with extra attention and energy, it's something I could achieve. And that was O.K. for the short term. But if I were to continue with this having less sleep for a long time, having that kind of overload for a whole year, then it would be impossible."

"But that's the kind of thing many people are faced with these days," I informed him.

"So why can't these people say 'I can't do this' right from the beginning?" he asked. "Do they get fired?"

"In many cases, yes."

"In that case I think it goes back to knowing one's limitations. And if a boss gives more work to do and it is beyond their capacity, then I think they have to say something. They have to say 'This is too much work for me' and talk to the boss and try to reduce it. If that doesn't work, then they may need to look for new work.

"However, at that point let's say that the boss agrees to extra pay, and the employee agrees, then that is a person's decision and there's no cause to complain about overload. But if the boss gives too much work without increase of salary, then this 'overload' is just exploitation, the kind that we just spoke about.

"But I think in these kinds of situations, the employer has a responsibility to judge how much a person can reasonably be expected to do. Too much overload is simply a lack of concern, lack of respect. Even overloading an animal is disrespectful to that life-so, that's exploitation, it's unfair," he said with a resolute tone.

"I'm glad that you mentioned the issue of unfairness," I replied, "because that is another of the sources of workplace dissatisfaction. In fact, I think we're touching upon some of the most common sources of dissatisfaction at the workplace.

"In today's workplace environment, there's often a focus solely on production, productivity-produce, produce, produce. Now, this may be changing slowly, with more companies paying attention to creating a more humane environment, but in many cases the organization doesn't care about the personal welfare of the employees, or the inner state or satisfaction of the workers-all it cares about is the bottom line, making a bigger profit, keeping the share prices high. And this type of environment creates the conditions for all kinds of inequities, unfairness, stress for the employees, and so on. In view of that, how can we maintain a feeling of calmness and inner satisfaction in an environment that is focused only on production and profit?"

The Dalai Lama laughed. "Howard, some of your questions are so impossible! It is almost as if you are asking, 'How can beings in the hell realm learn to practice patience, tolerance, and tranquility?'

"There are not always easy answers. In modern society, you find many examples of unfairness-for example, corrupt leaders giving jobs or promotions to relatives instead of based on merit. These things are plenty. Now here, it's difficult to get satisfaction. How to deal with these things? That's a problem. Like in the Tibetan case, we're honest, we're not anti-Chinese, but the Chinese falsely accuse us of things and engage in bullying tactics in Tibet. Under those circumstances, legally they are wrong, we are right, but still we suffer. We're defeated. Under those circumstances, trying to get some satisfaction or some kind of peace of mind, now that's hard work.

"Millions of people are subjected to various forms of unfairness, isn't it? We need to fight against injustice outwardly, but at the same time we have to find ways to cope inwardly, ways to train our minds to remain calm and not develop frustration, hatred, or despair. That's the only solution. We may find help from our belief systems, whether we believe in karma or in God, but we can also use our human intelligence to analyze the situation and to see it from a different perspective. That will help," he said with conviction.

Referring to our many conversations over the years, I continued, "In the past, we've often spoken of training the mind as the key to happiness, and that one way to train our minds is to use our human intelligence, to use human reason and analysis to reshape our attitudes and outlook. In fact, this is a process which you've called 'analytic meditation.'"

"That's right," said the Dalai Lama.

"So, I'm wondering if you can take me through a specific example of this process. Let's say that we're going for a promotion at work, and we didn't get it. We're feeling really upset, we're feeling that it's unfair or we're jealous of the person who got the promotion. How do we deal with that?"

He replied thoughtfully, "It begins by deliberately analyzing whether responding with anger or jealousy, for instance, will benefit us or harm us in the long run. We have to deeply reflect on whether responding in this way brings a happier and more peaceful state of mind, or if those emotions serve to make us more unhappy. And we need to relate it to our own past experiences, thinking about the effect that these emotions have on our physical health, as well as our mental state. Think about times when you felt strong jealousy or hatred in the past and find out whether it made your life more satisfying or helped you achieve your goals. Think about how others responded to you when you were showing strong anger or jealousy, and analyze whether that helped you to have better relationships. So, think about these things until you are fully convinced of how damaging it is to ourselves to constantly respond to situations with hostility or jealousy, and how beneficial are the positive emotions like tolerance or contentment."

"O.K. Let's say that I'm convinced that it's destructive. Then what?"

"So, you are going for a new job or promotion, and you have the right qualifications, and you are worthy, but you didn't get the job. First you think, Yes, I deserved that job, but if you didn't get it you have a choice of how you will respond. You can be resentful and angry, but then you can think about how destructive that kind of mental state can be. That conviction alone will serve to make you more cautious of these emotions, and may reduce them a bit. So, don't keep thinking about the work you don't have. There will always be better jobs that you don't have. Don't continue to feel competitive or jealous. That only brings more worry, more dissatisfaction.

"But you still need a way to bring some kind of peace of mind. Here's where we need to use our capacity for critical thinking, for analysis. You begin by realizing that no situation is one hundred percent good or one hundred percent bad. Sometimes, particularly in the West, I've noticed a tendency to think in black-or-white terms. But in reality everything in life is relative. So, based on this reality, you can cultivate a wider perspective of the situation and try to see different angles. You can further analyze, realizing that with the better work and more money, that doesn't mean that you would have no problems. Some other jobs may have higher pay, but they come at a price, maybe longer hours or more responsibility and maybe risk of injury or other kinds of problems. In fact, if you really look at others in the higher positions, you may discover that there may be more demands, there may be more competition or jealousy from others. You might discover, for instance, that while your current work pays less, it may be easier in some ways, or even less dangerous in some instances.

"So, you continue to think about the reality, thinking, Oh, yes that's my bad luck, I deserve that better job, but since that didn't happen, instead of looking only at the lack of the better job, you could cultivate a wider perspective and see it from the other direction where you can think, Well, yes, this may pay less and is not the best work, but since with this work I earn enough, a sufficient amount for my family and for my survival, I'm happy. It's O.K. So, thinking along these lines, we can build contentment with our job even when things don't go our way."

The Dalai Lama paused and sipped some tea. "So," he continued, "I think through our own efforts, through cultivating a wider perspective, I think it is possible to become more content with our work."

"Of course, there's still so much widespread dissatisfaction with one's work," I mused. "I'm wondering if you have anything else to add here, any other ways we can look at things to . . ."

"Oh, definitely," he quickly replied. "Another way to build contentment, for example, is simply to reflect on how fortunate one is to have the work, how there are many people unable to get any kind of work. You can think, There are other good things in my life, and I still have it better compared to many. This is always the reality.

"Sometimes we forget that. We get spoiled. So, for example, in America there are many opportunities for employment. And there is also a large degree of freedom, and one's personal initiative can make a difference. With personal initiative one can advance. But at the same time there is still a lot of discontent and dissatisfaction with one's job. In other parts of the world, for example in countries like India and China, there are fewer opportunities open for employment. So, under such circumstances many individuals can't get jobs. But I've noticed that there the sense of satisfaction they derive from their job is much stronger and also they are more committed. In the same way, one can reflect on how much more difficult previous generations had it, going through world wars and so on. Sometimes we tend to forget these things, but if we think about it, this can increase our feeling of gratitude and contentment."

"Of course, you're right," I agreed. "I've also been to many countries, and I've seen coolies or baggage handlers here in India, or migrant farm workers, poor people working in rice paddies throughout Asia, or remote nomads in your own country, and many of these people seem genuinely happy and content. Of that there's no doubt. And I have to admit that we can become spoiled. But my country, America, was built on personal initiative. Shouldn't we want to advance, rather than just be content with the way things are?"

"Yes, Howard, but you shouldn't confuse contentment with complacency. You shouldn't mistake being content with one's job with just sort of not caring, not wanting to grow, not wanting to learn, just staying where one is even if one's situation is bad and not even making the effort to advance and to learn and to achieve something better. If we have a poor job, perhaps some unskilled labor, but we have the skills and qualifications for better work, by all means we should exert our best effort for the better work, make a good attempt. But if that fails, then instead of frustration, or becoming angry focusing only on the thought, I tried but I wasn't able to make it-then think, O.K., I'll carry on with this work. Be content with the work you have. So if you fail, that is where one's attitude and the practice of contentment can make the difference between anger, resentment, and frustration, and a calmer and happier attitude. That's where training of the mind comes in. These kinds of things, lines of reasoning, can diffuse your frustration and disturbance of mind. So contentment, I think, contentment-that's the key thing."

While he spoke, I thought about how difficult it might be for many people to adopt these lines of reasoning to diffuse their anger, hatred, and jealousy. I realized that is why he has so often stressed the fact that it isn't easy to train one's mind and reshape one's attitudes, that it takes repeated effort. And it takes time. For this kind of "analytical meditation" to work, one needs deep and sustained reflection on these alternative ways of viewing one's situation. One needs to be fully convinced of the absolute truth of this new perspective. Otherwise there is a danger of using these lines of reasoning merely as insincere rationalizations. A matter of "sour grapes." Oh yeah? Well, I didn't want that job anyway!. So, we're going for that promotion and we lose out. And we really wanted that promotion-every fiber of our being tells us that, even aside from the higher pay, the more important our job is, the happier we'll be.

So how do we convince ourselves beyond a reasonable doubt that the more important job may not necessarily make us happier? By looking at the evidence. By examining whether we're permanently happier from the last promotion we received or looking at people we know to see if those in a higher position are genuinely happier than those in a lower position. Or, we can look at the scientific evidence. In this case, for instance, while at SUNY Buffalo, Robert Rice, PhD, a prolific scholar in the field of job satisfaction, led a group that conducted a surprising study. Contrary to what one might expect, they found that those with more important jobs are no happier in life than those with less important jobs. This finding has been replicated in a number of similar wide-scale studies showing that while job satisfaction is linked with life satisfaction, the specific type of work one does, one's occupational prestige, or whether a person is blue collar or white collar, has little impact on one's overall life satisfaction.

There's an additional reason why it is sometimes a long and difficult process to reshape our attitudes and outlook, to change the habitual ways that we perceive the world, modify our customary interpretation and response to any given situation or event. What's the reason? When it comes down to it, many of us resist giving up our misery-a vexing and baffling feature of human behavior I often observed in the past when treating psychotherapy patients. As miserable as some people might be, for many there is a kind of perverse pleasure in the self-righteous indignation one feels when one is treated unfairly. We hold on to our pain, wear it like a badge, it becomes part of us and we are reluctant to give it up. After all, at least our characteristic ways of looking at the world are familiar. Letting go of our customary responses, as destructive as they may be, may seem frightening, and often that fear abides on a deeply ingrained subconscious level. And added to this, of course, are the secondary gains to holding on to our grudges, jealousy, and dissatisfaction, as our constant complaints serve to elicit sympathy and understanding from others. Or at least we think so, at least we hope so. Sometimes it works-our friends or co-workers join in with a catalogue of their own grievances, and a bonding takes place as we indulge in our own little festival celebrating life's inequities and the sins of our employers. Quite often, however, while our complaints may be received with outward expressions of sympathy, they may more likely be met with inward annoyance by those who have problems of their own to deal with.

Thinking about the difficulty of genuinely transforming our outlook and responding to these challenging situations in new ways, I remarked, "I think these are all good practical suggestions, although of course, even if these things are true, these lines of reasoning may not act as a consolation to everybody."

"That's true," the Dalai Lama admitted, "but my main point is that if there is a possibility to change your work environment, then of course you have the right to make that attempt. But you also need to understand the fundamental cause of various problems.

"So, once again, this brings us to the reality that everything is interconnected. If there are certain problems in the workplace, or layoffs and one is having difficulty finding a job, there are always many factors at play. So, you experience dissatisfaction. You suffer. Maybe some worldwide economic conditions or even some environmental problems may be at the root of the problem. In those cases, it does no good to take things so personally and complain to the company, or perhaps direct your anger toward one individual boss. And your anger could even turn into hatred, but even if your hatred escalates uncontrolled, and even if eventually you killed that person, it would have no effect on the situation, it would do nothing to change the wider problems.

"This kind of thing occurs, for example, in the Tibetan community here in India. There may be some people who are upset with the Tibetan government in exile, always complaining. So, focusing on some day-to-day activities of the government, they are dissatisfied, but they tend to forget that the government in exile is exactly that-an exiled government. And from that angle, the fundamental cause of the problem is the Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet, which forced us into exile. That is the source of the problem. Once they focus on the real issue, it creates a sense of unity among us, which creates a sense of greater satisfaction instead of the divisions and conflicts caused when we lose sight of the wider issues and start bickering among ourselves.

"So, instead of just complaining and complaining, or directing your anger to a particular boss, in that type of situation, with your realization of the wider, more fundamental causes of the problem, it would be better if you redirected your thoughts. Think about the world, the global economy. Think about the environment. Look at the various forms of social injustice. Perhaps you could even make a small contribution to improve things in some way."

"Of course," I interjected, "there's often very little we can do to change these wider problems."

"That's true," the Dalai Lama conceded. "Your efforts may have little or no results, things may not change much. But at least instead of misplaced anger and frustration, you are transforming your mental energy, turning it in a more constructive direction. Your underlying motivation can change based on this wider perspective and it will build your enthusiasm to work, to make changes that will benefit society. Of course that takes time, but meantime if you can't change the work environment or the wider forces that contribute to the work environment, then you may need to change or adjust your outlook. Otherwise, you will remain unhappy at work and in your life."

Our meeting for the day was coming to a close, and thinking that he had finished, I began gathering up my notes, when he suddenly added a final comment about the harsh reality of life. Yet despite his unsentimental acknowledgment of life's difficulties, there was a certain fearlessness mingled with a gentle undertone of compassion in his voice.

"Now look. There will always be problems in life. It is just not possible to go through life without encountering problems. There is no event from which you get one hundred percent satisfaction, right? Some dissatisfaction will always remain. The better we are able to accept that fact, the better we will be able to cope with life's disappointments.

"So, take the example of a person who likes to eat sweet things, but doesn't like sour things. Then there is a certain kind of fruit that this person enjoys. That fruit may be mostly sweet, but it may also have a little bit of sourness in it. That person continues to enjoy the fruit, they don't stop eating it because it has a little sour taste. If they want to continue to enjoy eating that fruit, they have to accept the little bit of sourness in it. You can't separate the sweet from the sour in that piece of fruit; it is always going to be mixed. Life is just like that. As long as you are living, life will have good things but also some problems that you don't like. That's life."

So, life is tough. It seemed a grim truth upon which to be ending our meeting. And as if perfectly staged to underscore that dark note, at that moment there was a sudden crash of thunder and a deafening torrential downpour outside that muffled our words as we said goodbye. An instant later the electricity went off, an almost daily occurrence during this season in Dharamsala. The Dalai Lama was completely unruffled. In fact, his warm smile and cheerful manner were set off in bold relief against the darkened room and the ice storm raging outside. Clearly here was a happy man. Everything about him bespoke the possibility of leading a happy life despite life's inevitable troubles. He himself had weathered his fair share of problems, the loss of an entire nation as he was forced into exile as a result of the Communist Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet. And he continued to tackle difficult problems on a daily basis-struggling to preserve his cultural heritage, fighting for the freedom of his people, for the human rights of all people. And often without success. Yet since the age of six, he had been engaged in the training of his mind, learning how to remain happy despite life's unavoidable adversities. It seems to have paid off.

So, he reminds us that if we can change some of the external conditions at the workplace that contribute to our dissatisfaction, we certainly should. If not, although it is always easy or quick, it is still possible to be happy at work through reshaping our attitudes and outlook, through inner training.

--from The Art of Happiness At Work by the Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler, M.D., copyright © 2003 the Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler, published by Riverhead Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., all rights reserved, reprinted with permission from the publisher."

Product details

Item Weight : 7.4 ounces
Paperback : 224 pages
ISBN-10 : 1594480540
ISBN-13 : 978-1594480546
Product Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.26 inches
Publisher : Riverhead Books; Reprint Edition (September 7, 2004)
Language: : English
Best Sellers Rank: #565,686 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#176 in Dalai Lama
#332 in Occupational & Organizational Popular Psychology
#1,127 in Religion & Philosophy (Books)
Customer Reviews:
4.6 out of 5 stars 119 ratings

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His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, was born in 1935 to a peasant family in northeastern Tibet and was recognized at the age of two as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. The world's foremost Buddhist leader, he travels extensively, speaking eloquently in favor of ecumenical understanding, kindness and compassion, respect for the environment, and, above all, world peace.


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4.6 out of 5
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dalai lama art of happiness howard cutler waste your time comes across actually written happiness at work buy only one book lama and howard cutler happiness book found that the book works of the dalai life then work book is about cutler book where he was much read this book cutler and the dalai cutler cutler book by the dalai cutler whether the earlier book


Top reviews from the United States


5.0 out of 5 stars Even great for Christians on non-BuddhistsReviewed in the United States on January 16, 2018
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Bought this book after listening to the audiobook. The print is very small in the paperback, so I wish I'd sprung for the hardcover. It's worth it! Keep it out on your desk at work! Or write quotes on index card. Even great for Christians on non-Buddhists!

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Shaun G Rodriguez

5.0 out of 5 stars Satisfied customerReviewed in the United States on December 27, 2019
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Read whenever I get disappointed by work. It is very interesting read.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic advice. Everyone has a rough day at work ...Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2017
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Fantastic advice. Everyone has a rough day at work every now and again. This book shows you how to shift your scope to what is important in life and how your work helps you achieve what matters most. I have recommended this book many times and each of them have loved it.

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars InformativeReviewed in the United States on August 24, 2019
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5.0 out of 5 stars a very good piece if you are wondering whether your small sort ...Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2017
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a very good piece if you are wondering whether your small sort of work even makes a difference

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1.0 out of 5 stars In the history of man, utopia has and always will be a man made construct of imagination.Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2018
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There’s an old song, “Peace Sells, but Who’s Buying.”

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5.0 out of 5 stars must readReviewed in the United States on February 26, 2014
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Great book! Everyone in management should be required to read it!!! Gives great advice on how we should be at work. Our country could learn how to be successful again.

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5.0 out of 5 stars listen carefully, read between the lines, actions determine your destinyReviewed in the United States on January 20, 2014

At first you have to think, The Dalai Lama and work, they simply do not go together.
A great conversation with exceedingly deep insights of life.
If you want to understand more about your life and those that are blessed to lead others, here is a book to keep close by.
Many additional insights about how the HH The Dalai Lama makes these issues relevant to all of us today.
two statements will be with me forever, when asked, "What is your job what do you do?" ---- "Nothing"
"I am just a simple monk."

this is an investment in yourself, a mirror to ask yourself what are you doing, and oh so many extremely valuable lessons to be learnt.

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5.0 out of 5 stars If you dont like your job...you need this in your life!Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 11, 2018
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Read this as I was due to go back to my job whilst being off on maternity...and didnt want to return...My boss is a narsassist and not a very nice person to deal with, this book allows you to look at things in a positive light . Very good read also I would recommend The Art Of Happiness which is the first book , very intresting and things you can apply to your daily life.

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Ms. C. D. Holland
5.0 out of 5 stars Refreshingly practical genius
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 23, 2017
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This book deals with the real and infinitely complex issues of our work lives, relationships and situations. The Dalai Lama doesn't pretend to have all the answers or experience of every situation. This is very refreshing and lends a greater value to his advice. Which, in his unique style, begins with developing a greater clearer understanding of ourselves and our individual skills. This in turn helps us to better relate to our environment and the individuals around us. Highly recommended

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4.0 out of 5 stars Better without the psychologist.....Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 12, 2006
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This is the first book i've read that was written by HH the Dalai Lama and I must say its a very good book.

I've been a bit stressed out at work lately for one reason or another and reading this book really put my problems into perspective.

Although the book is written by a prominant figure in Tibetan Buddhism don't let that fool you into thinking the whole book is full of high-brow Buddhist philosophies, because it isn't.

The advice contained in the book is the usual common-sense, witty and profound style often found in the Dalai Lamas books. Unfortunately theres an American psychologist interviewing the Dalai Lama throughout the book and who often makes his own observations which aren't anywhere near as on-the-mark as the Dalai Lama and quite unnessasary but I can forgive the books faults simply because the Dalai Lama really does hit the nail on the head every time. He'll be asked a hypothetical question about why so-and-so is unhappy at work and he'll just give a straightforward answer and you'll think 'Of course! Why didn't I see that before!'

All in all, excellent practical advice. If you have concerns or worries about your career or working life, this book will put your mind at ease
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4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting and Useful but..Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 5, 2012
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I read the original book "The Art of Happiness" many years ago and it was interesting, taught me a lot and has been a great help over some recent years of tragedy.

I bought this book as I am interested in "The Work" aspect of happiness. To be fair the structure of the book can be a bit tedious and you need to be motivated to keep going. However, it is interesting some research that Cutler has used on positive psychology and how to handle work as part of your life.

So, if you are genuinely interested in being happier at work, and you are willing to makes changes to your life, then it is worth reading. You may find buying the original book first. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

If you are looking for excitement or dynamic writing them you need to look elsewhere.
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Violeta Kostova
5.0 out of 5 stars Best bookReviewed in the United Kingdom on April 21, 2019
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One of the best books ever, I’m reading it for the second time as every sentence is full of wisdom.

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Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World Hardcover by Dalai Lama , Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams

Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World Hardcover – September 20, 2016

by Dalai Lama  (Author), Desmond Tutu  (Author), Douglas Carlton Abrams (Author)4.8 out of 5 stars    3,655 ratings





$11.58 $5.40

Paperback, Large Print


An instant New York Times bestseller

Two spiritual giants. Five days. One timeless question.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have survived more than fifty years of exile and the soul-crushing violence of oppression. Despite their hardships—or, as they would say, because of them—they are two of the most joyful people on the planet.

In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu traveled to the Dalai Lama's home in Dharamsala, India, to celebrate His Holiness's eightieth birthday and to create what they hoped would be a gift for others. They looked back on their long lives to answer a single burning question: How do we find joy in the face of life's inevitable suffering?

They traded intimate stories, teased each other continually, and shared their spiritual practices. By the end of a week filled with laughter and punctuated with tears, these two global heroes had stared into the abyss and despair of our time and revealed how to live a life brimming with joy.

This book offers us a rare opportunity to experience their astonishing and unprecendented week together, from the first embrace to the final good-bye.

We get to listen as they explore the Nature of True Joy and confront each of the Obstacles of Joy—from fear, stress, and anger to grief, illness, and death. They then offer us the Eight Pillars of Joy, which provide the foundation for lasting happiness. Throughout, they include stories, wisdom, and science. Finally, they share their daily Joy Practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives.

The Archbishop has never claimed sainthood, and the Dalai Lama considers himself a simple monk. In this unique collaboration, they offer us the reflection of real lives filled with pain and turmoil in the midst of which they have been able to discover a level of peace, of courage, and of joy to which we can all aspire in our own lives.


Editorial Reviews


Winner of the 2016 Books for a Better Life Award in Spirituality

“The question may be timeless, but their answer has urgent significance.”

—Time Magazine

"[An] exquisite book...An intimate glimpse into the minds of two of the world's spiritual guides, and their foundation for an attainable and practical approach to experiencing a more enriching and sustainable life of abundant joy."

—Shelf Awareness

"This sparkling, wise, and immediately useful gift to readers from two remarkable spiritual masters offers hope that joy is possible for everyone even in the most difficult circumstances, and describes a clear path for attaining it."

—Publishers Weekly

"The world needs joy and compassion more than ever before – and who better than Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama to show us how it is done. This beautiful book takes us on the journey of their friendship and gives us the gift of their wisdom. A bright spot of hope and love in this world."

—Sir Richard Branson

"It's a book that transports you deep within the intimate friendship that binds these two incredible souls. And it’s a book that vividly probes the very nature of joy itself — the illusions that eclipse it, the obstacles that obscure it, the practices that cultivate it, and the pillars that sustain it."

—Rich Roll, The Rich Roll Podcast 

About the Author

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk. He is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan People and of Tibetan Buddhism. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and the US Congressional Gold Medal in 2007. Born in 1935 to a poor farming family in northeastern Tibet he was recognized at the age of two as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama. He has been a passionate advocate for a secular universal approach to cultivating fundamental human values. For over three decades the Dalai Lama has maintained an ongoing conversation and collaboration with scientists from a wide range of disciplines, especially through the Mind and Life Institute, an organization that he co-founded. The Dalai Lama travels extensively, promoting kindness and compassion, interfaith understanding, respect for the environment, and, above all, world peace. He lives in exile in Dharamsala, India. For more information, please visit www.dalailama.com.

Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Southern Africa, became a prominent leader in the crusade for justice and racial reconciliation in South Africa. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. In 1994, Tutu was appointed chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Nelson Mandela, where he pioneered a new way for countries to move forward after experiencing civil conflict and oppression. He was the founding chair of The Elders, a group of global leaders working together for peace and human rights. Archbishop Tutu is regarded as a leading moral voice and an icon of hope. Throughout his life, he has cared deeply about the needs of people around the world, teaching love and compassion for all. He lives in Cape Town, South Africa. For more information please visit tutu.org.za.

Douglas Abrams is an author, editor, and literary agent. He is the founder and president of Idea Architects, a creative book and media agency helping visionaries to create a wiser, healthier, and more just world. He is also the co-founder with Pam Omidyar and Desmond Tutu of HumanJourney.com, a public benefit company working to share life-changing and world-changing ideas. Doug has worked with Desmond Tutu as his cowriter and editor for over a decade, and before founding his own literary agency, he was a senior editor at HarperCollins and also served for nine years as the religion editor at the University of California Press. He believes strongly in the power of books and media to catalyze the next stage of global evolutionary culture. He lives in Santa Cruz, California. For more information, please visit ideaarchitects.com and humanjourney.com.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

“Is joy a feeling that comes and surprises us, or is it a more dependable way of being?” I asked. “For the two of you, joy seems to be something much more enduring. Your spiritual practice hasn’t made you somber and serious. It’s made you more joyful. So how can people cultivate that sense of joy as a way of being, and not just a temporary feeling?”


The Archbishop and the Dalai Lama looked at each other and the Archbishop gestured to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama squeezed the Archbishop’s hand and began. “Yes, it is true. Joy is something different from happiness. When I use the word happiness, in a sense I mean satisfaction. Sometimes we have a painful experience, but that experience, as you’ve said with birth, can bring great satisfaction and joyfulness.”


“Let me ask you,” the Archbishop jumped in. “You’ve been in exile fifty-what years?”


“Fifty-six years from a country that you love more than anything else. Why are you not morose?”

“Morose?” the Dalai Lama asked, not understanding the word. As Jinpa hurried to translate morose into Tibetan, the Archbishop clarified, “Sad.”


The Dalai Lama took the Archbishop’s hand in his, as if comforting him while reviewing these painful events. The Dalai Lama’s storied discovery as the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama meant

that at the age of two, he was swept away from his rural home in the Amdo province of eastern Tibet to the one-thousand-room Potala Palace in the capital city of Lhasa. There he was raised in opulent isolation as the future spiritual and political leader of Tibet and as a godlike incarnation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion. After the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950, the Dalai Lama was thrust into politics. At the age of fifteen he found himself the ruler of six million people and facing an all-out and desperately unequal war. For nine years he tried to negotiate with Communist China for his people’s welfare, and sought political solutions as the country came to be annexed. In 1959, during an uprising that risked resulting in a massacre, the Dalai Lama decided, with a heavy heart, to go into exile. The odds of successfully escaping to India were frighteningly small, but to avoid a confrontation and a bloodbath, he left in the night dressed as a palace guard. He had to take off his recognizable glasses, and his blurred vision must have heightened his sense of fear and uncertainty as the escape party snuck by garrisons of the People’s Liberation Army. They endured sandstorms and snowstorms as they summited nineteen-thousand-foot mountain peaks during their three-week escape.


“One of my practices comes from an ancient Indian teacher,” the Dalai Lama began answering the Archbishop’s question. “He taught that when you experience some tragic situation, think about it. If there’s no way to overcome the tragedy, then there is no use worrying too much. So I practice that.” The Dalai Lama was referring to the eighth-century Buddhist master Shantideva, who wrote, “If something can be done about the situation, what need is there for dejection? And if nothing can be done about it, what use is there for being dejected?”


The Archbishop cackled, perhaps because it seemed almost too incredible that someone could stop worrying just because it was pointless.


“Yes, but I think people know it with their head.” He touched both index fingers to his scalp. “You know, that it doesn’t help worrying. But they still worry.”


 “Many of us have become refugees,” the Dalai Lama tried to explain, “and there are a lot of difficulties in my own country. When I look only at that,” he said, cupping his hands into a small circle, “then I worry.” He widened his hands, breaking the circle open. “But when I look at the world, there are a lot of problems, even within the People’s Republic of China. For example, the Hui Muslim community in China has a lot of problems and suffering. And then outside China, there are many more problems and more suffering. When we see these things, we realize that not only do we suffer, but so do many of our human brothers and sisters. So when we look at the same event from a wider perspective, we will reduce the worrying and our own suffering.”


I was struck by the simplicity and profundity of what the Dalai Lama was saying. This was far from “don’t worry, be happy,” as the popular Bobby McFerrin song says. This was not a denial of pain and suffering, but a shift in perspective—from oneself and toward others, from anguish to compassion—seeing that others are suffering as well. The remarkable thing about what the Dalai Lama was describing is that as we recognize others’ suffering and realize that we are not alone, our pain is lessened.


Often we hear about another’s tragedy, and it makes us feel better about our own situation. This is quite different from what the Dalai Lama was doing. He was not contrasting his situation with others, but uniting his situation with others, enlarging his identity and seeing that he and the Tibetan people were not alone in their suffering. This recognition that we are all connected—whether Tibetan Buddhists or Hui Muslims—is the birth of empathy and compassion.


I wondered how the Dalai Lama’s ability to shift his perspective might relate to the adage “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” Was it truly possible to experience pain, whether the pain of an injury or an exile, without suffering? There is a Sutta, or teaching of the Buddha, called the Sallatha Sutta, that makes a similar distinction between our “feelings of pain” and “the suffering that comes as a result of our response” to the pain: “When touched with a feeling of pain, the uninstructed, ordinary person sorrows, grieves, and laments, beats his breast, becomes distraught. So he feels two pains, physical and mental. Just as if they were to shoot a man with an arrow and, right afterward, were to shoot him with another one, so that he feels the pain of two arrows.” It seems that the Dalai Lama was suggesting that by shifting our perspective to a broader, more compassionate one, we can avoid the worry and suffering that is the second arrow.


“Then another thing,” the Dalai Lama continued. “There are different aspects to any event. For example, we lost our own country and became refugees, but that same experience gave us new opportunities to see more things. For me personally, I had more opportunities to meet with different people, different spiritual practitioners, like you, and also scientists. This new opportunity arrived because I became a refugee. If I remained in the Potala in Lhasa, I would have stayed in what has often been described as a golden cage: the Lama, holy Dalai Lama.” He was now sitting up stiffly as he once had to when he was the cloistered spiritual head of the Forbidden Kingdom.


“So, personally, I prefer the last five decades of refugee life. It’s more useful, more opportunity to learn, to experience life. Therefore, if you look from one angle, you feel, oh how bad, how sad. But if you look from another angle at that same tragedy, that same event, you see that it gives me new opportunities. So, it’s wonderful. That’s the main reason that I’m not sad and morose. There’s a Tibetan saying: ‘Wherever you have friends that’s your country, and wherever you receive love, that’s your home.’”

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Product details

Item Weight : 1.1 pounds

Hardcover : 384 pages

ISBN-10 : 9780399185045

ISBN-13 : 978-0399185045

Product Dimensions : 5.8 x 1.2 x 8.6 inches

Publisher : Avery; Later prt. Edition (September 20, 2016)

ASIN : 0399185046

Language: : English

Best Sellers Rank: #995 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

#1 in Dalai Lama

#17 in Spiritual Self-Help (Books)

#36 in Happiness Self-Help

Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars    3,655 ratings


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dalai lama desmond tutu spiritual leaders must read lama and archbishop archbishop tutu douglas abrams life changing highly recommend lama and desmond archbishop desmond thought provoking bishop tutu dali lama human beings eight pillars well written wonderful book easy to read great men

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5.0 out of 5 stars I purchased this book because I struggle with anxiety and depression and have difficulty finding joy in life sometimes

Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2017

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I would give this book even more stars if I could. I am currently reading it for the 3rd time, and I am still picking up on new things and ways of thinking. Yes, it is informative about Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, but the bulk of the book challenges ones thinking, way of life, and the way we cultivate what comes into our lives, both positive and negative. I purchased this book because I struggle with anxiety and depression and have difficulty finding joy in life sometimes. I am not saying this book is a cure, but it has helped me. Recently, going through some struggles at work with coworkers and negativity, I chose to start reading this book once again to help me not to thrive on the negative, but to Choose Joy. Can't recommend this book enough (even if you are not religious, even if you don't know anything about these two men, the book will benefit you.) Definitely will be buying copies for Christmas gifts.

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Elicia H

5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect book to start the day!

Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2018

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I leave this book on my living room table and read a chapter every morning with my coffee. I just read the chapter on loneliness and it is so profound and I wish every human would read it. This isn’t you’re normal self help book. I have tons of self help books, and they are mostly the same message said in a different way. This is two great friends discussing deep and meaningful human things. This is an amazing book!

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5.0 out of 5 stars It May Change You Forever!

Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2016

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A quick read that offers much good medicine for our troubled world. Both the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu have risen beyond their respective religions to reach out to all humans regardless of their location. A lot of inspiration here. Read it once or twice and chew on what they say. It could lighten your load, put a smile on your face, and maybe change your life.

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Lenora G.

5.0 out of 5 stars Joy is for Everyone!

Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2017

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This is a marvelous book, by two of the most genuinely happy people living. They have both gone through great pain, horrendous sorrow, and yet they remain happy. How is that? They have discovered the "secret" and herein share it with all of us, if we will be read with open hearts.

The book is a series of discussions between the two clerics, moderated by Douglas Abrams. The format is informal, and a little different than what many of us are used to, but the words, oh, the words!

"I believe everyone has the responsibility to develop a happier world. We need, ultimately, to have a greater concern for others' well-being. In other words, kindness or compassion, ..." (HH the Dalai Lama). This book shows us how to develop a happier world—starting with ourselves. Love your neighbor as you love yourself (Mark 12:31, the Holy Bible)—after all, if you don't love yourself, you cannot love anyone else. "The ultimate source of Happiness is within us." (HH)

In the back of this book are meditations and prayers to help us on our daily journey to find true joy, the ultimate source of our happiness, and once found, we'll know how to share it with one and all.

The only quibble I have with this book is there is no index. I heartily and unequivocally recommend this book to everyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey—just starting out or finishing a life long quest. I further suggest you buy a hard copy you can make notes in, so you can find things at a glance when you want to. Yes, I know, writing in books is a big no-no – but it makes me happy.

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5.0 out of 5 stars this work of love and passion not only met my expectations

Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2017

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Finding few things that meet expectations today due to overenthusiastic marketing, this work of love and passion not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams shared and crafted a work of joy, release and freedom, a work of compassion and commitment, a work of eye-opening and soul expanding insight for the 'other(s)' sharing this time and place on the planet. With their life experiences and knowledge of the faiths, along with knowledge of applied bio-sciences this book points the direction towards life full-filling joy through the commonality of two faith traditions and love of all. It then moves through current research which substantiates the practices of both faiths with evidence of the positive measurable effects the practices bring to the human body and to humanity as a whole. One would expect it to end there but no, it instead concludes with the sharing of the joy of living of two faithful brothers and a celebration with a displaced but not joy filled community.

It is an epiphany event for me - weaving together many random threads into a beautiful whole and assuring me of where to goo from here. I have not found anything like this in a life that now exceeds sixty years. Hope it brings the same experience to everyone. Thank you and peace to all involved.

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Bonnie Christine

5.0 out of 5 stars WORDS TO LIVE BY

Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2016

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I wish everyone in the world could read this book. Could not put it down from the moment I started reading. H.H. Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu are two of the finest living Beings on the planet. We are fortunate to have their encouraging and inspiring words on how to live in these challenging times. I sent copies of this book to friends and family and they will pay it forward. The best book that I read in 2016.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic

Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2016

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Amazing insights into how to experience joy and compassion. Really well written by Doug Abrams; potentially life changing dialogues between two of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time.

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Fred Patterson

5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful Insights

Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2016

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This charming book focuses on how we can improve our lives and be joyful. It is a practical guide not just theoretical. We are all flawed need help. It shows how to cope with suffering and become joyful.

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J. A. Potter

5.0 out of 5 stars Uplifting

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 22, 2018

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Amazing book . Have always been a follower of the Dalai Lama but this book is one of the best as I was reading it whilst in a hospital waiting room whilst my husband was undergoing a cancer screening and the conversation between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop TuTu could still make me laugh would definitely recommend it really can lift your spirits and give you a different perspective on life.

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Mrs M J Edley

5.0 out of 5 stars Joy from possessions and buying new things is short lived

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 13, 2018

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A true testament to what matters in life. It matters not what religion, what creed, what background someone comes from. What matters is the ability that exists in us all to see beyond the shell to what's inside. Joy from possessions and buying new things is short lived. Happiness comes from within and from our ability to be compassionate and help others. On some levels this sounds idealistic but in the Western world, we live on the busy treadmill of life - we have such busy lives we forget about the simple things that make the world go round. I wish I could meet these two inspirational leaders. Their respect for civilisation and their love for each other is inspiring. I would thank them for their insights and simple messages... it's not hard. Respect each other and show compassion for each other. Learn to live together without hatred and prejudice. Idealistic - maybe but nevertheless within the realms of our reach.

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5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful book that will make you just a little more joyful during the journey of life

Reviewed in India on April 25, 2017

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This is one of the most wonderful books that I have read in recent times. It contains the conversation between Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and HH The Dalai Lama. The conversations took place over a one week period when the Arch Bishop visited Dharamshala for celebrating the 80th birthday of Dalai Lama.

The conversations are split into three sections

1 The Nature of True Joy : This section explores how suffering can be a foundation of joy, if one's perspective is correct and one allows suffering to ennoble instead of embitter oneself. It also explores how hedonism (rampant materialism) cannot be the source of joy and the sources of true joy.

2. The obstacles to Joy : This section explores various emotions that are impediments to joy with chapters devoted to Fear, Anger, Sadness, Despair, Loneliness, Envy, Suffering and finally Illness & Death. Each person can take something away from each of the chapters depending on what causes us the most pain.

3. The Eight Pillars of Joy : Perspective, Humility, Humor, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Compassion and Generosity.

There is also a final section which focuses on joy practices that focus on practical things that we can do on a daily basis to ensure that we are more joyful. The author also stresses that there is no rigidity in the following of these practices and one can adopt what works for you (and is in consonance with your religious beliefs) and discard others.

A point that I would like to stress is that this book is not religion specific and is meant for everyone - Christians, Buddhists,Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or even atheists like me.

Ultimately all of us seek a world which is kinder, more compassionate and generous and this book shows how this can be achieved. It is also practical since both the Dalai Lama and Arch Bishop are joyous people despite enduring tremendous adversity - one by being exiled from his homeland for 50 years and the other by enduring the scourge of racism in South Africa. Their friendship and camaraderie will make you smile and bring a little bit of joy into your life.

If you find this review useful then please press the Yes button for helpfulness. Wishing you joy and good health in your own incredible journey called life.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Must read! Thank you for writing this book.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 15, 2017

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This is the BEST book of my life. I couldn't stop my tears at the end. Blessings and all my love to Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu. I can feel their love, warmth in my heart.

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Joan Heath

5.0 out of 5 stars The natural way to a positive life of joy for yourself and others.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 19, 2019

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Although this book is written by two of the greatest religious leaders of our day, it is not about religion, it is about being human. They claim that humans naturally need connectedness and to live in harmony with each other; to accept ourselves as we are, but also to accept others. As Martin Luther King Jr said, 'We must learn to live together as sisters and brothers or we perish together as fools' and this book talks about how this can be done without being either political or religious, but by changing attitudes and striving for joy in our lives. An inspirational book

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알라딘: 요가난다, 영혼의 자서전

알라딘: 요가난다, 영혼의 자서전

요가난다, 영혼의 자서전 - 궁극의 자유와 행복으로 이끄는 심오하고 풍요로운 영적 순례 

파라마한사 요가난다 (지은이),김정우 (옮긴이)


원제 : Autobiography of a Yogi

양장본788쪽152*223mm (A5신)1418gISBN : 9788990840288


I will be thine always(작곡: 요가난다, 사진: Shiva Ryu)

스티브 잡스의 아이패드에 저장된 단 한 권의 책이 바로 <요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>이었다. 파라마한사 요가난는 평생 동안 진리의 길을 걸어간 인도의 영적 스승이다. 그의 전 생애가 담긴 <요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>은 한 진실한 구도자의 깨달음의 기록이자 인도의 요가 과학과 유구한 명상 전통에 대한 깊이 있는 안내서이다.

여기에는 삶과 죽음의 근본 문제, 편협한 에고의 허물을 벗고 진정한 자아를 찾는 법, 신과의 합일을 통해 궁극의 자유에 이르는 길 등 우리의 정신을 충만하게 채워주는 지혜들이 가득하다. 요가난다는 우리를 진리에 근거한 삶으로 이끈다. 그것은 인간 존재의 근원적인 불행이 제거되고 사랑, 행복, 기쁨, 환희, 평온으로 빛나는 삶이다.

감각적 욕망에 대한 집착을 끊고 영적으로 진일보하는 삶이다. 이런 삶을 살 때 비로소 우리 안의 신성을 경험할 수 있으며, 인간의 본질이 곧 신이고 우주 그 자체라는 진리를 깨닫게 된다고 요가난다는 말한다. 그리고 이 모든 것은 정신을 통제하는 인도의 요가와 명상 수행을 통해 얻을 수 있다고 가르친다. 20세기 최고의 영적도서로 선정된 책이다.


옮긴이의 글_김정우

추천의 글_에반스 웬츠

01 부모님과 어린 시절

02 어머니의 죽음과 신비한 부적

03 두 개의 몸을 가진 성자

04 히말라야를 향한 열정이 좌절되다

05 향기를 만드는 성자

06 호랑이 스와미

07 공중에 뜨는 성자

08 인도의 위대한 과학자 보세

09 대사 마하사야와 우주적 로맨스

10 스승 스리 유크테스와르를 만나다

11 브린다반의 무일푼 두 소년

12 스승의 암자에서 보낸 나날

13 잠자지 않는 성자

14 우주의식의 체험

15 콜리플라워 도둑

16 별들의 메시지를 이해하다

17 스승의 예언과 세 개의 사파이어

18 신비로움을 행한 이슬람 도인

19 캘커타의 스승이 세람푸르에 나타나다

20 멀고 먼 히말라야

21 드디어 히말라야를 여행하다

22 석상의 미소

23 학사 학위를 받다

24 스와미 교단의 수도승이 되다

25 형 아난타와 여동생 날리니

26 영적 진화를 위한 크리야 요가

27 요가학교를 세우다

28 카시의 환생이 윤회를 실증하다

29 시성 타고르를 만나다

30 기적의 법칙

31 성스러운 어머니와의 면담

32 죽음에서 일어난 라마

33 현대 인도의 요기-그리스도, 바바지

34 히말라야에 황금 궁전을 실체화하다

35 라히리 마하사야의 생애

36 서양에 대한 바바지의 관심

37 미국으로 건너가다

38 장미 속의 성자 루터 버뱅크

39 테레제 성녀와 성흔의 기적

40 스승의 부름을 받고 인도로 돌아오다

41 남인도의 목가적 풍경

42 스승과 함께한 마지막 나날들

43 스리 유크테스와르의 부활

44 비폭력의 성자, 마하트마 간디와 함께

45 기쁨으로 충만한 성녀

46 56년간 금식한 여자 요기

47 다시 서양으로 돌아가다

48 캘리포니아 엔시니타스의 아슈람에서

49 과학의 시대를 넘어 영성의 시대로





궁극의 진리를 추구하고, 그 과정에서 구르와 제자가 필연적으로 유대 관계를 맺는 것은 오랫동안 인도 문화의 특징적 면모를 이루어왔다.

P. 100 특별한 능력을 과시하는 행위는 성자들에게 비난의 대상이 된다. 언젠가 페르시아의 신비가 아부 사이드는, 물속에 잠길 수도 있고, 공중에 뜰 수도 있고, 동시에 여러 곳에 존재할 수 있는 기적을 자랑하는 어떤 파키르(이슬람 수도승)들을 비웃었다. 그는 점잖게 비꼬면서 지적했다. “개구리도 물속에 집을 짓고 산다! 까마귀와 독수리는 ... 더보기

P. 255~256 “스승님, 저는 언제쯤이나 신을 찾을 수 있을까요?”

“너는 이미 신을 찾았다.”

“저는 아직 찾지 못했습니다.”

구루는 웃고 계셨다.

“네가, 우주의 어느 순결한 장소에서 왕관을 쓰고 계신 숭엄한 인격체를 기대하는 게 아니라는 것쯤은 잘 안다. 하지만 너는 기적의 힘을 소유하는 것이 신을 찾은 증거라... 더보기

P. 265 모든 사념은 우주에서 영원히 진동한다. 깊은 명상을 통해 스승은 산 사람이나 죽은 사람의 생각을 뜻대로 탐지해내셨다. 생각은 개인에게 속한 것이 아니고 우주에 속해 있다. 진리는 창조되는 것이 아니라 그냥 인식되는 것이다. 인간의 잘못된 생각은 분별력이 불완전하기 때문에 나타나는 결과이다. 요가 과학의 목적은 마음을 고요하게 하여... 더보기

P. 368 요가는 생각이 자연적으로 격동하는 것을 억제하는 한 방법이다. 만일 격동적인 생각을 억제하지 않으면 모든 땅의 모든 사람이 자신에게 들어 있는 대영혼의 진정한 본성을 감지하지 못한다. 요가는 태양의 치유 광선처럼 동양과 서양의 모든 사람에게 똑같이 이롭다. 사람들은 대부분 침착하지 못하고 변덕스럽다. 여기에 요가의 명백한 필요성이... 더보기

P. 529 고대의 계시를 단지 읽는 데만 그치지 말고 온 마음을 다 바쳐 실현하고자 노력하는 자야말로 지혜로운 사람이다. 너희의 모든 문제는 명상을 통해서 해결해라. 쓸데없는 종교적 사색 대신 실제로 신과 만나도록 해라. 모든 독단적인 신학 나부랭이를 깨끗이 청소해버려라. 직접 지각이라는 신선한 치유의 물줄기가 마음속에 흐르게 해라. 내면의... 더보기



영적인 구도의 길을 가는 사람들이 이 위대한 책에서 아무런 영향도 받지 않는다는 것은 상상하기 힘들다. 이 책은 요가와 명상은 물론 오늘까지도 지속되어온 자기탐구의 여정을 계속하도록 나를 채찍질해 주었다.

- 잭 캔필드 (《영혼을 위한 닭고기 수프》《마음을 열어주는 101가지 이야기》의 저자)

이처럼 매혹적인 세계를 들여다볼 수 있는 통찰력을 선사해준 데 대해 저자에게 감사드린다.

- 토마스 만 (소설가, 평론가)

<요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>은 현대 힌두 성자들의 비범한 생애와 능력을 직접 생생하게 목격한 이야기를 담고 있기 때문에, 한편으로 시의적절하면서도 또 한편으로는 시간을 초월한 중요성을 갖는다. 요가난다의 범상치 않은 일대기는 분명히 인도의 지성과 감성에 담긴 심오한 깊이와 인도가 가진 영적 풍요를 가장 잘 드러내주는 서양 출판물 중의 하나가 될 것이다.

- W. Y. 에반스 웬츠

보기 드물게 귀하고 진기한 책이다.

- 뉴욕 타임스

영적인 모험으로 가득 찬 삶이 이 책을 읽은 보답이다. - 유나이티드 프레스

독자를 즐겁게 하고, 독자에게 무언가를 가르쳐주고, 독자를 영적으로 고양시키는 세 가지 장점을 고루 갖춘 매우 드문 저서이다. - 인디아저널

힌두교든 불교든 이슬람교든 기독교든 유대교든, 인문학자든 과학자든, 초월론자든 선교사든 요가난다에게는 모두가 동일했다. 그의 매력적이고 합리적인 설명에 동의하며 다양한 학문 분야를 넘나드는 통찰력에 감탄하는 동안, 나는 모든 유물론적 편견을 의심하고 그가 말하는 ‘다른 세계의 주장’에 귀를 기울이지 않을 수 없었다.

- 리차드 피노 (심리학 박사)

이 책은 지금까지 출간된 그 어떤 책보다 흥미롭고 계몽적인 영적 저술의 하나임이 확실하다.

- 탐 버틀러-보드윈 (<50편의 영적 고전: 시간을 초월한 지혜>의 저자)

저자 및 역자소개

파라마한사 요가난다 (Paramahansa Yogananda) (지은이)

힌두교, 불교, 기독교, 이슬람교를 비롯하여 철학, 인문학, 과학, 예술 등 다양한 경계를 넘나들며 진리의 보편성을 설파한 요가난다는 1893년 인도의 고라크푸르에서 태어났다. 어린 시절부터 수차례 신비한 영적 체험을 했고, 구도자가 되려는 열망을 품은 채 여러 성자들을 찾아다녔다. 17세 때 운명적으로 만난 스승 스리 유크테스와르의 엄격한 가르침을 받으며 아슈람에서 명상과 요가 수련에 전념했다. 1915년 캘커타대학교를 졸업한 뒤 스와미 교단의 수도승으로서 세상의 행복을 위해 헌신하고자 서약했고, 마침내 삶과 죽음의 근본 문제, 생명의 실상 및 우주의 본질을 꿰뚫는 궁극의 깨달음을 이루었다.

1920년 보스턴에서 개최된 진보종교지도자국제대회에 인도 대표로 초청받은 것을 계기로 미국으로 건너갔다. 이후 30여 년간 미국에 거주하면서 종교, 이념, 인종, 문화를 초월한 무종파 수행단체 ‘자아실현협회Self-Realization Fellowship’와 명상센터들을 설립하여 요가와 명상 수행을 지도하는 한편, 지속적인 강연과 저술 활동을 펼쳤다.

요가난다는 신을 체험적으로 인식하는 심층 종교의 핵심을 전하며 심오한 정신 세계로 인도하는 안내자로서의 사명을 평생 실천했다. 이러한 노력으로 ‘인도의 요가 과학과 유구한 명상 수행 전통을 서양에 알린 가장 위대한 사절’이라는 찬사를 받았다.

그의 가르침은 자아의 벽을 허물어뜨리고 진정한 대자유를 찾으려는 사람들에게 큰 영향을 주었다. 간디나 타고르 같은 인류의 스승들과 교유하며 자신 또한 세계 평화의 작은 빛이 되기를 염원해온 요가난다는 1946년 <요가난다, 영혼의 자서전Autobiography of a Yogi>을 출간했다. 이 책은 20세기 최고의 영적 도서로 선정되었고, 현재까지 전세계 30여 개 언어로 번역 출판되어 600만 독자들의 관심을 모았다.

1952년 3월 7일, 파라마한사 요가난다는 지상에서의 영적 순례를 마치고 의식적으로 육체를 버리는 ‘마하사마디’에 들었다. 접기

최근작 : <어느 요기의 자서전>,<요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>,<행복> … 총 6종 (모두보기)

김정우 (옮긴이)

한국외국어대학교 영어과를 졸업하고, 서울대학교 대학원 국어국문학과에서 문학석사와 문학박사 학위를 받았다. 국립국어연구원(현 국립국어원)을 거쳐 현재 경남대학교 국어국문학과 교수로 재직하고 있다.

지은 책으로는 <이솝우화와 함께 떠나는 번역 여행(1, 2, 3권)>, <영어 번역 ATOZ(종합편)>, <한국인이 꼭 알아야 할 국어어문규범 365> 등이 있다.

옮긴 책으로는 <깨달음이란 무엇인가>, <절벽 산책>, <한국어와 드라비다어의 비교 연구>, <신성한... 더보기

최근작 : <우리말 우리글 바로쓰기> … 총 3종 (모두보기)

출판사 소개


출판사 제공 책소개

스티브 잡스의 아이패드에 저장된 단 한 권의 책

무한한 창조성의 세계를 열어주는 직관과 통찰의 지혜

스티브 잡스의 전기를 쓴 월터 아이작슨은 잡스의 아이패드를 보고 뜻밖의 인상을 받았다. 전 세계인을 열광시킨 아이패드를 만든 장본인의 기기에 책이 딱 한 권만 저장되어 있었기 때문이다. 잡스가 10대 시절 처음 읽고 20대 때 인도 여행에서 다시 만난 뒤 해마다 한 번씩 읽고 있다는 <요가난다, 영혼의 자서전Autobiography of a Yogi>이었다. 잡스는 이 책과 평생을 함께했다. 특히 명상을 통해 터득되는 직관과 통찰의 지혜는 그에게 커다란 영감을 불러일으켰다. 잡스의 인문학적 감각과 과학적 재능이 직관을 매개로 결합되자 세상을 바꾸는 혁신적인 제품들이 태어났다. 강렬한 집중에서 오는 직관, 본질을 꿰뚫는 통찰로 무한한 창조성의 세계를 이룩한 것이다.

궁극의 자유와 행복으로 이끄는 심오하고 풍요로운 영적 순례

파라마한사 요가난다Paramahansa Yogananda는 평생 동안 진리의 길을 걸어간 인도의 영적 스승이다. 그의 전 생애가 담긴 <요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>은 한 진실한 구도자의 깨달음의 기록이자 인도의 요가 과학과 유구한 명상 전통에 대한 깊이 있는 안내서이다.

여기에는 삶과 죽음의 근본 문제, 편협한 에고의 허물을 벗고 진정한 자아를 찾는 법, 신과의 합일을 통해 궁극의 자유에 이르는 길 등 우리의 정신을 충만하게 채워주는 지혜들이 가득하다. 요가난다는 우리를 진리에 근거한 삶으로 이끈다. 그것은 인간 존재의 근원적인 불행이 제거되고 사랑, 행복, 기쁨, 환희, 평온으로 빛나는 삶이다. 감각적 욕망에 대한 집착을 끊고 영적으로 진일보하는 삶이다. 이런 삶을 살 때 비로소 우리 안의 신성을 경험할 수 있으며, 인간의 본질이 곧 신이고 우주 그 자체라는 진리를 깨닫게 된다고 요가난다는 말한다. 그리고 이 모든 것은 정신을 통제하는 인도의 요가와 명상 수행을 통해 얻을 수 있다고 가르친다. 20세기 최고의 영적도서로 선정된 이 책은 어둠 속에 잠든 몽매한 영혼을 깨워 본질에 가까운 삶을 살고자 하는 모든 이들에게 밝은 등대가 될 것이다.

과학의 시대를 넘어 영성의 시대를 선도한 정신적 지도자

인도의 요가 과학과 유구한 명상 수행 전통을 서양에 알린 가장 위대한 사절

요가난다는 1893년 인도의 고라크푸르에서 출생했다. 어머니의 품에 안긴 그를 보고 어느 유명한 도인은 그가 요기가 되어 영적인 기관차의 엔진을 달고 수많은 영혼을 신의 왕국으로 데려갈 거라고 예언했다. 그 예언은 적중했다. 어린 시절부터 성자들을 찾아다니던 요가난다는 17세 때 운명적으로 만난 스승의 아슈람에서 명상과 요가 수행에 전념하며 본격적으로 구도의 길에 들어섰다. 그리고 5년간의 수련 생활 끝에 마침내 출가 수도승으로 살고자 했던 오랜 열망을 이룬다. 그는 소년들을 위한 요가학교를 세워 가르침을 펴던 중 27세 때 미국으로 건너간다. 인도의 요가 철학과 명상 수행법을 서양에 널리 알리고, 동서양의 영적 교류와 화합에 밑거름이 되기 위해서였다. 그에게는 숙명과도 같은 사명이었다.

아는 사람 하나 없는 낯선 서양 땅에서 요가난다는 놀라운 성과를 거뒀다. 자유로운 영혼을 꿈꾸는 수천 명의 미국인들이 그의 강연을 듣기 위해 강당을 가득 채웠고, 대규모 강연 요청이 줄을 이어 대륙횡단 강연 여행까지 이어졌다. 그의 가르침은 경제, 과학, 예술, 정치 등 다양한 분야의 인물들에게 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 백악관에 초청되어 특별 강연을 하기도 했으며, 주요 언론사들은 그의 활동을 흥미롭게 전했다. 수많은 사람들이 요가난다의 제자가 되어 인도 고대 요가 과학의 결정체인 크리야 요가를 전수받았다.

요가난다는 종교와 이념, 인종과 문화를 초월하는 무종파 수행단체 ‘자아실현협회’를 설립하고, 미국 주요 도시에 명상 센터를 세워 많은 사람들에게 내면의 깨달음으로 가는 문을 열어주었다. 그는 신을 체험적으로 인식하는 심층 종교의 핵심을 전하며 심오한 정신 세계로 인도하는 안내자로서의 사명을 평생 실천했다. 이러한 노력으로 ‘인도의 요가 과학과 유구한 명상 수행 전통을 서양에 알린 가장 위대한 사절’이라는 찬사를 받았다.

요가난다는 진리를 추구하는 과정에서 많은 위대한 스승들과 교유했다. 비폭력의 성자 마하트마 간디, 동방의 등불로 우리에게 잘 알려진 시성 타고르, 사랑의 염파가 식물 생장을 촉진하다는 사실을 과학적으로 입증한 미국의 원예학자 루터 버뱅크 등 모두 한 시대를 풍미한 세기의 영혼들이다. 요가난다는 이 걸출한 지성들과의 만남을 자양분 삼아 과학의 시대를 넘어 영성의 시대를 이끄는 정신적 지도자로 거듭났다.

20세기 최고의 요가수행자와 함께 걷는 진리의 길

“환영에서 벗어나 나 자신이 곧 진리이고 우주임을 자각하라”

요가난다에게 진리는 오직 하나, 즉 우리 각자가 신이며, 빛이며, 우주라는 깨달음이었다. 그는 모든 종교가 근본적으로 같은 진리 안에 있다고 믿었다. 그러므로 힌두교와 불교, 기독교와 이슬람교의 구별은 무의미했다. 인문학과 과학, 예술의 구분 또한 불필요했다. 우리 스스로 신을 자각하는 일이 중요했다. 나 자신이 곧 우주임을 인식하고 경험하는 일이다. 요가난다는 이를 위해 우선 우주의 환영에서 벗어나야 한다고 말한다. 육체가 나라는 착각, 요동치는 감정이 나의 것이라는 오해, 눈앞에 펼쳐진 이 세상이 실체라는 몽상. 이것이 환영이다. 요가와 명상 수행은 이러한 환영을 꿰뚫어보는 직관의 눈을 갖게 해준다. 마음을 고요히 하고 집중해서 명상하면 오감을 넘어서는 직관의 힘이 길러지고, 이를 통해 환영 이면의 본질을 꿰뚫는 능력을 갖추게 된다는 것이다. 허상과 실상, 거짓과 참을 구분할 줄 알면 집착에서 벗어나 궁극의 자유를 얻게 된다. 진정한 자아를 발견한 사람은 영적으로 진일보하는 삶을 살게 되며, 결국 신과 하나가 되는 지고의 행복에 도달한다고 가르친다.

과학적이고 명쾌한 언어로 본질의 과녁을 꿰뚫다

이 책에는 현대 인도 성자들의 비범한 생애와 신기한 능력에 관한 목격담도 생생하게 기록되어 있다. 그들은 두 곳 이상 동시에 몸을 나타내고, 죽은 사람을 부활시키고, 공중에서 음식을 뽑아내고, 물 한 모금 먹지 않은 채 56년을 산다. 히말라야 기슭에 황금궁전을 지었다가 한순간에 사라지게도 한다. 보통 사람들로서는 납득하기 힘든 이 놀라운 기적들도 요가난다의 과학적이고 친절한 해설을 통하면 거짓이나 신화처럼 들리지 않고 현실에서 충분히 가능한 이야기로 다가온다. 그만큼 요가난다의 언어는 명쾌하다. 아무리 심오한 내용도 흥미롭고 분명한 서술로 공감을 끌어낸다. 쉽게 상상하기 어려운 사후세계나 우주의식의 체험을 설명할 때조차 본질의 과녁을 꿰뚫고 설득력 있게 그려나간다.

법정 스님과 비틀즈의 철학자 조지 해리슨, 요가난다를 만나다

전 세계 600만 독자들의 삶에 지혜와 사랑의 불꽃을 일으킨 정신세계의 고전

<요가난다, 영혼의 자서전>은 구도자뿐 아니라 수많은 창조적 인물들의 삶에 지혜와 사랑의 불꽃을 일으켰다. 국내에는 1984년 정신세계사에서 <구도자 요가난다>라는 제목으로 처음 소개되었는데, 이번에 뜨란출판사에서 같은 역자의 새로운 번역으로 재출간하게 되었다.

법정 스님은 생전에 미국 캘리포니아에 갈 때마다 요가난다가 세운 명상 센터에 들렀다. 광활한 태평양을 마주하고 선 이 아슈람은 가파른 절벽에 마련된 명상 동굴, 장미 정원과 유칼립투스 숲, 빛나는 호수가 아름답게 어우러져서 방문하는 모든 이들이 저절로 명상에 젖어드는 특별한 분위기가 감도는 공간이다.

‘비틀즈의 철학자’ 조지 해리슨은 요가난다의 자서전을 집에 쌓아두었다가 찾아오는 사람들에게 한 권씩 나눠주었다. 사람들이 인생을 다시 설계하고자 할 때는 이 책을 읽어주었다. 여기에 모든 종교의 핵심을 꿰뚫는 진리가 들어 있다고 믿었기 때문이다.

1946년 초판 출간된 이 책은 20세기 최고의 영적 도서로 선정되었고, 전 세계 30여 개 언어로 번역, 출판되었으며, 100여 개가 넘는 세계 유수의 대학들이 인도철학 및 요가 강좌의 교재로 채택했다. 또 600만 부 이상 판매되어 현대의 고전으로 평가받는 동시에 오늘날까지도 정신세계 분야의 베스트셀러 목록에 이름을 올리고 있다. 접기

Harold Stewart Nagarjuna

Harold Stewart's Reflections on the Dharma

Harold Stewart


Nagarjuna flourished in India about the second to third centuries A.D. He was the founder of the Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism and the pre-eminent exponent of its critical dialectic of the Middle Way, which negated all possible logical positions in order to arrive at Shunyata or Emptiness. As the Thirteenth Patriarch in direct line from Shakyamuni, Nagarjuna is regarded as the second founder of Buddhism; for just as Shakyamuni's sermons, preached during his lifetime and later recorded in the sutras, were called the First Turning of the Wheel of the Law, so Nagarjuna's initial formulation of the Mahayana doctrines came to be known as the Second Turning of the Wheel of the Law.

In the Far Eastern Traditions, theoretical doctrine was never divorced from practical method designed to lead to Enlightenment; so that, as Rene Guenon remarked, there was no philosophy east of Istanbul, nor any need ever felt for lack of it. But modern Occidental professors (and their Westernized Oriental colleagues) have appropriated such highly intellectual sages as Nagarjuna and, by abstracting the rational content from their doctrines, have tried to make them academically respectable ?philosophers? like themselves: in other words, sterile professional thinkers without spiritual realization or means for its attainment.

But Nagarjuna's doctrine of Emptiness was not merely the result of logical ratiocination: it grew out of his profound Metaphysical Insight, or prajna, which is a faculty that cannot be developed by passing university examinations or collecting higher degrees. For prajna is suprarational in that, while not contrary to reason, it transcends it and all its ingenious explanations. The dialectic method of the Madhyamaka was never intended to erect a logically consistent self-contained system of ideas cast in watertight verbal formulations, which the philosopher's successors could then examine critically so as to expose its fallacies. It was, on the contrary, devised to "tease the mind out of thought" by its paradoxical twists of negation and so to provide an antidote to the excessively logical and rational nature of the Indo-European languages and modes of thought. Thus its practical aim was to use rational thinking to transcend thought and so lead to Metaphysical Realization. All closed or self-sufficient systems of ideas are of necessity finite and limited and can never adequately describe or explain the Infinite and Limitless, which was what Nagarjuna, like the Buddha, refused to speak about but sought to make us realize by direct Insight.

In Japan, Nagarjuna is known as Ryuju and claimed as First Patriarch by no less than eight different sects, including the two Pure Land schools, Jodo-shu and Shinshu, because after his death he is said to have been reborn in the Western Paradise of Amida Buddha, where he was accorded the rank of a Bodhisattva of the tenth grade. His importance for Pure Land doctrine depends upon the Igyohon, the section on Easy Practice from the ninth chapter of book five of his work, Dalabhumikavibhasa-shastra (Japanese: Jujubibasharon). 

In this chapter, from which the above quotation is taken, Nagarjuna, for the first time in Buddhist thought, clearly distinguished between Igyodo, the Easy Way, and Nangyodo, the Difficult Path, of practice. The Easy Way is that of the Nembutsu, or Invocation of the Name of Amida Buddha with complete reliance on his infinite store of merit, which he accumulated during five kalpas of contemplation. Out of his boundless generosity and compassion, Amida has vowed to transfer this to all who call his Name, no matter how ignorant or defiled they may be. Amida's fulfilment of his Forty-eight Vows was to ensure the Rebirth of all who place unconditional trust in him, so that they can reach his Pure Land, Sukhavati, that Paradise in the Western Region of the Universe which he established as a state more propitious for the attainment of Nirvana than this Saha World of long-suffering. Nagarjuna contrasts this Invocation of the Sacred Name with the Difficult Path of Traditional Buddhist ascesis as laid down in the rules and restrictions of the Vinaya, or monastic discipline of the Sangha, the Order established by the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni.

Later, Tan Luan (476-542), known in Japanese as Donran, who was the First Chinese Patriarch of Ching-t'u (Japanese: Jodo), or the Pure Land school, identified the Easy Way with Tariki, or the Other Power of Amida Buddha, and the Difficult Path with Jiriki, or the self-power of the Zen and other sects of Buddhism. Tao-ch'o, the Second Chinese Patriarch (562-645), then equated them respectively with the Jodomon, or Pure Land Path, and the Shodomon, or Path of the Sages who seek to attain Enlightenment by individual effort.

Nagarjuna compares the Easy Way to a pleasant voyage by boat on the water, since in this method the devotee need only invoke with perfect confidence the Name of Amida, Namu Amida Butsu, which is easy for anyone, anywhere, and at any time to call and to hold in mind. But he likens the Hard Path to the arduous climbing of the mountain of meditation on foot.