
『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』 출간 전 연재 1 : 네이버 포스트

『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』 출간 전 연재 1 : 네이버 포스트

비를 맞는 바보

대학 졸업반 때의 일이다. 싼 월세방이 있다는 친구의 말만 믿고 경기도 외곽에 있는 어느 종교 단체의 공동 거주지에 세를 들었다. 원룸 형태의 낡은 연립주택이었지만 방에 햇빛이 들고 문을 닫으면 완전히 독립된 공간이었다. 나무들 사이의 오솔길이 강으로 이어져 있어서 문학을 하는 나에게는 신이 준 선물이나 다름없었다. 학교도 가지 않고 밤에는 시를 쓰고 낮에는 주변을 산책했다.

행복은 그리 오래가지 않았다. 장발을 한 낯선 자가 여름인데도 검은색 바바리코트를 입고(방이 추웠다) 자신들의 신성한 터전을 광인처럼 중얼거리며(시를 외운 것이었다) 어슬렁거리자 사람들이 의심스러운 눈초리를 보내기 시작했고, 마침내 이른 아침 여러 명이 예고도 없이 내 방으로 들이닥쳤다. 그들은 부정 탄다는 듯 신발도 벗지 않고 들어와서 나더러 당장 그곳을 떠나라고 요구했다.

나는 집주인에게 세를 냈기 때문에 몇 달은 살 권리가 있다고 예의 바르게 설명했다. 그리고 이곳이 무척 마음에 들어 가능하면 오래 살고 싶다고도 간청하며 나 자신이 시인이라고 밝혔다. 그것이 문제를 더 키웠다. 흥분한 그들은 ‘시인’을 ‘신’으로 잘못 알아듣고 급기야는 나에게 “마귀야, 마귀! 썩 물러가라!” 하고 고함치기 시작했다.

난해한 자작시 몇 편밖에 가진 것 없는 문학청년에게 ‘마귀’라는 말이 비수처럼 꽂혔다. 결국 몇 푼 안 되지만 나에게는 거금인 남은 월세도 돌려받지 못한 채 떠나야만 했다. 내가 정문을 나설 때까지 그들은 팔짱을 끼고 서서 매의 눈으로 감시했다. 애초부터 잘못은 신앙 공동체 안에 겁 없이 뛰어든 이방인에게 있었지만, 세상으로부터 추방당한 기분이었다.

그러나 신은 나를 완전히 버리지 않으셨다. 마땅히 갈 곳이 없어 시골길을 걷다가 연극부 후배와 마주쳤다. 그의 집이 그 동네에 있었다. 군인 담요와 책 뭉치를 들고 배회하는 나를 보자 그는 약간 경계 태세를 취했다. 주변 풍경과 어울리지 않는 모습 때문이었을 것이다. 그러나 자초지종을 들은 후배는 자기 집으로 데려가더니, 내가 지쳐 보였는지 설탕 탄 물 한 그릇을 먹이고는 세들 곳을 물으러 다녔다.

그리하여 강변의 밭 한가운데 서 있는 무허가 창고에 싸게 세들 수가 있었다. 동네와 적당히 떨어져 있어서 사람들에게 또다시 배척당할 일도 없고 근처에 설탕물 타 주는 후배까지 있으니 든든했다. 전기가 없어 밤에 촛불을 켜고 지내야 하는 것 외에는 큰 불편이 없었다. 밤에는 촛불의 심지를 들여다보거나 글을 쓰고, 한낮에는 랭보나 말라르메의 시를 외우며 먼 곳까지 한가롭게 걸어 다녔다.

이내 여름 장마가 닥쳤다. 먹구름이 창고 슬레이트 지붕 위에 드리워지고 천둥이 헛으름장을 놓더니 저녁부터 비가 퍼붓기 시작했다. 사방에서 들리는 빗소리에 잠을 이룰 수 없었다. 한밤중에 밖으로 나간 나는 기겁을 하고 놀랐다. 폭우에 급격히 불어난 강물이 금방이라도 밭과 창고를 삼킬 것처럼 저만치서 부풀어 오르고 있었다. 동트기 전이라 어두운데도 물빛은 무서울 만큼 희게 빛났다.

모든 것이 불안하기만 한 시기였다. 졸업을 얼마 앞두고 있었지만 살아갈 날들이 살아온 날들보다 더 힘들게 느껴져, 어느 방향으로 나아가야 할지 앞이 내다보이지 않았다. 그 불안감을 가중시키며 저 앞에서 강물이 너울거리고 있었다.

그때, 더 이상 밀려날 곳도 없는 두려움 속에서 나를 구원한 것은 다름 아닌 나 자신이었다. 낡은 창고 앞에 서서 위협하듯 불어 오르는 강물을 보며 나는 문득 생각했다. ‘나는 시인이 아닌가!’ 하고. 그렇게 생각하는 순간, 그 모든 상황이 시를 쓰고 문학을 하기 위해서는 당연히 경험해야 하는 일들로 여겨지고 삶의 의지가 다시 솟았다.

그렇다, 빗소리를 들으며 촛불 아래 글을 쓰는 것은 시인에게 가장 어울리는 일이었다. 깊은 밤 홀로 강의 섬뜩한 물빛과 마주하는 것도, 폐렴을 개의치 않고 비를 맞는 것도 시인이기에 할 수 있는 일이 아닌가. ‘작가는 비를 맞는 바보’라고 나탈리 골드버그는 『뼛속까지 내려가서 써라』에서 말했다. 폭우가 쏟아져 사람들이 우산을 펴거나 신문으로 머리를 가리고 서둘러 뛰어갈 때 작가는 아무렇지도 않게 비를 맞는 바보라는 것이다. 자신의 안전을 생각하거나 시간에 맞춰 어딘가에 도착하기보다 무늬를 그리며 웅덩이에 떨어지는 빗방울들을 응시하는 것, 그것이 작가가 자신의 빛나는 순간을 붙잡는 방법이라는 것이다.

- 중략 -

그 밤에 비를 맞으면서 나는 온 영혼을 다해 소리 내어 시를 외웠다. 그리고 나 자신이 ‘오갈 데 없는 처지’라거나 ‘공동체에서 쫓겨난 마귀’가 아니라 시인이라고 생각하자 얼굴을 때리는 빗방울이, 빗줄기에 춤을 추는 옥수수 잎이, 촛농이 떨어지는 창턱까지도 축복처럼 느껴졌다. 그런 시적인 순간은 아무에게나 주어지는 것이 아니라는 것도.

삶이 내게 말하려 했던 것이 그것이었다. 이 깨달음은 그날 이후에도 나를 붙들어 주었다. 언제 어디서나 나 자신이 시인임을 기억할 때, 모든 예기치 않은 상황들을 마음을 열고 받아들일 수 있었다. 그때 삶이라는 이 사건이 글을 쓰기 위한 선물로 바뀌었다. 그리고 그것이 내게는 인생 본연의 아름다움과 경이로움을 잃지 않는 길이었다.

삶이 내게 말하려 했던 것
- 비를 맞는 바보가 되라

『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』

“신이 쉼표를 넣은 곳에
마침표를 찍지 말라”

“내게 독자란, 글을 나눠 읽는 동지이다. 내 글을 읽는 사람을 만날 때 나는 같은 인간 존재로서의 동지애를 느낀다. 시인 파블로 네루다가 여행을 하다가 칠레의 탄광에 들른 적이 있다. 그때 갱도에서 일하던 얼굴이 새까매진 광부가 다가와 네루다를 와락 껴안으며 외친다. ‘당신을 오래전부터 알고 있었어요.’ 그런 동지가 있을 때 우리는 이 세상 속에서 굳건해진다.”
- 류시화, 채널예스 인터뷰에서

표제작 「좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가」 외에 「비를 맞는 바보」 「축복을 셀 때 상처를 빼고 세지 말라」 「신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다」 「불완전한 사람도 완벽한 장미를 선물할 수 있다」 「인생 만트라」 등 삶과 인간에 대한 이야기를 시인의 언어로 풀어냈다. 한 사람이 다른 사람에게 할 수 있는 진실한 고백 「나는 너와 함께 있을 때의 내가 가장 좋아」, 세상이 자신을 매장시킨다고 생각될 때 그것을 파종으로 바꾸는 「매장과 파종」, 어차피 천재가 아니기 때문에 하고 또 하고 끝까지 할 수밖에 없다는 「마법을 일으키는 비결」도 실었다. 흔히 수필을 붓 가는 대로 쓰는 글이라고 하지만, 어떤 붓은 쇠처럼 깊게 새기고 불처럼 마음의 불순물을 태워 살아온 날과 살아갈 날을 사색하게 한다. 그림_Miroco Machiko ©

좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가

저자 류시화

출판 더숲

발매 2019.03.05.

『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』
출간 기념 이벤트

더숲 포스트를 팔로우하고,
『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』
출간 전 기대평을
댓글로 남겨 주세요!
마음이 담긴 댓글을 남기신
스무 분께 저자 사인본을 드립니다.

출간 전 연재 일정
2/26(화) ~ 3/4(월)
매일 1회씩 총 6회(일요일 제외)

이벤트 기간

당첨자 발표
『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』
시리즈 포스트에 발표

*『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』는
3월 초 출간 예정입니다.

예스24, 알라딘, 인터파크, 교보문고 온라인 서점에서 류시화의『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』를 구입하시는 분께 사은품으로 씨앗연필을 증정합니다(한정 수량, 마일리지 차감). 씨앗 연필은 몽당연필을 씨앗 심는 도구로 리사이클링하는 아이디어 상품입니다. 화분에 씨앗연필을 심어 예쁘게 키워 보세요.

* 도서 『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』 자세히 보기

-교보문고: https://bit.ly/2T9s5Zl
-예스24: https://bit.ly/2tF3cqh
-알라딘: https://bit.ly/2GUHTZj
-인터파크: https://bit.ly/2SNnPiR

좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가

류시화 (지은이) | 더숲 | 2019-03-05

반양장본 | 256쪽 | 139*204mm | 386g | ISBN : 9791186900789

국내도서 > 에세이 > 한국에세이
국내도서 > 에세이 > 명사에세이 > 문인

시집, 산문집, 여행기, 번역서로 변함없이 공감을 불러일으키는 류시화 시인의 에세이. 이번 책의 주제는 '삶이 내게 말하려 했던 것'이다. 표제작 '좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가' 외에 '비를 맞는 바보' '축복을 셀 때 상처를 빼고 세지 말라' '신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다' '불완전한 사람도 완벽한 장미를 선물할 수 있다' '인생 만트라' '자신을 태우지 않고 빛나는 별은 없다' 등 삶과 인간에 대한 이야기를 시인의 언어로 풀어냈다.

한 사람이 다른 사람에게 할 수 있는 진실한 고백 '나는 너와 함께 있을 때의 내가 가장 좋아', 어차피 천재가 아니기 때문에 하고 또 하고 끝까지 할 수밖에 없다는 '마법을 일으키는 비결'도 실었다.

만약 우리가 삶의 전체 그림을 볼 수 있다면, 지금의 막힌 길이 언젠가는 선물이 되어 돌아오리라는 걸 알게 될까? '신이 쉼표를 넣은 곳에 마침표를 찍지 말라'고 저자는 말한다. 우리 자신은 문제보다 더 큰 존재라고. 인생의 굴곡마저 웃음과 깨달음으로 승화시키는 통찰이 엿보인다. 흔히 수필을 붓 가는 대로 쓰는 글이라고 하지만, 어떤 붓은 쇠처럼 깊게 새기고 불처럼 마음의 불순물을 태워 살아온 날과 살아갈 날을 사색하게 한다.

비를 맞는 바보
새는 날아서 어디로 가게 될지 몰라도
그것을 큰일로 만들지 말라
인생 만트라
축복을 셀 때 상처를 빼고 세지 말라
신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다
살아 있는 것은 아프다

좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가
왜 이것밖에
마법을 일으키는 비결
나의 힌디어 수업
미워할 수 없는 나의 제자
융의 돌집
불완전한 사람도 완벽한 장미를 선물할 수 있다

매장과 파종
나는 너와 함께 있을 때의 내가 가장 좋아
아무도 보지 않을 때의 나
내면 아이
나의 품사
내 영혼, 안녕한가
다시 만난 기적

어떤 길을 가든 그 길과 하나가 되라
원숭이를 생각하지 말 것
어서 와, 감정
사과 이야기
직박구리새의 죽음

누구도 우연히 오지 않는다
꽃이 피면 알게 될 것이다
60억 개의 세상
연민 피로
걱정을 해서 걱정이 없어지면 걱정이 없겠네
나는 왜 너가 아닌가

진실한 한 문장
낙하산 접는 사람
진짜인 나, 가짜인 너
자신을 태우지 않고 빛나는 별은 없다
우리가 찾는 것이 우리를 찾고 있다
에필로그_하늘 호수로부터의 선물

대학 졸업반 때의 일이다.

“솔직히 말씀드려 마음을 빼앗길 만큼 이야기들이 너무 좋았습니다. 끝까지 듣지 않고는 배길 수가 없었습니다.”

시바 신이 화를 누르며 말했습니다.
“그렇다면 그대는 이 카일라스산을 떠나 인간 세상으로 내려가서 그 이야기들을 전하라. 세상의 모든 사람이 그 이야기들을 알게 되기 전까지는 결코 돌아올 생각을 하지 말라.”

그리하여 신하는 히말라야 신전에서 추방당했으며, 이후 온 세상을 방랑하며 자신이 아는 이야기들을 인간들에게 들려줘야만 했습니다.
모든 작가는 이 신하처럼 이야기 전달자의 숙명을 짊어진 사람이 아닐까 저는 생각합니다. 늘 새롭고 재미있고 깨달음과 의미가 담긴 이야기를 들려줘야만 하는. 그래서 독자가 첫 번째 이야기를 읽고 나면 그다음 이야기도 읽고 싶게 만들어야만 하는.

우리는 저마다 자기 생의 작가입니다. 우리의 생이 어떤 이야기를 써 나가고 있는지, 그 이야기들이 어떤 의미이며 그다음을 읽고 싶을 만큼 흥미진진한지 말할 수 있는 사람은 오직 우리 자신뿐입니다.

『새는 날아가면서 뒤돌아보지 않는다』에 이어 새 산문집을 냅니다. 재미있게 읽어 주시기 바랍니다. - 「저자 서문 ‘자기 생의 작가’」 중에서

내가 물었다.
“왜 나한테 말해 주지 않았지? 랑탕 지역의 환경을 잘 알면서 어떤 장비가 필요한지 왜 조언해 주지 않았어?”
친구가 말했다.
“직접 경험하는 것이 너에겐 더 좋으니까. 그리고 앞으로도 계속 트레킹을 할 테니까 말야. 도중에서 필요한 장비와 도구들을 구할 수 있으리란 걸 난 알고 있었어. 어떻게든 문제를 해결해 나갈 수 있으리란 것도.”
삶은 설명을 듣는 것이 아니라 경험하는 것이다. 경험은 우리 안의 불순물을 태워 버린다. 만약 그 친구가 필요한 조언을 아끼지 않았다면 랑탕 트레킹은 내 혼에 그토록 깊이 각인되지 않았을 것이다. 나는 그때 그 길들이 나를 기다리고 있었다고 믿는다. 경험자들의 조언에 매달려 살아가려는 나를 직접 불확실성과 껴안게 하려고. 미지의 영역에 들어설 때 안내자가 아니라 눈앞의 실체와 만나게 하려고. 결국 삶은 답을 알려줄 것이므로.
- 「새는 날아서 어디로 가게 될지 몰라도」 중에서

짧은 시간에 그토록 많은 비를 맞은 것은 처음이었다. 바퀴까지 물에 잠긴 오토릭샤가 늪인지 웅덩이인지 모를 곳을 종횡무진으로 달리니 사방의 비를 다 맞는 기분이었다. 어쩌다 보이는 물체가 소인지 사람인지 분간하기도 어려웠다. 쇠창살을 꽉 움켜쥔 내 두려움을 느꼈는지, 늙은 릭샤 운전수가 어깨너머로 말했다.
“낫싱 스페셜(Nothing special)!”
‘큰일이 아니니 걱정하지 말라’는 것이었다(우기가 긴 남인도에서는 12월에도 종종 폭우가 쏟아진다). 그 한마디 말이 부정적인 상상으로 내면의 전투를 벌이는 내 마음을 한순간에 바꿔 놓았다. ‘나는 여행자 아닌가? 아열대 나라가 아니면 어디서 이런 비를 맞아 보겠는가?’ 하는 생각이 퍼뜩 들었다. - 「그것을 큰일로 만들지 말라」 중에서

전에 알던 한 여성은 음식을 먹기 전에 “맛있어져라, 맛있어져라!” 하고 주문을 외었다. 맛을 변화시키는 특별한 마살라(양념)를 뿌리듯 자못 진지해서 보는 사람을 미소 짓게 만들었다. 집에서 음식을 만들 때도 그 주문을 왼다고 했다. “그렇게 한다고 맛없는 음식이 정말로 맛있어지겠어?” 하고 묻자, “그럼요, 이건 강력한 만트라예요!” 하고 말했다.
자신에게 거는 마법의 주문, 당신의 인생 만트라는 무엇인가? 그 단어와 문장 안에서 긍정이 발효되고 있는가? - 「인생 만트라」 중에서

우리는 신에게, 삶에게 묻곤 한다. ‘왜 나에게는 이것밖에 주지 않는 거지?’ 그러나 보이지 않는 목소리가 답한다. ‘이것이 너를 네가 원하는 것에게로 인도하기 때문이다.’ 그 속삭임을 듣지 못할 때 우리는 세상과의 내적인 논쟁에 시간을 허비한다. 다른 사람들이 당신의 여행을 이해하지 못하는 것은 당연한 일이지만, 스스로가 자신의 여행을 이해하지 못하는 것은 불행한 일이다. 자신이 결코 팔을 갖지 못하리라는 사실을 받아들이는 순간 새의 몸에서 날개가 돋아나기 시작했다고 한다.
- 「왜 이것밖에」 중에서

지은이 : 류시화
최고의 작품 투표
신간알리미 신청

수상 : 2012년 경희문학상
최근작 : <좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가>,<인생 우화>,<시로 납치하다> … 총 138종 (모두보기)
소개 :
시인. 경희대학교 국문과를 졸업하고 한국일보 신춘문예에 시가 당선되어 문단에 나왔다. <시운동> 동인으로 활동하다가 한동안 시 창작을 접고 인도, 네팔, 티베트 등지를 여행하기 시작했다. 이 시기부터 오쇼, 지두 크리슈나무르티, 바바 하리 다스, 달라이 라마, 틱낫한, 무닌드라 등 영적 스승들의 책을 번역 소개하는 한편 서울과 인도를 오가며 생활해 왔다.

1991년 첫 시집 『그대가 곁에 있어도 나는 그대가 그립다』를, 1996년 두 번째 시집 『외눈박이 물고기의 사랑』을 발표했다. 세상을 신비주의적 차원에서 바라보...

미지의 책을 펼치는 것은 작가에 대한 기대와 믿음에서다. 시집, 산문집, 여행기, 번역서로 변함없이 공감을 불러일으키는 류시화 시인의 신작 에세이. 이번 책의 주제는 ‘삶이 내게 말하려 했던 것’이다.

표제작 「좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가」 외에 「비를 맞는 바보」 「축복을 셀 때 상처를 빼고 세지 말라」 「신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다」 「불완전한 사람도 완벽한 장미를 선물할 수 있다」 「인생 만트라」 「자신을 태우지 않고 빛나는 별은 없다」 등 삶과 인간에 대한 이야기를 시인의 언어로 풀어냈다. 한 사람이 다른 사람에게 할 수 있는 진실한 고백 「나는 너와 함께 있을 때의 내가 가장 좋아」, 어차피 천재가 아니기 때문에 하고 또 하고 끝까지 할 수밖에 없다는 「마법을 일으키는 비결」도 실었다.

만약 우리가 삶의 전체 그림을 볼 수 있다면, 지금의 막힌 길이 언젠가는 선물이 되어 돌아오리라는 걸 알게 될까? ‘신이 쉼표를 넣은 곳에 마침표를 찍지 말라’고 저자는 말한다. 우리 자신은 문제보다 더 큰 존재라고. 인생의 굴곡마저 웃음과 깨달음으로 승화시키는 통찰이 엿보인다. 흔히 수필을 붓 가는 대로 쓰는 글이라고 하지만, 어떤 붓은 쇠처럼 깊게 새기고 불처럼 마음의 불순물을 태워 살아온 날과 살아갈 날을 사색하게 한다.

시인의 언어로 쓴,
삶이 내게 말하려 했던 것

『좋은지 나쁜지 누가 아는가』는 인생에 다 나쁜 것은 없다는 작가의 경험과 깨달음을 담고 있다. ‘시인’을 ‘신’으로 알아들은 사람들 때문에 신앙 공동체에서 쫓겨난 일화, 화장실 없는 셋방에 살면서 매일 근처 대학병원 화장실로 달려가며 깨달은 매장과 파종의 차이, ‘나는 오늘 행복하다’를 수없이 소리내어 반복해야 했던 힌디어 수업, ‘왜 이것밖에 주지 않느냐?’는 물음에 ‘이것만이 너를 저것으로 인도할 것이기 때문’이라고 답하는 어떤 목소리, 신은 각자의 길을 적어 주셨으며 그 표식을 따라가면 길을 잃지 않는다는 것, 가장 힘든 계절의 모습으로 나무를 판단해서는 안 되며 꽃이 피면 알게 되리라는 진리.

어떤 이야기는 재미있고, 어떤 이야기는 마음에 남고, 어떤 것은 반전이 있고, 또 어떤 것은 눈물이 날 만큼 감동적이다. 시인은 단 한 줄의 문장으로도 가슴을 연다.

류시화는 명상서적을 주도적으로 번역하고 영적 스승들을 만나 왔지만 주장이나 이념이 먼저인 작가가 아니다. 다만 자신을 성장시킨 우연한 만남들, 웃음과 재치로 숨긴 만만치 않은 상처의 경험들, 영혼에 자양분이 되어준 세상의 많은 이야기들을 들려준다. 때로는 폭소를 터뜨리게 하고, 어떤 대목에서는 눈물짓게 한다. 글들을 읽다 보면 저자가 ‘이야기 전달자’를 넘어 ‘이야기 치료사’에 가깝다는 느낌을 받는다. ‘삶은 배우는 것이 아니라 알아 가는 것’이 그의 생각이다.

대학 졸업반 때 저자는 싼 월세방이 있다는 친구의 말을 듣고 경기도 외곽의 신앙 공동체에 세를 든다. 낡은 원룸이지만 독립된 공간이고, 강으로 난 오솔길이 있어서 신이 준 선물이라 여긴다. 하지만 장발을 한 이방인이 신성한 터전을 어슬렁거리자 공동체 사람들이 몰려와 당장 떠나라고 요구한다. 사정을 봐 달라고 간청하며 시인이라고 밝히자 사람들은 ‘시인’을 ‘신’으로 잘못 알아듣고 “마귀야, 썩 물러가라!” 하고 고함친다. 결국 남은 월세도 돌려받지 못한 채 쫓겨난다.

하지만 신은 그를 완전히 버리지 않으셨다. 갈 곳이 없어 시골길을 배회하다가 마주친 연극부 후배가 강변 밭의 무허가 창고에 살도록 주선해 준다. 행복도 잠시, 여름 장마가 닥치고 한밤중에 밖으로 나가니 폭우 속에 강물이 무섭게 불어나고 있다. 더 이상 밀려날 곳도 없는 두려움과 떨림 속에서 위협하듯 불어 오르는 강물을 보며 그는 문득 자각한다. “나는 시인이 아닌가!” 하고.

저자는 ‘작가는 비를 맞는 바보’라는 소설가 나탈리 골드버그의 말을 인용하며 자신의 깨달음을 이렇게 정리한다.
“나 자신이 ‘오갈 데 없는 처지’라거나 ‘공동체에서 쫓겨난 마귀’가 아니라 시인이라고 생각하자 얼굴을 때리는 빗방울이, 빗줄기에 춤을 추는 옥수수 잎이, 촛농이 떨어지는 창턱까지도 축복처럼 느껴졌다. 그런 시적인 순간은 아무에게나 주어지는 것이 아니라는 것도.”

“신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다”

한 권이 책이 우리를 껴안을 때가 있다. 독자는 읽는 순간 느끼고, 그 느낌을 믿는다. 글 속에 글쓴이의 진정성이 얼마나 담겨 있는지를. 어느 인터뷰에서 저자는 말한다.
“내게 독자란, 글을 나눠 읽는 동지이다. 내 글을 읽은 사람을 만날 때 나는 같은 인간 존재로서의 동지애를 느낀다. 시인 파블로 네루다가 여행을 하다가 칠레의 탄광에 들른 적이 있다. 그때 갱도에서 일하던 얼굴이 새까매진 광부가 다가와 네루다를 와락 껴안으며 외친다. ‘당신을 오래 전부터 알고 있었어요.’ 그런 동지가 있을 때 우리는 이 세상 속에서 굳건해진다...... 다른 사람들과 마찬가지로 나 자신도 무너지거나 절망한 적이 많다. 그럴 때 나를 일으켜 세워 준 사람들, 내가 길을 잃었을 때 방향을 가리켜 보인 이들 모두가 나의 스승이다.”

저자는 늙은 암소 한 마리에만 겨우 의지해 아무 희망 없이 살아가던 어떤 가족이 암소가 절벽에 떨어져 죽은 후 삶의 반전을 시도해 비로소 인생 최고의 행운을 만난 이야기를 들려주면서 이렇게 말한다.
“안전하게 살아가려고 마음먹는 순간 삶은 우리를 절벽으로 밀어뜨린다. 파도가 후려친다면 새로운 삶을 살 때가 되었다는 메시지이다. 어떤 상실과 잃음도 괜히 온 게 아니다. ‘신은 구불구불한 글씨로 똑바르게 메시지를 적는다’라는 말이 있지 않은가. 나는 지금 절벽으로 밀어뜨려야 할 어떤 암소를 가지고 있는가? 그 암소의 이름은 무엇인가? 내 삶이 의존하고 있는 안락하고 익숙한 것, 그래서 더 나아가지 못하게 나를 붙잡는 것은.”

“불완전한 사람도 완벽한 장미를 선물할 수 있다”
자신이 결코 팔을 갖지 못하리라는 사실을 받아들이는 순간
새의 몸에서 날개가 돋아나기 시작했다

“매장과 파종의 차이는 있다고 나는 믿는다. 생의 한때에 자신이 캄캄한 암흑 속에 매장되었다고 느끼는 순간이 있다. 어둠 속을 전력질주해도 빛이 보이지 않을 때가. 그러나 사실 그때 우리는 어둠의 층에 매장된 것이 아니라 파종된 것이다. 청각과 후각을 키우고 저 밑바닥으로 뿌리를 내려 계절이 되었을 때 꽃을 피우고 삶에 열릴 수 있도록. 세상이 자신을 매장시킨다고 생각할 수 있지만, 그것을 파종으로 바꾸는 것은 우리 자신이다. 매장이 아닌 파종을 받아들인다면 불행은 이야기의 끝이 아니다.
- 「매장과 파종」 중에서

좋은 글은 마음을 맑게 한다. 그래서 마음을 치유한다. 시인의 글답지 않게 형용사와 부사를 자제한 문장들, 눈앞에 그림을 그리는 듯한 생생한 묘사가 독자를 ‘몰입’시킨다. 재치와 웃음이 담긴 문장들, 가슴 뭉클한 이야기들이 한 편 한 편 완결된 메시지를 담고 있어서 책을 덮은 후에도 여운이 오래 남는다. 때로는 깊은 숨을 내쉬느라, 살아온 날을 뒤돌아보고 살아갈 날을 내다보느라 페이지 넘기는 손이 드문드문 멈출 때도 있다. 어둠 속에서 노래하는 새처럼 책갈피에서 숨쉬는 떨림과 울림이 있다. 저자의 인생 여정이 담긴 글인데도, 읽는 이는 자신의 숨소리가 들린다. 작가의 상속자는 독자라는 말은 옳다. 빙하기가 와도 삶을 사랑하는 심장은 뜨겁다.

책을 읽어 내려가다 보면 세상과 인생을 보는 저자의 시각에 공감하고 그 세계에 끌린다. 분명하게 자신의 길을 걷는 작가 류시화, 기대를 저버리지 않으며 변함없이 좋은 글을 발표하는 힘은 어디서 오는 것일까? 저자는 그것을 ‘분투노력’이라고 말한다.

“나는 타고난 재능을 지닌 작가나 번역가가 전혀 아니기 때문에 매일 노력을 쏟지 않으면 안 된다. 첫 문장이 마음에 들지 않거나 한 단락도 끝내지 못하고 오전을 다 보낼 때도 있다. 영감이 떠오르기를 기다렸다면 한 편의 글도 완성할 수 없었을 것이다. 나에게 영감은 그저 매일 계속 쓰는 것이다. 멋진 소재가 그냥 굴러들어오는 행운은 매번 나를 비켜 간다. 집필의 신이 내 집필실에는 안 오고 다른 작가들의 집필실만 편애한다는 생각을 지울 수 없다. 당신과 나, 우리는 어차피 천재가 아니다. 따라서 하고 또 하고 끝까지 해서 마법을 일으키는 수밖에 없다.”
- 「마법을 일으키는 비결」 중에서

In Japan, there is a boom in books by and for the elderly - Fifty shades of grey

In Japan, there is a boom in books by and for the elderly - Fifty shades of grey

In Japan, there is a boom in books by and for the elderly

As the market ages, so do the authors and themes

Print edition | Asia
Feb 23rd 2019| TOKYO

Literature reflects life. So in ageing Japan there is a raft of smash-hit books by aged authors. “Age 90: what’s so great about it?” is a humorous essay on the difficulties of the elderly, by Aiko Sato, who is 95 and wrote it with a pen. It sold 1m copies in 2017, making it Japan’s bestselling book that year. In 2018 the Akutagawa literary prize went to Chisako Wakatake, 63 at the time, for her debut novel “Live by Myself” with its 74-year-old protagonist, Momoko.

The books talk about how to live in old age, and it is not all doom and gloom. The widowed Momoko, for example, learns to live on her own. “The Finished Person” by Makiko Uchidate, who is 70, opens with the line “retirement is a living funeral” before going on to depict the adventures of a retired salaryman, including falling for a younger woman and returning to his home town. “Going to Die Soon”, also by Ms Uchidate, features 78-year-old Hana, a vibrant former alcohol-shop owner trying to make the most of her remaining years. The novel has been called a book for shukatsu, or preparing for death, making readers think more deeply about what it means to age.

Japan’s population has the world’s highest proportion of over-65s, at 28%. People are living longer and staying healthier, so many have at least 20-30 years of retirement, for much of which they are sprightly. And although the Japanese have been spending less on books, that is least true for the over-60s. Lawson, a convenience-store chain, recently decided to stock books with the older generation in mind.

But the wrinkly writers’ books are attracting younger readers, too, according to the Research Institute for Publications (rip), a body in Tokyo. Some are preparing for their own old age or want to understand the increasing number of old people they see around them. Others find relevance in the themes explored, such as loneliness, a problem that stretches well beyond the silver-haired. In Hiroyuki Itsuki’s blockbuster self-help book, “Recommendation for Solitude”, the 86-year-old author promotes reminiscing about “the good old days”.

The most notable feature of the new genre is that the vast majority of authors, and main characters, are women. Especially popular, says the rip, are the ara-hun (“around-hundred” years-old) writers like Ms Sato, whose book, readers say, helps them be more positive. It is not just that women have a longer life expectancy. Their popularity, reckons the institute, also reflects support for strong women who are passionate about their work, a phenomenon that is all too rare in Japan today.
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "Fifty shades of grey"


Ecological Resistance Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular ... - Bron Raymond Taylor - Google Books

Ecological Resistance Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular ... - Bron Raymond Taylor - Google Books

Ecological Resistance Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular Environmentalism

Bron Raymond Taylor
SUNY Press, 1995 - Political Science - 422 pages
0 Reviews

Ecological resistance movements are proliferating around the world. Some are explicitly radical in their ideas and militant in their tactics while others have emerged from a variety of social movements that, in response to environmental deterioration, have taken up ecological sustainability as a central objective. This book brings together a team of international scholars to examine contemporary movements of ecological resistance. The first four sections focus on the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Europe, and the book concludes with a selection of articles that address the philosophical and moral issues these movements pose, assess trends found among them, and evaluate their impacts and prospects. 

[Among the many contributors to the volume are Daniel Deudney, Robert Edwards, Heidi Hadsell, Sheldon Kamieniecki, Lois Lorentzen, David Rothenberg, Wolfgang Rudig, Jerry Stark, Paul Wapner, and Ben Wisner.]


Green Sisters — Sarah McFarland Taylor | Harvard University Press

Green Sisters — Sarah McFarland Taylor | Harvard University Press

Green Sisters
A Spiritual Ecology

Sarah McFarland Taylor
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$24.00 • £17.95 • €21.50

ISBN 9780674034952

Publication Date: 09/15/2009

* Academic Trade

384 pages

6 x 9 inches

12 halftones


Related Subjects
RELIGION: Christianity: Catholic
NATURE: Ecology

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It is perhaps the critical issue of our time: How can we, as human beings, find ethical and sustainable ways to live with one another and with other living beings on this planet? Inviting us into the world of “green sisters,” this book provides compelling answers from a variety of religious communities.

Green sisters are environmentally active Catholic nuns who are working to heal the earth as they cultivate new forms of religious culture. Sarah McFarland Taylor approaches this world as an “intimate outsider.” Neither Roman Catholic nor member of a religious order, she is a scholar well versed in both ethnography and American religious history who has also spent time shucking garlic and digging vegetable beds with the sisters. With her we encounter sisters in North America who are sod-busting the manicured lawns around their motherhouses to create community-supported organic gardens; building alternative housing structures and hermitages from renewable materials; adopting the “green” technology of composting toilets, solar panels, fluorescent lighting, and hybrid vehicles; and turning their community properties into land trusts with wildlife sanctuaries.

Green Sisters gives us a firsthand understanding of the practice and experience of women whose lives bring together Catholicism and ecology, orthodoxy and activism, traditional theology and a passionate mission to save the planet. As green sisters explore ways of living a meaningful religious life in the face of increased cultural diversity and ecological crisis, their story offers hope for the future—and for a deeper understanding of the connections between women, religion, ecology, and culture.

Listen to Sarah McFarland Taylor discuss Green Sisters on the HUP Podcast

Mary Evelyn Tucker - Wikipedia

Mary Evelyn Tucker - Wikipedia

Mary Evelyn Tucker
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Mary Evelyn Tucker is the co-founder and co-director of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale University with her husband, John Allan Grim.[1] Tucker teaches in the joint Master’s program in religion and ecology at Yale between the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and the Divinity School.[2] She also has an appointment at Yale’s Department of Religious Studies. She has authored and edited close to 20 volumes and has published hundreds of articles.[3] She is a pioneer in the field of religion and ecology. She is the granddaughter of Carlton J.H. Hayes, noted European historian at Columbia University and Ambassador to Spain in WWII under Franklin Delano Roosevelt.[4] As an author, she is largely held in libraries worldwide.[5] She teaches a MOOC (massive open online course) specialization of four courses on Journey of the Universe and “The Worldview of Thomas Berry.”[6]

1Early life and education
1.1Thomas Berry
1.2The Forum on Religion and Ecology
1.3Journey of the Universe

2Awards and Service
3Personal life
5Honorary Degrees
6Major Publications
8External links

Early life and education[edit]

Mary Evelyn Tucker was born in New York City, the daughter of William D. Tucker, Jr. and Mary Elizabeth Hayes Tucker.[7] She has a B.A. in English from Trinity College (now known as Trinity Washington University) and a Master’s Degree from SUNY in English. She also studied literature and history at Oxford University. After teaching for two years at Notre Dame University in Japan and studying at Sophia University in Tokyo she received an MA from Fordham University in History of Religions. Her PhD is in Asian religions from Columbia University where she specialized in Confucianism in China and Japan. She has published five books on Confucianism. She has been an Associate in Research at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University since 1997.[8]

Thomas Berry[edit]

Tucker studied world religions in graduate school with noted cultural historian, Thomas Berry[9] (well known for his 1988 volume, The Dream of the Earth, originally published by Sierra Club Books).[10] She worked closely with Berry for 35 years and has edited a number of his books including Evening Thoughts, The Sacred Universe, Christian Future and The Fate of Earth, and Selected Writings on the Earth Community.[11] She and her husband John Grim together carry on the legacy of Thomas Berry through their work in religion and ecology and the Journey of the Universe. They are managing trustees of the Thomas Berry Foundation.[12]

The Forum on Religion and Ecology[edit]

With the vision of creating a new field of study that could have implications for environmental policy, Tucker and Grim organized a series of ten conferences on World Religions and Ecology at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard University(1995-1998).[13][14] Ten volumes came out of the conferences (series editors: Tucker and Grim) and are distributed by Harvard University Press.[15] After the conferences, she and Grim founded the Forum on Religion and Ecology at a culminating event at the United Nations and American Museum of Natural History in 1998, which featured such notables as Maurice Strong, Bill Moyers, Tim Wirth, and Tu Weiming.[16]

The Forum has organized dozens of conferences, published numerous volumes, and produced a comprehensive website on world religions and ecology. It is the largest international multi-religious project of its kind. The Forum is inherently interdisciplinary and acknowledges that the world’s religions must engage with other key disciplines (e.g., public policy, science, education, economics) in order to find answers to contemporary environmental challenges.[17]

Twenty years ago the field of religion and ecology did not exist. Today there are courses taught at colleges and secondary schools across North America, Europe, and Australia. And a powerful surge of religious environmentalism has emerged globally in churches, temples, synagogues, and mosques. Statements have been issued by every major religion regarding the importance of environmental protection. The Forum on Religion and Ecology has been an integral part of these worldwide developments. To this end Tucker has spoken at conferences around the world, including the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN),[18] the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP),[19] the Vatican Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,[20] the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,[21] the Global Forum,[22] Earth Charter InternationalConferences,[23] and the Parliament of World Religions.[24][25]

Journey of the Universe[edit]

With evolutionary philosopher, Brian Thomas Swimme, Mary Evelyn Tucker created Journey of the Universe, a multi-media project that carries forward much of Berry’s work.[26] The project includes the widely acclaimed Journey of the Universe film, which won a regional Emmy Award for “Outstanding Achievement: Documentary” and aired on PBS stations across the U.S. for three years.[27][28] The Journey film was directed by David Kennard (one of the directors and senior producers of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and Jacob Bronowski’s Ascent of Man) and Patsy Northcutt.[29] There is also a book by the same name from Yale University Press and a series of 20 “Conversations” on DVD—interviews conducted by Tucker with leading environmentalists, scientists, educators, and historians.[30]

Journey was deeply inspired by Thomas Berry’s essay “The New Story,”[31] which looked at how humanity is in between stories—the religious creation stories and the scientific story of the evolution. Tucker and Swimme came together to craft this epic narrative designed to communicate our intricate connection to the cosmos and Earth to a broader audience.

The Journey film was the winner of Best Documentary at the Northern California Emmy® Awards (2011); winner of the Global Award and received Merit awards for both Scientific Information and Cinematography at the Montana CINE International Film Festival (2012);[32] winner of the Sierra Nevada Award at the Mountain Film Festival;[33] winner of the El Capitan Award at the Yosemite International Film Festival;[34] chosen as one of the featured films at the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital;[35][36] an official selection at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival; received an Honorable Mention at the Columbus International Film Festival;[37] and received the Award of Excellence at the Indie Fest.[38]

Awards and Service[edit]

Mary Evelyn Tucker has been a recipient of the Inspiring Yale Teaching Award,[39] the Thomas Berry Award,[40] the Chancellor’s Medal/Joint and Common Future Award (University of Massachusetts, Boston),[41] the Unitas Distinguished Alumna Award (Union Theological Seminary),[42] the Interfaith Visionary Award,[43] the Faith in Action Award,[44]the Hudson Valley Hero Award,[45] Spiritearth Award,[46] Centennial Alumnae Award for Academic Excellence (Trinity College),[47] among others.

Tucker has been an integral part of the Earth Charter since its initial inception. From 1997-2000, she served on the International Earth Charter Drafting Committee, chaired by Steven Rockefeller, and she was also a member of the Earth Charter International Council.[48] She currently serves on the Advisory Boards of Orion Magazine,[49] Solutions Magazine, the Garrison Institute,[50] and Green Belt Movement U.S., dedicated to the work and legacy of Wangari Maathai.[51] Since 1979 Tucker has served as vice-president of the American Teilhard Association, dedicated to the legacy of scientist and philosopher Pierre Teilhard deChardin[52]
Personal life[edit]

Mary Evelyn Tucker is married to Yale professor John Grim, an expert on Native American traditions and author of The Shaman.[53] They live in Connecticut.


Ph.D. Columbia University, 1985

M.A. Fordham University, 1977

M.A. State University of New York, 1972

B.A. Trinity College, 1971

Honorary Degrees[edit]

Rosemont College, Rosemont, Pennsylvania, May 2014

University of Toronto, St Michael's, Toronto, Ontario, November 2012

Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, June 2012

California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, June 2005
Major Publications[edit]

  • •Jenkins, Willis, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim, eds. Routledge Handbook on Religion and Ecology. New York, NY: Routledge Books, 2016.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Grim, eds. Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2016.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Grim, eds. Thomas Berry: Selected Writings on the Earth Community. (Spiritual Masters Series.) Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2014.

  • •John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Ecology and Religion. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2014.

  • •Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Journey of the Universe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn, ed. The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality, and Religion in the 21st Century. Essays by Thomas Berry. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Grim, eds. Christian Future and the Fate of Earth. Essays by Thomas Berry. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn. The Philosophy of Qi: The Record of Great Doubts. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn, ed. Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community. Essays by Thomas Berry. Berkeley: Counterpoint Press, 2015. Originally San Francisco: Sierra Club Books and Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn. Worldly Wonder: Religions Enter Their Ecological Phase. Chicago: Open Court, 2003. Second printing, 2004.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Tu Weiming, eds. Confucian Spirituality, 2 volumes. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, Volume I, 2003, Volume II, 2004.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn, Cliff Matthews, and Philip Hefner, eds. When Worlds Converge: What Science and Religion Tell Us about the Story of the Universe and Our Place in It. Chicago: Open Court, 2002.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Grim, eds. "Religion and Ecology: Can the Climate Change?" Daedalus. Vol. 130, No. 4, Cambridge, Mass.: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Christopher Chapple, eds. Hinduism and Ecology: The Intersection of Earth, Sky, and Water. Cambridge, Mass.: Center for the Study of World Religions and Harvard University Press, 2000.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Berthrong, eds. Confucianism and Ecology: The Interrelation of Heaven, Earth, and Humans. Cambridge, Mass.: Center for the Study of World Religions and Harvard University Press, 1998.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Duncan Williams, eds. Buddhism and Ecology: The Interaction of Dharma and Deeds. Cambridge, Mass.: Center for the Study of World Religions and Harvard University Press, 1997.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn and John Grim, eds. Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Philosophy and the Environment. Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1993, Paperback edition, Orbis Books, 1994. (Eighth printing 2003). Translated into Indonesian.

  • •Tucker, Mary Evelyn. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714), Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1989.


  1. ^ "About Us". Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  2. ^ "Yale MA Program: Joint Degree in Religion and Ecology". Forum on Religion and Ecology. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  3. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  4. ^ "Obituary: Carlton J.H. Hayes". The New York Times Archives. The New York Times. September 4, 1964. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  5. ^ "Tucker, Mary Evelyn". worldcat.org. Retrieved September 17, 2016.
  6. ^ Dennehy, Kevin. "F&ES Launches First Online Courses in Religion and Ecology". Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Retrieved 2 January 2017.
  7. ^ "Obituary: Mary Elizabeth Hayes Tucker". The New York Times. December 12, 2012. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  8. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  9. ^ Grim and Tucker, John and Mary Evelyn (2013). Ecology and Religion. Washington DC: Island Press. pp. 5–7.
  10. ^ "Publications: The Dream of the Earth". Thomas Berry and the Great Work. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  11. ^ "Publications and Media". Thomas Berry and the Great Work. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  12. ^ "The Thomas Berry Foundation". Thomas Berry and the Great Work. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  13. ^ "Religions of the World and Ecology: Archive Of Conference Materials". Forum on Religion and Ecology. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  14. ^ Grim and Tucker, John and Mary Evelyn (2013). Ecology and Religion. Washington DC: Island Press. pp. 6–9.
  15. ^ "Religions of the World and Ecology Book Series". Forum on Religion and Ecology. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  16. ^ "UN/AMNH Culminating Conferences". Forum on Religion and Ecology. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  17. ^ "A History of the Forum on Religion and Ecology" (PDF). Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  18. ^ "Second International Seminar on Environment, Culture, and Religion". International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  19. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker CV" (PDF). Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  20. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker CV" (PDF). Yale School of Forestry and Emvironmental Studies. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  21. ^ "Events: A Letter From Rome: Laudato Si' as a Catalyst for Societal Transformation?". The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  22. ^ "Global Ethics and Religion Forum". Chapman University. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  23. ^ "Enlightening visit by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim". Earth Charter Initiative. March 22, 2013. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  24. ^ "Subthemes: Healing Earth". Parliament of the World's Religions. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  25. ^ "Parliament Schedule". Parliament of the World's Religions. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  26. ^ "Welcome: Journey of the Universe". Journey of the Universe. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  27. ^ "Journey of the Universe". PBS.org. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  28. ^ "Journey of the Universe". KQED.org. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  29. ^ "Journey of the Universe: Principal Bios". Journey of the Universe. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  30. ^ "Conversations Overview". Journey of the Universe. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  31. ^ Berry, Thomas (1978). "The New Story: Comments on the Origin, Identification, and Transmission of Values." (Teilhard Studies 1 ed.). Chambersburg, PA: Anima Press.
  32. ^ "Ninth Annual Montana CINE International Film Festival in Missoula, MT". Advanced Broadcast Solutions. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  33. ^ "2012 Winners". Mountain Film Festival. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  34. ^ "2011 Winners". Yosemite International Film Festival. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  35. ^ "Environmental Film Festival Earth Day Event". Reel Film News. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  36. ^ "Env Film Festival @ Carnegie Institute: "Journey of the Universe"". Bruce Guthrie Photos. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  37. ^ "Columbus International Film Festival 2011 Winners" (PDF). Media Platform. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  38. ^ "2011 Winners". The Indie Fest Film Awards. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  39. ^ "2015 Winners". Inspiring Yale. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  40. ^ "Thomas Berry Award Winners". Thomas Berry and the Great Work. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  41. ^ Colleen Locke (December 13, 2013). "Chancellor Assesses Campus Environment During 2013 Convocation". U Mass Boston. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  42. ^ "Unitas Award Winners". Union Theological Seminary. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  43. ^ "2010 Awards". The Temple of Understanding. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  44. ^ "Society of the Holy Child Jesus presents Faith in Action and Spirit awards". Main Line Media News. May 25, 2009. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  45. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker CV" (PDF). Emerging Earth Community. Retrieved 6 September2016.
  46. ^ "CV: Mary Evelyn Tucker" (PDF). Religious Studies: Yale University. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  47. ^ "Mary Evelyn Tucker CV" (PDF). Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  48. ^ "The Drafting Process". Earth Charter Initiative. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  49. ^ "Orion Magazine: Advisors". Orion Magazine. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  50. ^ "Board & Advisors". Garrison Institute. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  51. ^ "Green Belt Movement".
  52. ^ "ATA Board Members". American Teilhard Association. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  53. ^ Grim, John (1988). The Shaman: Patterns of Religious Healing Among the Ojibway Indians. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

07 Hirschfeld. Re-examining the Cuban Health Care System: Towards a Qualitative Critique.

To be published in Cuban Affairs Vol. 2, Issue 3-July 2007

Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami

 Re-examining the Cuban Health Care System:  Towards a Qualitative Critique.  Katherine Hirschfeld


         Based on such key statistical indicators as infant mortality, longevity, infectious disease rates, and provision of health services, Cuba appears far superior to neighboring countries.  The vast majority of scholarly analyses of Cuba’s health care system have been positive, and the Cuban government continues to respond to international criticism of its human rights record by citing this praise for its achievements in health and medicine (Chomsky, 2000; Limonta and Padrón, 1991; Weiner, 1998).   In fact, some scholars continue to argue that despite the debilitating economic crisis brought on by the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba’s health system remains superior to neighboring countries such as the Dominican Republic (Acosta, 1997; Chomsky, 2000; Whiteford, 2000; Whiteford and Martinez, 2001).   
          My own research, however, suggests that the unequivocally positive descriptions of the Cuban health care system in the social science literature are somewhat misleading.  In the late
1990s, I conducted over nine months of qualitative ethnographic and archival research in Cuba.  During that time I shadowed physicians in family health clinics, conducted formal and informal interviews with a number of health professionals, lived in local communities, and sought to participate in everyday life as much as possible. Throughout the course of this research, I found a number of discrepancies between the way the Cuban health care system has been described in the scholarly literature, and the way it appears to be described and experienced by Cubans themselves.  This paper will provide a brief overview of several of these issues, with the goal of offering a more balanced and ethnographically informed portrait of the Cuban health care system.  A final section will discuss these issues in the context of the assumptions social scientists have historically made regarding the nature of health and health systems in socialist countries.   

The Formation of a Critical Perspective:  A Short Fieldwork Vignette

         Conducting qualitative ethnographic research in Cuba is not easy.  North American anthropologists have historically been viewed with suspicion by the Cuban government, and in some cases research permission has been revoked for individuals who took a critical perspective or inadvertently broached the issue of political dissent (Lewis, 1977; Rosendahl, 1997).  In my own case, the overwhelmingly positive portrayal of Cuba in the medical anthropology and public health literature meant that I arrived on the island with very favorable expectations.  I never anticipated my research would evolve into a critique.
         After just a few months of research, however, it became increasingly obvious that many Cubans did not appear to have a very positive view of the health care system themselves.  A number of people complained to me informally that their doctors were unhelpful, that the best clinics and hospitals only served political elites and that scarce medical supplies were often stolen from hospitals and sold on the black market.  Further criticisms were leveled at the politicization of medical care, the unreliability of health data and the overall atmosphere of secrecy surrounding the prevalence of certain infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis.  Anecdotes of medical malpractice and bureaucratic mismanagement seemed common.  The Cuban health care system, as described by Cubans in informal speech, seemed quite different from the Cuban health care system as described by North American social scientists and public health researchers.  This is not to say that Cubans had nothing positive to say about their health care system, only that negative personal experiences also seemed common.  Intrigued by this discrepancy between the academic literature and my fieldwork observations, I began informally collecting information on patient dissatisfaction and complaints.

Doing Critical Research

         Unfortunately, research exploring negative aspects of the Cuban health care system cannot be undertaken with methodological rigor.  Public criticism of the government is a crime in Cuba, and penalties are severe.  Formally eliciting critical narratives about health care would be viewed as a criminal act both for me as a researcher, and for people who spoke openly with me. As a result it can be very difficult for foreign researchers or other outsiders to perceive popular dissatisfaction, and few Cubans are willing to discuss dynamics of power and social control in a forthright manner.  Conversations on these topics can be quite cryptic, and meanings are deliberately obscured.  
         Eliciting critical narratives regarding the health care system therefore necessitated informal research methods, and much of the information I gathered on these topics is fragmented and anecdotal.   This should not be taken to mean that the data are insignificant.  To the contrary, it is worth pointing out that a number of the conclusions social scientists have previously made about Cuba and the Cuban health care system have not been based on any ethnographic or qualitative research.  When social scientists interested in health care have gone to Cuba, their research appears to have been of short duration and most likely mediated through the use of government-provided translators or guides (3).  As Paul Hollander has pointed out, short term “hosted” visits to socialist countries have historically resulted in painfully inaccurate assumptions about the nature of life in these societies (Hollander, 1998).     
         In order to obtain more reliable information about negative experiences in the health care system, I abandoned my formal research agenda and my role as a researcher and instead strove to learn from an insider perspective by taking on a “membership role” (Adler and Adler, 1987).  As a number of anthropologists and sociologists have demonstrated, research on politically sensitive topics necessarily limits one’s methodology.  The data gained from informal participation in sensitive areas, on the other hand, while not as analytically rigorous, can provide a wealth of insight that more distanced or objective methods may not (Ferrell, 1998).
         In my case, abandoning a formal researcher role and taking on a membership role meant that I spent more time in my social role as visiting student and adopted daughter in a Cuban household than I did in my formal role as scholarly researcher.  In this context I became much more aware of peoples’ expressions of dissent and dissatisfaction as well as the local idiom for discussing politically sensitive topics.  Instead of formal interviews, I carried on ordinary conversations with people in the course of everyday events such as waiting in food lines and social visits.  I was carefully never to ask politically sensitive questions, but simply listened to people and gently probed for more information when they volunteered this information themselves.  Much to my surprise, people seemed quite willing to discuss these kinds of issues off the record.  
         These experiences led me to conclude that any foreign researcher who did not strive to take on a membership role could easily draw a number of erroneous conclusions even from ostensibly confidential interviews in Cuba.  People simply would not voice negative opinions in the context of researcher-interviewee interactions.  Questionnaire data would be similarly unreliable.  In fact, most Cubans I spoke with informally seemed to view questionnaires as tools to elicit popular reiteration of the party line.  As one friend stated, "We know we're supposed to be moving toward democratic reforms and be able to speak out, to criticize.  But people are still scared.  Any kind of survey or opinion poll makes them afraid.  No one will say what they really think."
         My increased awareness of Cuba’s criminalization of dissent raised a very provocative question:   to what extent is the favorable international image of the Cuban health care system maintained by the state’s practice of suppressing dissent and covertly intimidating or imprisoning would-be critics?  Obviously it is not possible to empirically answer such a question.  It is, however, important that the question be asked, if only rhetorically.  Previous research in anthropology and public health theorizing the nature of socialist health systems has not typically addressed issues of authoritarianism, dissent or social control in socialist countries (1). The possibility that favorable health indicators may be produced by very different means in Cuba than in other countries--means that individual doctors and patients experience negatively-has not been examined.
         The main goal of this paper will be to correct this imbalance by exploring (and implicitly validating) two key areas of criticism Cubans commonly make of their health care system in informal speech:  1) material shortages and inefficiency; and 2) authoritarianism and the criminalization of dissent.   Ultimately I will argue that Cuba (like the former Soviet Union) could be more usefully thought of as an “ideocratic” state, where political power is used to support and defend Marxist ideology.  As retrospective studies of the Soviet health system have shown, this unique configuration of ideology and power can produce very favorable health statistics, but can also lead to subjectively negative experiences for individual doctors and patients.

Material Shortages and Inefficiency

          One of the most readily apparent problems with the health care system in Cuba is the severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and other supplies.  This problem is by no means limited to the health sector.  Cubans often have tremendous difficulty obtaining basic consumer goods and other necessities, including food.  In the official Cuban media and in much of the social science and public health literature in the United States, these shortages are described as resulting from the U.S. trade embargo (Barry, 2000; Garfield and Santana, 1997; Garfield and Holtz, 2000; Nayeri, 1995; Simons, 1996).  This assertion is not entirely incorrect--the U.S. trade embargo certainly exacerbates material shortages on the island.   
         When speaking informally, however, many Cubans state that their government deliberately maintains economic policies that create material shortages that exacerbate the effects of the embargo.  There is some logic to these statements.  A number of Cuba’s economic privatization efforts do not appear to have been designed to alleviate material shortages for the Cuban populace, but to increase hard currency earnings for the Cuban government (for a
complete overview of this argument, see Crabb, 2001).  As one friend jokingly described, 

What we have here is a mixed economy.  People call it ‘socio-cap.’  It’s not socialism, and it’s not capitalism.  Instead it’s the worst of both.  There is inequality and poverty [of capitalism].  And also long lines [for food and other goods] and inefficiency [of socialism].  We still have nothing to eat. (4)

         A number of key sectors of the economy (such as health) remain governed by centralized planning, which inevitably leads to chronic material shortages and inefficiency.   In a centralized economy, forces of supply and demand are inevitably out of balance, leading to overproduction of some goods and underproduction of others.  As a result of these shortages and inefficiencies in the formal, planned economy, black markets (or informal economies) emerge as an alternate source of goods and services (Eckstein, 1994; Perez-Lopez, 1995; Verdery, 1996).  These kinds of illicit economic activities undermine the effectiveness of centralized planning and exacerbate the inherent inefficiencies of the system.  Furthermore, the formal economy could not function without this parallel black market, given that planners simply could not insure the necessary supplies of raw materials.
         This pattern is quite apparent in Cuba.  One study, for instance, has estimated that the average Cuban household spends between fifty and seventy percent of its income on black market goods (Eckstein, 1993:142).  During my field research I observed an overwhelming popular reliance on the black market or informal economy to satisfy basic consumer needs, including health needs.  Nearly everyone I knew was to some extent dependent on goods and services procured via informal reciprocity networks of friends and relatives (usually referred to as “socios”).  The popular term for this practice is “sociolismo,” a term Cubans jokingly use to describe the lived reality of their socialist system.
           A Cuban friend, alternately amused and exasperated at my naivety regarding these issues, described the relationship between the formal and informal economies to me rather more
bluntly as follows,

It works like this.  If my brother is well-connected politically, he can get a good job in a tourist hotel.  Not only does he get to earn some American dollars, he also gets access to the hotel’s storeroom [which represents a supply of desirable consumer goods that are unavailable to most Cubans].  One day he may walk away [steal] with some towels for his neighbor, who has none.  Say the neighbor works in a factory bottling beer.  To repay his socio he’ll smuggle a case of beer out of the factory and give it to the hotel employee.  The hotel employee will then trade the beer to the maid for a supply of soap, which he’ll either give to his socios or sell on the black market.  Everybody does it.  It’s the only way to survive.          
         In my experience, the health sector often appears to be characterized by these kinds of informal exchange networks. In one of my study communities, for instance, no one used the formal health sector at all for commonplace medical complaints (colds, flu, muscle strains, arthritis) for the duration of my fieldwork.  Instead, socios were tapped for medical consultations, surgical supplies, dental equipment, pharmaceuticals (often sent by relatives from Miami) and folk advice, while the local family doctor clinics were often bereft of both patients and supplies.  Two short case studies illustrate these dynamics.

Case 1:  Pepe's Tooth (as told by Pepe)

When one of my wisdom teeth started coming in it hurt terribly so I made an appointment with a friend of mine who's a really good dentist to take it out.  Well, when we first tried to schedule it there weren't enough materials available, so we had to put it off for a while, until he could hoard back enough stuff [surgical materials].  First there weren't any needles.  Then no sterile water, then no surgical thread.  About three or four months went by before we could actually do the surgery.  He had gradually stashed things away as he found them, and then, since he was a friend of mine, he had me come in on a Saturday when the clinic was closed to do it.

Case 2:  Sylvia’s Tooth (as told by Sylvia)

They [the dentist] tried to give me acupuncture instead of anesthesia when I had a tooth pulled.  These two nurses poked needles in my head, but I don't think they really knew what they were doing...As soon as the dentist started to work on my tooth I let out these screams, screamed like crazy, and they still stood there talking... Luckily a nurse friend of mine was working in the next room and she came and gave me a shot [of Novocain].  'Here' she said, as she pulled the syringe out of her pocket, 'I saved this back for you.' Thank God she showed up.

         These two cases illustrate the necessity of having strong social networks in Cuba.  Without socios to procure supplies even routine medical or dental procedures can be difficult or impossible to endure.  Furthermore, this form of theft is commonly accepted and carries no moral stigma.   
         Unfortunately, these practices serve to bankrupt the formal economy, leaving it almost an empty shell, while much of the actual business of medicine (diagnosis, treatment, and obtaining pharmaceuticals) is conducted through personal networks of socios using pilfered medical supplies.  A number of reports from the former Soviet Union illustrate a similar pattern (Feshbach and Friendly, 1992; Ledeneva, 1998; Knaus, 1981).  As Ledeneva (1998:29) has described, 

Getting into a good hospital, a hospital already filled to capacity, or the hospital with the right specialization for one's illness still required blat [the Soviet equivalent of sociolismo].  Surgical operations at the best medical centres were, and still are, organized by blat:  'When I had this problem my friend arranged that I be hospitalized in the regional clinic where he worked and not in the city hospital to which I was affiliated.'   To arrange an appointment with a well known doctor also implied a personal contact or acquaintance.  Doctors were important people with whom to cultivate relationships because, in addition to providing access to hospital beds, blat with the doctor could sometimes make the difference between whether he or she listened seriously to the patient and gave a good diagnosis during a visit or only dealt with the matter perfunctorily.

         In such a situation, it is easy for the Cuban government to point to the empty shell of the formal health sector as evidence of the negative impact of the U.S. embargo.  Again this is not to say that the embargo has no health costs, only that a true assessment of the costs of the embargo cannot be reckoned without also measuring the medical goods and services circulating in the informal economy.   Unfortunately, economic transactions in the informal economy are difficult to assess, and the Cuban government is not likely to encourage such lines of inquiry. 

 The Politicization of Health and Health Care

         Many Cubans (including a number of health professionals) also had serious complaints about the intrusion of politics into medical treatment and health care decision-making.  There is no right to privacy in the physician-patient relationship in Cuba, no patients’ right of informed consent, no right to refuse treatment, and no right to protest or sue for malpractice.  As a result, medical care in Cuba has the potential to be intensely dehumanizing.  
         To elaborate, these values (privacy, autonomy and individualism) form the cornerstone of medical ethics as understood in most Western health systems (Brock, 1987).  Privacy and autonomy underlie the practice of informed consent, as well as other legal codes that ostensibly protect patients from potential abuses (unwanted treatment, inappropriate treatment or untested experimental treatment) of modern medicine.  Legislation giving patients these rights was enacted in the United States as a deliberate response to the perceived excesses and ethical lapses of medicine in the 1940s and 1950s.
         A number of scholars have argued that the notion of privacy, or an autonomous realm of personal thought and behavior, is even key to the Western conceptions of selfhood and identity
(Bryant, 1978; Goffman, 1960; Ingham, 1978; Lifton, 1961; Shweder and Bourne, 1984; Young,
1978).   As Shweder and Bourne have stated,
We find it tempting to argue that Western individualism has its origins in the institution of privacy--that privacy promotes a passion or need for autonomy, which, for the sake of our sense of personal integrity, requires privacy (p. 194).  

In Cuba, however, values such as privacy and individualism are rejected by the socialist regime as “bourgeois values” contrary to the collective ethos of socialism.  Given these dynamics it is not surprising that several noted Cuban dissidents, as well as North American psychiatrists interested in the psychological dimensions of socialism have described the subjective aspects of life in socialist regimes in terms of a literal assault on the self.  These scholars have described tremendous emotional and psychological trauma resulting from these dynamics (Arenas, 1994, 1993;  Kleinman and Kleinman, 1986; Kleinman, 1986; Lifton, 1956; 1961).
         As a result of this devaluation of autonomy and individuality, the health care system in Cuba is often quite paternalistic and authoritarian, and politics intrude into medical practice in a number of subtle and overt ways. The eradication of the private sphere means that all activities, whether in the household, community, or clinic become the object of medical-political scrutiny.  Cuban family doctors are expected to attend to the “health of the revolution” by monitoring their neighborhoods for any sign of political dissent, and working closely with CDR officials to correct these beliefs or behaviors.  Family doctors are also expected to report on the “political integration” of their patients, and to share this information with state authorities.  Political integration refers to such activities as participation in volunteer labor brigades, membership in mass organizations as well as exemplary work records.   
         The extent to which family doctors actually engage in political (or economic) surveillance of their patients appears highly variable—some doctors appear eager to win political points by informing on their patients while others struggle to maintain at least some confidentiality.  In one clinic, for instance, I observed several patients unselfconsciously confide potentially "subversive" activities or sentiments (mostly involving household activities in the informal economy) to their family doctor, who appeared to sympathize accordingly.  It was clear that the relationship of trust and caring between these doctors and their patients was forged out of their mutual ability to protect these confidences.  
         On the other hand, I also observed one physician who considered it part of his duty to the revolution to use his intimate knowledge of patients and their families to further the agenda of the government.  He was unpopular, and many people in his medical district chose to pursue their health care exclusively in the informal economy--his clinic was often empty.  The use of socios as health professionals both strengthened kin or friendship bonds within these informal networks, as well as allowing patients to subvert the political aspect of a formal medical visit with a militant doctor.
         The intrusion of politics in medical care is also illustrated by the militaristic rhetoric used in Cuban medical textbooks and other health publications detailing the ideology and practice of socialist medicine.  This military model strongly emphasizes discipline, hierarchy, and complete obedience to political authority for all doctors.  One introductory textbook, for instance, (Rigol et al, 1994:28) described the role of the "revolutionary" doctor as emblematic of "un militante de la salud" ("a health militant").  Another source revealed that the standard medical school curriculum includes several semesters of mandatory classes in "preparación militar"--or military training (MINSAP, 1979).  This training is designed to underscore the role of the physician in the "war" against imperialism and underdevelopment.  One description of the ideal revolutionary doctor included such personal traits as "simplicity, modesty, and honor" as well as "patrioticmilitary preparation necessary for the defense of the revolution and socialism on the national or international scale" (MINSAP, 1979:39).
         Two short case studies are useful in illustrating the authoritarian and paternalistic dimensions of the Cuban health system:

Case #1:  Reproductive Choice

The Cuban Ministry of Health [MINSAP] expects physicians to structure their clinical interventions to achieve the Ministry’s annual health goals.  As with other sectors of the economy, MINSAP sets statistical targets that are viewed as the equivalent of production quotas.  The most carefully guarded of these health targets is the infant mortality rate.  Any doctor who had an unusually high rate of infant deaths in his or her jurisdiction would be viewed as having failed in a number of critical respects.     
One of the family doctors I worked with in Havana was quite politically militant and took these health goals very seriously.  One day during my clinic observations I observed her scheduling an ultrasound for a pregnant woman.
 "What happens if an ultrasound shows some fetal abnormalities?" I asked.  
"The mother would have an abortion," the doctor replied casually. 
“Why?” I queried.
 "Otherwise it might raise the infant mortality rate.”

Case Study #2:  Medical Malpractice

One family doctor told me that she once led an instructional seminar for medical students at the University of Havana.  During the seminar they reviewed several problematic cases, one of which involved a patient who had died due to mistakes made by a doctor.  The case was included as a warning to the students to be careful in following established treatment protocols and surgical procedures.  
After the seminar, one of the medical students approached the doctor and told her that after reading the case file, she realized that the patient in the case study was actually a close relative of hers.   She said that the doctors who treated him told her family he had died of natural causes, and she was very traumatized to find he had actually died from malpractice.  The doctor running the seminar sympathized with the student’s grief and anger, but told her it would be better if she kept quiet and made no complaint against the hospital.  To do so would be to risk being labeled a political dissident or a counterrevolutionary.  The student reluctantly concurred.

           In the first case, the patient is granted no autonomy to make her own reproductive choices.  The clinical sphere is not a private space where doctors and patients discuss medical options and come to a joint decision on how to proceed.  Instead, the clinic is a political space and decisions are often made according to the larger statistical and political goals set by the national Ministry of Health.  There is no right to privacy in the doctor-patient relationship to protect clinical medicine from this type of political intrusion.
         The second case also illustrates the disempowerment of individual patients that results from the devaluation of individuality and autonomy.  Collusion between physicians to cover-up medical mistakes is not uncommon, and has been documented in a number of health systems, including the United States and Japan (Langlie, 2002; Larimer, 2001).  The key difference in the Cuban example concerns the right of patients or family members to publicly criticize their doctors and assert a right for compensation in known cases of malpractice.  Such a course of action implies a notion of individual rights, and a willingness to assert those rights.  In the Cuban system, patients are not accorded individual rights in this way, and any attempt to assert otherwise would likely result in some form of political sanction.  

Problematizing the State

         These issues--the criminalization of dissent, the denial of individual rights, and the eradication of the private sphere--are in my opinion, fundamental in understanding the dissatisfaction and negative experiences that doctors and patients often report in Cuba.  Previous analyses of the Cuban health care system, however, have focused almost exclusively on statistical health indicators and have not examined these issues.  This oversight is significant, and merits some discussion.
         Historically medical anthropologists have not problematized the nature of power in revolutionary socialist societies.  Instead, most of these scholars have maintained a definition of
“socialism” that implicitly characterizes these regimes as progressive and egalitarian (Singer and
Baer, 1989; 1995; Singer, 1990; Singer, Baer and Lazarus, 1990).  Power relations have not been discussed in these analyses, even in the post-Soviet era.  Correspondingly, the criminalization of dissent in Cuba and other revolutionary Marxist regimes has received little (if any) attention.  What is a dissident?  What is a counterrevolutionary?  Examining these questions provides some insight into the darker aspects of socialist regimes and socialist health systems, and offers a potential explanation for the discrepancy between the laudatory tone of the scholarly literature and the criticisms voiced by individual doctors and patients I spoke with in Cuba.  
         In official Cuban government rhetoric, dissidents or critics are defined as “reactionaries” or enemy agents devoted to subverting the egalitarianism and social justice of the revolution.  Their activities and beliefs are defined as political treason, and their criticisms are often dismissed or rejected as “imperialist propaganda.”  There is no possibility of legitimate dissent within the socialist system.  This position has often been implicitly validated by the social science and public health literature on Cuba, which has not traditionally acknowledged or analyzed the criticisms dissidents have made regarding the Cuban health care system (5).  Are all dissidents in Cuba reactionaries and enemy agents seeking to discredit the government?  My own ethnographic experience, as well as a number of published narratives (Arenas, 1994; Llovio-Menendez, 1988; Mendoza and Fuentes, 2001; Valladares, 1986) suggest otherwise.  In many cases it appears that the label of dissident is used to penalize or discredit anyone who challenges the authoritarianism of the state or attempts to assert individual rights in the face of what can be extremely dehumanizing conditions.  An ethnographic example is useful in illustrating these dynamics:
Ethnographic Vignette:  Who are the Counterrevolutionaries?

The niece of a friend in Santiago was admitted to a special school for young artists in Havana.  While she was there it was common knowledge that the staff of the school was stealing food intended for the students and selling it on the black market.  As a result the students were often forced to survive on reduced rations.  One week the students were left with nothing to eat but white rice and they spontaneously erupted into a loud demonstration of protest.  Government officials quickly arrived on the scene and demanded, “Who are the counterrevolutionaries who have organized this demonstration!?”  Students were interviewed one by one and pressured to inform on their classmates--to reveal covert ‘imperialists’ who were ostensibly responsible for the
protest.  Eventually the situation was resolved and no one was arrested, but the students remained cowed for the remainder of their time in the institute.  My friend sighed after recounting me this story.  “Can you imagine?  Nothing but white rice for an entire week...”
This anecdote reveals the way dissent is constructed by the revolutionary government in Cuba.  Anyone who speaks out or protests is vulnerable to being labeled a counterrevolutionary regardless of the actual circumstances or seeming legitimacy of the complaints.  This pattern appears common to all socialist countries.  Not only is dissent prohibited but great effort is put forth to discredit those who voice criticism, claim dissident status, or attempt to emigrate (see Parchomenko, 1986).

Theorizing the Socialist State: “Ideocracy” and Health

          A number of political theorists have attempted to explain these dynamics by examining the relationship between Marxist theory and state power in socialist regimes.  These theorists have linked the criminalization of dissent and the eradication of the private sphere to the extreme progressivism of Marxist revolutions (Buber, 1996; Luow, 1997; Kolakowski, 1977; Talmon, 1960).  In other words, revolutionary movements are predicated on a belief in the collective unity and rightness of “the masses.”  The singularity of the revolutionary vision, and its presumed historical irreversibility means that those who speak out in opposition subsequently become defined as "traitors" or "enemy agents" seeking to undermine the historical destiny of the nation.  The mandate for unity and collective progress towards a utopian future effectively outlaws dissent.  Critics of the regime are subsequently viewed with great hostility, as serving to impede the collective, predestined progress of the nation (and humanity) as a whole (Talmon, 1960:113).  These theorists have gone on to assert that these dynamics result in the creation of “ideocratic” states.  According to Remington (1988) in an ideocratic state, political power is used to maintain the legitimacy of revolutionary ideology--a practice that includes aggressively policing speech and other cultural productions.  In other words, in a socialist regime--ideological dissent or deviant beliefs are equated with political treason and heavily criminalized. 
          In this sense Marxist revolutionary movements differ from other kinds of utopian philosophies (such as religious or millenarian movements, for instance) in that the coercive powers of a secular, rational, state  are deployed to police dissent and bring the projected utopian world into being.  Vaclav Havel has described this configuration of ideology and power as

[Under socialism] reality does not shape theory, but rather the reverse.  Power derives its strength from theory, not from reality, and inevitably power begins to serve the ideology rather than the other way around.  Not only does this ideology guarantee power in the present, but it increasingly becomes the guarantor of its continuity (quoted in Gleason, 1995:185).

         These observations illustrate the necessity of including state power as a variable in analyses of socialist health systems.  Understanding the relationship between ideology and power in a socialist state provides an useful explanatory model for the discrepancies between the positive image of Cuba as reported in international social science and public health literature, and the negative experiences and criticisms reported in informal speech by many doctors and patients. 
          In an ideocratic state, political power is used to maintain the legitimacy of the ruling doctrine--in this case, Marxist theory.  If Marxist theory predicts that health and health care delivery will improve in a revolutionary regime, then political power will be used to insure that this pattern becomes manifest in the revolutionary state.  These efforts can take several forms.  On the one hand, great emphasis is often placed on constructing hospitals and health facilities, and equalizing access to health resources.  Many early Soviet and Cuban publications, for instance, emphasize this element of concern for health and health planning, and health statistics were often used to illustrate the superiority of the socialist regime (Berman, 1953; Sweezy, 1949; Hollander, 1997).  
         On the other hand, “revolutionary” health efforts can also include such practices as deliberate manipulation of health statistics, aggressive political intrusion into health care decision-making, criminalizing dissent, and other forms of authoritarian policing of the health sector designed to insure health changes reflect the (often utopian) predictions of Marxist theory.  All of these practices have been extensively documented for the former Soviet Union and China
(Cockerham, 1999; Feshbach and Friendly, 1992; Fitzpatrick, 1999; Garrett, 2000; Guillemin, 1999; Hoch, 1999; Lifton, 1976; Knaus, 1981; Tulchinsky and Varavikova, 1996).          During the Soviet era, however, the true extent of these practices was virtually unknown in the West.  Western social scientists interested in the question of socialist health frequently cited favorable health statistics from the USSR, China, and Cuba, but did not look critically at the ways state power was used to create and maintain these health indicators.  In some cases it is likely that the socialist system did genuinely improve health and health care delivery.  In other cases, it is likely that state power was used in a way to as to give the illusion that such positive changes were taking place by imprisoning dissident physicians, intimidating would-be critics, and manipulating health statistics. 

Conclusions:  Socialism, Public Health, and Social Science

         In the introduction to this paper I raised a somewhat radical question:   to what extent is the favorable international image of the Cuban health care system maintained by the Cuban government’s practice of suppressing dissent and covertly intimidating or imprisoning would-be critics?  The goal of the paper has not been to answer this question so much as to argue for its relevance in assessing the Cuban case.  When speaking informally, Cubans often make critical comments about their experiences in the health care system.  To my knowledge, however, these locally articulated criticisms are not included in social science or public health articles on the Cuban health care system.  As a result of this omission, the scholarly literature on Cuba implicitly validates the point of view of the Cuban government--that shortages are caused solely by the U.S. trade embargo, and that that the complaints of dissidents are not legitimate.          The ethnographic data and analysis presented here are intended to challenge these assumptions.  I have tried to illustrate that material shortages are endemic to all centralized, planned economies, and that in addition to devoting resources to hospital construction and expansion of the health sector, ideocratic states often use very authoritarian tactics--tactics that individual doctors and patients can subjectively experience very negatively--to create and maintain favorable health statistics. When issues of state power and social control are factored into the analysis, it becomes possible to see how Cuba’s health indicators are at least in some cases obtained by imposing significant costs on the Cuban population--costs that Cuban citizens are powerless to articulate or protest, and foreign researchers unable to empirically investigate.
          At this point, it is important to clarify that taking a critical perspective toward Cuba and Cuban health care does not imply a casual dismissal of the ideals of the Cuban Revolution or the compelling rhetoric of social progress and equality that has accompanied Cuba’s health initiatives.  As Peter Berger has pointed out, “a critique is not an attack, but rather an effort to perceive clearly and to weigh human costs” (1986:71).  My primary goal in this work, therefore, has been to use ethnographic data to illustrate some of the human costs of Cuba’s “socialist health and health care,” and to challenge the case for Cuban exceptionalism with respect to some of the problems that have been described for other socialist health systems such as the former
Soviet Union.


1.              There is a small but significant body of literature in medical anthropology devoted to exploring the relationship between capitalism, socialism, health and health care.  This subfield is usually referred to as “critical medical anthropology” and its focus is outlined in the works of Baer, Singer and Johnsen (1986), Baer (1989; 1990), Singer (1990), Singer and Baer (1989; 1995), and Baer, Singer and Susser (1997).  Other noted social scientists and health professionals have also contributed to this literature and shaped the approach of critical medical anthropologists, including Howard Waitzkin (1983), and Vincente Navarro (1976; 1978; 1986; 1989) and Ray Elling (1989).  The focus of this scholarship has typically been applying Marxist critiques to health conditions and health problems of capitalist countries and capitalist health systems.  The socialist alternative to capitalist health and medicine is usually described by these scholars in rather idealistic terms, based on the predictions of Marxism rather than empirical investigation of health conditions in socialist states.  

2.              Given the sensitive nature of such comments, extra care has been taken to insure confidentiality.  All names in this paper are pseudonyms, and in some cases genders, ages and geographical locations have been changed to further conceal identities.  Phrases marked as direct quotes were not tape recorded.  Instead I made notes to myself in my field notebook as soon as possible after the interview or conversation took place.

3.              To my knowledge, Scheper-Hughes, (1993) and Waitzkin and Britt (1989) offer the only two medical anthropology studies of the Cuban health care system based on firsthand visits and qualitative research.  Unfortunately, these authors provide little or no information describing the circumstances of their research, their research methods or the duration of their time in Cuba.  Another work that deserves mention here is Julie Feinsilver’s (1993) Healing the Masses.  While this book offers a very engaging and complete analysis of Cuban health policy, it does not include qualitative community research or clinic observations.   

4.              A short overview of Cuba’s recent economic reforms will better contextualize this remark.  After the fall of the Soviet Union the severe economic crisis in Cuba forced new economic reforms.  Farmer’s markets were legalized, along with a number of small business operations, such as family-run restaurants, bicycle repair, and so forth.  The holding of American dollars was legalized until recently, and the state developed a dual economic policy.  Economic centralization and rationing were kept in place for most goods and services but at the same time hard currency markets were opened offering a number of specialized goods that were unobtainable elsewhere.   Most Cubans, however, (especially those outside of the city of Havana) have excluded from participation in the privatized sectors of the economy, which are largely restricted to political elites.   In recent years even these limited reforms have been reversed, privatization has diminished, and the economy has become recentralized in many sectors.
5.              Despite the claims of Waitzkin and Britt (1989) that even “skeptical observers” have found nothing to criticize in the Cuban health care system, there is a small but compelling body of dissident literature in which criticism of health conditions and the health care system figures prominently.  See Brown and Lago (1991), Eberstadt (1986), Mendoza and Fuentes (2001), Smith and Llorens (1988).  For more general critiques (including Marxist critiques) see Edwards (1993), Halperin (1994), Human Rights Watch (1990), Llovio-Menedez (1988), Timmerman (1990).

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About the Author

Katherine Hirschfeld is Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma.  She has a B.A. in
Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts and a PhD in Anthropology from Emory
University.  Hirschfeld has worked as a consultant for the Carter Center in Atlanta, the Pan-
American Development Foundation, and the United States Agency for International
Development.  Her book, Health, Politics and Revolution in Cuba Since 1898 was published by Transaction Press in 2007.